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Professional Selling
Group 4 – MKT1801 Lecture: Vương Tiểu Oanh

Phạm Thị Thái Huyền – HS173197 Course: SAL201

Nguyễn Thị Hường – HS170563

Phạm Thu Phương – HS171324

Trần Thị Bảo Châu - HS176235

Trần Thị Thùy Linh - HS171052

Phạm Thị Khánh Bằng - HS171516

A. The Internal and External Analysis of the Base.vn company
I. Internal
1. Organizational resources
1.1 Tangible resources
Office: Base.vn has 1 headquarters in Thanh Xuan, Hanoi and 1 branch
office in Ho Chi Minh City
Base.vn fully invests in top modern technology equipment (computers
(each employee has 2 or more screens depending on the employee's
tasks, lab, etc.) to help employees work work in the most effective way
1.2 Intangible resources
Prestigious property:
- Investor reviews: Mr. Chris, director of Nextrans investment fund,
said: "Base also owns a team with a good technology foundation and
the right product thinking, which is very suitable to develop high-
quality and comprehensive products for businesses." industry,
widely spread throughout the Southeast Asian market, not just
- Branding: Base brings businesses smart, modern technology
products based on three factors: Data & AI, Interaction, and Open
- Base.vn currently has more than 50 applications built and improved
every day
- Customer reliability for Base.vn: Is a platform to support
operations for more than 9,000 leading businesses in Vietnam in
many different fields
Technology assets: Some applications of Base.vn
+ Base Work +: Work management, performance
+ Base Infor +: Information management and communication
+ Base HRM +: Management and human development
+ Base Finance +: Financial management
Financial resource:
+ Base.vn was acquired the majority of shares by FPT Group
(FPT is a strong corporation in digital transformation
technology => helping Base.vn's financial resources become
more solid for a business startups)
+ In the period 2020 - 2021, Base continues to grow
exponentially, over 100% each year.

2. Organizational capabilities
2.1 Ability to innovate and develop.
- Product diversification: Base.vn provides a variety of
management types for businesses such as work performance,
information, human resources, finance or processes. Diversity helps
Base.vn serve many different customers.
- Phần mềm Base cung cấp từng giải pháp chuyên biệt, cần công cụ
nào thì mua công cụ đó nên độ chuyên sâu rất cao. Tuy nhiên nếu
muốn tích hợp thì chi phí sẽ rất cao.
- App Base is said to be a streamlined solution. For teams working
remotely or having urgent work, the boss can open the phone to
browse right on the Base app.
- Base.vn has many competitors in the market, however the
difference that Base.vn has to outperform competitors is always
improving quality and infinite scalability.
Compared to competitor 1Office, Base's data management system and
work performance are better and superior.
However, there is a lack of CRM (customer relationship management)
solution, so if businesses want to focus on sales-marketing and customers,
Base cannot satisfy them.
Base is not suitable for start-ups or small businesses because the setup
cost is quite high.

2.2 Marketing strategy

- Cooperate with academic and technological organizations:
Universities (Trade University, Polytechnic,..)
- Base.vn organizes webinars and online seminars to advise, guide
product usage and answer customers' questions..
+ Strategic cooperation with CHIR (Health improvement
research). Participants will receive special benefits when
+ Collaborate with TM Data School to organize "Management
with Data Science - Application in corporate financial
Exclusive incentives for customers who purchase the service will get a
number of accompanying platforms for free such as: Base Message, Base
Drive or Base Account.
2.3 Sales network (customers, partners)
- Base has not yet developed products for individual
customers. Unlike its competitor SlimCRM, they have up to
13,000 individual customers but only 3,000 corporate
Base has more than 9,000 customers from large to medium-sized
businesses in many different industries. Notable ones include: VIB,
VPBANK, BOO, ACB, Sacombank,... or universities.
Compared to competitors, Base stands out, because with 1Office they
have just over 6000 customers.
3. Human Resources (Employees)

3.1 Staff quality:

- By 2023 Base will have 400 talented employees. Employees coming to
Base are all young generations, enthusiastic, eager to learn and work
their best
- Possessing a team of highly qualified staff: Software engineers, R&D
experts, marketing specialists, and an experienced sales team.
- Graduated from top universities in the US & Vietnam and has many
years of experience in the Software-as-a-Service industry. Base brings
together people who are kind, hard-working, brave and make constant
efforts to create value for each individual and organization.

