Version – 1
Last Update : August 2023
Head office
47, Motijheel Commercial Area
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Tel: (88) 02223354196-8
Fax: (88) 02223381889
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Citizen Charter is, in fact, a general statement of commitments for providing banking services and
necessary information to customers. The ability of the banking industry to achieve the socioeconomic
objectives and in the process bringing more and more customers into its fold will ultimately depend on the
satisfaction of the customers.
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited felt that in order to close the gap, if any, with the customers, the Bank should
come out with a charter of its services for the customers. Keeping that in mind, this Citizen Charter has
been framed taking into account the service delivery standards, the rights of customers and how
complaints from customers will be handled. This charter has a range of purposes which includes customer
education, knowledge sharing and the differentiation of services provided in a competitive market.
This document, called the Citizen Charter of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited, provides key information on
various facilities/services provided to customers in ordinary course of business and highlights DBBL's
commitments towards the customer satisfaction, thus ensuring accountability and responsibility amongst
its officials and staff. This charter for customers not only explains our commitment and responsibilities
along with the redressal methods but also specifies the obligation on the part of customers for healthy
practices in customer-banker relationships.
The main objectives of the Citizen Charter is to provide a framework for defining service delivery
standards, the rights of customers and how complaints from customers will be handled.
In addition to the above-mentioned objectives, the Citizen Charter objectives could be summarized as the
» Details what the Bank will do to ensure it will meet the customer service goals and observe customers’
We maintain constant networking with our customers and seek their feedback to evaluate, improve and
widen the range of services provided by us. All our customers are requested to keep us informed of their
experiences about the various services rendered by the Bank and feel free to send us their observations.
We look forward to sharing with our customers a mutually beneficial & long term banking relationship.
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
We will continuously work towards improving the standards of service. Our Bank’s relationship with the
customers will be guided by the following key applications:
a. Accountability
1. All our products and services comply with relevant laws and regulations of Bangladesh Bank.
2. We will explain and help the client to understand the financial benefits about our products and services
that the customers are interested in, how they work, and the risks involved.
b. Fairness
1. We will act fairly and reasonably towards you in a consistent and ethical manner.
2. We will establish a clear set of procedures to ensure that any dispute between us will be resolved fairly
and quickly.
3. We do not discriminate against age or gender, and will make available products and services on the
same terms as for other customers.
c. Privacy
1. We will treat all your personal information as private and confidential, and ensure the safety and
security when using your information. Your personal information will not be revealed unless otherwise
authorized by you or required by law to do so.
2. We will not use your personal information for our own marketing purposes unless it is with your
d. Reliability
1. We will co-operate as an industry so that you enjoy secure and reliable banking and payment systems
you can trust.
e. Transparency
1. We will provide you with clear, relevant and timely information to help you make informed decision
about our products and services. Where applicable, a set of Terms and Conditions relating to each banking
product or service will be made readily available to you with all the fees, charges, penalties and relevant
interest rates, your liabilities and obligations in the use of a banking product or service clearly outlined.
2. We will inform you, through various channels (e.g. over by telephone, e-mail or at our branches) of
available products and services. You can contact us for information or provide feedback through these
3. We will exercise care to provide you with a balanced view of benefits and risks of investment products,
explain critical terms to you, and ensure the investment product is suitable for your needs and financial
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Bank’s Overview
Days Office Time Transaction
Sunday to Thursday 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM 10.00 AM to 3.30 PM
**Saturday 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM
** Saturday Banking: All Authorized Dealer branches remain opens on Saturday (except govt. holiday) as
per the time schedule as stated above. Transactions on this day are limited to those cash transactions to
facilitate foreign trade transactions.
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Citizen’s Charter
1. Vision and Mission:
Dutch-Bangla Bank dreams of better Bangladesh, where arts and letters, sports and athletics, music and
entertainment, science and education, health and hygiene, clean and pollution free environment and
above all a society based on morality and ethics make all our lives worth living. DBBL’s essence and ethos
rest on a cosmos of creativity and the marvel-magic of charmed life that abounds with spirit of life and
adventures that contributes towards human development.
Dutch-Bangla Bank engineers enterprise and creativity in Business and industry with a commitment to
social cause. “Profits alone” do not hold a central focus in the Bank’s operation; because man does not live
by bread and butter alone”.
