ISRO 2013
ISRO 2013
ISRO 2013
9. The scour depth D of a river during flood, may be calculated from the
Lacey’s equation
(a) D = 0.47 (Q/f)1/ 2 (b) D = 0.47 (Q/f)
(c) D = 0.47 (Q/f) (d) D = 0.47 (Q/f)1/3
10. The Glycerine is flowing at 250 C in a pipe of diameter
meter 150mm with a
velocity of 3.6m/s. The flow is
(a) Laminar (b) Turbulent (c) Critical (d) Rectilinear
12. For design of Flexure members, the strain in the reinforcing bars under
tension at ultimate state as per IS 456-2000
456 shall not be less than
(a) fy/1.15E (b) fy/1.15ES+0.002
13. A soil has liquid limit of 35, plastic limit of 20 and moisture content 25%.
What will be its liquidity index and plasticity index
(a) 0.67, 15 (b) 0.33, 15 (c) 0.67, 25 (d) 0.33, 20
14. If the moment of inertia of a section about its axis is I and its effective
sectional area is A,, its radius of gyration r about the axis is
(a) r = I
A (b) r = √I/A (c) r = 3√I/A (d) r = √A/I
15. A uniform cantilever beam has a span of 2m and carries a point load of
6kN at free end. The magnitude of moment to be applied at free end for
zero vertical deflection at that point is (neglect self-wt.
self wt. of the beam)
(a) 5 kN.m (b) 10 kN.m (c) 11 kN.m (d) 8 kN.m
16. A bar 40mm in diameter and subjected to a tensile force of 40,000 kgs.
Undergoes elongation resulting in decrease in diameter considering the
properties of the material as E = 2x105 N/mm2 and Poisson’s ratio as 0.3,
the modulus of rigidity will be:
(a) 76923.07 N/mm2 (b) 20x104 kg/cm2
17. If the volume of a liquid weighing 3000 kg is 4 cubic metres, 0.75 is its
(a)Specific weight (b)Specific mass
(c)Specific gravity (d)Specific volume
18. The height of water level in a tank above the centre of a circular hole 2.5
cm in diameter is 50m. The velocity of water flowing through the hole is
(neglect friction between jet and wall)
(a) 20.53 m/sec (b) 25.85 m/sec (c) 31.32 m/sec (d) 40.40 m/sec
28. Two circular mild steel bars A and B of equal lengths have diameters 2 cm
and 3 cm respectively. Each is subjected to a tensile load of magnitude T.
The ratio of elongations of the bars lA/lB is
(a) 2/3 (b) 5/8 (c) 4/9 (d) 2/5
29. A pipe of 0.1 m2 cross sectional area suddenly enlarges to 0.3 m2 cross
sectional area. If the discharge of the pipe is 0.3 m3/sec, the head loss is,
(a) 2/g m of water (b) g/2 m of water
(c) 1g m of water (d) √g m of water
30. The length of hydraulic jump in rectangular channel is roughly
(a) 2 to 3 times its height (b) 3 to 5 times its height
(c) 5 to 7 times its height (d) 10 to 12 times its height
31. The absolute minimum radius of horizontal curve for a design speed of 60
Kmph is nearly
(a) 151 m (b) 210 m (c) 360 m (d) 129 m
32. If whole circle bearing of a line is 1200, its reduced bearing is
(a) S 200 E (b) S 600 E (c) N 1200 E (d) N 600 E
33. If,
A = Cross sectional area
E = Young’s modulus of elasticity
G = Modulus of rigidity
J = Polar moment of inertia
Then Torsional rigidity is given by,
(a)AE (b)GE (c)EI (d)GJ
34. The Muller-Breslau principle in structural analysis is used for,
(a) Drawing influence line diagram for (b) Superimposition of load effects
any force function
(c) Writing virtual work equation (d) Calculating strain energy
35. Minimum stopping distance as per IRC for moving vehicles on road with a
design speed of 80 km/hour is
(a) 80 m (b) 100 m (c) 120 m (d) 150 m
36. The bearing of C from A is N 30 E and from B, 50 metres east of A, is N 600
39. A simply supported beam has an effective span of 16m. What shall be the
limiting ratio of span to effective depth as per IS 456-2000?
