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IS Management
Dr. Lamiae BENHAYOUN (Coord)
Didactic contract
1 What’s that ? 3

« All the behaviors of the professor that are

expected of the student, and all of the
behaviors of the student that are expected of
the teacher.»

Guy Brousseau
Didactic contract
2 Professor’s behavior 4

• Presence of body and mind throughout the course

• Respect for the cultural, religious or medical specificities of
students (to be communicated to me at the end of this session)
• Course materials provided on Moodle at the end of each session
• Possibility of interacting on misunderstandings by email or
• Exercises aimed at mastering the material on a theoretical and
pragmatic level
• Fair grading taking into account current performance

Anything else??
Didactic contract
3 Student’s behavior 5

• Tolerated delay: 15 minutes
• An unjustified absence = -5/20 on the attendance score

You are not allowed to

• eat and drink in the classroom
• “sleep” in the classroom
• leave the room without permission
• use electronic gadgets without explicit request from me

• Receipt of documents and information via Moodle and from your
• No visits to the teacher's office outside office hours
• Possibility to answer your questions by email
Didactic contract
4 Course goals 6

Direct goals
• Understand the concepts of Information System (IS), Information
Technology (IT), and ERP
• Familiarize the student with key digital technologies and their
• Explain how to analyze an IS (functional solutions, coverage of business
needs, etc.)
• Show how IS can contribute to improving operational performance and
developing a competitive advantage for an organization

P.S: For more details, please consult the syllabus on Moodle

Didactic contract
4 Course goals 7

Contribution to the mission of UIR RBS

Prepare, through education, practice and research, responsible and innovative

managers to operate in a national and international context, towards a better Africa.

Our graduates will understand the importance of responsible behavior for their
professional careers

Our graduates will adopt an international perspective and possess the oral and
written communication skills to collaborate with the various stakeholders of an

Our graduates will understand the importance of innovation in their professional

Didactic contract
5 Pedagogic approach 8

• Acquisition of conceptual learning via interactive courses and media


• Practical applications in the form of:

ü Case studies based on documents or videos to be produced in
ü Interactive quizzes integrated into certain courses accessible via
mobile phone/laptop/tablet with internet connection
Didactic contract
6 Course planning 9

Session Content*
Session 1 General introduction to the course and digital transformation
Session 2 From information to information system
Session 3 IS and value creation – Group pitches
Session 4 IOS
Session 5 IS professions
Session 6 Individual mid-term exam
Session 7 Group presentations on digital transformation
Session 8 ERP
Session 9 SAP Overview
Session 10 SAP Lab - First Login
Session 11 SAP practical work – Bricks in the Master’s discipline
Session 12 SAP practical work – Bricks in the Master’s discipline
Session 13 SAP practical work – Bricks in the Master’s discipline

*The course may be adjusted if deemed necessary by the professors

Didactic contract
7 Group-project 10

Project description
• You will be divided into groups of 5 to 6 people

• Objective: Analyze business transformations in the digital age

1. Choose a sector of activity (List of industries available at:

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/industries/). Describe its position and its rôle both in
national and international economies.

2. Choose ONE digital technology. Through examples of organizations operating

in the selected sector, describe how this technologigy transforms Business
Models, User eXperience and Operational Processes.

3. Suggest recommandations to companies of the selected sector for future

usage of this technology.
Didactic contract
7 Group project 11

Project deliverables
Deliverable 1: Chosen subject (To upload on Moodle the
day before the 3rd session)
ONE page including:

• Full names of the team members

• Sector selected and technology chosen (to argue on 500 words
at most)
• Examples of companies that you might mobilize for this project

To validate your subject, each group will ‘pitch’ his choice in 3 min
during the 3rd session
Didactic contract
7 Group project 12

