Give an example
Customary international law which has the status of a peremptory
(absolute, uncompromising, certain) norm of international law. A
peremptory norm is a norm accepted and recognized by the international
community of states as a rule, from which no derogation is permitted and
which can be modified only by a subsequent norm having the same
Examples: slave trade, piracy, genocide, aggression, torture and terrorism.
10. What are the conditions for the recognition of the status of a
The usual conditions for the recognition of the status of belligerency are:
A. Organized civil government having control and supervision over the
armed struggle;
B. Serious and widespread struggle with the outcome uncertain;
C. Occupation of a substantial portion of the national territory; and
D. Willingness on the part of the rebels to observe the rules/ customs of
(1) Absence of any of the foregoing conditions will result merely in insurgency which is
rarely recognized.
(2) Recognition may be either express or implied; the proclamation by the parent state
of a blockade of a port held by the rebels is implied recognition of belligerency; so is the
proclamation of neutrality by a third state