- Meticulous in selecting candidates for each position:

For example: Sales Consultant
Combine Work Smart and Work Hard in candidates' thinking about work.
Work Smart in setting goals, absorbing a huge amount of knowledge, and
being observant to adapt to customer case studies.
Base not only selects smart candidates with excellent past achievements.
Work Hard attitude and spirit

- However, because it is a new startup company, employees at Base are

often under great pressure and work longer than other companies.

3.2 Company culture

- Base.vn builds a corporate culture that promotes creativity, innovation,
and personal development. Help Base always attract and retain top
talent in the industry. Some outstanding cultures:
+ 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 & 𝗖𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 - culture of continuous
discussion between departments to "solve problems" for
+ "Culture of sharing real-life experiences" is a typical
example in motivating employees to learn and develop.
- At Base, each department and each employee is considered a different
factor in the organization, they have their own unique qualities that
cannot be replaced. Give employees a feeling of dedication and hard
- Respect each individual's achievements and reward them worthy of
the efforts you bring to the organization through using the app to
recognize and reward employees, Base Reward.
- Regularly organize morale-boosting activities to help employees have
a better and more effective working spirit, and to bond employees
3.3 Training and development program
- The company regularly organizes training programs for employees, in
addition to thousands of hours of online learning on Udemy with an
extremely diverse list of suggested courses. To improve the skills and
knowledge of all employees, and encourage them to develop long-term
careers at Base.vn.
- Provide appropriate, systematic development paths for your
employees, in addition to candidates for competitions organized by the
- From the first day of work, Base employees will be introduced to a
training roadmap by the L&D department with a clear content
framework and specific checkpoints that the trainee level needs to
pass after the probationary period.
II. External


1. National 1. Economic 1.Digital 1.Technological 1. Law on Cyber 1.Carbon
strategy target growth: adoption: innovation: Information emissions from
2030: Contributing According to the According to the Security: data centers and
Achieved top 30 6-6.5% of Ministry of latest report by Law No. renewable energy
countries in ITU's annual GDP Information and Precedence 86/2015/QH13 use:
global cyber Revenue Communications Research, the strictly requires Each kWh from a
safety and increases , by 2023, up to global cloud user data safety non-renewable
security index. from 165-175 80% of computing and privacy. source can generate
Reached the top billion USD in businesses will market value is 2. Copy and 0.5 kg of CO2.
50 countries in 2024, have applied at estimated to intellectual With 200 TWh of
the United expected to least one digital reach 1,614.1 cooperation: consumption,
Nations e- reach 185 solution. billion USD by Article 17 of emissions can reach
Government billion USD in In 2023, 2030. Decree 100 million tons of
index. 2025 Vietnamese 2. 22/2018/ND-CP CO2/year if
Universalize 5G 2. FDI businesses will Infrastructure: Regulations on renewable energy is
mobile network investment: spend more than The government copyright of not used.
services. Attract about 10 billion USD has developed computer Renewable energy
Connect to 28 billion on digital many programs programs in 2023: Solar and
international and USD FDI by transformation and projects to 3.Regulations wind power reaches
regional smart 2023 activities increase internet on business and 31.58 billion kWh,
urban networks. 2. Education connectivity trade: accounting for
2. Support for and nationwide. Decree 85/2021 13.5% of electricity
human resource Technology: In 2021, Base.vn on e-commerce, output.
development: The EdTech signed a effective from 2. Environmental
Strengthen market in strategic January 1, 2022, protection
training and Vietnam is cooperation with ensures awareness and
development of IT expected to FPT Telecom to sustainable and trends:
human resources, reach 364.7 provide digital transparent Commitment to
international and million USD by transformation business. environmental
business 2024, with an solutions for 14/2008/QH12 protection: The EU
cooperation. annual growth Vietnamese Corporate income commits to reducing
Foreign rate of 13.5% businesses. tax: apply the tax emissions by 55%
investment: 1 until 2032. rate of 20% by 2030 compared
employee is instead of 22% to 1990.
20,000 USD, 4.65 from January 1, Google's
times higher than 2016 commitment:
the average in The Law on Achieve 100%
other fields. Consumer renewable energy
Rights and reduce carbon
Protection 2023 emissions to zero.
takes effect from Green and
January 7, 2024 renewable
technology: Cloud
consumes 30% to
90% less energy
than traditional