Project deliverables
Deliverable 2 : Presentation (7th session)
• Presentation of 10 to 15 minutes, using ppt/prezi/explee…
• This presentation will be followed by 5 minutes of
• The order of passage will be drawn at random
• The presentation materials must be submitted on Moodle the day
before the 7th session (PDF and original format)
• The contibution of each group member should be underlined in the
presentation (Free riders, beware !! )
• The grades will rely on the quality of the presentation content and
format (Watch out for grammar errors)
Didactic contract
7 Group project 13
Project’s grading criteria

Conceptual Clarity of
understanding and argument and
insight expression

Quality of Persuasiveness
conclusions and and clarity of oral
recommendations presentation

Effectiveness in Contribution to
answering classroom
questions learning
Didactic contract
8 Course grading system 14

Final grade = 10% * Attendance +

20% * Group project +
20% * Individual mid-term+
50%* Final exam
• The attendance score includes attendance, participation and exercises.
• The project grade is based on the quality of the presentation. Individual
contributions will be taken into consideration
• The mid-term consists of a mini-case and a multiple choice quiz.
Additionally, pop quizzes for bonus points will take place throughout the
• The exam will cover all the content seen in class
Session 1 :

transformations in
the digital era

1. Overview of IT



1. Overview of IT
1.1 Definition 17

Information Technology (IT):

• Refer to all forms of technologies applied to the creation,
processing, storage, securing and exchange of information
in electronic format.

• Include computers, communications networks, connected

objects, the cloud, fax machines, electronic pocket
organizers, etc.
1. Overview of IT
1.2 History 18
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical IBM 5100
Integrator And Computer) 1945 1975 Windows 1.0

Quantum Wide
computer Web
2019 1989

IBM Simon
IoT (Internet of Things) 1992
Big Data, IA
1. Overview of IT
1.2 History 19

Where do IT stand today ?

q Compute capacity, storage capacity, and the lifespan of computer
hardware continue to increase rapidly

q IT costs continue to fall rapidly

q The cost of data storage continues to decline

q IT is becoming increasingly accessible to all segments of the


q More and more objects are connected

q Intelligent machines are omnipresent

1. Overview of IT
1.2 History 20

Hype cycle of Gartner

1. Overview of IT
1.2 History 21
1. Overview of IT
1.2 History 22
1. Overview of IT
1.3 IT in numbers 23

4,6 trillion dollars of IT


1 trillion = 1 milliard de milliards (1018)

Statistiques pour l’année 2023

1. Overview of IT
1.3 IT in numbers 24

«Here we spend $500 million a year on software, and

about $1 billion in total technology costs. I look at these
figures and I fear that one day we will realize that we
should have invested in another type of technology, that
we did not manage things well….»

Hugh McColl, president

of Bank of America
1. Overview of IT
1.3 IT in numbers 25

• Budget overrun for the Taurus Zero paper

• After surpassing $100 million, the CEO
• It took another three more years and
twice the initial investment to complete
the project.

• Implementation of an ERP system that

cost 160 million dollars, 5 times more
expensive than expected!
• Turnover fell by 5%
1. Overview of IT
1.3 IT in numbers 26

92% of respondents indicated that information technology was essential to

the success of their business.

33% believe that the use 26% underlined that

33% listed IT as the
of IT will contribute to their present sucess is
fundamental sucess
the success of their due to efficient IT use
factor for the future.
businesses. and leadership;

71% of respondents indicated that poor IT management is a direct

cause of the failure of their businesses
58% of respondents identified loss of competitive 13% foresee
advantage as the main consequence of not bankruptcy as a
keeping pace with IT possible outcome.
1. Overview of IT
1.4 Why invest in IT ? 27

1. Operational excellence

2. New Products/Services & Business Models

3. Efficient Customer Supplier Relationships

4. Improved decision-making

5. Competitive advantage

6. Survival !
1. Overview of IT
1.4 Why invest in IT ? 28

1. Operational Excellence

• Efficiency to achieve more profits

• Contribution to process agility and productivity improvement

• Disney Operational Command Center: Uses video cameras, digital park
maps, and mobile apps to monitor attendance and prevent congestion.

