Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Model 3. Factor (or Input) Market
Model of Economy (3 Broad Markets) refers to the market for labor, capital, and other
inputs used in production. The availability of these
inputs, the level of technology of producers, and the
provision for infrastructure determine the cost of
production which, in turn, affect prices.
Use: Real GDP per capita is particularly useful for
understanding changes in the standard of living over
time because it accounts for the impact of inflation. It
allows for a more accurate comparison of economic
output across different time periods.
Key Points:
GDP per capita provides a straightforward
measure of average economic output per person
without considering changes in the price level.
Real GDP per capita adjusts for inflation or
deflation, offering a more accurate reflection of
changes in the actual quantity of goods and
services produced per person.
Questions: Why it is important to understand and Real GDP per capita is often used when comparing
create an Macroeconomic Environment Analysis in economic performance over different years to
Investment? account for the effects of inflation.
In summary, while GDP per capita gives a general idea
Economic Measures - Philippines of the average economic output per person, real GDP
• The GNI (gross national income) per capita in per capita is a more refined measure that considers
the Philippines is forecast to amount to US$3.94k in the impact of changing prices over time.
• The GDP (gross domestic product) per capita
in the Philippines is forecast to amount to US$3.71k in
• The GDP (gross domestic product) per capita
real in the Philippines is forecast to amount to
US$3.42k in 2023.
• The GNI (gross national income) in the
Philippines is forecast to amount to US$0.46tn in
• The GDP (gross domestic product) in the
Philippines is forecast to amount to US$0.44tn in
• The GDP (gross domestic product) real in the
Philippines is forecast to amount to US$0.40tn in 2023