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Highlight ten relevant laws regulating the legal framework for doing business in Nigeria.
May 2012 No 1(a), April & August 2016, 2017 and 2018
Identify five regulatory bodies saddled with the control of corporate business activities in
Nigeria and briefly explain its function. May 2012 No 1(b), August 2017
Obtain two names from the promoters of the company: preferred name and
alternative name
Application is made to the Corporate Affairs Commission in CAC Form 1
Availability Check and Reservation of Name to know which of the names are
available and then reserved for the company pending completion of the
registration process.
Draft the Memorandum of Association of the company (without subscription clause and
subscription box) i.e. Heading and Clauses 1-6. 2009 No 1(a); 2010 No 1(f), May 2011 No
1(b) (Always asked)
List the documents that will be submitted to the CAC for the incorporation of a Company.
2010 No 1(e); May 2012 No 1(d)(ii) (very popular)
Complete Forms CAC 2,3,4 and 7. May 2011 No 1(a) (Complete CAC Forms)
Highlight the incorporation documents (as well as copies of each) required for stamping.
May 2011 No 1(c)(iii), April 2016
Mention the documents that must be presented to the CAC in order to register a Business
Name. 2009 No 6(c)(ii) (one of the most frequent)
List four clauses you will include in the Constitution of an Incorporated Trustee under
Part C CAMA. 2010 No 3(f), April 2016
1. Name
2. Commencement
3. Registered Address
4. Aims and Objectives
5. Sources of Funds
6. Board of Trustees
7. Powers and Duties of Trustees
8. Common seal
9. Meetings
10. Election of officers
11. Tenure of office
12. Bye-election
13. Special Clause
14. Dissolution.
The Special Clause is a Clause in the Constitution of an Incorporated Trustee that provides
for the application of the income and property of the association to the effect that the
income and assets of the association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the
objects of the body and no portion of it shall be paid or transferred by way of profit to the
members of the body; and that if, in the event of a winding up or dissolution of the body,
there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property, the same
shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the association, but shall be given
or transferred to some other institutions having objects similar to the objects of the body,
or transferred to some charitable objects.
Draft the special clause of the Constitution of an Incorporated Trustees May 2012 No 6(b)
„In the event of a winding up or dissolution of the incorporated trustees, there remains,
after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property, the same shall not be paid
to or distributed among the members of the association, but shall be given or transferred to
some other institutions having objects similar to the objects of the body, or transferred to
some charitable objects‟.
Draft the introductory clause of the partnership agreement between a Company, Vintage
Express Ltd and Mr XXling. 2009 No 6(d)(i)
THIS PARTNERSHIP DEED (is) made this ………….. day of ……………….. 2009
BETWEEN Vintage Express Limited (A Company Registered under CAMA) Trading
under The Name & Style of …………………………………….. of the one part AND Mr
Xxling of the other part.
Senator Udoh cannot appoint his 16 yr old Son as a Trustee of an Association, because he
is in law an infant and disqualified from appointment as a Trustee. Section 592(1)(a)
1. He is an infant.
2. He is a person of unsound mind, having been so found by a Court
3. He is an un-discharged bankrupt
4. He has been convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty within five years of
his proposed appointment; Section 592 CAMA
Advise the Trustees of a proposed Association on the legality or otherwise of carrying outs
its objectives prior to registration. 2010 No 3(a), April 2017
The Trustees of an Association can legally carry out its objectives prior to registration and
may even decide not to register at all if not so authorized by the association. Section 590
(1) CAMA
Outline the grounds for the dissolution of an Incorporated Trustees; May 2012 No 6(c)
1. That the aims and objects for which the association was established have been fully
realized and no useful purpose would be served by keeping the association alive
2. That the association was formed to exist for a specified period has expired and it is not
necessary for it to continue to exist
3. That all the aims and objects of the association have become illegal or otherwise contrary
to public policy.
4. That it is just and equitable in all the circumstances that the corporate body be dissolved
Advise the Trustees of an Incorporated Trustees on the rule guiding the distribution of the
Assets of the Incorporated Trustees; May 2012 No 6(d)
The rule guiding the distribution of the assets of an Incorporated Trustee is that the income
and assets of the association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of
the body and no portion of it shall be paid or transferred by way of profit to the members
of the body; and that if, in the event of a winding up or dissolution of the body, there
remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property, the same shall
not be paid to or distributed among the members of the association, but shall be given or
transferred to some other institutions having objects similar to the objects of the body, or
transferred to some charitable objects; Section 603 (1) CAMA.
Give three reasons why you would advise partners to have a written agreement. May 2012
No 5(b) (always asked)
Capital: The amount contributed by each partner or the proportion of the contribution
should be stated. There is a presumption of equality of shares unless otherwise provided
Section 25 (a) Partnership Law of Lagos; Halaby vs Halaby.
Mention four pre-incorporation contracts you will advice your advice your clients to
execute in furtherance of the incorporation of a company involving Nigerians and Japanese
Counterparts. 2010 No 1(c)
Mention any five clauses you will include in the Memorandum of Understanding. 2010 No
Name of Company
Sphere of Operation
Appointment of Directors
Powers and Duties of Directors
Sharing ratio
Applicable Law
Conflict Resolution
Advice a company on what major steps to take to ensure that the business between it and
Mr XXling, a Chinese Merchant does not offend the provisions of the law. 2009 No 6(d)(ii)
To avoid offending the provisions of the law in Nigeria, the steps to be taken by the Chinese
Partner include
The position of law on the issue of a foreign company seeking to carry on business in
Nigeria is that a company having the intention of carrying on business in Nigeria shall
(Although not part of the answer above); However, Section 56(1) of CAMA provides that
a foreign company or entity may be exempted from registration if it belongs to any of the
following categories or types of companies – August 2017 No 1
NIPC Form 1
Receipt of purchase of application form (NIPC Form 1)
Payment of a fee of five thousand naira (N5,000).