• Toyota TPS: Just-In-Time Production taking into account demand,

resources and logistics capabilities and eliminating waste
1. Overview of IT
1.4 Why invest in IT ? 29

2. New Products/Services & Business Models

• IT can be integrated into the product/service but also shape the

way it is offered to customers (i.e. Business Model)
• Business Model: describes how the business produces, supplies,
and sells a product or service to make a profit

• Products: Apple iPad, Google Android OS, ...
• Services: Uber, Blablacar, Yuka
• Business Models: Pay per use (Ryanair), Freemium (Dropbox),
Auction (eBay)
1. Overview of IT
1.4 Why invest in IT ? 30

3. Efficient Customer Supplier Relationships

Customer Relations: Supplier Relations:

Serving customers well helps build their Build effective operational and
loyalty and provide a continuous source strategic relationships with key
of profit. suppliers

Examples: Examples:
• Marriott which tracks the choices of • Walmart VMI: Allow its
its recurring customers to offer them suppliers to have real-time
personalized rooms visibility of its stocks for
• Nestlé which has placed a QR code on appropriate replenishment
Mouseline packets, allowing
customers to access information
relating to the Supply Chain.
1. Overview of IT
1.4 Why invest in IT ? 31

4. Improved decision making

Without accurate information, managers' decisions are based on assumptions,
resulting in:

• Overproduction, underproduction • Increased costs

• Misallocation of resources • ...
• Unsuitable response time

• Verizon Digital Dashboard: Provide managers with real-time data on
customer complaints, network performance and line outages, to decide on
the most appropriate solutions.

• Maersk's Insurewave: A Blockchain-based platform letting each carrier ship

captain know if their insurance covers them and at what price, to decide
whether to cross or bypass.
1. Overview of IT
1.4 Why invest in IT ? 32

5. Competitive advantage

Several alternatives: Offer innovations that are difficult to imitate, charge less for
superior quality products, manage your resources and processes in an ingenious

• Amazon prevents the entry of Chinese competitors by listing a growing share of
Chinese suppliers and reducing shipping costs through its FBA (fulfillment by
Amazon) system.

• Ford has set up a Virtual work team integrating its best engineers and marketers
worldwide to virtually design “a global car with a global appeal”. Less costs and
more creativity!

• IKEA strengthens its position as a global leader by offering the augmented reality
application IKEA Place app allowing users to visualize the appearance of
furniture in their home
1. Overview of IT
1.4 Why invest in IT ? 33

6. Survival !

Businesses choose to invest in IT to survive in a very dynamic environment and

respond to its changes.

• Regulatory trends: Implementation by all American companies of IT controls
to meet the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley law
• Social trends: More and more consumers are paying attention to their food,
hence the emergence of quality assessment applications (Yuka, Kwalito,
Foodvisor, etc.)
• Economic Trends: Massive investments in prediction technologies and the
cloud after the financial crisis.
• Technological trends: Change in business model by record labels following the
introduction of streaming

2. Digital



2. Digital transformation era
2.1 Fundamental digital technologies 35

Digital transformation

• A process of change induced by the intensive use of digital technologies

• Relies on “digitization”: transformation of products, services and processes
into digital variants

• Leads to a holistic review of the company thus creating value:

Attractiveness Growth Pedagogy Economy Altruism

Strengthen Enter new Promote skills Optimize Allow access
the visibility markets development costs and to knowledge
and efforts for all
uniqueness of
the offer
2. Digital transformation era
2.1 Fundamental digital technologies 36
It all strated with SMAC


personnel Data
Science Prévisions
IA Connaissance

Slack 365 d’activités

La transformation de Optimisation

Connexion et Employee
Réseau Experience
l’abstraction des
Social socialisation rapide et Hadoop
Entreprise Data Viz données en actifs
facile Data
tangibles et
visualisables As A
Digital Service Oracle

