Criminal Law Review Prelims Reviewer 3
Criminal Law Review Prelims Reviewer 3
Criminal Law Review Prelims Reviewer 3
Lastly, under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic These are certain laws which exempt certain
Relations, a diplomatic agent enjoys immunity from individuals from criminal prosecution.
criminal jurisdiction of the receiving state except in the
case of an action relating to any professional or Example: Under the 1987 Constitution, members
commercial activity exercised by the diplomatic agent in of the Congress, senator or a congressman, is
the receiving state outside his official functions. Therefore, immune from any criminal liability for slander, oral
it is necessary that evidence should’ve been presented defamation, or libel for every speech or debate that
before outrightly dismissing the case simply based on the he makes in the halls of Congress while the
letter of protocol coming from the DFA saying that Liang is Congress is in a regular or special session.
immune from suit.
G.R. No. 142396 | 11 February 2013 Under the territoriality characteristic of Criminal Law, our
penal laws shall have force and effect only on acts
FACTS: Minucher was an Iranian National. On the other committed within the Philippine archipelago. Therefore, for
hand, Scalzo is a special agent of the US Drug acts committed outside the Philippine archipelago, our
Enforcement Administration who is here in the Philippines penal laws will no longer apply.
to help the government contain drug trafficking. A buy-bust
operation was conducted on Minucher upon the initiation Exceptions:
of Scalzo and the former was arrested. The case against
Minucher was dismissed, he was acquitted. As a 1. Should commit an offense while on a Philippine
countercharge, as an act of revenge, Minucher filed a civil ship or airship;
action for damages against Scalzo because he claimed
that these drug cases filed against him was only because 2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency
of Scalzo. note of the Philippine Islands or obligations and
securities issued by the Government of the
When the civil action for damages was filed by Minucher Philippine Island;
against Scalzo, the latter filed a Motion to Dismiss the
complaint on the ground that, being an special agent of the 3. Should be liable for acts connected with the
USDEA, he enjoys diplomatic immunity from suit. introduction into these islands of the obligations
and securities mentioned in the presiding number;
1. WON Scalzo, a special agent of the USDEA, is 4. 4. While being public officers or employees, should
considered as a diplomatic agent therefore enjoys commit an offense in the exercise of their
diplomatic immunity from suit. (NO) functions; or
2. WON the civil action for damages prosper. (NO) 5. Should commit any of the crimes against national
RULING: Under the Vienna Convention, only diplomatic security and the law of nations, defined in Title
agents are vested with blanket diplomatic immunity from One of Book Two of this Code. (Article 2, RPC)
criminal and civil suits. And based on the Vienna
Convention, a diplomatic agent is one who is charged with Q: X and Y, together with Z – best friend of X, the
the duty of representing their states on political matters. husband, went to Hong Kong for a vacation of just 2
Scalzo is not here in the Philippines as a representative of weeks. They checked in a hotel where one room is
the USA on political matters. Scalzo, as an agent of the occupied by husband and wife X and Y, and the next
USDEA, was here in the Philippines in order to conduct room is occupied by the best friend of X, Z. They went
activities and help the country contain drug trafficking. He out of their place and went for shopping, etc.
is not here as a diplomatic agent. Suddenly, the wife said, she wanted to go back to the
hotel and rest for a while. The friend Z also said that
However, although Scalzo is not a diplomatic agent, still he he too was not feeling well and wanted to go back to
is immune from suit under the Doctrine of State Immunity his room in the hotel. The husband said, “It’s alright
you can go back already. I just need to go around for
After consulting with the counsel, she was advised to RULING: YES. The Supreme Court said that Van Wilsem’s
file a case of violation of Sec. 5 (i) or psychological arguments have no merit.
violence under R.A. 9262 against her husband before
Philippine courts. Per advice of her counsel, the wife His argument that he is a foreigner and that he is not bound
filed the said case. to comply with Philippine laws is not correct. Under the
territoriality characteristic of Criminal Law, since Van
Will the case prosper? Wilsem is here in the Philippines, he is bound to comply
with Philippine penal laws regardless of the fact that he
A: Yes, the case will prosper. resides here temporarily or permanently. As such, he is
obligated to give support to their minor son.
Although the said act of extramarital affair happened in
Singapore and not in the Philippines, the case of violation Based also on the territoriality characteristic of Criminal
of Sec. 5 (i) or psychological violence under R.A. 9262 will Law, although Van Wilsem’s failure to give support
prosper before Philippine courts because as held by the happened first in the Netherlands, such is continuously
Supreme Court, psychological violence, as one of the acts happening in the Philippines because while here in the
prohibited under R.A. 9262, is a transitory or continuing Philippines, he still failed to give support to his son.
R.A. 9344 (Juvenile Justice Welfare Act of 2006) is an In the latter part of the decision, the Supreme Court said
example of a penal law that explicitly provides for its that since Hernan’s penalty has been reduced from prision
retroactive application to minor offenders who have mayor to prision correccional, which has a maximum term
already been convicted and are serving sentence. The law of six years, Hernan may apply for probation under the new
itself provides for its retroactive application. Probation Law under R.A. 10707.
FACTS: Hernan was a public officer charged and Crimes are social
thereafter convicted by the Sandiganbayan for the crime of phenomena which
malversation under Art. 217 of the Revised Penal Code. constrain a person to do
wrong although not of his
Allegedly, the amount that he malversed was the amount own volition.
that he failed to liquidate – 11,300 pesos. Because of that, The purpose of penalty is The purpose of penalty is
the Sandiganbayan imposed upon Hernan the penalty of to exact retribution. reformation. Positivist
prision mayor. The decision of the Sandiganbayan became Classical philosophy philosophy believes that
final and executory. revolves around the each accused is a sick
maxim “an eye for an eye, individual who has to be
R.A. 10951 was thereafter passed which reduced the a tooth for a tooth.” cured and reformed and
imposable penalty on malversation under Art. 217 of the not punished.
RPC. If the amount malversed is less than 40,000 pesos, For every crime
the penalty would only be prision correccional. committed, there is a
A common misconception is that all mala in se crimes are a) It suffers from the vice of vagueness;
found in the Revised Penal Code (RPC), while all mala
prohibita crimes are provided by special penal laws. In b) It dispenses with the “reasonable doubt” standard in
reality, however, there may be mala in se crimes under criminal prosecutions; and
special laws, such as plunder under R.A. No. 7080, as
amended. Similarly, there may be mala prohibita crimes c) It abolishes the element of mens rea in crimes already
defined in the RPC, such as technical malversation. punishable under the RPC.
The better approach to distinguish between mala in se and Petitioner insists that the Plunder Law does not constitute
mala prohibita crimes is the determination of the inherent an indictable offense because of its failure to provide for
immorality or vileness of the penalized act. If the the statutory definition of the terms "combination" and
punishable act or omission is immoral in itself, then it is a "series" in the key phrase "a combination or series of overt
crime mala in se, on the contrary, if it is not immoral in itself, or criminal acts" found in Sec. 1, par. (d), and Sec. 2, and
but there is a statute prohibiting its commission on reasons the word "pattern" in Sec. 4. These omissions, according
of public policy, then it is mala prohibita. In the final to Estrada, render the Plunder Law unconstitutional for
analysis, whether or not a crime involves moral turpitude is being impermissibly vague and overbroad and deny him
ultimately a question of fact and frequently depends on all the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the
the circumstances surrounding the violation of the statute. accusation against him, hence, violative of his fundamental
right to due process.
Having in mind the potential conflict between the proposed
law and the core principle of mala in se adhered to under RULING: Plunder is malum in se. The legislative
the RPC, the Congress did not simply enact an declaration in R.A. No. 7659 that plunder is a heinous
amendment thereto. Instead, it created a special law on offense implies that it is a malum in se. For when the acts
hazing, founded upon the principle of mala prohibita. punished are inherently immoral or inherently wrong, they
are mala in se and it does not matter that such acts are
In Vedana v. Valencia, the Court noted that in our nation's punished in a special law, especially since in the case of
very recent history, the people had spoken, through the plunder the predicate crimes are mainly mala in se. Indeed,
Congress, to deem conduct constitutive of hazing, an act it would be absurd to treat prosecutions for plunder as
previously considered harmless by custom, as criminal. though they are mere prosecutions for violations of the
The act of hazing itself is not inherently immoral, but the Bouncing Check Law (B.P. Blg. 22) or of an ordinance
law deems the same to be against public policy and must against jaywalking, without regard to the inherent
be prohibited. Accordingly, the existence of criminal intent wrongness of the acts.
is immaterial in the crime of hazing. Also, the defense of
good faith cannot be raised in its prosecution. CASE DISCUSSION: ESTRADA v. SANDIGANBAYAN
The crime of hazing under R.A. No. 8049 is malum In the case of Estrada v. Sandiganbayan, the Supreme
prohibitum. Court said that plunder, which is a violation of RA No. 7080
(a special penal law) is malum in se because it is inherently
CASE DISCUSSION: DUNGO V. PEOPLE evil or wrong to amass, accumulate, and acquire ill-gotten
wealth. Therefore, although plunder is punished by a
In the case of Dungo v. People, the Supreme Court said special penal law, it is considered as malum in se.
that it is a common misconception that all mala in se crimes
are found in the Revised Penal Code (RPC) while all mala PEOPLE v. ACHARON
prohibita crimes are provided by special penal laws. The G.R. No. 224946 | 9 November 2021
Supreme Court said that is a misconception – that is
wrong. In reality, there may be mala in se crimes under FACTS: Christian Acharon was an Overseas Filipino
special penal laws and there may also be mala prohibita Worker. His wife sued her for economic abuse (violation of
crimes defined under the RPC. Section 5(i) of R.A. 9262) as Acharon, while being gainfully
FACTS: 24-year-old Cadajas met 14-year-old victim AAA It is decisively clear that the crime of child
in the canteen where he works. Their relationship started pornography as defined and penalized under R.A. No.
when the younger sibling of AAA told Cadajas that AAA 9775 should be classified as a crime mala in se. As
had a crush on him. Later, AAA and Cadajas exchanged parens patriae, this act of grooming minors for sexual
messages on Facebook Messenger until they became abuse should not be tolerated. We should not be complicit
sweethearts. AAA’s mother BBB discovered the in reinforcing this belief upon the minors that sex with
relationship because AAA would borrow her cellphone to children is acceptable and thereby fuel a pedophile's
access AAA’s Facebook account. Her mother was thus fantasies prior to committing sexual abuse, which clearly
able to read their messages whenever AAA would forget happened in the instant case.
to log out. BBB disapproved of their relationship because
AAA was still too young. However, Cadajas and AAA CASE DISCUSSION: CADAJAS v. PEOPLE
ignored her admonishment.
In a recent case, Cadajas v. People (En Banc 2021), the
BBB was disheartened when she read that Cadjas was Supreme Court said that the crime of child pornography
sexually luring her daughter to meet with him in a motel. In which is punished under R.A. No.9775 is classified as an
the conversation, Cadajas was coaxing her daughter to act malum in se, it is not considered a crime malum
send him photos of the latter's breast and vagina. AAA prohibitum. The Supreme Court said because it is
relented and sent the photos. inherently evil or wrong to encourage a minor to keep the
photos of the private parts of anyone.
RULING: This Court concurs with petitioner's argument,
and as pointed out by Associate Justice Alfredo Benjamin GARCIA v. PEOPLE
S. Caguioa in his Dissenting Opinion, that a violation of G.R. No. 157171 | 14 March 2006
Section 4(c)(2) of R.A. No. 10175, in relation to Sections
4(a), 3(6) and (c)(5) of R.A. No. 9775 falls under the class FACTS: In the case of Garcia v. CA, Garcia being an
of offenses known as mala in se, where criminal intent election officer was the head of the board of canvassers
must be proven by proof beyond reasonable doubt. The and the camp of the former Senator Aquilino Pimentel
difference between the concept of mala in se and malum discovered that Garcia reduced by more than five
prohibitum were succinctly explained as follows: thousand (5,000) votes the tallied votes of Senator
Pimentel. The camp filed a case against Garcia for
Criminal law has long divided crimes into acts wrong in violation of the Election Law.
themselves called acts mala in se; and acts which would
not be wrong but for the fact that positive law forbids them, The defense of Garcia is that she cannot be criminally
called acts mala prohibita. This distinction is important with liable because according to her, she has no intention and
reference to the intent with which a wrongful act is done. there was no deliberate intent to decrease the votes of
FACTS: MSWDO of Leyte operated a Core Shelter Ysidoro insists that he acted in good faith since, first, the
Assistance Program that provided construction materials idea of using the SFP goods for the CSAP beneficiaries
to indigent calamity victims with which to rebuild their came, not from him, but from Garcia and Polinio; and
homes. The beneficiaries provided the labor needed for second, he consulted the accounting department if the
construction. When construction for calamity victims in goods could be distributed to those beneficiaries. Having
Sitio Luy-a was 70% done, the beneficiaries stopped no criminal intent, he argues that he cannot be convicted
reporting for work for the reason that they had to find food of the crime.
for their families. This worried the CSAP Officer-in-Charge
Garcia, for such construction stoppage could result in the But criminal intent is not an element of technical
loss of construction materials particularly the cement. malversation. The law punishes the act of diverting public
Thus, she sought the help of the Polinio, officer of the property earmarked by law or ordinance for a particular
MSWDO, in charge of the municipality’s Supplemental public purpose to another public purpose. The offense is
Feeding Program that rationed food to malnourished mala prohibita, meaning that the prohibited act is not
children. Polinio told Garcia that the SFP still had sacks of inherently immoral but becomes a criminal offense
rice and boxes of sardines in its storeroom. And since she because positive law forbids its commission based on
had already distributed food to the mother volunteers, what considerations of public policy, order, and convenience. It
remained could be given to the CSAP beneficiaries. is the commission of an act as defined by the law, and not
the character or effect thereof, that determines whether or
Garcia and Polinio went to Mayor Ysidoro to seek his not the provision has been violated. Hence, malice or
approval. Ysidoro approved the release and signed the criminal intent is completely irrelevant.
withdrawal slip for four sacks of rice and two boxes of
sardines worth P3,396.00 to CSAP. Subsequently, Alfredo Dura lex sed lex. Ysidoro’s act, no matter how noble or
Doller, former member of the Sangguniang Bayan of Leyte, miniscule the amount diverted, constitutes the crime of
This case is about a municipal mayor charged with illegal ARTICLE 1. TIME WHEN ACT TAKES EFFECT
diversion of food intended for those suffering from
malnutrition to the beneficiaries of reconsideration projects Article 1. Time when Act takes effect. - This Code shall
affecting the homes of victims of calamities. take effect on the first day of January, nineteen hundred
and thirty-two.
Under the RPC - Article 220, Technical Malversation.
Although it is punished under the Revised Penal Code, the Date of effectivity of the RPC
Supreme Court ruled in the case of Ysidoro v. People that
Technical Malversation under Article 220 is an act malum The Revised Penal Code became effective on January 1,
prohibitum. It is not malum in se even if it is punished under 1932.
the Revised Penal Code.
The Supreme Court said that what is being punished is the
transfer of funds from that to which it has been Article 2. Application of its provisions. - Except as
appropriated by law or ordinance to another public use. In provided in the treaties and laws of preferential application,
this case, the Supreme Court said that Mayor Ysidoro, no the provisions of this Code shall be enforced not only within
matter how noble or no matter how good your intention is the Philippine Archipelago, including its atmosphere, its
for your constituents, the mere act of transferring the funds interior waters and maritime zone, but also outside of its
from this to which it has been appropriated to another jurisdiction, against those who:
public use, that makes you criminally liable. Good faith or
lack of criminal intent is not a defense in Technical 1. Should commit an offense while on a Philippine ship or
Malversation. Again, Technical Malversation, although airship
punished under the Revised Penal Code, is an act malum
prohibitum and not malum in se. 2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note of
the Philippine Islands or obligations and securities issued
Q: What if X was charged of a crime. The Court found by the Government of the Philippine Island
out that the case filed against him was not punished
or the act allegedly done by this accused X, although 3. Should be liable for acts connected with the introduction
it is immoral or obnoxious, is not penalized by any law. into these islands of the obligations and securities
The Judge could not find any law violated by X. What mentioned in the presiding number
is the duty of the Court?
4. While being public officers or employees, should commit
A: The duty of the Court is to dismiss the case. an offense in the exercise of their functions; or
Pursuant to Article 5 of the RPC. Why should the crime be
dismissed? Nulla crimen nullum poena sine lege. There 5. Should commit any of the crimes against national
is no crime when there is no law that defines or punishes security and the law of nations, defined in Title One of Book
the said act. Therefore, no matter how immoral, obnoxious, Two of this Code.
perverted the act done by X, since the Judge could not find
a law that punishes the said act, the only jurisdiction of the Territoriality Characteristic of Philippine Criminal Law
court is to dismiss the case. The court cannot hear the case
because there is nothing to try, X did not violate any law. The first paragraph of Article 2 provides for the territoriality
Nulla crimen nullum poena sine lege. characteristic of Philippine Criminal Law.
The reason for that is that the Philippines is a civil law Extra-territorial application of the RPC
country. In our jurisdiction, before an act may be
considered as criminal and before an act can be penalized, The second paragraph of Article 2 provides for the
it must first be defined and punished by a law enacted by exceptions to the territoriality characteristic of Philippine
Congress. Without a law, that act cannot be criminal in Criminal Law. These are the instances for the extra-
nature, the doer of the act cannot be punished before the territorial applications of Philippine Criminal Law.
Even if the act is committed outside the Philippine
As opposed to common law countries. In common law Archipelago, the Philippines will still have jurisdiction over
countries, an obnoxious or immoral act, through the the said offender and over the said act.
passage of time becomes criminal in nature. This is not
CASE DISCUSSION: PEOPLE v. DELIM 1. Evidence of motive on the part of the offender;
2. Nature and number of weapons used by the
The adopted brother was abducted from the house. offender;
Thereafter, his body was found by the other Delim 3. Nature, number, and location of wounds inflicted
brothers. They were charged with the crime of murder. One on the victim;
of the defenses is that it should be kidnapping because he 4. Offender’s manner of committing the crime; and
was abducted from the house.
5. Offender’s act before, during, and after the
commission of the crime.
SC: NO, it was homicide. What is evident from the acts
done by the accused was their intent to kill the said victim.
There was no intent to detain the said victim. Since there In this case, the SC held that although the injury sustained
was no intent to detain the said victim, it cannot be were only superficial and slight in nature, the accused
kidnapping. It is homicide. Rivera brothers are liable for attempted murder.
RIVERA v. PEOPLE First, there was evidence of motive. A day prior to the
G.R. No. 166326 | 25 January 2006 mauling incident, there was an altercation between the
accused and the victim.
FACTS: The victim testified that a day before the incident,
there was a heated exchange between him and one of the Second, the nature and number of weapons used by the
accused as the latter mocked him for being jobless. The Rivera brothers. These brothers used their fists and a
next day, when he went out to buy food from the store, the stone in hitting the victim.
brothers ganged up on him. One hit him with fist blows
which caused him to fell on the floor. While in that position, Third, the nature, number, and location of wounds
one hit his parietal area three times with a hollow block. inflicted on the victim. The victim, based on the medical
When he was able to stand, the other threw a stone at him, certificate, sustained superficial wounds all over the body.
hitting his back. At the hospital, the doctor declared that the The Supreme Court said these were merely superficial
victim suffered slight injuries. Accused were all charged because the brothers ran away upon hearing the arrival of
with attempted murder. the police; had the police not arrive, these would be fatal in
RULING: In the present case, the prosecution mustered
the requisite quantum of evidence to prove the intent of Fourth, the manner of committing the crime. The Rivera
petitioners to kill Ruben. Esmeraldo and Ismael pummeled brothers acted simultaneously in a synchronized manner
the victim with fist blows. Even as Ruben fell to the ground, in inflicting injuries on the victim. They acted in conspiracy
unable to defend himself against the sudden and sustained with one another.
assault of petitioners, Edgardo hit him three times with a
hollow block. Edgardo tried to hit Ruben on the head, Fifth, the acts and statements made by the accused
missed, but still managed to hit the victim only in the before, during, and after. All of them surrounded the
parietal area, resulting in a lacerated wound and cerebral victim before and after they mauled him. Upon hearing the
contusions. police, they left at the same time.
That the head wounds sustained by the victim were merely The Supreme Court said, based on the factors established,
superficial and could not have produced his death does not it is evident there was intent to kill. Therefore, they were
negate petitioners’ criminal liability for attempted murder. held liable for attempted murder because of the presence
Even if Edgardo did not hit the victim squarely on the head, of treachery.
petitioners are still criminally liable for attempted murder.
In the case at bar, petitioners, who acted in concert,
commenced the felony of murder by mauling the victim and One of the necessary factors in order to establish intent to
hitting him three times with a hollow block; they narrowly kill is motive. Motive is the moving power which impels a
missed hitting the middle portion of his head. If Edgardo person to do an act to achieve the desired result. It comes
had done so, Ruben would surely have died. ahead of criminal intent because motive is the reason
behind criminal intent.
While criminal intent is material to determine the offender’s
In this case, the Supreme Court enumerated certain criminal liability, motive is not. Motive is not material, not
factors that will establish the presence of intent to kill. important, to determine the offender’s criminal liability.
There are, however, instances wherein motive becomes
Fernandez argued that the prosecution failed to establish 3. That mistake must be without fault, mistake,
his intent to kill since the victim was hit in a non-vital part, carelessness, negligence on the part of the said
thus the wound is not fatal. offender.
Fernandez was charged with frustrated murder. It is necessary that the offender must have
exercised diligence in ascertaining the true facts of
RULING: The Supreme Court acquitted Fernandez. the case. He cannot have acted with negligence
and at the same time invoke mistake of fact.
The prosecution failed to prove that Fernandez has motive Therefore, mistake of fact can only be a defense
for shooting the victim. While motive is generally in intentional felonies. Mistake of fact is not a
immaterial, it can help facilitate the case when there is an defense in culpable felony. In culpable felony,
issue as to the identity of the accused. what is present is criminal negligence, and the
third element requires that there must be no
In this case, both the victim and Fernandez, during the trial negligence on the part of the offender.
of the case, admitted that they did not know each other.
They only saw each other at the trial of the case. The only U.S. v. AH CHONG
reason that the victim was able to identify Fernandez was G.R. No. L-5272 | 19 March 1910
because his name was given. The victim himself admitted
that he had never seen Fernandez. There was also no FACTS: One night, the Ah Chong, was suddenly
reason for Fernandez to shoot the victim. It would also be awakened by someone trying to open the door of the room.
strange that Fernandez would not run after the victim and He asked who it was, but no one answered. Fearing that
kill the latter considering that the victim would be having a the intruder was a thief considering that several robberies
hard time moving due to the wound. already occurred in the area, Ah Chong remarked that he
would kill the intruder if he entered the room.
Supreme Court said since there was doubt as to the
identity of the accused Fernandez because of the darkness When the door suddenly opened, Ah Chong struck the
of the night and the victim did not even turn around to look intruder using a knife. Since it was dark, Ah Chong did not
who fired at him, and since they do not know each other see who it was, but it turned out that the person trying to
from the very start, the accused lacked the motive to shoot open the door is his roommate, and subsequently, the
the victim, it would then be an acquittal. latter died.
3. Ah Chong called out number of times to ask who ARTICLE 4. CRIMINAL LIABILITY
was the one entering, but the said roommate failed
to reply. Thus, it was enough for Ah Chong to Article 4. Criminal liability. - Criminal liability shall be
believe he is an intruder. incurred:
Ah Chong acted in good faith and without malice while in 1. By any person committing a felony (delito) although the
the mistaken belief that he was doing no more than wrongful act done be different from that which he intended.
exercising his legitimate right of self-defense considering
that he thought that his life was in danger. Had his belief 2. By any person performing an act which would be an
been true, he would have been wholly exempted from offense against persons or property, were it not for the
criminal liability. inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or an account
of the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means.
Moreover, he is not guilty of negligence in adopting the
means he used to defend himself from an imminent danger PROXIMATE CAUSE DOCTRINE
which he believes would threaten his life.
Elements of Art. 4, 1st par.
G.R. No. 120744-46 | 25 June 2012 1. That the intended act is a felonious act;
2. The resulting act is a felony; and
FACTS: On the night of the incident, the victims came from
3. The resulting felony is the direct, natural and
a barrio fiesta. While driving in a curve, they were met with
a burst of gunfire. Then, some of the wounded victims were logical consequence of the offender’s felonious
loaded into a vehicle by uniformed and armed men. act.
Later, it was identified that the guns used were owned by Art. 4, 1st par. is otherwise known as the Proximate Cause
the petitioners who were members of the police. Doctrine.
According to the petitioner, he received an information that Under the proximate cause doctrine, an offender becomes
there was a citing of the members of NPA in the place of criminally liable for the resulting felony although not
incident. When met by the vehicles of the victims, intended by him, for as long as his felonious act is the
petitioners allegedly ordered the vehicles to stop, but did proximate cause of the said resulting act.
not do so which impelled them to open fire at the vehicles.
Based on the elements of Art. 4, 1st par., for one to be
RULING: The Supreme Court held that the police officers liable under the proximate cause doctrine, it is necessary
were liable for the crime of multiple counts of murder and first and foremost that, based on the first element, the
multiple counts of frustrated murder. It was also held that offender is performing a felonious act. It resulted to a
not all elements of mistake of fact are present in the felony.
Whatever the felony is, if the said felony is the direct,
1. Granting for the sake of argument, that on board the natural and logical consequence of his felonious act, he
van were NPAs, it is still very wrong for the police becomes criminally liable although that was not his intent.
officers to outrightly pepper bullets at the van. That is the proximate cause doctrine.
2. The intention of the police officers was to kill the PROXIMATE CAUSE
people inside the said van.
Proximate cause is that cause that sets into motion all
3. There was fault and negligence on the part of other causes and which, unbroken by any efficient
Yapyuco and his men. They could have placed a intervening cause, produces the felony, without which the
checkpoint to stop the van, instead they just felony would not have resulted.
Therefore, Mang Pedro is liable for serious physical Q: What if X and Y were fighting. X stabbed Y hitting Y
injuries under the proximate cause doctrine. on the abdomen. Thereafter, X left. Y was now on his
way home. Suddenly, the rain poured and there were
Q: In the same problem, Mang Pedro, taking a nap, lightnings. A lightning struck Y and he fell on the
heard the children and got out. He told the children, ground. He was lifeless. He died. Based on the autopsy
“Baba! Magsi-baba kayo! ‘Pag ‘di kayo bumaba, report, the cause of death was burning because of the
tatawag ako ng pulis! Ipapahuli ko kayo sa pulis!” The said light. Because of this, the relatives of Y filed a
children came down. One of the boys from the top of case of homicide against X because based on the
the tree jumped and hit a big stone. He sustained autopsy report, it was stated therein that Y sustained
serious physical injuries. Is Mang Pedro liable of the a fatal wound, a stab wound on the abdomen. And so
serious physical injuries sustained by the boy? because of that, the relatives particularly the wife of Y,
filed a case of homicide against X under the Proximate
A: NO, Mang Pedro is not liable under the proximate Cause Doctrine. If you were the Judge, how would you
cause doctrine. In saying “Magsi-baba kayo! ‘Pag ‘di kayo rule the case?
CASE DISCUSSION: PEOPLE V. VILLACORTA But if one of the resulting crimes happens to be only a light
felony, Art. 48 will not apply because Art. 48 does not apply
In the case of People v. Villacorta, the crime charged was to light felonies.
attempted murder. The Supreme Court, citing the case of
Urbano v. IAC, held that Villacorta is not criminally liable In effect, aberratio ictus is beneficial to the accused.
for the crime of murder because the said tetanus poisoning Instead of being prosecuted for two crimes, he will only be
is an efficient intervening cause that has broken the causal prosecuted for one crime although it may be a complex
connection between Villacorta’s act of stabbing the left side crime.
of the body of Cruz with a sharpened bamboo stick and the
resulting felony which is the death of the said victim. Q: X was mad at Y because Y killed X’s brother. X
wanted to take a revenge at Y. X wanted to kill Y. He
Citing the case of Urbano v. IAC again, if the stab wound knew that Y would pass a particular area, so he
inflicted on Villacorta by Cruz has severe, serious tetanus planned to stage an ambush against Y. On the day,
germs, he would have died within 14 days, but he did not. during the time that Y would pass by, X went to the
Therefore, the Supreme Court said that the victim Cruz place. X was in hiding, he brought along a gun. The
performed acts that brought the tetanus germs on his moment he saw Y passing, X came out, pulled his gun
wounds. and fired his gun at Y.
In this case, the Supreme Court convicted Villacorta with Because X is not a sharpshooter, and Y was only hit
slight physical injuries qualified by treachery because the slightly on the shoulder and then the bullet went
prosecution, as they focused so much on the proximate through Z, a passerby at the exact time he was
cause doctrine, they failed to prove intent to kill. Since they passing, the bullet went through him. Because of that,
failed to prove intent to kill, it is only slight physical injuries Z died. Y sustained only a light wound. What crime/s
but aggravated by treachery because the act of stabbing is/are committed by X?
was so sudden, leaving the victim defenseless.
A: Insofar as the intended victim, Y is concerned, X is
INSTANCES WHERE THE OFFENDER BECOMES liable for attempted murder. His intention was to kill Y.
CRIMINALLY LIABLE FOR THE RESULTING FELONY He staged an ambush against Y. It is attempted murder
qualified by treachery. He planned it and because of that,
Under Art. 4 (1) of the RPC, there are three instances Y was totally without any defense. So, it is attempted
where the offender becomes criminally liable for the murder.
resulting felony although different from that which he
intended: Insofar as Z, the actual victim is concerned, the crime
committed is murder. In the case of People vs. Flora,
1. Aberratio Ictus (mistake in the blow); which was cited by the Supreme Court in the case of
2. Error in personae (mistake in the identity); and People vs. Adriano, and the Supreme Court called it the
3. Praeter intentionem (consequence went beyond Flora Doctrine, the treachery that attended the intent to kill
the intention). the intended victim is also present insofar as the actual
victim is concerned. Therefore, insofar as Z, it is murder.
