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Learn RabbitMQ
for Event-Driven
A beginner-friendly tutorial on how RabbitMQ
works and how to use RabbitMQ in Go using an
Event Driven Architecture
by Percy Bolmér, March 24, 2023
go microservices

Event-Driven architecture (EDA) is one of my

favorite things in programming. This architecture
allows us to build microservices and easily share
information between them.

In regular sequential software, you would have a

function trigger another function or a recurring
script that checks for certain things to do.

With Event-Driven architecture, we instead

leverage a Queue or a Pub/Sub schema. Allowing
different services to notify or send information
between them to trigger code to execute.

Event-Driven Architecture is often used to build

software that is highly flexible and extensible. This
is a result of being able to easily add functionality
or remove by simply listening to events with a new

It also makes it very easy to shadow deploy and

test new services in parallel with production, since
you can make the new service react to the same
events without interfering with the running system.

It is not all sunshine and roses however, some

consider EDA systems to be a little bit more
complex, and sometimes harder to test when
considering the full flow of services. I’d say the
testing is easier since we can easily trigger an
event and see how the related services react, or a
single service. But without proper documentation of
the architecture, it can also be hard to understand
what triggers what and why.

This tutorial will look at how you can use RabbitMQ

to build two microservices that communicate using
events. We will look at different paradigms used in
RabbitMQ, and while we will learn how to use
RabbitMQ in Go, we will mostly focus on learning
the concepts of RabbitMQ. Covering some
common mistakes and a few best practices to

RabbitMQ supports multiple protocols to send data,

but in this tutorial, we will focus on using AMQP.

Over the course of this tutorial, we will learn the


• Setup RabbitMQ using Docker

• Virtual Hosts, users, and permissions

• Managing RabbitmQ using CLI with

rabbitmqctl and rabbitmqadmin

• Learn about Producers, Consumers and how

to write them.

• Learn about Queues, Exchanges, and Binding

• Using Work Queues (first in and first out)

• Using Pub/Sub with RabbitMQ

• Using RPC-based patterns and callbacks.

• Encrypting traffic with TLS

• Using Configurations to declare resources in

If you would rather watch a video, you can find this article on my

All code used in the article can be found on Github

Installing RabbitMQ - Setup

User & Virtual host &

Getting RabbitMQ up and running can be done by

following the examples at Downloading And
Installing. I’d recommend following that guide when
going into production, but for this tutorial and to
experiment we can use an easier approach.

As always, the easiest way is to run a Docker!

This command will download the latest RabbitMQ

and start it as a background process, exposing
ports 5672 and 15672.

docker run -d --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672

Starting RabbitMQ as a Docker container

Port 5672 is to enable AMQP connections. AMQP
is the networking protocol used by RabbitMQ and
many other Message brokers.

Port 15672 is opened because the Admin UI And

management UI are hosted on that port, also the
API to manage RabbitMQ is on that port.

For more details on the ports, you can refer to the

networking guide of RabbitMQ.

Once the docker is started, let’s begin by visiting

the Management UI hosted at localhost:15672.

Whops, we need a User! Let’s create one using

RabbitMQCLI. Don’t worry about installing it, it is
present in the Docker Container we ran.

We can create a new user with the command

`add_user` followed by the username and

password. We use `docker exec rabbitmq` to

execute the command inside the docker, replace
`rabbitmq` with the name you have given the

docker container.

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqctl add_user percy secret

Adding a user using rabbitmqctl

I recommend giving Admin access during the
exploration as well. We can do this by adding an
administrator tag to the new user.

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqctl set_user_tags percy administra

Giving a user the Administrator tag

Oh, one last thing, there is a `guest` user by

default, I strongly recommend removing this user!
This user is only available to users using localhost,
but still better safe than sorry.

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqctl delete_user guest

Deleting a user using delete_user

That’s it, back to the Management UI and log in.

Once logged in you will see a rather old-looking UI,

but it is great because we can really monitor
RabbitMQ from here, and see what is going on. We
will not play around with the UI yet, we need a
service that actually connects and sends data first.
Before we start hacking, we need to fix two more

Resources in RabbitMQ, such as Queues and

other things we will learn more about soon are
separated by a logical layer, this logical layer is
called a Virtual Host (Vhost).

The easiest way to explain Virtual Hosts would be,

but probably wrong in some ways, to compare it to
a Namespace.

We can use these vhosts to group certain

resources together and restrict access by adding
the users who are allowed to use the vhost.

Let’s begin by creating the vhost using the

`add_vhost` command, it accepts a single input

which is the name of the vhost.

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqctl add_vhost customers

Creating a virtual host

Now that we have a vhost, we can add permissions

to the user we created earlier so that it is allowed
to connect.

Adding permissions is done with

`set_permissions` command, we use the `-p`

flag to specify the vhost to add permissions on.

The next item in the syntax is the user to add
The last part of the command is the scary part, it’s
a regexp that defines what permission to add, an
example to add all permissions could look like, or
permissions on all resources beginning with
`customer-` would be `"^customer-*"`.

There will be 3 regexp slots, in order, it configures

the permissions for the following.

• Conf - Permission to configure resources

matching regexp

• Write - Permission to write on resources

matching regexp

• Read - Permission to read on resources

matching regexp

The full command to add full access to configure,

write, and read on the customer vhost for my user
`percy` would look like this. Note that I give

access to `.*` which is everything.

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqctl set_permissions

Setting permissions for a user on the customers vhost

After creating this, you should see the new vhost in

the top right corner of the management UI.
Basics Of RabbitMQ -
Producers, Consumers,
Exchanges, and Queues

When we are building an Event-Driven architecture

there are some terms we need to understand.

• Producer - Any software that is Sending


• Consumer - Any software that is Receiving


• Queue - An Queue accepts a Message,

outputs the message, think of it like a large
Buffer. Queues are FIFO (First in First Out)
meaning that messages are outputted in the
order they are inserted into the queue.

• Exchange - An Router, is the place where

Producers send messages. The exchange
accepts messages and sends them to the
correct Queues depending on the type of
Exchange and the Bindings (Rules) Applied.

The general idea is that we can use this to send

and receive messages between Services. It is
worth mentioning the Producers and the
Consumers do not have to be on running on the
same Host, allowing this to scale very well.