B. SWOT Matrix for Base

● Staff: Extensive experience and ● Difficult to apply to all sizes of
expertise in the field of technology and businesses: "Choosy" to use with small
management companies and startups
● Technology and innovation ● Microservice model creates barriers:
capabilities: Using modern technology: Separate apps disrupt the experience and
Base Work, Base Infor, Base HRM, Base are difficult to manage
Finance ● Lack of CRM solution: Not suitable for
● Strong tangible and intangible assets: businesses that focus on sales, marketing
Modern office system and facilities. and customers
Strong investment from major investors ● High cost: High cost when deploying and
and FPT fully integrating features.
● Marketing strategy and sales network: ● The interface is not consistent: Mixing
Large customer network. MKT strategy is Vietnamese and English is annoying for
clear users.

● Government policy and support for IT ● Cyber security and data management:
development and digital services: Base must ensure its solutions and
Base can take advantage of this policy to services comply with strict legal
expand operations and market share regulations
● Developing IT resources: will provide ● Market and technology fluctuations:
high quality human resources for Base.vn Base must continuously invest and
● International cooperation and foreign improve products
investment: Help Base expand its ● Environment: Base must innovate to
market and enhance its competitiveness reduce its environmental impact and
carbon emissions.
C. Marketing & Sales Strategy


I. Campaign overview
- Build a strong network of partners and cooperative
Expand and strengthen the business partner network, creating new
opportunities for businesses nationwide. This helps Base.vn increase its
presence in the market.
- Promote digital transformation for businesses
Base.vn provides advanced software solutions, supporting businesses in
applying technology to management and operations. This not only helps
increase sales for Base.vn but also helps businesses improve work
efficiency, optimize processes and increase competitiveness..
- Provide many attractive benefits for participating partners
Partners receive many special incentives when using Base.vn's software
and enjoy attractive commissions from contracts that businesses bring to
Base. The participation process is simple and convenient, from registering,
confirming information, signing contracts to tracking commissions and
customer progress. Base.vn takes care of all the remaining steps, helping
partners focus on business development.

II. Purpose
Base.vn wants to become a bridge to help businesses easily manage and
operate their businesses, bringing the most optimal solutions to all
partners. From that
- Affirming Base's position
By introducing how digital transformation can revolutionize business
operations for small and medium enterprises. By leveraging the cutting-
edge products and innovative solutions offered by Base.

- Create a new and attractive experience space

This event creates a unique experience space, business leaders have the
opportunity to access direct experience, helping to motivate them in the
digital transformation process and improve the quality of corporate
governance. . This not only helps attract attention but also creates
newness and a deep impression on the customer experience.
- Expand partner network
Create and strengthen relationships with agents and business partners
nationwide, helping Base.vn reach more businesses and increase presence
in the market.
- Enhance brand awareness, youthful and dynamic image
Raise awareness of the Base.vn brand in the business community,
affirming the reputation and quality of products and services. At the same
time, combining with artists brings a new and different image.

III. Channel strategy

1. Social media

With the strong

development of the digital
economy, the Internet has
become an indispensable
part of the daily lives of
people around the world
in general and
Vietnamese people in

As of April 2024, there are

5.44 billion internet users worldwide, employing 67.1 percent of the global
population. Of this total, 5.07 percent of people, or 62.6 percent of the
world's population, are social media users. (statista.com 2024)

Asia is home to the largest number of online users worldwide - more than
2.93 billion according to the latest figures. Europe is second, with about
750 million internet users. (statista.com 2024)

Through the above statistics, it can be seen that the Internet really plays
an important role in the daily lives of people around the world as well as
the people of Vietnam.

Not only users, businesses also take advantage of this space to sell and
build their relationships with customers and partners. Choosing social
media for development and commerce is a smart choice for businesses

The world also spends a huge amount of time using social media, with
GWI's latest research revealing that the “typical” social media user now
spends 2 hours and 23 minutes a day using social media.
(datareportal.com 2024)

- Facebook
Meta's advertising tool says Facebook now has about 72.7 million users at
the beginning of 2024.
The number of Vietnamese users able to access Facebook ads is
equivalent to 67.2% of the country's total population by 2023, and it is
estimated that the number of people able to view Facebook ads will
increase by 9.8% by 2024. (equivalent to 6.5 million people).(ychoc.com

At the same time, on average, Facebook pages create 6.19 new posts per
day, of which the majority are link sharing posts (accounting for 51.59% of
the total number of posts), followed by image sharing ( accounting for
20.01%) and status sharing (16.33%) (ychoc.com 2023)
In particular, many small and medium-sized businesses actively build their
identity interface on social media platforms in general and Facebook
platform in particular.

