Postgraduate-International-Student Guide-2024-25_0
Postgraduate-International-Student Guide-2024-25_0
Postgraduate-International-Student Guide-2024-25_0
Contents reasons why
ANU is for you
Going boldly where none have gone before 2
We're Australia's most international university1
Canberra 4
In Canberra, 25% of people speak a language other than English,4
The ANU learning experience 6
many of them studying at ANU. With our student population
Grow your network 8 representing Australia and countries around the world, we're rated
Australia's most international university for a reason.
Support for your success 10
Campus and accommodation 12 Small, interactive classes taught by world-leading
ANU degrees 14 academics
Student stories 19 Connecting with your talented lecturers, tutors and classmates – and
Research opportunities 20 amazing resources – is easy. Our student-teacher ratios are among the best
in Australian universities and our learning facilities are second to none. As
Financing your degree 24 a trusted intellectual powerhouse, we also offer opportunities unique to a
national capital, including access to government decision makers and
How to apply 26
industry internships.
He insists that the key to a rewarding “I’d like to create a class that will
career is to do something you enjoy explore contemporary Australian
and not to prejudge whether you’ll be
successful until you give it a try.
Student advisers Enrolment advice When you need spiritual support, our Email:
multifaith chaplains can help. They Phone: +61 2 6125 5777
Our advisers are available whenever ANU Student Central is your first port represent the Anglican, Catholic and
you need support with settling into of call for anything related to the
university life. They can help you with administration of your degree – from
Baptist churches and the Muslim, Students living with
Hindu, Jewish and Baha’i faiths, as well
orientation tasks, enrolling in your advice about enrolling in your courses as the humanist tradition. a disability
classes and other things you may need and managing your timetable to
to do before semester starts. payment of fees and how to get ready If you are a carer, have a medical
Mentoring condition or are living with a disability,
to graduate. Your ANU college can also
we'll provide you with advice about
English language support provide you with similar support. SET4ANU is a free mentoring program
support and adjustments that will
designed to help you transition to life
Our fun and relaxed English help you take part fully in your
conversation groups are a great way
Academic skills at ANU. Signing up to the program will
degree program.
match you with a later-year student
to meet new people and practice We supply workshops and one-on- volunteer who can help ease you
your English language skills with one sessions on academic writing, Email:
through your first few weeks
native speakers. research techniques, communication Phone: +61 2 6125 5036
on campus.
strategies, referencing, academic
Childcare integrity and how to prepare for 24/7 crisis line
exams. Just tell us what you need, and
We have five childcare centres to we’ll provide it. You can phone this crisis service if you
support you and your family. They
need relief from emotional distress,
cater for all ages up to pre-school
level. Some are committee-run, not-
Career planning help with managing immediate threats
to your safety or when you want to
for-profit centres, while others are The ANU Careers team can give you
learn about pathways to longer-term
privately owned and run. one-on-one practical advice about
support services.
your current or next career and will
point you to resources that can help
you increase your impact at interview.
of these qualifications have a research part that involves working with an
academic supervisor. ANU also provides the following coursework programs.