Begin by creating a new project with Go, If you

don’t have Go Installed, please install it from here.

“In a real go Project setup I would probably use

Cobra, but to avoid new users from being
confused I will simply create two main

Let’s build a Producer in Go that can start sending

messages on a Queue.

Begin by creating a new project for the producer

and get the AMQP library that is officially
maintained by the RabbitMQ team.

The project will have a `cmd` folder that will hold all
the different services, each being it’s own runnable.

We will also have a `internal` folder that is used

to store shared libraries etc.

mkdir eventdriven
cd eventdriven
mkdir -p cmd/producer
mkdir internal
touch cmd/producer/main.go
touch internal/rabbitmq.go
go mod init programmingpercy.tech/eventdrivenrabbit
go get github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go

Creating the projects base layout

Your folder structure should look like the following.

Let’s add a connection to the RabbitMQ instance

first inside `internal/rabbitmq.go`.

We will create a small helper function that will

connect to RabbitMQ using the `amqp` protocol.
We will allow users to specify the credentials and
host, also the vhost to connect to.

I will simply return pointers to the connection,

which is the network connection, and
`amqp.Channel` which is used to concurrently

send messages. Leaving it up to the users to

manage the connection.

package internal

import (

amqp "github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go"

// RabbitClient is used to keep track of the RabbitMQ connectio

type RabbitClient struct {
// The connection that is used
conn *amqp.Connection
// The channel that processes/sends Messages
ch *amqp.Channel

// ConnectRabbitMQ will spawn a Connection

func ConnectRabbitMQ(username, password, host, vhost
// Setup the Connection to RabbitMQ host using AMQP
conn, err := amqp.Dial(fmt.Sprintf("amqp://%s:%s@%s/%s"
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return conn, nil

// NewRabbitMQClient will connect and return a Rabbitclient wit

// Accepts a amqp Connection to be reused, to avoid spawning on
func NewRabbitMQClient(conn *amqp.Connection) (
// Unique, Conncurrent Server Channel to process/send messages
// A good rule of thumb is to always REUSE Conn across applica
// But spawn a new Channel per routine
ch, err := conn.Channel()
if err != nil {
return RabbitClient{}, err

return RabbitClient{
conn: conn,
ch: ch,
}, nil

// Close will close the channel

func (rc RabbitClient) Close() error {
return rc.ch.Close()

A simple wrapper Class around AMQP

A really good rule of thumb is to reuse a single

Connection across the whole application and
spawn new Channels for concurrent tasks. The
reason for this is that a Connection is a TCP
connection, while a channel is a multiplexed
connection in the assigned TCP Connection.
Following that rule of thumb allows for a much
more scalable solution.

Let’s import this simple client into the cmd/

producer/main.go and try connecting to see what

For now, we will simply connect and sleep for 30

seconds before closing the connection.

package main

import (

func main() {
conn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ("percy"

if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
client, err := internal.NewRabbitMQClient(conn
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()

time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)


Connecting to RabbitMQ

Once we have that in place, run the producer.

go run cmd/producer/main.go

Running the Producer

Once that is running, navigate back to the

management UI and see that we can actually see
there is now 1 Connection and 1 Channel.

Channels are a really smart way of handling the

TCP layer, you can read more about it in the docs.
It allows users to reuse an open TCP connection
with multiple Channels, instead of opening many
TCP connections. It’s a multiplexing technique.

It’s time to start sending data, this is done on said

Channel. There is more to a channel than one can
probably think, it’s not just a dumb pipeline, there
are actually some nifty options that can be
configured when creating them.

We can create Queues from the UI, but I like

creating them in the Code when Testing things out.
In a production environment, I like having a
configuration file to declare some basic setup, we
will look into that later.

We can create a Queue by Calling the

`amqp.QueueDeclare`, this function has many

input parameters that we need to understand to get

the wanted behavior of the Queue. The signature
looks like this.

func (*amqp.Channel).QueueDeclare(name string, durable

The QueueDeclare function signature

• Name- The name used to reference the

Queue. This can actually be empty, in that
case, the server will generate a name.

• Durable- If the Queue should be persisted

across Broker restarts (RabbitMQ restart)

• AutoDelete- If the Queue should be

automatically deleted when the last Consumer

• Exclusive- Only available for the same

Connection that created the Queue.

• NoWait- Assumes the Queue is created on the


• Arguments- An option to provide user-

provided arguments.

To make this a little easier, I will create a wrapper

function that accepts the `name`, `durable` and
`autodelete` parameters. I will leave the others

disabled by default.
// CreateQueue will create a new queue based on given cfgs
func (rc RabbitClient) CreateQueue(queueName string
_, err := rc.ch.QueueDeclare(queueName, durable
return err

A wrapper function for creating a Queue

Let’s update the `producer/main.go` to execute

the new CreateQueue function, I will create a
durable queue since I want the Queue handling
new customers to be kept alive and persistent, I
will also make auto delete set to `false`.

I will also create a nondurable Queue named

`customers_test` to showcase the difference.

func main() {
conn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ("percy"

if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()

client, err := internal.NewRabbitMQClient(conn

if err != nil {
defer client.Close()

if err := client.CreateQueue("customers_created"
if err := client.CreateQueue("customers_test"

time.Sleep(10 *time.Second)

The updated producer main that creates queues

After adding that, make sure to execute the


go run cmd/producer/main.go

Running the producer

You can visit the UI and view the Queues that

should be both available. Notice that once the
program exists, the `customers_test` queue is
NOT DELETED, this is because we have yet to
have a Consumer connect. Only Queues that had
a consumer connect will be deleted.

For fun, you could try to restart RabbitMQ now and

see how `customers_test` is gone, since it was
not marked as durable.

Exploring Exchanges
and Bindings
Before we can start sending messages on the
Queues, we need to create an Exchange. There
are a few defaults already created, but we will
create our own to learn a little bit more about them.

The Exchange is a vital part of RabbitMQ, it is the

resource to which we send Messages. The
exchange’s job is to deliver the messages to the
correct Queues.