The said act of firing resulted to two grave felonies:
Aberratio Ictus or mistake in the blow is a situation wherein attempted murder, and murder. Therefore, X shall be
the offender directed the blow against his intended victim prosecuted based only on one information, People vs. X
for the complex crime of murder with attempted murder.
Q: What if in the same problem, X waited an ambush 3. The rule established by the next preceding paragraph
for the arrival of Y. The moment Y arrived, he pulled shall not be applicable if the acts committed by the guilty
his gun and fired at Y. He was not a sharpshooter. The person shall also constitute an attempt or frustration of
bullet hit only the forearm of Y and it went through the another crime, if the law prescribes a higher penalty for
passerby, but the passerby was only hit slightly on the either of the latter offenses, in which case the penalty
shoulder, and the passerby sustained only a slight provided for the attempted or the frustrated crime shall be
wound, the same as Y, who sustained only a slight imposed in its maximum period.
wound. Both wounds would heal within 3-5 days. What
crime/s is/are should be filed against X? Q: X boxed Y strongly. Y fell. While Y was down, X
kicked him again strongly. The very thin Y flew and so
A: This time, since one of the resulting felonies happened X left. X was laughing. But Y wanted to retaliate. So, Y
only to be a light felony, you cannot complex it. Article 48 stood up and he was opening his balisong. The
will not apply. Therefore, this time X should be prosecuted moment he was already up, he could feel that there
for two crimes: attempted murder insofar as the intended was a person near him and so he stabbed that person
victim, Y is concerned, and another one: slight physical near him, thinking it was X who boxed and kicked him.
injuries insofar as the actual victim, the passerby is But, that was his father. The father saw how he was
concerned. This time, there will be two information to be boxed and thrown by X and so the father came to help
filed against X. One, before the RTC for attempted murder, Y. But Y mistook him to be X and so Y stabbed his own
and the other one before the MeTC for slight physical father. Y tried to bring the father to the hospital but the
injuries insofar as the victim Z is concerned. father was pronounced dead upon arrival. What case
should be filed against Y?
A: Y should be charged with Parricide. The offender
It is a situation wherein the offender directed the blow at a shall always be prosecuted for the crime that is actually
person whom he thought to be the intended victim, but the committed. In this case, Y actually stabbed and caused the
intended victim was not at the scene of the crime. He has death of his father. Therefore, Y should be prosecuted of
mistaken the actual victim to be the intended victim. There
CASE DISCUSSION: PEOPLE v. SABALONES Q: What if the brothers were having a fight and in the
course thereof, the elder brother, X, boxed his younger
As held by the Supreme Court in the case of People v. brother, Y, one strong punch on the chest. Because of
Sabalones, error in persona (mistake in the identity) is not the impact, Y was thrown on the wall, and it was his
an absolutory cause, it is not an exempting circumstance. head that first hit the cement. The back of the head
Therefore, error in persona (mistake in the identity) will not started to bleed. X became so afraid, and he brought Y
absolve a person from any criminal liability. It can only be to the hospital, but Y was pronounced dead upon
mitigating if there is a variance. However, in this case, arrival. X is now being prosecuted for the crime of
there was no variance between the intended felony and the homicide, but X said that he cannot be liable for
felony actually committed. Therefore, X shall be criminally homicide; he loves his brother and he has no intention
liable for serious physical injuries although it was done to kill his brother. They were only in a fight and he only
from a different victim. boxed his brother. He said that he should be acquitted
of the crime charged. Is X liable for homicide for
PRAETER INTENTIONEM having killed his brother? In case of conviction, should
he be given the benefit of praeter intentionem as a
It is when the consequence went beyond the intention of mitigating circumstance?
the offender.
A: X is liable for homicide under the proximate cause
Elements of Praeter Intentionem: doctrine. His act of punching his brother was a felonious
act and it resulted to a felony which is the death of his
1. That the felony has been committed; and brother. The said death of the brother was the direct,
2. That there is a notable disparity between the natural, and logical consequence of the felonious act.
offender’s felonious act and the resulting act. Therefore, X is liable for homicide for the death of his
brother. However, X deserves to be given the mitigating
Here, no one could have foreseen that out of the offender’s circumstance of praeter intentionem because there was a
act, this felony would result. Whenever praeter intentionem notable disparity between the means employed by X and
is present, it is considered as a mitigating circumstance the resulting felony. No one could have foreseen that out
because it is expressly provided under Article 13, third of X’s mere act of boxing his brother, the brother would die.
paragraph of the RPC that the offender has no intention to Therefore, he should be liable for homicide under the
commit so grave of a wrong as that committed. So, it’s proximate cause doctrine with the mitigating circumstance
always a mitigating circumstance if the elements were of praeter intentionem.
G.R. No. 177218 | 3 October 2011 Article 4, Paragraph 2 — Criminal liability shall be
incurred by any person performing an act which would be
FACTS: Appellant Noel T. Sales beaten his two sons Noel an offense against persons or property, were it not for the
Jr. and Noemar because they failed to return home after inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or an account
joining the fluvial procession of Our Lady of Penafracia. of the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means.
Sales whipped his son with a piece of wood approximately
one meter in length and one and a half inches in diameter If Article 4, first paragraph refers to the proximate cause
while they are tied to a tree. After he was finished beating doctrine, the second paragraph refers to the impossible
his sons, his wife, Maria, noticed that there was a crack in crime doctrine.
the head of Noemar so they brought him to a quack doctor,
who said that Noemar was already dead. The appreciated An impossible crime is one wherein the act done would
the mitigating circumstance of lack of intent to commit so have amounted to crime against persons or crimes against
grave a wrong (praeter intentionem). property but is not accomplished because of its inherent
1. The act done had it been accomplished would In this case, the Supreme Court said that there are two
have been amounted to a crime against person or kinds of inherent impossibility:
a crime against property;
1. Legal Impossibility. There is legal impossibility
2. The act was done with evil intent; when all the intended acts, even if accomplished,
will not produce a crime.
3. The act was not accomplished because of its
inherent impossibility or because of the 2. Physical or factual impossibility. When extraneous
employment of inadequate or ineffectual means; circumstances unknown to the offender,
extraneous circumstances beyond the control of
4. The act does not fall under any other provision of the offender, prevented the consummation of the
the Revised Penal Code. crime.
First Element: An impossible crime will only lie if the act When you say inherent impossibility, it means under any
done by the offender had it been consummated, had it and all circumstances, the act will not ripen into a crime.
been accomplished, would have produced any of the
crimes under Title VIII Crimes Against Person or any of the Fourth element: Based on the last element, an impossible
crimes under Title X Crimes Against Property. Only in crime is a crime of last resort. You can only file a case of
these two titles. an impossible crime against the offender if the acts done
by the offender will not constitute any other violation of the
Second element: Precisely because the said offender is RPC. If the acts done by the offender will fall under any
being punished because of his criminal tendency, because other provisions of the RPC, that is the charge. It is not an
of his criminal perversity. impossible crime. Thus, an impossible crime is a crime of
last resort. I-file mo lang sya kapag wala ka nang maisip
Third element: na crime.
There is no doubt that in the case at bar it was the intention Y was charged with attempted kidnapping. Is Y liable
of the accused to enter Tan Yu's store by means of as charged for attempted kidnapping?
violence, passing through the opening which he had
started to make on the wall, in order to commit an offense A: NO, Y is not liable for attempted kidnapping. The
which, due to the timely arrival of policeman Tomambing, overt acts performed by Y (i.e., asking for the key at
did not develop beyond the first steps of its execution. But knifepoint, forcing X to go back to her car) are not directly
it is not sufficient, for the purpose of imposing penal connected to kidnap a person. Therefore, it cannot be
sanction, that an act objectively performed constitute a attempted kidnapping.
mere beginning of execution; it is necessary to establish its
unavoidable connection, like the logical and natural It is also an indeterminate offense. The moment he told X
relation of the cause and its effect, with the deed which, to go back to his car, Y may drive away the car, he may
upon its consummation, will develop into one of the rape X or Y may kill X there.
offenses defined and punished by the Code; it is necessary
to prove that said beginning of execution, if carried to its When we say there is an indeterminate offense, the overt
complete termination following its natural course, without act of the offender in relation to his criminal intent is
being frustrated by external obstacles nor by the voluntary ambiguous. Therefore, in this case, the said charge for
desistance of the perpetrator, will logically and necessarily attempted kidnapping would not prosper.
ripen into a concrete offense.
G.R. No. 138033 | 22 February 2006 A felony is frustrated when the offender performs all the
acts of execution which would produce the felony as a
The Supreme Court said the overt act of pressing a cloth consequence but which, nevertheless, do not produce it by
soaked with chemicals on the face of a woman is NOT reason of causes independent of the will of the perpetrator.
directly connected with the crime of rape.
Elements of Frustrated Felony
The obvious intent of Baleros, Jr. is to make the said victim
unconscious by pressing a cloth soaked with chemicals on 1. The offender has performed all the acts of
her face. However, the moment the woman becomes execution which would produce the felony;
unconscious, the offender may do any other act. He may 2. The felony was not produced by reason of causes
rape, he may commit acts of lasciviousness, he may rob, independent of the will of the perpetrator.
or he may kill the woman – not necessarily to rape the
The said act of pressing a cloth soaked with chemicals on The offender merely The offender has already
the face of Malou is not directly connected to rape. It commences the performed all the acts of
cannot be considered as attempted rape. Just like in commission of the felony. execution. Nothing more is
Lamahang, it is an attempt to commit an indeterminate He has not yet performed left for him to do.
offense. all the acts of execution.
The felony was not The felony was not
Since indeterminate offenses have no juridical standpoint
in the RPC, you cannot charge a person with an produced by reason of produced by reason of
indeterminate offense. The Supreme Court said you have some cause or accident causes independent of the
to convict Baleros, Jr. of the crime which is directly other than the offender’s will of the perpetrator.
connected to the overt act that he performed and that is the spontaneous desistance.
act of unjust vexation (in the form of) light coercion under The offender is still in the The offender is already on
Art. 287.
subjective phase of the objective phase of
The Supreme Court said, obviously, his act annoyed, committing the felony. committing the felony.
vexed and irritated the said offended party that led to the
filing of the said case. CONSUMMATED FELONY
RULING: The Supreme Court did away with frustration in FACTS: Canceran paid for two boxes of biscuits at one of
the crime of theft. Since then, the Supreme Court said that the counter of a mall in Cagayan de Oro when the security
theft admits only two stages – attempted and guard of the mall approach the bagger and asked whether
consummated stages. the boxes had been checked. When the bagger opened
the boxes, they found out that the contents of the boxes
The Supreme Court said that there is no frustration in the were not biscuits, but beauty cream products.
crime of theft because by its definition under Art. 308 of the
RPC, theft is committed by any person who, with intent to RULING: In the case of Canceran v. People, based on the
gain, shall take the personal property of another without allegation in the information, a crime charged on the
the consent of the owner, without violence against or office of the prosecutor was frustrated theft. After trial
intimidation of persons nor use of force upon things. on the merits, the judge convicted Canceran of theft in the
consummated stage. The judge said “this is very wrong for
According to the Supreme Court in the case of Valenzuela the prosecution to charge him of frustrated theft. There is
v. People, the only operative act necessary to consummate no frustrated theft, it should be consummated theft.’
the crime of theft is the unlawful taking of the personal Because of that, Canceran appealed and said that when
property of another. The said act of unlawful taking is the judge convicted him of consummated theft in an
deemed complete the moment the offender gains information that alleges frustrated theft, he was denied his
possession of the personal property of another even if he right to be informed of the nature of the cause of accusation
has no opportunity to dispose of the said property. What is against him. That was his main argument.
material is: has he gained possession of the personal
property of another? If so, then unlawful taking is complete, The Supreme Court said, Canceran is correct. Since the
then theft is consummated. crime charged by the office of the public prosecutor in the
information was only frustrated theft, it is wrong for the
Q: X entered a high-end jewelry store. The moment he court to convict him of consummated theft. You cannot
entered; he told the saleslady: “I’m going to propose convict an accused of a crime higher than that for what
to my girlfriend. Can you show me your best wedding is charged because in doing so, you deny him to rebut
ring? I want the diamonds.” The saleslady brought out the allegations. You deny him of his due process. You
on the said glass cabinet all their bestselling deny him to be informed of the nature of the cause of
engagement ring. ‘More, more, I want more.’ And so, accusation against him. The Supreme Court said, even if
the saleslady kept on placing many engagement ring in this case in reality, theft was already consummated, we
on top of the said glass table. X was choosing and then cannot convict him of consummated theft because the
suddenly X said ‘This one! I like this one. I’m in a hurry. information charges only frustrated theft. Hence, the
Immediately give me the receipt and I have to go’. The Supreme Court said, Canceran shall only be convicted of
said saleslady, gumawa siya ng resibo. At that attempted theft.
particular moment X and the saleslady was still busy,
When they were inside Cristina’s room, Orita took off his PEOPLE v. PAREJA
clothes and ordered Cristina to do the same. Orita then G.R. No. 188979 | 05 September 2012
ordered Cristina to lie down on the floor and then mounted
her. At the said position, Orita could not fully penetrate her. FACTS: The accused entered the bedroom of the girl, the
Thus, Orita lie down on his back and ordered Cristina to girl was sleeping, the accused undressed the girl and
In the case of People v. Pareja, the Supreme Court said, If a crime admits of different stages such as attempted, and
when you look at the facts: the man entered, undressed frustrated stage, they are called material crimes. If a
himself, undressed the girl, and tried to penetrate the girl. crime can be punished only in the consummated stage, it
All of these showed that he has the intention to have carnal is called a formal crime.
knowledge with the girl. Therefore, it is attempted rape.
Robbery, theft, and rape — they are material crimes. They
CRUZ v. PEOPLE have attempted and consummated stages. However,
G.R. No. 206442 | 01 July 2015 adultery, false testimony, and physical injuries are
considered formal crimes, they have no attempted or
FACTS: The victim, a helper, was awakened. She was frustrated stage, they can only be punished in the
sleeping in the tent; she was awakened, and her master consummated stage.
was already on top of her. She slept with clothing on but
now she was totally naked. With the master on top of her, FORMAL CRIMES
she struggled and was able to leave the said tent. So, the
master was charged with attempted rape. Formal crimes are punished based on consequence and
based on result, not based on tendency. Hence, they have
RULING: The Supreme Court said, no it is not attempted no attempted and frustrated stage.
rape. It is acts of lasciviousness. The words used by the
Supreme Court, the act of a man of climbing on top of a Examples:
naked woman, absent any showing that his erected penis
is capable of penetration will not amount to attempted rape. ¥ Adultery can be punished only the moment there is a
It is only acts of lasciviousness. In this case, the Supreme carnal union between a married woman and another
Court said, the prosecution failed to show that there was man who is not her husband.
intent to penetrate the said girl. Therefore, it is only acts of ¥ False testimony can be punished only if the said false
witness testified falsely against the accused or in
favor of the accused.
Q: The accused was charged with the crime of
homicide. The fiscal presented W, who was brought by ¥ Physical injuries have no attempted or frustrated
the parents of the victim to the fiscal. The parents said, stage, they are punished based on result. Is it
“Fiscal, ito ho ang aming pinakamatibay na testigo. serious, less serious, or slight?
Nakita ho niya ang pangyayari kung paano sinaksak
ang aming anak.” So, the fiscal interviewed the
A conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to an A: The case will not prosper because there is no such
agreement concerning the commission of a felony and crime as conspiracy to commit murder, it is not a crime by
decide to commit it. itself. The law does not punish it and there is no prescribed
particular penalty for it. A, B, C, D, and E must at least
There is proposal when the person who has decided to perform an overt act towards the commission of murder for
commit a felony proposes its execution to some other them to be at least become liable as conspirators in
person or persons. attempted murder.
2. Chain Conspiracy. There is chain conspiracy The crime charged was plunder.
when, just like in ordinary business transactions,
there is that constant and continuous After GMA and the other officers of PCSO were charged
communication among the manufacturers with the for plunder, the camp of GMA, after the Office of the
wholesaler, the wholesaler with the retailer, the Ombudsman, filed a demurrer of evidence which was
retailer with the consumer. denied by the Sandiganbayan.
These two kinds of multiple conspiracy was first discussed RULING: However, when the case reached the Supreme
by the Supreme Court in the case of Fernan and Torrevillas Court, it granted the said demurrer of evidence. Hence,
v. People. case dismissed.
FERNAN, JR. and TORREVILAS v. PEOPLE Wheel or circle conspiracy, in this case, was not
G.R. No. 145927 | 24 August 2007 proven. To prove said conspiracy, the hub must be
identified; the main plunderer must be identified. Nowhere
FACTS: In this case, Mangubat, the Chief Accountant and in the Information filed by the Ombudsman can you see
his men were able to withdraw funds from the government who the alleged hub or the alleged main plunderer is. Since
through fake Letter of Advice of Allotments (LAA). this is a charge of conspiracy to commit plunder, there
Manggubat and his men would type fake LAAs, they will must be a main plunderer and a hub. Without an allegation
sell it to the contractors – the 20% of the gross amount. in the Information as to who the hub is and who the main
They deal with the other employees and among those plunderer is, conspiracy will fail.
employees who Manggubat dealt with were Fernan and
Torrevilas. So, Manggubat and his men were the hub. Likewise, another reason for dismissing the case, was that
Fernan and Torrevilas were the spokes. Fernan and according to the Supreme Court, the participation of the
Torrevilas were civil engineers of the Ministry of Public former President was merely an approval, an “OK.” As held
Works and Highways. As civil engineers, Fernan and in the case of Arias, heads of office could rely to a
Torrevilas signed tally sheets, fake tally sheets which reasonable extent on their subordinates and on their good
served as bases for the issuance of the general budget faith. Therefore, there cannot be a conspiracy on the part
saying that there were constructions in these roads in of the head of office by merely affixing his or her signature,
Cebu but in truth, there was no construction. The barangay by merely affixing his or her approval, by merely stating his
chairman testified that no such materials arrived, and no or her “OK.” Conspiracy requires a deliberate and positive
such construction on the roads of Cebu. act. As such, the case of plunder against the former
President was dismissed.
RULING: Fernan and Torrevilas, although their only
participation was that of signing the fake tally sheets which PEOPLE v. MORILLA
served as necessary for the issuance of the general G.R. No. 189833 | 05 February 2014
vouchers, are within the so-called wheel or circle
conspiracy wherein Mangubat and company were the hub. FACTS: During a checkpoint, Mayor Mitra of Quezon
Province along with 3 other people were caught illegally
This multiple conspiracy was again considered by the transporting shabu by means of two vehicles, a Starex van
Supreme Court in GMA v. People. being driven by Mayor Mitra with a commemorative plate
The Mayor argued that he had no knowledge of the RULING: The arguments of the parents-in-law bear no
contents of the sacks found in the two vehicles. Morilla also merit.
insisted that he thought he was transporting wooden tiles
and electronic spare parts. Based on the definition of the Violence Against Women
and their Children Act (VAWC), it does not preclude the
They were charged with illegal transportation of illegal principal application of conspiracy under the Revised
drugs. Penal Code (RPC).
RULING: Mayor Mitra and Morilla are guilty of The Supreme Court said that Sec. 47 of R.A. No. 9262
conspiracy to transport illegal drugs. expressly provides for the suppletory application of the
RPC in cases of violations of R.A. No. 9262.
In conspiracy, it need not be shown that the parties came Correspondingly, Art. 10 of the RPC expressly provides
together and agreed in express terms to enter and pursue that the RPC can apply suppletorily or supplementarily to
a common design. The assent may be inferred from the violations of special penal laws, unless the special penal
proof of the facts and circumstances surrounding the case laws provide otherwise. Here, there is nothing in R.A. No.
taken as a whole. 9262 which provides otherwise. In fact, it is R.A. No. 9262
itself that provides that RPC can be applied suppletorily.
Morilla conspired with the Mayor in a common desire to
transport the dangerous drugs. Both vehicles were loaded
with illegal drugs, were on convoy to transport illegal drugs ARTICLE 11. JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES
from Quezon province to Manila. If Morilla was not in
conspiracy with the Mayor, he would not have told the Article 11. Justifying circumstances. - The following do not
police officers that he was with the Mayor. incur any criminal liability:
Q: Can there be plunder in case of violation of special 1. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights,
penal laws? provided that the following circumstances concur;
A: Yes. There can be plunder in the case of special penal First. Unlawful aggression.
laws. In the case of People v. Morilla, both Mayor Mitra and Second. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
Morilla, the driver of the ambulance, were charged as prevent or repel it.
conspirators for violation of Sec. 5 of R.A. No. 9165 for Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the
illegal transport of dangerous drugs. person defending himself.
The law expressly provides for conspiracy in case of 2. Anyone who acts in defense of the person or rights of
transporting dangerous drugs. Sec. 26 of R.A. No. 9165 his spouse, ascendants, descendants, or legitimate,
expressly provides that there can be a mere attempt and natural or adopted brothers or sisters, or his relatives by
conspiracy in case of transportation of dangerous drugs, affinity in the same degrees and those consanguinity within
thus violating Sec. 5 of the abovementioned law. the fourth civil degree, provided that the first and second
requisites prescribed in the next preceding circumstance
Since it is the special law itself that expressly provides for are present, and the further requisite, in case the
conspiracy, then conspiracy can be considered between revocation was given by the person attacked, that the one
the said accused Mayor Mitra and Morilla. making defense had no part therein.
6. Any person who acts in obedience to an order issued by First element: Unlawful aggression
a superior for some lawful purpose.
The Supreme Court has repeatedly stated that in self-
defense, the primordial element is unlawful aggression.
JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES Without unlawful aggression, there is nothing to defend
(against). There is no reason for the accused to say that
These are circumstances which, if present or attendant in he merely acted in self-defense.
the commission of a felony, would mean that the offender
acted within the bounds of the law. The offender did not Further, the unlawful aggression must come from his
transgress the law and therefore there is no crime victim. It must come from the private offended party. There
committed and there is no criminal, and also there is no was unlawful aggression and so there was a need on the
criminal or civil liability. part of the accused to defend his life and limb.
The moment a person is charged in court and the said Elements of unlawful aggression
person raises as a defense any of the justifying
circumstances under Art. 11, that accused is in effect 1. There must be a physical or material attack or
admitting having committed the act or omission alleged in assault;
the information, but he is saying to the court that his act is 2. The attack or assault must be actual or at least
justified because it happened under any of the imminent; and
circumstances under Art. 11. 3. The attack or assault must be unlawful
In that case, the judge will order an inverted trial. In a Physical or material unlawful aggression
regular trial, it is the State, through the prosecution that first
presents the evidence because it is the State which has When you say physical or material unlawful aggression, it
the burden of proving the guilt of the accused beyond means that the attack is by the use of a weapon or by
reasonable doubt. means of physical force.
But the moment the accused invokes any of the justifying Imminent unlawful aggression
circumstances under Art. 11, then the burden of evidence
is shifted on the defense. They are the ones who have to When you say that the said unlawful aggression is
prove by clear and convincing evidence the elements of imminent, it means that the attack is impending and about
the justifying circumstance that the accused is raising. to happen.
If the defense fails to prove the elements of the justifying Second element: Reasonable necessity of the means
circumstance by clear and convincing evidence, then it will employed to prevent or repel the unlawful aggression
definitely already be a conviction because the accused has coming from the victim
already in effect admitted the acts alleged in the
information. The means used by the accused to defend his life and limb
must be reasonable and rational.
There are certain factors that will help in the
The first part of Art. 11 is commonly known as self-defense. determination of whether the means used by the
Self-defense includes: accused was reasonable or rational, viz. –
1. Defense of one’s life and limb, 1. Nature and number of the weapons used by the
2. Defense of one’s honor and chastity and said unlawful aggressor versus the accused;
3. Defense of one’s property if coupled by an attack 2. Personal circumstances of the parties (i.e., the
unlawful aggressor versus that of the person
on the person entrusted with the said property.
defending himself);
3. Place and occasion of the assault.
Elements of self-defense
These factors will determine if the means used by the
1. Unlawful aggression; accused to defend his life and limb is indeed reasonable,
rational and necessary.
Third element: Lack of sufficient provocation on the FACTS: Ganal, Jr. killed the victim Julwin. Julwin at the
part of the person defending himself time was only armed with a knife and two fist-sized stones.
Yet, Ganal, Jr. was armed with a pistol and consumed the
There must be no sufficient provocation coming from the bullets of his gun. Julwin died.
accused. Provocation is allowed – what the law requires is
that there is no sufficient provocation. The RTC and the CA both said there is no self-defense
because the (unlawful aggression) has already ceased to
Provocation refers to any improper or unjust act which is exist. Also, there is no reasonable necessity of the means
capable of inciting or exciting a person to do a wrongful act. employed – a gun versus two fist-sized stones and a knife.
Provocation is said to be sufficient when it is adequate to
stir a person to commit a wrongful act and it is RULING: The Supreme Court ruled that again, because
proportionate to the gravity of the said act. the right of a person to take life in self-defense arises from
his belief in the necessity of doing so; and they shall be
In two cases recently decided by the Supreme Court judged in the light of the circumstances as they then
(People v. Olarbe (2018), Ganal, Jr. v. People (2020)), the appeared to him, not in the light of the circumstances as
Court appreciated self-defense in favor of the accused and they appeared to other people.
therefore acquitted Olarbe and Ganal, Jr.
Julwin knocked down Ganal, Jr.’s father, Ganal, Sr. And
PEOPLE v. OLARBE then, he proceeded to go to Ganal, Jr. At that particular
G.R. No. 227421 | 23 July 2018 moment, Ganal, Jr. felt that his life and the life of his family
were in danger. Because of that, he fired the said shots.
FACTS: The neighbor Arca tried to shoot Olarbe. They The Supreme Court appreciated self-defense.
grappled for the possession of the gun, and Olarbe gained
possession and shot Arca on the head. Instead of going Q: The Barangay Chairman heard gunfire while there
down on the floor, Arca pulled out his bolo and tried to hack was this barangay party. The Barangay Chairman and
the common law spouse of Olarbe. Again, Olarbe was able his tanods asked the people where the gunfire was
to gain possession of the bolo and once in possession, coming from. The people said, “There.” And so the
hacked Arca. Chairman and his tanods went to the place and there
they saw X. X was in possession of a gun.
In this case, based on the autopsy report, the cause of
death of the victim were both gunshot wounds and the The Barangay Chairman asked X, “Are you the one
hack wounds. The RTC and CA said the unlawful who fired the gun?” X pointed the gun at the Chairman
aggression already ceased to exist and therefore, Olarbe and the tanods. The chairman said “Give me the gun,
should not have killed the victim. X. Give me the gun. You are drunk.” And so, X placed
the gun down on the ground. The chairman went to get
RULING: The Supreme Court disagreed, ruling that in the gun. Thereafter, the Barangay Chairman and the
order to determine whenever there is a need for self- tanods started hitting X with their nightsticks
defense, the right of a person to take a life in self-defense repeatedly on the head.
arises from his belief in the necessity of doing so.
X kept on retreating until he reached a dead end and
His belief and the reasonableness thereof are to be judged there was nowhere to go. The Barangay Chairman and
in the light of the circumstances as they had appeared to the tanods still repeatedly hit the head of X. They only
them, not in the light of the circumstances as they would stopped when the mother of X arrived. X sustained
appear to other people. fatal wounds on the head but he survived.
According to the Supreme Court, you have to take into The chairman and his tanods were charged with the
consideration what the accused was feeling at that crime of frustrated murder qualified by abuse of
particular moment. His right to defend his life must be superior strength. They said no, they merely acted in
adjudged in the light of the circumstances as they self-defense. Was there self-defense?
appeared to him and not as they appeared to the other
people. A: First element – there must exist unlawful aggression on
the part of the said victim. The act of X pointing the gun at
At that particular moment, Olarbe felt the unlawful the Barangay Chairman after firing several gunshots can
aggression. Not just his life, but the life of his common-law be considered as unlawful aggression. When he pointed it
spouse was still in danger and hence, he has to defend to the chairman, the said life and limb of the chairman was
themselves. The Supreme Court appreciated self-defense. in fact in imminent danger.
GANAL, JR. v. PEOPLE However, the moment X obeyed the chairman and placed
G.R. No. 248130 | 2 December 2020 down the gun and the chairman had taken the gun, X could
Since the first element of unlawful aggression had already Second Element – Was it reasonable for the said woman
ceased to exist, then there is no more reason for the to make use of the knife on the said unlawful aggression
accused to wound or even kill the victim. act done by the man? You take into consideration the place
and occasion, early morning no one was there to help the
In this case, the Supreme Court said it is already an act of woman. You take into consideration their difference in
retaliation. In that case, the said accused became the personal circumstance, obviously based on the fact, the
unlawful aggressor. Because of that, self-defense will not woman was so weak, she has been punched by a strong
lie in their favor. man. Therefore, the means employed by the woman was
reasonable. Otherwise, she could’ve been raped.
Q: X stabbed Y. Y was hit on the forearm. Thereafter,
Y hurriedly went home. X followed Y. Y was able to Last Element – There was no provocation, not even a mild
reach the house. When Y was inside the house, provocation coming from the said woman. Hence, self-
instead of staying inside, Y took the bolo. Thereafter, defense would lie in her favor.
