MS of sunken
MS of sunken
MS of sunken
Product recommended
1) Cementitious Coating -Recommended for coating
2) SBR - Recommended for admixing in cement mortar for fillet work at critical areaslike
in wall floor Joints and repair work wherever needed.
membrane. The waterproof membrane provides a breathable yet waterproof elastic barrier
with crackbridging properties.
Surface should be sound, clean, dry, and free from all loose particles.
If any contamination such as oil, grease, mould, dirt etc. should be removed by a
mechanicalmeans like scrubbing etc.
The surface defects like potholes, crack, void etc. should be filled with suitable repair mortar.
The surface should be smooth and properly levelled off before doing the actual application.
If any cracks found on the slab it should be wide open in “V” shape till the depth of the crack.
Clean the area with wire brush, water jetting or, air blowing to make it free from any dust
Apply bonding agent SBR to the prepared surface to receive repair mortar.
Fill the groove with Cement sand mortar admixed with SBR @ 5% by weight of cement
and make the surface smooth.
Same procedure to be repeated at all cracks.
Prepare cement mortar with Cement & Sand at 1:4 ratio and admix it with SBR @ 5%by
weight of cement.
Prepare a 50 x 50 concave fillet at all horizontal and vertical wall joints.
Prepare fillet with same material around all pipe penetration and seal it.
It should allowed to dry (depending upon the surface condition and temperature).
It is a self-curing product.
The coated substrate/area can be exposed to:
- Tack free – 6 hours
- Foot traffic after 3 Days at 20 ºC -40ºC
- Fitting of tiles after 7 days at 20 ºC -40ºC
Protection of Cementitious Coating
Vertical protection: Applying waterproof plastering with CM 1:4 of thickness 20mm for walls admixed
with integral waterproofing compound @ 200ml/bag of cement
Horizontal protection: Laying slope making and protection with 40mm avg. thick of M20 grade screed
Curing as per standard procedure
All the mandatory register/ records to be maintained at site level.