Partnership/ Joint venture agreement (if any)
Certified True Copy of the memo and article of the company.
Certificate of Incorporation
Tax clearance certificate
Certificate of capital importation
Evidence of acquisition of business premises
Feasibility study report (if any)
Names, addresses, nationalities and occupations of the Directors
Profile of expatriate personnel showing their qualifications, experience, positions to
be held in the company and duration of each quota position.
Mention two incentives that will available to a Company engaged in gas refinery for export
purposes financed with foreign loan. 2010 No 4(d)
Pioneer status: Exemption from tax for the first three years of its operation for
investment in solid minerals. Section 22(2) of Minerals and Mining Act Cap. M.
12 LFN 2004.
Export incentives and exemption from tax for the first three consecutive
assessment years under the Export (Incentives and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
Highlight the incentives available to a Company under relevant Nigerian statutes for
manufacturing a pioneer product, doing business in Nigeria with foreign loan and
importing raw materials to manufacture goods for export. 2010 No 1(g); May 2012 No 1(e)
Explain the procedure for foreign direct investment in Nigeria. May 2012 No 1(d)(i)
What type of resolution is to be passed for the re-registration of a company from private to
public company; 2009 No 1(c): Special resolution
1. Name clause: name of the company will be changed to end with public limited company
2. Status clause: the status clause will be changed to public company
3. Share capital clause must be increased to reflect the change (where there is increase in the
authorize share capital)
State two consequential alterations each to be made in the Articles of Association of the
Company to bring it in line with that of a public company; 2009 No 1(c); August 2011 No
3(d): Alterations to be made in the Articles:
1. Name clause: name of the company will be changed to public limited company (plc)
2. Removal of restriction on shares
3. Removal of the clause providing for pre-emptive rights of members
Itemize the pre and post re-registration documentation at the CAC before a Company can
achieve a change of status from private to public company. 2010 No 5(a)
1. Application letter in the prescribed form to the CAC signed by at least one Director and
2. A copy of the Special resolution
3. A printed copy of the MEMOART duly altered
4. Statutory declaration signed by Director and Secretary that the paid up capital is not less
than 25% of the aggregate net asset of the company
5. Statutory declaration of compliance signed by Director and Secretary
6. Copy of the Company Balance Sheet
7. A Copy of prospectus/statement in lieu of prospectus issued in the last 6 months
8. Certificate of Incorporation. Section 50 CAMA
Outline the procedural steps to take to re-register a company from private to public.
August 2011 No 1(a)(iii)
1. The Company‟s Board of Directors calls a meeting to propose the conversion and re-
registration of the company
2. A Special resolution is passed at the meeting for conversion and re-registration of the
company from private to public
3. The MEMOART of the company is altered to reflect the conversion
4. An Application letter is delivered to the CAC accompanied by:
a. A copy of the resolution
b. MEMOART of the Company duly altered and stamped
c. Statutory declaration of compliance signed by Director and Secretary that resolution was
duly passed
d. Statutory declaration signed by Director and Secretary that the paid up capital is not less
than 25% of the aggregate net asset of the company
e. Copy of Company Balance Sheet
f. Copy of prospectus/statement in lieu of prospectus issued in the last 6 months
g. Certificate of Incorporation; Section 50 CAMA
5. Obtain a new certificate of incorporation
Draft the resolution of the company made at the General Meeting to change its status from
a private to a public company. 2010 No 5(b)
Draft (resolution)
Draft a detailed application to the CAC to effect a change of a private company to a public
company. August 2011 No 3(a)
State the procedure involved in increasing the authorized share capital of a company. 2010
No 6(d); August 2011 No 2(b) (frequent)
1. The Company‟s Board of Directors calls a meeting to authorize the increase in the share
capital of the company
2. A general meeting is called to pass an ordinary resolution to increase the share capital
3. An ordinary resolution is passed at the meeting the increase in the authorized share
capital of the company
4. Preparation and delivery to the within 15 days of passing the resolution
5. A copy of the Ordinary resolution
6. A printed copy of the Notice of Increase to the CAC
7. Statement of increase duly stamped
8. Statement of authorized share capital and return on allotment of shares
9. Altered MEMOART
10. Statutory declaration verifying the fact of issuance of 25% of the authorized share capital
Outline the necessary documents that would submitted to the CAC and the documents that
would be issued by the Company after a successful registration of increase in share capital;
August 2011 No 1(b)(i)
Ordinary resolution
Statutory declaration verifying the fact of issuance of 25% of the authorized share
Draft the resolution increasing the share capital of a company 2009 No 1(d); 2010 No 6(d);
August 2011 No 2(c)
Draft (resolution)
Outline the procedure for change of name of a registered company. August 2011 No 3(e)
The consent of the CAC is sought by delivering to the CAC the following:
Draft the resolution for the change of a name of company. May 2011 No 6(b)(iii).
Draft (resolution)
State six statutory books required to be kept by a Company. August 2011 No 2(d)
Register of members
Index of members
Register of charges
Minutes of Meeting
Accounting Records
State the period within which to register a charge and discuss the legal implication of
failure to register the charge within the specified period. 2009 No 1(g)
Every charge created in accordance with the provision of the law is a registrable instrument
and must be registered within 90 days of creation. Section 197 CAMA.