To start receiving messages on a Queue, that

queue needs to be bound to an Exchange, this is
called Binding. Binding is basically a routing rule.
One important thing to understand is that a Queue
can be bound to MULTIPLE Exchanges, which
makes it much more clear why there are different
Exchange types also.

There are a few different types of exchanges, each

with different behavior of how messages are sent.

First, we have the most basic one, the Direct

exchange. This one is really simple, messages are
routed based on their EXACT routing key. In the
example image, we see how the message sent to
`customer_created` is only routed by the

exchange `customer_events` into that specific

queue. Direct exchanges are very useful when you
need to distribute work to a set of workers.
The second type is the Fanout which is used to
send messages to ALL bound Queues. Any Queue
that is bound to the exchange will get the message,
the routing key is simply ignored! This is typically
used for broadcasting messages to any parties

Then we have Topic Exchanges, which once are

pretty cool. They allow bindings to specify a rule to
select subsets of the messages sent depending on
their routing key.

The routing keys are delimited `.` between each

word, say `customers.eu.stockholm`. This might
be the routing key for customers from Stockholm
Sweden, then we could have a binding that tells
the Exchange that a Queue wants those
messages, but not `customers.us.florida` for

There are a few special characters, the `#` means

zero or more matches, so for example
`customers.#` would match any routing key

beginning with `customers.`.

There is also `*` which is a specific word at a
specific location, for example
`customers.*.stockholm` would only match

routing keys that have the first word `customers`

and the third word `stockholm`.

This is of course very useful to have certain

services only ingest messages that are related to a
subset of the topics. The example below shows
how a new customer is created in February, the
Queue `customer_created` gets the message
since the binding is for the
`customers.created.#` rule, the Queue

`customer_emailed` does not receive it since it

does not match the binding


The final exchange is the Header exchange, each

Message we send on RabbitMQ has the possibility
to add Headers, which is a key value field. This can
be really handy when we need to route based on a
more advanced level.

Say that we add a `browser` header which

indicates what web browser the users used when
registering. We could route any Linux users to a
certain queue for instance.

You can either specify multiple headers and that

they all have to match, or only that one has to
match. This is done in the binding by setting `x-
match` to either `all` or `any`.

Let’s stop talking and instead create an Exchange

that we can use.

To add an exchange, we will be using the

`rabbitmqadmin` CLI tool that is very similar to

`rabbitmqctl` that we used before.

We use the `declare exchange` command

followed by the name of the exchange, and the
type. For this tutorial, I will be using an `Topic`

We will create an exchange named `customer-

events`. We also need to specify the vhost and

the username and password of our administrator.

Remember to set durable to true if you want it to
persist restarts.

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqadmin declare exchange

Declaring an Topic Exchange

We also need to give the user permission to send
on this exchange. We set permissions on a certain
topic using the `set_topic_permissions`
command. The following command sets the user
`percy` to allow posting on the vhost customers

on the exchange `customer_events` on any

routing key starting with `customers`.

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqctl set_topic_permissions

Setting permissions for reading and writing

Posting on this Exchange right now will not make

anything happen, because we have no Bindings
between the Queues ad the Exchange.

Any messages sent will be discarded.

Publishing Messages To

To start publishing messages, we first need to

create the binding between `customers_created`
and `customers_test` queues and the
`customers_events` exchange.

Open up `rabbitmq.go` and add a

`CreateBinding` function that adds the binding.

// CreateBinding is used to connect a queue to an Exchange usin

func (rc RabbitClient) CreateBinding(name, binding
// leaveing nowait false, having nowait set to false wctxill c
// the final argument is the extra headers, but we wont be doi
return rc.ch.QueueBind(name, binding, exchange

Wrapper to easier create a Binding

Then inside `producer/main.go` we add bindings

so that we connect everything. We will expect
customers to be published on the topic
`customers.created` followed by the country

they are from. But the Binding won’t care about the
country, only that it matches the pattern.

// Create binding between the customer_events exchange and the
if err := client.CreateBinding("customers-created"
// Create binding between the customer_events exchange and the
if err := client.CreateBinding("customers-test"

Create the Bindings when the Producer runs

If you execute the producer once we can visit the

management UI and see the bindings that are

go run cmd/producer/main.go

Running the producer

Then go into the UI and visit your Exchange.

Now that we have a binding, we can look at
publishing messages. We begin with the easiest

We create a wrapper function called `Send` that

accepts parameters about what exchange, and
routing key to publish to. The function will also
accept a context to use and a `amqp.Publishing`

The `amqp.Publishing` struct is essential to

understand, as it allows us to customize the
features and behavior of the message we send.

We will explore them step by step since there are

quite a few of them.

// Send is used to publish a payload onto an exchange with a gi

func (rc RabbitClient) Send(ctx context.Context
return rc.ch.PublishWithContext(ctx,
exchange, // exchange
routingKey, // routing key
// Mandatory is used when we HAVE to have the message return
// setting this to true will make the message bounce back
// If this is False, and the message fails to deliver, it wil
true, // mandatory
// immediate Removed in MQ 3 or up https://blog.rabbitmq.com/
false, // immediate
options, // amqp publishing struct

A function to send Messages onto an Exchange

Go back to `producer/main.go` and we will

create a message to send. We will send two
messages, one for each queue. This is to
showcase the `deliveryMode` parameter which is
really important. If you set it to persistent the
message will be saved until some consumer grabs
it, but this comes with overhead and longer latency.

If you have things that do not need to be durable,

then set them to Transient to increase

Remember, if you send persistent messages, your

Queue also needs to be Durable, no point in saving
Messages across Restarts, if the Queue itself is

// Create context to manage timeout
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background
defer cancel()
// Create customer from sweden
if err := client.Send(ctx, "customer_events",
ContentType: "text/plain", // The payload we send is p
DeliveryMode: amqp091.Persistent, // This tells rabbitMQ that
Body: []byte("An cool message between services"
}); err != nil {
if err := client.Send(ctx, "customer_events",
ContentType: "text/plain",
DeliveryMode: amqp091.Transient, // This tells rabbitMQ that
Body: []byte("A second cool message")
}); err != nil {


Making the Producer send messages in the end

Time to execute the Producer again.

go run cmd/producer/main.go

Running the Producer

You should now see one message for each Queue

in the UI under the Queue page.

