Department of Chemistry
Syllabus for M.Sc. (Medicinal Chemistry)
Syllabus for M.Sc. (Medicinal Chemistry) course would be of total 100 credits.
First year M.Sc. 50 Credits
Second year M.Sc. 50 Credits
•CD 100 Chemical Mathematics and Chemical Bonding (5 credits) 60L
1) Functions, Differential and Integral calculus
Functions, Limits, Derivative, physical significance, basic rules of differentiation, Maxima
and Minima, Applications in Chemistry, Exact and inexact differential, Taylor and McLaurin
series, Curve sketching.
Partial differentiation, maxima and minima of functions of several variables, chemical
Rules of Integration, definite and indefinite integrals, geometrical meaning of integration,
Applications in Chemistry 8L
2) Differential Equations
Separation of variables, homogeneous, exact, linear equations, Equations of Second
order,Series solution method
3) Probability and Theory of Errors
Permutations and Combinations, probability and probability theorems,Probability curves,
Errors and Deviations, thermodynamic probability. Methods of Averages and Least Squares.
4) Vectors, Matrices and Determinants
Vectors, dot, cross and triple products.
Introduction to Matrix Algebra, Addition and Multiplication of Matrices, inverse, adjoint and
transpose of matrices, unit, diagonal matrices, matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
diagonalization, determinants and their evaluation. 5L
5) The principles of quantum mechanics, Wave particle duality, Uncertainty principle,
Schrodinger equation, Simple systems- free particle, particle in a box, Harmonic oscillator,
hydrogen-like Atoms (no derivation), Legendre and Hermite polynomials, Atomic orbital
6) The variational method, Many electron atoms, Orbital angular momentum Electron
spin, Wave functions of many electron atoms, The Pauli exclusion principle, Spin-orbit
interaction, Fine structure, The vector atom model, Spectral terms 8L
7) Molecular Orbital theory of diatomic molecules, Born Oppenheimer approximation, H2
molecule and related system, Homo- and hetero nuclear diatomic molecules, Correlation
diagrams 6L
8) Valence Bond theory of simple molecules, quantitative treatment of hydrogen molecule
and related systems, Orbital Hybridization, Comparison of VB and MO Theories 6L
9) Pi electron systems, Huckel Treatment for conjugated hydrocarbons, Electron densities,
Bond orders and free valence indices, Illustrations, Cyclic conjugated systems, Application of
the Huckel method to linear and cyclic polyenes. 6L
Text Books
1) The Chemical Maths Book, E. Steiner (Oxford University Press) 1996
2) Quantum Chemistry, I. Levine, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall 1999
Reference Books
1) Valence, C. A. Coulson, ELBS (1974)
2) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics- with Applications to Quantum
Chemistry, L. Pauling and E. Bright Wilson, Dover Publishers, NY (1999)
3) Mathematical Preparation for Physical Chemistry, F. Daniels, McGraw
Hill, NY (1972)
Text Books:-
1. Chemical applications and group theory: F.A.Cotton, 3rd edition (1999) chapters 1 to 8.
2. Inorganic chemistry: Shriver and Atkins, 3rd edn (1999) Oxford, chapter 8-12,14-15.
3. Group theory and its chemical applications: P.K Bhattacharya, 2nd edn (1989) Himalaya
4. Molecular symmetry and group theory -A.Vincent.
5. Symmetry in Chemistry: H.Jaffe' and M.Orchin.
6. Symmetry in Inorganic Chemistry: J.P Fackler
Reference Books:
1.Advanced Organic Chemistry, J. March, 4th edition. Wiley-Interscience publication, 1999
2. Advanced Organic Chemistry, F A Carey and R J Sundberg, Part A, Plenum press (for
autonomous centers).
3. Stereochemistry of carbon compounds, E L Eliel, 4th edition Tata McGraw Hill edn.
4. Mechanism and structure in organic chemistry, E S Gould, Holt, Rinehart and Winston
(to be used for problem solving of topics a-c).
