of _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
street address, city, province & postal code
declare as follows:
That I am/We are the owner(s) of a pleasure craft (licence number if applicable): _____________________________________________________________
That I am/We are the builder(s) of the pleasure craft described below
Hull serial number: ____________________Hull material and colour: __________________________________________________ Length: ___________
Propulsion type
Outboard Inboard Jet Aux. Sailing Other (describe): ____________________________________________________________
I/We make this solemn DECLARATION, believing it to be true and knowing it to have the same effect and force as evidence given under the Canada Evidence Act.
______________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Signature of applicant Date (dd-mm-yyyy)
______________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Signature of applicant Date (dd-mm-yyyy)
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Signature of Lawyer, Notary, Justice of the Peace or Commissioner of Oaths Date (dd-mm-yyyy)
This DECLARATION must be made before a Lawyer, Notary, Justice of the Peace or a Commissioner of Oaths, or
before any person authorized by law to administer oaths in the Province or Territory wherein the Declaration is made.