If you want to, you can enter each queue and

Consume the messages to view them, but I
suggest a restart of RabbitMQ to show the
difference between Transient and Persistent.

docker restart rabbitmq

Restarting the Docker container

After restarting try reloading the UI, you should see

that the whole `customers-test` queue is
removed, but the `customers-created` queue
actually has the old message left.

This is because Persistent messages are written to

disk to survive crashes etc.

We will cover more advanced publishing soo.

Consuming Messages,
Acknowledging, Nacking
& Requeues

We know how to publish messages, but that does

us no good if we cannot Consume the messages in
another service.

Consuming is the process of grabbing a message

from a Queue.

Let’s create a new binary that we can use to

consume messages.

mkdir cmd/consumer
touch cmd/consumer/main.go

Creating the Consumer

Before we start consuming, we will add a

`Consume` function in `Rabbitmq.go` that will

wrap the channel consume function.

When consuming there are a few options to


• Exclusive - If set to true will ensure that this is

a SINGLE and the ONLY consumer on that
Queue, if False the server will fairly distribute
messages amongst consumers.

• AutoAck - When true, will automatically

acknowledge delivery, when false will expect
the Consumer to call Acknowledge when
complete. AutoAck might sound amazing, but
it’s tricky, if your consumer fails after Acking a
time-consuming process, the message is lost
because the server thinks it’s done.

• NoLocal - Not supported in RabbitMQ, AMQP

field for avoiding publishing and consuming
from the same domain.

• NoWait - Won’t wait for the server to confirm.

Let us add the Consume function to Rabbitmq.go

// Consume is a wrapper around consume, it will return a Channe

// Queue is the name of the queue to Consume
// Consumer is a unique identifier for the service instance tha
// autoAck is important to understand, if set to true, it will
// This is good, but remember that if the Process fails before
// if not handled properly
func (rc RabbitClient) Consume(queue, consumer
return rc.ch.Consume(queue, consumer, autoAck

A function that Consumes messages

Now that we can consume, let’s fill in the

`consumer/main.go` so that it connects to
RabbitMQ and starts Ingesting messages from the
package main

import (

func main() {

conn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ("percy"

if err != nil {

mqClient, err := internal.NewRabbitMQClient(conn

if err != nil {

messageBus, err := mqClient.Consume("customers_created"

if err != nil {

// blocking is used to block forever

var blocking chan struct{}

go func() {
for message := range messageBus {
// breakpoint here
log.Printf("New Message: %v", message)

log.Println("Consuming, to close the program press CTRL+C"

// This will block forever

The Consumer program

Running that consumer should print out a Message
coming from the publisher once it happens.

“Remember, Reuse the Connection, but create a

new Channel for each Parallel processing, in our
case a second RabbitMQ Client would be
created to manage the `customers-test`

go run cmd/consumer/main.go

Running the Consumer

If you don’t see any messages it is probably due to

the fact that you need to run the producer first.

2023/02/12 22:17:24 New Message: {0xc0000b0000 map

il-service 0 1 false customer_events customers.created.se
101 32 98 101 116 119 101 101 110 32 115 101 114

The output from the Consumer

It might be worth exploring the Struct that is sent

over the channel, the `amqp.Delivery` struct, it
gives a good idea of all the fields present.

// Delivery captures the fields for a previously delivered mess

// a queue to be delivered by the server to a consumer from Cha
// Channel.Get.
type Delivery struct {
Acknowledger Acknowledger // the channel from which this deliv

Headers Table // Application or header exchange table

// Properties
ContentType string // MIME content type
ContentEncoding string // MIME content encoding
DeliveryMode uint8 // queue implementation use - non-pe
Priority uint8 // queue implementation use - 0 to 9
CorrelationId string // application use - correlation ide
ReplyTo string // application use - address to repl
Expiration string // implementation use - message expi
MessageId string // application use - message identif
Timestamp time.Time // application use - message timesta
Type string // application use - message type na
UserId string // application use - creating user -
AppId string // application use - creating applic

// Valid only with Channel.Consume

ConsumerTag string

// Valid only with Channel.Get

MessageCount uint32

DeliveryTag uint64
Redelivered bool
Exchange string // basic.publish exchange
RoutingKey string // basic.publish routing key

Body []byte

The Delivery struct from Amqp

If you rerun the current consumer, you will see the

same message appearing again. This is due to the
fact that we never acknowledge that the consumer
used the message. This has to be done manually
when iterating the messages or using the Auto
Acknowledge flag.

When acknowledging we can pass in a

`multiple` flag, which indicates if we

acknowledge multiple messages at once, we can

leave it to be false.
We can acknowledge or NACK messages,
Acknowledge means that everything was fine,
Nack means we failed to process it and then the
message will be passed back into the queue.

Let’s update the code that consumes messages so

that It acknowledges them.

go func() {
for message := range messageBus {
// breakpoint here
log.Printf("New Message: %v", message)
// Multiple means that we acknowledge a batch of messages, l
if err := message.Ack(false); err != nil {
log.Printf("Acknowledged message failed: Retry ? Handle man
log.Printf("Acknowledged message %s\n", message

An update that acknowledges messages after consuming them

Rerun the code now, and you should see that the
message is printed once again, but upon restarting
the message is gone.

This is really useful, to avoid having a consumer

take a message, fail while processing it, and then
that message would be gone.

To showcase why Auto Ack might be dangerous,

here is a modified example where we set Auto Ack
to true, but failed during the processing.

// Auto Ack is now True

messageBus, err := mqClient.Consume("customers-created"
if err != nil {

// blocking is used to block forever

var blocking chan struct{}

go func() {
for message := range messageBus {
log.Printf("New Message: %v", message)
panic("Whops I failed here for some reason")


An example to demonstrate Auto Ack Common Mistake

Run the consumer twice, and you will see that it is

in fact only accepted at the first execution. This can
be dangerous behavior if you don’t manage it
properly. That’s why I keep mentioning it!

To handle failures, you can use `Nack` to tell

RabbitMQ that it failed, and you can use the
`redelivered` field to avoid retrying too many


Nack accepts a parameter for Requeuing, which is

really handy!