2. Promised/Committed Services:
Dutch-Bangla Bank is a service oriented organization. The Bank seek to build long-term, sustainable
beneficial relationships with all of the customers based on the service commitments and underlying values
of mutual respect, the pursuit of excellence and integrity in all of the dealings. The Bank primary concern is
to understand and satisfy customers’ needs and expectations. The Bank provided following services to its
customers, Institutions etc:
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Sl. Type of Services Service Required Documents & Service Pricing & Service Time Responsibl
Delivery Location Payment Method* e Officer
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
13 A/C Statement Front Desk General Service Request Tk. 100/- for each year Same Day GB In-
of Branch Form/ or part thereof. Charge
Sub Branch Authorization Letter (In Deputy
applicable cases) *2 statements free Manager
per year
Monthly free e-
statement to email
14 General Certificates: General Service Request No charges for Half- 3 Working
A/C Certificate (without Form/ yearly & Yearly for Days
balance & with balance Authorization Letter (In balance confirmation
in TK./FCY) applicable cases) certificate (Twice a
Sanchaypatra year)
Certificate Maximum Tk. 100/- be
Loan Certificate charged for additional
Foreign currency issuance of certificate
Encashment Certificate per instance.
Inward Remittance
15 Tax Certificate General Service Request Nil Same Day
16 Duplicate Instrument/ General Service Request External Instrument: 7 Working
Savings Certificates/ Form/Authorization ShanchayaPatra/Bond Days
Declaration in lieu Letter (In applicable s etc. Tk. 1,000/-
GD Copy
17 Certificate of encashment General Service Request Tk.500/- 3 Working
of Bonds/Securities/ Form/Authorization Days
Coupon Letter (In applicable
GD Copy
18 Bank certificate required General Service Request Tk. 100/- per instance Same Day
by BO Account Holders Form/Authorization
Letter (In applicable
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Issuance: $10/-
Renewal: $10/-
Replacement: $ 5/-
22 Issuance of Duplicate PIN Nexus-EMV: Tk. 200/- 7 Working
Visa/Master (Local):
Tk. 250/-
23 Card Block Nil Same Day
24 Card Stolen Mark Nil Same Day
25 Claim against Non- Nil 3-7 Working
Dispensed Cash in ATM Days
26 ATM Video Footage For DBBL:
Tk. 2,000/- for Dhaka
Tk. 3,000/- for outside
Other Bank (local): Tk.
27 Internet Banking ID & Front Desk Digital Banking Service Nil Same Day GB In-
Password Issue of Branch Form Charge
28 PIN Reissue Sub Branch Nil 2 Working Deputy
Days Manager
29 SMS/Alert Banking Savings Tk. 200/- 2 Working
(Except Power Days
Account-Staff, Power
Account and School
Excel Tk. 100/-
30 2FA Token Issuance Nil Same Day for
3 Working
Days for
31 Collection of Local Front Desk Deposit Slip Where there is a As per GB In-
Cheque/Instrument of Branch Declaration form with clearing charge as per Bangladesh Charge
Clearing Sub Branch supporting document BB, otherwise: Bank
Fast Track regarding source of Actual conveyance, 2 Working
fund/or purpose of Minimum of Tk. 50/- Days
transaction per instance
Cheque Returned
Maximum Tk. 100/-
per instance
32 Collection of Outstation Front Desk Deposit Slip Commission: 15 Working GB In-
Cheques/ Bills of Branch Supporting document Tk. 50/- to Tk. 3,000/- Days Charge
(Clean/Documents) Sub Branch regarding source of fund
if applicable Postage (Registered):
At actual, Minimum
Tk. 20/-
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
At actual, Minimum
Tk. 100/-
33 Issuance of Pay Order Pay Order Service Form Tk. 20/- to Tk. 100/- Same Day GB In-
(PO) Copy of NID Charge
KYC Document Deputy
34 Cancellation of PO/PO Pay Order Service Form Tk. 50/- flat Same Day Manager
Refund Request Letter/Deposit Manager
Letter of release/release
35 Issuance of cheque on Request Letter Tk. 200/- per instance 2 Working
Bangladesh Bank at Days
clients request
Remittance (Inland)
36 Standing Instruction/ Fund Transfer Service Tk.200/- for Same Day
Sweep In/Out Request Form compliance of each
Request Letter instruction.
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
ATM Booth
45 Dormant Account Front Desk General Service Request Nil Same Day GB In-
Activation of Branch Form Charge
Sub Branch KYC Document Deputy
46 Locker & Safe Custody Front Desk Application form Small size Tk. 5,000/- Manager
Service of Selected KYC Document yearly. Manager
Branches Copy of Nominee NID Medium size Tk.
