eScholarship UC item 0p2997ts
eScholarship UC item 0p2997ts
eScholarship UC item 0p2997ts
Acne vulgaris in black pediatric patients: clinical presentation, treatment patterns, and
unique needs
Dermatology Online Journal, 30(3)
Jordan, Kristiana M
Famisan, Demi O
Myer, Summer N
et al.
Publication Date
Copyright Information
Copyright 2024 by the author(s).This work is made available under the terms of a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License, available at
Peer reviewed
Abstract Acne vulgaris is among the most common
Acne vulgaris is a common dermatological diagnosis
dermatologic diagnoses in patients with skin of color
observed in pediatric patients with skin of color,
[1]. Previous research has suggested that there are
often resulting in scarring, keloid formation, and
post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, significantly racial and ethnic differences in the clinical
impacting their quality of life. This exploratory presentation and sequela of acne vulgaris but this
retrospective chart review included 77 black research is limited [2]. Although peak prevalence is in
pediatric patients seen at a tertiary care center for ages 15-20 years, acne is now presenting earlier and
acne vulgaris between 2018 and 2023. We analyzed lasting longer [1]. The clinical presentation of acne
demographics, acne descriptors, and treatment vulgaris often includes open and closed comedones,
modalities. The most common acne morphology was inflammatory papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.
comedonal acne (83.6%), with 71% of the patients The presence of erythema is often harder to
being female. Significant age differences were recognize in darker skin types [2]. Various treatment
observed particularly for acne at the chin and overall
regimens exist, though topical therapies such as
face. Treatment regimens commonly prescribed
tretinoin, adapalene, benzoyl peroxide, and azelaic
included combinations of adapalene and benzoyl
peroxide (22%), topical antibiotics, tretinoin, and acid remain first line [3]. Common sequelae from
benzoyl peroxide (34%). Given the higher risk of acne vulgaris in the pediatric skin of color population
sequelae for patients with darker skin, it is crucial to includes scarring, keloid formation, and post-
address their unique treatment needs. This study inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The risk of post-
highlights the distinctive characteristics of acne in inflammatory hyperpigmentation increases with
black pediatric patients and calls for further research recurrent inflammation [4]. There is growing
to enhance our understanding and treatment of this recognition that these sequelae may present
population. Limitations include the lack of direct challenges that impact the quality of life for the
patient interactions and reliance on chart data. pediatric skin of color population. Therefore, it is
Further studies are needed to compare acne
important to better understand acne vulgaris in our
presentation in skin of color of other populations,
skin of color pediatric population to guide clinicians
refining our knowledge of acne clinical presentation,
complications, and treatment modalities for diverse in recognizing and treating acne and associated
patient populations. complications. Our study specifically aims to
elucidate patterns in clinical presentation and
treatment plans for black pediatric patients—a
Keywords: (single-word alphabetized list): acne, pediatrics, historically underrepresented group in dermatologic
pigmentation, skin of color research. We aim to add insight to an evolving
Volume 30 Number 3|May/June 2024|
Dermatology Online Journal || Original 30(3):1
understanding of acne vulgaris in this population to those with comedonal acne and those without
guide clinicians in recognizing and treating acne and (P=0.271). A total of 46 patients (59.7%) were
associated complications. diagnosed with inflammatory acne and there was no
difference between male (68.2%) and female (56.4%)
patients (P=0.443). There were no differences in the
Methods diagnosis of inflammatory acne based on age in our
This study was approved by the University of population (P=0.185).
California (UC) Davis Institutional Review Board. This The least common acne morphology diagnosed in
is a retrospective chart review study examining sex, this population was cystic acne. A total of 5 patients
age at first appointment, acne descriptors, and were diagnosed with cystic type acne and there was
treatment modalities in black pediatric patients seen no difference between male (4.5%) and female
at the UC Davis dermatology clinic for acne vulgaris (7.3%) patients (P>0.99). Additionally, there were no
(International Classification of Diseases, Tenth differences in diagnosis of cystic acne based on age
Revision codes: L70.0, L70.8, L70.9) between 2018 in our pediatric population (P=0.511).
