Skill Sharpeners: Reading, Grade 2,Book Jan 20, 2025 (4)
Skill Sharpeners: Reading, Grade 2,Book Jan 20, 2025 (4)
Skill Sharpeners: Reading, Grade 2,Book Jan 20, 2025 (4)
In the count ry far from town, there was a large
pond. It was in the middle of a field. The field was
near a big farm. Many ducks and geese lived by the
pond. Hidde n in the reeds and grass was a nest of
eggs. It was the nest of a mother duck.
Day after day, Mothe r Duck sat on the eggs. She
was waitin g for them to hatch. As she turned her
eggs each day, she would stop at one egg. It was much
larger than the other eggs in the nest. Mother Duck
would think, "Wha t will this duckling be like?"
One day Mothe r Duck heard a pecking sound.
Then she heard , "Peep! Peep! Peep!" The ducklings
were coming out of their shells!
One day, as he stretched his wings, he was lifted
up into the blue sky. He was flying! He flew over green
fields. He flew over tall trees. He flew back to the pond
where he had been born.
Ugly Duckling landed on the water and swam around.
He looked down into the water to find something to eat.
He couldn't believe his eyes! Over the winter, he had
grown up. He wasn't an ugly duckling anymore.
The animals from the farm came down to the pond.
They were surprised to see the large white swan. No one
knew that the beautiful swan had been the ugly duckling
they treated so unkindly.
3. Why did the Ugly Duckling run away from the farm?
0 He wanted to see new places.
0 He wanted to get away from the farm animals.
0 He wanted to find some swans.
1. paste
2. paste
3. paste
4. paste
5. paste
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1 When winter came, the Ugly Duckling found an old shed
: to live in.
: The farm animals called the Ugly Duckling names and
1 pecked at him.
1 Mother Duck sat on her eggs. At last they hatched. One
: duckling was big and gray and ugly.
r-------------------------------------- 1
: Over the winter, the Ugly Duckling grew up. He wasn't a
1 duckf He was a beautiful swan. :
: The Ugly Duckling ran away. He ran until he came to a lake. 1
OEvan-Moor Corporation • EMC 4530, Reading 9'l
Skills: Understanding Word Meaning
Write the words under the long vowel sound you hear.
Match each word to its opposite.
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An Elephant's Trunk
An elephant's trunk has many uses. It is used to pick up food. Then the
food is put into the elephant's mouth. An elephant drinks by sucking up
water into its trunk. Then the elephant squirts the water into its mouth.
Elephants use their trunks to greet one another. They hold their trunks high
to catch smells in the air.
(A zhuh)
(Af rib kuh)
Elephant Babies
An elephant baby is very big. It weighs
more than a grown human. The newborn
calf sucks milk from its mother. The
mother will feed her baby for two years.
After a few months, the baby will also
eat plants.
Elephants live in
Asia. They live o
and in forests.
. '
Skills: Recalling Story D;ta1ls
2. A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a baby elephant.
3. A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a mother elephant.
Trunk means
2. An elephant picked berries with its trunk.
Trunk means
------- ------- -
d ay h_ __ s.____ _
b,_ __ pl,_ __
m.___ p,_ __ gr_ __
r_ __ w_ __ C,__ _
Readin • EMC 4530, Q Evan-Moor Cnrnnration
More Than One
Add an ending to make each word mean more than one.
1. tail 6. berry
2.bench 7. ear
3. lady 8.wish
4.leg 9. fox
little lost Elephant
Help the lost elephant calf find its mother.
Color the boxes with words that rhyme with too to make a path.
Rea • •