Selection Process 1
Selection Process 1
Selection Process 1
Selection is the process of identifying and choosing the best person out of a
number of prospective candidates for a job.
(ii) Selection tests: An employment test is a mechanism (either a paper and pencil
test or exercise) that attempts to measure certain characteristics of individuals.
These characteristics range from aptitudes, such as manual dexterity, to
intelligence, to personality, etc.
Intelligence test
Aptitude test
Personality test
Trade test
Interest test
(v) Selection decision: The final decision has to be made from among the
candidates, who pass the tests, interviews and reference checks.
(vi) Medical examination: After the selection decision and before the job offer,
the candidate is required to undergo a medical fitness test. The job offer is given to
the candidate, who is physically and mentally fit for the job.
(vii) Job offers: The next step in the selection process is issuing job offer to those
applicants, who have passed all the previous hurdles. It is made through a letter of
appointment to confirm his acceptance, and communicating to him the reporting
date and time.
(viii) Contract of employment: When a candidate accepts the job offer, the
contract of employment is made, which is in a written form and includes job title,
duties, responsibilities, date when continuous employment starts and the basis for
calculating service, rates of pay, allowances, hours of work, leave rules, sickness,
grievance procedure, etc.
How to Answer:
Start with what you’re doing now in terms of your career. Throw in
some personal preferences.
Take the recruiter back to the past and show him/her how your past
shaped your present.
End this answer with your future goals and aspirations you want to
How to Answer:
Research the average salary for the position and provide a broad
How to Answer:
How to answer:
Think about your short-term (1-3 years) and long-term (5-10 years)
career goals.
Explain how your goals align with the position and company.
How to answer:
How to answer:
Explain how your skills directly benefit the company and address
specific needs.
How to answer:
● Training helps in catering to the fast changing needs of the environment and
also reduces absenteeism and employee turnover. It also equipped the future
managers to take over in case of emergencies.
● It improves the skill set of the employees and knowledge which will lead to
a better and a bright career of the individual.
It includes:
● Apprenticeship Programmes:
● Coaching:
● Internship Training:
Here, students are sent to big business enterprises to gain practical work.
● Job Rotation:
It includes:
● Case study:
● Computer Modelling:
● Vestibule Training:
● Programmed Instructions:
Difference Between On- the -job and Off- the- job Training methods
Recent Trends in Staffing
1. AI and Automation in Recruitment:
With the rise of remote work, companies are now hiring talent from across
the globe, expanding their talent pool beyond geographical boundaries.
Staffing processes are adapting to assess candidates’ ability to work
independently and manage remote or hybrid work environments. This
includes evaluating communication skills, time management, and self-
6. Skills-Based Hiring: