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Child Health Form 2009

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This form replaces all forms dated before February 24, 2009. This District of Columbia Universal Health Certificate (DCUHC) will be used for entry into Child Care
Facilities, Head Start and DC public, private and parochial schools.
Exception: It cannot be used to replace EPSDT forms or the Department of Health Oral Health Assessment Form. The DCUHC was developed by the DC Department of
Health and follows the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines for child and adolescent preventive health care; from birth to 21 years of age. This form is a
confidential document, consistent with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) for health providers, and the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) for educational institutions.

General Instructions: Please use a black ball point pen when completing this form.

Part 1: Child’s Personal Information:

Parent or Guardian: Please complete all of your child’s personal information including the child’s last name, first and middle name, date of birth and gender. Also include
your name, phone number, home address, the ward in which the address is located, and the name and phone number of an emergency contact in case you cannot be reached.
Provide the name of the school or child care facility. Check the box that describes your child’s type of health insurance coverage. If the child’s type of insurance coverage is
not listed, check “other” and write the type of coverage in the space provided. Write the name of your child’s primary care provider (doctor). If your child does not have a
primary care provider, write “none” in the space provided. This form will not be complete without the parent or guardian’s signature in Part 5.

Part 2: Child’s Health History, Examination & Recommendations: (To be completed by the health care provider). Please mark all relevant boxes.
• Date of Health Exam: All children must have a physical examination by a physician or certified nurse practitioner as per the AAP Guidelines. The date entered here
must indicate the date of the examination.
• WT: Child’s weight in either pounds (LBS) or kilograms (KG); HT: Child’s height in either inches (IN) or centimeters (CM).
• BP: If a child is three years of age or older, write the blood pressure value in the box and check if normal or abnormal. If abnormal, provide an explanation and
resolution in Part 2: Section A.
• Body Mass Index (BMI): If the child is 2 years of age or older, the BMI has to be calculated and recorded inclusive of percentile.
• HGB/HCT: Hemoglobin (HGB) or Hematocrit (HCT) is required for Head Start children. Also, anemia screening is recommended for menstruating adolescents
based on AAP guidelines. Please record blood level and indicate which test was performed by circling HGB, HCT or both.
• HEALTH CONCERNS: The health care provider must perform the following health screens: asthma, seizure, diabetes, language, developmental/behavioral and
other disorders that may require special health care needs.” For any of the health screens where there are “HEALTH CONCERNS,” the health care provider must
check the box indicating that the proper referral has been made or the child is currently being treated (Rx) for the concern. IF there are NO/NONE “HEALTH
CONCERNS”, then check the ‘NO” or None” box in each health screening area.
• SPECIAL NOTE: “Annual Dentist Visit” – for children three years of age and older, the health care provider must indicate whether a dentist has screened or
examined the child within the last 12 months. If “No”, the child should be referred to a dentist.
• A: Please note any significant health history, conditions, communicable illness and restrictions that may affect the child’s ability to perform in a school-related activity
or program or mark “NONE”.
• B: Please note any significant allergies that may require emergency medical care at a school-related activity or program or mark “NONE”.
• C: Please note any long-term medications, over-the-counter drugs or special care requirements at a school-related activity or program or mark
• “NONE”.
• SPECIAL NOTE: Please note any medications or treatments required at a school-related activity or program in Part 2: Section C and complete a Physician’s
Medication Authorization Order and attached it to the health certificate.

Part 3: Tuberculosis & Lead Exposure Risk Assessment & Testing:

• TUBERCULOSIS (TB) RISK ASSESSMENT: Perform risk assessment for TB as defined by the AAP Tuberculin Skin Test Recommendations for Infants, Children
and Adolescents in the 2006 AAP RED BOOK, 27th Ed., page 682. Current DC regulations require one TST (Tuberculin Skin Test) for all children entering child care or
school; whichever comes first. TST is also required for all children who are assessed as HIGH RISK OF EXPOSURE. Please note the test and mark the test outcome
(negative or positive). If the TST is positive, then mark the chest X-Ray outcome (CXR) and whether the child was treated. All positive TSTs must be reported to the
DC T.B. Control Program on 202-698-4040.
• LEAD EXPOSURE RISKS: DC law requires that all children are tested between 6 and 14 months of age and again between 22 and 26 months. DC law also requires
that if a child is more than 26 months old and has not yet been tested for lead exposure, that child must be screened twice prior to age 6. Please document both the “Date”
and “Result” of most recent lead test. Please indicate if “Pending.” “Pending” results will be valid for two months from date of testing and will not exclude a child from
school-related activity or program. ALL lead tests must be reported electronically by labs to the DC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. For detailed
instructions, call 202-654-6036/6037. Providers may fax results to: 202-481-3770.

Part 4: Required Provider (physician or nurse practitioner) Certification and Signature:

The provider will respond by marking “Yes” or “No” to the following statements:
The child was appropriately examined with a review of the health history;
The child is cleared for competitive sports (based on the assessment and consistent with the AAP Pre-participation Physical Evaluation 2nd Ed. (1997; and The child has
received age-appropriate screenings (in accordance with AAP and EPSDT guidelines) within the current year. If “No” is marked, explain the reason in the space provided.
All information will be kept confidential.

Part 5: Required Parent/Guardian Signatures. (Release of Health Information).

The parent or guardian must print their name; provide a signature and the date. By signing this section the parent or guardian gives permission to the health provider to
share the health information on this form with the child’s school, child care facility, camp or appropriate DC Government agency.

Forms are available online at www.doh.dc.gov

General Instructions: Please use black ball point pen when completing form
Child/Student Personal Information: Print clearly child/students last name, first name, and middle name/initial. Enter date of birth as mm/dd/yr. Indicate sex of
child/student by checking female or male. Indicate name of school or child care facility child attends.
Section 1: Immunization Information – Enter clearly date (mm/dd/yy) vaccine(s) administered or attach equivalent copy with provider’s signature and date. As required
by D.C. Law 3-20, “Immunization of School Students Act of 1979” and DCMR Title 22, Chapter 1 (revised May 2, 2008), the following immunizations are required.
Instructions: Find the age of the child/student in the column labeled “Child’s Current Age”. Read across the row for each required vaccine. The number in the box is the
number of doses required for that vaccine based on the CURRENT age or grade level of the child. The age range in the column does not mean that the child has until the
highest age in that range to meet compliance. Any child whose age falls within that range must have received the required number of doses based on his/her CURRENT
age in order to be in compliance.
Vaccine types and dosage numbers required for children enrolled in Child Care Programs1, 2



Hepatitis A11
Hepatitis B10

Conjugate 12



Child’s Current Age

Less than 2 months 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

2 – 3 months 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
4 – 5 months 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0
6 – 11 months 3 3 2/3 0 0 3 0 3 0 0
12 – 14 months 3 3 3/4 1 1 3 1 4 0 0
15 – 23 months 4 3 3/4 1 1 3 1 4 0 0
24 – 47 months 4 3 3/4 1 1 3 2 4 0 0
48 – 59 months 53 46 3/4 2 2 3 2 4 0 0
Vaccine types and dosage numbers required for children enrolled in Public, Charter, Parochial and Private Schools1, 2