Write a search report to a Bank on a company seeking grant of a loan facility; August 2011
No 2(a)
Search Report
With the aid of relevant authorities, write a reply on points of law to the contention that
once made a Director, only death can terminate the appointment. 2009 No 4(a)(v); August
2011 No 5(d)
By Section 255 CAMA, a person may be appointed as a Director for life. However, such
person shall be removable under Section 262 CAMA just like any other Director. The only
exemption that a Life Director enjoys is that he is not subject to retirement by rotation. The
contention that once made a Director, only death can terminate a person‟s appointment is
Comment on the dual status of a person appointed as a Director and also a Secretary in the
light of the provisions of the CAMA 2009 No 5(a); May 2011 No 6(a).
By a combined reading of Section 293(2) & 294 CAMA, a person can validly occupy the dual
position of Director and Secretary at the same time but where an act or thing is required to be
done by a Director and Secretary, such things cannot be validly done by the same person.
Discuss the validity of a document attested to a person acting in the dual capacity of a
Director and Secretary of a company. 2009 No 5(b); May 2011 No 4(c).
By a combined reading of Section 293(2) & 294 CAMA, it is possible for a person to validly
occupy the dual position of Director and Secretary at the same time but where an act or thing
is required to be done by a Director and Secretary, such things cannot be validly done by the
same person.
Therefore, a document attested to by a person in the dual capacity of a Director and Secretary
is invalid.
In the event of the death of all the Directors of a Company, any of the personal representatives
shall be able to apply to the Court for an order to convene a meeting of all the personal
representatives of the shareholders to attend and vote at a meeting to appoint new Directors to
manage the company and if they fail to do so, the Creditors shall have the powers to do so.
Section 248(2) CAMA.
What are the options available to a Board of Directors of a company for the removal of the
Managing Director; 2009 No 5(d)
The only option/procedure available for the removal of a Company Director is the procedure
as set out in Section 262 CAMA. Therefore once the person is removed as a director, he
automatically ceases to be the managing director; Bernard Longe v First Bank of Nigeria
What is the procedure for the removal of a Director; 2009 No 5(e); May 2012 No 2(2)(a)
1. The person(s) wishing to remove the director must issue(s) notice of the resolution to the
company at least 28 days before the date of the meeting – Section 236 of CAMA.
2. Upon receipt of the notice, the Secretary to the company will:
Section 262 CAMA contains the procedure for the removal of a Director and the first
requirement is that person(s) wishing to remove the director must issue(s) notice of the
resolution to the company at least 28 days before the date of the meeting Section 236 of
CAMA, which notice must be served on the Director sought to be removed. The Director
shall be entitled to receive the notice of the Director‟s notice otherwise the meeting and the
purported removal of a Director without serving him notice shall be null and void; see
Longe v First Bank of Nigeria.
Complete form CAC 7A to effect a change of Director; 2010 No 5(c); May 2012 No 2(2)(c)
Draft the resolution that a Company will file with the CAC to effect a change of a Director.
May 2012 No 2(2)(b)
Draft (resolution)
As a Company Secretary, state the rules applicable to rotation of Directors at the AGM
August 2011 No 5(a)
The rule on rotation of Directors as provided for under Section 259(1), (2) & (3) CAMA to
the effect that:
1. Except as stated in the Articles of Association of the Company, at the first Annual
General Meeting of the Company, all Directors shall retire from office (except life
2. At every subsequent Annual General Meeting, one third of the Directors for the time
or where the number is not three or a multiple of three, then the number nearest to one
third shall retire from office.
3. Also, the directors to retire first shall be those who have been longest in office since
their last election and as between Directors who were elected the same day, those to
retire shall (unless they otherwise agree among themselves) be determined by lots.
Examine the possibility of appointing a 72 year old man and a 16 year old as Directors of
Axe (Nig) Plc. August 2011 No 5(c)
An infant, being a person less than 18 years old is disqualified from appointment as a
Director of a Company. Section 257(1)(a) CAMA
Section 257(1)(a) CAMA provides for the category of persons who are disqualified from
holding office as Directors. One of such persons is the person disqualified under Section 254
By Section 254(1)(b) CAMA, a person who has been found guilty, while as an officer of a
Company, of any fraud in relation to the Company shall be disqualified from holding office as
a Director of the Company or otherwise take part in the management of the Company for a
specified period not exceeding ten years.
Prepare a checklist of the duties of a Company Secretary before, during and after an
AGM; August 2011 No 6(d)
The Secretary gives notice of meeting to all those entitled to notice of the meeting.
Section 219 CAMA.
Give additional notice in newspapers (for public companies) Section 222 CAMA
Ensure that the Annual Reports and Accounts are ready
Comment on the grounds for the removal of a company secretary by a Managing Director
for failure to honour a dinner date. 2009 No 5(c)
Section 296 CAMA provides for the procedure and grounds for the removal of the Company
Secretary as well as the appropriate authority to remove the Secretary.
The Board of Directors may remove a Company Secretary only on the grounds of fraud or
serious misconduct. Where the ground for the removal is other than fraud or serious
misconduct, then the Board of Directors shall not have powers to remove the Company
Secretary without the approval of the General Meeting but may only suspend the Secretary.
However, by Section 64(b) CAMA and Section 263 (5) CAMA, the Board of Directors may
delegate any or all their powers to the Managing Director.
