CV - Rusydi Hakim
CV - Rusydi Hakim
CV - Rusydi Hakim
: Rusydi Hakim, SS.T : Duri, September 19, 1985 : Jl. Jendral Sudirman Sebanga No.252
Rt/Rw. 02 Talang Mandi, Mandau, Bengkalis
Riau Indonesia
PERSONAL INFORMATIONS Education Nationality Phone number Email Drive licence C Drive licence A : Sarjana Sains Terapan : Indonesian : 085263323432 : : 850909220152 : 850909220290 FORMAL EDUCATIONS 1. 2007 2009 2. 2004 2007 3. 2006 2009 4. 2003 2006 5. 2000 2003
Polytechnic Of Andalas University (Diploma IV) GPA. 3.60 (Scale 4.00) Polytechnic Of Andalas University (Diploma III) GPA. 3.14 (Scale 4.00) SMU N 2 Mandau Duri, Riau (Science class program) SLTP N 2 Mandau Duri, Riau SDN N 004 Mandau Duri, Riau COURSE ATTENDANCES
Training managing safe work 22 25 December 2011 Present by Chevron and Tripatra Fluor.
Internal Training about Coating System (COM-SU-5191) Application onshore By PT. Rifansi Dwi Putra
Internal Training Flocculant Facility about Construction Process (Standard ASME B31.3) By PT. Rifansi Dwi Putra
Fundamental Safety Work Practice (FSWP) HES Induction Carrier Plan Development Present By Pusbiktek Bandung Dept. Pekerjaan Umum
Form Of Execution Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) on University and Construction Industrial Enviromental Present By PT. Semen Padang JOB EXPERIENCES
1. Oktober 2009 Present (Year 2012) Company Occupation Responsibility : PT. Rifansi Dwi Putra (EPC) : Civil Engineer and become : To ensure the project based on shop drawing (CPI standard) Job Description :
Estimate material require on project Site visit and inspect to project and to ensure that jobs suit on shop drawing Do propose design, and revise drawing based on requirement of project team Make request for information if there is additional job to owner : Oil and Gas
2. February 19 July (Year 2009) Company Occupation Responsibility : PT. Jaya Sentrikon Indonesia : Administration and Supporting Laboratory Civil : - To ensure the ready mix is good till pouring concrete at field - make supporting letter product to customers (specification of concrete pile foundation, ready mix, culvert) - make invoice - Control ready mix car and then fuel sheet Project : Semen Padang Hospital, Rusunawa, Rural electric, Masjid raya Padang, Bandara International Minangkabau
Karang Taruna Kel. Talang Mandi Lead Commission B Legislative Council Polytechnic Of Andalas University HIMAS Member Of Civil Parment, Polytechnic Of Andalas University English Zone Member, Polytechnic Of Andalas University
Microsoft office excel, word, power point Microstation version 8 XM and V8.6 Auto cad 2007 Microsoft Project Know about PDMS