Hardik Chemishtry Lubricants Notes 7
Hardik Chemishtry Lubricants Notes 7
Hardik Chemishtry Lubricants Notes 7
The resistance experienced by metal to metal parts in a machine , due to the moving or
sliding surface , which retards their movement is known as friction .
A substance which is introdued between two relatively moving surface to reduce friction
and wear is called lubricant .
The process of reducing frictional resistance between moving surface by the application of
lubricants is called lubrication .
Due to friction large amount of energy is released in the form of heat which reduces the
effeciency of machine .
1) hydrodynamic lubrication or
thick film or
fluid film lubrication.
2) Boundary lubrication or
thin film lubrication
It is applied between two moving surface , which avoid direct metal to metal contact this load is
carried by the layer of absorved lubricant.
In boundary lubrication the distance between two moving parts is very small .
There is no direct contact between surfaces thus , reduces wear and tear
It is done by incarborating extreme pressure addatives in mineral oil at high temperature attained
due to the very high speed of moving surface under high pressure
Chlorinated esters , Sulfurized oil and tricresyl phosphate additive are used
these additives react with metallic surface at high temp to form metallic chloride in the form of
films .
These films can hold very high load at very high temperature and pressure .
these oil is used to reduce friction between two moving or sliding metallic surface . Which extend
the life of machines .
It is the refined oil
It is also used for cooling , cleaning ,rust prevention etc..
minerals oil :-
these oil are obtained from the residual mass left during the petroleum distillation and are obtained
by the further distillation of residue under certain condition
they are used in lubricating cutting oil , textiles machine , commercial engine etc .
Blended Oil :-
Minerals oil are mixed with animals or vegetable oil to reduce pour point , improve viscosity , resist
oxidation and reduce corrosion these mixture of oil is known as Blended oil .
these are the chemically prepared compound and very effective in various condition there are
following types
1) Polyethers :-
pollyethers have very good lubricating properties it can with stand high temperature they are used
as a lubricant in steelroling mills seramic kiln vaccum pump etc .
2) Diester :-
they also have good lubricating properties they are stable at high temperature they are used to
lubericating in jet engine .
3) Silicons :-
they have remarkable resistance to heat and cold and used for hydrolic fluids to lubricate furnished
doors and electroplating equipments .
They are used in highly corrosive condition
4) fluorocarbons :-
there are resistant to heat and chemical attack they are used in oxygen generating equipment as they
do not corroded with oxygen or with H2O2 in rocket motors and in atomic energy plans .
2) semi - Solid lubricants or grease :-
Grease ease :- co thickened lubricant that provides lubrication in situation where liquid oil cannot
be used effectively.
Important types of greases can be classified as follows:-
(I) Cup greases :- They are emulsions of petroleum lubricating oils with water containing or
Stereate as Stablizer. They Calcium oliate are used for general purpose ar a temperawre below
80°C. .
(ii) Soda-base Grease:- These are prepared by mixing sodium Soaps with petroleum oils are suitable
for use near heat in differential gears.
(iii) Lithium Soap Greases :- They are prepared by mixing lithium Soaps with petroleum oils & are
suitable for we at low temperature.
(iv) Axle greases :- These are prepared from Slaked lime s resin oil with addition of petroleum oil
after sometime grease Seperates out. These grease is water resistant & employed as axle grease.
Uses of greases :-
Used in Rail axle boxes.
Used In gears & bearing.
In Sealing of bearings against entry of dirt, dust moisture ek.
used in machine preparing Papers, textile, edible, articles ek.
used for mobality.
3) Solid Lubricant
Solid lubricants are materials that reduses friction b/w Surface in motion without the meed for a
fluid medium like oil on grease these substances can be in the form of powders, filmy on coating.
An ideal solid lubricant should have :-
1) low shear strength.
2) good thermal conductivity.
3) chemical inertness.
4) stablity at the operating condition.
molybdenum disulphide & graphite are the most widely used solid lubricants as both are having
laminar layer lattice structure
Some important properties of lubricants oils are :-
viscosity index
flash and fire point
cloud and pour point
aniline point
acid number
saponification number
steam emulsification number
What is viscosity :-
viscosity is technically defined as the fluid friction of lubricating oil .