Y came outside and then he challenged X, “X, you
hacked me in the forearm? Let’s fight!” Then both of PEOPLE v. JAURIGUE
them fight and in the course thereof, Y hacked and C.A. No. 384 | 21 February 1946
killed X. The moment Y hacked and killed X, the
neighbors arrested Y and was brought to the police FACTS: Amado had been courting Avelina Jaurigue in
station. Y is now being charged with the crime of vain. One midnight, he climbed up the house of Avelina
homicide for having killed X. Y said he merely acted in and surreptitiously entered her room, evidently with the
self-defense. Is there self-dense? intention of abusing her. Avelina screamed for help. Her
parents were awakened. Her father then sent for the barrio
A: In this case, there are two phases – first phase, X lieutenant and Amado’s parents the following morning,
hacked Y and, in that case, there is unlawful aggression on apologized for the misconduct of their son.
the part of X, second phase, Y ran and was able to go
home, the moment Y ran and was able to go home and Five days later, Avelina went to the chapel to attend
reach the house, the inceptive unlawful aggression religious services. Amado then went to Avelina, sat by her
commenced by X had ceased to exist. But Y was not right side, and, without saying a word, Amado placed his
satisfied in just reaching home. Y took his bolo, get out and hand on the upper part of her right thigh. Avelina,
challenged X to a fight. X accepted the challenge. conscious of her personal dignity and honor, pulled out
with her right hand the fan knife she had in her dress, with
In case of an agreed fight, there is no such defense as self- the intention of punishing Amado’s hand. She stabbed
defense. It was an agreed fight; therefore, you cannot Amado once at the base of the left side of the neck inflicting
claim self-defense because in the first place, you agreed a mortal wound. Amado died a few minutes later.
to the said fight. In fact, in this case, he was the one who
challenged the victim. Therefore, self-defense will not lie RULING: The Supreme Court did not appreciate the
in favor of the said accused. defense of one’s honor and chastity. The said act of the
man, he just placed his hand on the lap of Jaurigue in a
Q: The woman was on her way home early in the chapel, fully lighted, the father was there, therefore, there
morning when a man appeared in front of her, covered can be no unlawful aggression. Her honor, her chastity, her
her mouth, boxed her on the stomach, carried her, life and limb cannot be said to be in immediate danger.
pinned her down. The man undress himself. At that
particular moment, the said woman took the knife And in this case, the Supreme Court distinguished the said
inside his pocket. So when the man went on top of the incident from the incident where the said victim entered the
said woman, the woman stabbed the man. The knife bedroom of Jaurigue. The Supreme Court held, had
pierced through the heart of the said man and the man Jaurigue killed the said victim that night that he entered her
died. The woman is now being charged for homicide bedroom, she could’ve been justified. But for her to kill this
for the death of the said man. Is the woman liable as man inside a chapel, well lighted, filled with people, her
charged? She claims that she merely acted in self- father was even there, then self-defense this time will not
defense, in particular, in defense of her honor, defense lie in favor of the said accused.
of her chastity. Is there self-defense on the part of the
G.R. No. 158057 | 24 September 2004
RULING: The Supreme Court said that it is wrong for the CASE DISCUSSION: SENOJA v. PEOPLE
accused to raise the defenses of accident and then
thereafter, self-defense. Before the trial court, the The Supreme Court said, the right of self-defense
accused said that he accidentally killed the victim. When proceeds from necessity and is limited by it. There is a
he appealed to the Supreme Court, he said that he killed difference between necessity and self-defense. Self-
the victim in an act of self-defense. Supreme Court said, it defense excuses the repulse of a wrong while necessity
is wrong to raise both defenses. These defenses are justifies the invasion of it. Hence, it is essential to self-
inconsistent with each other. When you say accident, it defense that it should be a defense against a person who
happened outside the sway of things. There was no intent has been unlawfully attacking.
on the part of the person who did the said wrong. There
was no criminal intent. On the other hand, when you say “Stand ground when in the right”
self-defense, it is a direct and positive overt act done by
the accused deliberately or intentionally in order to save Maxim behind self-defense. It means that when the
his own life. In case of self-defense, the offender accused is where he should be, the law does not require
intentionally killed or wounded the victim because him to retreat when he saw his assailant fast approaching
otherwise, if he will not do so, he will be the one killed. So, him. Otherwise, he runs the risk of being stabbed at the
self-defense is a deliberate, positive, intentional act done back.
by the accused based on the impulse of self-preservation.
Hence, it cannot be raised together with accident. 2. DEFENSE OF RELATIVE
SENOJA v. PEOPLE Any person who acts in defense of the person or rights of
G.R. No. 160341 | 19 October 2004 his spouse, ascendants, descendants, or legitimate,
natural or adopted brothers or sisters, or his relatives by
FACTS: Senoja, together with three others including affinity in the same degrees and those consanguinity within
Miguel, were drinking gin in the hut of Reguyal when an the fourth civil degree.
angry Leon suddenly arrived at the said place, holding a
bolo in his right hand and looking for his brother Miguel. Elements of Defense of Relative
Senoja and Jose tried to pacify Leon. But when Senoja
approached Leon, the latter tried to hack him so he 1. Unlawful aggression;
embraced Leon and Jose took Leon’s bolo. Then, Leon 2. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
and Senoja talked things out and later reconciled. prevent or repel it;
3. In case the provocation was given by the person
Subsequently, Leon walked out followed by Senoja. attacked, that the one making defense had no part
Suddenly, about ten meters from the hut, Senoja stabbed therein.
Leon at the back. When Leon turned around, Senoja
continued stabbing him until he fell to the ground. Leon For defense of relative to lie in favor of the accused, it is
died on the spot. necessary that the said relative he is defending must be
included in the enumeration provided for in the second
ISSUE: WON Senoja is liable for the death of Leon. (YES) paragraph, to wit:
For the third element, it is necessary for defense of All the elements are present: (1) unlawful aggression – the
stranger to lie in favor of the accused that he is not said cousin was about to be stabbed; (2) reasonable
motivated by any ill motive, by any act of revenge but only necessity of the means employed – X did not even use a
by a noble objective of helping, defending a total stranger. weapon; he just pushed him. It just so happened that the
said man fell and the knife pierced his chest; and (3) there
Q: X was on his way to the office. He was on his to the was no evil intent or motive or retaliation – it cannot be said
bus station. He was walking at 6 o’clock in the morning that X was ignited by any ill-motive, he only came there to
when he heard the voice of his father-in-law. When he help the said first cousin.
looked on the other side of the road, he saw his father-
in-law having an argument with another neighbor, W. Therefore, defense of a stranger will lie in favor of X.
So, X stopped in order to see what’s going to happen.
When X stopped, he saw W touched the face his 70- 4. STATE OF NECESSITY
year-old father-in-law. And his father-in-law, because
of his seniority, fell on the ground. When he saw that Elements of State of Necessity:
his father-in-law fell on the ground, he was already
walking towards the other side of the road when he 1. That the evil sought to be avoided actually exists;
saw W pulled a knife and was about to stab his father- 2. That the injury feared be greater than that done to
in-law. And so, instead of merely walking, X ran and he avoid it; and
shouted, “Don’t! Don’t stab him!” The moment he 3. That there be no other practical or less harmful
reached, he pushed W and W fell. It was a bad fall. The means of preventing it.
knife that he was holding pierced his chest. X and his
father-in-law brought W to the hospital. It was a fatal This is otherwise known as state of necessity. In case of
wound but the said victim W, survived. X is now being justifying circumstance, there is no crime, there is no
prosecuted for frustrated homicide. He merely acted in criminal, there is no criminal liability and therefore there is
defense of relative. Will defense of relative lie in his no civil liability.
An exception to that is Art. 11(4) of the RPC – state of
A: First, you take into consideration, is the father-in-law necessity. Based on the fourth paragraph, there is no
within the meaning of a relative to be defended under the criminal liability but there is civil liability. However, this
said paragraph? civil liability shall be imposed not only on the accused but
also to other persons who have been benefited by the said
Yes. The said father-in is related to X as a relative by state of necessity.
affinity. And if it is a relative by affinity, it must be in the
same degree as ascendant, descendant, legitimate, Note:
natural, adopted brothers/sisters. The father-in-law is of Q: To save himself from crashing into an unlighted
the same degree of affinity as an ascendant in so far as X truck abandoned on the road, Jose swerved his car
is concerned. Therefore, defense of relative will lie in his to the right towards the graveled shoulder, killing
A: Under Art. 101 of the RPC, if there are many people that
(A) No, because the bystanders had nothing to do with have been benefited by the said state of necessity, the
the abandoned truck on the road. judge shall divide the civil indemnity proportionately among
(B) No, because the injury done is greater than the evil
to be avoided. Article 101. xxx
(C) Yes, since the instinct of self-preservation In cases falling within subdivision 4 of Article 11, the
takes priority in an emergency. persons for whose benefit the harm has been prevented
shall be civilly liable in proportion to the benefit which they
(D) Yes, since the bystanders should have kept off the may have received.
shoulder of the road. (2009 BAR)
The courts shall determine, in sound discretion, the
Q: X was driving his car, nighttime, within LTO rules. proportionate amount for which each one shall be liable.
He was driving carefully. The road was a little bit
slippery, when he suddenly saw right in front of him a When the respective shares cannot be equitably
10-wheeler truck under repair. There was no light at all, determined, even approximately, or when the liability also
no early warning advice to warn him at all that there attaches to the Government, or to the majority of the
was a 10-wheeler truck right in the middle of the road inhabitants of the town, and, in all events, whenever the
under repair. He was already near the truck once he damages have been caused with the consent of the
saw it – if he would go on, there would be a coalition authorities or their agents, indemnification shall be made
between his car and the big 10-wheeler truck. If he in the manner prescribed by special laws or regulations.
would turn to the left, he would be hitting the island. If
he would turn to the right, he would be hitting two xxx
people. He turned to the right, and the said two people
were injured and sustained less serious physical Thus, civil liability will be imposed on not only X, but also
injuries. the driver, the persons in the truck who were conducting
the repair whose lives were likewise saved from injury.
X was held for reckless imprudence resulting in less
serious physical injuries. He raised the justifying 5. FULFILLMENT OF A DUTY
circumstance of state of necessity.
Elements of Fulfillment of a Duty:
Will state of necessity lie in favor of X?
1. Offender acted in the due performance of his
A: YES. All the requisites are present. duties or in the performance of a lawful exercise of
a right or office; and
First, that the evil sought to be avoided actually exists – the 2. The resulting felony is an unavoidable
evil that X sought to avoid is the collision between his car consequence of the performance of his duty.
and the ten-wheeler truck.
If a felony resulted from a public officer or a person’s
Second, that the injury feared be greater than that done to fulfillment of one’s duty, the question is: is the said resulting
avoid it – the injury that he feared is that in case of collision, felony unavoidable? If it is unavoidable, a necessary
there is a great possibility he will die. consequence, his acts are justified, and he cannot be held
criminally and civilly liable. Otherwise, he can be held
Third, that there be no other practical or less harmful criminally liable.
means of preventing it – at that particular moment, at the
spur of the moment, wanting to save his own life, X 6. OBEDIENCE TO A LAWFUL ORDER
believed his decision was the least.
Elements of Obedience to Lawful Order:
If he goes on, he will collide, he may die. If he turned to the
left, hitting the island, his car may turn upside down, he 1. An order has been issued by a superior officer;
may die. If he turned to the right, he will be injuring the two 2. Order was for a lawful purpose; and
people. Therefore, state of necessity will lie in his favor. 3. The means employed to carry out such order is
However, the judge will impose upon him civil indemnity
but not only to him. Those people repairing the truck were It is necessary that not only the order coming from the
saved by the accident—they also benefited from the said superior officer be lawful, but also the means used by the
On the way to Muntinlupa, X told the police officers Another defense that police officer Y could raise would be
guarding him inside the BJMP vehicle that he needed defense of a stranger. First, there was unlawful
to answer the call of nature. aggression coming from X. On the part of the said woman,
he was about to stab her. Second, the means employed by
Police officer Y told the driver to stop and police officer Y was reasonable. At that particular moment,
accompanied him behind a tree. However, X told the if he would go there and try to fight out with X, the woman
said police officer that it is impossible for him to open might have already been stabbed. The only way is to fire
the zipper of his pants. His hands were handcuffed from a distance. Third, there is no showing based on the
behind him, so he asked the police officer if the latter facts that police officer Y was ignited by any ill motive -- his
would do the honor of opening the zipper of his pants. only motive was to save the life of the woman being held
The police officer did not want to open; instead, he just hostage. Therefore, defense of a stranger would also lie in
unlocked his handcuffs. The moment X’s hands were favor of police officer Y.
free, X repeatedly kicked and punched police officer Y
and thereafter ran as fast he could. BATTERED WOMAN SYNDROME
Police officer Y was so shocked of what happened— Q: X and Y are husband and wife and they have been
he shouted to police officer Z and to the driver. All living together for five years. It used to be a happy
three of them chased X. X went inside the public marriage until the said husband lost his job. When the
market. When X came out, he was already holding as husband lost his job, it turned to drinking. There were
hostage a pregnant woman. The said pregnant woman no nights wherein he won’t go home drunk and
was held hostage by X, his arms were around her and whenever he would go drunk, he would turn his arm
there was a bolo pointed on her chest. on the said wife. He would physically abuse the wife,
hurting the wife, kicking the wife, slapping the wife.
The woman was flabbergasted; blood was already This has been going on for one year from the time the
coming out as the bolo was pierced severely on her husband lost his job. The following morning, after
chest. The woman asked X to release her – she is physically injuring/abusing his wife, the said husband
pregnant, please save her and the life of the baby. would ask forgiveness after seeing the bruise,
When X just laughed, the pregnant woman struggled contusion on the different parts of the body of the wife
and thereafter kicked X the prisoner with all her might. especially in the face and he would be kissing,
This caused X to get mad at the pregnant woman. He embracing the wife, being loving to the wife. But he will
was about to stab her when police officer Y fired a shot be again physically abusing the said wife.
on X, hitting him on the forehead, causing him to die
instantaneously. Until one time, the said husband after having a
drinking spree with friends, upon arrival in the house,
Police officer Y is now being prosecuted for the crime the wife greeted the husband and told the husband
of homicide. What defenses may be raised by police “Did you have dinner already? Come let us eat.'' But
officer Y in order to be free of civil and criminal instead of being friendful to his wife, the husband
liability? immediately give the wife two slaps on the face and a
punch on the chest. The wife fell and the wife
A: Police officer Y may raise the defense of fulfillment of explained “Bakit naman? Anong ginawa ko?” The
duty. All the elements are present. moment the said woman asked that, the said husband
pulled out a balisong, opened it and was about to stab
First, at that particular moment, he was acting in the the wife but the wife shouted. The moment the wife
performance of his duty. It is his duty to arrest X and shouted, the said husband closed again the balisong
thereafter bring him to the Bilibid. It is also his duty to save and he just kicked the face of the wife, went to the
a life of an ordinary citizen being held as hostage by X. So, bedroom and went to sleep. The husband was fast
at that time, police officer Y was acting in the performance asleep when the wife entered the bedroom to get some
of his duty. clothing.
The wife is now being prosecuted for parricide. She One night, the husband arrived home, upon seeing the
claimed the defense of battered woman syndrome. To wife, he did verbally, emotionally, psychologically
prove that her state of mind at the time of the stabbing abuse the wife. So, he’s calling the wife bad words,
was that someone suffering from the battered woman malicious words, verbally abusing her. The wife will
syndrome disease, her defense comes; presented the just cry in silence. The husband went to bed. When the
psychiatrist who had been treating her for more than said husband went to bed, he fell asleep, the wife, she
one year and the psychiatrist testified. What would be was in fear, she was afraid that today verbally abuse,
the decision of the Court? tomorrow, she might get killed, tomorrow it might be
physical abuse. And so because of that, in order to
A: The Court has to acquit the said woman based on ensure that will not happen, the wife took a knife, and
battered woman syndrome. Battered woman syndrome is stabbed her husband.
scientifically defined pattern of psychological and
behavioral symptoms found in women living in battering She is now being prosecuted of the crime of parricide.
relationships as a result of cumulative abuse. That is how She raised battered woman syndrome as a defense.
battered woman syndrome is defined under section 3 (c) Will battered woman syndrome lie in her favor?
of R.A. 9262, as amended. Based on this, it is necessary
that the said woman must be suffering from sound A: Battered woman syndrome is a scientifically defined
battering episodes. In the case of Marivic Genosa, the pattern of psychological and behavioral symptoms found in
Supreme Court said that, in order for battered woman women living in battering relationships. Therefore, the
syndrome to bring about the offender’s acquittal, there woman must be living in battering relationship. Under
must be at least two battering episodes. This battering Section 3(b) of R.A. 9262, battery refers to an act of
episodes must be a cycle of violence characterized by inflicting physical harm upon the woman or her child
three phases: resulting to the physical and psychological or emotional
distress. Therefore, for it to be considered as battery, it is
1. The tension-building phase; necessary that there must be the infliction of physical harm
2. The acute battering incident; and upon the said woman and in People vs. Marivic Genosa,
3. The tranquil or loving phase. the law requires two battery episodes. In the said bar
problem, there was only one battery episode because
These must be the three phases attendant in the said there was only one instance wherein the husband inflicted
battery episodes of abuses. In this case, not only two harm on the said woman. Therefore, battered woman
battering for more than a year – the said woman has been syndrome will not lie in favor of the said woman as a
physically abused by the said husband. Therefore, defense for the crime of parricide. She has to be
battered woman syndrome will free the said woman from convicted; however, the said conviction may be mitigated
civil, and criminal liability. Under Section 26 of R.A. 9262, by several mitigating circumstances.
the law provides that victim-survivors who are found by the
courts to be suffering from battered woman syndrome do ARTICLE 12. EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES
not incur any criminal and civil liability notwithstanding the
absence of any of the elements for justifying circumstances Article 12. Circumstances which exempt from criminal
of self-defense. Therefore, even if at the time the said liability. - the following are exempt from criminal liability:
woman stabbed and killed her husband, the husband was
fast asleep, there was no unlawful aggression coming from 1. An imbecile or an insane person, unless the latter has
the husband, that particular element of self-defense is acted during a lucid interval.
absent, still if it was proven that at the time of the stabbing,
she was in the state of battered woman syndrome, she has When the imbecile or an insane person has committed an
to be acquitted of the crime charged. The law provides, this act which the law defines as a felony (delito), the court shall
will absolve the woman from criminal, and civil liability order his confinement in one of the hospitals or asylums
notwithstanding the absence of any of the elements for established for persons thus afflicted, which he shall not be
justifying circumstances of self-defense. permitted to leave without first obtaining the permission of
the same court.
While in case of justifying circumstance, there is no crime, Insanity exists when there is a complete deprivation of
there is no criminal, and there is no criminal and civil intelligence while committing the crime. He is deprived of
liability, in case of exempting, there is a wrong, a crime, but discernment to understand right from wrong.
there is no criminal because he acted without
voluntariness, hence, there is no criminal liability but there An insane person has no clear understanding of the nature
is civil liability because a wrong, a violation of the law had of the consequences of his acts.
been done.
If the said accused becomes insane at the time of the trial,
Insofar as mitigating circumstances are concerned, just his insanity will no longer be exempting. What will happen
like justifying circumstances, it is both an admission and is that his case will be archived, and the accused will be
avoidance on the part of the accused. The moment the brought to a mental institution. The trial of the case will
accused invokes any of the exempting circumstances resume the moment he regained his sanity, except when
under Article 12, he in effect admits the acts alleged in the the penalty has already prescribed.
information but he is trying to save himself from
responsibility by saying that he should be exempted, he Q: X killed Y. X have been charged of the crime of
acted without voluntariness. murder. The defense of X, according to him, he was
insane at the time of the commission of the crime and
1) 15 years or under at the time of the commission of Insofar as Y is concerned, he was 16, therefore he is on
the crime, shall be totally exempt from the criminal the bracket of above 15 but below 18, in that case,
liability regardless of discernment; and discernment must be determined. Did he act with
discernment? Based on the facts of the problem Y acted
with discernment. Y acted with discernment, and this is
Q: What are status offenses? FACTS: SPARK filed a petition for certiorari and
prohibition assailing the constitutionality of the curfew
A: Under Section 57 of R.A. No. 9344, any conduct not ordinances of the City of Manila, Quezon City, and Navotas
considered an offense or not penalized if committed by an City for restricting the right of a child to travel and as it
adult shall not be considered an offense and shall not be infringe on the right of the parents in rearing their children.
punished if committed by a child.
Moreover, SPARK specifically alleged assails Manila
Q: Are local governments allowed to enact ordinances curfew for imposing penalties such as admonition,
that provide for status offenses? reprimand, and imprisonment which is against RA 9344 as
A: R.A. No. 9344, in particular Section 57 has been
amended by R.A. No. 10630. R.A. No. 10630. Amended RULING: In this case, the curfew ordinances enacted by
Section 57 of R.A. No. 9344 by adding another provision Quezon City, Manila, and Navotas were questioned as to
which is Section 57-A. their constitutionality.
Section 57-A. Violations of Local Ordinances. – SC: The curfew ordinances of Quezon City were declared
Ordinances enacted by local governments concerning constitutional. But the curfew ordinances of Manila and
juvenile status offenses such as, but not limited to, curfew Navotas were declared unconstitutional because they
violations, truancy, parental disobedience, anti-smoking provide for penalties against minor offenders.
and anti-drinking laws, as well as light offenses and
misdemeanors against public order or safety such as, but 4. ACCIDENT
not limited to, disorderly conduct, public scandal,
harassment, drunkenness, public intoxication, criminal For accident to lie and exempt the offender from criminal
nuisance, vandalism, gambling, mendicancy, littering, liability, the following elements must be present.
public urination, and trespassing, shall be for the protection
of children. xxx Elements of Accident
While the said incident was going on, here comes W, It is considered an exempting circumstance because the
W just bought a new motorcycle. So, he was trying to element of freedom of action, an element of
practice the ride of his motorcycle, he was going voluntariness, is absent. The said accused acted without
around and around. He passed by this area. Along this freedom of choice.
area, there were many police patrol cars. W was so in
a hurry with his beautiful newly bought motorcycle. He 6. UNCONTROLLABLE FEAR
was driving so fast, driving recklessly. He hit one of
the side mirrors of the police car. The said side mirror Elements of Uncontrollable Fear
was so damaged, it fell. So, the other police officers
heard it. Although W knew he caused damaged on the The following elements were provided by the Supreme
side mirror of the police car, he did not stop, he did not Court in Ty v. People:
bother to stop. So, one of the officers in the said area,
Police Officer Y, chased W. Police Officer Y boarded 1. There exists an uncontrollable fear;
one police car and chased W. They were chasing each 2. The fear must be real or at least imminent; and
other along the highway of Mandaluyong. When Police 3. The fear of the injury must be equal to or greater
Officer Y saw that W was about to turn right, he was than the wrong act committed.
afraid he would be losing W and so, he pulled out his
service pistol and he tried to shoot the tires of the said
To assure payment, she issued 7 postdated checks A, B, and C were arrested. While being investigated by
payable to the hospital. The 7 checks were then deposited, the police, all of them pointed to X as the person who
but were all dishonored due to insufficiency of funds, with killed Pedro, and so X was arrested. They were all
the “Account Closed” advice. The hospital sent demand charged as conspirators for the crime of murder. The
letters to Ty but got no response. defense of X was that he acted under the compulsion
of an irresistible force. He acted under the impulse of
Ty was charged with 7 counts of violation of BP 22. She an uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury. Are
claimed that she issued the checks because of an the exempting circumstances present to free X from
uncontrollable fear of a greater injury. She said that she criminal liability?
was forced to issue checks to obtain release for her mother
whom the hospital inhumanely treated and would not A: YES. Going by the elements of uncontrollable fear:
discharge unless the hospital bills are paid. That her
mother would commit suicide if the latter was not released 1. There was uncontrollable fear on the part of X as
anytime soon so she issued the said checks fearing for the he will be shot on the head, he will be killed;
worst for her mother. 2. The fear was real and imminent; it was impending
to happen. He just saw A shoot Pedro. If A could
RULING: The Supreme Court held her liable for the do that to Pedro, he could do it to X.
crime charged. Ty’s defense of uncontrollable fear is 3. The fear of the injury was greater than the act that
untenable. What Ty was fearing was not imminent and he committed. The fear that he will be killed is
real. The fear that her mother’s health might deteriorate is greater than killing Pedro.
speculative fear. It was not impending or insuperable as to
deprive her of her volition and make her a mere instrument Therefore, he should be exempted from criminal liability,
without will. She also failed to convince the Court that she but not from civil liability.
was left with no choice, but to commit a crime.
As for the defense of irresistible force, there was physical
Q: What if at past 12 midnight, X was on his way home. force employed on him. He had no recourse but to shoot
X was walking on the road when suddenly he heard Pedro. He acted not only without will, but also against his
three successive gun fires. X was afraid. He stopped will. He had no choice to choose between his life or the life
and sat on the ground, touched his body, and realized of Pedro, and he chose to save his life. Therefore, he
he was not the one shot. The shots were not against should be exempted from criminal liability.
him. After that, he heard some laughter on the right
side of the road where there were tall, thick grasses. 7. LAWFUL AND INSUPERABLE CAUSE
He wanted to know what the laughter was about; what
the gunfire was about. X then crawled towards the This is another exemption to the rule that in case of
place and hid. Thereafter, amid the thick bushes, he exempting circumstances, there is no criminal liability, but
tried to look at what was happening, and there he there is civil liability. In this case, there is no criminal
clearly saw, A, B, and C, standing and laughing in front liability and no civil liability.
of Pedro who was lying on the ground, bleeding. X saw
CIRCUMSTANCES CIRCUMSTANCES 8. That the offender is deaf and dumb, blind or otherwise
(Article 11) (Article 12) suffering some physical defect which thus restricts his
means of action, defense, or communications with his
Affects the act and not the Affects the offender or
fellow beings.
offender or the doer of the doer of the act and not the
act. act. 9. Such illness of the offender as would diminish the
Offender acted within the The offender indeed exercise of the will-power of the offender without however
bounds of the law. He did violated the law. A wrong depriving him of the consciousness of his acts.
not have transgressed the has been committed.
10. And, finally, any other circumstances of a similar nature
law. There is no wrong
and analogous to those above mentioned.
There is no crime, and There is a crime, there is a
Mitigating Circumstances
there is no criminal. wrong, but there is no
criminal; he acted without Mitigating circumstances are those circumstances which,
voluntariness. if present or attended in the commission of a felony would
There is no criminal There is no criminal serve to lower the imposable penalty because there is a
liability and as a rule, there liability, but as a rule, there diminution of the offender’s voluntariness in the
commission of the crime.
is also no civil liability. is civil liability because a
wrong has indeed been In exempting circumstances, there is totally no
committed. voluntariness in the commission of the crime. Therefore,
May be raised as a May be raised as a exempting circumstances frees the offender from criminal
defense only in intentional defense both in intentional liability. In case of mitigating circumstances, there is only a
felonies. and culpable felonies. diminution on the voluntariness of the offender in the
commission of the crime. It will not exempt the offender
from criminal liability but it will definitely lower the
imposable penalty on the part of the said offender in case
of conviction.
Article 13. Mitigating circumstances. - The following are
1. Those mentioned in the preceding chapter, when all the There are two kinds of mitigating circumstances –
requisites necessary to justify or to exempt from criminal
liability in the respective cases are not attendant. 1. Ordinary mitigating circumstances; and
2. Privileged mitigating circumstances.
2. That the offender is under eighteen years of age or over
seventy years. In the case of the minor, he shall be Ordinary mitigating circumstances
proceeded against in accordance with the provisions of Art.
80. Ordinary mitigating circumstances are those which may be
offset by generic aggravating circumstances. If not offset,
3. That the offender had no intention to commit so grave a its effect is to lower the imposable penalty to the minimum
wrong as that committed. period of the penalty prescribed by law.
4. That sufficient provocation or threat on the part of the Privileged mitigating circumstances
offended party immediately preceded the act.
Privileged mitigating circumstances are those
5. That the act was committed in the immediate vindication circumstances which cannot be offset by any aggravating
of a grave offense to the one committing the felony (delito), circumstance. Privileged mitigating circumstances would
his spouse, ascendants, or relatives by affinity within the mean the lowering of the penalty by one to two degrees.
same degrees. The penalty will be lowered not by period but by degrees.
6. That of having acted upon an impulse so powerful as 1. INCOMPLETE JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE AND
naturally to have produced passion or obfuscation. INCOMPLETE EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCE
7. That the offender had voluntarily surrendered himself to
1. Those mentioned in the preceding chapter, when all the
a person in authority or his agents, or that he had
requisites necessary to justify or to exempt from criminal
voluntarily confessed his guilt before the court prior to the
liability in the respective cases are not attendant.
presentation of the evidence for the prosecution;
Whether an incomplete justifying or incomplete exempting RULING: The Supreme Court said there was no self-
shall be treated as an ordinary mitigating or as a privileged defense because the element that is absent is unlawful
mitigating would depend on certain rules: aggression. At the time Police Officer Ulep fired at the head
of the said victim, the unlawful aggression that he was
1. First rule: When majority of the elements trying to commit (i.e., that Wapili was trying to shoot the
necessary to justify the act or to exempt the police officers) had already ceased to exist.
offender from criminal liability are present in the
commission of the crime, incomplete justifying or The said inceptive unlawful aggression had ceased to exist
incomplete exempting shall be treated as a because the said victim was already slumped on the
privileged mitigating circumstance. ground. He could no longer mount any aggression and he
could no longer mount any attack.
2. Second rule: When less than the majority of the
elements necessary to justify the act or to exempt Since it is the unlawful aggression which is the element
the offender from criminal liability are not present that is absent, there is neither the justifying circumstance
in the commission of the crime, incomplete of self-defense nor the incomplete justifying circumstance
justifying or incomplete exempting is to be treated which is a mitigating circumstance.
as an ordinary mitigating circumstance. Therefore,
it can be offset. Police Officer Ulep also raised fulfillment of duty, another
justifying circumstance. Is it present?
3. Third rule: When there are only two elements of a
justifying circumstance, or two elements of an Fulfillment of duty as a justifying circumstance has only two
exempting circumstance, the presence of one elements –
element is already considered as majority. Hence,
the incomplete justifying circumstance or First, that the accused acted in the due performance of his
incomplete exempting circumstance will be treated duty. This is present. Police Officer Ulep and the other
as a privileged mitigating circumstance. police officers were there because their assistance was
sought by the people. They were there to perform their duty
4. Fourth and last rule: In case of incomplete self- to maintain peace and order, to give aid to the people. The
defense, incomplete defense of a relative or first element is present.
incomplete defense of a stranger, there must
always be the element of unlawful aggression. Second, the resulting injury is the necessary, the
unavoidable consequence of the due performance of his
If only the element of unlawful aggression is duty. The second element is absent. Firing at the head of
present, the incomplete self-defense shall be Wapili and killing Wapili was not the necessary
treated as an ordinary mitigating circumstance. consequence of the said fulfillment of his duty. The said
victim was already slumped on the ground, face down.