One Passport Size Recent 7,000/- yearly.
Photos of Nominee Large size Tk. 10,000/-
Security Money:
Medium Tk. 2,000/-
Large Tk. 3,000/-
Replacement of lost
At actual.
47 Various Fees Collection: Front Desk Copy of Bill/Voucher Nil Same Day Cash
Automated Challan of Branch Teller
Utility Bill Collection
Hajj Deposit
Tax Token
Various Other Fees
(School, Premium, etc.)
48 Student File Front Desk Student Application Opening Charge: Same Day
of Selected Copy of all Academic Tk. 5,000/-
Branches Certificates & Transcripts
Annual Expenses Details Renewal Fee:
Valid Passport Tk. 1,000/- per year
I-20 (for US only) / Offer
Letter Outward Remittance
One Passport Size Recent Charge:
Photo of Student DD: From $5/- to
One Passport Size Recent $50/-
Photo of
Financer/Sponsor. TT: TK. 1,200 + 15%
Declaration letter by the per transaction
Renewal Document:
Bona fide certificate,
Academic progress
report, Revised expense
estimate for next year
10 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Sl. Type of Services Service Required Documents & Service Pricing & Payment Service Time Responsibl
Delivery Location Method* e Officer
1 Personal Loan, Car Front Desk List of Standard PPG Processing Fee: 7Working
Loan & Home Loan of Branch Documents Maximum 0.50% or TK Days for
Sub 15,000/- whichever is lower Approval
Branch for Loan amount up to Tk.
Fast Track 50 Lac.
Agent Maximum 0.30% or TK.
Banking 20,000/- whichever is lower
Office for Loan amount above Tk.
Sales 50 lac.
Call Takeover Loan (Personal
Center Loan):
DBBL 0% on takeover amount for
Website any segment.
For the additional amount,
regular Processing Fee is
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CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
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CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Duplicate PIN
5 Sales Slip Local: Tk. 100/-
Retrieval Multicurrency: $ 5/-
Sl. Type of Services Service Required Documents & Service Pricing & Payment Service Time Responsible
Delivery Location Method* Officer
1 Letter of Credit Branch Customer Application LC Opening Commission Same Day (in Deputy
(Under Cluster Limit/Specific sanction from Maximum 0.40 per quarter case if Manager
Limit/Specific HO* for sight LC, applied value Manager
Sanction) Customer undertaking if Value LC Opening Commission is below USD Cluster
exceeds USD50K Maximum 0.50 per quarter 3/- Min.) Officials
Charge Docs attached for Deferred/Usance LC, CTSD Desk
Valid PI/Indent LC Opening Commission Otherwise Officials
Valid HS Code Maximum 0.40 per quarter 5 Working
BIDA permission for importing for BTB LC, Days
capital machinery for LC Opening Commission
industrial use Maximum 0.25 per quarter
Updated Digital IRC under 100% cash margin
(Industrial) Acceptance commission
Valid Trade License maximum 0.40% per
Membership Certificate quarter.
TIN Issuance of Shipping
Preceding Year Tax return Guarantee Charge-Nil
E-BIN (13 Digit)
Insurance Cover Note (as per
HO sanction)
Valid satisfactory Credit
Any other document as per
BB Foreign Exchange
Guideline, UCP-600,ISBP
745,Incoterm 2020, URR 725
Bangladesh Bank circular &
circular letter and currently
enforced Import policy order
& related SRO.
2 LC Amendment Customer Request. Flat Tk. 750/- Same Day
Revised PI/Indent.
Amended Insurance Cover
13 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Sl. Type of Services Service Required Documents & Service Pricing & Payment Service Time Responsible
Delivery Location Method* Officer
1 Export Bill Branch Up to Date Trade License Documents Processing 2 Working CTSD
Processing Cluster Up to Date Tin commission Flat Tk.500/- Days Officials
Up to Date Vat
Up to Date ERC (Lien With
NOC, if Required (When
Client Boarded On DBBL From
Other Bank And ERC Lien
With Other Bank’s)
Any other documents as per
BB Foreign Exchange
Guideline, UCP-600, ISBP
745,Incoterm 2020, URR 725
Bangladesh Bank circular &
circular letter and currently
enforced Export policy order
& related SRO
2 Advance As per BB Foreign Exchange Documents Processing Same Day
Payment Guideline, Bangladesh Bank commission Flat Tk.500/-
realization circular & circular letter and
Import policy order
14 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
3 Export Cash Branch As per Foreign Exchange Service Charge Nil Same Day
Credit Cluster Guideline, Bangladesh Bank
circular & circular letter and
currently enforced Export
policy order, SRO
4 Proceed As per Foreign Exchange Flat TK. 500/-
Realization Guideline, Bangladesh Bank
Certificate circular & circular letter
5 BL endorsement As per BB Foreign Exchange No charge
and NOC Guideline, UCP-600,
issuance Bangladesh Bank circular &
circular letter.