It is the property of a fluid that determine its resistance to flow .
1) honey has more viscosity
2) kerosine has less viscosity
3) with the rise in temperature viscosity decreases.
4) The dynamic viscosity of water at 50 degrees .
What is viscosity index :-
the rate at which of an oil changes with temperature is measured by (VI) .
VI = L-μ
L :- viscosity at 100℉ low viscosity standard oil i.e gulf oil .
μ :- viscosity at 100℉ of the oil under test .
H :- viscosity at 100℉ of the high viscosity standard oil i.e pencil venion oil .
Flash and fire point :-
flash point :-
the temperature to which oil must be heated to sufficient flammable vapour to flash when it comes
in contact with flame .
Fire point :-
the higher temperature at which the oil vapour continue to burn when it ignited .
Factors affecting the flash and fire point of an oil :-
moisture :-
lubricating oil which are contain moisture forms steam on heating hence, raise the flash point .
Low molecular weight constituents :-
they try to decrease the flash pt .
Experimental factors :-
frequently of application of test flame , rate of heating , rate of strirring size of test flame etc ..
all effect the flash and fire pt of the lubricating oil .
It is the number of milligram of KOH needed to saponify one gram of oil reaction .
Procedure :-
Take a clean and dry 100 m conical flask using 2ml pipette now transfer 1.5 ml of oil sample in this
conical flask add 15 ml of 0.5 N ethanolic KOH into the flask. Now mixed well.
Place the funnel at the neck of conical flask and place it in the boiling water bath half an hour till all
the oil globules disappear and yellow cake is found by potassium salts of fatty acid after half an
hour take out the conical flask and cool it at room temperature . Add 20 ml of distilled water in the
flask shake till a clear solution is formed now add 1 to 2 drop of phenolphthalein as an indicator
titrate with .5 NH4CL till the color change from red to colorless note the titre value . Also run a
blank titration without using oil under similar condition and titre value.
The saponification value (SV) of an oil or fat is a measure of its quality and is important for many
reasons, including:
Identifying fats and oils: The SV can help identify the type of fat or oil.
Determining purity: The SV can help determine how pure a fat or oil is.
Calculating molecular weight: The SV is a measure of the average molecular weight of the
fatty acids in the fat or oil. A higher SV means a lower molecular weight.
Calculating the number of acids: The SV can help calculate the number of acids in the fat
or oil.
Calculating the amount of base: The SV can help calculate how much base is needed.
Calculating chain length: The SV can help calculate the chain length of the fatty acids.
Predicting soap formation: A high SV indicates a high percentage of fatty acids, which can
lead to soap formation during transesterificatio.
LUBRICATING OIL- Sponificatin test is useful for indentifying animal or vegetables oils
and for determining the amout of oils in compounded lubricants.
Gear oil- Sponification number is useful for indicating the percentage of the compounding
agent in gear oil, if the fat or organic acid is used in ths preparation is known. In general, no
relationship beetween sponfication number and corrosion has estalished
Acid number or nutralization no. :-
Acid number, also known as neutralization number of acidity, is measure of amount of acid or
base present in the oil.
Signification :- To quantify the amount of acid present in a sample, and to check properties of
thermoset resins.
The minimum temperature at which the equal volumes of aniline (C6NH2) and lubricating oil is
miscible .
Significance of aniline point :-
An anilline point of the oil gives an indication of the possible tendency of detrioration
of an oil when it comes in contact with packing , rubber sealings etc ..
Aromatic hydrocarbon have a tendency to dissolve natural rubber and certain types of synthetic
rubber .
A higher aniline points means a higher percentage peraffinic hydrocarbans and lower percentage of
aromatic hydrocarbons
Cloud Point:-
Pour point :-
Cloud point and pour point are Important for understanding the low-temperature performance of
fuels and lubricants .
it is the property of the oil to get intimately mixed with water and form mixture called emulsion .
emulsion have tendency to collect dirt , grease , greate and foreign matter etc....
the tiem in sec required for 2 constituents of an emulsion to seperate from it is known as steam
emsulsion number .