Deploying+Openstack+Lab+on+GCP v5 (3)
Deploying+Openstack+Lab+on+GCP v5 (3)
Deploying+Openstack+Lab+on+GCP v5 (3)
This is a procedure to install a two node OpenStack cluster on top of a Google cloud
compute machines. It is assumed that you have your GCP account already set up using a
credit card. GCP Free tier (trial account) is sufficient to create this deployment. The free tier
gives you a quota of 12 CPUs. Make sure that at least 8 CPUs (& 30 GB RAM) should be
available before starting this deployment.
• Go to→SignIn→Go to Console
• Subscribe to a 3 month’s free tier subscription by providing your basic details &
credit card details. INR 1/- will be deducted & credited back by google.
• No auto deduction after 3 months until increased manually.
• Once completed then you will get access to Google cloud console and an activation
message at the top of the screen with available balance & days.
You can perform this deployment either using the SDK or the GCP cloudshell.
1. Create a Centos-9 image with nested virtualization. See the --licenses flag below
4. Once all this is done then the VMs should be assigned internal & external IP
addresses & should look like below. Go to GCP Dashboard→Compute engine
Click the VM name & in the details section check that the following flags should be set. If
not, then Edit VM & check both of them & save
7. Now open 2 separate SSH sessions to the controller & compute VMs via GCP
dashboard→Compute engine
9. Edit the SSH configuration & set the following parameters followed by an SSHD
restart to allow the external root login into the servers.
10. Disable the SELinux mode so that servers remain reachable after STOP/START
#setenforce 0
Edit the /etc/selinux/config file and set the SELINUX mode to "disabled"
11. Change root password of both the machines. Set any password of your choice &
remember that
12. Check the connectivity between controller & compute nodes via Ping. Replace the IP
address for your machines
[root@controller ~]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.22 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.300 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.228 ms
13. Update System & reboot the VMs- Make sure your machine has the latest
version of CentOS 9 on the machine. A reboot is required because kernel has
been updated.
#dnf -y update
Now its time to login to both the machines via any external tool like putty, SecureCRT,
MobaXterm, etc. Give username=root & password that you just changed for root user.
14. Enable CRB, Download & install OpenStack repositories, and update the machines.
#dnf config-manager --enable crb
#dnf install -y centos-release-openstack-yoga
#dnf update -y
15. Install network-scripts, disable firewall & NetworkManager in the VM & enable network service.
#dnf install network-scripts -y
#systemctl disable firewalld
#systemctl stop firewalld
#systemctl disable NetworkManager
#systemctl stop NetworkManager
#systemctl enable network
#systemctl start network
16. Install Packstack Installer for OpenStack and tmux utility which will avoid
the session disconnections of terminal window.
17. Add public DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf so that all repos become reachable from the
machines. Do not delete anything. Just append the following two lines in the existing file.
#vim /etc/resolv.conf
18. Edit one of the network-scripts and remove the ADDZEROCONF section and
restart the network service.
#vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth
#packstack --gen-answer-file=/root/answer.txt
Change the following parameters only. Do not change any other parameters.
# List the servers on which to install the Compute service. Please add both machine internal IPs
# List the servers on which to install the network service. Please add both machine internal IPs
21. Run the PackStack installer (from the tmux session) with the answer file we just
modified according to our requirement.
#packstack --answer-file=/root/answer.txt
22. Now edit the following configuration file & put the External IP address of your
controller VM in the server alias list followed by an httpd restart
#vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/15-horizon_vhost.conf
23. Now access the CLI in the controller’s root directory. Source the keystone_admin.rc
file & start using the #openstack commands
Put the username = admin & password as you set in the answer file during installation.
Whatever password is set will be visible in the rc file, as below -
You can STOP the compute machine from the google dashboard after use. This will avoid
billing (even in the free trial). Whenever required please start the machine & after 5
mins the OpenStack dashboard will be reachable again.