- LinkedIn
A new platform that has appeared in recent years, this is a reputable
platform that many businesses and users choose as a place to
professionally develop their work. By 2024, the number of accounts on
LinkedIn will be more than 1 billion accounts, known as the world's leading
professional network, so many users choose this place to save their work

achievements and build a professional profile. Karma.

Although this is a new platform, users' usage time on this platform is not
high. However, when users are truly interested in business issues and
opportunities to develop their careers and add value to the business, this
will be a good space to implement strategies.
2. Email marketing

As a useful tool for companies, using Email marketing in their campaigns helps
businesses easily reach the right target audience, bringing good results for

Businesses will be able to manage relationships with their partners, access

information to the right people at the right time, thereby creating close links with
customers in both B2B and B2C.

In 2022, the number of global email users reached 4.26 billion and is expected to
increase to 4.73 billion users by 2026. In 2020, about 306 billion emails were
sent and received every day worldwide . This number is expected to grow to
more than 376 billion emails per day by 2025. Recent industry data shows that
the shift to mobile is also true for email: in December 2018, 43 percent of email
opens is via mobile device. (statista.com 2024)

Besides, this tool is also quite cost-effective. As of 2021, for every $1 spent on
email, the return is $36. The average email open rate is 21.73%, 3 times higher
than the engagement rate on Facebook. (saokim.com.vn)

1. Campaign purpose
- Create and strengthen relationships with agents and business partners
nationwide, helping Base.vn reach more businesses and increase presence
in the market. => Expand partner network
- Attract more customers through a large partner network, from there
increase revenue and profits.
- Promote digital transformation, while affirming Base.vn's position as the
leading software solution provider in Vietnam
- Provide attractive incentives such as software discounts, high commissions
and maximum support to attract and retain business partners, thereby
build long-term and sustainable cooperative relationships.
- Raise awareness of the Base.vn brand in the business community,
affirming the reputation and quality of products and services.
2. How to do it?
- Upload articles to Base's official platforms.
- Focus on 2-3 weeks around the time of the discussion
Post 2 articles per week, done for 3 weeks => total 6 content (run ads for these
content articles)
LinkedIn Thời đại số đã và đang mang đến vô vàn cơ hội phát triển
cho các doanh nghiệp. Tuy nhiên, để tận dụng triệt để những
lợi thế của chuyển đổi số, các doanh nghiệp cần một đối tác
tin cậy, có kinh nghiệm và giải pháp toàn diện.

Chính vì vậy, base.vn - nền tảng quản lý tổng thể doanh

nghiệp uy tín hàng đầu Việt Nam - mong muốn hợp tác cùng
quý doanh nghiệp trên hành trình "100% doanh nghiệp
chuyển đổi số".

Khi trở thành đối tác của base.vn, quý doanh nghiệp sẽ nhận
👉 Được tham gia vào chương trình đối tác chiến lược của
Base.vn, mang lại lợi ích vượt trội cho sự phát triển kinh
👉 Miễn phí tư vấn và hỗ trợ triển khai tại địa phương, giúp tối
ưu hóa quy trình đầu tư và phát triển.
👉 Ưu đãi đặc biệt với giảm 20% chi phí sử dụng nền tảng
phần mềm tiên tiến của Base.vn
👉Cơ hội nhận hoa hồng hấp dẫn có thể lên đến 20% từ mỗi
giao dịch thành công với giá trị hợp đồng từ 100 triệu đồng
trở lên. Có thể theo cấp số cộng khi giới thiệu được nhiều
doanh nghiệp khác tham gia.

