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Postgraduate International Student Guide 2024/25

Make your world

– and ours
Welcome to ANU from all
corners of the earth. About ANU
The Australian National University (ANU)
Choosing to study an internationally recognised #1 most international university1 is a member of Group of Eight Australia
and the only Australian member of
postgraduate degree at the Australian National the International Alliance of Research
University will help you drive your career further #1 most employable graduates in Australia2 Universities.
– or kick-start a new one – while propelling the
CRICOS Provider Number: 00120C
world forward. 5 stars for student to staff ratio and TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12002
(Australian University)
Our enriching courses are driven by the latest staff qualifications3
This student guide was published by the
research and will see you diving deeply into
your disciplines. By connecting you with 17,000+ students from ANU International Strategy and Future
Students Division on 23 June 2023.
opportunities to network and apply your learning 100 countries around the world Information in it was current at the time
of publication.
in industry, research and community settings,
we'll equip you to make a difference to your life 6,490 beds on campus, including a guaranteed
and that of people in global communities accommodation offer for students starting their
around you.
studies in 2024 1.
Times Higher Education Rankings 2023
Times Higher Education Rankings 2022
Take your next step at ANU, in the heart of 3. 11:1, Good Universities Guide 2023
Australia’s national capital, Canberra. 6 Nobel laureates among ANU staff and alumni 4. Multicultural Canberra 2022

The Australian National

University (ANU) acknowledges,
celebrates and pays respect to
the Ngambri and Ngunnawal
people of the Canberra
region and to all First Nations
Australians on whose traditional
lands we live, meet and work.

Contents reasons why
ANU is for you
Going boldly where none have gone before 2
We're Australia's most international university1
Canberra 4
In Canberra, 25% of people speak a language other than English,4
The ANU learning experience 6
many of them studying at ANU. With our student population
Grow your network 8 representing Australia and countries around the world, we're rated
Australia's most international university for a reason.
Support for your success 10
Campus and accommodation 12 Small, interactive classes taught by world-leading
ANU degrees 14 academics
Student stories 19 Connecting with your talented lecturers, tutors and classmates – and
Research opportunities 20 amazing resources – is easy. Our student-teacher ratios are among the best
in Australian universities and our learning facilities are second to none. As
Financing your degree 24 a trusted intellectual powerhouse, we also offer opportunities unique to a
national capital, including access to government decision makers and
How to apply 26
industry internships.

Flexible, internationally recognised degrees

Choose from 160 study options. ANU offers six-month short courses (graduate
certificates), graduate diplomas and master's degrees, as well as unique research
programs. You can even create a flexible double master’s degree here. Our rewarding
study experiences build graduates with the expertise and resilience that employers
look for around the world.

Everything in one place

Our campus has everything you need to fit extra study around your life – from childcare,
supermarkets, textbooks and stationery to 24-hour libraries, a gym, doctor’s surgery and
great coffee. Need something else? Canberra’s CBD is just a few minutes’ walk or bike
ride away.

Welcoming city and supportive community

With students coming from all over the world, Canberra is a welcoming city. We guarantee you a
room within an ANU or other approved student residence and a supportive campus community that
can help you discover the city – and embrace this next chapter of your life.



Going boldly where none

have gone before While he was a postdoctoral
researcher at the University’s Mount
Stromlo Observatory, Brian discovered
the universe is expanding at an
Canberra with his Australian wife
Jennifer Gordon seeking work.

While economist Jennifer received six

accelerating rate, not contracting as job offers almost immediately, Brian
Seven years after taking on the top job at ANU, world- previously understood, and that more found it more difficult to catch a break.
“Mount Stromlo Observatory at ANU is
renowned astrophysicist Brian Schmidt reflects than 70 per cent of its mass is made
one of the best places in the world to
up of a dark energy nobody
on winning the Nobel Prize and the challenges of knew existed. do astronomy so that was a great job
for me, but it took me four attempts
shaping a national university. The extraordinary finding was named [to get in],” he says.
discovery of the year by Science
magazine and earned him the 2011 “Yes, I had just done my PhD at Harvard
When fictional USS Enterprise Nobel Prize in Physics. but that doesn’t mean you get a free
commander Captain James T. Kirk pass to come to ANU. I was in an
declared his starship’s mission was to It’s surprising, then, that the man who international selection three times. It
explore the mysterious outer reaches counts a highly successful seven-year was a very strong field.”
of space – to “boldly go where no [one] stint as ANU vice-chancellor among
has gone before” – he may well have his myriad career achievements On his fourth attempt he cracked it
benefitted from having an enthusiastic almost wasn’t accepted into the by pitching his ambitious idea for the
27-year-old PhD graduate by the name university that has undergone an experiment that would ultimately lead
of Brian Schmidt on board. incredible transformation under to his discovery of cosmic acceleration.
his leadership.
Brian – who in 1998 made a startling “Jeremy Mould, who was director at
discovery that turned conventional In 1995 the Montana-born science- Mount Stromlo at the time, knew
wisdom about the universe on its lover, with undergraduate degrees [my idea] was a little crazy but it was
head – is nothing if not persistent in astronomy and physics from the bold, and he gave me a job and the
when it comes to scientific discovery. University of Arizona and a PhD from resources I needed to run a global
Harvard under his belt, arrived in team,” he says.

“There are not many [universities] that

“There are not many [universities] that would allow a would allow a 27-year-old post doc
27-year-old post doc to do this huge experiment and give to do this huge experiment and give
them the resources and the freedom
chmidt them the resources and the freedom to do it. That was
or Brian S to do it. That was what really made
or, Profess what really made [the Nobel Prize] happen.”
ANU Vice-Chancell [the Nobel Prize] happen. And I had
AA great colleagues at Mount Stromlo


