Task 1 Evidence
Task 1 Evidence
Task 1 Evidence
Save this evidence document as evidence_ followed by your Name. For example:
Screenshots or program listings must be copied into appropriate cells in the following tables.
Save this evidence document at regular intervals, for example, every 10 minutes.
Question 2
Part 2(a)
{Copy and paste program code listing for question 2(a) here}
Part 2(b)(i)
{Copy and paste program code listing for question 2(b)(i) here}
Part 2(b)(ii)
{Copy and paste program code listing for question 2(b)(ii) here}
Part 2(b)(iii)
{Copy and paste the screenshots for question 2(b)(iii) here}
Part 2(c)
{Copy and paste program code listing for question 2(c) here}