6 Freight As per Foreign Exchange No charge
certificate Guideline, Bangladesh Bank
issuance circular & circular letter.
7 Source Tax National Board of Revenue No charge
8 Back to Back LC As per Foreign Exchange LC Opening Commission
Opening Guideline, Bangladesh Bank Maximum 0.40 per quarter
circular and circular letter,
Currently enforced Import
Policy Order and Export Policy,
UCP-600, ISBP 745,Incoterm
2020, URR 725.
Bond License,
Sales/Purchase contact or
Export LC for Lien,
Party Application
LC Opening form
IMP Form
Credit Report as per
9 BTB Import As per BB Foreign Exchange No Charge
against Advance Guideline, Bangladesh Bank
Remittance circular and Import policy
10 Free of Cost Currently enforced Import No Charge
import certificate Policy Order
11 Shipping As per Foreign Exchange No Charge
Guarantee Guideline, Bangladesh Bank
issuance circular & circular letter and
currently enforced IPO
12 Import As per Foreign Exchange No Charge
Documents Guideline, Bangladesh Bank
release circular and circular letter, UCP
600, ISBP 745 and URR 725
13. EDF Financing As per Foreign Exchange No charge
Guideline, Bangladesh Bank
circular and circular letter
14 UPAS Payment As per Foreign Exchange No charge
Guideline, Bangladesh Bank
circular and circular letter
15. LC Advising As per Foreign Exchange Flat TK. 750/- 2 Working
15 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Sl. Type of Services Service Required Documents & Service Pricing & Payment Service Time Responsible
Delivery Location Method* Officer
1 Inward Branch As per Foreign Exchange Nil Same Day CTSD
Remittance Cluster Guideline, Bangladesh Bank Officials
circular and circular letter
2 Outward As per Foreign Exchange SWIFT Charge:
Remittance Guideline, Bangladesh Bank Minimum Tk.100/-
circular and circular letter Maximum Tk.500/-
3 Remittance As per Foreign Exchange Nil
Related Guideline, Bangladesh Bank
Certificate circular and circular letter
Bank Guarantee
Sl. Type of Services Service Required Documents & Service Pricing & Payment Service Time Responsible
Delivery Location Method* Officer
1 Issuance Bank Branch Customer Request Letter. As per individual sanction 2 Working CTSD
Guarantee Cluster Beneficiary’s Requisition to advice, Days Officials
customer. Maximum 0.50% per
Set of Documents for HO quarter and minimum
Sanction Tk.1000/-
Set of Standard Charge
2 Renewal/Validity Customer Request Letter Maximum 0.50% per
Extension Beneficiary’s Requisition to quarter and minimum
customer Tk.1000/-
3 Claim Settlement Beneficiary’s Claim letter along Nil
with original Guarantee as per
terms and condition.
