Febrilex Junior Sp Smpc
Febrilex Junior Sp Smpc
Febrilex Junior Sp Smpc
For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.
Brown PET bottle containing 150 ml of syrup
The daily dose of paracetamol should not exceed 2 g in the following situations:
Chronic alcoholism
Liver failure
Gilbert’s syndrome
Kidney failure
In case of kidney failure, the dose of paracetamol should be adapted:
Glomerular filtration Dose
10 - 50 mL/min 500 mg every 6 hours
< 10 mL/min 500 mg every 8 hours
Elderly people
Based on the available pharmacokinetic data, no dose adaptation is required. Despite that,
renal and liver failure are more likely to occur in those patients and is thus to be taken into
4.3. Contraindications
Hypersensitivity to one of the components
Closed-angle glaucoma
Urinary retention risk due to urethroprostatic disorders (chlorphenamine)
The use of Febrilex® Junior syrup in children under 2 years is contraindicated
4.5. Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interactions
Due to paracetamol;
Paracetamol is fully metabolized in the liver. Some of its metabolites are toxic to the liver, a
concomitant administration of potent enzymes inducers (rifampicin, certain anti-convulsants)
can lead to liver-toxic reactions, especially with high doses of paracetamol.
• Anticoagulants: the weak bonding of paracetamol to plasmatic proteins allows its
association with anticoagulants. However, prolonged administration of paracetamol can
increase the risk of bleeding. In that case, regular monitoring of the INR (International
Normalized Ratio) is recommended.
• Metoclopramide: paracetamol absorption can be increased when associated with
• Chloramphenicol: paracetamol increases chloramphenicol clearance.
• Colestyramine: colestyramine may decrease the intestinal absorption of paracetamol.
While using concomitantly paracetamol and colestyramine, paracetamol should be
administered 1 hour prior or 4 hours after the administration of colestyramine.
• Probenecid: probenecid can decrease by almost half the clearance of paracetamol by the
inhibition of the conjugation with glucuronic acid. A reduction in the dose of paracetamol
should therefore be considered if concomitant treatment with probenecid.
• Zidovudine: concomitant administration of paracetamol and zidovudine can lead to
neutropenia and liver toxicity. The chronic/frequent use of paracetamol in patients treated
with zidovudine should be avoided. If required, white blood cells and liver function
should be monitored, especially in undernourished patients.
• Vitamin K antagonists: a stronger effect of the vitamin K antagonists can arise, especially
if paracetamol is taken often and in high doses. In this case, a frequent monitoring of the
International Normalised Ratio (INR) is recommended.
• Lamotrigine: a decreased bioavailability of lamotrigine, with possible reduced therapeutic
effect can appear because of likely induction in the metabolism of lamotrigine by
• Metoclopramide and domperidone: accelerated intestinal resorption of paracetamol can
arise due to the accelerated stomach emptying.
• Diagnosis tests: paracetamol can interfere with the determination of blood uric acid by
the phosphotungstic acid method and with the determination of blood glucose by the
glucose oxydase-peroxydase method.
Due to chlorphenamine;
Potentiation of the central nervous system depressants (hypnotics, anaesthetics ...).
Take the potentiation of the central atropinic effects into account in case of association with
other anticholinergics (other antihistamines, antidepressants, imipramines, phenothiazine
neuroleptics, anticholinergic antiparkinsonians, atropinic antispasmodics, disopyramide).
Atropinic effects such as dry mouth, accommodation disorders, dysuria, mental confusion or
excitation in elderly patients
These disorders progressively disappear when interrupting the treatment.
A risk of acute hepatotoxicity exists particularly in elderly people, young children, in case of
liver or kidney failure, of chronic alcoholism, of chronic malnutrition, in case of use of
enzyme inducing agents and in very meagre adults (> 50 kg).
Pre-existing hepatic impairment and chronic alcohol consumption can lower the toxicity
threshold. It has to be kept in mind that a massive overdose due to a glutathione depletion
exceeding 70 % (which theoretically requires an absorption of 15 g paracetamol in adults and
a child a dose equal or higher than 150 mg/kg body weight) leads to the formation of
increased quantity of the reactive metabolite which, as it cannot be detoxified, causes hepatic
cytolysis potentially leading to a complete and irreversible necrosis. Paracetamol
accumulation due to metabolism impairment has not been observed at therapeutic doses.
Glutathione depletion, which could increase the toxicity risk, does not usually occur.
Early symptoms, that can occur only 12 hours after ingestion of a potentially toxic dose, may
include: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain and sweating. Clinical and biological
signs of liver disorders can appear later (48 to 72 hours).
As a consequence, in case of any suspicion of paracetamol overdose, the patient should be
immediately hospitalized and serum levels should be determined at the earliest from the 4th
hour post-ingestion on.
Values exceeding 200 μg/ml at the 4th hour or 50 μg/ml at the 12th hour are the signs of a high
risk of hepatic necrosis. The usual liver function tests should be performed as early as
possible and repeated on a regular basis (every 24 hours).
The overdose treatment in a specialized environment includes the administration at the
earliest of the N-acetylcysteine antidote.
Early treatment can result in a total functional recovery.
N-acetylcysteine proposed posology: initial dose 150 mg/kg in 30 minutes, then 50 mg/kg in
4 hours and 100 mg/kg during the following 16 hours. A close monitoring of hepatic function
is recommended (every 24 hours).
6.2. Incompatibilities
None reported to this day.
Exphar sa
Zoning Industriel de Nivelles Sud, zone II - Avenue Thomas Edison 105 - 1402 Thines,
Phone +32 (0)67 68 84 05
Fax +32 (0)67 68 84 19
Gracure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
E-1105, Industrial Area, Phase-III,
Bhiwadi, Dist. Alwar (Raj.)
Phone +91 11 41030748
Fax: +91 11 25920747
Mail: gracure@vsnl.net