law and Asia-Pacific studies, there’s a coursework Arts and Social Sciences. Build yours • Pacific development
by combining two master's programs
or research degree for you at ANU. Each has the from the list below. • Social research methods
graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and Program name1 (years) Intake students (AUD)2 CRICOS code
Master of Pacific Development 1 1&2 50,760 103372D Master of Financial Management and Law 2 1&2 49,397 103872F
Master of Political Science 1.5 1&2 50,760 102925F Master of International Management 2 1&2 48,035 088059J
Master of Political Science (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 096438J Master of Management 1 1&2 48,035 107176J
Master of Public Administration 1.5 1 50,760 102923H Master of Management (Advanced) 2 1&2 48,035 107177H
Master of Public Policy 2 1 50,760 082349C Master of Marketing Management 2 1&2 48,035 091184M
Master of Regulation and Governance 1.5 1&2 50,760 103373C Master of Professional Accounting 1.5 1&2 48,035 050799G
Master of Strategic Studies 1.5 1&2 50,760 102924G Master of Project Management 2 1&2 48,035 082344G
Master of Strategic Studies (Advanced) 2 1 49,490 082355E Master of Statistical Data Analysis 1 1&2 50,217 111568C
Master of Technology Governance 1.5 Summer 49,680 111567D Master of Statistics 2 1&2 50,760 082353G
ANU College of Engineering, Computing & Cybernetics
ANU College of Business & Economics
Graduate Diploma of Applied Cybernetics 1 1 50,760 099473D
Graduate Certificate of Accounting 0.5 1&2 24,015 052700G
Graduate Diploma of Applied Data Analytics 1 1 50,760 097201M
Graduate Certificate of Economics 0.5 1&2 24,015 082256G
Graduate Diploma of Computing 1 1&2 50,760 078938E
Graduate Certificate of Finance and Actuarial 0.5 1&2 24,015 082257G
Statistics Master of Applied Cybernetics 1 1&2 50,760 103368M
Graduate Certificate of Management 0.5 1&2 24,015 030000G Master of Applied Cybernetics (Advanced) 1.5 1 50,760 103369K
Graduate Diploma of Economics 1 1&2 48,035 082263J Master of Applied Data Analytics 1.5 1 50,760 097058B
Master of Accounting 2 1&2 48,035 050800J Master of Computing 2 1&2 50,760 078940M
Master of Actuarial Practice 2.5 1&2 48,035 079658E Master of Computing (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 085934F
Master of Actuarial Studies 2 1 48,035 050802G Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering 2 1&2 50,760 077326G
Master of Applied Accounting 1 1&2 48,035 103370F Master of Engineering in Mechatronics 2 1&2 50,760 077326G
Master of Applied Accounting and Master of 2 1&2 48,033 111569B Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy 2 1&2 50,760 077326G
Financial Management Master of Machine Learning and Computer Vision 2 1&2 50,760 099247C
Master of Applied Economics 2 1&2 48,035 082269C
ANU College of Health & Medicine
Master of Applied Finance 1.5 1&2 48,035 079659D
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery 4 1 90,130 077442D
Master of Business Information Systems 2 1&2 48,345 050796M
Master of Clinical Psychology 2 1 53,610 003116G
Master of Commerce (Advanced) 2 1&2 48,035 093294M
Master of Culture, Health and Medicine 2 1&2 49,397 082283E
Master of Economic Policy 2 1&2 48,035 082289K
Master of Culture, Health and Medicine (Advanced) 2 1&2 49,397 082284D
Master of Economics 2 1&2 48,035 082290F
Master of Neuroscience 2 1&2 53,610 082376M
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2 1&2 48,035 091185K
Master of Neuroscience (Advanced) 2 1&2 53,610 082342K
Master of Finance 2 1&2 48,035 039762C
Master of Professional Psychology 2 1 53,610 096441C
Master of Financial Economics 2 1 48,035 086226D
Master of Public Health 2 1&2 50,760 082346F
Master of Financial Management 1 1&2 48,035 029316G
Master of Public Health (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082347E
ANU College of Law Master of Science (Advanced) in Quantum 2 1&2 50,760 099253E
Graduate Certificate of Law 0.5 Summer 25,380 082258F
session Master of Science (Advanced) in Theoretical Physics 2 1&2 50,760 0101482
Graduate Certificate of New Technologies (online)** 0.5 1&2 22,932 N/A Master of Science Communication 2 1&2 50,760 082350K
Juris Doctor 3 1&2 56,470 061559M Master of Science in Agricultural Innovation 2 1&2 50,760 0101483
Master of Financial Management and Law 2 1&2 49,397 103872F Master of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics 2 1&2 50,760 0101476
Master of Laws 1 Summer 50,760 006504E Master of Science in Biological Sciences 2 1&2 50,760 096439G
session Master of Science in Earth Sciences 2 1&2 50,760 0101480
ANU College of Science Master of Science in Materials Science 2 1&2 50,760 102930J
Graduate Certificate of Disaster Risk Science and 0.5 1 25,380 099463F Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences 2 1&2 50,760 102929B
Sustainability Master of Science in Nuclear Science 2 1&2 50,760 099254D
Graduate Certificate of Science Communication 0.5 1& 2, winter 25,380 103862H Master of Science in Precision Instrumentation and 2 1&2 50,760 099248B
and spring Measurement
Master of Science in Quantitative Biology and 2 1&2 50,760 096439G
Graduate Diploma of Science 1 1&2 50,760 003114K Bioinformatics
Master of Biotechnology 2 1&2 50,760 082279A Master of Science in Quantum Technology 2 1&2 50,760 099252F
Master of Biotechnology (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082280G Master of Science in Theoretical Physics 2 1&2 50,760 0101481
Master of Earth Sciences (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082288M
Master of Energy Change 2 1&2 50,760 082291E
Master of Energy Change (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082292D
To be considered for admission to a program at ANU, you
Master of Environment 2 1&2 50,760 082293C
must meet the minimum admission requirements.