The removal of the Company Secretary by the Managing Director on the ground of failure to
honour a dinner date, not being a ground of fraud or serious misconduct is invalid.
State three matters each that will be contained in the ordinary business and special
business at the Annual General Meeting of the company 2009 No 1(b) (asked till date)
Ordinary business
Declaration of dividends
Presentation of financial statements
Directors/Auditors‟ Report
Election of Directors to replace retiring Directors
Appointment and fixing of remuneration of Auditors
Appointment of Audit Committee members
Section 214 CAMA
When is a public Company incorporated on September 30, 2010 supposed to hold its
statutory meeting and what businesses are transacted therein. May 2011 No 6(b)(i).
The statutory meeting of a Public Company must be held within a period of six months
from the date of incorporation – Section 211(1) of CAMA. A company incorporated on
September 30, 2010 must hold its statutory meeting before March 30, 2011.
The business to be transacted at the Statutory Meeting of the Company is to consider the
statutory report. The statutory report must be forwarded to every member of the Company
at least 21 days before the meeting.
When is a Company incorporated on September 30, 2010 supposed to hold its first AGM
and what businesses are transacted therein. May 2011 No 6(b)(ii).
The first annual general meeting a Company must be held within eighteen (18) months from
the date of incorporation – Section 213 of CAMA. Thus for a company incorporated on
September 30, 2010, its first annual general meeting must be held not later than March 30,
The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting of the Company are the ordinary
business and the special business. The ordinary businesses are
Declaration of dividends
Directors/Auditors‟ Report
All other businesses other than the above are deemed special business of the Company.
Section 214 CAMA.
List three persons that are entitled to receive notice of AGM under the CAMA 2009 No
Every member
Every Auditor
Every Director
The Secretary
Section 219 CAMA. Apart from those listed above, no other person is entitled to receive notice
of meetings.
Advice a person who was not given a notice of meeting about the remedies available to him
under the law. 2009 No 3(iv)
Failure to give notice of any meeting to any a person entitled to receive notice of such
meeting shall invalidate the meeting except where such failure is an accidental omission.
Section 221(3) CAMA
In addition to the above, a minority who complains of failure to serve notice of meeting on
him shall be entitled to bring minority actions under Section 300 CAMA for either an
injunction restraining the company from holding the meeting or giving effect to the
resolutions passed at the meeting or a declaration to invalidate such meeting or resolution.
Pender v Lushington, Parke v Daily News; Bernard Longe v First Bank.
With the aid of relevant authorities, write a reply on points of law to the contention that
unless the Directors convene a meeting, there is nothing the shareholders can do, since such
power is exclusively reserved for the BOD. 2009 No 4(a)(iii)
The contention that there is nothing the shareholders can do where the Directors fail to
convene a meeting is misconceived in law.
This is because, apart from the Board of Directors calling a meeting, a meeting of the
Company may also be called by:
A requisition of members holding at least 1/10th of the shares or 1/10th of the members
of the company. Section 215 CAMA.
The Court in the event of failure of the Board to convene a meeting. Section 223
Advise the aggrieved shareholders on the possibility of holding a meeting of the company in
the event that the BOD refused to hold same. May 2011 No 5(ii).
The Board of Directors have the duty of calling the general meeting of the Company, but
where they fail to do so, the members of the Company can requisition a General Meeting
of the Company.
1. Members holding at least 1/10th of the shares or 1/10th of the members of the
company may requisition the meeting by depositing the requisition at the registered
office of the company;
2. The requisition shall state the objects of the meeting and must be signed by the
3. The Directors shall on the receipt of the requisition, forthwith proceed duly to
convene the general meeting of the Company;
4. If the Directors do not within 21 days from the date of the deposit of the requisition
proceed to convene the meeting, the requisitionists, or any one of them representing
more than one-half of the total voting rights of all of them, may themselves
convene the meeting;
5. The meeting so convened must be held not later than 3 months from that date;
6. Upon holding the meeting, any reasonable expenses incurred by the requisitionists
in convening the meeting shall be repaid to the requisitionists by the Company.
Section 215 CAMA.
Note however: that the members of the company cannot requisition an Annual General
Meeting strictu senso. The procedure for requisition relates to Extra-ordinary General
Meeting. By Section 213 (2) CAMA, where there is failure of the Board of Directors to
Draft the notice of Statutory meeting of a Company, itemizing the agenda. May 2012 No 2(1)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the statutory meeting of the above named company shall be
held on 10th of June, 2017 at the company‟s conference hall No 12 James Close, Ikeja Lagos
state, by 10am prompt, to transact the following business:
NOTE: Proxy…..
Company Secretary
By Order of the Board
Draft the notice of the first meeting of the Board of Directors of a Company. 2009 No 6(a)
Draft the notice for EGM of a Company. 2010 No 4(g): Draft (Notice of Meeting, just edit the
sample above)
The Board of Directors ordinarily takes decisions by resolutions passed at meetings. Section
263(1) CAMA. However, by Section 263(8) CAMA, a resolution in writing signed by all the
Directors for the time being in force, entitled to receive notice of a meeting of the Directors
shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Directors duly
convened and held. Thus the Directors can validly pass a resolution in writing without
necessarily being present physically.
The resolution signed by one Director while others sent their consent via email is invalid
because Section 263(8) CAMA contemplates a resolution signed by the Directors entitled to
receive notice of the meeting and not a consent sent via email.
