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Ekta Ghule 2107760260

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“Web Design and Development”

In partial fulfillment for the Completion of course
Industrial Training - 22057
In the Programme
Information Technology

MET’s Institute of Technology-Polytechnic.

Academic Year 2023-24

Submitted By:
Name: Ekta Ghule
Enrollment No : 2107760260

Page 1

Training Report

Industrial Training
(6 weeks – after 4th semester)

Submitted by
Ekta Ghule

Submitted to
Prof. C.S. Mogare

Department of Information
Technology MET’s Institute of
Technology, Polytechnic
Bhujbal Knowledge City, Adgaon, Nashik – 422003



Page 2

Certificate of Completion
Of Industrial Training

Department of Information Technology

MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic

This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Ekta Ghule with Enrollment No 2107760260

has successfully completed Industrial Training (22057) in InnovationsHub
Services Pvt Ltd from 7/6/2023 to 22/7/2023 for the partial fulfillment towards
completion of Diploma in Information Technology from MET’s Institute of
Technology, Polytechnic having Institute Code 0776.

Prof . C.S. Mogare Prof. S.B. Patil Dr. R.S. Narkhede

Mentor Faculty Head of Department Principal

Seal of the Institute

Page 3
Format 2
Consent Letter from parents/guardians

The Principal,
MET’s Institute of Technology,
Polytechnic Bhujbal Knowledge City,
Nashik - 422003

Subject: Consent for Industrial Training.


I am fully aware that -

i) My ward Ekta Ghule studying in between Fourth semester at your MET’s

Institute of Technology, Polytechnic institute has to undergo six weeks of Industrial
training for partial fulfilment towards completion of Diploma in Information
ii) For this fulfilment he/she has been deputed at Innovations Hub Pvt Ltd
industry, located at Raviwar Karanja, Nashik for industrial training of six weeks
for the period from 07-06-2023 to 22-07-2023.

With respect to above I give my consent for my ward to travel to and from the
mentionedindustry. Further I undertake that –
a) My ward will be entirely under the discipline of the organization where he/she will
be placed and will abide by the rules and regulations in force of the said organization.
b) My ward is not entitled to any leave during training period.
c) My ward will submit regularly a prescribed weekly diary, duly filled and countersigned
bythe training supervisor of the organization to the mentor faculty of the polytechnic
d) My ward will undergo the training at his/her own cost and risk during training and/or stay.

I have explained the contents of the letter to my ward who has also promised to adhere strictly
to the requirements. I assure that my ward will be properly instructed to take his own care to
avoid any accidents/injuries in the industry.

Date: 06-06-2023 Signature of Parent/Guardian:

Place: Nashik Name: Ujwala Sham Ghule
Address: Type II – 18 near bhaji market, in
front of Ambedkar Garden, HAL Township
Phone Number: 9527380883

Page 4

Page 5

1.1 Objectives of Inplant Training

 Develop skills in analyzing the usability of a web site.

 Understand how to plan and conduct user research related to web usability.
 Learn the language of the web: HTML and CSS. Assignments solved/Projects developed


Page 6



 Name of the Company : InnovationsHub Services Pvt Ltd

 Location/ address /Pin code : Reg. Office : 49, Vakratund Bunglow,
Amrutdham, Nashik-422003, India
 Establishment : 2018
 Email & Web Address : www.innovationshub.in
 Name and Designation of Owners / Contact Person: Kundan Sonawane(Founder)
 Contact Number of Owners / Contact Person : 9021721618
 Type of Control : (Private )
 Type of Company : NA
 Total Number of Employees in Company : 22
 Total Turnover of Company : NA


Websites, Mobile Application, ERP, E-commerce, Online Marketing Animation,

Commercial Billing Software

2.3 HISTORY :-
InnovationsHub Services Pvt Ltd is a leading Information Technology (IT) Service
provider in Nashik and Pune, who delivers the complete solution for the entire
software necessities with the assured quality. We proved our competence in IT
consulting, Technology services, R&D and Technology service, IEEE project
development, corporate training, Academic Project enhancement, Business Process
Outsourcing, Web Designing, Content writing, Research Article submission, Blogger
services, a Management solution. Our team associates designated after the several
scrutinized and hence the exhibits of them imitate the blend of invaluable experience
and the qualification. They have the intellectual to deliver the exact way out for any
kind of defy. We endow the updated methodologies in every phase of our process and
we well known the value of the fiscal and time of the clients. Hence our outcome
ensures the suppleness for any kind of global amendments and enhancement in IT
sector. Our professionals have the expertise in several fields and they lend their hands
for client’s business development and obligations. We confer the service prior to the
dead line and we compromise on the money not in quality.