Master of Environment (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082294B
Master of Forests 2 1&2 50,217 111570J
Scan the QR code to learn more about program-specific
Master of Forests (Advanced) 2 1 50,217 111571H admission requirements.
Master of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced) 2 1&2 50,760 082337G
Master of Science (Advanced) in Agricultural 2 1&2 50,760 0101484
Innovation 1. The University reserves the right to alter or discontinue its * This degree program has further selection criteria in
programs as required. Please note that not all degrees are addition to academic results.
Master of Science (Advanced) in Astronomy and 2 1&2 50,760 0101477 available to commence in semester 2.
Astrophysics ** These programs are not CRICOS registered. International
2. Indicative annual fees for international students are students cannot study these programs in Australia on an
Master of Science (Advanced) in Biological Sciences 2 1&2 50,760 096440D
subject to change. These fees are intended to serve as a Australian student visa.
Master of Science (Advanced) in Materials Science 2 1&2 50,760 102931H general guide and should not be considered a guarantee
of the actual fees that will be charged. Tuitition fees for Any exceptions are at the discretion of the academic area.
Master of Science (Advanced) in Nuclear Science 2 1&2 50,760 099251G individual courses are available in the relevant programs
Master of Science (Advanced) in Precision 2 1&2 50,760 099249A & courses course entry. For further information on
Instrumentation and Measurement international tuition fees, please visit
Master of Science (Advanced) in Quantitative 2 1&2 50,760 096440D
Biology and Bioinformatics
with us and some of the skills and knowledge they I came to ANU because I was really interested in the linguistics
department. Their academic staff, such as Dr Susy Macqueen
have gained during their degree. and Dr Yuko Kinoshita, are very well known. I came with high
expectations, but they were exceeded by the reality on the ground.
It was hard, but the standards were very good. I enjoyed working with
professionals, people who are good in their field. We did hands-on exercises on
how to use specific tools, computer tools and real analysis on specific cases.
Nathalia Dias – Brazil
You get to practice what you learn in class, not just talk about it in theory.
Graduate, Master of Archaeological and
Evolutionary Science (Advanced)
I learned a lot about scientific methods at ANU, about the different Growing up, we used to have severe heat waves and water
possibilities in archaeology – things I didn't know before – while focusing scarcity due to drought. I went into renewable energy research
on what I needed and wanted to do for my career. Each of my courses was to work towards solving the problem.
theoretical and practical and I was able to practice analysis in them, which I
From the start, I was intrigued by the idea of working on solar
also had not been able to do back in Brazil.
cells. The solar photovoltaic group at ANU is one of the best in the world, and
I studied courses on social anthropology and the applications of social it was the cutting-edge research they were doing that prompted me to apply
anthropology to archaeology, and learned more about carbon dating. I also here.
studied health and disease. The Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary
During my bachelor's and master's degrees I had devoured the research papers
Science (Advanced) is the only course in the world, I think, with that
of recognised world leaders in solar cells at ANU, Dr Fiona Beck and Dr Kylie
Catchpole. They became supervisors for my PhD research, along with Dr Siva
Moving from Brazil to Canberra to study at ANU was one of the best Karuturi and Dr Heping Shen.
decisions I’ve made. After I graduated, I landed a job with Terra Rosa
When the solar hydrogen process that we designed met the US DOE standard,
Consulting in Perth. The combination of archaeology and biological
we set a world record for solar-to-hydrogen efficiency and provided a pathway
anthropology I had studied at ANU was very important for the project I
towards large-scale renewable hydrogen.
worked on.