SOCIAL L’utilisation des
Digital technologies mobiles ANALYTICS La centralisation des AWS

Workgrid pour dépasser les accès aux données et

contraintes de Big aux applications
collaboratives localisation BI
Data Middleware

OS Cluster

Apps IoT
MOBILE Containers

Enterprise Datacenters
Mobiles Mobility
Smartphone / API Cloudera
Tablettes Management Public /
Privé /
BYOD Hybride
2. Digital transformation era
2.1 Fundamental digital technologies 37

• A “Social Media” strategy has become critical for all types of

organizations (businesses, governments, etc.)
• Internal and external technologies:

Internally: Externally:
• Corporate • Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) open to individuals
social network with the possibility of creating content and distributing it.
• Objective: • More and more connected users, especially with the advent of
Promote IoT
collaborative • Critical tools for viral marketing, engaging users,
work to understanding and even influencing their behavior.
optimize • An opportunity, as well as a danger, for the reputation of
productivity companies.
2. Digital transformation era
2.1 Fundamental digital technologies 38

• In 2022, more active mobile plans than human beings alive on the
MOBILE • 5 connected objects (Tablet, Smartphone, PC, etc.) per human
being by 2023.

Mobiles consulted on average 53 times per day

• This “Mobile First” or even “Mobile Only” use results in:
• Emergence of new businesses: Uber, Kaptain...
• Emergence of new applications: Mobile Banking, e-commerce,
‘phygital’ commerce…
• Migration to the company without borders: Digital workplace,
third places…
• BYOD policy: Reduced infrastructure costs and more flexibility for
the employee

More real-time metadata about customers to analyze

2. Digital transformation era
2.1 Fundamental digital technologies 39

Growth of generated data with the multiplication of sources (Social

Networks, IoT, etc.):
ANALYTICS • 5 exabytes (1018) from the beginning of civilization to 2003
• In 2003, the same volume is produced every day
• Today we produce it in seconds

Big Data are characterized by the 5V:

• Volume of data exponentially growing
• Velocity of data creation, collection and sharing
• Variety of types and sources
• Veracity of data (reliability of sources, accuracy of content)
• Value it can provide and insights gained

Big data analysis enabling to :

• Moving from Product Marketing to Customer Marketing (Eg.
Recommendation systems following assimilated behavior)
• Automate common processes and tasks (Ex. RPA, NLP)
• Help in decision-making (Ex. Paved to anticipate burglaries)
2. Digital transformation era
2.1 Fundamental digital technologies 40


Data collection Data analysis Results and visualization

• Multiple sources • Refining (PCA, EFA, • DataViz (Mapping, Curves,

(IoT, etc.) Clouds ...)
Open Data, • Modeling (IDEF1X, • Data Storytelling (Interactive
Blockchain...) MERISE...) infographics)

• Of all types • Learning (Machine

(Structured, Semi- learning, Deep
Structured, learning)
2. Digital transformation era
2.1 Fundamental digital technologies 41

• Store, on remote servers connected by the Internet, data accessible from

any device
Cloud • The same data source, unique, and always up to date.

• Secure data storage
• Powerful computer processing
• Hosting of specialized applications
• Support for business transformations

Efficiency Scalability Reliability
• Reduction of IT • Adjustable and • Access to innovative
infrastructure costs scalable deployment and secure features
(Servers, Software, according to
Maintenance) company activity at
any time
2. Digital transformation era
2.1 Fundamental digital technologies 42

Types of Cloud services

Definition Some poviders

Infrastructure Amazon, Windows

Provides servers and storage on an infrastructure to meet
as a Service Azure, Rackspace,
scalable computing and real-time storage requirements
(IaaS) Google
Amazon, Heroku,
Plarform as a Additionally offers an operating system, an execution
Force.com, Apache
Service (PaaS) environment, and software servers
JD Edwards, SAP,
Software as a Adds “on-demand” access to applications (Office 365,
etc.), thus avoiding installation, hosting and maintenance Salesforce, Google,
Service (SaaS)
for the customer. Microsoft
Supports business processes whose activities are IBM, Wipro, Ovum,
Process as a
distributed across multiple interacting applications Cognizant
Service (BPaaS)
2. Digital transformation era
2.1 Fundamental digital technologies 43

