11 Chemistry
11 Chemistry
11 Chemistry
1. If a metal is higher than a particular metal in electrochemical series, will it be stronger reducing agent or
weaker reducing agent? Why?
2. Express 32.392800 to four significant figures.
3. Write the correct symbol for the nucleus with atomic number 56 and mass number 138
4. Who proposed the uncertainty principle?
5. Why Be and Mg does not give colour to flame than the alkaline earth metals?
6. Draw the structure of 2,3-Dimethylpentane and 4-Phenylbut-1-ene
7. How would you calculate the pH of 0.001M NaOH?
8. Why is Ga smaller in size than Al?
9. What is the difference between the ground state and excited state of an electron?
10. Describe the Bohr model of the atom
11. Predict the shape of the PH3 molecule according to VSEPR theory
12. Give any three factors favourable for the formation of ionic bond.
13. Calculate the molality of the solution if the density of 3M solution of NaCl is 1.25g/mL.
14. Draw the structure of the following IUPAC compounds(ANY 3)
a) 2,8-Dimethyl-3, 6-decadiene
b) 4-Ethyl-2,6-dimethyl-dec-4-ene
c) Benzene 1,4-dicarboxylic acid
d) 1-Phenylpropanone
15. Calculate the percentage of C and H in 0.2475 g of an organic compound gave on combustion of
0.4950 g of carbon dioxide and 0.2025 g of water.
16. Explain the trend of atomic size and ionization enthalpy along the period
17. Describe in detail the expanded octet with suitable examples.
18. What are the conclusions made by Rutherford with respect to the structure of atom?
19. Define functional groups and homologous series
20. Give reasons: (Any 3 )
a) HCl is predominantly covalent in gaseous state.
b) KHF2 exists while KHCl2 does not.
c) Sigma bond is stronger than the pi bond.
d) NaCl gives white precipitate with silver nitrate solution.
21. Define:
i. Lattice enthalpy
ii. Bond length
iii. Bond angle.?
22. Explain the concept of wave-particle duality. Give an example of a phenomenon that demonstrates this
23. From the structures given below, answer the questions.
I. CH3 – CH2 – CH (OH) – CH3
II.(CH3)2 – C (OH) – CH3
III. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – OH
IV. CH3 – O (CH3) – CH – CH3
V. CH3 – O – CH2 – CH2 – CH3
VI. CH3 – CH2 – O – CH2 – CH3
VII. CH3 – CH (CH3) – CH2 – OH
a) The pair of compounds that represent chain isomerism ,position isomerism, functional group isomers.
b) Distinguish between position and functional isomerism with an example.
24. i)Explain the rules for calculating oxidation number.
ii) Differentiate valency and oxidation number.
25. a) In which C-C bond of CH3CH2CH2Br, the inductive effect is expected to be least?
b) Which of the following compound shows geometrical isomerism?
i. Pent-1-ene
ii. Pent-2-ene
iii. 2-Methylbut-2-ene
26. (i) Draw the structural isomers of pentane.
(ii) Give the IUPAC names of the following compounds.
27. Differentiate between oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer and change in oxidation
28. Explain the working of a galvanic cell using the redox reaction:
Zn+Cu2+ →Zn2++Cu