NOTE (though not part of the answer to the question above); that where the other Directors
are outside Nigeria and did not leave an address in Nigeria, then they are not entitled to
receive the notice of the meeting (Section 266(4) CAMA) and hence not entitled to sign the
written resolution in the first place. Section 263(8) CAMA. Thus the only Director available
in Nigeria would not form the quorum necessary for any transaction. Section 264(1) CAMA.
Comment on the challenge of a meeting of the Board of Directors by the Chairman on the
ground that the Board appointed another person as Chairman after 10 mins. May 2011 No
The Board of Directors of a Company may elect a Chairman of their meetings and determine
the period for which he is to hold office, but if no such Chairman is elected or if at any
meeting, the Chairman is not present within five minutes after the time appointed for the
holding same, the Directors present may choose one of their number to be the Chairman of the
meeting. Section 263(4) CAMA.
The objection by the Chairman that another person was appointed as Chairman after ten
minutes is misconceived.
Comment on the challenge of a meeting of the Board of Directors by the Chairman on the
ground that the Board meeting was held in Dubai, UAE. May 2011 No 4(b)(ii)
The Directors of a Company may meet together from time to time for the dispatch of
business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they deemed fit. Section 263(1)
CAMA. Also by Section 216 CAMA, all statutory and annual general meetings of the
company shall be held in Nigeria. It therefore follows that all other types of meetings,
including meeting of the Board of Directors can validly hold outside Nigeria.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors has the right to preside as Chairman at every general
meeting. But where at a general meeting, there is no such Chairman if he is not present within
one hour after the time appointed for the holding same or is unwilling to act, the Directors
present may choose one of their number to be the Chairman of the meeting. Section 240
The objection by the Chairman that another person was appointed as Chairman after 30
minutes is valid because the Directors ought to have waited for one hour before appointing
another person as the Chairman of the meeting.
Assuming a person is duly appointed to chair an AGM in the absence of the substantive
Chairman, advise him on his role as the Chairman. August 2011 No 6(a)(ii)
Where at a general meeting, there is no Chairman present within one hour after the time
appointed for the holding same or is unwilling to act, the Directors present may choose one of
their number to be the Chairman of the meeting. Section 240 CAMA.
1. To preserve order
2. To ensure that the proceedings are conducted in a regular manner
3. Ensure that the proceedings are conducted in compliance with the law
4. To ensure that all questions that arise are promptly decided
5. Ensure that the true intention of the meeting is carried out
6. Act bona fide in the interest of the Company.
7. To cast his vote bona fide in the interest of the company as a whole, provided that if he is
a shareholder, he may cast his votes in his own interest. Section 240 (3) & (4) CAMA
Advice a Shareholders who cannot attend an AGM due to his daughter’s wedding on how
his views and opinions can be presented at the AGM. 2009 No 3(iv)
A person who cannot be present at a meeting has the right to appoint a proxy to represent him
at the meeting and attend and vote in his stead. Section 230 CAMA.
Advise a person appointed as a proxy to a meeting on her role. August 2011 No 6(b)
State the four modes by which a person can acquire shares of a Company and become a
member of the Company. 2010 No 2(d)
With the aid of relevant authorities, write a reply on points of law to the contention that
shares of a deceased joint shareholder are registered in favour of the legal representatives
of the deceased shareholder by transmission. 2009 No 4(a)(iv)
The objection is misconceived in view of the fact that the ownership of the shares of joint
shareholders in the event of the death of one the shareholders will automatically vest (by
operation of law) on the survivor. See section 155 of CAMA.
Advice a client, Timipreye who owns N1, 000,000.00 shares in a Company with N10,000,000
share capital. He complained that the Directors have been paying salaries to themselves
regularly but failed to pay members’ dividends for 5 yrs; that he has not been getting
notice of meetings and that a Director of the Company was removed and another appointed
in the same meeting. May 2011 No 3(a), August 2017.
Advise your Clients on the minority protection action available to them where the
Directors have failed to pay dividends but approve huge allowances for themselves;
indicate the wrongs they can complain of and the remedy or remedies they can obtain. May
2012 No 4(b)(i)
However, where Directors propose to pay themselves car and sitting allowances to the tune of
N30 million and N20 million respectively as in the instant case, when there is no money to
pay the dividends of the members, it is clearly excessive and a breach of the fiduciary duty of
the Director owed to the Company.
Since the allowances have not been paid, the members can take up members‟ direct action
against the Directors under Section 300 (d) CAMA for fraud on the company and Section
300(f) CAMA where the Directors are likely to derive a profit or benefit from their breach of
For the gift of N10 million to Chief Okon‟s wife, it also appears excessive but since it has also
been completed, the members can take up a derivative action under Section 303 CAMA.
By virtue of Section 299 CAMA, where any wrong is done to the Company, or there has
been an irregularity in the management of the company, only the Company has the
capacity to sue to remedy the wrong or to ratify the irregularity due to the minority rule
principle. See the case of Foss v Harbottle; see also Section 300 (c) CAMA.
However, by Sections 300-308 CAMA, there are several minority actions that can be
instituted by the members to revive the resolution including member‟s direct action,
derivative action, investigation by the CAC, and petition based on grounds of oppressive
and prejudicial conduct. The most appropriate minority protection suit that could be
instituted to revive the resolution is derivative action under Section 303 CAMA.
List who should be the Plaintiff and Defendant the suit above; August 2011 No 1(a)(ii)
The Plaintiff in the suit above will be the aggrieved minority shareholders while the
Defendants will be the Company and the erring Directors as follows.