Reference Books:
1 Principle of Biochemistry, Lehinger D.L. Nelson and M.M. Cox. Macmillan Worth
2 Biochemistry, L. Stryer, W.H. Freeman, San Francisco.
3 Schaum’s Outline Steries of Theory and Problems of Biochemistry, Philip W. Kuchel
and G.B. Ralston. Int. Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Problem Approaches in Biochemistry. Wood and Hood.
Semester II
Text Books
1) Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, C. M. Banwell and E. McCash, Tata
McGraw Hill, Fourth Edition (1994)
2) Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds, R. M. Silverstein, G. C. Bassler
and T. C. Morrill, John Wiley, Fifth Edition (1991)
3) Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, P. S. Kalsi, New Age International, Fourth
Edition (1999)
4) The Infrared Spectra of Complex Molecules, L. J. Bellamy, Chapman and Hall, NY,
Third Edition (1975)
5) Physical Methods in Chemistry, R. S. Drago, Saunders (1977).
6) Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Co-ordination Compounds, Part A and
Part B, K. Nakamoto, John Wiley, Fifth Edition (1997)
CD 210
Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Coordination Chemistry (5 credits)
Chemical Kinetics
1) Recapitulation, First, Second, Third and nth order reactions, reactions of
fractional order, complex reactions, parallel and consecutive reactions,
reversible reactions, autocatalysis, oscillatory reactions. 4L
2) Techniques and Methods, Fast reactions, flow techniques, relaxation methods,
flash photolysis, Kinetic isotopic effect 3L
3) Reactions in gas phase, Collision theory, unimolecular reactions, Lindemann
mechanism, potential energy surface, Transition state theory, Free radical and
chain reactions, explosive reactions 9L
4) Reactions in solutions, effect of solvation, ionic strength on rates, Linear free
energy relationships, correlation of rate with solubility parameters, Enzyme
catalysis, Michaleis and Menton analysis 4L
Text Books
i) Principle of Chemical Kinetics, J. C. House, Wm C Brown Publishers, (1997)
ii) Chemical Kinetics, K. J. Laidler, Mc Graw Hill, Third Edition (1987).
1. Recapitulation of fundamental concepts in Thermodynamics 2L
Work, Heat, Temperature, Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, Heat Capacities (Cp & Cv),
Ideal Gas, Equation of State, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Different types of
Thermodynamic Processes- (Reversible, Irreversible, Adiabatic, Isothermal, Isobaric,
etc.) Reservoir, Molecular Energies, State Functions and Path Functions, Exact & Inexact
Differentials, Condition for Exact Differentials.
2. Laws of Thermodynamics and Thermodynamics Functions 6L
Zeroth-, First-, Second- and Third Laws -Conceptual Development & Implications.
Internal Energy (U), Enthalpy (H), Entropy (S), Helmholtz and Gibb's Free Energies (A
& G), Absolute Entropy, Work under various conditions. Maxwell's Equations and their
application, Various relationships for (Cp -Cv) & Cp/Cv, Conditions for Equilibrium
and Spontaneity, Relationship between Free Energy change (∆G) and Equilibrium
Constant (K), Concept of Partial Molar Quantities -Chemical Potential (µ).
3. Applications 7L
Heat Engine, Refrigeration, Joule-Thompson effect, Liquefaction of Gases. Flame
Temperatures, Explosion Temperature and Pressure. Phase Equilibria (melting,
vaporisation, sublimation, crystal modifications). Calculation of , ∆H , ∆S, ∆G & K and
effect of Temperature & Pressure thereon for various types of Chemical Reactions -
(Combustion, Hydrogenations, Bond Dissociation, Hydration/(Solvation), Ionisation,
Isomerisation, Decomposition, Reduction of Metal Oxides, Ammonia synthesis, etc.).
Electrochemical Cells- Electrode Potentials and Cell E.M.F., Determination of ∆G from
cell E.M.F. Ideal & Non-ideal Solutions.
4. Statistical Thermodynamics 5L
Microscopic point of view. Thermodynamic Probability (W)- Distinguishable and
Indistinguishable Particles, Different ways of Arrangements and Maximisation ofW,
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Law, Partition Function (Q), Fermi-Dirac and Bose-
Einstein Statistics.