Hepatitis A11
Hepatitis B10





Grade Level
Grade (Ungraded)
Grades K – 5 (5 – 10 yrs) 53, 4 4 0 2 2 3 2 0 0 0
Grades 6 - 12 (11 – 18+ yrs) 64, 5 4 0 2 2 3 2 0 1 3
Spacing: Doses must be appropriately spaced and given at appropriate age. Vaccine doses administered up to 4 days before minimum interval or age are counted as valid.
Exception: Two live virus vaccines that are not administered on same day, must be separated by a minimum of 28 days.
Exemptions: Medical exemptions from immunizations may be granted for valid reasons with proper documentation from health care provider (Section 2). Blood titers may
be obtained in lieu of immunizations (Section 3). A copy of the lab report must be submitted to school/child care facility. Documentation for religious exemptions must be
submitted by parent/guardian to the school/child care facility.
DTP/DTaP: Five (5) doses of DTP/DTaP are required at 4 years of age for school entry unless 4th dose was given on or after the 4th birthday. Interval between dose 4 and
dose 5 of DTP/DTaP must be 6 months.
Td/Tdap: Three (3) doses of Td required if primary series started after 7th birthday. If >11 years old, one of three doses must be tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap)
vaccine dose. Tdap booster required five years after last dose of tetanus, diphtheria-containing vaccine. Td booster required every 10 years.
Tdap: Student must meet the minimum prior requirement for the 4th or 5th doses of DTP/DTaP vaccine and have one (1) dose of Tdap.
Polio: Four doses are required at age 4 for school entry, unless the third dose of an all-IPV or all-OPV schedule is given on or after the 4th birthday, in which only 3 doses are
needed. However, if the sequential or mixed IPV/OPV schedule was used, four doses are required to complete the primary series. Polio is not routinely given for students >
18 years of age.
HIB: The number of primary doses is determined by vaccine product and age the series begins. The last dose of Hib must be administered on or after 12 months of age,
however, if only one (1) dose is given, it must be administered on or after 15 months of age. The vaccine is not required for students 5 years of age and older.
MMR: Second dose required at 4 years of age. First dose must be given on or after the first birthday. Second dose may be given one month after the first dose. MMR and
Varicella must be given on the same day or separated by 28 days.
Varicella: Second dose required at 4 years of age. First dose must be given on or after the first birthday. If first dose given between 12 months and 12 years of age, second
dose is given 3 months after first dose; if first dose is given at > 13 years, 2nd dose may be given one month after first dose. The Varicella vaccine is not required for a student
who has a history of chickenpox verified by a primary care provider and includes the month and year of disease.
Hepatitis B: If monovalent hepatitis B vaccine is given in conjunction with a combination vaccine, i.e. DTaP-IPV-Hepatitis B, four doses of hepatitis B is acceptable;
however, dose 3 or 4 must be given at age 24 weeks or later and at least 8 weeks after the previous dose. If monovalent hepatitis B vaccine is administered, dose 3 must be
given at least 16 weeks after dose one and at least 8 weeks after dose 2. For students 11-15 years old, a clearly documented 2-dose adult hepatitis B vaccine (Recombivax) is
Hepatitis A: Required for students born on or after January 1, 2005.
Pneumococcal: The number of pneumococcal doses required depends on the student’s current age and the age when the first dose was administered. Administer 1 dose to
healthy children aged 24 through 59 months who are not completely vaccinated for their age. The vaccine is not required for students 5 years of age and older.
Meningococcal: Required at age 11 years of age and older.
HPV: Required for students entering the sixth grade for the first time. Information concerning human papillomavirus (HPV) and the HPV vaccine must be provided to
parent/guardian or student. A parent/guardian may sign a form approved by the Department of Health to “Opt-Out”.
Section 2: Medical Exemption – Complete this section if there exist a medical contraindication which prevents the child from receiving one or more immunizations in a
timely manner consistent with D.C. Law 3-20 & ACIP recommendations. Check all contraindicated vaccines and provide a reason for contraindication. If the medical
exemption is permanent, check appropriate space. If medical exemption is temporary, check the appropriate space and enter the date it expires. Medical provider must sign,
print name or stamp and date this section.
Section 3: Alternative Proof of Immunity – Complete this section if blood titers are used to show proof of immunity. Check vaccine(s) which blood titer were obtained.
Attach a copy of the titer results. Medical provider must sign, print name or stamp and date this section.
Part 1: Child’s Personal Information Parent/Guardian: Please complete Part 1 clearly and completely & sign Part 5 below.
Child’s Last Name: Child’s First & Middle Name: Date of Birth: Gender: Race/Ethnicity: † White Non Hispanic † Black Non Hispanic
†M †F † Hispanic † Asian or Pacific Islander † Other______________

Parent or Guardian Name: Telephone: Home Address: Ward:

† Home † Cell † Work

Emergency Contact Person: Emergency Number: City/State (if other than D.C.) Zip code:

† Home † Cell † Work

School or Child Care Facility: † Medicaid † Private Insurance † None Primary Care Provider (PCP):