who provided the support, guidance “There are lots of things you can do in issues across everything
and mentoring that’s an important part life, not just one thing. I could easily from law to physics, but
of things too.” have ended up in the tech boom of intertwined with First
the early nineties doing computer Nations perspectives
The breakthrough, he explains, means programming or engineering if I hadn’t and with what in a
that as the expansion of the universe stayed in academia.” modern Australia
continues at pace, we will see less the issues and
and less of it over time. “Parts of the Brian says the work he has done possibilities are.”
universe we can see today we won’t be since his 2016 appointment as vice-
able to see tomorrow. They will literally chancellor of ANU comes close to
disappear,” he says. winning a Nobel Prize in terms of job
Known today as Professor Brian
Schmidt AC, FRS, FAA, he describes Under his leadership, ANU has
the aftermath of his discovery as “a attracted more Australian students
wild ride”. than ever before, transformed its
campus with new facilities and
“You publish, as one does, and you residences, and seen scholars win
wait and see if someone is going to major national and international prizes
go, ‘Oh you guys screwed up’. But after despite the unprecedented challenges
a couple of weeks [with no negative presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
feedback] you go, okay, interesting…”
he says. “I hope that under my leadership the
University has coalesced around a
When a separate ground-breaking direction and vision for what it wants
study led by American astrophysicist to be… [which is] different than any
Saul Perlmutter (jointly awarded the other university in Australia,” he says.
Nobel Prize in 2011) corroborated the
findings of Brian’s team, any further Brian will step down from the vice-
doubt evaporated. chancellor role at the end of 2023. As
for leaving the University where he
As a kid, Brian was interested in feels he still has so much more to do?
astronomy. “I knew I would enjoy it Highly illogical, as Star Trek’s resident
because it would teach me physics, Vulcan might say.
engineering, coding, mathematics
and more, and these would all be “I’m not leaving. I was pretty sure I’d
very useful skills to get a job. I was stay when I started the job in 2016,” he
absolutely right about that.” says.

He insists that the key to a rewarding “I’d like to create a class that will
career is to do something you enjoy explore contemporary Australian
and not to prejudge whether you’ll be
successful until you give it a try.


Welcome to your next adventure

Australia offers incredible natural landscapes and When it comes to shopping, the city A capital city to love
has a smorgasbord of small and large
city experiences – and the national capital is no retailers, including boutique and
vintage shops, several fresh produce #1 highest average income
exception. With a median age of 35, young and markets and big retail centres. and lowest unemployment
welcoming Canberra has kangaroos and koalas, in Australia
Find a job
rivers and mountains for you to explore, as well Why Study in Canberra 2022

#1 most sustainable city

as great food, culture and a chilled city vibe. Say With your Australian student visa,
you can work part-time for up to in Australia
“g’day” to this cool capital. 48 hours every two weeks during The World’s Most Sustainable Cities 2021
semester and unrestricted hours
during study breaks. #3 smartest city in the world
Culture Festivals and nightlife IMD Smart City Index 2023
A highly educated city, Canberra
On weekends, discover Braddon’s local Canberra’s awesome festivals span provides many public and private
coffee roasters and eclectic cafes, just four distinct seasons. In spring, sector employment opportunities for 25% of people speak a
a few minutes’ walk from ANU, before wander through flower-filled Floriade you to choose from. language other than English
heading to the Haig Park markets for and in summer, watch a Canberra Multicultural Canberra 2022
some locally made clothes, jewellery Comedy Festival gig. In autumn, the
and produce. You can also take in a illuminating Enlighten Festival will Accommodation
show at the theatre, an exhibition brighten your eyes and the Truffle guarantee
at the National Gallery, or National Festival, held in winter, will tantalise
Museum, and discover the workings of your taste buds. As the sun descends ANU guarantees all first-year
Australia’s government at on another beautiful blue-sky day, postgraduate students a room in a
Parliament House. head into the city to a live music student residence. Learn more about
venue, nightclub or over to the the ANU accommodation guarantee
Adventure National Botanic Gardens, where you on page 12
can watch a movie under the stars.
All year, you can walk or ride a bike
along the weaving trails dotted around
local nature reserves. In summer, take
Food, drink and shopping
some time away from your studies Canberra has rooftop bars serving
at the National Zoo and Aquarium or tapas, local breweries specialising
swim in the Murrumbidgee River. in beer and hamburgers, and bistros
In winter, hire some ski gear and flock offering award-winning dishes.
with your friends to the
Snowy Mountains.


“My learning experience throughout my
bachelor and current postgraduate degree
in medicine has been amazing. ANU offers
a large range of courses that have allowed
me to explore different areas of science and
discover my passion for medicine. I’m thankful
that I’m being taught by passionate and caring
lecturers and clinicians who instil knowledge, confidence
and empathy in me.”
Katherine Nguyen – Vietnam
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Experience the knowledge capital

With more than half of the city’s population
holding a degree, Canberra is a place of decision-
makers and deep thinkers. Surround yourself
with artists, researchers, scientists, diplomats,
academics, policymakers and cutting-edge
entrepreneurs, as well as the multinationals that
have head offices here. They all call Australia’s
capital home.



Realise your potential

Interactive tutorials, practical internship courses Take an internship course Conduct research on our
and research skill-building workshops are just a few During your degree, you may be able other campuses
to enrol in internship courses and gain
of the ingredients that drive the learning experience a range of experience in business, Your studies will mostly take place
government, the cultural sector and on our Acton campus, but a research
at ANU. Studying in person on our campus is community settings. Our internships project, hands-on field trip, specialist
course or other opportunity could
another – and will see you getting better results explore subjects as diverse as art
take you to our other campuses in the
collection management, archaeology,
than studying online. engineering, computing, public health, Australian Capital Territory, New South
policy and diplomacy, as well as Wales and the Northern Territory.
business, economics, law, science
Learn from leaders in Study in innovative learning and strategy.
their field spaces
Participate in research-led
Experience creative and meaningful At ANU, you can work in a recording
approaches to teaching and or glass studio or with tools like 3D learning
problem solving. At ANU, classes are printers in MakerSpace. Depending Our courses expose you to the
small, so you’ll learn in innovative on the courses you take or research research your teachers are conducting
ways. Imagine embarking on a you do, you can also explore nuclear and provide experiential opportunities
metaphorical voyage in a canoe to physics in our heavy ion accelerator to engage with it. This research-led
get a sense of the Pacific’s diverse facility, argue in a contemporary moot approach to learning triggers debate Kioloa Coastal Campus
social and cultural dimensions or courtroom, witness the SkyMapper while developing your critical
working in a ‘flipped classroom’ and telescope’s creation of the first thinking skills.
having flexible interactive one-on- comprehensive digital survey of the
one meetings with your teachers. entire southern sky, or code Gadi, Build your research skills
the Southern Hemisphere’s fastest
supercomputer. All ANU courses We offer workshops, events and
are taught in innovative spaces short courses that will develop your
that encourage exploration and research skills so you can get the most
collaboration. out of the research you conduct as
part of your degree.
Mount Stromlo Observatory


“ANU has a very student-
first approach to learning
and teaching. I have been
constantly encouraged to
push my limits, explore my
knowledge and think outside the
box. Assignments are designed
in a manner that help build soft skills like
accountability, collaboration and cooperation.
The professors are a true inspiration. They
allow students to choose their path to reach
the final goal within prescribed limits. They
challenge us to explore and use our intellect
and imagination. This is a place where you will
also grow personally from your experience;
it is a roller coaster journey, where I succeed
and lose, but in the end I always learn. At every
step I’ve been pushed to think beyond the
limits, face challenges and become a better
version of myself.”
Gurisha Gupta – India
Master of Finance



