IHL final
IHL final
IHL final
These weapons are banned because they cause indiscriminate harm and
unnecessary suffering.
b. Anti-Personnel Landmines
c. Cluster Munitions
Cluster munitions scatter numerous submunitions over a wide area, making them
indiscriminate and dangerous to civilians, even long after conflicts end.
Blinding laser weapons are considered inhumane because they cause permanent
e. Exploding Bullets
Weapons are prohibited under IHL when their effects are indiscriminate, cause
superfluous injury, or lead to long-term harm to civilians, combatants, and the
environment. Adhering to these rules ensures respect for humanity even in times of
war, fulfilling the core objectives of IHL.
IHL is governed by several key principles that apply to the conduct of hostilities:
a. Principle of Distinction
c. Principle of Necessity
d. Principle of Humanity
Certain weapons and techniques are banned under IHL because they violate the
principles of distinction, proportionality, and humanity.
b. Indiscriminate Weapons
IHL also restricts certain tactics that violate the rules of warfare:
a. Starvation of Civilians
c. Perfidy
d. Indiscriminate Attacks
Attacks that are not directed at a specific military objective or that employ
methods that cannot be controlled are banned.
Legal Basis:
o Article 51(4) of Additional Protocol I.
Even in states not party to certain treaties, many prohibitions on means and
methods of warfare are part of customary international law, binding on all parties
to a conflict.
5. Enforcement Mechanisms
The regulation of means and methods of warfare under IHL aims to ensure that
armed conflict is conducted within the boundaries of humanity and law. By
adhering to these principles and prohibitions, the suffering caused by war can be
minimized, and civilian lives and properties better protected.