† Other ________________________________

Part 2: Child’s Health History, Examination & Recommendations Health Provider: Form must be fully completed.
(>3 yrs) (>2 yrs)
† KG † CM †ABNL (BMI)___________
HGB / HCT Vision Screening † Glasses Hearing Screening
(Required for Head Start)
† Referred Pass________ Fail________ † Referred
Right 20/____ Left 20/____
Asthma † † † Referred † Under Rx Language/Speech † † YES † Referred † Under Rx
Seizure † † † Referred † Under Rx Development/ † † YES † Referred † Under Rx
NO YES Behavioral NONE
Diabetes † † † Referred † Under Rx Other____________ † † YES † Referred † Under Rx
ANNUAL DENTIST VISIT: (Age 3 and older): Has the child seen a Dentist/Dental Provider within the last year? † YES † NO † Referred
A. Significant health history, conditions, communicable illness, or restrictions that may affect school, child care, sports, or camp.
† NONE † YES, please detail:
B. Significant food/medication/environmental allergies that may require emergency medical care at school, child care, camp, or
sports activity.
† NONE † YES, please detail: ___________________________________________________________________________________
C. Long-term medications, over-the-counter-drugs (OTC) or special care requirements.
† NONE † YES, please detail (For any medications or treatment required during school hours, a Physician’s Medication Authorization Order
should be submitted with this form)

Part 3: Tuberculosis & Lead Exposure Risk Assessment & Testing:

TB RISK ASSESSMENTS † HIGHÆ Tuberculin Skin Test † NEGATIVE If TST Positive Health Provider: POSITIVE TST
† CXR NEGATIVE should be referred to PCP for
† LOW (TST) DATE: † POSITIVE † CXR POSITIVE evaluation. For questions, call T.B.
† TREATED Control: 202-698-4040
LEAD EXPOSURE RISKS † YESÆ LEAD TEST DATE: RESULT: Health Provider: ALL lead levels must be reported to DC Childhood Lead
Poisoning Prevention Program: Fax: 202-481-3770
† NO
Part 4: Required Provider Certification and Signature
YES NO This child has been appropriately examined & health history reviewed. At time of exam, this child is in
satisfactory health to participate in all school, camp or child care activities except as noted above.

YES NO This athlete is cleared for competitive sports.

† YES † NO Age-appropriate health screening requirements performed within current year. If no, please explain:

Print Name MD/NP Signature Date

Address Phone Fax

Part 5: Required Parental/Guardian Signatures. (Release of Health Information)

I give permission to the signing health examiner/facility to share the health information on this form with my child’s school, child care, camp, or appropriate DC Government Agency.
Print Name Signature Date

Student’s Name: ____________________________/_________________________/________________ Date of Birth:_____/_____/________

Last First Middle Mo. /Day/ Yr.

Sex: Male Female School or Child Care Facility:______________________________________________________________

Section 1: Immunization: Please fill in or attach equivalent copy with provider signature and date.
1 2 3 4 5

Diphtheria,Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP,DTaP)

1 2 3 4 5

DT (<7 yrs.)/ Td (>7 yrs.)


Tdap Booster
1 2 3 4

Haemophilus influenza Type b (Hib )

1 2 3 4

Hepatitis B (HepB)
1 2 3 4

Polio (IPV, OPV)

1 2

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

1 2

1 2

1 2

1 2
Chicken Pox Disease History: Yes When: Month____________ Year___________

Verified by:___________________________________________ (Health Care Provider)

Name & Title
1 2 3 4

Pneumococcal Conjugate
1 2

Hepatitis A (HepA) (Born on or after 01/01/2005)


Meningococcal Vaccine
1 2 3

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Influenza (Recommended)
1 2 3

Rotavirus (Recommended)


_______________________________________________ _______________________________________ __________

Signature of Medical Provider Print Name or Stamp Date

Section 2: MEDICAL EXEMPTION. For Health Care Provider Use Only.

I certify that the above student has a valid medical contraindication to being immunized at the time against: (check all that apply)

Diphtheria: (__) Tetanus: (__) Pertussis: (__) Hib: (__) HepB: (__) Polio: (__) Measles: (__) Mumps: (__) Rubella: (__) Varicella: (__) Pneumococcal: (__)

HepA: (__) Meningococcal: (__) HPV: (__)


This is a permanent condition (___) or temporary condition (___) until ____/____/____.

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________ __________

Signature of Medical Provider Print Name or Stamp Date

Section 3: Alternative Proof of Immunity. To be completed by Health Care Provider or Health Official.

I certify that the student named above has laboratory evidence of immunity: (Check all that apply & attach a copy of titer results)

Diphtheria: (__) Tetanus: (__) Pertussis: (__) Hib: (__) HepB: (__) Polio: (__) Measles: (__) Mumps: (__) Rubella: (__) Varicella: (__) Pneumococcal: (__)

HepA: (__) Meningococcal: (__) HPV: (__)

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________ __________

Signature of Medical Provider Print Name or Stamp Date

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