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Skill Sharpeners: Reading, Grade 2,Book Jan 20, 2025 (4)

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7J1Ju~ aU[g)Oy

In the count ry far from town, there was a large
pond. It was in the middle of a field. The field was
near a big farm. Many ducks and geese lived by the
pond. Hidde n in the reeds and grass was a nest of
eggs. It was the nest of a mother duck.
Day after day, Mothe r Duck sat on the eggs. She
was waitin g for them to hatch. As she turned her
eggs each day, she would stop at one egg. It was much
larger than the other eggs in the nest. Mother Duck
would think, "Wha t will this duckling be like?"
One day Mothe r Duck heard a pecking sound.
Then she heard , "Peep! Peep! Peep!" The ducklings
were coming out of their shells!

OEvan-Moor Corporat ion• EMC 4530 • Reading 91

One by one, Mother Duck saw her fluffy yellow
ducklings hatch. But she shook her head and frowned
when the last one hatched. He was big. He was gray.
And he was ugly.
"Oh, my! What an ugly duckling," was all Mother
Duck could say.
Mother Duck loved all of her ducklings. She took
good care of them, too. She took them to the pond to
swim. She helped them find food. She showed them how
to hide from danger.
Soon the days began to get colder. Mother Duck took
her ducklings to the barn. There they would stay warm.

92 Reading • EMC 4530 •©Evan-Moor Corporation

The other animals in the barn were unkind to the ugly
duckling. They laughed at him and called him names. They
even pecked at him. Mother Duck tried to protect her
big, gray duckling, but she wasn't always around.
Ugly Duckling couldn't stand the teasing any longer.
He ran away from the barn. He ran from the farm
animals. And he ran from his family. He ran on and on
until he came to a big lake.
Ugly Duckling felt safe at the lake, but he was lonely.
None of the wild ducks would talk to him. One day, the
duckling looked up into the sky. He saw a beautiful swan
flying by. He looked into the water of the pond. All he
saw was a big, gray ugly duckling. "I wish I were beautiful
like that swan," he said softly.

0 Evan-Moor Corporation• EMC 4530. Reading 93

It was getting colder.
Ugly Duckling saw the wild
ducks fly away. Soon ice
covered the lake. Ugly
Duckling was always cold.
He didn't have much food
to eat. Would he be able to
stay alive until spring? He
knew he had to find a warm
place to stay.
Ugly Duckling looked
around until he found an old
shed. In the shed he found
hay that had been left
behind. Ugly Duckling made
a nest out of the hay. Now
he would be warm. He
found some dry seeds,
too. Now he would have .••••
a little bit to eat. ~~::==:z=i,
Ugly Duckling stayed in the shed all winter. He only went
out into the cold winter weather to find water to drink.
At last spring arrived. Ugly Duckling was still alive! The
days grew warmer. The ice covering the pond melted. The
duckling found plenty to eat. Each day he grew bigger and

94 Reading• EMC 4530. 0 Evan-Moor Corporation

One day, as he stretched his wings, he was lifted
up into the blue sky. He was flying! He flew over green
fields. He flew over tall trees. He flew back to the pond
where he had been born.
Ugly Duckling landed on the water and swam around.
He looked down into the water to find something to eat.
He couldn't believe his eyes! Over the winter, he had
grown up. He wasn't an ugly duckling anymore.
The animals from the farm came down to the pond.
They were surprised to see the large white swan. No one
knew that the beautiful swan had been the ugly duckling
they treated so unkindly.

Practice this page.

Make it sound exciting.
Read it to an adult.

OEvan-Moor Corporation • EMC 4530, Reading 9S

~- .. • .._ ..., ---,"""--'--~------~-- - - - ~ --. 4. • ( " ~
·""' .. .

•. Skills: Recalling Story Details

Answer Questions abou t 1} ~

The Ugly Duckling ~~
Fill in the circle or write the answer.

1. Why was the duckling called ugly?

0 He was big and yellow, not small and yellow.
0 He was small and gray, not small and yellow.
0 He was big and gray, not small and yellow.

2. Write three ways Mother Duck took care of her ducklings.

3. Why did the Ugly Duckling run away from the farm?
0 He wanted to see new places.
0 He wanted to get away from the farm animals.
0 He wanted to find some swans.

4. Where did the Ugly Duckling spend the winter?

0 He stayed in the lake.
0 He hid under a tree.
0 He hid in an old shed.

5. How did the Ugly Duckling change over the winter?

96 Reading• EMC 4530 • <O Evan-Moor Corporation

Skills: Sequencing Story Events

What Happened Next?

cut out the sentences. Paste them in order.

1. paste

2. paste

3. paste

4. paste

5. paste

,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 When winter came, the Ugly Duckling found an old shed
: to live in.
: The farm animals called the Ugly Duckling names and
1 pecked at him.
1 Mother Duck sat on her eggs. At last they hatched. One
: duckling was big and gray and ugly.
r-------------------------------------- 1
: Over the winter, the Ugly Duckling grew up. He wasn't a
1 duckf He was a beautiful swan. :
: The Ugly Duckling ran away. He ran until he came to a lake. 1

OEvan-Moor Corporation • EMC 4530, Reading 9'l
Skills: Understanding Word Meaning

\\'hat Does It Mean?

