Program , Alumni
Program , Alumni
Program , Alumni
We would like to express our deepest appreciation to those people who helped
even in the smallest way in making the completion of this program possible.
To the San Vicente National High School Faculty, Alumni of this school, PTA
Officers, students and donors for all the financial support, encouragement, suggestions and
sharing of valuable information.
And most of all to our ALMIGHTY GOD, for giving us everything. Praise be to you
LORD GOD. Thank you very much.
Great care has been observed in compiling and checking all information in this
program to assure they are accurate and unbiased.
Our errors, omissions and inaccuracies which could have possibly escaped our
attention can only be attributed to human limitations.
We, therefore ask for an apology that no matter, how carefully us prepared this
program, we are bound to commit mistakes.
A sincere apology.
Comittee on Program