4 Closure Return of Original Guarantee Nil
Cash Incentive
Sl. Type of Services Service Required Documents & Service Pricing & Payment ServiceTime Responsible
Delivery Location Method* Officer
1 Different Cash Branch Bangladesh Bank Circular & TK 3,000/- each file. 2 Working CTSD
incentive related Cluster circular letter, NBR issued SRO. Days Officials
16 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
2.1.5 Credit:
Sl. Type of Services Service Delivery Required Documents Service Pricing & Payment ServiceTime Responsible
Method & Location Method* Officer
1 DBBL Cash Credit: Front Desk of As per respective Nil 15-20 Branch
Cash Credit/ Overdraft Branch Product Program Working Loan
(BBD) Sub Branch Guideline. Days to Officer
DBBL Term Loan: Fast Track sanction RM
Term Loan (BBD) Agent Banking Concerned
DBBL Women Office & Agent
Entrepreneurs Call Center Banking
Financing DBBL Website 10-15 Official
(Cash Credit) Working Branch
DBBL Women Days to Manager
Entrepreneurs disbursement
(Term Loan)
DBBL Property Term
Housing Finance(BBD) Partial / Early Settlement 1-2Working
Agriculture Financing Fee: Days
(BBD) Maximum 0.50% of
Short Term Loan: settlement amount
(Limit/Specific) - (BBD) (except Cottage, Micro &
Foreign Trade (BBD) Small Entrepreneurs)
Letter of
Guarantee(Bid Bond/
limit/specific (BBD)
Covid-19 Stimulus Loan
Other Services:
2 CIB Report Front Desk of Complete CIB form, At actual 1-2 Working Branch
Branch NID etc. Days Loan
3 Stamp Sub Branch Customer signature Officer
Fast Track on charge RM
Agent Banking documents Concerned
4 Legal (3rd party) Office Property related 5-7 Working Agent
legal documents Days Banking
5 Valuation (3rd party) Manager
Sl. Type of Services Service Delivery Required Documents Service Pricing & Payment ServiceTime Responsible
Method & Location Method* Officer
1 DBBL Cash Credit: Front Desk of As per respective Processing Fee: 15-20 Branch
Len-Den Branch Product Program Nil Working Loan
DBBL Term Loan: Sub Branch Guideline. Days to Officer
Somridhi Fast Track Partial / Early Settlement sanction RM
DBBL Women Agent Banking Fee: Concerned
Entrepreneurs Office Maximum 0.50% of Agent
Financing Call Center settlement amount (except Banking
(Cash Credit) DBBL Website Cottage, Micro & Small
Shofolota Entrepreneurs) Branch
DBBL Women Manager
17 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
2 CIB Report Front Desk of Complete CIB form, At actual 1-2 Working Branch
Branch NID etc. Days Loan
3 Stamp Sub Branch Customer signature Officer
Fast Track on charge RM
Agent Banking documents Concerned
4 Legal (3rd party) Office Property related 5-7 Working Agent
5 Valuation (3rd party) legal documents Days Banking
Mobile Banking:
Sl. Type of Services Service Delivery Required Documents & Service Pricing & Payment ServiceTime Responsible
Method Location Method* Officer
1 ROCKET AC Registration Agent Point Account opening form AC Maintenance: Nil 72Hours for Agent outlet
Fast Track for paper KYC Closing Charge: Nil paper KYC & FT Manager
Self-Registration NID Instant for e-
One passport size KYC
recent photo
2 Cash In Agent Point Deposit slip for Cash As mentioned in following Instant Agent outlet
Fast Track In at Branch Table** FT Manager
CRM Cash In
Branch Charge
3 Cash Out Agent Point Deposit slip for Cash As mentioned in following Instant Agent outlet
Fast Track In at Branch Table** Instant FT Manager
CRM Cash In
Branch Charge
4 Bill Pay Agent Point NA Agent outlet
Branch Cash In
Self-Initiate Charge
5 Merchant Pay Self-Initiated NA NA
18 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Agent Banking
Sl. Type of Services Service Required Documents & Service Pricing & Payment Service Time Responsible
Delivery Location Method* Officer
1 Savings Account Agent Duly filled up AOF Free for opening an account Regular Outlet
Banking along with customer Tk.10 for closing an SB Banking hour Owner,
2 Salary Account Outlet specimen signature account announced by Teller
Other MB & AB 2 (Two) copies of BB time to time Compliance
Organization Offices recent photo of officials of
3 Special Salary account holder duly MB&AB
Account Other attested by introducer offices
Org. and 1 (One) copy
4 School Banking photo of nominee duly
Account-Agent attested by the
Banking account holder and
5 Interest Free copy of NID/Passport
Savings Deposit or Birth Registration
Account Certificate with other
photo ID for both
account holder and the
6 Joint Account Duly filled up AOF
19 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
B. Information Update
20 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
E. ATM Card
28 Issuance of New MB & AB Acknowledgement slip Free Instantly MB & AB
ATM Card Office, FT, Office
(Nexus) & PIN Branch FT
29 ATM Card MB & AB Customer Application Tk. 200/- Instantly MB & AB
Replacement Office, Office
30 Issuance of Branch Tk. 100/- 7 Working Days Branch
Duplicate ATM
31 Card Block Free Instantly
32 Card Stolen Mark Free Instantly
33 Settlement of FT, MB & Free 3 Working Days ADCD
cash un- AB Office,
dispensed DBBL Branch
on us
34 ATM Video MB & AB Tk. 1,000/- 15 Working
Footage Office, Days
F. Retail Loans
35 Personal Loan, Front Desk As per respective Processing Fee (New Loan): Generally 3-5 ABD & RBD
Car Loan & Home of Branch Product Program Maximum 0.50% or Tk. working days
Loan Sub Branch Guideline (PPG) 15,000/- whichever is lower to sanction
Fast Track for loan amount up to Tk. 50 depending on
Agent Lac. the product
Banking Maximum 0.30% or Tk. type and
Office 20,000/- whichever is lower subject to
Mobile for loan amount above Tk. 50 fulfillment of
Banking Lac. all
Office requirements
Call Center Takeover Loan (Personal Loan as per policy.
