Math 9 Chapter 8 key
Math 9 Chapter 8 key
Math 9 Chapter 8 key
1 Answer key:
19 (AMV): Answering no to this question would not give clear data. Are they
saying No to ending homeless, no to voting for Polly or both? This
question may be better split into two parts? Are you in favour of ending
homelessness? Do you plan to vote for Polly Tysean at the next election?
20 (AMV): Many people have commitments Sunday mornings like church or
sporting events. These people may support the business but are unable
to support the business on Sunday mornings. This business may want to
have a grand opening on another day.A possible survey question might
be;"Will you be attending our grand opening celebration during the week
of November 30th to December 4th?".
21 (AWV): Personal
22 (AWV): Personal
1 Population
2 Sample. The population would be all the kids in the school.
3 Sample. The population would be all the kids in the school.
4 Sample. The population would be all employees working for all the
5 Population
6 Population
7 Sample. The population would be all customers who shop there.
8 Answered on the next page.
9 Answered on the next page.
10 Answered on the page.
11 Population. A realtor could easily send emails to all clients in 2009. It
would be a sample if not everyone responds.
12 Population. There are usually not more than 100 teachers in a school.
This survey could be completed during a staff meeting.
13 Sample. It would be too time consuming to survey all viewers.
14 Sample → They may choose to check with all the customers during a
specific month.
15 Sample → Post a survey on the city website or in the newspaper. Only
a sample of the population would respond.
16 They both could be right. Grade nine boys could be a sample of the
population if the survey was asking what kind of food should they sell in the
cafeteria. Grade nine boys could be the population if the survey was
questioning who would be trying out for the grade nine boys basketball
17 Ask for help if you need it.
18 Ask for help if you need it.
19 Ask for help if you need it.
20 Ask for help if you need it.
21 Ask for help if you need it.
22 Ask for help if you need it.
23 Ask for help if you need it.
24 Ask for help if you need it.
25 Ask for help if you need it.
26 Ask for help if you need it.
27 Ask for help if you need it.
28 Answered on the next page.
29 Answered on the next page.
30 Answered on the next few pages.
31 Answered on the next few pages.
32 Answered on the next few pages.
33 Answered on the page.
34 Answered on the page.
35 Stratified. A small group from each subgroup was chosen.
36 Simple Random
37 Systematic
38 Cluster
39 Answered on page.
40 The sample size is very small. Perhaps all the people in room 122 are part
of the chess club.
41 This sounds reasonable. In a 9-12 school, 400 kids were surveyed. This
should give a reasonably accurate prediction.
42 Monday between 1−5 is not usually busy time. The service at this time of
week and day may be very different than a Friday or Saturday night.
43 Answered on page.
44 (AWV): Voluntary → Create a comments survey on their website. Anyone
who comes to the website can choose to comment on their fall line up.
Stratified → People in different provinces may feel differently. They may
want to survey randomly selected people in each province.
45 Answered on page.
46 (AWV): Voluntary → Set up a survey on the city website. Stratified → Mail
a randomly selected group of residents in each area of town.
47 (AWV): Stratified → There are distinct groups who will be impacted by the
lights. Staff, students, parents, community soccer clubs and residents of
who will see the lights at night. Survey a selection of members from each
48 (AWV): Convenience → Survey all customers during the month of April.
Stratified → Survey the first 5 customers every day.
49 (AWV): Haydon's data may be more accurate. The cafeteria attracts a
wider range of people than a boys PE class or a dance class. The Boys PE
class is all boys and the dance class is all girls. Perhaps combining all the
data together and calculating the average might be the best way to do it.
→ 30 % of the school might be interested ¿ and divide that by 3.)
50 This is a cluster survey since all members are surveyed in one subgroup.
It could also be a convenience survey since it may have been most
convenient to survey his first block class. Alternative sample → (AWV)
Stratified. Randomly select 5 students from each class to fill out the
51 Stratified Survey: since 5 nurses are chosen from each subgroup
(hospital). An alternative method would be a voluntary survey. This way
only those who have ideas for improvement would respond.