and 2023. Patients over the age of 18 as well as those
diagnosed and treated for acne outside of the UC Acne location and severity
Davis dermatology department were excluded from In our study of black pediatric patients seeking
this study. An age cutoff of 11 years was made to treatment for acne in our dermatology office, there
separate pre-pubertal from post-pubertal patients to was no association between patient age and acne
investigate trends in age. We reviewed clinical notes location on the forehead, cheek, nose, ears, neck,
for descriptions of acne severity, indicated by notes chest, shoulders, arms, and back. Interestingly,
including descriptors such as “mild,” “moderate,” and however, patients with acne location at the chin
“severe.” (P=0.015) and the general face (P=0.028) had a
significantly higher age compared to patients
Results were analyzed using R version 4.2.2. Two- without acne at those locations. The average age for
sample t-test or ANOVA were used for normally patients without acne on the chin in our study was
distributed continuous variables; Fisher’s exact test 13.8±2.4 years, whereas the average age for patients
was used for categorical variables. Hypothesis tests
with acne on the chin was 15.2±2.0 years. Average
were two-sided and evaluated at a significance level
age for patients without acne on the general face
of 0.05.
was 14.6±2.3 years, whereas the average age for
patients with acne on the general face was 13.2±2.2.
There was no significant difference between acne
Results location and self-identified sex in our study.
A total of 77 patients met inclusion criteria, aged 10- Acne severity descriptors were documented in
18 years old (average 14.3 years). Strikingly, 71.4% clinical notes in 27 patients and we found no
(55) of black pediatric patients seeking care at a significant trends between severity and age
dermatology office for acne were female, whereas (P=0.396) in our population. Thirteen patients were
only 28.6 (22) were male. All patients self-identified diagnosed with mild acne, with an average age of
as Black or African American (Table 1). Table 1. Demographics of Black pediatric patients seeking care
for acne in a dermatology office.
Acne type
The most common acne morphology diagnosed in Demographic Value (%) N=77
our black pediatric population was comedonal acne.
Female 55 (71.4%)
In fact, 83.6% of patients in our study were Male 22 (28.6%)
diagnosed with comedonal acne. Male (86.4%) and Age (years)
female (83.6%) patients were equally likely to be Median (Q1, Q3) 14.0 (13.0, 16.0)
diagnosed with comedonal acne (P>0.99). There was Mean (SD) 14.3 (2.3)
no significant difference in average age between Range 10.0-18.0
Volume 30 Number 3|May/June 2024|
Dermatology Online Journal || Original 30(3):1
13.7 years and a standard deviation of 2.6 years. Table 2. Acne treatments by frequency.
Thirteen patients were diagnosed with moderate Treatment Frequency
acne, with an average age of 13.8 years and standard Topical benzoyl peroxide 78%
deviation of 2.1 years. One patient in our study was Tretinoin 75%
diagnosed with severe acne (age 12). Topical antibiotics 62%
Adapalene 44%
Scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmen- Oral antibiotics 30%
tation Azelaic acid 23%
In total, 29 patients were diagnosed with post- Salicylic acid 14%
inflammatory and 13 patients had documented Topical dapsone 9%
scarring. We examined the association of acne Isotretinoin 9%
Oral contraceptives 8%
scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Sulfur wash 4%
by sex and age. In our population, no significant Spironolactone 3%
difference was seen between female (82.8%) and
Total percentages presented in the study exceed 100% due to the
male (17.2%) patients for post-inflammatory inclusion of patients who underwent multiple acne treatments
pigmentary changes (P=0.120). Likewise, no simultaneously.
significant difference was seen between female
(61.5%) and male (38.4%) patients and scarring in our prescribed treatment regimens and sex. It is
study (P=0.502), though sample size likely important to note that this manuscript presents an
contributed to this result of statistical insignificance. exploratory analysis, aiming to generate hypotheses
rather than confirm them. We conducted multiple
Treatment comparisons, necessitating attention to the false
In this study, topical benzoyl peroxide was the most positive rate.