DBBL and Home Loan):
Website 0% on takeover amount for
any segment.
21 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
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CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
G. SME Loan
39 Cash Credit Front Desk As per respective Maximum limit: Tk. 750/- Depend on Loan Officer
of Branch Product Program million documents Concerned
Sub Branch Guideline (PPG) Interest rate 8.50% Agent
Fast Track Tenure 12 months Banking
Agent No processing fee Official
Banking No renewal fee SME division
40 Term Loan Office Maximum limit: Tk. 500/-
Interest rate 8.50%
Tenure 12 to 120 months
No Processing fee
41 Home Finance Maximum limit: Tk. 500/-
Interest rate 8.50%
Tenure 12 to 120 months
No Processing fee
42 Women Maximum limit: Tk. 5/-
Entrepreneurs million
Financing (CC) Interest rate 8.50%
Tenure 12 to 120 months
No Processing fee & no
renewal fee.
43 Women Maximum limit: Tk. 5/-
Entrepreneurs million
Financing (Term Interest rate 8.50%
Loan) Tenure 12 to 120 months
No Processing fee
44 Festival Loan Maximum limit: Tk.20/-
Interest rate 8.50%
Tenure 06 months
No Processing fee
H. Other Services
1 Loan Front Desk Customer request Loan Reschedule/ Generally 5-7 Concerned
Reschedule/ of Branch letter, other obligation Restructure Fee: Working Days Branch
Restructure Sub Branch details etc. Maximum 0.25% or Tk. subject to Official
Fast Track 10,000/- whichever is lower fulfilment of all Relationship
Agent requirements Manager
Banking as per policy. Concerned
Office Agent
2 CIB Report RBD Complete CIB form, As per respective Product As per Concern
NID, Photograph etc. Program Guideline (PPG) respective Officer of
3 Stamp Front Desk Customer signature Product RBD & FICD
of Branch on charge documents Program
Sub Branch Guideline
23 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
4 Legal (3 party) Fast Track Property related legal As per Concerned
Agent documents as per respective Branch
Banking Home Loan PPG Product Official
Office Program Relationship
Guideline Manager
(PPG) Concerned
VAT is applicable on all the Fees & Charges as per Government policy
All Fees & Charges will be realized from the customers’ accounts maintained with DBBL
Any of the above may change anytime as per the decision of DBBL Management
Sl. Type of Services Service Delivery Required Service Service Responsible Officer
Method Documents & Pricing & Time
Location Payment
1 Providing Account Letter/ Email N/A No Service Within Mr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain
related information/ Charge their limit Head of Branch Operation
document to schedule and Liability Division
Bank/National Board
of Revenue/ Anti-
/Other Regulatory
2 Account Attachment Freezing account by N/A No Service Within Mr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain
the Court Order/ Charge their limit Head of Branch Operation
Related Laws for schedule and Liability Division
enquiry or TAX/VAT
3 Transfer of VAT & By collecting from the Challan & No Service As per Mr. Md. Shahid Ullah
Source TAX to NBR branches/Head Office Statement Charge regulatory Head of Tax Management and Compliance
instructio Cell
4 By collecting from the Challan & No Service As per Mr. Md. Shahid Ullah
Transfer of Excise
Duty to NBR branches Statement Charge regulatory Head of Tax Management and Compliance
instructio Cell
5 CTR Reporting Cash Deposit or N/A No Service Within 21 Mr. Biswajit Das
withdrawal of more Charge days of Head of IC&CD
than Tk.10 lac in an next
account in a day month
reported as CTR to BFIU
6 STR/SAR Reporting STR/SAR means a N/A No Service As and Mr. Biswajit Das
formatted report of Charge when Head of IC&CD
suspicious detected
where there are
reasonable grounds to
suspect that funds are
the proceeds of
predicate offence or
may be linked to
terrorist activity or the
transactions do not
seem to be usual
24 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
7 Transfer of By collecting from the N/A No Service As per Mr. Muhammad Kamruzzaman
unclaimed deposit branches Charge regulatory Head of Accounts Division
over 10 years to instructio kamruzzaman.muhammad@dutchbanglabank
Bangladesh Bank n .com
8 Deploy Audit Firm By receiving Application Application and No service - Mr. Mohammed Mesbahul Alam
(external) from other related charges Head of Board Secretariat
renowned/qualified documents
Chartered Accountant
