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29 - Daily Observation Report 08.11.2024

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S No Location Activity

1 CY & Steel Yard


4 Chiller Yard

5 Chiller Yard

6 Near Chiller Yard

7 Chiller Yard

8 Chiller Yard

9 DC P5
10 DC P5

11 DC Building P4

12 DC Building P4
13 DC Building P4

14 DC Building

15 DC Building P5
16 DC Building

17 DC Building

18 DC Building
19 DC Building
HSE Observation

Observed workers eating food

and sleeping at the workplace
during lunch time.

Scattered materials on the floor

causing poor housekeeping.

Working platform at height found

not secured.
Excavation found not secured
with hard protection and side
slopes not maintained.

Observed exposed chamber is

not secured with hard protection
after backfilling at Chiller Yard.

The excavation was not secured

with hard protection, the slopes
were not maintained, and
concrete hume pipes were left at
the excavation's edge.
Observed exposed chambers
were not secured with hard
protection in the grade slab.

PEB work being continued in the

lunch time without engineer

Observed improper materials

storage on the floor causing poor
housekeeping and could lead to
trip and fall hazard.
Electrical cable was observed to
be tied with binding wire, which
could result in electrocution. Also,
additional cable protection is not
provided for many of the cables
utilized on site.

Observed an unsafe working

platform being used at height.
Unsecured 'H' beam and single
working platform being used at
height as working platform.

Access to the slab found unsafe,

posing a trip and fall hazard.
Steel cutting being done at height
without containing sparks which
could result in fire.

Observed oil leakage in the PT

equipment and no drip tray being

Observed sharp objects in the

access could cause injury.
Access to the unloading vehicle
was observed to be unsecured,
with no side barriers provided.

Permanent staircase side railings

were not erected, and workers
were allowed to access without a
full body harness.

Scaffold and formwork materials

were observed to be piled up in a
hazardous way, which could pose
a risk of sliding and causing
Observed dry hessian clothes not
removed after completion of
curing period.
Recommendation UC/UA

It is suggested to provide
adequate welfare facilities for
workers based on peak manpower
for eating and resting during lunch
hours. Additionally, monitoring will UC
be enforced during lunch hours to
limit eating and resting in the
workplace. Also, communicate the
same during daily TBT.

Suggested to arrange materials

properly and maintain continuous UC

Suggested to secure the working

platform properly against
movement and tilt. Concern
engineer should assess the site
condition and take appropriate
measures before proceeding work.
Suggested to secure the
excavation, and maintain proper
slopes before proceeding work at
this location.

It is recommended to secure the

exposed chamber with strong
protection. Inspect all chambers
and provide appropriate hard
protection against non-

Suggested to clear all concrete

hume pipes from the excavation
edges, secure the excavation with UC
hard protection and proper slopes
to prevent collapse.
It is recommended to secure the
exposed chamber with strong
protection. Inspect all chambers
and provide appropriate hard
protection against non-

It is recommended that site work

shall be carried out only under the
supervision of Site engineers/
supervision. No work shall be
continued at site without
responsible staff supervision to
oversee the activities, and prevent
work place incidents.

Suggested to ensure proper

materials storage and improve
housekeeping to prevent
workplace incidents.
It is suggested that additional
protection be provided to the
temporary electrical cables used
on site in order to safeguard the UC
cable from damage and
employees from potential
electrical risks.

Suggested that concern engineer

should provide safe working
platform and access before
engaging workmen at height.

Suggested to provide safe access

without any obstructions to
prevent employees from trip and
fall hazard.
Suggested that hot work area to
be adequately contained with a
fire blanket and keep fire watcher
at hot work area to assess the UC
workplace and implement
appropriate fire prevention

It is recommended to adequately
seal the leaks and place PT UC
equipment on the drip tray.

Suggested to secure all sharp

edges in the access to ensure safe UC
access and prevent injury.
Suggested to provide a safe and
secured access to the unloading UC

Suggested to provide side railings

to the permanent stair case edges.

It is suggested that materials be

segregated and stored UC
appropriately and securely.
Suggested to follow curing
effectively period and assign a
dedicated staff to monitor curing
activity. Clear all dry hessian
clothes from site and store it at
designated area.
Risk Level Issue Date Target Date Status

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

Medium 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate open

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

Low 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate open

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate open

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed

High 08.11.2024 Immediate closed














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