Page 7

3.1 Types of Major Software’s used in Industry/Organization with their


3.1.1. Laptops
 Processor: up to Intel Core i5-2410M 2.3 GHz.
 Graphics: ...
 Memory: up to 8GB DDR3.
 Storage: up to 750GB hard disk drive.
 Optical Drive: a dual layer DVD reader/writer.
 Display: 17.3" (HD, maximum resolution of 1600 × 900)
 Web Camera: integrated.

3.1.2. Notepad++
Notepad++ is a free, open-source text and source code editor. Written in the Web
language, Notepad++ prides itself in paring down on unnecessary features and
streamlining processes to create a light and efficient text notepad program.

Page 8

4.1 Manufacturing and Development Process along with production /

Website development planning and control/implementation method.

Software Development Process

4.1.1 Communication:
This is the first step where the user initiates the request for a desired software product.
He contacts the service provider and tries to negotiate the terms. He submits his
request to theservice providing organization in writing.

4.1.2 Planning:

The team comes up with a rough plan of software process. At this step the team
analyses if a software can be made to fulfil all requirements of the user and if there
is any possibility of software being no more useful. It is found out, if the project is
financially, practically and technologically feasible for the organization to take up.
There are many algorithms available, which help the developers to conclude the
feasibility of a software project.

4.1.3 Designing:

Next step is to bring down whole knowledge of requirements and analysis on the
desk and design the software product. The inputs from users and information
gathered in requirement gathering phase are the inputs of this step. The output of this
step comes in the form of two designs; logical design and physical design. Engineers
produce meta-data and data dictionaries, logical diagrams, data-flow diagrams and in
some cases pseudo codes.

4.1.4 Coding:

This step is also known as programming phase. The implementation of software

design starts in terms of writing program code in the suitable programming language
and developing error-free executable programs efficiently.

Page 9

5.1 Testing of System Configuration, Network And necessary Tools

for Website development and complete software along with quality
assurance procedure.

5.1.1 Testing:

An estimate says that 50% of whole software development process should be tested.
Errors may ruin the software from critical level to its own removal. Software testing is
done while coding by the developers and thorough testing is conducted by testing
experts at various levels of code such as module testing, program testing, product
testing, in-house testing and testing the product at user’s end. Early discovery of errors
and their remedy is the key to reliable software.

5.1.2 Tools used for Website

TestingManual Testing:
Manual testing is the process of using the functions and features of an application as
an end- user would in order to verify the software is working as required. With
manual testing, a tester manually conducts tests on the software by following a set of
pre-defined test cases. In order to successfully conduct manual tests, you first need to
understand the requirements of the software. By understanding the requirements,
you’ll know what needs to be tested and what classifies a defect. This is a crucial part
of manual testing as the main goal is to make sure the software is bug-free.

Selenium is a portable framework for testing web applications. Selenium provides a
playback (formerly also recording) tool for authoring functional tests without the
need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). It also provides a test domain-
specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming
languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala. The tests
can then run against most modern web browsers.
Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms. It is open-source
software, released under the Apache 2.0 license: web developers can download
and use it without charge.

Page 10

6.1 Deployment Strategy Used by industry, Documentation Methods and

end user Support.
6.1.1 Deployment
The objective of deployment phase is to make the developed software operational in a
live environment. A deployment in the operational environment comes only after the
product is fully tested and accepted by the business in the acceptance stage of the
testing phase. Here we may need to provide training to the real time users and posted
ployment review is done in this phase.

6.1.2 Maintenance & Support

This phase confirms the software operation in terms of more efficiency and less
errors. If required, the users are trained on, or aided with the documentation on how
to operate the software and how to keep the software operational. The software is
maintained timely by updating the code according to the changes taking place in
user end environment or technology. This phase may face challenges from hidden
bugs and realworld unidentified problems.

6.1.3 Feedback
We provide customized websites and software solutions that suit customer’s company
objectives. We always keep involving our customers in an entire process starting from
design through deployment, so that your ideas can be incorporated into work. After
deploying website or software we keep working with you to provide continuous
support. We also help to promote your businesses by our digital marketing services.
Our focus is always on giving a quality product to a customer for which we design
attractive websites, by combining creative strategies with innovative technology.

Page 11

7.1 Safety Procedure followed and safety gear used (Preventive Measures
– Website development process)

1. Failure modes, including hardware, software, human and system are

addressed in the design of the Website.

2. Designing engineering practices and documentation are used in

the development of the Website.

