It may occur due to congenital defect, Le.. for the absorption of vitarminB. is not s
chromosomal abnormalities in RBC ot
exposure to various physical and chemical ised generally
by the gastric rnucosa, This type of anemía
found in patients abave age of
60 years. It is associated vwith weakness and
shortness ofbreath, abdominal pain, diarhea,
nausea, pale and sore tongue. The laboratory
indings are macrocytic normochromic RHc
moderate to marked anisocytosis and poililo
cytosis serum biliubin may be increased
Hemolytic anemias are characterized by afall
in hemoglobin, jaundice, dark urine, increas
ing reticulocytosis. It may be hereditary on
acquired. Red cells are usualy normochromic
Fig. 33.1: A8Cs in normochromic microgtic anemia. and microcytic.
(For color verslon See Calor Plate 8) due to increased bilirubin. Hemoglobin and
202 Sectien 2: Hematolagy
hermatocrit varies from normal to extremely labeled with "Co within 24 hours, One-third
low levels Coomb's test is positive of absorbed labeled/radioactive vitamin B,
is lushed out in urine. Normal excretion is
Sickle Cell Anemia above 10% of oral dose. In anemic patients
iciency, patients excrete
In this
bemonled cells contain 90to 100 Jess that 5%. 1f the test is normal, no
associated with severe ah festing is necessary.
joint pain, enlarged spleen. Sickde cells ure If it is abnormal, repeat the said proce
found in blood. Reticulocytes and platelets are ofdure with simultaneous oral administration
increased Osmotic fragility of RBCis decreased. factor, Le. vitanin B, binding
protein, excretion increases, it implies lack
Sideroblastic Anemias some defert h
ie snot, then there in
puon. The test should be
Sideroblastic anemins may be hereditary or repeated after 48 hours,
acqured. In case of hereditary sideroblastic
infancv and u u n l a iescence.
ruring Signs and Symptoms of Anemia
RHBCs are hypochromie
creased serum iron level. moderate l Depending upon ype and severity, signs
tosts and poikilocytosis. In case of scquired weakness, shortness of breath. diziness
sideroblastic anemia, normochromic RBCs headache, cold hands and feet, pale skin,
but very few are hypochromic red cells It is hair loss, chest pain, irregular heartbeats and
found in adults above 50 years of age. difficulties with memory and concentration.
Itis a hereditary blood disease, widespread in Complete Blood Count (CBC) is often
Mediterranean countries, Asia and Africa, in used as a broad screening test to evaluate
which there is abnormality in the protein part overall health. It can be used to diagnose
ofhemoglobin molecule. Theaffected red cells various conditions incBuding anemia,
n not function normally, leading to anemia. infection, inflammation, bleeding
Symploms inciude enlargernent of the disorder or leukemia. CBC includes the
spleen a oTmalities of the bone marrow. following:
Individuals inherit from both White blood cells count, Red blood cell
parents are severelscase called
as thalassemla malor 1h his is (BC) count, hemoglobin, hematocrit,
e o n , ted blood cell indices(MCY
Singie parent are thalassemis m i n cel distribution idela
are usually symptom free, Patient with malor ulation of the variation in the
isease is treated with repeated blood transfu size of RBC)
sions. The disease can be detected by prenatal Reticulocyte count, iron studies (total
diagnosis including amniocentesis capacity of the blood to ransport iron and
the arnount of stored iron in
. Ferritin: This test is used to assess iron stores
in the body and is useful in
between iron deficiency distinguishing
Schilling test is a test for diagnosing vitamin
B,, deficiency. In this test, first give 1 mg un anemía and
labeled vitarnin B,. parentally, to the patient. anemia of chronic diseas
" Vitamin B,, and folate
Then give l mg labeled vitamin B orally. Itis
Erythropoietin (EPO) level.