The document provides information on low alloy steel consumables with MnMo additions for welding high strength steels, detailing their applications, welding guidelines, and related alloy groups. It specifies the use of E9018-D1 and E10018-D2 for materials with minimum tensile strengths of 620MPa and 690MPa, respectively, and discusses preheat and post-weld heat treatment requirements. Additionally, it highlights the microstructure of the materials in the stress relieved condition and lists available products and specifications.
The document provides information on low alloy steel consumables with MnMo additions for welding high strength steels, detailing their applications, welding guidelines, and related alloy groups. It specifies the use of E9018-D1 and E10018-D2 for materials with minimum tensile strengths of 620MPa and 690MPa, respectively, and discusses preheat and post-weld heat treatment requirements. Additionally, it highlights the microstructure of the materials in the stress relieved condition and lists available products and specifications.
Original Description:
Low alloy steel consumables with MnMo additions
for welding high strength steels.
The document provides information on low alloy steel consumables with MnMo additions for welding high strength steels, detailing their applications, welding guidelines, and related alloy groups. It specifies the use of E9018-D1 and E10018-D2 for materials with minimum tensile strengths of 620MPa and 690MPa, respectively, and discusses preheat and post-weld heat treatment requirements. Additionally, it highlights the microstructure of the materials in the stress relieved condition and lists available products and specifications.
The document provides information on low alloy steel consumables with MnMo additions for welding high strength steels, detailing their applications, welding guidelines, and related alloy groups. It specifies the use of E9018-D1 and E10018-D2 for materials with minimum tensile strengths of 620MPa and 690MPa, respectively, and discusses preheat and post-weld heat treatment requirements. Additionally, it highlights the microstructure of the materials in the stress relieved condition and lists available products and specifications.
ALLOY TYPE WELDING GUIDELINES Low alloy steel consumables with MnMo additions The actual preheat and PWHT requirements for welding high strength steels. will depend on the base material being welded. Normally preheat/interpass temperatures will be in the range 100-250°C. MATERIALS TO BE WELDED These consumables are used for a variety of ferritic CMn and low alloy steels. PWHT E9018-D1 is used for materials with a minimum The PWHT requirements will depend on a number tensile strength requirement of 620MPa (90ksi); eg. of factors including, base material, property AISI 4130 (90ksi condition), ASTM A487 grades 2A, B requirements, need to conform to NACE etc. & C (cast). Temperatures will normally be about 620°C but E10018-D2 is used for materials with a minimum when welding 4130 using E10018-D2 temperatures tensile strength requirement of 690MPa (100ksi); up to about 645°C may be required to temper the eg. AISI 4130, 4140, 8630; BS970 grades 709M40 HAZ. (En19); DIN 42CrMo4 (1.7225), 34CrMo4 (1.7220); ASTM A487 grades 4A, 4B, 4D & 6A (cast). RELATED ALLOY GROUPS APPLICATIONS Although MnMo wire is the nearest match to Fabrication of higher strength steels for use in the the E9018-D1/E10018-D2 electrodes in terms stress relieved condition. of composition when welding base materials requiring high temperature or prolonged soak For offshore oil well-head process pipework and PWHT (eg. 4130) it may not retain the required fittings, these low nickel consumables satisfy NACE strength. In these circumstances the 1CrMo or MR0175 requirements intended to ensure resistance 2CrMo wires may prove useful (data sheets A-12 to sulphide-induced stress corrosion cracking in sour and A-13). See also alloy WB36 (data sheet A-23). service, combined with good sub-zero toughness.
Also finds applications for the repair of medium
strength low alloy steel castings where a stress- PRODUCTS AVAILABLE relief only (rather than N+T) is to be applied. Process Product Specification E9018-D1 AWS E9018-D1 MICROSTRUCTURE MMA E10018-D2 AWS E10018-D2 In the stress relieved condition the microstructure TIG/MIG MnMo AWS ER80S-D2 consists of tempered bainite.
Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting
Electric, Forge and Thermit Welding together with related methods and materials used in metal working and the oxygen process for removal of carbon