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Bharath Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) started CHIEF PATRONS

with Sri Lakshmi Ammal Educational Trust as the first self-
financing Engineering College in Tamil Nadu in 1984 by Dr. S. Dr. S. Jagathraakshakan, Chairman & Founder
Jagathrakshakan. The trust then established Sree Balaji Dr.J.Sundeep Aanand, President
Dental College and Hospital in 1989. Bharath Institute of
Higher Education and Research (BIHER) is a multi-stream and Dr.Swetha Sundeep Aanand, Managing Director AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy
multi-cultural university, providing high quality education to Sponsored
nearly 10000 students from around the world. It is functioning
in a sprawling area of 603 acres of land with 1.3 crore sq.ft
6 days Online Faculty Development Program
buildings located in 6 Campuses both in Tamil Nadu and Prof. Mohamed Rela, Chancellor
Puducherry with the state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities. On
There are well qualified Teaching Faculty members to teach Dr.K.Vijaya Bhaskar Raju, Pro Chancellor “RECENT TRENDS AND ADVANCEMENT IN
various UG and PG programmes and to guide.
Dr.M.Sundararajan,Vice-Chancellor INTERGRATED POWER SYSTEMS”
ABOUT EEE DEPARTMENT Dr. R.M.Suresh, Pro Vice Chancellor(COE)
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is 16-12-2024 to 21-12-2024
started in1992 with one Under-Graduate programmer Dr.R.Venkatesh Babu, Pro Vice-Chancellor (IR) (6.00 PM to 9.00PM )
(B.Tech.), two Post-Graduate programs (M.Tech. in Power
Systems and M.Tech. in Power Electronics and Drives) . The Dr.R.Hariprakash, Additional Registrar
department also offers research programs (Ph.D.) in the
Dr.M.Sundararaj, Dean Academics Organized by
various fields related to Electrical & Electronics Engineering to Department of Electrical and Electronics
cater to the ever-challenging needs of technical excellence in Dr.P.Naveenchandran,Dean-R&D
Power System, HVDC transmission, Modern Electric Drives, Engineering
Electric mobility and Renewable Energy. B.Tech (EEE) program CONVENERS
is accredited by Accreditation Board for Engineering and Dr.M.K.llampoornan, Prof/EEE & Dean-IQAC
Technology (ABET), USA.
Dr.S.Prakash, Dean-SEE
The Objectives of the FDP are: Dr.S.Lakshmi ,HOD/EEE
• To identify recent trends in Technology related to power For further information contact
system equipments and its applications.
• To classify the trends in distributed generation,
transmission equipments and niche equipments in Dr.V.Jayalakshmi,
healthcare Associate Professor/EEE
• To explore innovative approach in design, condition 9940114425
monitoring of electrical equipment
• To understand the latest technology regarding safe and
security issues in power systems
• To facilitate platform for academician researches and CO-CORDINATOR
industry experts to discuss the industry needs and
foster collaborative research opportunities Mrs.Anitha Sampathkumar, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and
• To demonstrate role of power electronic converters for Assistant Professor/EEE Research
sustainable transportation and smart grid system
• To frame a curriculum inclusive of recent trends and Anithasampathkumar.eee@gmail.com (Deemed to be University)
technologies leading to innovative research in power 9962700580 Chennai -600073, India.
systems for nation building Classification: Confidential
Topics to be covered:
RESOURCE PERSONS Er.Abhijit Patel, Software Architect at
• Recent Advances in HV Substation Equipment
Philips, Pune, Maharashtra, India. He is
OVERSEAS EXPERTS having more than 20 years experience on • Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics of Power
Project / Program Management/Result- Transformer
Er.Ganapathi Director Global logic driven professional targeting assignments • Trends of HV insulation design in Electrical
Hitachi digital engineering division. in Cloud Architecture Equipements
He is having 23 Years of Experience- ACADEMIC EXPERTS • Gravity Energy Storage Systems
Automotive, Infotainment and • Cybersecurity of Sustainable Energy Systems and
Connected Car Domain. Dr.M.K.Ilampoornan, Professor &
Dean –IQAC, Bharath Institute of Electrical Vehicles
Higher Education and Research. He • Enhanced Operation of DFIG based Wind Power
Dr. Biswajit Ray is Associate is having more than 24 years of Plants under Grid Voltage Unbalance
Professor of Electrical and Experience in Teaching, Research & • Emerging Trends in Solar Cell Technology:
Computer Engineering in Administration. Fabrication and Future Outlook
Colorado State University. He is
having 18 years of experience in Dr.M. Chakkarapani, Assistant professor, • Probabilistic Load Flow Analysis
Academics, Research and Department of Electronics and • Role of Power Electronic Converters for Sustainable
Industry. Instrumentation Engineering, Assam Transportation and Smart Grid Systems
Energy Institute(Centre of Rajiv Gandhi • Data Storage devices and memory for intelligent
INDUSTRY EXPERTS Institute of Petroleum Technology. He is Electrical Systems
having around 14 years experience in
Dr. Santosh Annadurai, Head • E-Vehicle Connectivity and management
Teaching and Research .
Research Development Department • Recent Trends in AI for Electrical Healthcare Equipment
at GE Grid Solutions Kanchipuram, Dr. Asha Rani M A, Assistant
Tamil Nadu, India. He is having more
than 21 years of progressive
Professor, Department of Electrical
Engineering, National Institute of
No registration fee
experience in High Voltage product Technology Silchar. She is having
design, development. more than 18 years experience in Target Participants
Academic and Research. The faculty members, Research scholars & PG Scholars of
Er.Annamalai Ramanathan
Dr.B.Rajanarayan Prusty, Professor and
the AICTE approved institutions and Industry Personnel
Director Chronos Imaging India
Dean(Research),Galgotias University.,
Private Limited He is having 25
Greater NOIDA, INDIA. He is having
Mode of Delivery
years of experience in new product
more than 17 years experience in
development (NPI), technology Live web sessions through Online Platform
Academics and Research.

