Section 3.2.5B_Ramset
Section 3.2.5B_Ramset
Section 3.2.5B_Ramset
Date : 10/02/2025
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Comment :
Recommended anchors
FIX Z XTREM A4 max. anchorage M10x95/35-15 Product Code: 058620
Effective embedment : 60 mm
ETA-15/0388 issued 2020/10/05
Base material
Concrete resistance : C30/37 - fck,cyl = 30 N/mm²
Cracking of concrete : Uncracked concrete
Thickness of concrete : 200 mm
Reinforcement type : Wide concrete reinforcement
Edge reinforcement : No edge reinforcement
Installation conditions : Dry concrete
Short term temperature : 40 °C
Long term temperature : 24 °C
Anchor plate
Thickness of part to be fixed : 8 mm
Recommended plate thickness : The base plate thickness has not been checked
Clearance diameter : 12 mm
Profile : FL130X7
Profile position : Ex = 0 mm ; Ey = 20 mm
Stand-off : None
Specifications :
Sustained Load : False
Ref : 10/02/2025 - 11:35:22 am / Version 2024.11.14
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Geometry :
Calculation Hypothesis :
- The anchoring plate is assumed to be sufficient to resist deformation imposed by the load actions.
- Connection between profile and base plate has not been checked
- The calculation is done acc. to expert judgement, based on EN 1992-4
- SPIT can only be held responsible if the calculation examples exactly reflect the application and if the installation is carried out
according to the instruction given in the SPIT specifications. The calculation is correct for SPIT anchors only. The
contractor or specifier should make sure that the base material is able to support the loads especially in the case of a group of
anchors. SPIT cannot be held responsible if this software package is modified without its written approval.
Ref : 10/02/2025 - 11:35:22 am / Version 2024.11.14
Date : 10/02/2025
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Loads on anchors
3.37 1.69