1. Okey Ibe
Comment on the propriety of the actions of the Executive Directors of a Bank, who double
as Shareholders of the Bank, in selling 30 out 42 branches of the Bank by a resolution
without notice to the other Non Executive Directors of the Bank. August 2011 No 4(a)(iii)
The meeting where the 30 Branches of the Bank was sold without notice to the 4 Non
Executive Directors is invalid.
A Company is prohibited under Section 38(2) CAMA from directly or indirectly making
any donation or gift of ant of its properties or funds to a Political Party or Political
Association. The decision of the Management of the Bank and the approval of the General
meeting to make donations to a Political Party are contrary to law and to the officers who
voted to approve the donation are guilty of an offence and liable to refund the money to
the Bank.
As Secretary of a Company, state three returns you will make to the Corporate Affairs
Commission and the period for filing each return. 2009 No 1(e); State six annual returns a
Company is required to make and the period within which the return is to be made. August
2011 No 2(e); 2016 August
Mention the content of financial statements which the Directors of a Private Company are
obliged to lay before the AGM. 2009 No 3b(iii), August 2017, April 2018
Advise the CAC on the procedure to adopt to strike out the name of a defunct Company
for failure to file its annual returns. May 2012 No 4(b)(iii)
The procedure for the CAC to adopt to strike out the name of a defunct Company failure to file
its annual return is contained in Section 525 CAMA. The procedure is as follows:
Where the CAC has reasonable cause to believe that a Company is not carrying on
business or in operation, it may send to the Company by post a letter inquiring whether
the Company is carrying on business or in operation
If the CAC does not within one month of sending the letter, receive any answer, it shall
within 14 days after the expiration of the one month send to the Company by post, a
registered letter referring to the first letter and stating that no answer thereto has been
received and that if answer is not received to the second letter within one month, notice
shall be published in the Gazette with a view to striking out the name of the Company off
the register
Any Company or member aggrieved by the striking off the name of the Company may
apply to the Court at any time before the expiration of twenty years from the publication
of the notice striking off the name of the Company for the name of the company to be
restored to the register.
Comment on the validity of the grounds for the challenge of the appointment an auditor of
a company on the ground that he was appointed by the General Meeting instead of the
Board of Directors. May 2011 No 4a(i)
The challenge of the appointment of an auditor of a company on the ground that he was
appointed by the General Meeting instead of the Board of Directors is invalid because, the
appointment of an Auditor of a Company is to be done at every General Meeting of the
Company. It is only the appointment of the first Auditor that is done by the Board of
Directors. Section 357 CAMA.
Comment on the validity of the grounds for the challenge of the appointment an auditor of
a company on the ground that being a Registrar of ICAN, his independence could not be
guaranteed due to his previous dealings with the company. May 2011 No 4a(ii)
The challenge of the appointment an auditor of a company on the ground that he is a Registrar
of ICAN is invalid because the affinity of the Auditor with ICAN is not a valid ground for the
removal of an Auditor. However, the second arm of the objection which is that his
independence may not be guaranteed due to his previous dealings with the company may be a
valid objection.
The procedure for the removal of an Auditor of the Company by the Board of Directors is
wrong. An Auditor is appointed at the AGM of a Company and holds office from the AGM to
the conclusion of the next AGM (Section 357 CAMA) expect if he is removed from office by
the company at any time before the expiration of his term by an ordinary resolution of the
company. The removal of the Auditor by the Board of Directors is invalid.
The action of the Board of Directors to refuse the Auditor to attend the AGM of the Company
is wrong.
State the procedure for the removal of an auditor of a company. May 2011 No 4(a)(iv),
August 2017
An Auditor is appointed at the AGM of a Company and holds office from the AGM to the
conclusion of the next AGM (Section 357 CAMA). However, he may be removed from office
by the company at any time before the expiration of his term by an ordinary resolution of the
company notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any agreement between him and the
company – Section 362(1) of CAMA.
When an auditor has been removed, the company has a duty to give notice of his removal to
the Corporate Affairs Commission within fourteen (14) days of the passing of the resolution
leading to the removal of the auditor. Failure to do so makes the company and its officer who
is in default guilty of an offence and liable to a daily fine of N100 – Section 362(2) of
State the procedure for the allotment of shares to an applicant. May 2012 No 3(a)(i), April
List the documents to be submitted to the CAC for allotment of shares for a consideration.
May 2012 No 3(a)(ii), April 2018
Complete Form CAC 2A for return on allotment of shares. May 2012 No 3(a)(iii)
Outline the procedure for total transfer of shares by a shareholder. May 2012 No 4(a)(ii)
1. A deed of transfer is prepared and duly signed by the parties and a witness.
2. Transferor gives the deed of transfer and his share certificate to the transferee.
3. The deed of transfer is stamped at the stamp duties office.
4. Transferee delivers the stamped deed of transfer and the share certificate with the
5. Company issues new share certificate to the transferee within 3 months and
6. Enter the transferee name in the register of members. See section 151 CAMA
A client has 10,000 shares and wants to sell 4,000 shares to a person and 2,000 to another
but does not know how to go about it. Outline the procedure to him. May 2011 No 3(b)(i);
May 2012 No 3(a)(iv)
The procedure for the transfer of part of the shares of a Transferor is as follows:
1. Prepare the deed of transfer, and both parties will execute the deed of transfer.
2. The deed of transfer is stamped at the stamp duties office.
3. Transferor delivers the share certificate and the stamped deed of transfer to the company.
4. The Company may recognize the instrument by endorsing on it the words,
5. Company cancels the certificate to cover the part that is transferred and register transferee
as the new owner of the shares transferred to him.