Requirements to get E-Certificate

Mr. Gopinath, Director, R&D, Dr.Lakshmanan S A, Head-
research Amrita school of The certificates shall be issued to those participants who
Phillips Health Care. He is the
Dynamic & Result Oriented R&D Engineering Amrita Viswa are registered on ATAL portal www.aicte-india.org/atal
Group Leader with 23 years of Vidyapeetham Chennai. He is and attend the program with minimum 80% attendance
experience. having more than 17 years and score minimum 70% marks in the test.
Experience in Academics and
Dr.Jeyabalan Velandy, Unit
Research . How to Apply ?
Dr.Arijit Bardhan Roy, Assistant
R&D Head ,GE India Industrial Professor, Dept of ECE, SRM
Registration has to be done only through Online
Pvt limited, Hosur. He is having Institute of Science and
19 years experience on Technology ,Kattankulathhur. He https://atalacademy.aicte-india.org
research, design analysis, is having more than 10 years
manufacturing & HV testing. experience in Teaching and For more information, kindly visit website
Classification: Confidential
Research. https://atalacademy.aicte-india.org/FAQs

Application No:
Click on the 1731040704
FDP Title: Recent Trends
FDPs and Advancement in
Integrated Power

01 02 03 04 05
Select month Click on
Login to the “December” “Apply”
ATAL portal & Upload NOC
Select mode and confirm

Classification: Confidential
ATAL Online 6 Day Faculty Development Programmes 2024-25 Schedule

FDP Thrust Area: Energy, Sustainability & Climate Change

FDP Title: Recent Trends and Advancement in Integrated Power Systems
Start Date:16.12.2024 End Date 21.12.2024