Here is an example where we fail the first time a

message arrives, Requeue it, and then Ack it the
next time it comes.

messageBus, err := mqClient.Consume("customers-created"

if err != nil {
// blocking is used to block forever
var blocking chan struct{}

go func() {
for message := range messageBus {
log.Printf("New Message: %v", message)

if !message.Redelivered {
// Nack multiple, Set Requeue to true
message.Nack(false, true)

// Multiple means that we acknowledge a batch of messages, l

if err := message.Ack(false); err != nil {
log.Printf("Acknowledged message failed: Retry ? Handle man
log.Printf("Acknowledged message %s\n", message

An example Consumer that Requeues messages

There is more to consider here, right now the

handler we use is single-threaded, which means
we can only accept one message at a time. We
can fix this by implementing a work group that
allows for a certain amount of concurrent tasks.

I will add a `errgroup`, so this approach requires

Go 1.2. Using an ErrGroup is super easy, and we
can limit it to 10 messages per Consumer.

The errgroup is from the `golang.org/x/sync/

errgroup` package.

// Set a timeout for 15 secs
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 15*time
defer cancel()
// Create an Errgroup to manage concurrecy
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
// Set amount of concurrent tasks
go func() {
for message := range messageBus {
// Spawn a worker
msg := message
g.Go(func() error {
log.Printf("New Message: %v", msg)

time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Multiple means that we acknowledge a batch of messages,
if err := msg.Ack(false); err != nil {
log.Printf("Acknowledged message failed: Retry ? Handle ma
return err
log.Printf("Acknowledged message %s\n", msg
return nil

An Example Consumer that allows 10 Concurrent Tasks

Adding this makes the consumer a little bit better.

“The SetLimit is only used for now, there is

another way to manage how many messages
are consumed, using RabbitMQ which I
Recommend called Prefetch, we cover that

We can update the Publisher to spam a few more

messages by wrapping the Send function in a for
// Create context to manage timeout
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background
defer cancel()
// Create customer from sweden
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if err := client.Send(ctx, "customer_events"
ContentType: "text/plain", // The payload we send is
DeliveryMode: amqp091.Persistent, // This tells rabbitMQ tha
Body: []byte("An cool message between services"
}); err != nil {

if err := client.Send(ctx, "customer_events",

ContentType: "text/plain",
DeliveryMode: amqp091.Transient, // This tells rabbitMQ that
Body: []byte("A second cool message")
}); err != nil {


The updated Producer that now sends 10 messages instead

Try it out and see that the Consumer now accepts

multiple messages, or even try spawning multiple
consumers to play some.

Noticed that the Producer exits right away after

sending the message? Currently, the `Send`
function does not wait for any confirmation from the
server. Sometimes, we might want to block until the
server confirms that it has received the message.

Happily, we can! We need to change the

`Publish` function we use in RabbitMQ into

which will return an object that we can use to
`Wait` for the server to acknowledge.

This object will always be NIL unless the Channel

is put into `Confirm` the mode, setting it into
Confirm mode will make the server send an
acknowledgment when it receives the published

Inside `Rabbitmq.go` let’s change the Publish

method and add a Wait.

// Send is used to publish a payload onto an exchange with a gi

func (rc RabbitClient) Send(ctx context.Context
// PublishWithDeferredConfirmWithContext will wait for server
confirmation, err := rc.ch.PublishWithDeferredConfirmWithConte
exchange, // exchange
routingKey, // routing key
// Mandatory is used when we HAVE to have the message return
// setting this to true will make the message bounce back
// If this is False, and the message fails to deliver, it wil
true, // mandatory
// immediate Removed in MQ 3 or up https://blog.rabbitmq.com/
false, // immediate
options, // amqp publishing struct
if err != nil {
return err
// Blocks until ACK from Server is receieved
return nil

Updated Send to wait for server confirmation

Let’s also update the `NewRabbitMQClient` to

always set the channel into `Confirm` mode.
// NewRabbitMQClient will connect and return a Rabbitclient wit
// Accepts a amqp Connection to be reused, to avoid spawning on
func NewRabbitMQClient(conn *amqp.Connection) (
// Unique, Conncurrent Server Channel to process/send messages
// A good rule of thumb is to always REUSE Conn across applica
// But spawn a new Channel per routine
ch, err := conn.Channel()
if err != nil {
return RabbitClient{}, err
// Puts the Channel in confirm mode, which will allow waiting
if err := ch.Confirm(false); err != nil {
return RabbitClient{}, err

return RabbitClient{
conn: conn,
ch: ch,
}, nil

Making all channels be in Confirm Mode

A better approach to `Rabbitmq.go` could be to

add a `NewChannel` function and then have each
function accept a Channel as an input parameter.

Running the program now, and you should see that

the `publisher.go` prints TRUE each time a
message is confirmed by the server, notice that this
is not the same as the Consumer `ACK`. We only
wait for the server to acknowledge that the
published message is accepted.

Publish And Subscribe

Up until this point we have been using FIFO
Queues(First in First out). This means each
message is only sent to one Consumer.

In a publish and subscribe schema, you will want

each consumer to receive the same message.

Everything we learned about bindings etc is still

true and used in the same way. We can use a
Fanout exchange (which pushes messages to all
Queues bound) regardless of the Queue name.

The idea is that you let each Consumer create an

Unnamed Queue, an unnamed queue will get a
randomly generated unique name by the RabbitMQ

“This is a great example when creating queues

in the code is suitable”

It’s possible that we would want to send

`customers_event` to multiple services. Say that

we would want an email service and a logging

service that logs each customer event.

Let’s build that. (Since this is a tutorial only to learn

RabbitMQ we will simply start the Consumer up in
two instances).
We start by removing the exchange we have since
it is the wrong Type. We also create a new one, but
with `Fanout` as the type. This time we don’t
specify a certain prefix for the permission, but give
it full access.

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqadmin delete exchange

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqadmin declare exchange
docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqctl set_topic_permissions

Creating the Fanout Exchange and setting Permissions

Since we won’t know the Queue name when we

create an unnamed one with the current code, we
need to modify it. Let’s return the Queue
information returned from `CreateQueue` in the
RabbitMQ package. That object will contain the
randomly created name.