Các bước để tham gia làm đối tác kinh doanh tại Base.vn:
🔸Bước 1: Đăng ký tham gia tại https://base.vn/doi-tac hoặc
liên hệ trực tiếp với đội ngũ đại diện kinh doanh của Base.vn.
🔸Bước 2: Base.vn xác minh thông tin của khách hàng mà bạn
giới thiệu.
🔸Bước 3: Ký kết hợp đồng chính thức với khách hàng để bắt
đầu hành trình hợp tác.
🔸Bước 4: Theo dõi tiến độ và quản lý giao dịch của khách
hàng trên nền tảng của Base.vn, đồng thời nhận hoa hồng
hấp dẫn từ mỗi giao dịch thành công.
🔸Bước 5: Tất cả các công đoạn còn lại sẽ được Base.vn chịu
trách nhiệm, giúp bạn tập trung vào việc phát triển kinh
doanh của mình.”
Website: https://base.vn/
Trụ sở chính: Tầng 3, Tòa Autumn, Gold Season, số 47
Nguyễn Tuân, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Chi nhánh 1: Lầu 8, Tòa nhà MBAMC Tower, 538 Cách Mạng
Tháng Tám, Phường 11, Quận 3, TP.HCM
Chi nhánh 2: Tầng 11, tòa nhà VietinBank, số 36 Trần Quốc
Toản, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng
Hotline: 02422441313 (Miền Bắc), 0896691313 (Miền Nam),
(+84) 977575309 (Miền Trung)






V. Seminar: “Shaping the future: the digital revolution for

small and medium enterprises”
1.1. Phase 1 (before the workshop): Raising awareness

a. Posts on Base's official platforms

Content: A summary of the conference, topic introduction, keynote
speaker highlights, and benefits attendees will receive.
Frequency: 3 times/week (6 lessons)


Kích thích đổi mới và phát triển doanh nghiệp với chương trình hội
thảo có 1 0 2, đồng hành bởi Base.vn - nền tảng quản trị hàng đầu Việt

Với mong muốn không để ai bị bỏ lại phía sau, Base.vn với các nhà
quản trị hàng đầu cùng hợp tác mang đến một không gian đầy bổ ích
về cách thức quản trị và vận hành doanh nghiệp, tạo động lực cho
doanh nghiệp phát triển trong quá trình chuyển đổi số và nâng cao
chất lượng quản trị.

Đến với hội thảo lần này, các doanh nghiệp đều có cơ hội trải nghiệm
và khám phá không gian triển lãm công nghệ ánh sáng tuyệt vời. Mang
lại cái nhìn sống động và chân thật nhất tới các doanh nghiệp tham gia
về cách thức hoạt động và cách Base tinh gọn, giúp các doanh nghiệp
quản trị tài nguyên của mình một cách hiệu quả.

Bên cạnh đó là cơ hội được lắng nghe, giải đáp về các vấn đề của
doanh nghiệp. Mà người chia sẻ là các nhà lãnh đạo hàng đầu của các
doanh nghiệp đã và đang có chỗ đứng vững chắc trên thị trường hiện
nay. Hứa hẹn sẽ là một không gian bổ ích đối với các đối tác của

📅 Ngày 1:

● Khai mạc với màn trình diễn công nghệ ánh sáng ấn tượng.
● Giới thiệu và chia sẻ tọa đàm với các khách mời nổi tiếng trong

📅 Ngày 2:

● Trải nghiệm thực tế các công nghệ tích hợp tiên tiến.
● Cơ hội chốt sale, ký hợp đồng hoặc tìm kiếm khách hàng tiềm

👉 Hãy nhanh tay đăng ký tham gia ngay để không bỏ lỡ cơ hội tuyệt
vời này! 🎯

#HộiThảoCôngNghệ #BaseVN #ChuyểnĐổiSố #QuảnTrịDoanhNghiệp

#TrảiNghiệmCôngNghệ #KhởiNghiệpThànhCông

Lợi ích, cơ hội của doanh nghiệp khi tham gia

Tương lai của doanh nghiệp với công nghệ số

Giới thiệu các khách mời

Chia sẻ ngắn từ các khách mời về bí quyết quản trị

(Facebook reels)
Recap 2 ngày diễn ra hội thảo (video recap trên

b. Email marketing
Content: Invitation to attend the conference, general introduction to the
topic, speakers and highlights of the benefits that attendees will receive.
Frequency: 2 times/week (4 lessons)
Thư mời tham dự hội thảo

Email Hé lộ điểm đặc biệt và khách mời tham gia

Định hình tương lai Quản trị doanh nghiệp và cơ hội trở thành
đối tác hàng đầu của Base

Thư remind và confirm tham gia hội thảo

1.2. Phase 2: During the workshop.

a. Live updates
Live broadcast part of the seminar (opening performance) to attract attention,
encourage customers to participate and experience the actual products and
services. This helps attract potential customers to Base.vn

Share outstanding content during the 2 days of the conference such as:
Interesting shares from the speakers, answers to common questions of small and
medium enterprises. In addition, it is possible to promote online exchanges in the
Q&A section, creating a network space for connection and exchange.

b. Day 1: Opening and Introduction

Opening with a light art performance combined with Base's outstanding
technology and features. An introduction to the importance of digitalization and
how it helps small and medium-sized businesses grow.