3. Website is designed for human machine interface, ease of

maintenance and modification or enhancement.

4. Software with safety-critical functionality must be thoroughly verified

with objective analysis.

Page 12

8.1 Particulars of Practical Experiences in Industry / Organization is any

in production /Assembly /Testing / maintenance.

1. We learned how to work in a team on a large Project.

2. Learned different tools and Website’s which are used by company

to develop applications.

3. We learned how to take requirement from client and prepare SRS.

4. Learned how to design project flow from client requirements.

5. We learned how to develop Static Websites as per client requirements.

6. We studied entire process of software development life cycle.

7. We went through different products developed by company and

understood features of that product.

8. We learned the concept of Domain Registration and Web Hosting.

9. We saw live demonstration of Database Configuration.

10. We studied all services provided by InnovationsHub Services Pvt Ltd.

Page 13

9.1 Short Report/Description of the project (If any done during training)

Week 1

Day Activities carried out

Web Design & Development. (Static and Dynamic Websites)

1 Introduction to HTML (hypertext markup language) HTML structure.
Page Components:
<!doctype html> Declaration of version HTML
<html> Container for the document </html>
<head><title> Title of the web page. </title></head>
<body> Content of the web page<body>
Heading tags (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) H1
– larger, H6 – smaller.
Paragraph tag :<p></p>
Basic syntax and example of Image and Link
Image tag <img src = ”url” alt = “description of Image”>
src: attribute where we can specify path of image.
alt: attribute where we can specify alternative name for image when image cannot
be display.
4 lists
Ordered list <ol></ol>
Unordered list <ul></ul> List
tag <li></li>

Table tag <table></table>

Attributes in table tag:
<tr></tr>indicates table row.
<td></td>indicates table data.
Grouping tag: <div></div>
Input tag :<input type=”text” placeholder=”name”>
type=”text” means it contains text value and placeholder is text you want into your text field.
type=”radio” used for radio buttons, type=”checkbox” used for checkbox,
type=”submit” used to submit form.
Select used to create list box and option attribute (<option></option>) used to insert values
in list.
Used to insert a Div in an Html structure.
Div tag: <div></div>
Assignment-Basic website Page

Page 14
Week 2

Day Activities carried out

Anchor tag <a></a>
Target attribute used to open link in new tab or the same To
redirect in same tab.
To redirect in new tab.
Text Formatting :
Horizontal line tag <hr>
It is singular tag used to add horizontal line. Bold
tag <b> </b> Used bold text.
Super-script tags <sup></sup> Sub-
script tags <sub></sub>

3 Introduction to CSS (Cascading style sheets) Rules

and types of CSS (Inline, Internal, External)

Way of defining CSS:

4 Using Tag name: Use when we have only one tag. (e.g.: p{color: red;})
Using Id: we use ‘#’ to write CSS for id. (e.g.: #name{height:50px;})
Using Class name: we use ‘.’ To write CSS for class. (e.g.: .head{color: black;})

Color (color: “color name” ;)

Background Type:
background-color: “color name”;
background-image: url(“src”);
background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat

6 Assignment-Design first website using Header, Article and Footer

Page 15
Week 3

Day Activities carried out

Text: font-size, font-family, font-style, text-shadow.

1 Text-align (Center, Right, Left, Justify)
Text-transform (Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize)
Text-decoration (none, underline, overline, line-through)

Display: inline, block, inline-block, none.

Dimensions: width, height.
2 Overflow: hidden, scroll, visible, auto. Border: Parameters: Border-size, Border-
style (dashed, solid, dot), Border-color.
(e.g.: “border: 2px solid color;”)

Margin: outer space of content (margin: dimensions ;) Padding:

3 inner space of content (padding: dimensions ;)
Dimensions: top, right, bottom, left Same for both.

Introduction to Bootstrap.
4 Online-bootstrap:<link rel="stylesheet"
Offline bootstrap: (download bootstrap file and include it in tag)

Classes: Container and Container-fluid.

5 Grid: Grid is made up of grouping of Rows and Columns inside 1 or more Containers.
Used for layout, specifically Responsive Layouts.

Jumbotron class: used to create a grey box.

6 Table class: table class = “table”.
table-bordered, table-striped, table-condense, table-responsive.
Image-classes: img-rounded, img-thumbnail, img-responsive, img-circle.

Page 16
Week 4

Day Activities carried out

Alerts: alert-success, alert-info, alert-warning, alert-danger. Input:

1 input-group, input-group-addon.
Input-size: lg(Large), sm(small), md(Medium), xs(Extra small).