9 Internship Recommendation from Student’s No service 3 Mr. Zahid Ahmed
Program for the concerned application, charges Months/ Human Resources Division
higher study institution Concerned desired
Institution’s time
recommendation duration
and other related of the
documents institution
10 Payment of bill As per Bank’s Vendor’s request Contract As Per Mr. Muhammad Kamruzzaman
and purchase procurement policy and other related values contract Head of Accounts Division
related expense documents kamruzzaman.muhammad@dutchbanglabank
(Furniture, Printing .com
11 Purchase of As per Bank’s Vendor’s request Contract As Per Mr. Mohammad Emdadul Haque Khan
Software, procurement policy and other related values contract Head of ITPIRMD
Computer and documents
other computer
12 Providing Bank’s By auditing Bank’s Uploading RIT No Service 3 Months Mr. Muhammad Kamruzzaman
Information Books of accounts by charge after Head of Accounts Division
(Profit/Loss, EPS< External Audit Farm completio kamruzzaman.muhammad@dutchbanglabank
NAV etc.) to n of year .com
Bangladesh Bank
and other regulatory
13 Regulatory Guidelines, Circular As per bank’s No Service As and Mr. Muhammad Kamruzzaman
Reporting and policy, or charge when Head of Accounts Division
ensure compliance regulatory required
of all guidelines of Formats, or
regulators Management
14 All kinds of clearing Letter/ Email As per bank’s No Service Daily Mr. Abdul Monem
& settlement (BACH, policy charge Head of International Division-TBO
Nostro A/C)
15 Inter-bank Foreign Letter/ Email As per bank’s No Service Daily Mr. Shah Md. Jubaer Head of Treasury
Exchanges buy-sell policy charge Division(FO)
16 Inter-bank call Letter/ Email As per bank’s No Service Daily Mr. Shah Md. Jubaer Head of Treasury
money policy charge Division(FO)
17 Money Market Letter/ Email As per bank’s No Service Daily Mr. Shah Md. Jubaer Head of Treasury
Operation & policy charge Division(FO)
18 Enlistment of Panel Conduct litigation, As per bank’s Mutually As per Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman
Lawyer & Bill provide legal opinion policy agreed fee standard Head of Special Asset Management Division
payment aligned time
with frame m
19 Agent Banking DMS upload As per agent No Service Same day Mr. Ahmed Aslam Al Ferdous Haed of Agent
Operations banking operation charge Banking Division
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CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
Sl. Type of Services Service Delivery Required Service Service Responsible Officer
Method Documents & Pricing & Time
Location Payment
1 Maintaining employees Annual/ On demand - No Annual Mr. Zahid Ahmed
Provident Fund and Service Human Resources Division
providing balance charge
confirmation there on
2 Maintaining employees Build-up fund as per - No Annual Mr. Muhammad Kamruzzaman
Superannuation Fund and Bank’s policy Service Head of Accounts Division
Gratuity Fund charge
3 Employees Salary & Approval from the - No Monthly Mr. Zahid Ahmed
Allowances authority & existing Service Human Resources Division
service rules charge
4 Performance Evaluation of Bank’s format As per bank’s No Banking Mr. Zahid Ahmed
Employees process Service hour Human Resources Division
5 Approval from the Through No As and Mr. Zahid Ahmed
authority & existing Letter/email Service when Human Resources Division
service rules charge required
6 Internal Training Through DBBL By issuing office No According Mr. Zahid Ahmed
Training Institute as order Service to the Human Resources Division
per requirement charge training
7 External Training Professional training By issuing No As and Mr. Zahid Ahmed
through different Nomination Service when Human Resources Division
institute, regulatory letter from HRD charge required
8 Award/Reward Acknowledgement of By issuing letter - - Mr. Zahid Ahmed
extra ordinary Human Resources Division
contribution of the
employees for the
9 Separation from the As per DBBL staff By issuing letter - - Mr. Zahid Ahmed
services service rules and Human Resources Division
Laws of the land and
approval from
competent authority
10 Allowing Leave Approval from Digitally ( - - Mr. Zahid Ahmed
concerned authority Through DMS) Human Resources Division
11 Permitting Travelling to Approval from Request Letter - - Mr. Zahid Ahmed
abroad concerned authority Human Resources Division
12 As per fulfillment of Interview/ - - Mr. Zahid Ahmed
Employment Confirmation condition of Assessment Human Resources Division