After the SMAC: the DARQ

•Large-scale collaboration and

•Automation of business transaction between strangers
processes Ledger •Self-executing smart contracts
•Make the benefits of •Improved data provenance
analytics more widely and reliability
available Artificial
•Analyze and use Intelligence
unprecedented amounts
of data
Reality •Virtual, augmented and
•Global Cybersecurity •Information on demand and
Transformation Quantum accessible hands-free
•Discovering new computing
designs and responding
to growing
computational demands
2. Digital transformation era
2.1 Fundamental digital technologies 44


DARK side of technology compliance. Problems to anticipate at


• Regulatory: Protection of personal (GDPR), medical (HIPAA),

financial (PCI DSS) data, etc.

• Technological: Technologies responsible by design,


• Organizational: CSR, Audit, SSI, DPO, awareness content, etc.

2. Digital transformation era
2.2 Dimensions of digital transformation 45
User eXperience Business Operational
(UX) Models (BM) Processes (OP)

IT in all user interactions with the company and its products:

• Improve the perception of instrumental qualities (usability)

• Improve the perception of non-instrumental qualities (aesthetics, values
• Positive emotional reactions (subjective feelings, physiological reactions,
cognitive evaluations)
IT for UX

Voice Augmented Multi-device Immersive Target

commands reality experience interface Marketing
2. Digital transformation era
2.2 Dimensions of digital transformation 46
User eXperience Business Operational
(UX) Models (BM) Processes (OP)

IT to change the way business

makes profits: Business
Definition Some companies
Box, Netflix,
• Integrate a digital It is not the product that has value but
Subscription Magazines,
component into the its use
product for a stronger BabyPlays, STIB
impact on its market Deliver a standard product or service
Disintermedi Dell, Compagnies
as directly as possible to customers
ation aériennes
• Use powerful marketing
tools to build loyalty and Monetizing collected customer data by
get recommended Google, PwC,
Data driven selling or trading it internally or
• Enhance your corporate Outside In: Exploit external ideas to
image through modern Procter & Gamble,
Crowd- create value
and dynamic services sourcing Inside out: Bring unused ideas or assets
to external partners
2. Digital transformation era
2.2 Dimensions of digital transformation 47
User eXperience Business Operational
(UX) Models (BM) Processes (OP)

Digitization Process: Automation allowing companies to refocus their employees on

more strategic tasks and intelligently streamline processes.

Employee Empowerment: Virtualization tools to separate process from workplace

and free up physical spaces

Yield management: Real-time data collection and analysis about products, regions,
employees and customers to enable up-to-date, fact-based decision making, away
from guesswork
2. Digital transformation era
2.3 Impact on the socio-economic sphere 48

1. Emergence of GAFAM
Web giants that concentrate the most technologies and revenues worldwide

Benefits per second in 2023 !

2. Digital transformation era
2.3 Impact on the socio-economic sphere 49
2. Global Economy

Global Firms: Competition:
Decentralization and Find out about and
offshoring facilitated have products
by IT from different
Ubiquitous cultures delivered
computing to you

Global Capital:
Exceeding the initial roles of
financial institutions

3. Exercises



3. Exercices
Case study 51

• You are asked to answer the following questions following the viewing of a
video addressing digitalization in the agricultural sector (Video also available
on Moodle)


• Each team answers both questions ans sends me their document through

1. What digital technologies in the SMAC and DARQ spectrums are discussed
in this video?

2. How have these technologies contributed to the 3 aspects of digital

transformation (UX, BM, OP)?
3. Exercices
MCQ 52

Go to the link of the Quiz on Moodle and

follow the instructions

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