Write each word after its meaning.
You will not use all of the words. ----------~~':::::;.

duckling hatch shed tease

frown lake swan winter

1. a small building used to store things

2. to treat others in an unkind way

3. to break out of an egg

4. a large body of water surrounded by land

5. an unhappy look on someone's face

•• • • . ~ . ' ' . ' .

Skills: Categomlng Long Vowel Words; Identifying Spellings for the t r ~ ~ _ •.

),;on~ Vowel Sounds ~

Write the words under the long vowel sound you hear.

they sigh cold find

no he lake fly
stay tease ice ate
see float row mean

a-cake e-me i-kite o-go

~ - - - I t Sounds Like er-- -......

Read the words.
Circle the letters that make the er sound.

her turn butter

first stir hurt after

,:'' - - • -· ----~ --·------,·-~
Skills: ldent,fymg Opposites (Antonyms); ldent,fymg the Three Sounds of ed

Match each word to its opposite.

large smile none cryl

frown sad went go

beautiful full laugh hot

happy small stop came

empty ugly cold all

land__ peck__ hunt.__

protect__ turn__ jump__

whisper__ look__ want__

Circle the words where ed has the sound oft.

Make an X on words where ed has the sound of d.
Read the new words to an adult.

Reading• EMC 4530 • Q Evan-Moor Corporation

A Swi1nming Swan
Follow the steps to draw a swan on the lake.


- ·

Write an interesting sentence telling what the swan is doing.

O Evan-Moor Corporation • EMC 4530. Reading 101

Elephants are big! The y are the
biggest animals that live on land.
They have long nos es called
trunks. They have big ear s that
can flap like fans. The ir skin is
gray-black. They have som e short
hairs on their backs and tails.

Bulls live alone or in small

groups. Cows live in her ds
with their calves.

What Elephants Eat

Elephants mu st eat mo st
of the day to get the am oun t
~ of food the y need. The y
"-- eat grasses and shrubs.
The y eat twigs,
leaves, and bark
from trees.

An elephant mu st drin k many

gallons of water, too.
Reading• EMC 4530 • Cl Evan-Moor Corporation

An Elephant's Trunk
An elephant's trunk has many uses. It is used to pick up food. Then the
food is put into the elephant's mouth. An elephant drinks by sucking up
water into its trunk. Then the elephant squirts the water into its mouth.

Elephants use their trunks to greet one another. They hold their trunks high
to catch smells in the air.

The whole trunk is so strong it can rip a branch

off a tree. The tip of the trunk can pick one
berry off a bush.



(A zhuh)

(Af rib kuh)
Elephant Babies
An elephant baby is very big. It weighs
more than a grown human. The newborn
calf sucks milk from its mother. The
mother will feed her baby for two years.
After a few months, the baby will also
eat plants.

Elephants live in
Asia. They live o
and in forests.
. '
Skills: Recalling Story D;ta1ls

Answer Questions about

Fill in the circle or write the answer.

1. What does an eleph ant look like?

2. Which eleph ants live in herds?

0 bulls and cows
0 cows and calves
0 bulls and calves
3. Name two place s elephants live.

4. How do eleph ants get their food?

5. How else do eleph ants use their trunk?

C Evan-Moor Corporation • EMC 4530 • Reading

Elephant Parade
Write the correct number under each elephant.

third eighth seventh sixth first

second fourth fifth tenth ninth

Reading, EMC 4530, Q Evan-Moor Corporation

Find the Right Wor(l
Fill in the missing word in each sentence.
You will not use all of the words.

tip bark Africa twigs

bull cow calf Asia

1. An elephant picks berries with the ______ of its trunk.

2. A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a baby elephant.

3. A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a mother elephant.

4. Elephants eat _______ and ______ from trees.

5. Elephants live in ______ and _ _ _ _ __

------------ ------------ ------------ ---------

Write the meaning of the word trunk in each sentence.

1. The squirrel hid nuts in a hole in the tree's trunk.

Trunk means
2. An elephant picked berries with its trunk.

Trunk means
------- ------- -

C Evan-Moor Corporation • EMC 4530, Reading

A \\Tord Fa1nily
All the words in a word family end with the same letters and
sound. Write ay after each letter to make a word family.

d ay h_ __ s.____ _

b,_ __ pl,_ __
m.___ p,_ __ gr_ __
r_ __ w_ __ C,__ _

Read the word family aloud to an adult.

Underline the words that have the sound of a in may.

Circle the fetters that make the a sound.

~ gray they parts

tail Asia water baby

Readin • EMC 4530, Q Evan-Moor Cnrnnration
More Than One
Add an ending to make each word mean more than one.

Adds Add es Change y to i and add es

tree dish cherry

trees dishes cherries

1. tail 6. berry

2.bench 7. ear

3. lady 8.wish

4.leg 9. fox

5.baby 10. egg

A calf is one baby elephant. What word in the story names

more than one calf?

little lost Elephant
Help the lost elephant calf find its mother.
Color the boxes with words that rhyme with too to make a path.

moo two do moon what

door soon new week barn

her shoe walk they


blue flew mine

water bull

live who cow

spoon twig

herd knew clue

trunk berry

Rea • •

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