2 Button class: btn btn-default, btn btn-success, btn btn-danger, btn btn-info, btn btn-
warning, btn btn-link, btn btn-primary.

Form: form-control, form-group.

3 Columns: col-lg-6/12, col-xs-12/6, col-sm-4/6, col-md-4/6.
Symbols: glyphicon (envelop, search, etc.)

Button primary class: active, disabled.

4 Button-group: btn-group, caret (used to create selectbox).
Dropdown-menu: dropdown-menu (to create listbox

Progress: class progress-bar.

5 Progress-bar-success, progress-bar-info, progress-bar-warning. progress-striped,

6 Assignment-Design first website using Header, Article and Footer using Bootstrap

Page 17
Week 5

Day Activities carried out

Introduction to JavaScript
1 Applications: To change HTML content, to change CSS object, change HTML object,
Form- validation, etc.

Display Possibilities :
1. Using .innerHTML
2. document. write()
3. window. alert()
4. console.log()

Script tag: <script type=css/javascript></script>

Method: document.getElementById();`
1. Change Html content. innerHTML
used to change html content.
2. Change CSS content.
style used to change CSS content

.src used to perform action on image.

.style used to change CSS object.
Hide: .style. display=’none’ (Hide the Content.)
Show: style=”display: none”(When onclick event happen show the Content.)

Used to store values. var
used to assign name.
Rules of creating variable.
Data types.

6 Assignment- Change background color using radio buttons

Page 18
Week 6

Day Activities carried out

1 Arithmetic operators. Assignment operators. Bitwise operators. Logical operators (AND (&),
OR (|), NOT (!)).

2 if, if-else, if…else if
PHP Introduction and
Installation Local and Live server
Client server architecture
1) Introduction To php and how to download , install and operate Xamppserver.
2) Also run php programs using local host. 3)Structure of
php program and some basics Ex:-<?php
4 $t=date(“H”);
Echo “Have a good day!”;
Conditonal Statements in php:
Code to be executed if condition is true;
5 2) if(condition){
Code to be executed if condition is true
Code to be executed if condition is false;
1) While while (condition is true) {
code to be executed;
6 2) do while do {
code to be executed;
} while (condition is true);

3) for for (init counter; test counter; increment counter) {

code to be executed for each iteration;

Page 19
(Testing of Website or work done)

Output of Project:

Website : Art Selling And Educational Website (Multipage responsive


Home page:

About Us:

Page 20

Page 21
Login :

Contact Us :

Page 22
Buy Now:

*All the pages are well link to each other.

Page 23
Source code of Index page only:

Page 24
Page 25
Page 26
Skill Developed/ Learning Of this project:

1. Learned to developed web page

2. Learned How to use HTML Tags.
3. Learned How to use CSS.
4. Learned to use Bootstrap.
5. Learned to use PHP.
6. Learned Template Editing

Page 27

10.1 Title: Special / challenging experiences encountered during


1.Variety of technologies are available in market, so it

becomes difficult to adapt all technologies.

2.We need to give consistent time in order to learn software development.

3.Its difficult to learn different things in a limited Time.

4.Variety of technologies are available in market, so it

becomes difficult to adapt all technologies.

5.We need to give consistent time in order to learn software development.

6.Its difficult to learn different things in a limited Time.

10.2 Conclusions :

It was good & memorable experience of the 6 weeks in the company.

During the training I got technical & practical knowledge in fact it was
opportunity to me to observe, how the various departments co-ordinate
in between them & how they were trying to plan, organize, control &
manage the work properly to achieve the organizational goals

Page 28
Format 4

Evaluation Sheet for PA of Industrial Training

Academic year : 2023-24

Name of the Industry : InnovationsHub Service Pvt Ltd

Marks (5
marks for
each PA PA
Sr Enrollment Name of Student week) by Marks by Marks by Total
no Number Mentor & Industry Mentor Marks
Industry Supervisor faculty
Out of 30 Out of 25 Out of 20 Out of 75
(A) (B) (C) (A)+(B)+(C)

1. 2107760260 Ekta Ghule

A) Marks for PA are to be awarded out of 5 for each week considering the level of completeness
of activity
observed, from the daily diary maintained.

B) Marks are to be awarded by Industry Supervisor on the basis of General Observation and
behavioral aspects of Student.

C) Marks are to be awarded by Mentor faculty on the basis if report, understanding level and
work performance of the student.

Prof . C.S. Mogare Prof. C.S. Mogare Miss.Pallavi Thorat

Mentor Faculty Subject Teacher Industry Supervisor

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