Incident Response Plan
Incident Response Plan
Incident Response Plan
When a Security incident occurs, timely and thorough action to manage the impact of the incident is a
critical to an effective response process. The response should limit the potential for damage by
ensuring that actions are well known and coordinated. Specifically, the response goals are:
1. Preserve and protect the confidentiality of constituent and employee information and ensure the
integrity and availability of Achala IT Solutions systems, networks and related data.
2. Help Achala IT Solutions systems personnel recover their business processes after a
computer or network security incident or other type of data breach.
3. Provide a consistent response strategy to system and network threats that put Achala IT
Solutions systems data and systems at risk.
4. Develop and activate a communications plan including initial reporting of the incident as well as
ongoing communications, as necessary.
6. Coordinate efforts with external Computer Incident Response Teams and law enforcement.
significant role in the technical details that may be involved in incident detection and response and can
be considered an SME in that regard.
There shall be a member of the IRT designated as the Incident Response Manager (IRM), who will
take on organizational and coordination roles of the IRT during an incident where the IRT is activated
for response to the incident.
Incident response management is an on-going process with a cyclical pattern. The specific incident
response process elements that comprise the Incident Response Plan include:
1. Preparation: The on-going process of maintaining and improving incident response capabilities
and preventing incidents by ensuring that systems, networks, applications, and data handling
processes are sufficiently secure, and employee awareness training is in place. Practice
exercises (Table-top Exercises) for the IRT are conducted periodically, where various incident
scenarios are presented to the Team in a practice session.
6. Recovery: Restoring computing services to a normal state of operation and the resumption of
business activities quickly and securely. Provide reputational repair measures and news
media updates, if needed. Provide credit monitoring services to affected constituents, or other
remediation measures, as appropriate.
These process elements are depicted in Figure 1, showing the closed loop nature of the process, in
that the learnings from any prior incidents are used to improve the prevention and response process of
potential future incidents.
Post-Incident Identification
Recovery Notification
Eradication Containment
Figure 1
Incident Occurrence & Awareness
The way an incident becomes known will have an impact on the response process and its urgency.
Examples by which Achala IT Solutions becomes aware of an incident include, but are not limited to
the following:
1. Achala IT Solutions discovers through its internal monitoring that a cyber incident or data
breach has occurred.
& Process Detail Steps Involved Parties
1. Identify and confirm that the suspected or reported
incident has happened and whether malicious activity
Identification IT and any
is still underway.
2. Determine the type, impact, and severity of the incident
(Hours) service provider
by referring to Appendices B, C, and D.
3. Take basic and prudent containment steps.
4. Inform or activate the IRT, based on the severity of the
incident, as outlined in Appendix D, and provide the type,
Notification impact, and details of the incident to the extent that they
are known. IT & IRT
(Hours –
5. Determine the need for Subject Matter Experts (SME)
1 Day)
to be involved in the Containment, Eradication, and
Recovery processes.
6. Take immediate steps to curtail any on-going malicious
activity or prevent repetition of past malicious activity.
7. Re-direct public facing websites, if needed. Provide
(Hours-2 Days)
initial public relations and legal responses as required.
8. Provide full technical resolution of threat and related
malicious activity. IT, IRT, SME’s
(Days -Weeks)
9. Address public relations, notification, and legal issues.
10. Recover any business process disruptions and re-gain
Recovery normal operations.
11. Address longer terms public relations or legal issues,
(Weeks -Months)
if required, and apply any constituent remedies.
12. Formalize documentation of incident and summarize
Post-incident learnings. IRT
13. Apply learnings to future preparedness.
Communication Methods
Company communication resources (email, phone system, etc.) may be compromised during
a severe incident. Primary and alternate methods of communication using external
infrastructure will be established and noted on the IRT member contact list to provide specific
methods of
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Incident Response Plan
communication during an incident. The IRT and any other individuals involved in an incident
resolution will be directed as to which communication method will be used during the incident
Information Recording
Information recording is very important during an incident, not only for effective containment and
eradication efforts, but also for post-incident lessons learned, as well as any legal action that may
ensue against the perpetrators. Each member of the IRT shall be responsible for recording information
and chronological references about their actions and findings during an incident, using the IRT Incident
Record Form in Appendix E.
No perfect script can be written for the detailed activity encountered and decisions that will need to be
made during an incident, as each incident will have its own uniqueness. This plan shall serve as a
framework for managing cyber security and data breach incidents, allowing the details of confirmation,
containment, eradication, and communication to be tailored to fit the specific situation.
Team Members and Roles - Substitute staff names and titles below as appropriate. Not all the positions may be
available in your organization and/or the same person may have multiple roles within the IRT.
Primary Team Members
a. Coordinate communications and activities of the IRT when it is activated
9. <Legal representative>
a. Legal advisor
b. Contractual matters
Contact information and communication methods for the IRT members should be distributed to the team separately as
confidential information.
DDoS attack against An enterprise-wide attack IRT and the IRM direct
on-premise or hosted involving multiple response. Remediation
significant amounts of data access sent to the IRT members.
sensitive data, may include compromised, physical Legal Counsel notified if a PII
PII. theft of device, breach
unprotected media, or
hard copy data.
Affects data or services of a Compromise of an Response coordinated by
group of individuals with no account or device with IT. IRM advised and IRT
sensitive data involved. shared folder access. informed. IT documentation
process used to record
Affects data or services of a Compromised computer Documentation of issue and
single individual with no with no findings.
sensitive data beyond them; sensitive data etc. Response/remediation No
focus is on coordinated by
correction and future IT, IRM advised of incident.
Occurrences of very minor or Impaired computer Documentation through
as needed.
Discovery Date:
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