(a) 26 (b) 20 (c) 12.5 (d) 15
40. If the depletion of oxygen is found to be 2.5 mg/litre after incubating 2.5 ml
of sewage diluted with 250 ml water for 5 days at 200C, B.O.D of the
sewage is
(a) 50 mg/l (b) 100 mg/l (c) 200 mg/l (d) 250 mg/l
41. The number of bricks per CUM of brickwork in CM is about
(a) 200 numbers (b) 500 numbers (c) 700 numbers (d) 800 numbers
42. The slope correction for a length of 30 m along a gradient of 1 in 20, is
(a) 3.75 cm (b) 0.375 cm (c) 37.5 cm (d) 2.75 cm
43. Both Reynolds and Froude numbers assume significance in one of
following examples:
(a) Motion of submarine at large (b) Motion of ship in deep seas
(c) Cruising of missile in air (d) Droplet formation
44. The flow in open channel is said to be subcritical if the Froude number is
(a) Less than 1.0 (b) Equal to 1.0
(c) Greater than 1.0 (d) Zero
45. An ideal vertical curve to join two gradients is
(a) Cubic (b) Parabolic (c) Elliptical (d) Hyperbolic
46. For the differential equation dy/dx + ay = 0 with y(0) = 1, solution is
(a) eat (b) e-at (c) ae-at (d) e√-at
47. y = cx – c2 is a general solution of the differential equation
(a) (dy/dx)2 – x (dy/dx) + y = 0 (b) d2y/dx2 = 0
(c) dy/dx = c (d) d3y/dx3 = 0
48. The triangle formed by three points
A(1, -2, -3), B(2, -3, -1), C(3, -1, -2) is
(a) Isosceles right angled ∆ (b) Equilateral ∆
(c) Scalene ∆ (d) Acute ∆
51. The relationship between void ratio (e) and porosity ratio (n) is:
(a) n= 1 + e (b) e= 1 + n (c) n= e (d) e=n(1+e)
1-e 1-e 1+e
52. If D1 and D2 are depths of water up-stream and down-stream of a
hydraulic jump in rectangular channel, the loss of head at the jump is
(a) (D2 – D1)3 (b) (D2 – D1)3 (c) (D2 – D1)3 (d) (D2 – D1)3
D1D2 2D1D2 3D1D2 4D1D2
53. Modular ratio ‘m’ for M25 grade of concrete is
(a) 18.67 (b) 13.33 (c) 10.98 (d) None
54. The minimum reinforcement in slabs should not be less than ----% of the
total cross-sectional area when HYSD bars are used in the either direction,
(a) 0.10 (b) 0.12 (c) 0.15 (d) 0.18
55. A cantilever beam carries a uniformly distributed total load W over its
whole length and a concentrated upward load W at its free end. The net
vertical deflection at the free end is
(a) Zero (b) 5.WL3 downwards
24 EI
(c) 5.WL3 upwards (d) 5.WL3 downwards
24 EI 48 EI
56. As per IS 1893 [Part-I] – 2002, Bangalore falls under which earthquake
zone -
(a)Zone-I (b) Zone-II (c) Zone-III (d) Zone-IV
57. The maximum shear stress in a rectangular beam is -------- times of
average shear stress
(a) 1.15 (b) 1.25 (c) 1.5 (d) 1.75
58. Minimum cement content required for M 35 grade of concrete for very
severe exposure condition as per IS 456 -2000 is ------ kg/m3
(a) 300 (b) 320 (c) 340 (d) 360
59. Permissible deviation from specified dimensions of cross-section of
Column & Beams as per IS Standards is -------mm
(a) +10 mm (b) +12 mm (c) +14 mm (d) None
- 4 mm - 6 mm - 8 mm
70. In a manufacture of cement, the dry and wet mixture of Calcareous and
argillaceous materials are burnt at a temperature of
(a) 900oC to 1000o C (b) 1000oC to 1200o C
(c) 1200oC to 1500o C (d) 1500oC to 1600o C
71. A method of differential levelling is used in order to find the differences in
elevation between the two points when,
(a) They are too far apart (b) There are obstacles between two
(c) The differences between them is (d) All the above
too great
72. If the depth is kept constant for a beam of uniform strength , then its width
will vary in proportion to ----------, where M is the bending moment,
(a) M (b) √ M (c) M2 (d) M3
73. A lead ball with certain velocity is made to strike a wall, it falls down; but a
rubber ball of the same mass and with same velocity strikes the same wall,
it rebounds. Select the reason from the following :
(a) Both the balls under go an (b) The change in momentum
equal change in the momentum suffered by rubber ball is more
than the lead ball
(c) The change in momentum (d) None of the above
suffered by rubber ball is less
than the lead ball
74. A large tank open to the Atmosphere is filled with water to a height of 5m
from the outlet tap. A tap near the bottom of tank is now opened , and
water flows out from the smooth and rounded outlet. Determine the
Maximum velocity at the outlet,
(a) 9.2 m/s (b) 9.9 m/s (c) 19.8 m/s (d) none
75. The loss of pressure in Venturimeter,
(a) Reduces with decrease in cone (b) Reduces with decreasing cone
angle in the outlet cone angle in the inlet cone
(c) Increases with decreasing cone (d) Increase with decreasing cone
angle in the outlet cone angle in the inlet cone .
76. Bending equation is
(a) M/I=R/E=F/Y (b) I/M=E/R=Y/R
(c) M/I=E/R=F/Y (d) M/I=R/E=Y/F
77. For a prismatic beam of length L & moment of inertia I, the stiffness factor
a) IE/L (b) 2EI/L (c) 3EI/L (d) 4EI/L
78. In case of SHM, the period of oscillation (T) is given by,
(a) T=2ω/¶2 (b) T=2¶/ω (c) T=ω/2¶ (d) T=¶/2ω
End of questions