Coursework applicants
Make sure you meet our admission requirements How to apply
before you apply. When we receive your application, You can nominate only one degree on your application. Apply before the 15th day
we’ll automatically consider you for a range of of the month and ANU will consider you for an offer on the 1st business day of the
following month.
Applying costs AUD110.
Admission requirements When we receive your application, we will rank it against other candidates
applying for the same degree.
Check that you meet the following requirements now. Doing this will make the
You need to apply for accommodation separately. Learn more on page 12.
application process smoother for you.
Qualifications checklist for you to meet. Learn more about Apply through an agent Apply directly to ANU
these by clicking on the ‘Admissions
I have one of the following: and fees’ tab in your degree program’s An education agent can support you You can apply directly to the University
web page. throughout the application process by creating an account in the ANU
F an Australian bachelor’s degree or
and answer your questions about ANU. postgraduate application portal.
international equivalent
Supporting documentation They can also upload your supporting Upload your details and follow the
F an almost completed Australian documentation and submit your prompts to navigate your way through
You will need to upload to your application on your behalf. each step. You can log out and go back
bachelor’s degree or international application clear, colour copies of your:
equivalent+ to your application at any time before
you submit it.
• academic transcripts
F extensive and related work
experience++ • graduation certificates Find an agent
Go to the ANU
Related subjects and scores • curriculum vitae
application portal
Some ANU degrees have related or • documentation that proves you
‘cognate’ subjects that you will need meet the ANU English language
to have completed. Some also have a requirements.
minimum grade point average (GPA)
+ Let us know the date you expect to complete your degree in your application form and then supply us with a
copy of it after we make you an offer.
++ If you do not have a bachelor’s degree, you can provide a curriculum vitae with your ANU application that
includes your employment history (duties, responsibilities, hours, name and nature of employer) and provide the
contact details of two referees. Your work experience will need to reflect the requirements of the degree you are
applying for, so please find out what these are on the program and courses web pages at
Semester 2
June 2024 – May 2025
Talk to us
The members of our Future Student
Experience team can answer any
questions you have about our degrees
and the application process. If they
can’t help, they’ll put you in touch with
the people in our colleges who can.
Talk to ANU
• another degree with a significant research/thesis component Researchers at ANU belong to one of Discover
the seven academic colleges. Start research areas
• a combination of qualifications, research publications and/or professional by exploring the ones in the college
experience related to your field of study. whose disciplines are most relevant to
you. You may find that more than one
Before you apply, you must also have the approval of a supervisor and/or one of
our colleges.
college can offer you supervision in Talk to an ANU college
your study area.
College staff assess HDR applications
Your application should include:
You need the approval of a potential and will rank yours against other
• a short, draft research proposal supervisor and the endorsement of candidates. If they endorse you, they
their college before you can apply. will automatically consider you for a
• a list of three referees and their contact details Colleges and supervisors may also scholarship.
have their own application processes.
• original and translated copies of your supporting documents, such as
academic transcripts and graduation certificates. Discover the
process for your
research area
We take 6–8 weeks to assess applications. This could take longer if we're also Proof of language ability Overseas student health
considering you for a scholarship. You need to show that you meet
cover (OSHC)
You need to apply for accommodation separately. Learn more on page 12. our English language requirements. Once you have accepted your offer,
We accept several English tests as organise your Overseas Student Health
evidence of this, including IELTS, PTE Cover. This is a mandatory requirement
Academic and TOEFL and some high of your student visa (unless your home
Start your research Find your degree school qualifications completed in country has a Reciprocal Health Care
application Browse our coursework and
English. Agreement with Australia).
Log in to the ANU application portal. research degrees and discover GPA, Your OSHC will cover the costs of visits
It’s free! Once you register, you can log prerequisite subject and any other Learn more to the doctor, some hospital treatment,
out and go back to your application at admissions requirements you’ll need about our English ambulance services and some
any time. to meet before you apply. requirements pharmaceuticals (medicines) while
you are studying in Australia.
We can help you with any queries All visas are subject to conditions and
you have about the status of your you must ensure that you comply with
application or connect you to your these at all times. You must also have a
college or research area. valid passport for the duration of your
Phone: +61 2 6125 5777
Explore visa