Grow your network

Networking at ANU develops professional contacts, Attend ANU events Join a club or society
creates relationships and connects you with Events are held in person and online. Whether you’re interested in the arts,
They are great opportunities to meet languages, advocacy, physics or sport,
information and knowledge. It can also build your other like-minded people and talk to there’s a student-run social, academic
academics and special guests. You
reputation and provide you with answers, just when can attend tours of campus, author
or cultural club or society to join that
will connect you with other
you need them. and artist talks, panel discussions, like-minded people.
lectures, music ensembles and
conversations with experts about Explore ANU clubs at
Talk with employers Mingle with other aspects of their research. https://anusa.com.au/life/clublist/
Each year, we will invite you to the researchers
Connect with alumni Explore events calendar
Career Connect fair, usually held Research support is about connection
in Semester 2. It brings industries around the world
and collaboration. In fact, we ANU events share and celebrate
and companies together on campus have a Research and Innovation Among our alumni are former research, education, policy
so you can talk to them about Services office which provides Australian prime minister Dr Kevin engagement and community. Listen
work opportunities and build your our higher degrees by research Rudd AC, Queensland premier to podcasts and attend lectures and
professional networks. (HDR) communities with training, Annastacia Palaszczuk and panel discussions with some of the
fellowships and support, and a Indonesia’s former foreign minister world’s finest thinkers.
Intern in public policy Graduate Research Office that works Dr Raden Mohammad Marty Muliana
environments with researchers directly. Training Natalegawa – as well as several
and activities where you’ll mingle musicians, comedians, CEOs, artists,
Unique to ANU are a range of special with other researchers include boot authors and scientists. Meet them at Discover ANU
internship programs that could see camps, candidate inductions, ethics our events. And, when you graduate, events
you working during semester breaks and integrity workshops, as well as enjoy all the benefits of being part of
alongside politicians and their aides entrepreneurship opportunities and our engaging international
in the ACT Legislative Assembly, local innovation networks. alumni community.
Parliament House or overseas in
the United States Congress. We also
offer internship courses in
non-policy disciplines.


Alternative dates
“The systems engineering
Some degrees, such as
the Master of Business
curriculum at ANU is giving me
Administration, have alternative the skills to contribute to cross-
application dates and processes. disciplinary problems. It’s shown me
how to communicate engineering work
and solutions with both specialists and
the general public. The program has
equipped me with insight into complex practical and
theoretical problems in the energy industry. I can
also evaluate complex systems in terms of technical
and social perspectives. ANU offers me a wide
range of study resources and extraordinary teaching
experiences. I work with highly distinguished scholars
in the field and excellent students from all around
the world.”
Tuan Tran – Vietnam
Master of Engineering (Renewable Energy)

“I am from the fourth smallest

country in the world. This
opportunity to study and learn
from the best academics, diplomats
and policy practitioners will have a
lifelong impact on my character, the
work I will contribute when I return home,
and the learning process that I will continue as an
ANU alumnus.”
Moira Simmons – Tuvalu
Master of National Security Policy



Support for your success

Fitting further study around your other commitments Wellbeing services Graduate research services
requires support, and we provide it in spades. Whenever you need confidential Our Graduate Research Office
medical care or counselling, you’ll find supports higher degrees by research
Whether it’s childcare or accommodation you need it right here on campus. You can either (HDR) candidates. It manages
make an appointment or walk in to see enrolment, leave and extensions,
to meet your goals – or even career guidance and a doctor or nurse. thesis submissions, examinations
enrolment help, it’s all here. and restrictions, and coordinates
Spiritual guidance scholarship rounds.

Student advisers Enrolment advice When you need spiritual support, our Email: gro@anu.edu.au
multifaith chaplains can help. They Phone: +61 2 6125 5777
Our advisers are available whenever ANU Student Central is your first port represent the Anglican, Catholic and
you need support with settling into of call for anything related to the
university life. They can help you with administration of your degree – from
Baptist churches and the Muslim, Students living with
Hindu, Jewish and Baha’i faiths, as well
orientation tasks, enrolling in your advice about enrolling in your courses as the humanist tradition. a disability
classes and other things you may need and managing your timetable to
to do before semester starts. payment of fees and how to get ready If you are a carer, have a medical
Mentoring condition or are living with a disability,
to graduate. Your ANU college can also
we'll provide you with advice about
English language support provide you with similar support. SET4ANU is a free mentoring program
support and adjustments that will
designed to help you transition to life
Our fun and relaxed English help you take part fully in your
conversation groups are a great way
Academic skills at ANU. Signing up to the program will
degree program.
match you with a later-year student
to meet new people and practice We supply workshops and one-on- volunteer who can help ease you
your English language skills with one sessions on academic writing, Email: access.inclusion@anu.edu.au
through your first few weeks
native speakers. research techniques, communication Phone: +61 2 6125 5036
on campus.
strategies, referencing, academic
Childcare integrity and how to prepare for 24/7 crisis line
exams. Just tell us what you need, and
We have five childcare centres to we’ll provide it. You can phone this crisis service if you
support you and your family. They
need relief from emotional distress,
cater for all ages up to pre-school
level. Some are committee-run, not-
Career planning help with managing immediate threats
to your safety or when you want to
for-profit centres, while others are The ANU Careers team can give you
learn about pathways to longer-term
privately owned and run. one-on-one practical advice about
support services.
your current or next career and will
point you to resources that can help
you increase your impact at interview.