If aside from unlawful aggression, another element There is no need to fire at his head. He could only be
is present, then the incomplete self-defense shall arrested. At that particular moment, he was already
be treated as a privileged mitigating circumstance. defenseless. Therefore, the second element is absent.
PEOPLE v. ULEP Since based on the rules, if there are two elements, the
G.R. No. 132547 | 20 September 2000 presence of one is considered as majority, therefore,
incomplete fulfillment of duty shall be treated as a
FACTS: Police Officer Ernesto Ulep was charged with the privileged mitigating circumstance.
crime of murder for having killed Buenaventura Wapili, who
was running amok at that time. Police Officer Ulep raised So, in this case, the Supreme Court appreciated
incomplete fulfillment of duty as a privileged mitigating
2. That the offender is under eighteen years of age or over 1. That a felony has been committed; and
seventy years. In the case of the minor, he shall be 2. That there is a notable disparity between the means
proceeded against in accordance with the provisions of Art. employed by the offender and the resulting felony.
4. That sufficient provocation or threat on the part of the
In the discussions on exempting circumstances, it was offended party immediately preceded the act.
discussed that when minority is not exempting, it is always
and always a privileged mitigating circumstance. Elements of Sufficient Provocation or Threat
When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court URBANO v. PEOPLE
affirmed Labosta’s conviction. However, because of his G.R. No. 182750 | 20 January 2009
senior age of 74 years old at the time of the commission of
the crime, the Supreme Court lowered the imposable FACTS: Tomelden and Urbano just arrived at Lingayen
penalty due the mitigating circumstances of voluntary Water District Compound coming from Bugallon,
surrender and the senior age of the accused. Pangasinan where they had picnic and had drinks with
their other co- workers.
He was 74 at the time he killed the victim. At the time the
Supreme Court promulgated the judgment, Labosta was While inside the compound, the two had a heated
already 91 years old. The Supreme Court lowered the argument to which Tomelden said insulting remarks
imposable penalty. against Urbano. This led to an exchange of blows. They
were tried to be pacified by their co-workers, but they were
3. PRAETER INTENTIONEM unsuccessful in doing so. Urbano then threw a “lucky
punch” on Tomelden’s face which almost made Tomelden
3. That the offender had no intention to commit so grave a hit the ground but was caught by his co-wrorkers.
wrong as that committed. Tomelden’s nose bled, and he became unconscious.
RULING: In this case, the Supreme Court appreciated the 1. There be a grave offense to the one committing
mitigating circumstances of praeter intentionem (Art. 13, the felony, his spouse, ascendants, descendants,
par. 3) and sufficient provocation, (Art. 13, par. 4). legitimate, natural, or adopted brothers or sisters,
or relatives by affinity within the same degree; and
The Supreme Court said praeter intentionem is present.
The first element is present. A felony has been committed 2. The said act or grave offense must be the
– homicide has been committed. proximate cause of the commission of the crime.
The second element is also present, there is a notable It is necessary that the commission of the crime was done
disparity between the means employed by Urbano and the in immediate vindication of the said grave offense. So, the
resulting felony. Urbano was losing the fight. Luckily, he law used the word ‘immediate’ the second time. Whereas
landed a punch on the jaw on Tomelden that caused the in sufficient provocation, the word ‘immediate’ does not
latter to lose consciousness. allow a lapse of time. In case of immediate vindication of a
grave offense under par 5. Article 13, the word ‘immediate’
The Supreme Court said since both elements are present, allows a lapse of time.
there is a notable disparity, and it is evident that the said
offender Urbano has no intention to commit so grave a Supreme Court said, the word ‘immediate’ allows a lapse
wrong as that of killing the victim. Therefore, these two of time because there was an erroneous translation of the
mitigating circumstances were considered by the Supreme Spanish Codigo Penal. We have studied that the RPC was
Court in favor of Urbano. merely copied from the Spanish Codigo Penal. In the
Spanish Codigo Penal, the word used was ‘proxima’ but
MIRANDA v. PEOPLE when it was translated to the RPC, the word used was
G.R. No. 234528 | 23 January 2019 ‘immediate’. Supreme Court said, we consider that the
word used in the Spanish Codigo Penal was ‘proxima’,
In this case, accused Miranda was charged with frustrated therefore, it suffices that the said grave offense be the
homicide. The victim Pilo threw stones at the house of proximate cause of the commission of the crime by the
Miranda. And so, as an act of retaliation, the said accused accused. There may be lapse of time in between.
intended on the life of the said victim. And so, he was
charged with frustrated homicide. The defense of Miranda When you say grave offense, the law does not require that
was that, he was merely acting in self-defense. it be an act punished by law. The law does not require that
it be a crime. It refers to any act that is immoral, unjust, and
Supreme Court said, NO. Pilo’s act of merely throwing will move the said accused to vindicate himself, to
stones at the house of Miranda could not amount to vindicate his relatives. That is sufficient to be considered
unlawful aggression because there was no impending as grave offense.
threat on the life and limb of Miranda. The said stones
merely hit the roof and the door of the house of Miranda. 6. PASSION OR OBFUSCATION
Therefore, Supreme Court said, it cannot be considered as
unlawful aggression, it did not place Miranda in actual and
6. That of having acted upon an impulse so powerful as
imminent danger.
naturally to have produced passion or obfuscation.
However, according to the Supreme Court, although Pilo’s
Elements of Passion or Obfuscation
act of hurling stones may not be regarded as unlawful
aggression, the said act however, was vexatious,
1. There be an act both unlawful and sufficient to
improper, and enough to incite Miranda into anger. Hence,
produce passion and obfuscation on the part of the
it is considered as sufficient provocation. So, the Supreme
accused; and
Court convicted Miranda of frustrated homicide. However,
the Supreme Court appreciated in his favor the mitigating
2. The act that produced the passion and obfuscation
circumstance of sufficient provocation.
was not far removed from the commission of the
crime by a considerable length of time during
SC said that the voluntariness of one’s surrender should Within that span of two weeks, definitely he could have
denote a positive act and not a mere compliant or already recovered his normal equanimity. Hence, it was
submissive behavior in the presence of public authorities. not considered by the SC.
Surrender is said to be voluntary in nature when it is done This is because X’s plea of guilt was not to the original
spontaneously and unconditionally. crime charged, but to the lesser crime of serious physical
The Supreme Court has said that there must be the
element of spontaneity in the act of surrendering. The said The original crime charged was frustrated homicide.
offender either felt remorse and he wanted to confess his Therefore, this plea of guilt cannot be said to have been
guilty or he wanted to save the government the time, efforts done spontaneously because it is not for the original crime
and expenses that they would incur if they looked for him charged.
in order to arrest him.
Q: A case of robbery was charged against X, Y and Z.
VOLUNTARY PLEA OF GUILT They were charged as conspirators, as principals by
direct participation in the crime of robbery. However,
Elements of Voluntary Plea of Guilt only X is facing trial. Y and Z were at large. The police
failed to arrest them, so it is only X who is facing trial
1. The plea of guilt must be done spontaneously & as a principal in the crime of robbery, him being a
unconditionally; conspirator of Y and Z.
2. The plea of guilt must be done in open court; and
3. The plea of guilt must be done before the During arraignment, X pleaded not guilty to the crime
presentation of evidence of the prosecution. of robbery.
Although it was for the original crime charged of robbery, Therefore, since X pleaded guilty to illegal possession of
in the original charged, he was alleged to have been a firearms, the judge should have considered it as a
principal. His plea of guilt was made subject to a condition mitigating circumstance so as to lower the imposable
that he be made a mere accomplice. penalty.
Therefore, the plea of guilt cannot be considered a Q: X was found in possession of two plastic sachets
mitigating circumstance. of shabu. Because of that, he was charged of illegal
possession of dangerous drugs under Sec. 11 of RA
Q: X was arrested by the police officers. There was a 9165. During arraignment, X immediately pleaded
complaint against him, so he was apprehended. As he guilty with a hope that his plea of guilt will mitigate his
was explaining to the police that he should not be criminal liability and will lower the imposable penalty,
arrested, he was on board his bicycle at the time and however, despite his plea of guilt, when the judge
because of his fear, he fell. Police officers Y and Z then rendered his decision convicting X for violating Sec.
helped X to stand up. As they were helping X stand up, 11 of R.A. 9165, illegal possession of dangerous
the t-shirt of X lifted, they saw a homemade gun, a drugs, the judge did not consider his plea of guilt as a
sumpak. The police officers asked X, “You have a mitigating circumstance. Is the judge correct?
homemade gun. Definitely, it is not licensed. Also, you
have no permit to carry.” X said yes – he has no A: The judge is correct in not considering X’s plea of
license, he has no registration, no permit to carry. guilt as a mitigating circumstance. Under Article 10 of
the RPC, the provision shall apply suppletorily to violations
Police officers Y and Z confiscated the said homemade of special penal law unless the special penal law provides
gun and arrested X and thereafter brought him to the otherwise. R.A. 9165 is one special penal law that provides
police station for investigation. After investigation, X otherwise. Under Sec. 98 of R.A. 9165, the law expressly
was charged with violation of R.A. 10591, illegal provides that the provisions of the RPC cannot apply to
possession of loose firearms. violations of R.A 9165. Therefore, the RPC, its provisions
on mitigating circumstances cannot apply suppletorily to
During arraignment, X immediately pleaded guilty. He violations of R.A. 9165. It is an express provision under
pleaded guilty because he knew that he would not be Sec. 98 of R.A. 9165 that the RPC cannot apply to
able to produce any license, any registration, any violations of R.A 9165. Therefore, even if X pleaded guilty,
permit to carry. His firearm is merely homemade—it it cannot be considered as a mitigating circumstance.
cannot be licensed. Thus, he pleaded guilty with the
hope that upon pleading guilty, his penalty will be Q: What if, Congressman X and his three subordinates
lowered. were all charged with a crime of plunder before the
Sandiganbayan. When Congressman X and his
However, the judge rendered his decision convicting subordinates learned that a warrant of arrest has been
X for violation of RA 10591- illegal possession of low- issued against them, they immediately surrendered.
powered firearm and imposing the penalty, the judge They immediately went to the police and since plunder
did not consider X’s voluntary plea of guilt as a is a non-bailable offense, they stayed in jail. Trial on
mitigating circumstance. the merits ensued. After the said trial on the merits of
the case, the Sandiganbayan rendered its decision. In
Is the judge correct? the said decision rendered, the Sandiganbayan in
imposing the penalty in Congressman X and his
A: NO. The judge is not correct. subordinates, the Sandiganbayan considered the
mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender to
X pleaded guilty to illegal possession of firearms under RA lower the imposable penalty. Are the justices of the
10591 with the hope that his penalty will be lowered. The Sandiganbayan correct in appreciating the mitigating
judge should have considered the said plea of guilt as a circumstance of voluntary surrender?
mitigating circumstance.
A: Yes, they are correct. Although plunder is a special
penal law punished under R.A. 7080, under Sec. 2 of R.A.
In this case, the offender is suffering some illness. The said GENERIC AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES
illness diminishes the exercise of the willpower of the
offender. However, the said illness did not totally deprive Generic Aggravating Circumstances are those which apply
him of consciousness. He is still aware that he was doing to all kinds of crimes. Whatever be the crime, this generic
a wrongful act, only he has a diminished self-control to stop aggravating circumstance may be considered.
the said act. The said illness will be considered as a
mitigating circumstance in favor of the said accused. Example: Recidivism.
Article 248. Murder. - Any person who, not falling within 3. That the act be committed with insult or in disregard
the provisions of Article 246, shall kill another, shall be of the respect due the offended party on account of his
guilty of murder and shall be punished by reclusion rank, age, or sex, or that is be committed in the dwelling
perpetua, to death if committed with any of the following of the offended party, if the latter has not given
attendant circumstances: provocation.
With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength, 4. That the act be committed with abuse of confidence
with the aid of armed men, or employing means to or obvious ungratefulness.
weaken the defense, or of means or persons to insure
or afford impunity; 5. That the crime be committed in the palace of the Chief
Executive or in his presence, or where public authorities
In consideration of a price, reward, or promise; are engaged in the discharge of their duties, or in a place
dedicated to religious worship.
By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion,
shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault 6. That the crime be committed in the night time, or in
upon a railroad, fall of an airship, by means of motor an uninhabited place, or by a band, whenever such
vehicles, or with the use of any other means involving circumstances may facilitate the commission of the
great waste and ruin; offense.
9. That the accused is a recidivist. 1. That advantage be taken by the offender of his public
A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for one
crime, shall have been previously convicted by final The offender is a public officer or employee. Only a public
judgment of another crime embraced in the same title of officer or employee may take advantage of his public
this Code. position in the commission of a crime. A public officer is
said to have taken advantage of his public position in the
10. That the offender has been previously punished by commission of the crime when he used, misused, or
an offense to which the law attaches an equal or greater abused his public position in the commission of the crime.
penalty or for two or more crimes to which it attaches a The said public officer took advantage of the prestige,
lighter penalty. ascendency, and influence that his position affords him in
order to commit and facilitate the commission of the crime.
11. That the crime be committed in consideration of a
price, reward, or promise. Q: X was the Assistant Director at the National
Penitentiary at the Bilibid. X was occupying a high
12. That the crime be committed by means of position as the Assistant Director. One time, a group
inundation, fire, poison, explosion, stranding of a vessel of prisoners arrived. Y was among them. Y was
or international damage thereto, derailment of a Assistant Director X’s longtime enemy in their home
locomotive, or by the use of any other artifice involving province in Pampanga. Now, Assistant Director X is
great waste and ruin. shocked because Y is now in the Bilibid.
13. That the act be committed with evidence Assistant Director X immediately looked into the
premeditation. records of Y and realized that Y was brought to the
Bilibid because Y was convicted by final judgment for
14. That the craft, fraud or disguise be employed. a drug case. Since then Assistant Director X has been
looking at Y and observing him. One time, Director X
15. That advantage be taken of superior strength, or went to Y. Y was sitting. Director X told Y, “Tayo. You
means be employed to weaken the defense. do 1000 push-ups.” So Director X was ordering Y to do
1000 push-ups. Y did as instructed. However, Y
16. That the act be committed with treachery (alevosia). stopped when he was tired already, he can no longer
There is treachery when the offender commits any of the lift his body. The moment Y stopped, Assistant
crimes against the person, employing means, methods, Director X repeatedly hit Y’s body, and Y’s head with
or forms in the execution thereof which tend directly and his truncheon. The head was already bleeding
specially to insure its execution, without risk to himself because of the repeated hitting. The other inmates
arising from the defense which the offended party might were telling Assistant Director X, “Tama na po,
make. mamamatay na po. Dugong-dugo na po.” But
Assistant Director X still kept on hitting the head and
17. That means be employed or circumstances brought body of Y with the said truncheon. He only stopped
about which add ignominy to the natural effects of the when other officers of the said Director of Prisons
act. arrived and held him, told him to stop. At that time, Y
was already profusely bleeding. Though Y was
18. That the crime be committed after an unlawful entry. brought to the nearest hospital, Y perished the next
There is an unlawful entry when an entrance of a crime day.
a wall, roof, floor, door, or window be broken.
Since Y died, Assistant Director X is now being
19. That the crime be committed with the aid of persons prosecuted for the death of Y and it was alleged that in
under fifteen years of age or by means of motor the said act of killing, Assistant Director X took
vehicles, motorized watercraft, airships, or other similar advantage of his public position. Is the aggravating
means. (As amended by RA 5438).
It is necessary that the offender committed a crime despite Second, that he is not the person against whom the crime
knowledge of the presence of a public authority in the is committed. The Mayor is not the person to whom the
performance of his function. He knows a public authority is crime is committed, the crime is against the wife.
there, nevertheless, the presence of such public authority
did not stop or prevent him from committing the crime. Third, that the offender knows him to be a public authority.
There was this act of lack of respect or insult to the said Pedro knows that he is the Mayor, in fact, he said, “Mayor,
public authority. do not interfere”.
For this aggravating circumstance to lie against the Lastly, that the presence of the public authority did not
accused, it is necessary that the public authority is not the prevent or deter the offender from the commission of the
victim of the said act done by the offender. He must not be crime. The presence of the Mayor did not stop Pedro from
the victim of the assault, because if the public officer is the trying to stab or to kill to wife. Therefore, this aggravating
very victim of the assault, the crime committed is direct circumstance attended the commission of the crime of
assault and in case of direct assault, the contempt of insult attempted parricide.
to public authority is inherent. Therefore, it will no longer
aggravate the imposable penalty. Q: In the same problem, exactly the same facts, except
that this time, it is not the Mayor, it is a police officer
Q: The Mayor, the Vice Mayor, and three Counselors patrolling the area to maintain peace and order who
who belong to the same party together with a group of intervened in the fight between Pedro and his wife. So
bodyguards were walking on the way to the public because of that, Pedro was charged with attempted
market, they intend to make a surprise visit to the said parricide. In the information, it was alleged that the act
public market. When they were passing by the road, was committed with the aggravating circumstance of
they suddenly heard shouts and cries from a nearby in contempt of or insult to public authorities is present.
house. The Mayor knew that such house belongs to Is this aggravating circumstance present?
Pedro — it seems that there is a commotion in the
house of Pedro and so the Mayor, the Vice Mayor, and A: This time, the aggravating circumstance is not
three Counselors decided to come to the house of present. As held in the case of People v. Tiongson, a
Pedro. They were at the gate of the house of Pedro and police officer is not a public authority. A police officer is a
at the gate, they could hear cries from the wife of Pedro mere agent of public authority. Therefore, Supreme Court
and it seems that Pedro was beating and hurting the said that this aggravating circumstance in contempt of or
wife. The wife was crying for mercy and help. So the insult to public authority cannot be applied against the
Mayor shouted “Pedro anong nangyayari dyan?”. accused because the person present at the time of the
Pedro came out and said, “Ah Mayor ikaw pala.
There is disregard of rank when the offender deliberately For dwelling to be considered as an aggravating
disrespected and insulted the high social standing of the circumstance, ownership is immaterial. The law does not
victim in society in the commission of the crime. require that the victim be the owner of the said dwelling. It
suffices that he is the lawful occupant of the said dwelling.
DISREGARD OF AGE He be a bed spacer, a boarder, a lessee, a tenant, he is
the lawful occupant of the said dwelling. It is not required
There is disregard of age when the offender, in committing that he owns the said dwelling for dwelling to be
the crime, deliberately insulted, disrespected, either the considered as an aggravating circumstance.
minor or senior age of the victim in the commission of the
crime. Q: One morning, Tuesday morning, the mayor and his
party mates were at the veranda of the mayor’s house.
DISREGARD OF SEX They were there 6:00 in the morning. Now, it is already
8:00 and they were still there. From there, they will go
There is disregard of sex when the offender, in the directly to the city hall. The mayor and his party mates,
commission of the crime, deliberately insulted the state of the counselors, and his staff were brainstorming on
womanhood of the victim. new projects to be given to the is the mayor’s
third term, his last term. So, according to him, he
wanted to be remembered as someone who has given
Prosecuted for the death of the said mayor, in the One Sunday, couple X and Y told A that they would be
Information it was alleged that the aggravating bringing their grandchildren to the mall. And then,
circumstances of disregard of rank and dwelling are couple X and Y gave this instruction to A. It is already
present. Are these aggravating circumstances 5:00 in the afternoon and it is time for him to leave.
present? “You can leave, just make sure that all doors and all
windows are closed and locked.” Thereafter, couple X
A: Disregard of rank as an aggravating circumstance and Y and their two grandchildren left.
is not present because the crime committed by W is
Qualified Direct Assault with Murder. Since the crime Later in the day, A called his two friends. The moment
committed by W is Qualified Direct Assault with Murder, his two friends, B and C arrived at the house, in
disregard of rank is considered already as inherent in the connivance, in conspiracy with one another, A, B, and
commission of the crime. C robbed the house. After A allowed B and C to enter,
they robbed the house by breaking all the locks of the
The said mayor was in performance of his function at the cabinets and taking all the valuables that they could
time that he was shot to death. Therefore, the said take.
disregard of rank cannot be considered as an aggravating
circumstance. After they have already ransacked and taken all the
valuables, and broken all of the cabinets, A, B, and C
Dwelling is considered as an aggravating were about to leave. However, A heard the arrival of
circumstance. The veranda is part of the house of the said the car of X and Y, they were already here. A, B, and C
mayor. The mayor was at the veranda of the house when went into panic. They could not leave, they would be
the said mayor was shot. Therefore, there was disrespect seen. So, they went into hiding. A hid behind the door,
or insult of the privacy of his abode. B hid under the sofa, and C hid at the back of a big
cabinet. They were in hiding the moment X and Y and
4. ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE AND OBVIOUS the two grandchildren entered the house. A, B, and C
UNGRATEFULNESS came out from hiding and they immediately axed X and
Y and the two grandchildren resulting to the death of
4. That the act be committed with abuse of confidence or four – the death of X and Y and the two grandchildren.
obvious ungratefulness.
At that time, couple X and Y are both 70 years old and
ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE the grandchildren, their ages were 7 years old and 8
years old. A, B, and C are now being prosecuted for
Elements of Abuse of Confidence the complex crime of Robbery with Homicide with the
aggravating circumstances of abuse of confidence,
There is abuse of confidence as an aggravating dwelling, disregard of rank, and disregard of age. Are
circumstance when the following circumstance are these aggravating circumstances present? Should
present: they be considered by the court?
1. That the offended party has trusted the offender; A: Abuse of confidence is present, obviously. X and Y
2. That the offender has violated, abused the trust had trusted A; A abused the trust and confidence reposed
and confidence reposed upon him; and on him; the said abuse of trust and confidence facilitated
3. The said abuse of trust and confidence facilitated the commission of the crime. Had not X and Y trusted A,
the commission of the crime. they would not have left A alone In the house. That gave A
the opportunity to call his friends and thereafter, rob the
OBVIOUS UNGRATEFULNESS house. Hence, abuse of confidence as an aggravating
circumstance attended the commission of the crime.
Ungratefulness is considered as an aggravating
circumstance when it is obvious, when it is apparent and
6. NIGHTTIME; UNINHABITED PLACE; BY A BAND Q: A, B, C, and D were all butchers. After a day’s work,
A, B, C, and D were now having a drinking spree. They
That the crime be committed at the nighttime or in an were all armed, carrying their butcher’s knife. Around
uninhabited place, or by a band, whenever such 11 in the evening, many of them were already drunk,
circumstances may facilitate the commission of the crime. and so they stopped their drinking spree. They went
Whenever more than three armed malefactors shall have outside the said canteen and tried to get a ride, but all
acted together in the commission of the offense, it shall be the cars, taxis, buses, and jeepneys, were full and no
deemed to have been committed by a band. one stopped for them. And so, the four-armed men
decided to just walk further, hoping that if they go any
NIGHTTIME further, they could find a ride. They kept on walking
until they reached an isolated place. A, B, C, and D saw
Elements of Nighttime a lone big house in the isolated place far from town,
far from other houses. It is the only house in the said
1. That the offender deliberately sought the cover of place. They looked at each other, nodded at each
darkness; and other, and went near the fence and jumped over it to
2. That the purpose of the offender is to ensure the go inside the house, passing through a window. Once
commission of the crime or to ensure or afford inside, all four of them ransacked the house by taking
impunity. everything they could take, and so they broke some of
the cabinet using their butcher’s knife and they were
For nighttime to be considered as an aggravating able to take everything they could. Thereafter, they
circumstance, it is necessary that the offender deliberately left. However, later, they were arrested. They were
took advantage of the darkness of the night either to 1) charged with the crime of robbery. Are the aggravating
ensure the commission of the crime since due to the circumstances of nighttime, an uninhabited place, and
darkness of the night, no one will be able to stop him, by a band present in the commission of the crime?
therefore it would definitely be a completed act; or 2)
because of the darkness of the night, no one can identify A: The aggravating circumstance of nighttime is NOT
him, therefore, he cannot be arrested, prosecuted, and present. A, B, C, and D did not deliberately seek the cover
punished. of darkness to ensure the commission of robbery. It just so
happened that they passed by the said place at 11 in the
Even if the offender deliberately sought to the cover of evening. Therefore, nighttime cannot be considered as an
darkness in the commission of the crime, if at the time of aggravating circumstance.
Recidivism is a mere generic aggravating circumstance. Q: What about the fact that twelve (12) years had
Therefore, it can be offset by an ordinary mitigating lapsed in between the first crime wherein he was
circumstance. If not offset, then the maximum period of the convicted of final judgment and the second crime?
penalty prescribed by law shall be the one imposed.
A: Time is of no moment. Time is immaterial. In recidivism,
Q: How do you prove recidivism? Is it necessary for the law does not require any period of time in between the
the prosecution to present the judge that convicted the first crime and the second crime. It has no prescriptive
accused by final judgment – the judge that convicted period. What is only required is that the first crime for which
him of the first crime which has become final and he was convicted by final judgment is in the same title of
executory? the RPC as that of the new crime for which he is also
A: NO. A mere certification coming from the said court will
suffice because the said certification is a public document. Q: X was charged with the crime of serious physical
Therefore, the prosecution need not bring the judge who injuries. After trial on the merits, the Metropolitan Trial
first convicted the accused by final judgment. A mere Court judge convicted X of serious physical injuries
certification coming from the judge which is a public and imposed upon him a maximum penalty of four (4)
document will suffice to prove that the accused is a years. Since the maximum penalty imposed by the
recidivist because he has been convicted by final judgment MeTC judge on X is four (4) years, the counsel
of a crime embraced in the same title of the Code as that immediately filed an application for probation on
of the new crime. behalf of X. The judge granted X’s application for
probation. So, X did not serve his sentence behind
Q: X was charged and thereafter convicted of serious bars. He was so happy, though convicted, because he
physical injuries. X served out the sentence. was on probation. He tried to do good.
Thereafter, he was released. Upon his release, he tried
to live a good life. He had suffered much behind bars However, he was enticed to be a member of a gang in
and so he told himself he did not want to go back the community. Wanting to belong, he became a
behind bars. But, he was enticed to be a member of a member of the said gang. But a week after he became
gang and one time, the gang of which he is a member a member, the gang had a fight, an affray against a
had a fight, an affray against another gang coming rival gang from another town. In the course thereof, X
After trial on the merits, the judge found him guilty of The first three elements are based on law, par. 10 of Article
homicide. In imposing the penalty for homicide, can 14. The Supreme Court added another element, the fourth
the judge consider recidivism as an aggravating element is jurisprudential and that is, in reiteracion, the
circumstance? crimes are not embraced in the same title of the Revised
Penal Code.
A: YES. First element – X is on trial for one crime, he is on
trial for homicide. 2nd Element: There are two situations in the second
element. He has previously served sentence for an offense
Second element -- at the time of the said trial, he must be to which the law attaches an equal or greater penalty or for
previously convicted by final judgment of another crime. X two or more crimes to which the law attaches lighter
was previously convicted of serious physical injuries but he penalties.
applied for probation and was granted probation.
Therefore, when there are only two crimes committed,
Q: Is that equivalent to a conviction by final judgment? what the law requires is that the first crime for which he had
served sentence must carry a penalty equal to or greater
A: YES. X’s application for probation and the judge’s grant than that of the new crime.
of probation means that X is no longer appealing his case.
X is in effect admitting the commission of serious physical But, when there are three crimes committed, what the law
injuries. X is in effect amenable to the penalty imposed on requires is that, the first two crimes for which he had served
him by the trial court for the crime of serious physical sentence must carry lighter penalties than that of the new
injuries. He is no longer questioning the merits of the case crime.
and no longer questioning the penalty imposed on him.
This is why he applied for probation and was granted Note:
probation. Therefore, it is akin to a conviction by final If there are more than two, in order to appreciate
judgment and the second element of recidivism is also reitaracion, ALL the previous crimes, that he had served
present. sentence, must be of lighter penalties than that of the
new crime.
Third element – both serious physical injuries and
homicide are under Title VIII (Crimes Against Persons), RECIDIVISM REITERACION
embraced in the same title of the RPC.
There must be at least two convictions.
Last element – he is also convicted of the new crime of
Conviction by final Conviction by final
Therefore, in imposing the penalty for homicide, the judge judgment for the first crime judgment for the first crime
can consider the aggravating circumstance of recidivism. will suffice. will not suffice. He must
have already served
Crimes are embraced in Crimes are not embraced
10. That the offender has been previously punished by an the same title of the RPC. in the same title of the
offense to which the law attaches an equal or greater
penalty or for two or more crimes to which it attaches a
lighter penalty.
In so far as reiteracion is concerned, just like recidivism, it
requires that there must be at least two convictions.
Elements of Reiteracion or Habituality
However, unlike recidivism wherein a conviction by final
judgment in so far as the first crime is concerned will
1. The offender is on trial for one crime;
suffice, in case of reiteracion, what is required is that, in so
far as the first crime is concerned, he must have already
2. At the time of the said trial, he has previously served
served sentence. He must already been punished. A mere
sentence for an offense to which the law attaches an
conviction by final judgment will not suffice. There must be
equal or greater penalty or for two or more crimes to
service of sentence. There must already been punishment.
which the law attaches lighter penalties;
In so far as recidivism is concerned, the crimes are
3. He is also convicted of the new crime for which he is
embraced in the same title of the RPC. In case of
on trial; and
reiteracion, the crimes are not embraced in the same title
of the RPC.
X was arrested. The woman was rescued. -- a third time or oftener, each within a period of ten years
from the date of last release or last conviction.
