EE syllabus
EE syllabus
EE syllabus
Electrical Circuits: - AC & DC circuit elements, Electrical circuit laws, Network Theorems and
applications, Star and delta transformation, Single Phase and Three Phase power in AC circuits,
Three Phase balanced and unbalanced circuits, Natural responses and forced responses, steady
state and transient response for standard inputs, resonant circuits. Two-Port networks, Laplace,
Fourier and Z-transform and their applications, Filter types and parameters, RL and RC Network
E.M. Theory: - Electric and magnetic fields, Faraday’s Law, Lorentz Force, Biot-Savart’s Law,
Gauss's Law, Ampere's Law, Coulomb’s Law, Divergence and Curl, Electric fields and potential
due to point, line, plane, and spherical charge distributions, Fields in dielectrics, conductors and
magnetic materials, Maxwell's equations, Time-varying fields, Wave propagation in dielectric and
conducting media.
Engineering Materials: Classification of materials on the basis of permanent magnetic dipoles,
Electrical and electronic behaviour of materials, Classification on the basis of conductivity,
Behaviour of dielectrics in steady and alternating fields, Phenomenon of polarization, Super
conductivity, Applications of magnetic, conducting, dielectric and insulating materials,
Control System: Mathematical Modelling of dynamic linear continuous and digital control
system Open and closed loop systems, Block diagrams and signal flow graphs, transfer function,
Response analysis, time-domain, frequency-domain, steady-state error analysis, Root locus
technique, Bode plot, Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist Criteria of stability, State space analysis of
linear systems, State transition matrix, Eigen values and stability analysis, Concepts of
controllability and observability, Compensating Networks, P, PI and PID Controllers.
Elements of Electronics: - Semiconductor device physics, P-N junction diodes, junction
transistors and their applications, circuit models and parameters, Small-signal amplifiers, biasing
circuits, frequency response, multistage amplifiers and feedback amplifiers. D.C. amplifiers,
oscillators, Large-signal amplifiers: coupling methods, push-pull amplifiers, operational
amplifier-properties and applications, wave shaping circuits, Multivibrators, flip-flop and their
applications, Digital logic gate families, universal gates, combinational circuit for arithmetic and
logic operation, sequential logic circuits, Multiplexers, demultiplexer, AD and DA converters,
Counters, registers, Memory, Communication: Generation and detection of AM and FM, noise
behavior of AM and FM systems.
Power Electronics: Power switching devices namely diode, MOSFET, IGBT, GTO, etc.
characteristics and circuits, Device Protection, Principle and design of single phase and polyphase
rectifiers, AC to DC, DC to DC and AC to AC converters, Performance parameters, single phase
and three phase voltage source inverters (VSI), single phase and three phase PWM, SMPS,
chopper fed multi-quadrant and closed-loop control of DC drives, Speed control of drives.