Discussions with famous guests, including experts in the fields of technology and
business management such as:Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hương - Chủ tịch Hiệp hội
Doanh nghiệp Công nghệ Số Việt Nam (VDTA)
+ Phạm Minh Tuấn - Managing Director of FPT Software Joint Stock Company
+ Lê Thiết Bảo - Growth Director of TARA Joint Stock Company
+ Trương Bạch Dương - Director of Business Development for the Central
Region of Base.vn
Chia sẻ các câu chuyện thành công từ khách hàng của Base.vn. Giải đáp thắc

c. Day 2: Practical experience

Mini-workshop: In-depth understanding of each product module, helping
customers better understand specific applications and benefits.
Create practical experience areas with Base.vn's business management
solutions. Provide detailed and personalized consulting sessions for each
business. Carry out consulting registration activities after the workshop.
d. Product packages
Basic package (Human resources management (HRM), basic finance, task
management, documentation, etc.), meets basic needs / no need to buy
specifically, suitable for trial
Advanced package (basic package features + plus more advanced features
and variety of built-in apps)
In-depth package (Basic + Advanced, all specialized features of Base + 24/7
technical support)
Flexible packages (customize features according to specific business
Trial package for 3 months: Limited access to basic and advanced features
e. Endow
- 15% discount if contract is successfully signed.
- Buy calls 1-4 and get 2 months free. And the first 15 days with package 5
- Free software deployment and installation
- Organize free training for staff within the first month for basic to flexible

1.3. Phase 3: After the workshop

a. Monitor and evaluate
Collect feedback from customers participating in the event to evaluate,
modify and continue to promote strengths.
b. Maintain contact and customer care
Send thanks to customers who followed and participated in the event in
the form of posts and emails.
Continue to monitor and support customers who have successfully signed
contracts according to the agreement. Offer short-term incentives to
stimulate partnerships and referrals.
VI. Cooperate together Sơn Tùng M-TP và M-TP Entertainment


1. Strategic Objectives
- Create a youthful and dynamic brand image : Linking Son Tung M-TP's
creative and groundbreaking image with Base.vn's advanced technology
- Increase brand awareness: Take advantage of Son Tung M-TP's influence
and large fan base to raise awareness of Base.vn.
- Increase sales: Encourage small businesses and startups to use Base.vn
2. How to do it?
a. On the side of Son Tung M-TP
- Select Son Tung M-TP to represent Base.vn
- Use images and videos of Son Tung M-TP in advertisements on social
networks, YouTube, and other media channels. (Video recap, short video)
b. On behalf of entertainment company M-TP Entertainment

The campaign will be deployed in the form of: Back to video how M-TP
Entertainment has optimized workflow and projects thanks to Base.vn. And M-TP
Entertainment will optimize its management activities through:Base Wework:
Quản lý công việc và dự án. Quản lý các dự án âm nhạc, sự kiện và chiến dịch
quảng bá.
- Base Workflow: Automate work processes, from contract approval to
work schedule management.
- Base HRM: Son Tung M-TP and M-TP Entertainment employees share how
Base HRM helps them manage human resource information, timekeeping
and training effectively.
- Base E-Hiring: posting recruitment ads to interviewing and selecting
talents, helping M-TP Entertainment significantly reduce the number of
personnel involved in the project.
- Base CRM: Managing customer relationships, brands that have signed
cooperation agreements with Son Tung M-TP as well as M-TP
Entertainment, customers and fans.
- Base Finance: Budget management, revenue and expenditure and financial
c. Content distribution channels
- Social networks: Facebook (Base.vn, Son Tung M-TP, M-TP Entertainment),
Tiktok (Wassup Baser!!!, Son Tung M-TP)
- Website: Base.vn and M-TP Entertainment.
- Other media channels: LinkedIn Base.vn
- Online press: VnExpress, Cafebiz, Vietnamnet
- Specialized blogs: Brands Vietnam, Advertising Vietnam, Marketing AI,
Kinhdoanhnet, Chungta.vn

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