“I am a lawyer, researcher
and aspiring legal
scholar. Ever since my
undergraduate law studies
in Nigeria and qualification
as a barrister and solicitor,
I’ve been eager to continue
broadening my academic and professional
horizons. So, I set my sights on international
study with the help of an education agent
and then the ANU Chancellor’s International
Scholarship. My courses give me insight to
matters related to one of my main passions:
international economic law – and ANU
College of Law events draw on the expertise
of its academics, as well as partners in the
legal profession, politics and other sectors.”
Anu Adeyemi – Nigeria
Master of International Law and Diplomacy


A campus experience that's

all about you City on your doorstep
The main ANU campus at Acton is just
a short walk or bike ride away from
Meet, shop and eat
Conveniently on the ANU campus are
cafes, a pharmacy, supermarket, and
Canberra’s CBD. This proximity makes a bookshop. They provide everything
Our beautiful and safe campus is a welcoming hub it easy to travel between classes and from basic groceries and snacks, to
of study and social activity. It offers everything all the things you may need in the city,
including banks, hairdressers, grocers
prescription medicines, stationery and
textbooks. Catch up with classmates
you need to complete your assignments, meet new and public transport. over a coffee or grab a bag of groceries
people and move easily between your classes, You’ll find some excellent restaurants,
bars, theatres and music venues in the Stay fit and healthy
part-time job and personal life. CBD as well.
Maintain your physical and mental
A room of your own Choose your room 24/7 library access and fitness at our swimming pool, two
gyms and four ovals. You can book
study spaces our indoor courts and fitness
Living in a secure, self-catered We offer a wide range of rooms and
student residence on our campus studios, both on and off campus. Our five libraries are open seven days spaces at great student rates. Like
puts your classes, libraries and all a week – and four of them 24 hours Canberra, the University is bike
the amenities of the Kambri student a day. They provide access to PC and and e-scooter friendly.
hub in easy reach, while providing you Mac computers, printers, copiers
with a supportive community, student Explore ANU and study spaces, as well as regular Catch public transport
events and residential advisers. residences workshops on how best to utilise their to campus
vast resources.
ANU guarantees all first-year You can easily travel to and
postgraduate students a room in a Our campus has plenty of other study from campus on Canberra’s
student residence. You can choose to Apply for student spaces to choose from too. For starters, efficient light rail and
live with other postgraduate scholars, there’s the six floors of the striking bus networks. The city's
or in a mixed residential community
accommodation Marie Reay Teaching Centre that roads have a network of
of undergraduate and postgraduate Apply for a room before you receive include flexible spaces with tables and bike paths that connect
students. a study offer. We'll try to place you chairs, kitchen facilities, cutting-edge the city and suburbs.
within the residence of your choice. technology and panoramic views of Affordable car parking
As a guide, rates for postgraduate the city. is also available on
accommodation in 2023 ranged campus.
between AUD309 and AUD350
per week.
Request a room


“As part of the Australian
Awards Scholarship network,
I have had an experience of
ANU that has gone beyond the
classroom. Recently, I travelled
to Newcastle in New South Wales
to network with professors and
learn about how Australia is tackling the UN
Sustainable Goals. It's been eye-opening and
inspiring to be part of such initiatives.”
Binh Thanh Ho, Vietnam
Master of Public Policy

“I feel lucky to have been

given real industry experience
24/7 security in an IT company and to be
The ANU Security team and the able to work as a tutor for a
free ANUOK app work together computer science course while
to make sure our campus is a studying at ANU. One of the best
safe environment for you. Reach
them quickly by downloading the resources here is the members
ANUOK app when you arrive. of the community. Interact with lecturers,
tutors, peers and staff members as you will
have something new to learn. Sometimes,
the ANUOK app
conversations can lead to more opportunities.”
Ting Wang – China
Master of Digital Humanities and Public Culture


Find your next Coursework degrees

We offer graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and master’s degrees. Some

of these qualifications have a research part that involves working with an
academic supervisor. ANU also provides the following coursework programs.

Flexible double master

• Diplomacy
From the arts, politics, international studies and Unique to ANU, the powerful flexible
• History
double master degree is a two-year
languages to the sciences, cybernetics, health, study program of the ANU College of
• Management

law and Asia-Pacific studies, there’s a coursework Arts and Social Sciences. Build yours • Pacific development
by combining two master's programs
or research degree for you at ANU. Each has the from the list below. • Social research methods

exceptional knowledge and learning experiences • Anthropology Short courses

you need to get where you want to go. • Applied Anthropology and Also known as graduate certificates,
development these are great places to start
postgraduate study if you're not ready
Postgraduate study Subject areas • Art history and curatorial studies to commit to a bigger program just yet.
pathway • Arts, society and culture To find the one for you, search 'graduate
• Contemporary art
certificates' on our programs and
• Graduate certificate (24 units)
• Asia-Pacific, international courses web page.
Six months’ full-time study • Digital humanities and public
relations and security studies
For a full list of postgraduate
• Graduate diploma (48 units)
• Business and commerce coursework degrees, go to page 16.
One year full-time study
• Engineering and computing
• Master degree (96 units)
Two years’ full-time study • Health, medicine and psychology
Research degrees
• Master degree (advanced) (96 • Law and legal studies
units) Two years’ full-time study, ANU offers the following higher degrees by research (HDR) programs. You can
including a 24-unit supervised • Natural, physical and apply for these throughout the year.
sub-thesis environmental sciences • Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Explore our research areas on
page 20 and discover how to apply
• Higher degrees by research (HDR) • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) for them on pages 26-29.


"I already had a clear
Find your degree idea of what I wanted to
do and I moved all the way
Browse our coursework and
research degrees and discover
to Australia because ANU
GPA, prerequisite subject and any had exactly what I needed in
other admissions requirements terms of research. I’m getting
that you’ll need to meet before you
a quality education here. The
relationship that a student has with a
supervisor or a professor – it’s very casual.
Search programs And that’s one thing that I really like; I don’t
and courses have to hesitate before troubling them with
questions because they are just there to help
you. That gives me permission to explore
and satisfy my curiosity and was a good
surprise. I won’t say it has been a very easy
journey because, considering the level of
the University, it has been a draining one –
but in a good way. You just need to buckle
up and when the semester begins, or when
your research begins, you need to power
through that."
Priya Rao – Zambia
Master of Science (Advanced)


160 postgraduate programs

Our extensive postgraduate study options include Duration Semester
Indicative annual
fee for international

graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and Program name1 (years) Intake students (AUD)2 CRICOS code

