RPH reviewer
RPH reviewer
RPH reviewer
ocupational licenses
Laying a tax through which the government generates In 1907, some provinces were authorized to double the
income to defray its expenses fee for the cedula to support the construction and
maintenance of the roads.
A way to raise funds for government programs and
services that benefit Filipino citizens The industrial tax was levied on the business
community according to their profitability.
Tax – enforced as a contribution but it is proportionate
to the citizen’s ability to pay In 1913, the Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act was
passed, resulting in a reduction in the revenue of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue government as export taxes levied on sugar, tobacco,
hemp, and copra were lifted.
The problem with the tax was that land titling in the
rural area was very disorderly Japanese Occupation
The Internal Revenue Law of 1904 (BIR) – was passed As World War II reached the Philippines shores,
as a reaction to the problems of collecting land ta. It economic activity put to stop and the Philippines
prescribed ten major sources of revenue: bowed a new administrators, the Japanese.
1. licensed taxes on firms dealing in alcoholic The expenditure of the Japanese military government
beverages and tobacco, grew greatly, and they issued military notes in order to
2. excise taxes on alcoholic beverages and cover the costs of war.
tobacco products,
3. taxes on banks and bankers,
4. Document stamp taxes
5. the cedula
6. taxes on insurance and insurance companies,
7. taxes on forest products,
8. mining concessions,
9. Taxes on business and manufacturing, and
(1) make the tax system broad-based, simple, and with
Fiscal Policy from 1946 to Present reasonable tax rates; (2) minimize tax avoidance
allowed by existing flaws and loopholes in the system:
(3) encourage payments by increasing tax exemptions
Roxas Regime (1946-1948)
levels, lowering the highest tax rates, simplifying
He rejected the advised of the United Staes in tax procedure; and (4) rationalize the grant of tax
collection. incentives, which was estimated to be worth 531.7
billion pesos in 1994
Tax revenue in 1953 increased twofold compared to Implementation of the Economic Recovery Assistance
1948 Payment (ERAP) Program, which granted immunity
from audit and investigation to taxpayers who have
paid 20% more than the tax paid in 1997 for income
Magsaysay, Garcia & Macapagal Regime (1953- tax, VAT and/or percentage taxes.
1965) The Large Taxpayers Monitoring System was also
Promised to study the tax structure and policy of the
country (through the creation of a Tax Commission in
1959 means of Republic Act No. 2211) Arroyo Regime (2000-2010)
Indirect taxation still contributed to three quarters of tax She undertook increased government spending
revenues and the Omnibus Tax Law of 1969 did not without adjusting tax collections.
increase the ratio of income tax to general tax.
In 2005, the Expanded Value-Added Tax (E-VAT) was
signed into law as Republic Act 9337.
Marcos Regime (1965-1986) In February 2006, the VAT tax rate was also increased
from 10% to 12%.
Provided each tax payer Tax Account Number (TAN) in
1970 payer with a permanent not only facilitated the
identification of taxpayers but also resulted to faster
Noynoy Aquino Regime (2010-2016)
verification of tax records.
The Administration ventured into the adjustment of
During the Latter part of Marcos’ years (1981-1985),
excise tax on liquor and cigarette or the Sin Tax
the tax system was still heavily dependent on indirect
Reform made law by Republic Act 1035
taxes, which made up 70% of total tax collection.
It allows the increase the budget of the DOH and
Taxes grew at an average annual rate of 15% and
PhilHealth (from 55.2 million in 2012 to 515.4 million in
generated a low tax yield.
• Agrarian problem worsened and many tenants soon Third to Fifth Republic (MAGSAYSAY)
began to resort to armed means to "get back their • R.A. No. 1199 or Agricultural Tenancy Act of 1954 -
land" governed the tenant-landowner relationship by
organizing the share- tenancy and leasehold system;
• Tayug Uprising in Pangasinan (1931); Sakdalista
created Court of Agrarian Relations
Uprising (1935)
• R.A. No. 1400 (Land Reform Act of 1955) and R.A.
• Quezon's "social justice program" attempted to stop
No. 821 (Creation of Agricultural Credit Cooperative
the agrarian unrest in Central Luzon and alleviate the
Financing Administration)
poverty of the farmers
• R.A. 1400 created the Land Tenure Administration
(LTA) to handle the acquisition and distribution of large
tenanted rice and corn lands over 200 hectares for
individuals and 600 hectares for corporations
Commonwealth Era