He is now being prosecuted for the crime of forcible
abduction. After trial on the merits, the judge found Note:
him guilty of forcible abduction. Insofar as habitual delinquency is concerned, the crimes
are specified. It must be:
In imposing the penalty for forcible abduction, can the
judge consider reiteracion? 1. Serious physical injuries;
2. Less serious physical injuries;
A: YES. 3. Robbery;
4. Theft;
First element: He is on trial for one crime. He is on trial for 5. Estafa or
forcible abduction. 6. Falsification.
Second element: At the time of said trial, he has previously It also requires at least three (3) convictions.
served sentence for homicide. The said homicide carries a
penalty equal to that of forcible abduction. Their penalties He must be found guilty a third time or oftener.
are both reclusion temporal.
Lastly, this time there is a prescriptive period of ten
Third element: He is also convicted of the new crime – years from the date of his last release or last conviction.
forcible abduction.
Fourth element: Both crimes are not embraced in the same AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCE
title under the RPC. Homicide is under Title 8 – Crimes
against Persons; Forcible Abduction is under Title 11 – Article 62. Effect of the attendance of mitigating or
Crimes against Chastity. aggravating circumstances and of habitual delinquency. -
Mitigating or aggravating circumstances and habitual
Therefore, the judge should consider reiteracion as an delinquency shall be taken into account for the purpose of
aggravating circumstance. diminishing or increasing the penalty in conformity with the
following rules:
Just like in recidivism, in order to prove reiteracion, the 1. Aggravating circumstances which in themselves
prosecution need not present the judge that convicted constitute a crime specially punishable by law or which are
the accused. The prosecution need not present the included by the law in defining a crime and prescribing the
Director of Prisons to testify that this person has already penalty therefor shall not be taken into account for the
served sentence. purpose of increasing the penalty.
A mere certification which comes from the said public 2. The same rule shall apply with respect to any
officer and therefore considered as a public document aggravating circumstance inherent in the crime to such a
will suffice in order to prove that the offender has already degree that it must of necessity accompany the
previously served sentence for the crime which carries commission thereof.
a penalty equal to or greater than this new penalty.
3. Aggravating or mitigating circumstances which arise
Those are the two forms of habituality under Art. 14 of the from the moral attributes of the offender, or from his private
RPC. There is a third form of habituality, and that is called relations with the offended party, or from any other
habitual delinquency. personal cause, shall only serve to aggravate or mitigate
the liability of the principals, accomplices and accessories
HABITUAL DELINQUENCY as to whom such circumstances are attendant.
This aggravating circumstance may be considered both Only if these three pieces of evidence had been shown and
against the person who gave the price, reward, or promise, established that the evident premeditation can be
and the person who accepted the price, reward, or promise considered by the court in imposing the penalty against the
in order to commit the crime. Otherwise stated, in accused.
consideration of a price, reward, or promise may be
considered both against the said principal by inducement, 14. CRAFT, FRAUD, OR DISGUISE
the one who gave the price, reward, or promise, and the
principal by direct participation, the one who accepted the 14. That craft, fraud or disguise be employed.
price, reward, or promise in order to commit the crime. It
can be considered against the giver and the receiver of the Craft refers to cunning and intellectual trickery resorted to
said reward, price, or promise. by the accused, so that he will be able to carry out his evil
However, before this aggravating circumstance may be
considered both against the giver and the receiver, Fraud or deceit is evidenced by insidious words or
principal by inducement, and principal by direct machinations resorted to by the accused so that the victim
participation, it is necessary that the price, reward, or will perform an act that will make the accused carry out his
promise must be the primary reason, the main evil design.
1. That there exists notorious disparity of forces between RULING: While it appears that the attack upon the victim
the offender and the offended party; was sudden, the surrounding circumstances attending the
2. That the offender took advantage of his superiority in stabbing incident, that is, the open area, the presence of
order to ensure the commission of the crime the victim’s families and the attending eyewitnesses, works
against treachery. If accused-appellant wanted to make
The first element requires that there must be notorious certain that no risk would come to him, he could have
inequality of forces. This can be established when the chosen another time and place to stab the victim. Yet,
offenders are greater in number versus a single lone of accused-appellant nonchalantly stabbed the victim in a
victim. The offender is armed, the victim is unarmed. The public market at 7:00 o’clock in the evening. The place was
offender is greater in strength, he is a big man, the victim well-lighted and teeming with people. He was indifferent to
is an old woman. All of these will establish/reveal/show the the presence of the victim’s family or of the other people
notorious inequality of forces between the offender and the who could easily identify him and point him out as the
victim. However, that is only the first element, and that will assailant. He showed no concern that the people in the
not suffice. immediate vicinity might retaliate in behalf of the victim. In
fact, the attack appeared to have been impulsively done, a
spur of the moment act in the heat of anger or extreme
The second element requires that there must be evident
annoyance. There are no indications that accused-
showing that the said offenders took advantage of the
appellant deliberately planned to stab the victim at said
superiority and strength in order to ensure the commission
time and place. Thus, we can reasonably conclude that
of the crime. Even if the offenders are 10, the victim is one, accused-appellant, who at that time was languishing in his
if there is no evidence shown that they took advantage of alcoholic state, acted brashly and impetuously in suddenly
their greatness in number, it would not be considered as stabbing the victim. Treachery just cannot be appreciated.
an aggravating circumstance. There must be evidence
shown in what way they took advantage of their superiority CASE DISCUSSION: PEOPLE v. VILBAR
or strength in order to ensure the commission of the crime.
The Supreme Court held that the first element that the
16. TREACHERY offender deliberately and consciously adopted the ways,
means, and methods employed by him to commit the
16. That the act be committed with treachery (alevosia). crime, means that the offender has reflected, has the time
There is treachery when the offender commits any of the to reflect what means he shall use in order to ensure the
crimes against the person, employing means, methods, or commission of the crime. Therefore, according to the
forms in the execution thereof which tend directly and Supreme Court, if the said act happened impulsively at the
specially to ensure its execution, without risk to himself spur of the moment, the first element of treachery is
arising from the defense which the offended party might absent. Treachery cannot be considered against the
make. accused. He must be given time to reflect what means
shall he use in order to ensure the commission of the
The 16th aggravating circumstance is treachery. There is crime, leaving the victim without any defense.
treachery when the following elements are present:
Q: X and Y were exchanging words against each other.
1. That the offender deliberately and consciously X was scolding, maligning, and embarrassing Y. The
adopted the ways, means, and methods people in the neighborhood were there. They were
employed by him in the execution of the crime. watching how X maligned Y and they were laughing
and laughing. Y felt so embarrassed. To get even, Y
2. By reason of the said ways, means, and attacked X, but X evaded the blow and X laughed very
methods, the victim was not able to put up any loud. Again, Y tried to attack X, but X evaded the blow
defense. (At the time of the attack, the victim again. Not only X but also the people around were
was not in a position to defend himself.) laughing. Y felt so ashamed and embarrassed, he felt
so little of himself that he decided to leave. Before he
PEOPLE v. VICENTE VILBAR left, he gave a stern warning to X that he is going to kill
Until two weeks thereafter, one Sunday evening, there Q: While X was walking A, B, and C suddenly appeared
was heavy downpour of rain. Y was looking at the all armed with knives. Without any warning, A
window of his house and he saw a tricycle arrive in immediately stabbed X. X was hit above the breast and
front of the house of X and he saw X alighted. There fell on the ground. When X was down on the ground all
were no people around and there was heavy downpour of them A, B, and C, with the use of their knives,
of rain. Y believed that it was his opportune time, Y repeatedly stabbed X on different parts of his body. X
took his knife ran towards X and when X was opening sustained 18 fatal wounds that caused his immediate
the gate, Y repeatedly stabbed X until X died. Y was death. A, B, and C were charged as conspirators in the
prosecuted for the death of X. The following crime of murder. There were two qualifying
aggravating circumstance were alleged in the aggravating circumstances alleged in Information: 1)
Information: 1) Treachery, 2) Abuse of Superior Treachery and 2) Abuse of Superior Strength. Are the
Strength, and 3) Evident Premeditation. Are all qualifying aggravating circumstances present? If they
aggravating circumstances present? If they are are present, how should the court appreciate them?
present, how should the court appreciate them?
A: 1) Treachery is present. A, B, and C deliberately
A: 1) Treachery is present. Obviously, Y adopted the adopted the ways, means, and methods they will use to kill
ways, means, and methods he will use in order to kill X. the victim X. Here, they just suddenly appeared armed with
The use of a knife, waiting for the opportune time when knives. They deliberately adopted the use of knives in
there was heavy downpour of rain and there were no order to kill the said victim. By reason thereof, X was
people around. By reason thereof, X was left totally without without any defense. Treachery attended the commission
any defense, and he was already in the gate of their house. of the crime.
Therefore, treachery attended the commission of the
crime. 2) Abuse of Superior Strength is present. There was a
notorious inequality of the forces between A, B and C as
2) Abuse of Superior Strength is not present. Although against X. The three men were greater in number, and they
Y was armed and the victim X was unarmed, there was no were all armed with knives. The victim was alone and
showing that Y took advantage of his superiority in strength unarmed. Thus, the first element of abuse of superior
in order to ensure the commission of the crime. strength is present. As to the second element, that the
offender deliberately took advantage of the superiority of
3) Evident Premeditation is present. The time that Y strength in order to facilitate the commission of the crime.
determined to commit the crime, the time that he was Here, when X was lying down on the ground after being
embarrassed and was laughed at by the people, he gave attacked by A once, all three of them simultaneously
a stern warning against X that he was going to kill X. An stabbed him at the same time inflicting fatal wounds all
overt act manifestly indicating that he clung to his over the body. They took advantage of their superiority of
determination, he bought a knife and sharpened it, waiting strength in order to ensure the death of X. Therefore, both
for the best time to kill him. Last element, a sufficient lapse treachery and abuse of superior strength attended the
of time had lapsed. Here, two weeks had already lapsed commission of the crime.
from the time he determined to kill X and the time he finally
executed the crime. Therefore, treachery and evident Q: How shall the court consider these two qualifying
premeditation is present, but abuse of superior strength is aggravating circumstances?
A: The court shall convict A, B, and C of the crime of
Q: How shall the court consider the two aggravating murder, qualified by treachery and abuse of superior
circumstances? strength is simply absorbed by treachery. Note, it will not
In the case of People v. Bumidang, aside from dwelling, Q: X wanting to rob the house of Y, broke the glass
the Supreme Court also appreciated ignominy as an window, entered inside and took valuables. What
aggravating circumstance in the crime of rape. Ignominy crime is committed?
was considered by the Supreme Court because the said
accused used a flashlight in order to examine the genital The crime committed is Robbery by Use of Force upon
of Gloria before raping her. The said act of examining her Things and the fact that he broke the window in order to
genitalia was done in front of her old father. The use of a enter the said place as a means to commit the crime, it is
flashlight to examine the genitals of the rape victim before already absorbed. It is considered an element.
ravishing her and done in the presence of the victim’s
father only added moral pain and humiliation on the part of Q: Passing through the window, X went inside the
the victim. It is not necessary in order to consummate the bedroom of Y and had carnal knowledge of Y but
crime of rape. Therefore, the Supreme Court appreciated employed force and violence. Is unlawful entry
the aggravating circumstance of ignominy. attendant in the commission of the crime?
18. UNLAWFUL ENTRY; 19. BREAKING OF A WALL, A: YES. A window is an opening not intended for the
ROOF, FLOOR, DOOR, OR WINDOW entrance or egress. Therefore, the fact that X unlawfully
entered and committed the crime of rape, unlawful entry is
Article 14. Aggravating circumstances. - The following are an aggravating circumstance.
aggravating circumstances:
Q: X saw an open window. He entered through the said
18. That the crime be committed after an unlawful entry. open window. Upon gaining entry, he took valuables,
There is an unlawful entry when an entrance is effected by he ransacked the house. He broke every cabinet and
a way not intended for the purpose. then thereafter, he took valuables and left again
passing through the said window. In the commission
19. That as a means to the commission of a crime a wall, of the crime, is unlawful entry attendant as an
roof, floor, door, or window be broken. aggravating circumstance?
There is unlawful entry when the offender enters through A: NO. It is inherent because the crime committed is
an opening that is not intended for entrance of egress. This robbery by use of force upon things under Article 290.
is related to the 19th aggravating circumstance that as
means to the commission of the crime, a wall, roof, floor, 20. AID OF PERSONS UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE OR
door, or window be broken. BY USE OF MOTOR VEHICLES
Under the 18th aggravating circumstance, the crime was 20. That the crime be committed with the aid of persons
committed after the unlawful entry, in the 19th aggravating under fifteen years of age or by means of motor vehicles,
circumstance, the very means used by the accused in motorized watercraft or airships, or other similar means.
order to commit the crime was the breaking of the wall,
roof, floor, door, or window. AID OF PERSONS UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE
In the crime of Robbery by Use of Force Upon Things, If the crime is committed by the offender, taking advantage
under Article 299 and 302 of the RPC, the q8th and 19th of a minor, 15 years old or under and in fact in the
circumstance are considered as elements, hence, they are commission of the crime, he took advantage of this minor
merely absorbed. So unlawful entry as means to the in order to commit the crime, it will be considered as an
commission of the crime, a wall, roof, floor, door, or window aggravating circumstance. It shows his greater criminality.
be broken, these are considered as elements in robbery by He knew these minors, even if arrested, cannot be
use of force upon things under Article 299 and 302 of the prosecuted and punished. That reveals his greater
RPC. Hence, their presence will no longer aggravate the criminality, taking advantage of their minority.
imposable penalty. Being elements, they are simply
Q: X wanting to kill Y, tried to find an opening in the If the crime is committed by means of motor vehicle
house. He could not find any opening. There was a motorized watercraft or airships, or other similar means, it
glass window. He opened such glass window by will be considered as an aggravating circumstance.
breaking such glass window. Thereafter, he entered,
went to the bedroom of Y and stabbed Y. Is the Q: X was on his way home. Nearing the gate of the
nineteenth aggravating circumstance present? house, here comes a motorcycle, a driver and a back
rider of the said motorcycle. The moment they passed
21. CRUELTY A: NO, because the victim, at the time that his parts of the
body were dismembered, he was no longer alive, he was
21. That the wrong done in the commission of the crime be already dead. Therefore, it cannot be said that there was
deliberately augmented by causing other wrong not additional physical pain felt by the said victim.
necessary for its commission.
Q: A crime of Murder was charged against X for killing
This is otherwise known as cruelty. Y, solely on the basis of their finding that Y sustained
more than 75 wounds, only 2 of which were fatal. Is the
IGNOMINY CRUELTY charge of Murder correct?
Another act was done by The offender performs
A: NO. The charge of Murder is not correct. The mere fact
the offender in order to another act that brought
that the victim sustained 75 stab wounds, only 2 of which
bring about moral pain and about additional physical
were fatal, does not reveal the qualifying aggravating
humiliation on the part of suffering which is not
circumstances of abuse of superior strength and cruelty.
the victim. necessary in order to
consummate the crime.
Even if the victim had 75 stab wounds, the mere fact that
The wrong must be done
he sustained 75 stab wounds will not reveal that the
while the victim was still
accused was superior in strength than that of the victim.
Likewise, the mere fact that the victim sustained 75 stab
wounds would not reveal that there was cruelty, and the
In so far as cruelty is concerned, the test in appreciating
stab wounds may be inflicted when he was already dead.
cruelty as an aggravating circumstance is whether the
For cruelty to arise, there must be evidence showing that
accused deliberately and sadistically augmented the
the victim was still alive.
suffering of the victim. There must be proof that the
victim was made to agonize by the infliction of additional
physical pain which is not necessary in order to
consummate the crime. Cruelty refers to physical suffering
of the victim purposely intended by the offender. Therefore, Article 15. Their concept. - Alternative circumstances are
those which must be taken into consideration as
the wrong must be done on the victim while he is still alive.
aggravating or mitigating according to the nature and
In order for cruelty to exist as an aggravating circumstance, effects of the crime and the other conditions attending its
it must be showed that the accused enjoyed and commission. They are the relationship, intoxication and the
delighted in making the victim suffer slowly and degree of instruction and education of the offender.
Relationship is considered as an alternative circumstance If these had been proven by the defense, then intoxication
when the offended party in the spouse, ascendant, will be a mitigating circumstance.
descendant, legitimate, natural, or adopted brother or
sister, or relative by affinity in the same degrees of the As an Aggravating Circumstance
Intoxication shall be considered as an aggravating
As an Absolutory Cause circumstance if the prosecution will be able to prove that:
Under Article 332, in three crimes against property, 1. the said accused is a habitual drinker; or
relationship is an absolutory cause, an exempting 2. the said accused deliberately take liquor before
circumstance. the consummation of the crime, because he found
in liquor the stimulant that will give him the strength
1. Theft in order to commit the felony.
2. Estafa or Swindling
3. Malicious mischief Therefore, either the prosecution shall prove it as an
aggravating circumstance, or the defense shall prove it as
As a Mitigating Circumstance a mitigating circumstance.
Example: Concealment of dishonor only in crimes of 1. Those who take a direct part in the execution of the act;
infanticide under Article 255 and intentional abortion under 2. Those who directly force or induce others to commit it;
Articles 256 and 258. 3. Those who cooperate in the commission of the offense
by another act without which it would not have been
In these cases of infanticide and intentional abortion, even accomplished.
if the woman herself, who, in case of infanticide, kills her
child less than three days old or 72 hours, to conceal her PRINCIPALS
dishonor. Such concealment of dishonor will lower the
imposable penalty by two degrees. It is an extenuating Principals may be of three kinds:
circumstance is akin to a privilege mitigating
circumstance. 1. Principal by direct participation;
2. Principal by inducement or induction; and
In case of intentional abortion, if it is the pregnant woman 3. Principal by indispensable cooperation.
herself who excludes the fetus from her womb, wanting to
kill the said fetus, to conceal her dishonor. This PRINCIPAL BY DIRECT PARTICIPATION
concealment of dishonor is akin to an ordinary mitigating
circumstance which will lower the imposable penalty. A principal by direct participation is one who directly
executes the crime.
Concealment of dishonor is an extenuating circumstance
that will lower the imposable penalty if it is the mother of
the child herself who killed the victim.
A principal by inducement or induction is one who directly
TITLE TWO: force or induce others to commit the crime.
A principal by indispensable cooperation is one who
Article 16. Who are criminally liable. - The following are cooperates in the commission of the crime by another act
criminally liable for grave and less grave felonies: without which the crime would not have been
1. Principals.
2. Accomplices. These are the three kinds of principals in the commission
3. Accessories. of a crime.
The following are criminally liable for light felonies: Presence at the scene of the crime
FIRST ACT OF AN ACCESSORY EXAMPLE: A very expensive ballpen was lost. It was
found of possession of X. X can be charged for the crime
1. By profiting themselves or assisting the offender to profit of fencing.
by the effects of the crime.
In the first act of an accessory, either he himself profited or Crime committed by principal
he assisted the principal to profit – either way he becomes Any crime Robbery or theft
liable as an accessory. Actual knowledge of the commission of the crime
The accessory must have It suffices that based on
Accessory under first act v. Fence under P.D. 1612 actual knowledge of the the facts and
commission of the crime. circumstances, it should
An accessory under the first act is different from a fence have been known to the
under P.D. 1612 in the following manner: supposed fence that this
thing in his possession is
Crime committed by the principal the proceeds of robbery or
First, in case of an accessory under Art. 19, the crime
committed by the principal may be any crime. SECOND ACT OF AN ACCESSORY
In case of a fence under P.D. 1612, it is necessary for one 2. By concealing or destroying the body of the crime, or the
to be liable for fencing, that the crime committed by the effects or instruments thereof, in order to prevent its
principal must be either robbery or theft. discovery.
Actual knowledge of commission of the crime Under the second act of an accessory, it is necessary that
the purpose of the said accessory in concealing or
Second, in case of an accessory under Art. 19, the law destroying the body of the crime, the effects or the
requires he must have actual knowledge of the proceeds, must be to prevent its discovery.
commission of the crime. It is the burden of the State and
of the prosecution to prove such knowledge before one can Although he concealed, or he destroyed the body of the
be held liable as an accessory. Mere presumption will not crime, if his purpose is not to prevent its discovery, then he
suffice. cannot be held liable as an accessory. The law requires
that his purpose in concealing or destroying the effects, the
There must be evidence showing that indeed he knew that instruments, or the body of the crime must be to prevent
a crime has been committed and despite such knowledge, the discovery of the said crime. In that manner, he was
he takes part by profiting from the proceeds of the said act. assisting.
So, it is necessary that there must be actual knowledge.
Body of the crime (or substance of the crime, or
In case of a fence under P.D. 1612, the law does not corpus delicti)
require him to have actual knowledge of the crime of
robbery or theft. Under the third element of fencing (i.e., It refers to the fact that a crime has been committed by
that the offender knows or should have known that the someone. It has two elements:
thing in his possession is the proceeds of robbery or
thievery), it suffices that based on the facts and 1. Proof of the occurrence of a certain event – that a
circumstances, it should have been known to him that this crime has been committed;
thing in his possession is the proceeds of robbery or 2. Proof of a person’s criminal responsibility therefor
thievery. – that a person is the one liable.
This is because of Sec. 5 of P.D. 1612, viz. – THIRD ACT OF AN ACCESSORY
Section 5. Presumption of Fencing. Mere possession of 3. By harboring, concealing, or assisting in the escape of
any good, article, item, object, or anything of value which the principals of the crime, provided the accessory acts
has been the subject of robbery or thievery shall be prima
with abuse of his public functions or whenever the author
facie evidence of fencing.
of the crime is guilty of treason, parricide, murder, or an
2. If the accessory who harbors, conceals or assists This is because his act of concealing the body of the crime,
in the escape of the principal is a private person, of destroying the body of the crime in order to prevent its
what the law requires is that the said principal must discovery; his act of assisting in the escape of the principal;
be guilty of: would be an act that would frustrate, hamper or impede the
arrest of the offender and the prosecution and investigation
a. Treason; of the crime.
b. Parricide;
c. Murder; or Therefore, he can be held liable under P.D. 1829.
d. An attempt to take the life of the Chief
Executive; or PEOPLE v. DULAY
e. Is known to be habitually guilty of some G.R. No. 193854 | 24 September 2012
other crime.
In this case, Dulay was charged as a principal by
Note: indispensable cooperation in the crime of rape. The
An accessory is absolved of criminal liability if the crime Supreme Court said no, he is not a principal by
committed is only a light felony. indispensable cooperation in the crime of rape.
ARTICLE 20. ACCESSORIES WHO ARE EXEMPT The reasoning given by the Supreme Court is that the said
FROM CRIMINAL LIABILITY girl may be brought to Speed (the one who raped her), not
necessarily by Dulay but by any person. The Supreme
Court ruled that even if another person brought the girl to
Article 20. Accessories who are exempt from criminal
Speed, or even if the girl herself presented herself to
liability. - The penalties prescribed for accessories shall not
Speed, she will still be raped.
be imposed upon those who are such with respect to their
spouses, ascendants, descendants, legitimate, natural,
Therefore, the Supreme Court said the act done by Dulay
and adopted brothers and sisters, or relatives by affinity
is not indispensable to consummate the act of raping the
within the same degrees, with the single exception of
said girl.
accessories falling within the provisions of paragraph 1 of
the next preceding article.
The Supreme Court held Dulay liable for violation of Sec.
5(b) of R.A. No. 7610 because she acted as a procurer of
Another circumstance which would exempt an accessory
a child prostitute, or a pimp.
from criminal liability is relationship.
PVG: If you will read the case, you will notice that the
Under Art. 20, if the said accessory is:
Supreme Court was a bit judgmental. It was assumed that
the child was a child prostitute. The Supreme Court said
1. Related to the principal as his spouse,
the child can present herself to Speed and still, rape will be
ascendants, descendants, legitimate, natural, and
committed. The Supreme Court assumed, based on the
adopted brothers and sisters, or relatives by
evidence, that this girl is involved in child prostitution and
affinity within the same degrees, and
that it was the child’s business to engage in prostitution –
2. That the act that he had committed pertains to the
and Dulay only happened to bring her to Speed.
second or the third act of an accessory under Art.
19 –
If you will read the case, this was what the Supreme Court
was trying to say. The Supreme Court said that Dulay was
-- he is absolved of criminal liability because of his
a pimp and a procurer of child prostitutes. Therefore, in
relationship with the principal in the commission of the
effect, the Supreme Court ruled that the said girl was a
child prostitute because it may happen that she herself
may present herself to Speed and still, Speed will commit
This exemption under Art. 20, however, does not apply
the act of rape against her.
despite relationship, to a relative who will act as an
If you will remember the case under Art. 8 (Conspiracy) – A: B is a principal by indispensable cooperation.
People v. Estanly Octa – the act done by Estanly Octa is Without B’s act of restraining the hand of the police officer,
almost the same as the act done by Excel Gurro in this the police officer could have gotten his pistol and he could
case of Gurro v. People. have defended himself and not be killed. At that particular
moment, an implied conspiracy was established between
In the case of People v. Octa, Estanly Octa was the man A and B. Although it was A who stabbed the victim, B
wearing a red cap to whom the said wife gave the ransom showed that he had the same unity of purpose, unity of
money for the release of her husband. In the case of Gurro criminal design – that is, to kill the police officer – by
v. People, Excel Gurro was the one who withdrew from the restraining the hands of the said police officer.
ATM the ransom money and wired it to the principal in the
commission of the crime. Therefore, B shall be held criminally liable as a principal by
indispensable cooperation, a co-conspirator.
In the case of People v. Octa, the Supreme Court said
Octa, who received the ransom money, is liable as a co- Q: Brother X, Y and Z wanted to kill and get rid of W.
conspirator in the commission of the crime. The Supreme They had this land dispute. X, Y and Z claims that the
Court said, the reason was, at the time Octa received the land belongs to them, while W said, no, the land was
money, the said kidnap victim was still being held by the inherited by him. X, Y and Z planned to go to the place
said kidnappers. Kidnapping was ongoing. of W but they did not know where he was. They knew
someone by the name of A. They went to A and they
In the case, however, of Gurro v. People, the Supreme informed A of their intent – that they wanted to kill W.
Court said at the time Gurro withdrew the money and wired A also has bad blood against W. X, Y and Z told A, “Can
it to the principal, the child (who was kidnapped) was you draw a sketch, we don’t know where he lives. Can
already dead. The child has been killed. Therefore, the you draw a sketch that will lead us to his house?”
crime was already consummated.
And so, A drew a sketch. By reason of the said sketch,
Nevertheless, Gurro knew of its consummation and still he X, Y and Z were able to determine the location of the
withdrew the said amount of money. His participation, house of W. Upon reaching the place, they
according to the Supreme Court, is after the commission immediately killed W.
of the crime and hence, Gurro was only held liable as an
accessory to the commission of the crime. What is the criminal liability of A? Is A a principal by
indispensable cooperation or is A an accomplice in the
Q: X was in a restaurant. He smelled marijuana. X went commission of the crime?
outside. He was looking for police. He wanted to report
that someone was smoking marijuana inside the A: A is a mere accomplice in the commission of the
restaurant. He found a police car parked, and he told crime. A’s act of drawing a sketch in order to locate the
the policeman, “Sir, somebody is smoking marijuana house of W is not indispensable to the commission of the
inside.” Because of this, Police Officer Y immediately crime. The said act may be done by another person. And,
went inside. Upon entering, Police Officer Y could even without the said sketch, X, Y and Z can find a way to
already smell marijuana and saw these two men, A and determine the said house and kill the said victim.
B, in one of the tables, obviously engaged in using Therefore, since the act of A is not indispensable to the act
marijuana in a public place. of killing, his criminal liability is only that of an accomplice.
He is not a principal by indispensable cooperation.
Police Officer Y went to them and told A and B,
“Nagmamarijuana kayo? Sa public place pa? Wala Q: X is a domestic helper in the house of the master Y
kayong katakot-takot.” Police Officer Y held both and Z. When Y and Z were out for two days, X
hands of A and B – he held the left hands of A and B. ransacked the house and took valuables from the
At that particular moment, A got his knife and house. She broke the cabinet and thereafter, after
thereafter stabbed Police Officer Y. Police Officer Y breaking each and every cabinet, took all the valuables
tried to get his service pistol as an act of defense. therein and thereafter placed them inside her bag and
However, B restrained the hands of Police Officer Y hurriedly went home and told her mother what she did.
from getting the service pistol. As a result, Police
Officer Y was unable to get his service pistol and A Her mother was shocked. Her mother was so afraid
that her daughter will be arrested by the police the
Because of that, the mother called a friend, and the The next act done by the mother was to conceal the
daughter went to the said friend. Meanwhile, the said money which is the proceeds of the said crime. The
mother who was given the said money, the said mother concealed the money by giving it to a friend saying
valuables taken by the said daughter, the mother hid it that she won in the lotto in order to prevent its discovery.
in a box under the bed that night. The following Therefore, in that case, the mother is liable as an
morning, the mother went to the said friend and told accessory. However, she is exempted by reason of her
the friend, “Friend, I won in the lotto. Here is a box of relationship by her own daughter. She is the ascendant of
money. Now, please keep this until I arrive. Do not her daughter. Therefore, by reason of Article 20, she is
show it to anyone. Baka makibalato eh, so please keep absolved of criminal liability. However, in both instances,
this. Only you know that I won in the lotto.” So, she she becomes liable for violating PD 1829 or
gave the box of money to the said friend. Obstruction of Justice.
Thereafter, she went from one place to another until The third act done by the mother, the mother sold the said
she was able to reach the City of Venezuela. There, in jewelries to a store. When the said mother sold the
the City of Venezuela, she tried to look for a jewelry jewelries to the said store, no matter how little she profited
store. She sold the jewelries stolen by her daughter. from the effects of the crime, she gained P50,000 from the
The said jewelry store owner, upon seeing the said jewelries. Therefore, she is liable as an accessory
jewelries, “Ma’am these are real diamonds, big carats. under the first act of Article 19. And this time, Article 20,
I don’t think my store will have the money to buy it. exemption will not lie.