Master of Social Research Methods 1 1&2 48,035 108327B

master’s degrees, as well as higher degrees Master of Social Research Methods (Advanced) 1.5 1&2 48,035 108328A

by research. Master of Studies (Exit only) 1.5 1&2 50,760 108332E

ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

Indicative annual Graduate Certificate of Climate Policy 0.5 1 25,380 103367A
Duration Semester fee for international
Program name1 (years) Intake students (AUD)2 CRICOS code Graduate Certificate of Diplomacy 0.5 1&2 25,380 103869A
Graduate Certificate of Engaging Asia 0.5 1&2 24,840 103364D
ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences
Graduate Certificate of Engaging the Pacific 0.5 1 24,840 103365C
Graduate Certificate of Demography 0.5 1 24,020 108301A
Graduate Certificate of Environmental and Resource 0.5 1 24,016 103865E
Graduate Certificate of Middle Eastern and Central 0.5 1&2 24,016 107758J Economics
Asian Studies
Graduate Certificate of Environmental Management 0.5 1 25,380 107175K
Graduate Certificate of Studies 0.5 1&2 24,840 082261M
Graduate Certificate of International and 0.5 1 24,016 103866D
Master of Anthropology 1 1&2 48,035 108302M Development Economics
Master of Anthropology (Advanced) 1.5 1&2 48,035 108303K Graduate Certificate of International Relations 0.5 1&2 24,840 103867C
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science 2 1&2 48,035 096399M Graduate Certificate of National Security Policy 0.5 1 25,380 103864F
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science 2 1&2 48,035 096400A Graduate Certificate of Pacific Development 0.5 1&2 24,840 103366B
Graduate Certificate of Policy Design and Analysis 0.5 1 24,840 103871G
Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies 1 1&2 45,060 108306G
Graduate Certificate of Political Science 0.5 1&2 24,840 103870H
Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies 1.5 1&2 48,035 108307F
(Advanced) Graduate Certificate of Public Management 0.5 1 24,840 103863G
Master of Contemporary Art Practices 1 1 45,060 108308E Graduate Certificate of Public Policy 0.5 1 25,380 089715G
Master of Contemporary Art Practices (Advanced) 1.5 1 45,060 108309D Graduate Certificate of Strategic Studies 0.5 1&2 24,840 103868B
Master of Digital Humanities and Public Culture 1 1&2 48,035 108314G Graduate Diploma of International Affairs 1 1&2 50,760 088970M
Master of Digital Humanities and Public Culture 1.5 1&2 48,035 108315F Master of Asian and Pacific Studies 2 1&2 48,035 093286M
Master of Climate Change 1.5 1 50,760 102926E
Master of General and Applied Linguistics 1.5 1&2 48,035 108329M
Master of Diplomacy 1 1&2 50,760 111566E
Master of General and Applied Linguistics 2 1&2 48,035 082302G
Master of Engaging Asia 1.5 1&2 50,760 103371E
Master of Environmental and Resource Economics 2 1 46,035 082295A
Master of History 1 1 48,035 108325D
Master of Environmental Management and 2 1 50,760 082296M
Master of History (Advanced) 1.5 1&2 48,035 108326C
Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies 1.5 1 48,035 108330G
Master of International and Development Economics 2 1 48,035 082308A
Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies 2 1 48,035 082339E
Master of International Law and Diplomacy 2 1&2 50,760 0101475
Master of International Relations 2 1&2 50,760 082309M
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies 1.5 1&2 48,035 108331F
Master of National Security Policy 1.5 1 50,760 0101473
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies (Advanced) 2 1&2 48,035 085332K


Indicative annual Indicative annual
Duration Semester fee for international Duration Semester fee for international
Program name1 (years) Intake students (AUD)2 CRICOS code Program name1 (years) Intake students (AUD)2 CRICOS code

Master of Pacific Development 1 1&2 50,760 103372D Master of Financial Management and Law 2 1&2 49,397 103872F
Master of Political Science 1.5 1&2 50,760 102925F Master of International Management 2 1&2 48,035 088059J
Master of Political Science (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 096438J Master of Management 1 1&2 48,035 107176J
Master of Public Administration 1.5 1 50,760 102923H Master of Management (Advanced) 2 1&2 48,035 107177H
Master of Public Policy 2 1 50,760 082349C Master of Marketing Management 2 1&2 48,035 091184M
Master of Regulation and Governance 1.5 1&2 50,760 103373C Master of Professional Accounting 1.5 1&2 48,035 050799G
Master of Strategic Studies 1.5 1&2 50,760 102924G Master of Project Management 2 1&2 48,035 082344G
Master of Strategic Studies (Advanced) 2 1 49,490 082355E Master of Statistical Data Analysis 1 1&2 50,217 111568C
Master of Technology Governance 1.5 Summer 49,680 111567D Master of Statistics 2 1&2 50,760 082353G
ANU College of Engineering, Computing & Cybernetics
ANU College of Business & Economics
Graduate Diploma of Applied Cybernetics 1 1 50,760 099473D
Graduate Certificate of Accounting 0.5 1&2 24,015 052700G
Graduate Diploma of Applied Data Analytics 1 1 50,760 097201M
Graduate Certificate of Economics 0.5 1&2 24,015 082256G
Graduate Diploma of Computing 1 1&2 50,760 078938E
Graduate Certificate of Finance and Actuarial 0.5 1&2 24,015 082257G
Statistics Master of Applied Cybernetics 1 1&2 50,760 103368M

Graduate Certificate of Management 0.5 1&2 24,015 030000G Master of Applied Cybernetics (Advanced) 1.5 1 50,760 103369K

Graduate Diploma of Economics 1 1&2 48,035 082263J Master of Applied Data Analytics 1.5 1 50,760 097058B

Master of Accounting 2 1&2 48,035 050800J Master of Computing 2 1&2 50,760 078940M

Master of Actuarial Practice 2.5 1&2 48,035 079658E Master of Computing (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 085934F

Master of Actuarial Studies 2 1 48,035 050802G Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering 2 1&2 50,760 077326G

Master of Applied Accounting 1 1&2 48,035 103370F Master of Engineering in Mechatronics 2 1&2 50,760 077326G

Master of Applied Accounting and Master of 2 1&2 48,033 111569B Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy 2 1&2 50,760 077326G
Financial Management Master of Machine Learning and Computer Vision 2 1&2 50,760 099247C
Master of Applied Economics 2 1&2 48,035 082269C
ANU College of Health & Medicine
Master of Applied Finance 1.5 1&2 48,035 079659D
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery 4 1 90,130 077442D
Master of Business Information Systems 2 1&2 48,345 050796M
Master of Clinical Psychology 2 1 53,610 003116G
Master of Commerce (Advanced) 2 1&2 48,035 093294M
Master of Culture, Health and Medicine 2 1&2 49,397 082283E
Master of Economic Policy 2 1&2 48,035 082289K
Master of Culture, Health and Medicine (Advanced) 2 1&2 49,397 082284D
Master of Economics 2 1&2 48,035 082290F
Master of Neuroscience 2 1&2 53,610 082376M
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2 1&2 48,035 091185K
Master of Neuroscience (Advanced) 2 1&2 53,610 082342K
Master of Finance 2 1&2 48,035 039762C
Master of Professional Psychology 2 1 53,610 096441C
Master of Financial Economics 2 1 48,035 086226D
Master of Public Health 2 1&2 50,760 082346F
Master of Financial Management 1 1&2 48,035 029316G
Master of Public Health (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082347E


