This document is a tax invoice from TIBRO TOURS PRIVATE LIMITED for a package tour to Sri Lanka, dated November 20, 2024. The total cost of the package is ₹820,748, which includes applicable taxes. The invoice outlines payment terms, conditions, and provides details about the customer and the tour package.
This document is a tax invoice from TIBRO TOURS PRIVATE LIMITED for a package tour to Sri Lanka, dated November 20, 2024. The total cost of the package is ₹820,748, which includes applicable taxes. The invoice outlines payment terms, conditions, and provides details about the customer and the tour package.
This document is a tax invoice from TIBRO TOURS PRIVATE LIMITED for a package tour to Sri Lanka, dated November 20, 2024. The total cost of the package is ₹820,748, which includes applicable taxes. The invoice outlines payment terms, conditions, and provides details about the customer and the tour package.
This document is a tax invoice from TIBRO TOURS PRIVATE LIMITED for a package tour to Sri Lanka, dated November 20, 2024. The total cost of the package is ₹820,748, which includes applicable taxes. The invoice outlines payment terms, conditions, and provides details about the customer and the tour package.
T J ROAD, SEWREE (W) MUMBAI Invoice No. : TIB05069 State Name: MAHARASHTRA 400015 Invoice Date : 20/11/2024 Mumbai State Code : 27 MAHARASHTRA India GSTIN : 27AAGCT6666G1ZX Invoice Type : Registered Tel No 022-24102801 PAN NO : AAGCT6666G Consultant : NEHA GOHIL
Company Name & Address Passengers Name (s)
Iac International Automotive India Private Limited MR. JAGADISH PATIL X 5
Mahindra Supplier Park, Plot No A1,
Phase IV, Chakan MIDC, At Nighoje, Khed PUNE - 410501 MAHARASHTRA 27 GST No 27AABCI8434J1ZC IRN Number f8c7e588e1ecab37a023c52fa6d860 0f6cbb14c224b37bb4eb27abd71a PACKAGE TOUR DETAILS 40559c Tour Description Room TypeNo. of Rooms No. of Pax No. Of Nights Dep Date
ICQCC SRI LANKA 2024 NA 0 1 0 11/11/2024
Details of your Tour costs - all values are in Currency : Indian Rupees
Particulars HSN/SAC Party Member Rate Gross
PACKAGE PRICE FOR ICQCC SRILANKA 2024 998555 1 781665.00 781665.00
Total Package Cost : 781665.00 CGST 19541.63 Tax CGST/SGST 5% SGST 19541.63 IGST 0.00 Grand Total : 820748.00 Payment Received : 820748.00 Terms and Conditions of Transactions under this Bill Balance Amount 0.00 1. All payment in Cash should be made against company's official receipt of the same. TCS 0.00 2. All payment by Cheques should be crossed to payees account Favoring "TIBRO TOURS PVT. LTD." 3. No claim and/or discrepancy if any shall be considered unless brought to the notice of company in writting 3 days of the receipt of services and/or the bill. 4. Dispute if any shall be subject to the jurisdiction of MUMBAI only. 5. Refund if any,will be made by Cheque/RTGS/NEFT only, no cash refund strictly. CHINTAN Digitally CHINTAN signed by 6. Interest @18% per annum will be charged on overdue or delayed.
7. 2% TDS is applicable under sec 194c
VIRENDRA VIRENDRA CHHEDA Date: 2024.11.20 HDFC Bank, Parel, Mumbai-400012 IFSC CODE : HDFC0000357 Account No.50200031383665 CHHEDA 19:07:12 +05'30' Certified that the particulars given above are true and correct. TIBRO TOURS PVT. LTD.