Ofloxacin Otic
Ofloxacin Otic
Ofloxacin Otic
Why is this medicine prescribed to you? What do you need to know before you use it?
Ofloxacin otic is prescribed to treat bacterial • Inform your doctor or pharmacist:
ear infections. - if you are pregnant, trying for a baby or breastfeeding;
- if you have any of the following conditions: allergy;
How do you use it? other ear problems;
Use ofloxacin otic exactly as instructed by your doctor - if you are using any other prescription or over-the-
for it to be effective. counter (OTC) medicines and dietary or herbal
• Ofloxacin otic is for use in the ears only. supplements.
• Wash and dry your hands before and after applying this • Keep a regular check-up schedule. Your doctor may
medicine. prescribe tests to check and monitor your progress while
• Clean your ear canal well and dry with a cotton applicator under treatment with this medicine.
before applying this medicine. • If you need to undergo surgery or dental procedure,
• Lie on your side or tilt your head so the infected ear is inform your doctor or dentist that you are using this
facing upwards. Gently pull the earlobe to straighten the medicine before going through it.
ear canal and apply the prescribed dose into the canal. • Side effects may possibly occur as with most medicines.
Keep the ear facing up for 1-2 minutes to allow the You may not experience any side effect; however, if you
medicine to penetrate the affected area. experience any of these side effects with ofloxacin otic,
• Do not use more amounts or more often or use for inform your doctor immediately, especially if they
a longer period than prescribed by your doctor. become severe or persistent: ear discomfort, irritation,
Prolonged use may result in a new ear infection. itching, ringing or pain; taste changes, headache,
• Do not touch or wash the dropper or tip of the tube dizziness, hearing changes, tingling or numbness and
or let it touch your ears or any other surface. allergic reactions such as hives, difficulty breathing and
• It is important that the full course of application swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat.
is completed within the duration specified by your • If you experience dizziness, do not drive, operate
doctor, even if symptoms disappear. Stopping abruptly machinery or perform any activity which will need you to
will result in a relapse or worsening of the infection. be alert.
Do not stop use unless advised by your doctor. • The side effects mentioned here are not complete and
• If you forget to use this medicine on schedule, use it others may occur. If you observe other side effects or
immediately as you remember. However, if it is already reactions, call your doctor for advice.
time for the next dose, just proceed with your next • Do not share your medicine with others even if you have
regular dose schedule. the same disease symptoms.
This pharmacy information service of Mercury Drug Corporation contains only basic drug
information and must not be relied upon as substitute for professional medical care. It is intended
to be used as supplementary information to consultation with your doctor. Mercury Drug
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