Proposal Format - OACETT
Proposal Format - OACETT
Proposal Format - OACETT
p. 166 Figure 7-2 for model and Figure 7-3 for the writing plan. Blicq (Canadian 8th) Chapter 6 Student Project Proposal p. 157 - - Figure 6.6 I The Technology Report Proposal
The TR Proposal advises the IETO Admissions Committee of the authors intent to submit a TR. It gives both the committee and the candidate an opportunity to determine whether the topic and proposed treatment would potentially result in an acceptable TR. The candidate must receive approval before proceeding to the TR. Normally a proposal will be a total of about 500 words divided into several sections. The TR Proposal should contain the following information: From: Candidates name, membership number and address Date: Date of submission Discipline: The Discipline in which certification is sought. Title: The proposed title for the TR. It should be specific, contain fewer than 10 words, and use standard terminology. Introduction: A short background statement, in about 100 words, of what the proposal covers and why this particular report is being prepared. Body: This section outlines the problem and methodology which the TR will attempt to address. (a) The problem should provide sufficient detail using specific engineering concepts/techniques/processes to identify what is wrong. Care should be taken to ensure that it is really a problem versus a summary or overview. (Proposals that are summaries of an industry or situation without seeking to solve an issue are unlikely to be approved.) The problem statement typically would not exceed 50 words. (b) The methodology describes concisely the approach the author intends to use in the TRs investigation and documentation. The methodology description would normally be about 300 words. Hypothesis: An effective hypothesis statement describes what the author thinks the solution to the problem is expected to be and why. It should be strong and clear and not contain any words such as may be, probably, or might. A hypothesis statement typically would not exceed 50 words.
Approval Considerations When the Proposal for a Technology Report has been approved, the TR may be prepared. A Technology Report will not be accepted for consideration unless a Proposal has been submitted and approved. The TR must be submitted within one year of the approval of the Proposal for a Technology Report. Sample Topics and Titles A Technology Report should relate to the discipline in which certification is sought and describe a comprehensive study of an engineering or applied science topic. Sample topics might include a Design; Testing and Analysis; Selection or Development of a Process or Equipment; or a Technical Site Assessment. Titles from previous TRs have been: Chemical 1 A Study of the Effects of Filler Concentration and Shear Rate on the Viscosity of a Filled Polymer Compound 2 Heavy Water Properties in a Computer Blowdown Code for Nuclear Reactors 3 Analysis of Ethyl Carbonate in Wine Electronics 1 Three Position Elevator Model with Soft Start and Soft Stop 2 Continuous Online Catalyst Loading 3 Audio Spectrum Analyzer 4 Subcarrier Multiplexing on Fiber Optic Networks 5 Gas Monitoring Measurement Techniques Environmental 1 An Environmental Health Assessment of Grenadier Pond 2 Laboratory Analysis Utilizing an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer 3 Quantifying the Stormwater Pollutant Reduction Benefits Associated with Traditional Public Works Maintenance Practices Mechanical 1 The Design and Development of a Coat Hook Assembly for an Automotive Interior Application 2 How to Manufacture More Effectively Using Laser Technology 3 Improving Indoor Air Quality in a Residential Application