6. Issue the transferor and the transferee new share certificates within 3 months; Section 157
Advise a client on the step to take to protect her interest in the shares of a company. May
2012 No 4(a)(i)
The Company shall then enter on the register of members, the fact that such notice has
been served and shall not register any transfer or make any payment in respect of the
shares contrary to the terms of the notice until the expiration of 42 days notice to the
Claimant of the proposed transfer or payment.
State the procedure for perfection of loan by a Company May 2012 No 3(b)(i); Give a
checklist of the steps a Company is expected to take in order to perfect a fixed charge on its
head office building. 2010 No 6(a)
Convene Board meeting to pass resolution authorizing the loan and preparation of
loan documents including prospectus if necessary.
Preparation, execution and stamping the documents: Deed of mortgage (charge by
way of legal mortgage debenture); Power of Attorney (if any) or Debenture Trust
Deed (if any).
Obtain Governor's consent
Register the documents at the Land Registry
File Form CAC 8, particulars of the mortgage/charge for registration at the CAC
within 90 days
Enter particulars of charge in Register of Charges and also in the Register of
Debenture holders where applicable.
Obtain Certificate of registration of charge from the CAC and have a copy of the
charge endorsed on every debenture or certificate of debenture stock issued by the
Company the payment of which is secured by the charge. See section 191 CAMA
Complete Form CAC 8 for registration of a mortgage. May 2012 No 3(b)(ii), August 2016
If you have been appointed as a Company Secretary of Bank of Commerce PLC, state the
remedies available under the Law to recover the loan granted to another Company. 2010
No 6(b)
The remedies available to the Debenture Holder (those the company is owing) in the event of
failure of the Company to repay include: (it is the same with the remedies of a legal mortgagee in
property law)
Every charge created in accordance with the provision of the Act is a registrable instrument
and must be registered within 90 days of creation. Section 197 CAMA.
The failure to register a charge renders such charge void against any liquidator or any
creditor of the company but the obligation to pay the debt is not thereby discharged and the
loan becomes payable immediately.
1. The amount to be raised must not be more than 50% of the capital revenue of the state in
the preceding year
2. The Bond must be registered with the SEC
3. The date of redemption of the bond must not exceed 25 years from the date of the
issuance of the bond
4. A separate sinking fund must be established for each loan
5. Bond certificate should be issued to the bond holders within 2 months
6. A legislation/resolution of the State House of Assembly must be issued to the office of
the Accountant General.
Outline at least 3 documents that would be attached to the application for approval of a
Govt. Bond by the SEC. May 2011 No 2b(ii)
1. Copy of the legislation/resolution of the State House of Assembly authorizing the bond
2. Copy of a rating report by an accredited rating agency registered with the SEC
3. Irrevocable letter of authority issue by the State Accountant General to the Accountant
General of the Federation to deduct from source, the State Statutory Allocation to redeem
the bond.
Mention four types of Collective Investments Schemes under the ISA. 2010 No 2(e); May
2011 No 2b(v)
Advice your State Government on how to set up a Community Savings Scheme for its rural
dwellers under the ISA; May 2011 No 2b(iii)
Establish the Community saving schemes within the LGA or Community where the
Participants reside
Distinguish between ownership of shares and investment in collective investments schemes. May
2011 No 2b(iv)
1. A shareholder has individual rights in the Company but Unit holders have collective
interest as their money loses its individuality
2. Investors in a CIS have participatory interest while shareholders are members of the
3. Shareholders are entitled to dividends but unit holders are entitled to share pro rata
4. Shareholders invest in an identifiable company while CIS may involve investment in
more than one Company
5. Participants in a CIS are unit holders while owners of shares are shareholders
6. Share holding in Companies are based on MEMOART but under the CIS, they are
created by Trust Deed
7. Shareholders have a right in the management of the Company but Unit holders have no
such rights.
Outline the various corporate restructuring options available under the Nigerian
Corporate Law and Practice and recommend a suitable option to salvage a company. 2009
No 2(i); May 2011 No 5(iii); August 2011 No 1(b)(iii)
Outline the procedure a Company should adopt to restructure internally. May 2011 No
Outline the procedure to actualize a scheme of arrangement whereby the depositors and
preferential share holders would relinquish their credits in lieu of shares under the CAMA.
2009 No 2(ii)
Application is made to the Federal High Court in a summary way by the company or
creditor or member of the company, or the liquidator if the company is being wound up,
praying the Court for an order that a meeting of the company or class of members or class
of creditors be summoned – Section 539(1).
If the order is granted, then the meeting is convened accordingly. The notice of the
meeting must be accompanied with a statement explaining the general effect of the
arrangement, any material interest of the directors of the company and whether it would
affect the directors differently from other persons. Section 540(1) and (2).
At the meeting, if a majority representing not less than three-quarters in value of the
shares of members or class of members, or of the interest of creditors or class of
creditors, as the case may be being present and voting either in person or by proxy, agree
to the scheme, report shall be made to the Court of the meeting – Section 539(2).
The Court shall refer the scheme to the Securities and Exchange Commission, which
shall appoint one or more inspectors to investigate the fairness of the scheme or
If the Court is satisfied as to the fairness of the scheme, it shall sanction it and it shall be
binding on all creditors or the class of members of the company, and also the company or
in the case of a company in the course of being wound up, on the liquidator and
contributories of the company – Section 539(3).
An Order made to sanction the scheme shall have no effect until a certified true copy of
the order has been delivered by the company to the Corporate Affairs Commission for
registration – Section 539(4)
A copy of every such order shall be annexed to every copy of the memorandum of the
company issued after the order has been made – Section 539(4).
