Tax Spotlight_EVS
Tax Spotlight_EVS
Tax Spotlight_EVS
What we do
Help clients understand the Advise multinational companies Assist clients in valuing
impacts of contemplated on how they create value and companies, specific assets,
activities and emerging legislation the implications of related-party and liabilities to help with their
and regulations: dealings on global taxes: business decision-making and
reporting requirements:
• Cost-benefit analysis • International planning
and advisory • Value equity interests,
• Economic impact analysis trademarks, customer
• Process and systems relationships, machine and
• Macroeconomic modeling and
implementation consulting equipment, real estate,
policy analysis
(operational transfer pricing) financial instruments
• Predictive and econometric
• Compliance and • Financial reporting—perform
documentation purchase price allocations,
• Dispute resolution impairment testing, stock
option valuations, IFRS reporting
• Mergers, acquisitions,
divestitures—price potential
transactions and analyze
potential impacts on earnings
Who we hire
Bachelor’s or master’s degree in accounting, MBA
finance, economics, mathematics, real PhD in economics
estate, statistics, data analytics, financial
engineering, or other comparable degrees
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independent member firms of the KPMG global organization. USCS018564-1B