// CreateQueue will create a new queue based on given cfgs

func (rc RabbitClient) CreateQueue(queueName string
q, err := rc.ch.QueueDeclare(queueName, durable
if err != nil {
return amqp.Queue{}, nil

return q, nil

Updated the CreaetQueue to return Queue Info

Time to update the `Publisher`, earlier in the

tutorial we created the Channel bindings in the
Publisher. This doesn’t really make sense
according to me, it was only for the purpose of not
moving too fast and still showcasing the

It makes much more sense for the `Consumer` to

declare the bindings, since it relates to the
consumer. It makes even less sense now with
Publish And Subscribes where the number and
paths of Consumers are probably unknown. Let’s
update `publisher.go` making it much smaller.

package main

import (


func main() {
conn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ("percy"

if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
client, err := internal.NewRabbitMQClient(conn
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()

// Create context to manage timeout

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background
defer cancel()
// Create customer from sweden
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if err := client.Send(ctx, "customer_events"
ContentType: "text/plain", // The payload we send is
DeliveryMode: amqp091.Persistent, // This tells rabbitMQ tha
Body: []byte("An cool message between services"
}); err != nil {


Updated the Producer to not generate Queues

We will update the `consumer.go` to create a

Queue without a name, create the binding, and
then start consuming that Queue.

package main

import (


func main() {

conn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ("percy"

if err != nil {

mqClient, err := internal.NewRabbitMQClient(conn

if err != nil {

// Create Unnamed Queue which will generate a random name, set

queue, err := mqClient.CreateQueue("", true, true
if err != nil {
// Create binding between the customer_events exchange and the
// Can skip Binding key since fanout will skip that rule
if err := mqClient.CreateBinding(queue.Name,

messageBus, err := mqClient.Consume(queue.Name

if err != nil {
// blocking is used to block forever
var blocking chan struct{}
// Set a timeout for 15 secs
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 15*time
defer cancel()
// Create an Errgroup to manage concurrecy
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
// Set amount of concurrent tasks
go func() {
for message := range messageBus {
// Spawn a worker
msg := message
g.Go(func() error {
log.Printf("New Message: %v", msg)

time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Multiple means that we acknowledge a batch of messages,
if err := msg.Ack(false); err != nil {
log.Printf("Acknowledged message failed: Retry ? Handle ma
return err
log.Printf("Acknowledged message %s\n", msg
return nil

log.Println("Consuming, to close the program press CTRL+C"

// This will block forever

The Consumer now creates the Queues without a Name

This setup can be used to showcase Pub/Sub

properly, we can spawn two consumers and then
the Publisher. It will show how all Consumers see
all the messages.

We now know how to use regular Queues and


There is one more thing left, a third very common

scenario is an RPC-based paradigm.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

With RabbitMQ
Sometimes, we want to have some callbacks on
messages. Say that the Producer would like to
know when the customer has emailed.

This is common and easily fixed. We can set a field

named `ReplyTo` in the messages, this can be
used to tell the Consumer to reply with a response
on a certain Queue.

We might need to know which message the

callback is related to, so we can also add in a
`correlationID` which can be used to

understand what request the response is related


Begin by creating a new Exchange with Direct

type. I’ll name it `customer_callbacks`. The
Direct type works well here.

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqadmin declare exchange

docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmqctl set_topic_permissions

Creating a new Exchange

The first thing we need to understand is one

important best practice at this time.

Having a callback will require that the same service

both Publishes and Consumes messages, and it is
nothing wrong with that.

One famous rule is, however, to reuse connections

for multiple channels. BUT NEVER PUBLISH AND
Imagine if you have an service that is both
producing and consuming and you are doing it on
the same connection, then imagine that the service
is consuming a big amount of messages. If it is
more messages than the service manages to
handle, so messages starts stacking up. RabbitMQ
May then apply back pressure and start blocking
TCP connections from sending, and guess what,
ACK messages have to be sent to handle
messages. All of a sudden, your code cannot ACK
messages since the connection is blocked. This
can lead to delays.

The golden rules are

• Reuse connection in your application

• One Connection for Consuming, One for


• Spawn new Channels for each Goroutine

Let’s update the `producer.go` to start two

connections, one for publishing and one for
consuming. We will also create an unnamed queue
and bind it to the exchange, then we will consume
those responses.
We will also add `replyTo` in the message, which
tells the consumer where to reply, and the
`correlationId` which explains which unique

event the messages relate to.

package main

import (


func main() {
conn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ("percy"
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
// Never use the same Connection for Consume and Publish
consumeConn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ(
if err != nil {
defer consumeConn.Close()

client, err := internal.NewRabbitMQClient(conn

if err != nil {
defer client.Close()

consumeClient, err := internal.NewRabbitMQClient

if err != nil {
defer consumeClient.Close()
// Create Unnamed Queue which will generate a random name, set
queue, err := consumeClient.CreateQueue("", true
if err != nil {

if err := consumeClient.CreateBinding(queue.Name

messageBus, err := consumeClient.Consume(queue

if err != nil {
go func() {
for message := range messageBus {
log.Printf("Message Callback %s\n", message
// Create context to manage timeout
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background
defer cancel()
// Create customer from sweden
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if err := client.Send(ctx, "customer_events"
ContentType: "text/plain", // The payload we send is
DeliveryMode: amqp091.Persistent, // This tells rabbitMQ tha
Body: []byte("An cool message between services"
// We add a REPLYTO which defines the
ReplyTo: queue.Name,
// CorrelationId can be used to know which Event this relate
CorrelationId: fmt.Sprintf("customer_created_%d"
}); err != nil {
var blocking chan struct{}

log.Println("Waiting on Callbacks, to close the program press

// This will block forever

An upgrade on the Producer to use two connections

The consumer needs to be updated so that it also
uses two connections. When we are done
processing a message, we will add it so that we
send out a response on the `replyTo` queue.
Again, we have to use two different connections,
one for consuming and one for publishing.