You can go to another jewelry store. I like your
jewelries, but I would not have the money.” The mother Q: What about the jewelry store owner?
told the said store owner, “How much money do you
have?” The store owner said, “It is early morning, I A: The jewelry store owner is liable under PD 1612. All
only have here P50,000, but your jewelries if these will the elements of fencing are present.
be appraised, it will cost more or less P2M. I don’t have
that money Ma’am. Go to another store.” But when the First, that a crime of theft or robbery has been committed.
woman looked at the back of the said store, the woman Robbery has been committed.
saw that there are already police officers. Afraid that
these police officers were after her, she said, “Give me Second, that the offender who is neither a principal nor an
your P50,000. All these jewelries are yours.” Then the accomplice in the said crime of robbery or theft is found in
mother hurriedly left. possession of any article, item, object, or anything of value
which is the proceeds of the robbery or theft. The store
The store owner was so happy. Jewelries appraised at owner was found in possession of these jewelries which
2M, he was only able to buy it for P50,000.00. However, are the proceeds of the robbery.
while he was looking at these jewelries and about to
place it on display, the police arrived. The police said, Third, that the offender knows or should have known that
“the woman who left, what is her name?” The said a thing in his possession is the proceeds of robbery or theft.
store owner gave the name as introduced by the said He should have known. Who on earth will sell jewelries
woman. The police officers called the owner of the worth P2M for only P50,000? Only when the said jewelries
jewelry and the owner said that those are the jewelries are the proceeds of a crime. Therefore, it should have been
stolen by her helper. So, the store owner was arrested. known to him. Third element is present.
What are the criminal liabilities of X, of the mother, and
of the said jewelry store owner? Lastly, there is on the part of the offender intent to gain
either for himself or for another. Obviously, by the said act
A: X is liable as principal by direct participation in the of buying, there is already intent to gain.
crime of robbery. She employed force in breaking the lock
cabinet in order to take the valuables therein. She was the Therefore, he can be held liable for fencing.
one who directly executed the crime of robbery. Therefore,
she is liable as principal by direct participation in the crime Q: What if in the same problem, the police officers
of robbery. arrested the moment the owner pointed “those are my
jewelries”. The police officers arrested the store
Q: What about the mother? owner, placed handcuffs on him. In flagrante delicto,
he was caught in possession of the stolen jewelries.
Accessory Penalties
The penalty of reclusion temporal shall be from twelve (12) ARRESTO MAYOR
years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years. Art. 27, RPC
The duration of the penalty of arresto mayor shall be from
DISQUALIFICATION one (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) months.
Destierro is a penalty which does not involve imprisonment Civil interdiction is an accessory penalty that follows the
or being placed behind bars. If a person is sentenced with principal penalty of death, reclusion perpetua, and
destierro, he is not placed behind bar, he is not imprisoned, reclusion temporal. Therefore, the moment a person is
he is not incarcerated. However, he is prohibited from convicted of a crime and the penalty imposed on him is
entering the place designated in the judgment of the court. reclusion perpetua, automatically, he is civilly interdicted.
Therefore, destierro also involves deprivation of liberty The court may not state it in the judgment because
although partial in nature because that person convicted automatically, civil interdiction follows reclusion perpetua
with destierro cannot enter the place designated in the as the principal penalty.
judgment of the court.
In civil interdiction, the offender is prevented to exercise
If he enters the said prohibited place, he becomes liable any of the rights enumerated under Article 34:
for evasion of service of sentence under Article 157 of
Book II. 1. Rights of parental authority;
2. Guardianship, either as to the person or property
LIGHT PENALTIES of any ward;
3. Marital authority;
ARRESTO MENOR 4. The right to manage his property; and
5. The right to dispose of such property by any act or
The duration of the penalty of arresto menor shall be from any conveyance inter vivos.
one (1) day to thirty (30) days.
If a person is convicted of a crime and sentenced with
PUBLIC CENSURE reclusion perpetua, he is civilly interdicted. Therefore, he is
prevented to exercise any of the rights enumerated under
Public censure is an indivisible penalty. You cannot put a Art. 34, RPC:
duration on a mere reprimand. Therefore, it is indivisible, it
has no fixed duration. 1. Rights of parental authority or guardianship either
as to the person or property of any ward;
PENALTIES THAT APPLY TO ALL 2. Rights of marital authority;
3. Right to manage his property; and
FINE 4. Right to dispose of such property by any act or any
conveyance inter vivos.
Fine is a pecuniary penalty imposed upon a person
convicted of a crime. Fine can either be afflictive, He is deprived of all of these rights under Art. 34 the
correctional, or light. moment the said offender is sentenced with the penalty of
reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal. Civil
interdiction attaches to reclusion perpetua and reclusion
Article 26. When afflictive, correctional, or light penalty. -
temporal as penalties.
A fine, whether imposed as a single or as an alternative
penalty, shall be considered an afflictive penalty, if it
Q: Can a person who is civilly interdicted prepare a last
exceeds One million two hundred thousand (₱1,200,000);
will or testament?
a correctional penalty, if it does not exceed One million two
hundred thousand pesos (₱1,200,000) but is not less than
A: YES. Although a last will and testament is prepared by
Forty thousand pesos (₱40,000); and a light penalty, if it
a testator during his lifetime, or inter-vivos, the disposal of
be less than Forty thousand pesos (₱40,000). Article 26,
the property is not during his lifetime, but after his death,
RPC, as amended by R.A. 10951
or mortis causa.
Therefore, it is right.
If bond to keep the peace is imposed on a person convicted
of a crime, that person is required to present two sureties
who shall see to it that he shall appear in court, and that he
shall not commit the crime.
Article 45. Confiscation and forfeiture of the proceeds or
If he fails to present these two sureties, he shall be instruments of the crime. - Every penalty imposed for the
detained – six (6) months in case of grave or less grave commission of a felony shall carry with it the forfeiture of
felonies, and thirty (30) days in case of light felonies. the proceeds of the crime and the instruments or tools with
which it was committed.
Such proceeds and instruments or tools shall be
CIVIL INTERDICTION confiscated and forfeited in favor of the Government,
This accessory penalty is under Art. 25 and stated under Pecuniary liabilities, under Art. 38, shall include:
Art. 45.
1. The reparation of the damage caused.
This accessory penalty, under Art. 45, follows all principal 2. Indemnification of consequential damages.
penalties. Whatever be the principal penalty imposed on 3. The fine.
the offender, whether it is as high as reclusion perpetua or 4. The cost of the proceedings.
as low as arresto menor, all deposits, effects, and
instruments used in the commission of the crime shall be If a convict is imposed with pecuniary liabilities and he
forfeited in favor of the state, except if it belongs to an does not have much property, much funds, in order to
innocent third person. answer for all the pecuniary liabilities, Art. 38 provides for
the order of payment. First to be paid—reparation, then
However, even if it belongs to a third person, if it is an indemnification, fine and cost of the proceedings.
article outside of lawful commerce of man, then it has to be
destroyed. Therefore, the law requires that those which must be given
to the private complainant must be given priority in
Forfeiture of deposits, effects, and instruments in the payment than those which will go to the State or to the
commission of the crime is an accessory penalty that government.
follows all kinds of principal penalties.
Q: X was charged with homicide. The bail fixed by the
PAYMENT OF COSTS court is 200,000 pesos. X is a poor money. He has no
money to post the said 200,000. What will happen to
Article 37. Cost; What are included. - Costs shall include him?
fees and indemnities in the course of the judicial
proceedings, whether they be fixed or unalterable amounts A: While he is ongoing trial, X will be placed behind bars.
previously determined by law or regulations in force, or X will undergo preventive imprisonment.
amounts not subject to schedule.
Costs refer to expenses of litigation. It includes fees and
indemnities in the course of judicial proceedings. Concept
As a rule, if the accused is convicted, the court will include Preventive imprisonment is the detention of an accused
in its judgment that the convict shall pay the costs of while his case is pending trial, either because the crime he
proceedings. However, if the said accused is acquitted of committed is a non-bailable offense and evidence of guilt
the crime charged, the court will state that the cost of is strong, or the crime he committed is a bailable offense
proceedings shall be borne by both parties. The private but he does not have the money to post the bail fixed by
complainant shall bear his own cost of proceedings, the the court.
accused shall bear his own cost of proceedings.
In order to ensure that he will not escape, he shall be either
Those are the accessory penalties that will follow the at the city jail, the provincial jail, or municipal jail. The
principal penalties as enumerated under Art. 25. purpose is to prevent him from escaping.
TWO PECUNIARY PENALTIES UNDER ART. 25 Article 29. Period of preventive imprisonment deducted
from term of imprisonment. – Offenders or accused who
Under Art. 25, we have two pecuniary penalties: have undergone preventive imprisonment shall be credited
in the service of their sentence consisting of deprivation of
1. Fine; liberty, with the full time during which they have undergone
2. Cost of proceedings. preventive imprisonment if the detention prisoner agrees
voluntarily in writing after being informed of the effects
Pecuniary penalties are different from pecuniary liabilities. thereof and with the assistance of counsel to abide by the
same disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners,
Article 38. Pecuniary liabilities; Order of payment. - In except in the following cases:
case the property of the offender should not be sufficient
for the payment of all his pecuniary liabilities, the same 1. When they are recidivists, or have been convicted
shall be met in the following order: previously twice or more times of any crime; and
If the detention prisoner does not agree to abide by the In case he does not want to agree, to abide by the same
same disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners, rules and regulations imposed on convicted felons, still, it
he shall do so in writing with the assistance of a counsel must be in writing in the presence of a counsel after the
and shall be credited in the service of his sentence with counsel has explained to him the consequences of his non-
four-fifths of the time during which he has undergone agreement.
preventive imprisonment.
It must always be:
Credit for preventive imprisonment for the penalty
of reclusion perpetua shall be deducted from thirty (30) 1. Reduced into writing;
years. 2. Done in the presence of counsel;
3. After the counsel has explained to him the
Whenever an accused has undergone preventive consequences of his act.
imprisonment for a period equal to the possible maximum
imprisonment of the offense charged to which he may be Q: X and Y were caught in flagrante delicto by the wife
sentenced and his case is not yet terminated, he shall be engaging in sexual intercourse in a scandalous
released immediately without prejudice to the continuation manner. The husband and the concubine were placed
of the trial thereof or the proceeding on appeal, if the same behind bars. A charge of concubinage was filed. They
is under review. Computation of preventive imprisonment are now thirty (30) days behind bars. What should the
for purposes of immediate release under this paragraph counsel of the concubine do?
shall be the actual period of detention with good conduct
time allowance: Provided, however, That if the accused is A: The counsel of the concubine must immediately file a
absent without justifiable cause at any stage of the trial, the petition for habeas corpus and move for the removal of the
court may motu proprio order the rearrest of the said concubine from jail.
accused: Provided, finally, That recidivists, habitual
delinquents, escapees and persons charged with heinous The said concubine must be immediately released from
crimes are excluded from the coverage of this Act. In case jail. Under Art. 29, as amended, if the maximum penalty
the maximum penalty to which the accused may be imposable is destierro, the said detention prisoner must be
sentenced is destierro, he shall be released after thirty (30) immediately released after thirty (30) days of preventive
days of preventive imprisonment. imprisonment.
Under Art. 29, as amended by R.A. 10592, the period of The penalty for a concubine in case of concubinage is only
preventive imprisonment that a detention prisoner has destierro. Therefore, she can only be placed behind bars,
undergone may be deducted from his final sentence. undergoing preventive imprisonment for a period of thirty
(30) days. Beyond, she shall be immediately released, but
There shall be full credit if the detention prisoner agrees in of course without prejudice to the continuation of the trial
writing to abide by the same rules and regulations imposed against her.
on convicted felons.
Q: X, the accused, was charged with the crime of
There shall only be 4/5 credit if the said detention prisoner attempted homicide. He is a poor man. He does not
does not agree to abide by the same rules and regulations have 6,000 pesos to post the bail imposed by the court.
imposed on convicted felons. While his case was on going trial, he was behind
bars—he was at the BJMP. From the time of his arrest
Requirement that it be “in writing” (time he was placed behind bars) up to date, it is
already the sixth year. When his counsel saw it, he
Art. 29 has been amended by R.A. 10592. The amendment immediately filed a petition for habeas corpus praying
specifies an effect that this agreement or non-agreement for the immediate release of X because according to
should be in writing in the presence of his counsel, after his him, under Art. 29, the moment a detention prisoner
chosen counsel has explained to him the consequences of has undergone imprisonment equal to the maximum
his act. penalty which may be imposed on him, he shall be
immediately released without prejudice to the
In case the said detention prisoner agrees to abide by the continuation of the trial against him and without
same rules and regulations of convicted felons, it is prejudice to appeal, if his case is under review. Is the
necessary that his counsel must have explained to him the counsel correct?
consequences of his act.
A: YES. The charge was attempted homicide. Penalty for
Note: attempted homicide is prision correccional. Maximum is six
years. He has undergone preventive imprisonment for six
Q: Because of the ground raised, the court Subsidiary penalty is the penalty imposed on an offender
immediately granted the petition for habeas corpus in case fine is included in his penalty and he happens to be
and X was released. Two weeks thereafter, on the next insolvent to pay the fine imposed by the court.
date of trial of X, the judge asked the PAO attorney of
the whereabouts of X. The PAO attorney said that he Subsidiary penalty is the penalty in lieu of payment of fine.
has already lost contact with him from the time he was Therefore, before an offender can be made to suffer
released. He could not locate him. He tried calling him subsidiary penalty, it is first and foremost necessary that:
on the phone with the number that he left but no one
answers. He also sent a messenger to his house—he 1. He is sentenced with a fine;
needed to confer with him for his testimony, however, 2. The said subsidiary penalty must be expressly
the house was already empty. He does not know where stated in the judgment of the court that in case of
to find him. his insolvency to pay the fine, he shall suffer
subsidiary penalty.
The judge became mad. The judge immediately issued Rate
an order of arrest. The police officers, armed with the
warrant issued against X, went to his house. The The rate is one day of imprisonment is equal to the highest
neighbors said “Matagal ng wala diyan. Matagal ng minimum wage rate prevailing in the Philippines at the time
umalis.” The police officers tried to locate him. After of rendition of judgment by the trial court.
talking from one person to another, they learned that
X has a sister who was living in another town, so they Article 39. Subsidiary penalty. - If the convict has no
went to the said town and true enough, they found X in property with which to meet the fine mentioned in the
the house of the said sister. They served the warrant paragraph 3 of the nest preceding article, he shall be
of arrest on him and bought X behind bars. subject to a subsidiary personal liability at the rate of one
day for each amount equivalent to the highest minimum
Is the judge correct in issuing the said warrant of wage rate prevailing in the Philippines at the time of the
arrest? Is it not that X has already served six years rendition of judgment of conviction by the trial court,
behind bars which is the maximum penalty imposable subject to the following rules:
upon him for attempted homicide?
1. If the principal penalty imposed be prision correccional
A: YES. The judge is correct. or arresto and fine, he shall remain under confinement until
his fine referred to in the preceding paragraph is satisfied,
The said warrant issued against X is a bench warrant. It is but his subsidiary imprisonment shall not exceed one-third
not a warrant for the crime that he has committed. It is a of the term of the sentence, and in no case shall it continue
warrant because he violated the rules. He violated the for more than one year, and no fraction or part of a day
rules that he has to appear in the succeeding hearings of shall be counted against the prisoner.
the case.
2. When the principal penalty imposed be only a fine, the
Therefore, he is placed behind bars based on the warrant subsidiary imprisonment shall not exceed six months, if the
of arrest not because of the crime that he has committed culprit shall have been prosecuted for a grave or less grave
but because he violated the rules and failed to appear. felony, and shall not exceed fifteen days, if for a light
Even if the detention prisoner is released, he has the 3. When the principal imposed is higher than prision
obligation to appear in trial as his release does not correccional, no subsidiary imprisonment shall be imposed
mean the termination of his case. It is without prejudice upon the culprit.
to the continuation of the trial against him. He still has
to appear in every trial and even if the case is already 4. If the principal penalty imposed is not to be executed by
on appeal, it is not a termination of his case. confinement in a penal institution, but such penalty is of
fixed duration, the convict, during the period of time
The only good thing is, if the case reaches the Supreme established in the preceding rules, shall continue to suffer
Court, and the Court sees that he has already served six the same deprivations as those of which the principal
years, he may be convicted but he may no longer be penalty consists.
ordered to be placed behind bars because he has already
served the maximum sentence which is to be imposed on 5. The subsidiary personal liability which the convict may
him. have suffered by reason of his insolvency shall not relieve
Q: X is convicted. The penalty imposed upon him is PENALTY
arresto menor and fine. The judge stated therein that IMPOSED
in case of insolvency to pay the fine, he shall suffer It shall not exceed one-third (1/3)
subsidiary penalty. That was the dispositive portion of of the term of the sentence.
Correccional or
Arresto + Fine
X appealed to the CA. The CA affirmed in toto the It shall not exceed one year.
decision of the MTC. X was amenable to the decision It shall not exceed six (6) months,
of the CA. He no longer wanted to further appeal to the in case of grave or less grave
SC. He will now be serving his sentence. felonies.
Fine alone
What shall be the basis of his subsidiary penalty? It shall not exceed fifteen (15) days
in case of light felonies.
A: The basis shall be the highest minimum wage rate Higher than
prevailing in the Philippines at the time the MTC rendered Subsidiary imprisonment cannot
its decision and not at the time the CA rendered its decision be imposed.
two years thereafter. Principal penalty
is not to be
Note: executed in a It shall not exceed one-third (1/3)
The basis is the highest minimum wage rate prevailing penal institution of the term of the sentence.
in the Philippines at the time of rendition of judgment but WITH fixed
by the trial court that heard and decided the case, not duration It shall not exceed one year.
by the appellate court.
(e.g. destierro or
Under Art. 39, as amended, the following are the rules for suspension +
subsidiary penalty: fine)
Principal penalty
1. If the principal penalty imposed by the court, in is not to be
addition to fine, is prision correccional or arresto- executed in a
subsidiary imprisonment shall not exceed one- penal institution
third (1/3) of the term of the sentence, but in no but WITHOUT Subsidiary imprisonment cannot
case to be more than one year. fixed duration be imposed.
Along the way, they passed by and stopped at the NETC Q: X, wanting to rape Y, forcibly abducted Y against
sentry gate which was being manned by several navy the will of Y and at the outset there was lewd design.
personnel. After they passed by the gate, 2 personnel He brought Y in a secluded place, and he had carnal
guarding the gate flagged down a rushing and zigzagging knowledge of Y by employing violence and force.
van which was being driven by the accused. After he was
given the go signal to leave, he sped away, swerved to the A: X is liable of Rape with Forcible Abduction. The forcible
right hitting the group of the 6 seamen. As a result, Andal abduction was a necessary means in order to commit the
and Duclayna died while the others suffered injuries. crime of rape.
RULING: YES.. Punzalan was animated by a single FACTS: Batulanan was an agent of Polomolok
purpose, to kill the navy personnel, and committed a single Cooperative. She issued cash vouchers allegedly for
act of stepping on the accelerator, swerving to the right persons obtaining loans but in reality, these persons have
side of the road ramming through the navy personnel, no right to obtain the loans on the said cooperative. He was
causing the death of Andal and Duclayna and, at the same charged of 4 counts Estafa through Falsification of
time, constituting an attempt to kill Cuya, Bacosa, Bundang Commercial Document.
and Domingo. The crimes of murder and attempted murder
are both grave felonies as the law attaches an afflictive Is a cash voucher a commercial document?
penalty to capital punishment (reclusion perpetua to death)
for murder while attempted murder is punished by prision SC: The CA is correct. A cash voucher is not a commercial
mayor, an afflictive penalty. document because it is not defined and regulated by any
commercial/mercantile law. The CA is correct in saying
CASE DISCUSSION: PEOPLE V. PUNZALAN that a cash voucher is a mere private document. Since a
cash voucher is a mere private document, does it mean
Punzalan was charged with Double Murder with Attempted that the crime to be charged, and the crime to which
Murder. The Supreme Court said Punzalan was correctly Batulanan will be convicted, would be Estafa through
charged and convicted of the complex crime of Double Falsification of Private Document? Supreme Court said
Murder with Multiple Attempted Murder. Punzalan there is no such crime. You cannot complex Estafa through
performed a single act of stepping on the accelerator of his Falsification of Private Document because these two
vehicle, turning it to the right, and ramming over the navy crimes require damage as elements. Estafa without
personnel, resulting to two deaths, and wounding the damage cannot be estafa. Falsification of private
others, hence the Supreme Court said, since Punzalan document without injury cannot be falsification of private
performed a single act, he is correctly charged and document. Both these two crimes require as element
convicted of Double Murder with Multiple Attempted damage, prejudice, or intent to cause damage. Without
Murder. Art. 48, compound crime applies. that, the crime will not be consummated.
The other complex crime under Art. 48 is known as the Since according to the Supreme Court, both estafa and
complex crime proper. falsification of private document require damage as
elements, you cannot complex them because a person
COMPLEX CRIME PROPER cannot be convicted twice for the said damage. Hence,
there is no such crime of Estafa through Falsification of
There is a complex crime proper when an offense is a Private Document.
necessary means to commit the another offense.
It is one when, in reality, the offender committed two or A, B, C, D, and E believed although in truth, this said
more crimes but in the eyes of the law, there is only one company never authorized X in order to get the
crime committed. monthly installment. And so these five unit owners
believed, and they give X their monthly installment of
In case of a special complex crime, it is the law that P20,000. When X was asked of the official receipt, X
combines the crime, and it is the law that provides for a said that that he had remitted the money. It was the
particular specific penalty for these combined crimes. time that the company will give the O.R.; they believed,
and they give P20,000 to X.
Example of a Special Complex Crime
X, however, never remitted the money to the said
Art. 294 – Robbery with Homicide company. When this was discovered, these five unit
Art. 267 – Kidnapping with Homicide owners filed a case of estafa under Art. 315 (2)(a), five
counts (A, B, C, D, and E), five cases of estafa against
It is the law the combines the crimes, and the law provides X. The case was filed before the officer of the
for a specific particular penalty for these combined crimes. prosecutor. If you were the investigating public
prosecutor, would you indict X as charged?
Fourth kind of complexity of crimes, the so-called
continued crime or delito continuado. Also known as A: NO, it should only be 1 count of Estafa. It is a
continuous crime. continued crime or delito continuado. X was impelled by
single criminal impulse to deceive these five unit owners.
When you say special complex crime, the bar examiner He committed a series of overt acts. He took P20,000 from
may call a special complex crime as a single indivisible each of them, and in about the same time and about the
offense or a composite crime. One and the same. Special same place violating one and the same provision of law,
complex crime, also known as composite crime, also Art. 315 (2)(a), estafa by means of false pretense.
known as a single indivisible offense. The other one is Therefore, he should be indicted only for one count of
continued crime, delito continuado, or continuous crime. estafa because it is a continued crime or delito continuado.
They are one and the same.
Q: What about the other owners?
Q: In payment of his obligation, X issued a check to Y The elements of carnapping that a) There be actual
in Manila. Y deposited the check to his depositary taking of the motor vehicle took place in the public market
bank in Quezon City. The drawee bank in Mandaluyong of Valenzuela, b) the act of taking the motor vehicle must
dishonored the check. Notice of dishonor was sent to belong to another person, it belongs to X who was in
X. He did not make good of the check despite the lapse Valenzuela, c) the act of taking must be done with intent to
of 3 days, despite the lapse of 5 banking days. Where gain, the act of taking with intent to gain was done in
should Y file the case against X? Valenzuela, and lastly d) the taking was done without the
consent of the owner, or with violence against or
A: Y should file the case either before the a) Metropolitan intimidation of persons, or with use of force upon things -
Court of Manila where the issuance of check is, b) the taking was done in Valenzuela. The Supreme Court
Metropolitan Court of Quezon City where the check was said none of the elements of carnapping took place in
deposited, or c) Metropolitan Court of Mandaluyong where Meycauayan, Bulacan. The Meycauayan Court has no
the check was dishonored. In any of the courts of these jurisdiction to hear and try the case. Therefore, case
places where the elements of the crime happened. dismissed. It is necessary that although it is a transitory or
continuing offense, the case may only be filed in the courts
Example: X is a tricycle driver. In the public market of of the place where any of the elements of the crime
Valenzuela City, his tricycle was the first in line in the happened.
TODA (Tricycle Operators and Drivers' Association) at that
time. Here comes a passenger. However, at that particular These are the 5 kinds of complexity of crimes.
moment his wife called asking him immediately to buy
something from the public market. So, he was torn ARTICLES 50-57
between bringing the passenger to his place of destination
or obeying his wife in buying something from the public Article 50. Penalty to be imposed upon principals of a
market. Then, another tricycle driver by the name of Y saw frustrated crime. - The penalty next lower in degree than
his dilemma. Y told X, “Sige na bilhin mo na yung bilin ni that prescribed by law for the consummated felony shall
misis. Ako na ang magdadala sa pasahero mo sa tricycle.” be imposed upon the principal in a frustrated felony.
So, X was grateful to Y. The passenger boarded the
tricycle of X and Y brought the passenger to his Article 51. Penalty to be imposed upon principals of
destination. However, Y never returned the tricycle of X. X attempted crimes. - A penalty lower by two degrees than
Article 52. Penalty to be imposed upon accomplices in What if the felony is in the attempted stage, attempted
consummated crime. - The penalty next lower in degree homicide? Go two degrees lower from reclusion temporal,
than that prescribed by law for the consummated shall it would be prision correccional.
be imposed upon the accomplices in the commission of
a consummated felony. These are the rules in imposing the penalties for frustrated,
attempted, accomplice, and an accessory.
Article 53. Penalty to be imposed upon accessories to
the commission of a consummated felony. - The penalty ILLUSTRATIONS FOR ARTICLES 50-57
lower by two degrees than that prescribed by law for the
consummated felony shall be imposed upon the Penalty imposed upon accessories and accomplices
accessories to the commission of a consummated for consummated, frustrated, and attempted felonies
felony. (Arts. 50-57)
It is the penalty prescribed by law and imposed by the court First Rule: If the penalty prescribed by law is a single
in case of conviction. It can either be divisible or indivisible indivisible penalty, it shall be imposed regardless of any
penalties. mitigating or aggravating circumstances.
FIRST RULE: If the commission of the crime is attended Q: How is this objective achieved?
by no mitigating and no aggravating circumstance, the
penalty should be in its medium period. A: This objective is achieved because the moment the
offender has already served the minimum term of the
SECOND RULE: If the commission of the crime is sentence, he becomes eligible for parole. The moment he
attended by one mitigating with no aggravating is granted parole, he is released from the prison cell, he is
circumstance, the penalty should be in its minimum period. released from imprisonment. He will be serving the
sentence outside, a free man, only he has to report to the
THIRD RULE: If the commission of the crime is attended parole officer depending on the time stated in the grant of
by one aggravating with no mitigating circumstance, the parole.
penalty should be in its maximum period.
FOURTH RULE: If the commission of the crime is attended
by both aggravating and mitigating circumstances, off-set Parole is the conditional release of a prisoner after
the two and apply the rules. conviction, after serving the minimum term of his sentence,
and after he has found to have reformed.
FIFTH RULE: If the commission of the crime is attended
by two or more mitigating circumstances with no Requisites for the Grant of Parole
aggravating circumstance, lower the penalty by one
degree in its proper term. 1. It is necessary that the offender must be serving
an indeterminate sentence that exceeds one year.
SPECIAL MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCE 2. It is necessary that he has already served the
minimum term of his sentence.
If there are two or more mitigating circumstances with no 3. The Board of Pardons and Parole found that he
aggravating circumstance, lower the penalty by one has already reformed and that upon his release,
degree. This is known as a special mitigating circumstance he will be a law-abiding citizen and that his beliefs
because its effect is to lower the penalty by one degree in will not be inconsistent with the interest and
its proper term. welfare of the State.
A straight penalty has no maximum term and minimum Q: X was convicted and based on the evidence he is a
term. Therefore, there is no way that the offender can avail recidivist, he is a quasi-recidivist, or he is a habitual
of parole. He will serve the entire sentence, the entire criminal (reiteration). Can he be given an
straight penalty. indeterminate sentence?
Sec. 2. This Act shall not apply to persons convicted of A: YES. Only a habitual delinquent is disqualified.
offenses punished with death penalty or life-
imprisonment; to those convicted of treason, conspiracy Q: X was serving his final sentence behind bars at the
or proposal to commit treason; to those convicted of bilibid. He saw an opportunity and was able to escape.
misprision of treason, rebellion, sedition or espionage; Two years thereafter, he was found. X was charged
to those convicted of piracy; to those who are habitual with evasion of service of sentence under Article 157.
delinquents; to those who have escaped from He was found and charged with evasion. After trial on
confinement or evaded sentence; to those who having the merits, he was guilty. Can he be given an
been granted conditional pardon by the Chief Executive indeterminate sentence?
shall have violated the terms thereof; to those whose
maximum term of imprisonment does not exceed one A: NO. He is among those disqualified. Specifically, those
year, not to those already sentenced by final judgment who have escaped from confinement or evaded their
at the time of approval of this Act, except as provided in sentence.
Section 5 hereof.
Q: X was convicted, malakas ang tatay, he was granted
Under Section 2 of Act 4103, as amended, the following by the President a conditional pardon. But upon
persons are disqualified to be given an indeterminate release, he violated certain conditions of the said
sentence. They are: pardon. So, he was charged with evasion of service of
sentence under Article 159 or evasion by violation of
1. Those convicted of crimes punished by death conditional pardon. X was convicted. Can he be given
penalty, life-imprisonment, and reclusion an indeterminate sentence?
perpertua (akin to life-imprisonment; People v.
Enriquez); A: NO. Because he violated the terms of his pardon, he is
among those disqualified to be given an indeterminate
2. Those convicted of treason, conspiracy, or sentence. Specifically, those who having been granted
proposal to commit treason; conditional pardon by the Chief Executive shall have
violated the terms of the said pardon.