Indicative annual Indicative annual
Duration Semester fee for international Duration Semester fee for international
Program name 1
(years) Intake students (AUD)2 CRICOS code Program name 1
(years) Intake students (AUD)2 CRICOS code

ANU College of Law Master of Science (Advanced) in Quantum 2 1&2 50,760 099253E
Graduate Certificate of Law 0.5 Summer 25,380 082258F
session Master of Science (Advanced) in Theoretical Physics 2 1&2 50,760 0101482

Graduate Certificate of New Technologies (online)** 0.5 1&2 22,932 N/A Master of Science Communication 2 1&2 50,760 082350K

Juris Doctor 3 1&2 56,470 061559M Master of Science in Agricultural Innovation 2 1&2 50,760 0101483

Master of Financial Management and Law 2 1&2 49,397 103872F Master of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics 2 1&2 50,760 0101476

Master of Laws 1 Summer 50,760 006504E Master of Science in Biological Sciences 2 1&2 50,760 096439G
session Master of Science in Earth Sciences 2 1&2 50,760 0101480
ANU College of Science Master of Science in Materials Science 2 1&2 50,760 102930J

Graduate Certificate of Disaster Risk Science and 0.5 1 25,380 099463F Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences 2 1&2 50,760 102929B
Sustainability Master of Science in Nuclear Science 2 1&2 50,760 099254D
Graduate Certificate of Science Communication 0.5 1& 2, winter 25,380 103862H Master of Science in Precision Instrumentation and 2 1&2 50,760 099248B
and spring Measurement
Master of Science in Quantitative Biology and 2 1&2 50,760 096439G
Graduate Diploma of Science 1 1&2 50,760 003114K Bioinformatics
Master of Biotechnology 2 1&2 50,760 082279A Master of Science in Quantum Technology 2 1&2 50,760 099252F
Master of Biotechnology (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082280G Master of Science in Theoretical Physics 2 1&2 50,760 0101481
Master of Earth Sciences (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082288M
Master of Energy Change 2 1&2 50,760 082291E
Master of Energy Change (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082292D
To be considered for admission to a program at ANU, you
Master of Environment 2 1&2 50,760 082293C
must meet the minimum admission requirements.
Master of Environment (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082294B
Master of Forests 2 1&2 50,217 111570J
Scan the QR code to learn more about program-specific
Master of Forests (Advanced) 2 1 50,217 111571H admission requirements.
Master of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082337G
Master of Science (Advanced) in Agricultural 2 1&2 50,760 0101484
Innovation 1. The University reserves the right to alter or discontinue its * This degree program has further selection criteria in
programs as required. Please note that not all degrees are addition to academic results.
Master of Science (Advanced) in Astronomy and 2 1&2 50,760 0101477 available to commence in semester 2.
Astrophysics ** These programs are not CRICOS registered. International
2. Indicative annual fees for international students are students cannot study these programs in Australia on an
Master of Science (Advanced) in Biological Sciences 2 1&2 50,760 096440D
subject to change. These fees are intended to serve as a Australian student visa.
Master of Science (Advanced) in Materials Science 2 1&2 50,760 102931H general guide and should not be considered a guarantee
of the actual fees that will be charged. Tuitition fees for Any exceptions are at the discretion of the academic area.
Master of Science (Advanced) in Nuclear Science 2 1&2 50,760 099251G individual courses are available in the relevant programs
Master of Science (Advanced) in Precision 2 1&2 50,760 099249A & courses course entry. For further information on
Instrumentation and Measurement international tuition fees, please visit
Master of Science (Advanced) in Quantitative 2 1&2 50,760 096440D
Biology and Bioinformatics



In their words Ounu Zakiy Sukaton – Indonesia

Master of General and Applied Linguistics
Two alumni and a current student talk about the I was interested in forensic linguistics and ANU offers the
ANU learning experience, why they chose to study best forensic linguistics learning in Australia.

with us and some of the skills and knowledge they I came to ANU because I was really interested in the linguistics
department. Their academic staff, such as Dr Susy Macqueen
have gained during their degree. and Dr Yuko Kinoshita, are very well known. I came with high
expectations, but they were exceeded by the reality on the ground.

It was hard, but the standards were very good. I enjoyed working with
professionals, people who are good in their field. We did hands-on exercises on
how to use specific tools, computer tools and real analysis on specific cases.
Nathalia Dias – Brazil
You get to practice what you learn in class, not just talk about it in theory.
Graduate, Master of Archaeological and
Evolutionary Science (Advanced)

With access to the ANU School of Archaeology and

Anthropology laboratory in paleo history – the only one of its
kind in the Southern Hemisphere – I was able to continue the Astha Sharma – India
research I began in Brazil. I was lucky enough to find senior Graduate, Doctor of Philosophy,
lecturer, Dr Justyna Miszkiewicz, to help me. ANU School of Engineering

I learned a lot about scientific methods at ANU, about the different Growing up, we used to have severe heat waves and water
possibilities in archaeology – things I didn't know before – while focusing scarcity due to drought. I went into renewable energy research
on what I needed and wanted to do for my career. Each of my courses was to work towards solving the problem.
theoretical and practical and I was able to practice analysis in them, which I
From the start, I was intrigued by the idea of working on solar
also had not been able to do back in Brazil.
cells. The solar photovoltaic group at ANU is one of the best in the world, and
I studied courses on social anthropology and the applications of social it was the cutting-edge research they were doing that prompted me to apply
anthropology to archaeology, and learned more about carbon dating. I also here.
studied health and disease. The Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary
During my bachelor's and master's degrees I had devoured the research papers
Science (Advanced) is the only course in the world, I think, with that
of recognised world leaders in solar cells at ANU, Dr Fiona Beck and Dr Kylie
Catchpole. They became supervisors for my PhD research, along with Dr Siva
Moving from Brazil to Canberra to study at ANU was one of the best Karuturi and Dr Heping Shen.
decisions I’ve made. After I graduated, I landed a job with Terra Rosa
When the solar hydrogen process that we designed met the US DOE standard,
Consulting in Perth. The combination of archaeology and biological
we set a world record for solar-to-hydrogen efficiency and provided a pathway
anthropology I had studied at ANU was very important for the project I
towards large-scale renewable hydrogen.
worked on.