package main

import (


func main() {

conn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ("percy"

if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()

publishConn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ(

if err != nil {
defer publishConn.Close()

mqClient, err := internal.NewRabbitMQClient(conn

if err != nil {

publishClient, err := internal.NewRabbitMQClient

if err != nil {
// Create Unnamed Queue which will generate a random name, set
queue, err := mqClient.CreateQueue("", true, true
if err != nil {
// Create binding between the customer_events exchange and the
// Can skip Binding key since fanout will skip that rule
if err := mqClient.CreateBinding(queue.Name,

messageBus, err := mqClient.Consume(queue.Name

if err != nil {
// blocking is used to block forever
var blocking chan struct{}
// Set a timeout for 15 secs
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 15*time
defer cancel()
// Create an Errgroup to manage concurrecy
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
// Set amount of concurrent tasks
go func() {
for message := range messageBus {
// Spawn a worker
msg := message
g.Go(func() error {
// Multiple means that we acknowledge a batch of messages,
if err := msg.Ack(false); err != nil {
log.Printf("Acknowledged message failed: Retry ? Handle ma
return err

log.Printf("Acknowledged message, replying to %s\n"

// Use the msg.ReplyTo to send the message to the proper Qu

if err := publishClient.Send(ctx, "customer_callbacks"
ContentType: "text/plain", // The payload we send i
DeliveryMode: amqp091.Transient, // This tells rabbitMQ t
Body: []byte("RPC Complete"),
CorrelationId: msg.CorrelationId,
}); err != nil {
return nil

log.Println("Consuming, to close the program press CTRL+C"

// This will block forever

An upgraded consumer that uses two connections

Go ahead and try the code, you should see that the
producer receives the RPC responses and prints
them out.

Note that this code can be cleaned up, but this

tutorial focuses on how RabbitMQ works, not clean

Prefetch Limit To Limit Amount

Of Messages Sent

Remember that we limited the amount of work

done by the consumer before by using an
`errgroup`? This was a soft limit, a limit imposed

by the code, but RabbitMQ can still send more

messages out to the consumer.

There is a better fix to this, well, a combination

should probably be used if you want your
consumer to handle messages concurrently.

The AMQP protocol allows us to apply a Prefetch

limit. This tells the RabbitMQ server how many
unacknowledged messages can be sent to the
channel at a time. This way we can add a hard

This is done by applying a set of Quality Of Service

rules (QOS). Let’s add a method in `rabbitmq.go`
that applies the three available rules.

There are the following parameters

• Prefetch Count - How many unacknowledged

messages the server can send.

• Prefetch Size - How many bytes of

unacknowledged messages the server can

• Global - A flag that determines if the rule should

be applied on the connection, or globally

// ApplyQos is used to apply qouality of service to the channel

// Prefetch count - How many messages the server will try to ke
// prefetch Size - How many Bytes the server will try to keep o
// global -- Any other Consumers on the connection in the futur
func (rc RabbitClient) ApplyQos(count, size int
// Apply Quality of Serivce
return rc.ch.Qos(

Applying Quality Of Service

Then inside `consumer.go` we can simply call this
and apply the number of messages we want to

// Create an Errgroup to manage concurrecy

g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
// Set amount of concurrent tasks

// Apply Qos to limit amount of messages to consume

if err := mqClient.ApplyQos(10, 0, true); err
go func() {
for message := range messageBus {

Applying QoS in the Consumer

Securing the connection

with TLS

It’s the year 2023, before going into production I

think it is very safe to say that we should encrypt
the traffic.

RabbitMQ has a GitHub repository to help us

create a rootCA and the certificates we need,
which is the first step in starting to encrypt the

We need to clone this repository and execute the

make file inside that will generate the files we
git clone https://github.com/rabbitmq/tls-gen tls-gen
cd tls-gen/basic
make verify

Generating TLS Certs

All the generated files will appear in a new folder

called result. For this to work in Docker, we need to
change their permissions.

sudo chmod 644 tls-gen/basic/result/*

Fixing the Permissions

We need to delete the RabbitMQ container that is

running, we will need to create a new one with a
configuration file.

sudo docker container rm -f rabbitmq

Removing the RabbitMQ container

The configuration file is called `rabbitmq.conf`

and should be placed inside `/etc/rabbitmq/
rabbitmq.conf` in the container.

This configuration file can be used to configure

much more than just TLS, but we will stick to TLS
for now. Create a new file with the correct name in
the root of the project.

cd ../../ # Go to root of Project

touch rabbitmq.conf
Creating a Config file

We need to mount the configuration file into the

docker when we start the container. We will also
mount the certificates generated from the TLS-Gen
tooling into `/certs` so that the container can find
them. Notice that both ports have been decreased
by one, which is the standard in the RabbitMQ

docker run -d --name rabbitmq -v "$(pwd)"/rabbitmq.conf:/etc/ra

Restarting RabbitMQ With the Config mounted

Once that is done, we can start adding TLS

configurations to this container.

In the `rabbitmq.conf` let us add the PATH to the

certificates and the root ca. My computer is named
`blackbox`, you need to replace the certs names

with the names generated by your computer.

# Disable NON TCP

listeners.tcp = none
# TCP port
listeners.ssl.default = 5671
# SSL Certs
ssl_options.cacertfile = /certs/ca_certificate.pem
ssl_options.certfile = /certs/server_blackbox_certificate.pem
ssl_options.keyfile = /certs/server_blackbox_key.pem
# Peer verification
ssl_options.verify = verify_peer
ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true

TLS Configurations for RabbitMQ

Then restart RabbitMQ

docker restart rabbitmq

Restarting RabbitMQ

To verify that everything works, you can view the

docker logs with `docker logs rabbitmq`.
Search for the logs about listeners.

2023-02-19 07:35:15.566316+00:00 [info] <0.738.0

2023-02-19 07:35:15.567418+00:00 [info] <0.885.0

The RabbitMQ Logs stating we use TLS

Now, the old programs won’t work anymore. It tries

to connect using without TLS, so let’s fix that.

The programs need to be updated to use client

certificates. Let’s add it as input to the
`ConnectRabbitMQ` function.

// ConnectRabbitMQ will spawn a Connection

func ConnectRabbitMQ(username, password, host, vhost
ca, err := os.ReadFile(caCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Load the key pair
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(clientCert, clientKey
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add the CA to the cert pool
rootCAs := x509.NewCertPool()

tlsConf := &tls.Config{
RootCAs: rootCAs,
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
// Setup the Connection to RabbitMQ host using AMQPs and Apply
conn, err := amqp.DialTLS(fmt.Sprintf("amqps://%s:%s@%s/%s"
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return conn, nil

Updated the Connecting to load TLS certs

Please notice that we now use `amqps` protocol.