common treatment modality prescribed, followed
by tretinoin, topical antibiotics, adapalene, oral One of the most striking findings of this study is that,
antibiotics, azelaic acid, salicylic acid, topical among the black pediatric population, 71.4% of our
dapsone, isotretinoin, oral contraceptives, sulfur patients were female compared to only 28.6% male.
wash, and spironolactone (Table 2). Six female It is not clear that this represents more severe acne
patients were prescribed an oral contraceptive. burden in female patients in this cohort or if female
There were no statistical differences in age or sex for patients were more motivated to seek treatment
any treatment modality other than topical dapsone, based on societal pressures. Although we did not
though this was prescribed to a small sample group discover significant results in scarring and post-
(females N=2 [3.6%]), (males N =5 [22.7%]), (P=0.018). inflammatory hyperpigmentation between sexes,
sample size may have affected these results. Further
Combination treatment study into gender roles in acne treatment and
Combination therapies were used frequently in our outcomes in the black pediatric population is
cohort. The most commonly prescribed combination warranted. We also found that patients with acne at
therapy was adapalene and benzoyl peroxide (34%) the chin and overall face were higher in age in
whereas topical antibiotics plus benzoyl peroxide comparison to patients without acne at those
was prescribed in 22%. locations. In fact, the median age for patients with
acne documented on the chin was 15.2 years
compared to 13.8 years for patients who did not have
Discussion chin involvement. We hypothesize that this may
This single-center retrospective cohort study relate to hormonal influence. During puberty,
describes the clinical presentation and treatment sebaceous glands enlarge, and sebum output
modalities for acne vulgaris in black pediatric increases significantly. Several studies have
patients from 2018 to 2023. We identified trends in demonstrated that certain hormones regulate
acne location and age, as well as commonly sebaceous gland secretions—namely androgens,
Volume 30 Number 3|May/June 2024|
Dermatology Online Journal || Original 30(3):1
estrogens, growth hormone, and insulin [5,6]. in black pediatric patients and highlights the need
Sebaceous glands are notably larger and more for further study to better meet the needs of this
numerous on the cheeks, forehead, scalp, and chin. population.
Thus, it comes to no surprise that patients This study is limited by the lack of direct patient
experiencing puberty often present with hormonal
interactions by the majority of investigators and
acne specifically at those locations. Although we did
reliance on chart data. Further studies comparing
not discover significant results in other hormonally
acne presentation in skin of color to other
impacted locations (i.e., cheeks, forehead), it is
populations will be necessary to refine knowledge of
important to recognize that our smaller dataset may
acne clinical presentation, complications, and
have had an impact on our findings.
treatment modalities in a diverse patient population.
Prior studies have shown that a combination of
topical antibiotics and/or retinoids with benzoyl
peroxide can also be effective at treating acne Conclusion
vulgaris and unique challenges with skin of color, Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin
including hyperkeratinization, inflammation, and disorders observed in pediatric patients with skin of
dyspigmentation [2]. Similarly, Alexis et al. evaluated color. Black patients are at risk of acne complications
the efficacy and safety of adapalene 0.1%/benzoyl including post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation,
peroxide 2.5% gel in 238 African American hypertrophic and keloidal scarring, and prolonged
individuals and found that this combination was well subclinical inflammation. Given the higher risk of
tolerated; no cases of treatment-related post- sequelae for patients with more pigmented skin, it is
inflammatory hyperpigmentation were observed [7]. important to recognize that this population has
In our cohort, combination therapies were used unique treatment needs.
frequently; 22% of black pediatric patients received
adapalene and benzoyl peroxide whereas 34% Acknowledgments: The project described was
received topical antibiotics, tretinoin, and benzoyl supported by the National Center for Advancing
peroxide. These combination regimens are known to Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health,
be well-tolerated in skin of color and successfully through grant number UL1 TR001860. The content is
treat post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation [4]. For solely the responsibility of the authors and does not
this population, it is important to consider a regimen necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
that is efficacious enough to eradicate the acne while
avoiding irritation, as post-inflammatory
hyperpigmentation may be a complication from Potential conflicts of interest
topical treatments that are not well-tolerated. This The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
study highlights some of the unique features of acne
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