Inspiring research to explore

Research is at the core of everything we do. It Future security Health and medicine
informs the content of our degrees, influences Strategy & defence Mental health & cognition
public policy and solves some of our region’s We're Australia’s home of strategic Our interdisciplinary behavioural
greatest challenges. studies research, education and
commentary. Our focus is on
research has applications in
e-health, ageing and wellbeing,
understanding the complexity chronic disease management and
of Asia’s strategic environment, perceptual psychology.
Culture, creativity and Environment and Australia’s place in it, and the utility
society sustainability and application of armed forces in Health policy
international affairs.
Indigenous studies Climate change We're breaking down some of the
barriers to health care, including
We're addressing key issues for Our interdisciplinary research is
Food security access, costs and insufficient
Indigenous populations and contributing to climate change We’re tackling the problems of food resources, with research that spans
increasing our understanding of their mitigation and developing adaptation security in an interdisciplinary way epidemiology, economics, regulation
cultures, laws and histories with solutions. With our connections to with global partners. Our research and informatics.
cross-disciplinary research in a government, the private sector and explores crop productivity and disease,
number of fields. society, it’s also informing water and land management rights Combating diseases &
policy advice. and development, as well as economics
Social structures & and policy to improve outcomes for
processes Biodiversity vulnerable populations. By tackling complex diseases with our
hospital and health provider partners,
With deep connections to CSIRO
Our network of archaeology,
and global partners, ANU is pushing
Resilience & adaptation we’re translating findings into policies
anthropology and history scholars are that improve health outcomes for
working in remote and metropolitan biodiversity science forward using We are looking at the effects of all people.
Australia and Asia and the Pacific to innovative capabilities in genomics, development, climate change and
understand societies from ancient bioinformatics, ecological modelling policy decisions on Australian and
times to the present day. and biodiversity policy. Asia-Pacific region populations,
including First Nations peoples.
The arts Energy alternatives
Our interdisciplinary cultural inquiry, We're exploring new technologies
creative arts, museum and art for nuclear, fusion, solar, energy
curatorship research engages with storage, enhanced oil and gas,
the social issues facing Australia, biofuels and photosynthesis, and
including Indigenous cultural smart grid technology.


“During my degree,
there have been a lot
of challenges. The most
exciting challenge was
when my supervisors
Professor Andy Hogg and
Dr Wilma Huneke of the
ANU Research School of Earth Sciences
and I decided to run a new simulation
in the two weeks before my thesis
submission. I had to write more codes,
plot more figures and put these results
into my thesis before submitting it. The
pressure was on, but Andy and Wilma
encouraged me a lot and I just focused
on doing the best I could for everything,
rather than worrying about the result I
would get. In the end, I submitted a good
piece of work on time. I will continue the
work I started in my master’s program
by exploring physical oceanography and
ocean modeling around Antarctica. I am
currently trying to find a PhD program
and am considering multiple universities,
including ANU.”
Hangyu Meng – China
Graduate, Master of Earth Sciences (Advanced)



Regional and global Science Read our research news

context Discover the latest developments
Space sciences
in our research expertise, study
Asia & Pacific countries Exploration of cosmology, galaxies, programs, industry partnerships,
ANU hosts the English-speaking stars and exoplanets at ANU is seeing multi-college collaborations and
world's largest assembly of scholars us partner with global initiatives, such cutting-edge facilities.
dedicated to working on Asia and as the Giant Magellan Telescope,
the Pacific countries’ cultures and two optical observatories, and
languages. internationally respected luminaries
like Nobel laureate Professor Brian Learn more
Schmidt AC FAA FRS.
Regulation, justice & law
We're exploring legal systems and New materials & processes
governance; Australian, international
and public law; social justice; human ANU conducts extensive research into
rights and criminology. materials science and manufacturing,
chemical synthesis, nanoscience and
nanotechnology and their application
Economic growth & in many industries, including
wellbeing biomedical, space, manufacturing and
Our policy relationships and strengths energy.
in macroeconomics, global finance
and corporate strategy, among other Information age
disciplines, make ANU a powerhouse Through mathematics, computer
of business research in Australia. science, business information
systems, and engineering, we’re
working to improve the capabilities of
technology, and its ability to perform
tasks more efficiently and accurately,
while managing digital change.


“My Master of Laws (LLM) degree
prepared me for the rigours of my PhD
program. I had also practised as a lawyer
in the Philippines, specialising in the
fields of cybercrime prevention and data
privacy protection. ANU offers a strong
research profile and an opportunity to work
under the supervision of leading scholars. These were my
considerations in selecting which schools to apply for.
The relationship of ANU with the government crafting
policies concerning international law and Canberra’s quiet
atmosphere create a unique environment for writing a
doctoral dissertation in."
Gemmo Fernandez – Philippines
Doctor of Philosophy



How to fund your degree

4. Work in Australia 7. Ask your employer to fund
Ways to fund your tuition fees and other study
your degree
expenses include getting a student loan, earning With your Australian student visa, you
Most employers budget for
can work part-time for up to 48 hours
a scholarship or getting a job in Australia. Explore every two weeks during semester – professional development and further
study is one of the best ways to build
options for your situation. and unrestricted hours during study
breaks. This could help fund your living your skillset while adding value to your
costs and give you some practical organisation. If your employer is going
work experience while you're to gain from your studies, think about
1. Apply for a scholarship asking if they will pay for your degree.
Learn more about in Australia.
ANU offers 200-plus scholarships the Chancellor’s
every year. Their availability depends International 5. Earn a scholarship from Paying your ANU tuition
on the course you choose, the college Scholarship
managing it and your circumstances. your home country When you accept an offer with ANU,
Start by viewing all ANU international Some governments offer financial we'll ask you to pay a AUD20,000 (or
postgraduate scholarships and finding 3. Gain credit for study and support to international students AUD40,000 for Doctor of Medicine and
out how to apply for them. work experience studying in Australia. You’ll have to Surgery) deposit. Your tuition fees will
find more information yourself, since then be withdrawn from this deposit
Credit for prior study or outstanding each country is different, but if you’re until the money runs out, after which
Browse work experience reduces the cost of successful, a scholarship from your you’ll receive an invoice at the start of
postgraduate your degree by saving you from having government can cover a large portion each semester.
scholarships to complete a course. Course credit of your study fees.
can be equivalent to the value of a Learn more about your work rights as
specific ANU course (specified credit) an international student on the Fair
or not equivalent (unspecified credit)
6. Take out a student loan Work Australia website,
2. Get a Chancellor’s
and count towards a major, minor or A student loan is like any other loan; www.fairwork.gov.au
International Scholarship elective course. it involves repaying an amount you
This ANU scholarship can support borrow together with accumulated
up to 200 academically outstanding interest. Check if your government
international students from around offers student loans, as they usually
Learn more about have less interest than private
the world – and we will automatically course credit
consider you for it when you submit institutions.
your application to ANU. It reduces
tuition fees by 25% or 50%, as well as
the amount of your tuition fee deposit.


“The financial stability of the
Chancellor’s International Scholarship
enables me to choose how I want to
contribute to the community. Whether it’s
volunteering with the ReCyclery and the
Canberra Environment Centre, ANU Thrive,
or joining the faculty as a tutor, I would not
have the free time to do such things – plus keep up with
my study – if I didn’t have this scholarship.”
Trevin Susanto – Indonesia
Master of Economics


Coursework applicants
Make sure you meet our admission requirements How to apply
before you apply. When we receive your application, You can nominate only one degree on your application. Apply before the 15th day
we’ll automatically consider you for a range of of the month and ANU will consider you for an offer on the 1st business day of the
following month.
Applying costs AUD110.

Admission requirements When we receive your application, we will rank it against other candidates
applying for the same degree.
Check that you meet the following requirements now. Doing this will make the
You need to apply for accommodation separately. Learn more on page 12.
application process smoother for you.

Qualifications checklist for you to meet. Learn more about Apply through an agent Apply directly to ANU
these by clicking on the ‘Admissions
I have one of the following: and fees’ tab in your degree program’s An education agent can support you You can apply directly to the University
web page. throughout the application process by creating an account in the ANU
F an Australian bachelor’s degree or
and answer your questions about ANU. postgraduate application portal.
international equivalent
Supporting documentation They can also upload your supporting Upload your details and follow the
F an almost completed Australian documentation and submit your prompts to navigate your way through
You will need to upload to your application on your behalf. each step. You can log out and go back
bachelor’s degree or international application clear, colour copies of your:
equivalent+ to your application at any time before
you submit it.
• academic transcripts
F extensive and related work
experience++ • graduation certificates Find an agent
Go to the ANU
Related subjects and scores • curriculum vitae
application portal
Some ANU degrees have related or • documentation that proves you
‘cognate’ subjects that you will need meet the ANU English language
to have completed. Some also have a requirements.
minimum grade point average (GPA)

+ Let us know the date you expect to complete your degree in your application form and then supply us with a
copy of it after we make you an offer.
++ If you do not have a bachelor’s degree, you can provide a curriculum vitae with your ANU application that
includes your employment history (duties, responsibilities, hours, name and nature of employer) and provide the
contact details of two referees. Your work experience will need to reflect the requirements of the degree you are
applying for, so please find out what these are on the program and courses web pages at


Find your degree Application dates 2024
Browse our coursework and Semester 1
research degrees and discover GPA, 14 March – 15 December 2023
prerequisite subject and any other
admissions requirements that you’ll Semester 2
need to meet before you apply. 1 June 2023 – 15 May 2024

Application dates 2025

Search programs Semester 1
and courses March – December 2024

Semester 2
June 2024 – May 2025
Talk to us
The members of our Future Student
Experience team can answer any
questions you have about our degrees
and the application process. If they
can’t help, they’ll put you in touch with
the people in our colleges who can.

Talk to ANU


Higher degrees by research

(HDR) applicants Find a supervisor
Finding the right supervisor is the first
step of your higher degree by research
Learn more about
HDR admission

journey. Your supervisor will guide you

Find a supervisor at ANU before you apply. When throughout your research program.
Follow the steps
we receive your application, we’ll automatically Applying for a PhD or MPhil is a bit
consider you for a scholarship. like applying for a job, so it’s a good
idea to approach your supervisor
in a professional manner. Take the Explore research areas
Admission requirements time to explore their research and
publications before you get in touch. We are a research-intensive university
To study a higher degree by research at ANU, you must have one of the following: Write a brief email introducing and our research priorities reflect the
yourself and why you will be a good challenges facing the world today.
• an Australian bachelor's degree with at least second-class honours, or the fit as an HDR candidate in their
international equivalent^ research area.

• another degree with a significant research/thesis component Researchers at ANU belong to one of Discover
the seven academic colleges. Start research areas
• a combination of qualifications, research publications and/or professional by exploring the ones in the college
experience related to your field of study. whose disciplines are most relevant to
you. You may find that more than one
Before you apply, you must also have the approval of a supervisor and/or one of
our colleges.
college can offer you supervision in Talk to an ANU college
your study area.
College staff assess HDR applications
Your application should include:
You need the approval of a potential and will rank yours against other
• a short, draft research proposal supervisor and the endorsement of candidates. If they endorse you, they
their college before you can apply. will automatically consider you for a
• a list of three referees and their contact details Colleges and supervisors may also scholarship.
have their own application processes.
• original and translated copies of your supporting documents, such as
academic transcripts and graduation certificates. Discover the
process for your
research area

^ Some programs may require upper first-class honours.


All applicants

How to apply Other admission requirements

Apply through the ANU postgraduate application portal at any time of the year. Before you can study a coursework or higher degree at ANU and in Australia, you
Make sure that you do this within the deadline of any scholarships you may will need to organise the following:
be considering.

We take 6–8 weeks to assess applications. This could take longer if we're also Proof of language ability Overseas student health
considering you for a scholarship. You need to show that you meet
cover (OSHC)
You need to apply for accommodation separately. Learn more on page 12. our English language requirements. Once you have accepted your offer,
We accept several English tests as organise your Overseas Student Health
evidence of this, including IELTS, PTE Cover. This is a mandatory requirement
Academic and TOEFL and some high of your student visa (unless your home
Start your research Find your degree school qualifications completed in country has a Reciprocal Health Care
application Browse our coursework and
English. Agreement with Australia).
Log in to the ANU application portal. research degrees and discover GPA, Your OSHC will cover the costs of visits
It’s free! Once you register, you can log prerequisite subject and any other Learn more to the doctor, some hospital treatment,
out and go back to your application at admissions requirements you’ll need about our English ambulance services and some
any time. to meet before you apply. requirements pharmaceuticals (medicines) while
you are studying in Australia.

Go to the ANU Search programs Student visa

application portal and courses Learn more about
After you receive confirmation of your OSHC
enrolment and before you arrive in
Australia to study, you will need to
apply for, and be granted, a student
Contact the Graduate visa. This is likely to be a subclass 500
Research Office student visa.

We can help you with any queries All visas are subject to conditions and
you have about the status of your you must ensure that you comply with
application or connect you to your these at all times. You must also have a
college or research area. valid passport for the duration of your
Email: gro@anu.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 6125 5777
Explore visa


Student Guide
TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12002 (Australian University) | CRICOS Provider: #00120C | SCTASK0077987

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