The certificate paths are absolute paths, let’s
update the `consumer` and `producer` to insert
these, I will use hard-coded values for now, but you
should not do that in a real application.

conn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ("percy",

if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
// Never use the same Connection for Consume and Publish
consumeConn, err := internal.ConnectRabbitMQ(
defer consumeConn.Close()

Update both the Producer & Consumer to Load Certs

BAM! Amazing, we got TLS.

Try running either the producer or consumer, and
then watch the docker logs using `docker logs

2023-02-19 07:49:53.015732+00:00 [error] <0.948.0

2023-02-19 07:49:53.015732+00:00 [error] <0.948.0

Connection Refused - WHY?!

Right, we removed the Vhost, the user, the

exchange, and everything when we deleted the
docker since we don’t persist the storage.

This is great because that brings us to the next and

final step of this tutorial, default configurations.

RabbitMQ Configurations And


Trust me, you don’t want to manage a rabbitMQ for

multiple users using the AdminCLI, because, well it
is a lot of work repeating stuff if you reset the
cluster for some reason.

There is support for inserting definition files, JSON

files that define users, vhosts, permissions, queues
and exchanges, and even bindings.

They are really easy to use, let’s add my old user

and give it permission to write and read on the
`customers` vhost, and add a basic exchange.

Before that, we need a password hash, which can

be a bit trickier than imagined. It depends on the
RabbitMQ setup you have and which algorithm you
have configured. The default one is SHA256.

I found a great bash script on stackoverflow to

generate it for me. Create a file named
`encodepassword.sh` and replace `secret` with

the password, you wanna encode.


function encode_password()
SALT=$(od -A n -t x -N 4 /dev/urandom)
PASS=$SALT$(echo -n $1 | xxd -ps | tr -d '\n'
PASS=$(echo -n $PASS | xxd -r -p | sha256sum
PASS=$(echo -n $SALT$PASS | xxd -r -p | base64
echo $PASS

encode_password "secret"

A Bash script that encodes your password

Run the script `bash encodepassword.sh` and

store the Hash.

Update `rabbitmq.conf` to include the field

`load_definitions` which can be used to load

definition files at start-up.

log.console = true
# Disable NON TCP
listeners.tcp = none
# TCP port
listeners.ssl.default = 5671
# SSL Certs
ssl_options.cacertfile = /certs/ca_certificate.pem
ssl_options.certfile = /certs/server_blackbox_certificate.pem
ssl_options.keyfile = /certs/server_blackbox_key.pem
# Peer verification
ssl_options.verify = verify_peer
ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true
# Load definitions file
load_definitions = /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq_definitions.json

Updated RabbitMQ Config to Load Definitions

I will point toward a file named `/etc/rabbitmq/


Create a file named

`rabbitmq_definitions.json` in the root of the

project, and fill it with the following JSON. At this

point, I don’t think we need to cover the JSON
fields, everything should be understandable and
clear what is what. It is very similar to the CLI
commands we ran before.

The following definition file creates the two

exchanges we have `customer_events` and the
`customer_callbacks`. The current code will

generate its own Queues, so we just define an in

the example for fun.

"users": [
"name": "percy",
"password_hash": "dPOoDgfw31kjUy41HSmqQR+X2Q9PCA5fD
"tags": "administrator"
"vhosts": [
"name": "/"
"name": "customers"
"permissions": [
"user": "percy",
"vhost": "customers",
"configure": ".*",
"write": ".*",
"read": ".*"
"exchanges": [
"name": "customer_events",
"vhost": "customers",
"type": "fanout",
"durable": true,
"auto_delete": false,
"internal": false,
"arguments": {}
"name": "customer_callbacks",
"vhost": "customers",
"type": "direct",
"durable": true,
"auto_delete": false,
"internal": false,
"arguments": {}
"queues": [
"name": "customers_created",
"vhost": "customers",
"durable": true,
"auto_delete": false,
"arguments": {}
"bindings": [
"source": "customers_events",
"vhost": "customers",
"destination": "customers_created"
"destination_type": "queue",
"routing_key": "customers.created.*"
"arguments": {}

A Definition file that creates our Resources

Once both files are in place, delete the old docker,

and restart a new one, but this time we add a third
mount for the definitions.

docker run -d --name rabbitmq -v "$(pwd)"/rabbitmq_definitions.

Recreating our RabbitMQ Container With the definition Mounted

After running that, verify the logs that they print out
creating the user.

2023-02-19 08:17:53.467218+00:00 [info] <0.867.0

2023-02-19 08:17:53.467310+00:00 [info] <0.867.0
2023-02-19 08:17:53.467348+00:00 [info] <0.867.0
2023-02-19 08:17:53.467371+00:00 [info] <0.867.0
2023-02-19 08:17:53.468487+00:00 [info] <0.698.0
2023-02-19 08:17:53.469946+00:00 [info] <0.680.0

Traces of our definitions working in the logs

Once that’s done, try running the consumer and

producer and you should see that everything now
works as expected. The only difference is that we
now create the infrastructure in RabbitMQ using a
configuration instead of using the CLI, and the
traffic is encrypted.

Sadly, this is the end of this long, but thrilling and

exciting adventure with RabbitMQ.

Let’s take a look at what we learned.

We have learned how to configure RabbitMQ with

virtual hosts, and how to create users with
permissions on those vhosts. We have also
learned how to produce and consume messages
on Queues and Exchanges.

You should be familiar with all the resources, such

as Queues, Exchanges and Bindings.

We have also covered how to create a Publish and

Subscribe schema, a RPC pattern and regular
Work queues.

Hopefully, it is clear how to use Connections and

Channels and the difference between them. The
connection is a TCP connection, and a channel is a
multiplexed virtual channel over a connection.
Reuse Connections in the same software, but
create new channels for each parallel process.

We learned never to produce and consume on the

same connections.

And we have covered how to setup TLS and how

to add definitions for predefined configurations for
I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and you can
find all the code used on GitHub.

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