Coordination Chemistry
1.Concept & Scope of ligand Fields. 2L
2. Energy levels of transition metal ions, Free ion terms, term wave functions, spin –orbit
coupling . 8L
3. Effect of ligand fields on energy levels of transition ions, weak cubic ligand field effect
on Russell-Saunders terms, strong field effect, correlation diagrams,Tanabe-Sugano
diagrams, Spin-pairing energies.
4. Electronic spectra of complexes band intensities, band energies, band width & shapes,
spectra of 1st,2nd& 3rd row ion and rare earth ion complexes, spectrochemical &
Nephelauxetic series, charge transfer & luminescence spectra, calculations of Dq,B,
parameters. 10L
5. Magnetic properties of complexes paramagnetism,1st & 2nd ordered Zeeman effect,
quenching of orbital angular momentum by Ligand fields, Magnetic properties of A,E,T
ground terms in complexes ,spin free–spin pairedequilibria
Reference Books:
1 Principle of Biochemistry, Lehinger D.L. Nelson and M.M. Cox. Macmillan Worth
2 Biochemistry, L. Stryer, W.H. Freeman, San Francisco.
3 Schaum’s Outline Steries of Theory and Problems of Biochemistry, Philip W. Kuchel and
G.B. Ralston. Int. Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Problem Approaches in Biochemistry. Wood and Hood
Overviews of Bioinorganic Chemistry. 2L
Text Books:
1. Ligand field theory & its application: B.N.Figgis & M.A.Hitchman (2000) Wiely VCH
publ. Chapters 5,6,8,9,11.
2. Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry: S.J.Lippard & J.M Berg (1994), University
science books, Mill Valley, California Chapters- 1,2,3,5,6,7,8.
3. Inorganic Chemistry: Shriver & Atkins (1999) Oxford.
4. Inorganic Electronic spectroscopy: A.B.P.Lever ,2nd edn (1984), Elsevier Science
Publishers, New York.
5. Biological Chemistry of the Elements: R.J.P.Williams & F.R.deSalvia, Oxford
University Press-(1991)
6. Bioinorganic Chemistry : Inorganic elements in the Chemistry of life: An introduction
& guide : W.Kaim,B.Schwederski, VCH,(1991)
1. Advanced Organic Chemistry, F A Carey and R J Sundberg, Part B (for autonomous
2. Basic principles of organic chemistry, J D Roberts and M C. Caseiro Benjamin (1964).
3. Advanced organic chemistry, J. March 4th edition. Wiley-Interscience publication
4. Mechanism and structure in organic chemistry, E S Gould, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
CD 120 Physical Chemsitry: (5 credits)
(1) Hydrolysis of NH4Cl or H3COONa or aniline hydrochloride
(2) Solubility of a sparingly soluble salt.
(3) Hydrolysis of ethyl acetate by NaOH.
(4) Determination of ∆G, ∆H, and ∆S of Silver Benzoate by conductometry.
(1) Stability constant of a complex ion.
(2) Solubility of a sparingly soluble salt.
(3) Determination of dissociation constant of acetic acid.
(4) Estimation of halide in mixture.
pH metry:
(1) Hydrolysis of aniline hydrochloride
(2) Determination of the acid and base dissociation constants of an amino acid and
hence the isoelectric point of the acid.
(1) Determination of half wave potential E ½ and unknown concentration of an ion.
(2) Amperometric titration of Pb(NO3)2 with K2Cr2O7.
(1) Analysis of a binary mixture.
(2) Copper EDTA photometric titration.
(3) Determination of stability constant of ferrisalicylate complex by colorimetric
(1) Estimation of Mn in tea leaves by NAA.
(2) Half-life of a radioactive nuclide.
(3) Determination of Emax of beta radiation and absorption coefficients in Al.
(4) Counting errors.
Chemical kinetics:
(1) Kinetic decomposition of diacetone alcohol by dilatometry.
(2) Determination of an order of a reaction.
(3) Bronsted primary salt effect.
(1) Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms for adsorption of acetic acid on active
(2) Statistical treatment of experimental data.
