dms_6790a38de45bbSkill Lab_Experiment No. 12
dms_6790a38de45bbSkill Lab_Experiment No. 12
dms_6790a38de45bbSkill Lab_Experiment No. 12
Raspberry Pi kit:
Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the
Raspberry Pi Foundation in association with Broadcom. Several generations of Raspberry Pis have been
released. Raspberry Pi SBCs feature a Broadcom system on a chip (SoC) with an integrated ARM-
compatible central processing unit (CPU) and on-chip graphics processing unit (GPU), while Raspberry
Pi Pico has a RP2040 system on chip with an integrated ARM-compatible central processing unit (CPU).
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B was released in February 2016 with a 1.2 GHz 64-bit quad core ARM Cortex-A53
processor, on-board 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and USB boot capabilities.
Relay Module:
The Raspberry Pi Relay Board gives Pi the ability to control high voltage/high current devices easily
makes normal home appliances intelligent. It uses three high quality relays and provides NO/NC
interfaces that control the load of high current.
A Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a special type of PN junction diode. The light emitting diode is specially
doped and made of a special type of semiconductor. This diode can emit light when it is in the forward
biased state. Aluminum indium gallium phosphide (AlInGaP) and indium gallium nitride (InGaN) are two
of the most commonly used semiconductors for LED technologies.
Solderless breadboards connect pin to pin by metal strips inside the breadboard. The layout of a typical
solderless breadboard is made up from two types of areas, called strips. Strips consist of
interconnected electrical terminals.
Terminal strips: The main areas, to hold most of the electronic components.
A "full size" terminal breadboard strip typically consists of around 56 to 65 rows of connectors, each
row containing the above-mentioned two sets of connected clips (A to E and F to J). Together with bus
strips on each side this makes up a typical 784 to 910 tie point solderless breadboard. "Small size"
strips typically come with around 30 rows. Miniature solderless breadboards as small as 17 rows (no
bus strips, 170 tie points) can be found, but these are only suitable for small and simple designs.
Jumper Wire:
A jump wire (also known as jumper, jumper wire, jumper cable, DuPont wire or cable) is an electrical
wire, or group of them in a cable, with a connector or pin at each end (or sometimes without them –
simply "tinned"), which is normally used to interconnect the components of a breadboard or other
prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or components, without soldering.
The computer monitor is used as the display unit, so as its keyboard for providing any input and mouse
also used.
Circuit Description:
A simple LED circuit consists of a LED and resistor. The resistor is used to limit the current that is being
drawn and is called a current limiting resistor. Without the resistor the LED would run at too high of a
voltage, resulting in too much current being drawn which in turn would instantly burn the LED, and
likely also the GPIO port on the Raspberry Pi.
To calculate the resistor value, we need to examine the specifications of the LED. Specifically, we need
to find the forward voltage (VF) and the forward current (IF). A regular red LED has a forward voltage
(VF) of 1.7V. Additionally we need to know the output voltage of the Raspberry Pi which is 3.3V.
Maximum allowable current from Raspberry pi is 5mA per pin with highest 20mA from all pin.
We can then calculate the resistor size needed to limit the current to the LED’s maximum forward
current (IF) using ohm’s law like this:
𝑉 3.3 − 1.7
𝑅= = = 320 Ω
𝐼 5𝑚𝐴
Unfortunately, 320 ohm is not a standard size of a resistor. To solve this, we can either combine
multiple resistors, or round up to a standard size.
1. Connect or Patch all the equipment required as per the circuit diagram.
2. Write the python program on the computer using respective editor.
3. Run the program and check whether the LED is glowing as per the given instructions or not.
1. Connect or Patch all the equipment required as per the circuit diagram for the RasberryPi kit and
for the relay module with the Lamp.
2. Write the python program on the computer using respective editor.
3. Run the program and check whether the Lamp is glowing as per the given instructions or not.
1. All the connections should be right and tight.
2. Don’t give the supply, unless until the connection is verified by the faculty/Lab instructor.
3. Handle all the equipment with proper care.
4. Use Shoes and Apron, while doing the connections.
Note down the time for which the LED/Lamp is blinking.