3. Those convicted of misprision of treason,
rebellion, sedition or espionage; Q: X was convicted of rape, the penalty imposed was
reclusion perpetua. Can he be given an indeterminate
4. Those convicted of piracy; sentence?
5. Those who are habitual delinquents; A: NO. He is among those disqualified because the penalty
imposed upon him is reclusion perpetua. Disqualification
6. Those who have escaped from confinement or applies to those convicted of crimes punished by death
evaded their sentence; penalty, life-imprisonment, and reclusion perpertua (akin
to life-imprisonment).
No AC RT, medium period To get the minimum term of the sentence, you lower it by
- maximum term one degree, that is prision mayor. The range depends
No MC of sentence upon the sound discretion of the court.
In order to get the maximum term of the sentence, you take 3. X killed Y inside his dwelling.
into consideration the penalty prescribed by law, which is
reclusion temporal. 1 AC: Dwelling RT, maximum period
No MC - maximum term
Under Art. 64, if there are no mitigating and no aggravating of sentence
circumstance, the penalty shall be in its medium period.
Therefore, reclusion temporal medium period shall be the
maximum term of the sentence. PM, maximum period
- Minimum term of
How do you get the minimum term of the sentence? the sentence
Under Act. 4103, as amended (The Indeterminate Therefore, there is one aggravating circumstance present
Sentence Law), you lower the penalty by one degree. The – dwelling, and no mitigating circumstance attended the
range depends on the sound discretion of the court. commission of the crime.
Since the maximum term of the sentence is in the medium First, we get again the penalty prescribed by law, which is
period, let us make prision mayor (one degree lower than reclusion temporal. Under Art. 64, if there is one
reclusion temporal) also in the medium period. aggravating and no mitigating, the penalty shall be in its
maximum period. That is the maximum term of the
Therefore, the minimum term of the sentence is prision sentence.
mayor in its medium period.
To get the minimum term of the sentence, you lower it by
So, the court will rule, finding the accused guilty beyond one degree, it shall be prision mayor – the range depends
reasonable doubt of homicide. He is hereby sentenced to on the sound discretion of the court.
suffer a penalty the minimum term of which is prision mayor
in its medium period to reclusion temporal in its medium Since the maximum term is in its maximum period, let us
period as the maximum term of the sentence. make the minimum term also in the maximum period.
1 AC: Dwelling RT, medium period It is a special mitigating circumstance because it lowers the
1 MC: VS - maximum term penalty, not just by period, but by one degree.
of sentence
Offset then apply Therefore, from reclusion temporal, because of the special
rules under Art. 64 mitigating circumstance (2 MC, no AC), you lower it by one
PM, medium period degree, and it becomes prision mayor.
- Minimum term of
the sentence Since we have already considered the two mitigating
circumstances of voluntary surrender and praeter
Therefore, we have one aggravating circumstance intentionem, it will be prision mayor in its medium period,
(dwelling) and one mitigating circumstance (voluntary because no modifying circumstance is left. That is the
surrender). maximum term of the sentence.
First, we get again the penalty prescribed by law, which is To get the minimum term of the sentence, you lower it
reclusion temporal. Under Art. 64, when there are again by one degree. The range depends upon the sound
mitigating and aggravating circumstances, we offset the discretion of the court.
two and apply the rules. We thus offset the aggravating
circumstance of dwelling with the mitigating circumstance Since the maximum term of the sentence is in the medium
of voluntary surrender. period, let us make the minimum term of the sentence also
in its medium period.
After offsetting, no more modifying circumstances
attended the commission of the crime and therefore, it 6. X killed Y. The said act of killing was not attended
should be reclusion temporal in its medium period. That is by any aggravating circumstance, but three mitigating
the maximum term of the sentence. circumstances were alleged and proven in court –
voluntary surrender, praeter intentionem, and it was
To get the minimum term of the sentence, you lower it by only based on passion and obfuscation.
one degree, that is prision mayor. The range depends
upon the sound discretion of the court. No AC RT, indivisible (Art. 63)
3 MC: VS, Praeter Special MC
Since the maximum term of the sentence is in the medium Intentionem, P/O
period, let us make prision mayor (one degree lower than PM, minimum period
reclusion temporal) also in the medium period. - maximum term
No AC RT, indivisible (Art. 63) First, we get again the penalty prescribed by law, which is
2 MC: VS, Praeter Special MC reclusion temporal.
PM, medium period There are three mitigating with no aggravating. Under Art.
- maximum term 64, when there are two or more mitigating circumstances
and no aggravating circumstances are present, you lower
the penalty by one degree.
PC, medium period
- minimum term So, reclusion temporal lowered by one degree is prision
How do you get the penalty?
We only need two mitigating circumstances in order to
You take into consideration the penalty prescribed by law lower the penalty by one degree. We lower it by one degree
for homicide, which is reclusion temporal. because of voluntary surrender and praeter intentionem.
That is the special mitigating circumstance which caused
Under Art. 64, fifth par., the law provides that when there the lowering of the penalty by one degree.
are two or more mitigating circumstances and no
A: The third mitigating circumstance means that the To get the minimum term of the sentence, you lower it
penalty should be in its minimum period. again by one degree. The range depends upon the sound
discretion of the court.
So, we have prision mayor in its minimum period. That is
the maximum term of the sentence. Since the maximum term of the sentence is in its minimum
period, then the minimum term of the sentence is also in
To get the minimum term of the sentence, you lower it its minimum period.
again by one degree. The range depends upon the sound
discretion of the court. Note:
The special mitigating circumstance can only be
7. X killed Y. The said act of killing was not attended considered once; The penalty can only be reduced by
by any aggravating circumstance, but this time, four one (1) degree regardless of the number of mitigating
mitigating circumstances -- voluntary surrender, circumstances. Others shall only be taken to reduce the
praeter intentionem, the said victim performed an act penalty to minimum.
that brought passion and obfuscation, and at the time
X was intoxicated. He was not a habitual drinker. 8. One aggravating circumstance, four mitigating
No AC RT, indivisible (Art. 63)
4 MC: VS, Praeter Special MC 1 AC: Dwelling RT, minimum period
Intentionem, P/O, - maximum term
Intoxicated PM, minimum period 4 MC: VS, Praeter of sentence
- maximum term Intentionem,
Intoxication PM, minimum period
PC, minimum period - Minimum term of
- minimum term the sentence
So we have no AC attendant, but there are four MCs. What if X killed the victim, the said act of killing was
attended by 1 aggravating circumstance – X killed the
First, we get again the penalty prescribed by law, which is victim inside the privacy of his house. So, we have the
reclusion temporal. aggravating circumstance of dwelling.
There are four mitigating with no aggravating. Under Art. There are 4 mitigating circumstances: 1) he voluntarily
64, when there are two or more mitigating circumstances surrendered; 2) he has no intention to commit so grave a
and no aggravating circumstances are present, you lower wrong (praeter intentionem); 3) there was passion and
the penalty by one degree. obfuscation on his part because of an unlawful act done by
the said victim; and 4) X at that time was intoxicated and
So, reclusion temporal lowered by one degree is prision he was not a habitual drinker. So, we have 4 mitigating
mayor. circumstances.
We only need two mitigating circumstances in order to How do you get the penalty?
serve as special mitigating circumstance and lower the
penalty by one degree. We lower it by one degree because You take into consideration the penalty prescribed by law
of voluntary surrender and praeter intentionem. for homicide – reclusion temporal. There is 1 aggravating
with 4 mitigating circumstances, what do you do? You
There remains two more – passion and obfuscation and offset. You offset one mitigating circumstance of voluntary
intoxication. surrender with 1 aggravating circumstance of dwelling.
Q: Are you going to lower the penalty by another After offsetting voluntary surrender with dwelling, there
degree? remains 3 more mitigating circumstances. Therefore, the
penalty should be in its minimum period – that is the
A: NO. You cannot lower the penalty two times. Only one maximum term of the sentence.
time, based on special mitigating circumstance.
AM, medium period That is how you compute the penalty under Article 64, in
- straight penalty, relation to the Indeterminate Sentence Law.
ISLaw does not
whose max.
term of Article 63. Rules for the application of indivisible penalties.
imprisonment - In all cases in which the law prescribes a single indivisible
does not exceed penalty, it shall be applied by the courts regardless of any
1 year. mitigating or aggravating circumstances that may have
attended the commission of the deed.
What if it was proven that X acted in self-defense. Unlawful
aggression is present. It was proven that there was FIRST RULE
unlawful aggression coming from the victim. Likewise, it
was proven that there was no sufficient provocation A. SIMPLE RAPE
coming from X. However, the means used by X, that is
stabbing the victim is not reasonable in order to prevent the Simple Rape RP
unlawful aggression. Since 1 element of self-defense is Penalty: RP
absent, 2 are present, therefore we have the privilege MC: VS, VP - AC and MC not
mitigating circumstance of incomplete self-defense. AC: Nighttime considered
Let us say that he voluntarily surrendered and he said he The penalty for simple rape is reclusion perpetua, a single
has no intention to commit so grave a wrong, it was proven. indivisible penalty. The said act of X of raping the woman
So, we have 2 ordinary mitigating circumstances of 1) was attended with 2 mitigating circumstances: 1) voluntary
voluntary surrender and 2) praeter intentionem. surrender and 2) voluntary plea of guilt. However, there
was the aggravating circumstance of nighttime because he
Compute the indeterminate sentence. took advantage of the darkness of the night in order to rape
the said woman.
What shall be the penalty imposed by the court? No AC Penalty: RP (the lesser
No MC penalty)
The penalty prescribed by law is death but, you cannot
impose the death penalty by reason of R.A. No, 9346. In the act of killing – murder, qualified by treachery – there
Under Sec. 3 of R.A. No. 9346, you have to reduce the was no aggravating circumstance, no mitigating
penalty to reclusion perpetua without the benefit of parole. circumstance, what penalty would you impose?
Section 3. Person convicted of offenses punished with Under Art. 63, if there is no mitigating and no aggravating
reclusion perpetua, or whose sentences will be reduced to circumstance, the lesser penalty (reclusion perpetua) shall
reclusion perpetua, by reason of this Act, shall not be be the one imposed.
eligible for parole under Act No. 4180, otherwise known as
the Indeterminate Sentence Law, as amended. No AC Penalty: RP (the lesser
1 MC: VS penalty)
Under A.M. No. 15-08-02-SC, 04 August 2015:
In cases where death penalty is imposable, but the The act of killing was not attended by any aggravating
circumstance but, the offender voluntarily surrendered.
same is reduced to RP because of R.A. No. 9346,
Therefore, there is one mitigating circumstance of
voluntary surrender. What penalty shall be imposed?
PAROLE” shall be used to qualify RP in order to
emphasize that the accused should have been
Under Ar. 63, the lesser penalty which is recusion perpetua
sentenced to suffer the Death Penalty had it not
shall be the one imposed.
been for R.A. No. 9346 which prohibits the
imposition of Death Penalty.
1 AC: EP Penalty: Death (the
No MC greater penalty)
Reduced to RP w/out
eligibility for parole under Therefore, the fact that the 2 mitigating, with no
Sec. 3, R.A. No. 9346 aggravating would only mean the lowering of the penalty,
the lesser penalty which is reclusion perpetua.
X act of killing Y was attended by 1 aggravating
circumstance of evident premeditation, with no mitigating D. SIMPLE RAPE
Simple Rape RP, indivisible (Art. 63)
The Supreme Court said, if both treachery and evident 1 PMC: Minority PMC: Minority
premeditation attended the commission of the crime, 2 MC: VS, VP
treachery qualifies the killing to murder and evident No AC RT, divisible (Art. 64 &
premeditation shall be considered as a mere generic ISLaw)
aggravating circumstance. So, we have 1 generic Special MC
aggravating circumstance of evident premeditation and no
mitigating circumstance. How do you get the penalty? PM, medium period
- maximum term
Under Art. 63, if there is 1 aggravating with no mitigating,
the greater penalty – death shall be the one imposed.
However, you cannot impose Death Penalty by reason of PC, medium period
R.A. No. 9346. Therefore, it has to be reduced to reclusion - minimum term
perpetua without eligibility for parole as provided for under
Sec. 3 of R.A. No. 9346. The penalty for simple rape is reclusion perpetua, a single
indivisible penalty. The offender was a minor. He was only
1 AC: EP Penalty: RP (the lesser 17 years old and he acted with discernment. There were 2
1 MC: VS penalty) mitigating circumstances: 1) he voluntarily surrendered, 2)
he voluntarily pleaded guilty. There was no aggravating
Offset then apply the circumstance.
What penalty would you impose?
X act of killing Y resulting in murder, qualified by treachery
was also attended by the aggravating circumstance of The penalty for simple rape is the single indivisible penalty
evident premeditation and the mitigating circumstance of of reclusion perpetua. Therefore, under art. 63, if the
voluntary surrender. What penalty would you impose? penalty prescribed by law is a single indivisible penalty,
you do not consider any mitigating or aggravating
Under Art. 63, if there is 1 aggravating and 1 mitigating circumstance, except when the mitigating circumstance
circumstance, you offset the 2 and then apply the rules. present is a privilege mitigating circumstance like minority
Therefore, you offset the generic aggravating because a privilege mitigating circumstance takes
circumstance of evident premeditation with the ordinary preference over all other things. Hence, in this case, even
mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender. if Art. 63 provides that a single indivisible penalty shall be
imposed as is, when there is a privilege mitigating
After offsetting the 2, you apply the rules. No more circumstance, it can defeat that rule. Therefore, from
aggravating, no more mitigating. Therefore, the lesser reclusion perpetua, you lower it by one degree to reclusion
penalty – reclusion perpetua shall be the one imposed. temporal.
The lesser penalty which is reclusion perpetua. Even if You already considered everything, nothing is left, no more
there are 2 mitigating circumstances of voluntary surrender modifying circumstances. Therefore, it will be prision
and voluntary plea of guilt, and there is no aggravating mayor in its medium period – that is the maximum term of
circumstance, the rule provided for in Art. 64, par. 5 – the sentence. To get the minimum term of the sentence,
special mitigating circumstance – does not apply in case of you lower it by one degree, prision correccional. The range
Art. 63. depends on the sound discretion of the court. Since the
The penalty for the most serious crime, Homicide – Under Act. 4103, in case of special penal laws:
reclusion temporal. Since the law says that the penalty
shall be in its maximum period, therefore it is reclusion 1. If the said special penal law does not have the
temporal in its maximum period. That is the maximum term same nomenclature as that of the RPC, the
of the sentence. maximum term of the sentence shall not go
beyond the prescribe penalty prescribed by law.
What about the mitigating circumstance of voluntary The minimum term of the sentence shall not be
surrender? You do not consider it because the moment it less than the minimum penalty prescribed by law.
is a complex crime under Art. 48, the maximum period of
the most serious penalty should be the one imposed. 2. If the penalty prescribed in the special penal law
Therefore, you do not consider mitigating circumstances. has the same nomenclature of penalty as that of
Therefore, it is reclusion temporal in its maximum period – the RPC, then you consider the rules provided for
that is the maximum term of the sentence. in the Revised Penal Code.
To get the minimum period, you lower the it by one degree, R.A. NO. 9165 COMPREHENSIVE DANGEROUS
prision mayor. The range depends upon the sound DRUGS ACT
discretion of the court. I make it also the maximum period
because the maximum term of the sentence is in its X was found in possession of less than 5 grams of shabu
maximum period. Therefore, it will be the minimum term of – 0.2 grams of shabu. Under Sec. 11 of R.A. No. 9165,
the sentence – prision mayor, maximum period. illegal possession of dangerous drugs:
1 PMC: Minority RT
PMC: Minority
8. Destierro,
AM, maximum period
- minimum term of 9. Perpetual absolute disqualification,
the sentence
10 Temporal absolute disqualification.
X was found in possession of an unlicensed firearm – an
11. Suspension from public office, the right to vote and be
unregistered pistol. The said firearm was transferred, so
voted for, the right to follow a profession or calling, and
illegal transfer of firearms. Under Sec. 41 of R.A. No.
10591, in case of illegal transfer of firearms, the penalty
12. Public censure.
should be prision correccional.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the rule next preceding,
Therefore, it has the same nomenclature of penalty as the the maximum duration of the convict's sentence shall not
Revised Penal Code. Hence, in order to get the be more than three-fold the length of time corresponding
indeterminate sentence, you take into consideration the
to the most severe of the penalties imposed upon him. No
rules provided for under the RPC.
other penalty to which he may be liable shall be inflicted
after the sum total of those imposed equals the same
The said illegal transfer of firearms was penalized by
maximum period.
prision correccional. No mitigating, no aggravating, it
should be in its medium period. That is the maximum term
Such maximum period shall in no case exceed forty years.
of the sentence.
In applying the provisions of this rule the duration of
To get the minimum term of the sentence, you lower it by
perpetual penalties (pena perpetua) shall be computed at
1 degree, arresto mayor. The range depends upon the
thirty years.
sound discretion of the court. I make it also the medium
period. Arresto mayor in its medium period – that is the
A convict is given multiple sentences, the father raped his
minimum term of the sentence.
daughter 5 times. So, the father was charged with 5 counts
of rape. The daughter was 25 years old and the father had
carnal knowledge of his own daughter, 5 times.
Article 70. Successive service of sentence. - When the
The judge imposed upon him the penalty of reclusion
culprit has to serve two or more penalties, he shall serve perpetua for each crime of rape. How shall the said father
them simultaneously if the nature of the penalties will so serve the sentence of 5 reclusion perpetua?
permit otherwise, the following rules shall be observed:
Under Art. 70:
In the imposition of the penalties, the order of their
respective severity shall be followed so that they may be
2. If the penalties are all imprisonment, the offender Applying the three-fold rule, you take into consideration the
cannot serve it at the same time. The offender is most severe penalty. The maximum duration of a convict’s
only one body, he cannot be place in 5 different sentence shall not exceed 3 times the length of the most
detention cells. Therefore, he shall serve the severe penalty. Therefore, 45 years.
penalty, according to Art. 70, successively or
SUNOD-SUNOD. Is he going to serve 45 years? No, because under Art. 70,
the three-fold rule shall not exceed 40 years. The
THREE-FOLD RULE maximum duration of a convict’s sentence shall not exceed
3 times the length of the most severe penalty, but in no
Under Art. 70, in case of successive service of sentence, case to exceed 40 years. The limit is 40 years.
there is a limitation. The said limitation is the so-called
three-fold rule. Under this rule, the maximum duration of a Therefore, since after applying the three-fold rule, it is still
convict’s sentence shall not exceed 3 times the length of beyond 40 years, he will be serving only 40 years behind
the most severe penalty, but in no case to exceed 40 years. bars. That is the limit.
MeTC: Convicted in all counts The Probation Law, P.D. 968, has been amended by R.A.
Penalty: 11 days of arresto menor for each count. 10707. So, R.A. 107007 is the new probation law.
How shall he serve the sentence? Probation is a disposition under which a person, after
having been convicted and sentenced, is released subject
NO 3-FOLD RULE APPLY 3-FOLD RULE to conditions imposed by the Court and under the
supervision of a probation officer.
11 x 11 = 121 days/ 4 mos. 11 x 3 = 33 days
Purposes of Probation:
In applying the three-fold rule, you should consider the 1. To promote the correction and rehabilitation of an
most severe penalty – 11 days of arresto menor. It will be offender;
multiplied by 3 because the law provides that the maximum 2. To provide for an opportunity for the reformation of a
duration of a convict’s sentence shall not exceed 3 times penitent offender;
the length of the most severe penalty. 3. To prevent further commission of crimes because the
offender is placed under an individualized treatment;
Hence, applying the three-fold rule, instead of serving 4. To decongest cases;
sentence for 4 months for 11 counts of unjust vexation, he 5. To save the Government from spending much-
will be serving only for 33 days or 1 month and 3 days.
needed funds when the offender will be placed
behind bars.
It refers only to service of sentence.
B. 3 COUNTS OF HOMICIDE: 15 years of RT/count
1 COUNT, FRUSTRATED: 10 years of PM Probation is not a matter of right, it is a mere privilege. So,
HOMICIDE not all persons can avail of the benefit of probation. Under
Section 9 of P.D. 968 as amended by R.A. 10707, the
X killed 3 persons, A, B, and C. Thereafter, he also inflicted following cannot avail of the benefit of probation:
a fatal wound on D, but D survived because of immediate
medical intervention. Therefore, X was charged with 3 1. Those whose maximum term of imprisonment is
counts of homicide and 1 count of frustrated homicide. more than 6 years;
MORENO v. COMELEC A: The application for probation should be filed within the
G.R. No. 168550 | 10 August 2006 period for perfecting an appeal.
FACTS: Moreno wants to run for the barangay election. EFFECT OF PROBATION
However, a motion for disqualification was filed against him
before the COMELEC because he has been previously If probation is granted, as held in the case of Moreno v.
convicted of the crime of arbitrary detention and with the COMELEC and as provided under Section 4 of P.D. 968
said conviction, he applied for probation and was granted as amended by R.A. 10707, the effect of probation is to
such. Because of that, the opposing party filed a motion to suspend the execution of the sentence and nothing more.
disqualify Moreno from the said barangay election. The Under Section 4 of P.D. 968 as amended by R.A. 10707, it
COMELEC granted the said petition to disqualify. The is provided that the Court may, after it convicted and
COMELEC En Banc said that Moreno is disqualified. The sentenced a defendant for a probationable penalty, and
COMELEC En Banc stated that under Section 40 of the upon application by the defendant within the period for
Local Government Code, those sentenced by final perfecting an appeal, suspend the execution of a sentence
judgment for an offense involving moral turpitude or an and place the defendant on probation for such period and
offense punishable by one (1) year or more of upon such terms and conditions as the Court may deem
imprisonment, within two (2) years after serving of proper. Therefore, clearly, under Section 4 of P.D. 968 as
sentence are disqualified from running for any local amended by R.A. 10707, the only effect of probation is to
position. Therefore, according to the COMELEC, since suspend the execution of the sentence.
Moreno applied for probation and was released from
probation on December 20, 2000, disqualification shall APPEAL AND PROBATION
commence from that date and shall end in two (2) years
thereafter. Hence, at the 2002 barangay elections, he is Q: X is charged with the crime of frustrated homicide.
still disqualified to run. The COMELEC En Banc said that After trial on the merits, the judge found X guilty of
the grant of probation to Moreno merely suspended the frustrated homicide and the judge imposed upon X,
execution of the sentence but did not affect his because of the many mitigating circumstances, the
disqualification from running for elective office. Hence, he privilege mitigating circumstances, and special
is disqualified. mitigating circumstances, the maximum penalty of six
(6) years of prision correcional. X appealed to the
ISSUE: Whether or not Moreno should be disqualified. Court of Appeals and in his appeal to the Court of
Appeals, his crime was downgraded to attempted
RULING: NO, Moreno should not be disqualified. The homicide and imposed upon him a maximum penalty
Supreme Court ruled that probation is not equivalent to of four (4) years. Can he go back to the trial court and
service of sentence. In this case, under Section 40 of the apply for probation?
Local Government Code, it is expressly provided that he
cannot run for any local position within two (2) years after A: No, he cannot go back to the trial court and apply for
serving sentence. Here, he has filed for probation, probation. Under Section 4 of P.D. 968 as amended by
therefore, he did not serve sentence. The phrase “within R.A. 10707, no application for probation shall be
two (2) years after serving sentence” is not applicable entertained or granted if the defendant has perfected an
insofar as Moreno is concerned because the effect of appeal from a judgment of conviction. In this case, X
probation is to suspend the execution of the sentence. convicted by the trial court of frustrated homicide and he
Therefore, he never served sentence the moment he was imposed with the penalty of six (6) years, which is a
applied and was granted probation. probationable penalty. When instead of applying for
probation, X appealed to the Court of Appeals, he loses the
Note: right to apply for probation because appeal bars probation
Imprisonment of more A: No, the judge is not correct in denying to give due
Will not exceed 6 years; course to X’s notice of appeal. X can definitely appeal the
than 1 year;
civil aspect of the case because probation has nothing to
Not less than nor be more do with civil liability, probation only affects the offender’s
than twice than the total criminal liability because under Section 4 of P.D. 968 as
number of days of amended by R.A. 10707, the only effect of probation is
Fine subsidiary subsidiary imprisonment, suspend the execution of the sentence. Probation cannot
imprisonment in case of taking into account the touch civil liabilities because civil liability is personal to the
insolvency. highest minimum wage rate private offended party, only the private offended party can
at the time of the rendition of waive civil liability, it cannot be touched by probation or
the judgment. parole. Hence, in this case, the court was wrong in denying
X’s notice of appeal insofar as the civil liability imposed on
him is concerned.
There are two conditions imposed upon a person seeking Q: X was charged and was thereafter convicted. The
probation: penalty imposed upon him is only arresto mayor, so
maximum of 6 months. So, X applied for probation to
1. General/Mandatory Conditions which the judge granted. Attached to the said grant of
2. Discretionary Conditions probation, one of the conditions is that X cannot
change his place of residence. Since the penalty
General/ Mandatory Conditions imposed upon X is a maximum of 6 months of arresto
mayor, it is less than 1 year, therefore, his probation
The following are mandatory conditions imposed by the period should not exceed 2 years. So for 2 years, X
court to the probationer: complied with the said condition, he did not change
his place of residence. However, after 2 years, the
1. Reporting to the probation officer within 72 hours moment the 2-year probation period have lapsed, X
from the receipt of the order; and immediately changed his place of residence. X wanted
2. Reporting every week, every month, every two to live a new life and wanted to live in an environment
months, depending on the conditions attached in where people didn’t know that he was once a convict.
Because of that, the probation officer learned of what
the grant of probation.
X had done, X changing his place of residence, and
because of that, the probation officer became very
Discretionary Conditions
mad and thereafter filed before the court motion to
revoke X’s probation. The judge granted the motion to
In discretionary conditions, the Court can impose any
revoke X’s probation. After revoking the probation
conditions, provided it is not prejudicial to the welfare of the
granted to X, the judge issued a warrant of arrest. X
said offender. (Example: plant trees, live a good life, be
Community service is any act or physical activity which TITLE FOUR: EXTINCTION OF
inculcates civic consciousness, and it is intended towards CRIMINAL LIABILITY
the improvement of the public or the promotion of public
Under the law, if the convict violates the terms of IS TOTALLY EXTINGUISHED
community service, he shall serve the full term of the
penalty in jail, or he shall be placed in house arrest if the Article 89. How criminal liability is totally extinguished. —
penalty is arresto menor. Conversely, if he completes the Criminal liability is totally extinguished:
terms of the community service, the court shall order his
release, unless he is detained for any other offense that he 1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal penalties,
has committed. and as to pecuniary penalties, liability therefor is
extinguished only when the death of the offender occurs
before final judgment;
3. By amnesty, which completely extinguishes the penalty 2. The claim for civil liability survives notwithstanding
and all its effects; the death of the accused, if the said civil liability is
predicated on other sources of obligation, i.e., law,
4. By absolute pardon; contracts, quasi-contracts, and quasi-delicts.
5. By prescription of the crime; 3. When the civil liability survives, an action for
recovery therefor may be pursued by way of filing
6. By prescription of the penalty; and a separate civil action to be enforced either against
the executor or administrator or the estate of the
7. By the marriage of the offended woman, as provided in said deceased accused.
Article 344 of this Code.
4. The private offended party need not fear a forfeiture
MODES OF EXTINGUISHING CRIMINAL LIABILITY of his right to file his separate civil action by
prescription because the statute of limitations on
1. Death; civil liability is deemed interrupted during the
2. Service of sentence; pendency of the criminal case under Article 1155
3. Amnesty; of the New Civil Code.
4. Absolute pardon;
5. Prescription of crime; Q: What if X raped his 17-year-old biological daughter?
6. Prescription of penalty; and X was charged with qualified rape. After trial on the
7. Subsequent valid marriage between the offender merits, the trial court judge found him guilty of
and the offended party. qualified rape. X appealed. When the case was being
reviewed by the Supreme Court, the latter received a
1. DEATH letter coming from the Director of Prisons stating that
X was found dead in the morning and based on the
Death extinguishes criminal liability at any stage of the medico-legal report and autopsy heart, he died of a
proceedings — during trial, before conviction, after heart attack while sleeping. Attached in the letter were
conviction — because the moment the offender dies, there the medico-legal report, autopsy report, and
is no body to serve the personal penalty. everything given by the doctor. What is the effect of
X’s death on his criminal and civil liability since X died
Death extinguishes civil liability if the offender dies before conviction by final judgment?
before conviction of final judgment. The moment he
dies before conviction by final judgment, his civil liability is A: Since X died before the Supreme Court has decided on
totally extinguished. If the offender dies after conviction by his case, and while his case was pending appeal, his
final judgment, his civil liability survives. The private death extinguishes both his criminal and civil liability.
complainant can recover the civil liability from the
administrator of the estate of the deceased convict. Q: X was convicted of qualified rape. He appealed
before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court
The civil liability extinguished the moment the offender dies rendered its decision, finding X guilty of qualified rape
before conviction by final judgment is civil liability ex and imposing upon him the penalty of reclusion
delicto in senso strictiore. It is the civil liability arising perpetua without eligibility for or the benefit of parole
from and based solely on the crime committed. Even if the because it should be death. X received the judgment.
convict dies before conviction by final judgment, his civil The counsel of X from the Public Attorney’s Office
liability survives if the said civil liability arises from other (PAO) received the judgment, and he is now preparing
sources of obligations, i.e., law, contracts, quasi-contracts, for his Motion for Reconsideration (MR) to be filed
and quasi-delicts. before the Supreme Court.
In the en banc case of People v. Bayotas, the Supreme However, even before the counsel from the PAO was
Court laid down the rules on the extinction of criminal able to file the MR, the Supreme Court received a letter
and civil liability in case of the death of the accused: from the Director of Prisons stating that X died. X was
found dead and based on the medico-legal report and
1. The death of the accused pending appeal of his autopsy report, he died of heart attack.
conviction extinguishes his criminal liability, as well
as his civil liability, based solely thereon. What is the effect of X’s death on his criminal and civil
Therefore, the death of the accused before the liablity?
conviction by final judgment extinguishes both his
criminal and civil liability directly arising from and
Absolute Pardon is an act of grace received from the power Correctional penalties 10 years
entrusted with the execution of the law which exempts the
offender from the penalty prescribed by law for the crime
committed. XPN: Crimes punished by
arresto mayor will
AMNESTY ABSOLUTE PARDON prescribe in 5 years.