List three documents that would be prepared under a scheme of arrangement 2009 No
Resolution of ¾ of the creditors or members as the case may be sanctioning the scheme
of arrangement or compromise
Outline the key steps to be followed should a company choose to merge with another. 2009
No 2(iv)
The steps to be followed where two companies choose to merge depend on the category of the
merger, whether: a Small merger; Intermediate merger; or Large merger.
State the procedure for the merger of two companies with a combined annual turnover of
two billion naira. 2010 No 4(e); State the procedure for the merger of two companies with a
combined annual turnover of one billion naira. 2010 No 6(e)
Mention the grounds for the revocation of a merger approval by the Securities and
Exchange Commission 2009 No 2(v)
By Section 127 ISA, the SEC may revoke a merger approval in the following circumstances:
1. Where the decision was based on incorrect information for which a party to the merger is
3. A company concerned in the merger has breached an obligation attached to the decision
Comment on the validity of an oral take-over bid accepted unanimously by the general
meeting of J & H Limited as a result of which the Company was taken over. August 2011
No 4(a)(i)
A take-over bid is not capable of acceptance by a private company whether or not there was a
unanimous resolution to do so by the company. Section 133(3) & (4) ISA. The unanimous
acceptance of the take-over bid by the Company cannot stand.
Mention three regulatory authorities that have a role to play in a merger August 2011 No
State three laws that will regulate a merger transaction; August 2011 No 4(b)(ii)(a)
As a Solicitor, state five areas of a Company you may have to conduct a due diligence
search in furtherance of a merger. August 2011 No 4(b)(ii)(c)
State five principal provisions you will include in a merger agreement; August 2011 No
With the aid of relevant authorities, write a reply on points of law to the contention that the
Federal High Court lacks jurisdiction in all matters touching on shares of a company
because such matters are now reserved for exclusion jurisdiction of the IST. 2009 No
4(a)(i), August 2016 No 4 b
The objection is misconceived on the ground that the dispute in question touches on the shares of
a company because issues relating to the operation of the CAMA and the internal affairs of a
Company are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal High Court by Section 251 CAMA.
Garba v Sheba International Company Ltd. However actions relating to investment dispute or
disputes arising out of capital market operation goes exclusively to the IST, section 274 ISA.
With the aid of relevant authorities, write a reply on points of law to the contention that an
action for the rectification of a Company’s register is incompetent unless it is commenced
by a petition, since the parties are quarreling 2009 No 4(a)(ii)
By virtue of Rule 3 of the Companies Proceedings Rules 1992, proceedings for the rectification
of register of members under Section 90(1) CAMA are commenced by an Originating Motion.
The objection that the matter should have commenced by petition is misconceived.
Prepare a checklist of at least three items each on the jurisdiction of the FHC and the IST.
2009 No 4(b)
Notice to the Company stating their intention to become members of the company
Share certificate
A court process shall be served on a Company in the manner by the Rules of the Federal
Court. Section 78 CAMA. Thus it can effected by service on any of the Principal officers
of the Company or at the registered office of the Company.
Comment on the chances of success of an action instituted to wind up a company for failure
to honour an agreement to pay its Lawyer’s professional fees. What Court should the
action be instituted. 2009 No 3(i)
Inability to pay its debt may be a ground for the winding up of a company. By Section 409 of
CAMA a company is deemed to be unable to pay debts if the company owes a creditor a sum
exceeding N2,000 (Two thousand naira) which is due for payment and a demand has been
made on the company for payment with the company not being able to pay, secure or
compound the debt to the satisfaction of the creditor for three (3) weeks after the demand has
been made.
What type of resolution will be passed for Members’ voluntary winding up and list the
circumstances when Ordinary Resolution can be passed for voluntary winding up of a
Company. 2010 No 4(f)
When the period, if any fixed for duration of the company by the Articles of Association
has elapsed
The event, if any occurs on occurrence of which the articles provided that the company is
to be dissolved
With the aid of relevant authorities, write a reply on points of law to the contention that
once a resolution for member’s voluntary winding up is passed, that creditors can no
longer be involved in the winding up process. 2009 No 4(a)(vi)
The objection is misconceived in view of the fact that if a resolution for members‟ voluntary
winding up is passed and the company fails or refuses to file a declaration of solvency; it may
be converted to a creditor‟s voluntary winding up wherein the creditors will be involved.
Section 401 CAMA.
What is Declaration of Solvency and what are the conditions to be fulfilled in making a
declaration of solvency. 2010 No 4(h)
The declaration must be made within five (5) weeks immediately preceding the
date of the passing of the resolution for voluntary winding-up and must be
delivered to the Corporate Affairs Commission for registration.
It must also embody a statement of the company‟s assets and liabilities as at the
latest date before the making of the declaration – Section 462(2) of CAMA.
Who can bring a petition for dissolution of an Incorporated Trustees May 2011 No 2a(3)(i)
What are the grounds for the dissolution of an Incorporated Trustee May 2011 No 2a(3)(ii)
if the aims and objectives have been fully realized and there is no longer need for its
its aims and objectives have become illegal or otherwise contrary to public policy,
it is just and equitable in all the circumstances that it should be dissolved; see Section
608(2) of CAMA.
Briefly comment on the ethical implication of a Legal Practitioner who was given
instructions and paid money to incorporate a company and he failed to incorporate the
company and refused to take the calls of the client. 2009 No 1(h)