SB 12-137: Gold and Silver Coin For Payment of Debts
SB 12-137: Gold and Silver Coin For Payment of Debts
SB 12-137: Gold and Silver Coin For Payment of Debts
Mike Johnston
Colorado General Assembly | 200 E. Colfax Avenue | Denver, CO 80203 | 303.866.4864
C.R.S. 11-61-101
Precludes a person from forcing another to pay, or accept as payment, for debts gold or silver coins.
Fiscal Impact: Although there is a fiscal note, the Legislative Council determined the proposed legislation would have no fiscal impact. The note did point out that although the proposed legislation affirms that gold and silver are legal tender in Colorado, the bill does not place any new regulatory requirements on the States divisions of Banking, Financial Services, or Securities within the Department of Regulatory Agencies.2
Harry Zeid, Fiscal Note: SB 12-137 (Feb. 1, 2012), available at df.