Lab 2
Lab 2
Lab 2
Group No.:
Lab Instructions
This lab activity comprises three parts, namely Pre-lab, Lab tasks, and Post-lab viva session.
The lab report will be uploaded on LMS before scheduled lab date. Each group to upload
completed lab report on LMS for grading.
The students failing to complete Pre-lab will not be allowed to attend lab session.
The students will start lab task and demonstrate design steps separately for step-wise
evaluation (teacher/lab engineer will sign each step after ascertaining functional verification).
Any report submitted without teacher/lab engineer signatures will not be accepted.
Remember that a neat logic diagram with pins numbered and nicely patched circuit will
simplify trouble-shooting/fault diagnostic process.
After completion of lab, the students are expected to unwire the circuit and deposit back
components to lab staff.
The students will complete lab task within the prescribed time and submit complete report to
lab engineer before leaving the lab.
There will be a viva session after demonstration for which students will be graded individually.
Model and simulate the basic gates i.e. NOT, AND & OR in Verilog (Gate level) using Modelsim. Compare
the simulation waveform results with truth table in the space given below.
Code (SS & Text)
Output Waveform
Code (SS & Text)
Output Waveform
Output Waveform
a. Write the Verilog Code using Gate Level modeling for the following circuit. List the code for design as
well as stimulus below.
b. Simulate below circuit on Proteus and perform it on hardware.
Label each gate output in the above circuit and derive algebraic expressions for SUM and Carry Out. Fill in
the following truth table and determine the function performed by the circuit.
Truth Table:
After determining the function performed by the circuit given in Lab Task 2, write the Verilog description of
the circuit in dataflow. Comment on the two different modeling levels you used to model the same circuit.
(Paste snapshots of the codes and stimuluses below)
Observations/ Conclusion