appointment letter based on
13 Through collecting & As and when - - Mr. Zahid Ahmed
Updating information of the
preserving required Human Resources Division
information of the
14 Issuance of Employee Application through Physical Card - - Mr. Zahid Ahmed
Identity Card proper channel Human Resources Division
15 Bank’s Budget As per Bank’s existing As per - - Mr. Muhammad Kamruzzaman
submission/Implementation policy and approval prescribed Head of Accounts Division
related Service from concerned Format
16 Issuance of AIT Certificate Income TAX Act As per prescribe - Before Tax Mr. Zahid Ahmed
of the employees format submission Human Resources Division
time zahid.ahmed@dutchbanglabank .com
17 Staff House Building Loan Approval from the Request letter As per the Bank’s Mr. Zahid Ahmed
concerned authority with required Bank’s Existing Human Resources Division
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CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
3. 1. Customers Obligations:
a) Customers shall follow the banking norms, practices, functional rules etc.
b) Customers shall abide by the terms and conditions prescribed for each banking product and services.
c) Customers shall convey the bank of any changes in their address, contact, number, KYC
d) Customers shall maintain disciplinary arrangement at the customer service points.
e) Customer shall not try to show unreasonable persistence, demand, argument & behavior.
f) Customers generally shall ask any query at prescribed desk such as Customers’ Service Desk, Help Desk,
Information Desk or Enquiry Desk at first instance.
g) Customer should avoid misunderstanding as far as possible.
3.2. Customers are requested to help the bank with the following:
a) Help the Bank to comply with “Know Your Customer (KYC)” guidelines at the time of account opening and at
periodical intervals as per regulatory requirements and provide their updated or renewal NID/Passport/Trade
license/ e-Tin / Nominee’s NID or Passport/ Photograph etc.
b) Take precautions to protect information of their accounts, Cards, Internet Banking etc.
c) Avail digital channels of the bank for quicker services i.e. ATM, CRM, Fast Track, Rocket, Internet Banking,
Nexus Pay etc.
d) Ensure safe custody of cheque book/cards/PIN or any banking security items
e) Ensure proper issuing of crossed/account payee cheques and cash cheques.
f) Not issue cheque without adequate balance and maintain minimum balance as specified by the Bank.
27 | P a g e
CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
g) Inform to the Branch or DBBL Call Center if you have lost of PO, demand draft, ATM/Debit/Credit Card,
cheque leaf / Cheque book, key of locker, etc.
h) Please know terms and conditions before take any banking services/ Transaction.
i) Pay interest, installments, locker rent and other dues timely.
j) Not to share Mobile banking/internet banking passwords/PIN with others and ensure confidentiality.
k) Inform the branch immediately in the event of the unfortunate demise of any of the account holders.
l) Provide valuable feedback on our services and bring any deficiency in services so as to enable us to correct
our mistakes and improve our customer service.
We shall carry out the following obligations to our customers considering these as their rights:
D. Guarantor:
1. advise the person of the quantum and nature of his or her potential liabilities; and
2. advise the person to seek independent legal advice before acting as a personal guarantor.
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CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
If any reason the customer is not satisfied with any aspect of banks services, the customer can lodge complaint or
provide suggestion as per the following complaint management arrangement.
2 If the Complaint Appellate Officer Mr. Md. Abedur Rahman Sikder Reasonable Time
Settlement Officer Deputy Managing Director
fails to resolve the Mobile: 01711439083
complaint within
reasonable time
3 If the Appellate Officer - Managing Director Reasonable Time
fails to resolve the Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
complaint within the Tel: +8802223359206
scheduled time
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CITIZEN’S CHARTER Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
Your Trusted Partner
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