(3) Molecular weight by steam distillation.
(4) Glycerol radius by viscosity.
(5) Partial Molar Volume (Pykenometry) Determination of the densities of a series of
solutions and to calculate the molar volumes of the components.
Each candidate should perform a minimum of 20 experiments with at least two
experiments from each technique.
Text Books
(1) Practical Physical Chemsitry, A.Finday, T.A.Kitchner (Longmans, Green and Co.).
(2) Experiments in Physical Chemistry, J.M.Wilson, K.J. Newcombe, A.R. Denko,
R.M.W.Richett (Pergamon Press).
(3) Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, B.D.Khosla and V.S.Garg (R.Chand and Co.,
1) Text book of Quantitative Analysis, A.I.Vogel. 4th edn (1992).
2) Electronic Spectroscopy by A.B.P. Lever.
3) Inorganic Synthesis (Vol. Series)
4) Practical Manual made By Department of Chemistry, University of Pune
Reference Books
1) Biochemistry of antimicrobial action (4th ed) TJ Franklin, Chapman hall (1989)
2) Mecahnism of microbial diseases, M Schaechter et al,Williams and Wilkino Int.
3) General Microbiology, Pelczar, Rard and Chan (1987)
4) Biochemistry, L Stryer,(3rd ed), Freeman and Co.
5) Biochemistry, L Stryer,(3rd ed), Freeman and Co.
6) Textbook of Biochemistry with clinical correlations, Thomas Devlin,(2nd ed),John
Wiley and sons
7) Biochemical aspects of human diseases (1983), RL E lkeles, Slackwell scientific
publishers, Oxford
8) Analogues of nucleic acids, Ray Berman (1970), Spring velrag.
1. Cellular basis of immunity: immunological memory, specificity, diversity,
discrimination between self and non self, primary and secondary lymphoid organs,
cell mediated and humoral immune responses, T and B lymphocytes, autoimmune
2. Antigen and antibody: antigen, antigenic determinant, immunopotency, structure
of antibody, constant and variable regions, Fab, F(ab2) and Fc fragments, different
classes of antibodies and their functions, fine structures of
antibodies, X ray diffraction studies, isotypes, allotypes and idiotypes,
3. Measurement of antigenantibody interaction, diffusion, immunodiffusion,
immunoelectro- phoresis, radioimmunoassay, immunoflorescence, ELISA,
western blotting
4. Clonal selection theory of antibody production, monoclonal and polyclonal
5. Complement system: classical and alternate pathway
6. T lymphocytes and cell mediated immunity, T cell sub populations, immune
response genes, MHC gene complex, polymorphism, graft rejection, graft versus
host response
7. Hypersensitivity, immunodeficiency diseases
8. Vaccines, interferon, AIDS
9. Blood antigens: blood group substances and Rh factor
Reference books
1. Molecular biology of the cell –Garland publishing Inc.,NY,London
2. Immunology 3rd ed Janis Kubay
3. Essentials of immunology (5th ed) Roit, Blackwell scientific publishing, London
4. Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 3rd ed, Abbas
Chemobiodynamics and drug design, F. W. Schueler
Bacterial resistance and sesceptilabilty to chemotherapeutic agents, L. E. Bryan
Priniples of medicinal chemistry, W. O. Foyetllimke and D, A, Williams
Membranes and Receptors: Drug transport mechanism and absorption processes, (15)
Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetic aspects, Prodrugs and Bioactivation,
Receptor theories and Receptor models, drug receptor interactions
Drug design, physiochemical principles and basis of drug design, quantitative description (15)
Physicochemical approach of drug molecules. Different methods of drug design,
Free Wilson method and its application to extrathermodynamic approach.
Biomimetic Synthesis (4)
Commercial synthesis and mode of action of vitamins, hormones and antibiotics (12)
Patents and drug laws
Modern synthetic reactions, H. O. House (1972)
Designing organic synthesis, S. Warren (1978)
2 Drug Metabolism: Databases and High Throughput Testing During Drug Design
and Development. Ed. P. W. Erhardt, Blackwell, Oxford, 1999. ISBN