Obliterates, erases, all the Merely suspends the Libel and similar offenses 1 year
effects of crime as if no execution of sentence,
crime was committed. erases the penalty to be
Oral defamation and 6 months
imposed. Otherwise
slander by deed
stated, it excuses the
convict from the service of Light felonies 2 months
his sentence.
Granted at any stage of Granted only after
proceedings, before conviction by final
during or after final judgment. Computation of Prescriptive Period
In case of prescription of crime, the running of the period
of prescription of crime shall commence from the time the
crime has been committed, except when it is not known.
Public act of the Chief Private act of the Chief
Executive. It is done, Executive. Hence, it must When it is not known, then the said running of the period
granted, with the be pleaded before the of the prescription of crime shall commence from the time
concurrence of Congress. court that tried and it has come to the knowledge of the offended party or to
the government authorities, or to its agents.
Hence, courts take judicial convicted the accused
notice of amnesty; it need before the accused may Q: X went to Y. Y is a tenant of a house owned by X. X
not be pleaded before the be ordered released. went to the said house and told Y: “You failed to pay
court. the rental fee for two months already. You have to pay;
Generally granted to a May be granted to any otherwise, you have to leave my house tomorrow
community or a group of offender for any crime morning.” As a response, Y told X, “I am sorry, I have
offenders who have committed. no money. I have no money right now, X, I lost my job,
and it is only my wife who is working by selling in the
6. PRESCRIPTION OF PENALTY Within a months’ time, from the time X was brough to
the Bilibid, a riot took place at the Bilibid. Inmates
Prescription of penalty is the loss or forfeiture of the right versus other inmates. Gang versus another gang.
of the State to execute the final sentence imposed upon a There was riot and X did not participate in any of these
convict. The moment the penalty has already prescribed, riots. However, since the prison authorities were busy
the said convict can no longer be placed behind bars. pacifying everyone or busy trying to contain the said
Since the penalty has already prescribed, he will become commotion and riot inside the National Penitentiary, X
a totally free man. The State can no longer execute the took it as an opportunity to escape. He was able to
final sentence imposed by the courts. successfully leave the said penal institution. That was
a months’ time from the time he was brought to the
Article 92. When and how penalties prescribe. - The National Penitentiary. The police/prison authorities
penalties imposed by final sentence prescribe as follows: looked for X. They asked for a warrant of arrest from
the court, issued. They looked for X. They could not
1. Death and reclusion perpetua, in twenty years; find X in his last known address, in the houses of his
2. Other afflictive penalties, in fifteen years; relatives, in the houses of his friends. They could not
3. Correctional penalties, in ten years; with the exception find X. From one town to another, they searched for X.
of the penalty of arresto mayor, which prescribes in five X could not be found.
4. Light penalties, in one year. Twenty-five (25) years thereafter, the police officers
got a tip. The name X was in the manifesto of
passengers of Cebu Pacific coming from Gensan and
the flight will be arriving at NAIA Terminal 3 at exactly
PERIOD OF PRESCRIPTION OF PENALTIES 10:30 in the morning. So, a person by the name of X
was on board Cebu Pacific flight coming from General
Death and Reclusion Perpetua 20 years Santos City. So, because of that, the police authorities
armed with a warrant of arrest issued by the court and
Other Afflictive Penalties 15 years armed with a photo of X. 25 years had passed, he may
already be different. So, they were armed with a photo
Correctional Penalties (except arresto
10 years of X. The police went to the tarmac. The moment the
mayor, which prescribes in 5 years)
flight arrived, they were looking for him intensely, any
Light Penalties 1 year resemblance to the photo, until they found one. And
later, it was confirmed that it was X. So, because of
that, they served the warrant of arrest on him. They
Note: placed handcuffs on him and then thereafter, they
There is a difference between the prescription period of brought him behind bars. The council of X immediately
crimes under Article 90 and period of prescription of filed a Petition for Habeas Corpus on the ground of
penalties under Article 92. prescription of penalty, the penalty has already
prescribed. Should the court grant or deny the said
The running of the period of prescription of penalties shall petition for habeas corpus?
commence from the time the convict evaded the service of
his sentence. A: The judge should grant the petition for habeas
corpus on the ground that the penalty has already
Q: When do you say that a convict has evaded the prescribed. Too late for the police officers. Twenty-five
service of his sentence? (25) years has already lapsed from the time X evaded the
service of his sentence, from the time X escaped from the
A: When the said convict has begun serving his final National Penitentiary wherein he is serving his sentence by
sentence and while serving his final sentence, he escaped. final judgment. Therefore, since 25 years has already
From the time he escaped, that is the time he evaded the lapsed, and the prescriptive period of reclusion temporal is
service of his sentence. That is the time you start counting only fifteen (15) years, he can no longer be placed behind
the running of the period of prescription of penalties. bars. The State can no longer place him behind bars in
Q: X was charged with a crime of homicide. It is a A: The judge should deny the petition for habeas
bailable offense. Bail fixed by the court, P200,000.00. corpus.
X borrowed money and posted bail. So now, he is on
temporary liberty. His case for homicide was set for The jumped bail is not equivalent to evasion of service of
arraignment. He appeared and he pleaded not guilty. sentence. In evasion of service of sentence, the offender
During the preliminary conference, marking of has already been convicted by final judgment and he
exhibits, he also appeared. During the pre-trial escaped. In case of jumping of bail, the said offender, after
conference, he also appeared. However, at the start of posting bail, did not anymore appear during the trial. There
the initial trial of the case, X already failed to appear. is yet no sentence imposed on him when he went into
The judge questioned the counsel. The counsel said,
he will try to communicate. On the next scheduled date Therefore, with respect to the prescription of the penalty,
of hearing, again, X was nowhere to be found. And so, the same period has not even commenced to run.
the judge asked the counsel, and it was at the time that Therefore, there is no way that it has prescribed.
the counsel told the judge, “I’m sorry, your honor, I do
not know his whereabouts. I tried to call him—no reply. Hence, the State can still place X behind bars in order to
I sent a messenger to his house, still, according to the execute the final sentence imposed on him by the trial
messenger, the house was empty.” The counsel court.
informed the court that he did not know where X was.
The judge was mad. He issued a warrant of arrest Computation of the Prescription of Penalties
against X. The judge said, “Since Accused X jumped
bail, trial on the merits will proceed in absentia.” Thus, Article 93. Computation of the prescription of penalties. -
trial on the merits proceeded in absentia. The period of prescription of penalties shall commence to
run from the date when the culprit should evade the service
After trial, the judge found X guilty beyond reasonable of his sentence, and it shall be interrupted if the defendant
doubt of homicide. Of course, he was not present should give himself up, be captured, should go to some
during the promulgation of judgment because he foreign country with which this Government has no
already jumped bail, so the judge issued a warrant of extradition treaty, or should commit another crime before
arrest against him. the expiration of the period of prescription.
Armed with the said warrant of arrest, the police The running of the period of prescription of penalty is
officers looked for X – in his last known address, in the interrupted or suspended the moment the offender:
address of his relatives, in the address of his friends,
they could not find him anywhere within nearby towns. 1. is captured/arrested;
After having communicated with other police stations, 2. surrendered to the authorities;
they still could not find him. 3. goes to a country in which the Philippines has no
extradition treaty with; or
Twenty-five (25) years thereafter, the police officers 4. commits another crime before the prescription of
got a tip. The name of X was in the manifesto of penalty.
passengers on board a Cebu Pacific flight coming
from General Santos City, which will be landing at In all these instances, the running of the period of
NAIA Terminal 3 at exactly 10:30. Because of that, the prescription of penalty is interrupted or suspended.
police officers, armed with the warrant of arrest,
issued a report as well as his photo, and went to the 7. SUBSEQUENT VALID MARRIAGE BETWEEN THE
The moment the said flight arrived, they were looking The last mode for totally extinguishing criminal liability
at all of the passengers disembarking until they found under Art. 89 is the subsequent valid marriage of the
one that resembles X. True enough, it was X. He was offender and the offended party.
immediately served the said warrant of arrest, and
thereafter, he was placed in handcuffs. Then, he was This applies only to one public crime and that is rape, and
bought to the national penitentiary. the private crimes of seduction, abduction and acts of
The counsel of X immediately filed a petition for
habeas corpus moving for X’s immediate release on In these crimes, the moment there is a valid marriage
the ground of prescription of penalty. between the accused and the victim, such subsequent
Relevant discussion under Art. 334 of the RPC Under Art. 94, we have the modes for partially
extinguishing criminal liability.
Article 344. Prosecution of the crimes of adultery,
concubinage, seduction, abduction, rape and acts of Modes for Partially Extinguishing Criminal Liability
lasciviousness. - The crimes of adultery and concubinage
shall not be prosecuted except upon a complaint filed by 1. By conditional pardon;
the offended spouse. 2. By commutation of the sentence;
3. For good conduct allowances which the culprit
The offended party cannot institute criminal prosecution may earn while he is serving his sentence.
without including both the guilty parties, if they are both
alive, nor, in any case, if he shall have consented or CONDITIONAL PARDON
pardoned the offenders.
Conditional pardon, just like absolute pardon, is an act of
The offenses of seduction, abduction, rape or acts of grace which excuses the convict from the service of his
lasciviousness, shall not be prosecuted except upon a sentence. However, unlike absolute pardon, conditional
complaint filed by the offended party or her parents, pardon is subject to strict terms and conditions that the said
grandparents, or guardian, nor, in any case, if the offender person granted pardon must comply with. If he failed to
has been expressly pardoned by the above named comply, then he can be arrested and charged with evasion
persons, as the case may be. of service of sentence by violation of conditional pardon
under Art. 159:
In cases of seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness
and rape, the marriage of the offender with the offended Article 159. Other cases of evasion of service of
party shall extinguish the criminal action or remit the sentence. - The penalty of prision correccional in its
penalty already imposed upon him. The provisions of this minimum period shall be imposed upon the convict who,
paragraph shall also be applicable to the co-principals, having been granted conditional pardon by the Chief
accomplices and accessories after the fact of the above- Executive, shall violate any of the conditions of such
mentioned crimes. pardon. However, if the penalty remitted by the granting of
such pardon be higher than six years, the convict shall then
More than that, under Art. 334, Book II of the RPC, the said suffer the unexpired portion of his original sentence.
subsequent valid marriage between the offender and the
offended party will also remit the penalty already imposed That is why it only partially extinguishes the offender’s
on the said accused. criminal liability because he is required to comply with the
conditions attached to the grant of the pardon.
Q: X raped Y. They often see each other in court. They
fell in love. However, trial proceeded. The judge COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE
convicted X. The judgment became final and
executory. X was bought to the national penitentiary.
The victim had been visiting her rapist, until they
Death penalty reduced to reclusion perpetua. Reclusion
decided to get married. It was a valid marriage, out of
perpetua is the new penalty to be served by the accused,
love. What is the effect of such marriage?
no longer the said death penalty.
A: It will remit the penalty already imposed by the trial court.
That is the effect of a subsequent valid marriage – it will GOOD CONDUCT TIME ALLOWANCE
not only extinguish the criminal liability. It will even remit
the penalty already imposed by the court on the part of the Section 3. Article 97 of the same Act (R.A. 10592) is
said convict. hereby further amended to read as follows:
ARTICLE 94. PARTIAL EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL "ART. 97. Allowance for good conduct. – The good
LIABILITY conduct of any offender qualified for credit for preventive
imprisonment pursuant to Article 29 of this Code, or of any
Article 94. Partial Extinction of criminal liability. - Criminal convicted prisoner in any penal institution, rehabilitation or
liability is extinguished partially: detention center or any other local jail shall entitle him to
the following deductions from the period of his sentence:
1. By conditional pardon;
2. By commutation of the sentence; and "1. During the first two years of imprisonment, he shall be
allowed a deduction of twenty days for each month of good
behavior during detention;
"5. At any time during the period of imprisonment, he shall The Supreme Court said R.A. 10592 which provides for
be allowed another deduction of fifteen days, in addition to good conduct time allowance can be given retroactive
numbers one to four hereof, for each month of study, application although it is not a penal law. Although R.A.
teaching or mentoring service time rendered. 10592 does not define a crime, does not prescribe a
penalty, it addresses the rehabilitation component of the
"An appeal by the accused shall not deprive him of penal system of the Philippines. Therefore, Supreme Court
entitlement to the above allowances for good conduct." said it can be given retroactive application.
INMATES OF NEW BILIBID v. DE LIMA Art. 22 which provides for the retroactive application will
G.R. No. 212719 | 25 June 2019 apply to R.A. 10592.
FACTS: On May 29, 2013, then President Benigno S. Article 22. Retroactive effect of penal laws. - Penal Laws
Aquino III signed into law R.A. No. 10592, amending shall have a retroactive effect insofar as they favor the
Articles 29, 94, 97, 98 and 99 of Act No. 3815, or the persons guilty of a felony, who is not a habitual criminal, as
Revised Penal Code (RPC). Pursuant to the amendatory this term is defined in Rule 5 of Article 62 of this Code,
law, an IRR was jointly issued by respondents Department although at the time of the publication of such laws a final
of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Leila M. De Lima and sentence has been pronounced and the convict is serving
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) the same.
Secretary Manuel A. Roxas II on March 26, 2014 and
became effective on April 18, 2014. Petitioners and Q: X killed Y. X was charged with the crime of murder.
intervenors assail the validity of its Section 4, Rule 1 that Trial on the merits ensued, X was found guilty of the
directs the prospective application of the grant of good crime of murder and the RTC Judge imposed upon X
conduct time allowance (GCTA), time allowance for study, the penalty of reclusion perpetua. The moment X was
teaching and mentoring (TASTM), and special time sentenced to reclusion perpetua from the city jail, X
allowance for loyalty (STAL) mainly on the ground that it was brought to the national penitentiary the next day,
violates Article 22 of the RPC. They contend that the January 1994. He appealed to the Supreme Court. The
provisions of R.A. No. 10592 are penal in nature and Supreme Court affirmed X conviction for murder
beneficial to the inmates; hence, should be given penalized by reclusion perpetua in 1996. Since then,
retroactive effect in accordance with Article 22 of the RPC. he served his sentence at the national penitentiary at
For them, the IRR contradicts the law it implements. the bilibid. With the enactment of R.A. 10592 in 2015, X
filed a petition for habeas corpus moving that he
ISSUE: Whether or not the provisions of RA 10952 shall immediately be released from prison by virtue of R.A.
be applied retroactively. 10592 because according to him, his continued
detention is already illegal against under R.A. 10592 or
RULING: YES. Every new law has a prospective effect. the Good Conduct Time Allowance. He has already
Under Article 22 of the RPC, however, a penal law that is served a total of more than 38 years. Does the good
favorable or advantageous to the accused shall be given conduct time allowance law applies to persons
retroactive effect if he is not a habitual criminal. These are convicted of crimes which are considered heinous in
the rules, the exception, and the exception to the exception nature? Does the good conduct time allowance law
on the effectivity of laws. applies to persons deprived of liberty convicted of
heinous crimes?
While R.A. No. 10592 does not define a crime/offense or
provide/prescribe/establish a penalty as it addresses the A: NO. According to the Supreme Court in Miguel vs.
rehabilitation component of our correctional system, its Director of Prisons (2021), and in the case of In Re:
Under Art. 98, there is another kind of allowance. Based on the amendment brought about by R.A. 10592,
this special allowance for loyalty will apply not only to
Section 4. Article 98 of the same Act is hereby further prisoners convicted by final judgment, it will also apply
amended to read as follows: even to near detention prisoners (those at the city jail,
provincial jail, municipal jail). The same benefit shall be
ART. 98. Special time allowance for loyalty. – A deduction given to them.
of one fifth of the period of his sentence shall be granted to
any prisoner who, having evaded his preventive
imprisonment or the service of his sentence under the
circumstances mentioned in Article 158 of this Code, gives
himself up to the authorities within 48 hours following the PERSON CIVILLY LIABLE FOR FELONIES
issuance of a proclamation announcing the passing away
of the calamity or catastrophe referred to in said article. A Article 100. Civil liability of a person guilty of felony. -
deduction of two-fifths of the period of his sentence shall Every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly
be granted in case said prisoner chose to stay in the place liable.
of his confinement notwithstanding the existence of a
calamity or catastrophe enumerated in Article 158 of this Under Art. 100, every person criminally liable is also civilly
Code. liable. So, for every criminal action filed in court, the civil
action goes with it.
"This Article shall apply to any prisoner whether
undergoing preventive imprisonment or serving sentence." Q: X killed Y, the heirs of Y filed a case of murder
against X. Is it necessary for these heirs of Y to file a
This Article should be read together with Art. 158 Book separate and independent action in order to recover
Two of the RPC. civil liability and damages from X?
Article 158. Evasion of service of sentence on the A: In the very same criminal action for murder, in case of
occasion of disorder, conflagrations, earthquakes, or other conviction, aside from the penalty of imprisonment to be
calamities. - A convict who shall evade the service of his imposed by the court on X, there shall also be civil liability
sentence, by leaving the penal institution where he shall that is included. This civil liability goes to the private
have been confined, on the occasion of disorder resulting complainants, to the private offended parties.
from a conflagration, earthquake, explosion, or similar
catastrophe, or during a mutiny in which he has not General Rule: For every criminal action filed in court, the
participated, shall suffer an increase of one-fifth of the time civil action goes with it. No need to file a separate and
still remaining to be served under the original sentence, independent civil action.
which in no case shall exceed six months, if he shall fail to
give himself up to the authorities within forty-eight hours Exceptions:
1. When the offender party waives the right to After trial on the merits, the RTC acquitted the doctor for
institute a civil action; the reason that the prosecution/the state failed to prove
negligence on the part of the doctor in the conduct of the
2. When the offender party reserves the right to circumcision of the son. The state failed to prove
institute a civil action, which reservation must be negligence beyond reasonable doubt on the part of the
made before the presentation of the evidence for the doctor. Hence, the said doctor was acquitted.
prosecution; and
But with the acquittal of the doctor comes the imposition of
3. When the offender party instituted the civil action civil liability.
way ahead of the criminal action.
In all these three instances, the filing of the criminal action
does not carry with it recovery in civil action. So, for every First, why was the doctor acquitted of negligence?
criminal action filed in court, the civil action goes with it. There was a lapse on the part of the state, on the part of
the prosecution. The prosecution failed to present an
Q: What if the accused or offender is acquitted in the expert doctor who could state that in the conduct of the
criminal action, can the private complainant still said circumcision operation, there was negligence.
recover in the civil action? According to the Supreme Court, only the testimony
coming from an expert doctor can say that this doctor acted
A: In Lumantas vs. Calapiz and Daluraya vs. Oliva, the with negligence in the performance of the circumcision
Supreme Court said that it depends on the kind of acquittal. operation. But the state did not present such expert doctor.
In both cases, we have 2 kinds of acquittal. If the acquittal Therefore, the state failed to prove negligence beyond
is based on reasonable doubt, the private complainant (the reasonable doubt on the part of the said doctor.
offender party) can still recover civil indemnity because
civil indemnity can be proven by mere preponderance of However, the RTC Judge said, yes, the negligence was not
evidence. However, if the judgment of acquittal is based on proved beyond reasonable doubt, but it is obvious to me,
the ground that the offender is not the author of the crime, this boy was damaged, this boy suffered injuries. So, the
that the offender did not commit the acts or omissions Judge imposed civil liability. The doctor questioned the
alleged in the information, the said acquittal totally bars imposition of the said civil liability arguing that he had
recovery of civil indemnity. already been acquitted, how come he will still be required
to pay civil liability in favor of the said boy? The Supreme
LUMANTAS v. CALAPIZ Court said, the Judge is correct. The Supreme Court said
G.R. No. 163753 |15 January 2014 there are two kinds of acquittal:
FACTS: In this case, the boy was suffering from severe 1. An acquittal based on the ground that the
tummy ache. The mother brought the boy to a doctor. The offender is not the author of the crime – this
doctor said that an appendectomy operation must be done kind of acquittal totally bars recovery of civil
on your son, but I also noticed that your son is not yet indemnity; and
circumcised. “Hindi pa siya tuli, tuliin na natin.” So, the
doctor said, your son will be opened only once but aside This instance closes the door to civil liability, for
from appendectomy we will also have to perform a a person who has been found to be not the
circumcision. The mother agreed. However, after the said perpetrator of any act or omission cannot and
circumcision, the mother saw that her son has a weird way can never be held liable for such act or
of urinating. The penis of the son was swollen, and the omission. There being no delict, civil liability ex
testicles have blisters. The mother was so alarmed and delicto is out of the question, and the civil action,
went to the doctor that performed the circumcision. The if any, which may be instituted must be based
doctor said that it was normal and prescribed antibiotics. on grounds other than the delict complained of.
However, despite the fact that the said boy already This is the situation contemplated in Rule 111 of
consumed the prescribed antibiotics, his condition did not the Rules of Court.
better. Because of this, the mother consulted and brought
her son to another doctor. 2. An acquittal based on reasonable doubt
Based on the examination conducted by the second Here, the said offended party can recover civil
doctor, the said son has suffered a damaged urethra. indemnity because civil indemnity can be proven
Which, according to the second doctor, can no longer be only by mere preponderance of evidence.
repaired. The mother took pity of her son because of that
the mother filed a case of reckless imprudence resulting in In this case, the doctor’s acquittal was based on
serious physical injuries against the doctor who performed reasonable doubt because the prosecution failed to prove
the circumcision procedure on the boy. his negligence beyond reasonable doubt. Therefore, the
Article 101. Rules regarding civil liability in certain cases. Likewise under Article 12, if it was proven that the
- The exemption from criminal liability established in committed a crime because he acted under the compulsion
subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of Article 12 and in subdivision of an irresistible force, because he acted under the impulse
4 of Article 11 of this Code does not include exemption of an uncontrollable fear of greater or equal injury, he is
from civil liability, which shall be enforced subject to the exempted from criminal liability but not from civil liability.
following rules: Who shall answer for the said civil liability?
First. In cases of subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 of Article 12, the Primarily, civil liability shall be adjudged against the third
civil liability for acts committed by an imbecile or insane person who employed the fear, threat, or irresistible force.
person, and by a person under nine years of age, or by one In case of the third person’s insolvency, the accused
over nine but under fifteen years of age, who has acted himself shall pay for the said civil liability.
without discernment, shall devolve upon those having such
person under their legal authority or control, unless it SUBSIDIARY LIABILITY
appears that there was no fault or negligence on their part.
Article 102. Subsidiary civil liability of innkeepers,
Should there be no person having such insane, imbecile or tavernkeepers and proprietors of establishments. - In
minor under his authority, legal guardianship or control, or default of the persons criminally liable, innkeepers,
if such person be insolvent, said insane, imbecile, or minor tavernkeepers, and any other persons or corporations shall
shall respond with their own property, excepting property be civilly liable for crimes committed in their
exempt from execution, in accordance with the civil law. establishments, in all cases where a violation of municipal
ordinances or some general or special police regulation
Second. In cases falling within subdivision 4 of Article 11, shall have been committed by them or their employees.
the persons for whose benefit the harm has been
prevented shall be civilly liable in proportion to the benefit Innkeepers are also subsidiarily liable for the restitution of
which they may have received. goods taken by robbery or theft within their houses from
guests lodging therein, or for the payment of the value
The courts shall determine, in sound discretion, the thereof, provided that such guests shall have notified in
proportionate amount for which each one shall be liable. advance the innkeeper himself, or the person representing
2. For crimes, wrongdoings committed by students After trial on the merits, he was convicted and aside
and pupils, the teachers and the school are from the penalty of imprisonment, he was required to
subsidiary civilly liable. pay the civil indemnity to restitute the said P5M inside
the attaché case. However, the said writ of execution
3. For crimes, wrongdoings committed by their was returned unsatisfied. He was insolvent. Is the
employees, the employers are subsidiary civilly proprietor of the establishment subsidiarily civilly
liable. liable?
Q: X sold this piece of land. During the payment time, A: Under the law, if it is a case of Robbery with violence
the buyer told X to come to his place, so X went to the against or intimidation of persons under Art. 294 which
place of the said buyer which is two towns from his includes the special complex crime of Robbery with
place. Thereafter, in the house of the buyer, the buyer Homicide, there can be no recovery subsidiarily from
gave to X the payment for the piece of land X sold to the said proprietor of the establishment except when
the buyer. The amount was P5M. It was already the crime of robbery with violence against or intimidation of
nighttime, so X was afraid to go home as he has 5 persons is committed by the employee of the
million pesos in cash. So, he checked-in in a hotel establishments. That is the only time wherein in case of
nearby. In the said hotel, he informed the proprietor of robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons,
the said hotel that he has valuables with him. The the said owner of the property can recover from the
proprietor of the said establishment showed him the proprietor of the said establishment.
hotel’s rules and regulations as to the care and
vigilance of valuables. After reading the same, X Q: X works as a driver in a certain corporation. He was
complied, and X deposited his attaché case that told by the secretary of the president to go to this
contains P5M to the proprietor. Thereafter, he went to branch in order to get some pertinent documents
sleep. While everybody was fast asleep that night, a because the said president of the company was now
robbery took place, and the said offender was able to attending a meeting and he needed that document
get all the valuables right there at the front desk and from that branch of the said company. So, X is now
that includes the attaché case of X containing 5 million driving towards the said branch in order to get the said
pesos. pertinent documents.
Later on, the said robber was arrested, and he was While he was driving, he received a call from his wife.
charged with the crime of robbery because he broke The wife told X: “You have to hurry home, I am already
locks of cabinets in the said hotel just to take the said experiencing birth pains. The baby will be out soon.
valuables. After the trial on the merits, he was Come now, bring me to the hospital.” Because of that,
convicted and aside from the penalty of imprisonment, X went into panic. He has to get first the document
he was required to pay civil indemnity and return the before going home. Because of that, he was driving
said P5M in the attaché case. However, the writ of recklessly, very fast.
execution was return by the court sheriff unsatisfied.
The robber was already insolvent. He has already He was driving so fast that he did not see the car that
passed the contents of the attaché case, the P5M to was approaching, and he hit and bumped the car.
another person. How can X recover the said money? Luckily, the driver was able to jump outside and was
Who shall be the one to pay for it in case of the only slightly injured. The car, however, was a total
robber’s insolvency? damage, it was pinned to the wall. Because of that, X
After trial on the merits, the judge convicted him and RESTITUTION
imposed upon him the penalty of fine, public censure,
and also to pay the civil liability, in particular, the value Article 105. Restitution. — How made. — The restitution
of the said damaged car. However, the writ of of the thing itself must be made whenever possible, with
execution was returned unsatisfied. X was insolvent. allowance for any deterioration, or diminution of value as
He could not pay the value of the damage caused to determined by the court. The thing itself shall be restored,
the car. What is the remedy of the owner of the car? even though it be found in the possession of a third person
who has acquired it by lawful means, saving to the latter
A: His remedy is to go against the employer of X. But, is it his action against the proper person, who may be liable to
necessary for the said owner to file a separate and him. This provision is not applicable in cases in which the
independent action in order to recover from the said thing has been acquired by the third person in the manner
employer of X? and under the requirements which, by law, bar an action
for its recovery.
According to the Supreme Court, no more. According to
the Supreme Court, in the very same criminal action for Restitution is the return of the very thing taken. Even if
reckless imprudence causing damage to property, when the said thing taken is already in the possession of an
the writ of execution was returned unsatisfied, because the innocent purchaser in good faith, it can still be recovered
accused or the convict was insolvent, all that the owner of from him and be given to the owner thereof.
the damaged car has to do is to file a Motion for the
Issuance of a Subsidiary Writ of Execution. This time, EXCEPTION: When the innocent purchaser in good faith
against the employer, not against X. It will be against the bought or acquired it from a public sale in a public fair. If
employer. that happens, restitution is no longer possible.
Supreme Court said although the subsidiary civil liability of The moment restitution is impossible, there will be
the employer is absolute, it is necessary that there must be reparation of damage caused.
a trial on the said motion. According to the Supreme Court,
this Motion for the Issuance of a Subsidiary Writ of
Execution is not an ex parte motion, it is a litigated REPARATION
motion. The said employer must be given notice, must be
given their day in court in the name of due process. Article 106. Reparation. — How made. — Indemnification
Because although the subsidiary civil liability of the for consequential damages shall include not only those
employer is absolute, the following must be proven in caused the injured party, but also those suffered by his
court: family or by a third person by reason of the crime.
1. That there is employer-employee relationship In case of the inability to return the property stolen, the
between X and the said corporation; culprit must pay the value of the property stolen.
2. That the said corporation is engaged in some kind
of industry; The court shall determine the value of the thing taken,
3. That X committed the crime while he was including its special sentimental value, and award it against
performing his task, his duty as an employee of the the accused in favor of the offended party.
said corporation;
4. That X is convicted by final judgment and the writ INDEMNIFICATION
of execution was returned unsatisfied because of
his insolvency. Article 107. Indemnification. — What is included. — The
court shall determine the amount of damage, taking into
If these are present and proven during the trial for the consideration the price of the thing, whenever possible,
Motion for the Issuance of a Subsidiary Writ of Execution, and its special sentimental value to the injured party, and
the subsidiary civil liability of the employer is absolute in reparation shall be made accordingly.
nature. That is the remedy of the owner of the said car that
has been damaged by the employee X. Indemnification of consequential damages refer to 1)
IMREV TRANS GUIDELINES moral damages for the sleepless nights, tension and
ARTICLE 104. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN CIVIL LIABLITY anxiety felt by the private complainant; 2) actual damages
for the expenses incurred by them in the hospitalization of
Article 104. What is included in civil liablity. — The civil the victim, the burial, or in any other acts pertinent to the
liablity established in Articles 100, 101, 102, and 103 of this said case; or 3) exemplary damages, if the commission
Code includes: 1) Restitution; 2) Reparation of the damage of the crime is attended by any qualifying or aggravating