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

16.12.2024 17.12.2024 18.12.2024 19.12.2024 20.12.2024 21.12.2024
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
6:00PM to 6:30PM 6:00PM to 7:30PM 6:00PM to 7:30PM Session 5 6:00PM to 7:30PM 6:00PM to 7:30PM Session 9 2:00PM to 3:30PM
Session 3 Session 7 Session 11
Topic: Recent trends in AI for Topic: Role of Power Electronic
Topic: Advanced Diagnostic Electrical Healthcare Equipment Topic: Condition Monitoring and Converters for Sustainable Topic: Probabilistic Load Flow Analysis
techniques for Power Equipment Name of the Expert: Abhijit Patel Diagnostics of Power Transportation and Smart Grid Systems Name of the Expert: Dr.B.Rajanarayan
Name of the Expert: Designation & Organization: Software Transformer Prusty
Name of the Expert: Dr.Lakshmanan S
Mr. Gopinath Architect at Philips ,Pune, Maharashtra, Name of the Expert: Designation & Organization: Professor
India Dr.M.K.Ilampoornan and Dean(Research)
Designation & Organization: Designation & Organization: Head-
Years of Exp: 20 years Designation & Organization: Galgotias University
Inaugural Session Director, R&D, Phillips Health Care Research
Professor & Dean -IQAC, Bharath Amrita School Of Engineering Years of Exp: 17 years
Years of Exp:23 years Institute of Higher Education and Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham,Chennai
Years of Exp:17 years
Years of Exp: 24 years
6:30 PM to 8:00PM 7:30PM to 9:00PM Session 4 7:30PM to 9:00PM Session 6 7:30PM to 9:00PM Session 8 7:30PM to 9:00PM Session 10 3:30PM to 5:00PM Session 12
Session 1
Topic: Gravity Energy Storage Systems Topic: Data Storage device and Topic: Emerging Trends in Solar Topic: Cybersecurity in Topic: Enhanced Operation of DFIG
Topic: Recent Advances in HV Name of the Expert: memory for Intelligent Electrical Cell Technology: Fabrication and Sustainable Energy Systems and based Wind Power Plants under Grid
Substation Equipment Er.Annamalai Ramanathan Systems Future Outlook Electric Vehicles Voltage Unbalance
Name of the Expert:
Name of the Expert: Designation & Organization: Name of the Expert: Name of the Expert: Name of the Expert:
Dr.Arijit Bardhan Roy
Dr. Santosh Annadurai Director Dr. Biswajit Ray Dr. M. Chakkarapani, Dr. Asha Rani M A
Designation & Organization:
Designation & Organization: Head Chronos Imaging India Private Limited Designation & Organization: Associate Designation & Organization: Assistant Designation & Organization: Assistant
Assistant Professor
professor, Professor, Department of Electrical
Research Development Department at Years of Exp:25 years Professor of Electrical and Computer Dept of ECE
Department of Electronics and Engineering, National Institute of
GE Grid Solutions Kanchipuram, Tamil Engineering SRM Institute of Science and
Instrumentation Engineering, Assam Technology Silchar
Nadu, India Colorado State University Technology
Energy Institute (Centre of Rajiv Gandhi Years of Exp: 18 years
Years of Exp:21 years Years of Exp: 18 years kattankulathur
Institute of Petroleum Technology,
Years of Exp: 11 years Years of Exp: 14 years
8:00PM to 9:30PM 5:00PM to 6:30PM
Session 2 Session 13
Topic: Trends of HV insulation design in Topic: E-Vehicle connectivity and
Electrical Equipements Name of the management
Expert: Name of the Expert:
Dr.Jeyabalan Velandy Er.Ganapathi
Designation & Organization: Unit R&D Designation & Organization: Director,
Head, Global logic Hitachi digital engineering
GE India Industrial Pvt limited, Hosur division.
Years of Exp:19 years Years of Exp:23 years
6:30PM to 7:30PM
Online test & feedback

7:30PM to 8:00PM Valedictory Session

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