Guide to Trading (A Bizarre Day)
Guide to Trading (A Bizarre Day)
Guide to Trading (A Bizarre Day)
Section 1:
Trading Commands
Trading commands for trading stands are as follows:
!trade (person)
When you get an offer;
These Commands may or may not change in the future.
Section 2:
How to Avoid Scams
When trading, there may be a troublesome fellow who wishes to take your stand, either it being
straight up scamming,
or just misleading info to get your stand.
To Avoid Scams, you must confirm that they have the stand you wish to trade.
You should record your trades so you can send it to an admin if you get scammed.
(scam reports are not available as of now)
As you can see, the person who has been scammed had no knowledge of Over Heaven made it
Do not fall for very obvious scams.
Section 3:
Value Chart
Shiny stand value chart:
Normal Stand chart follows the same as the shiny but let’s be fair who trades normal stands
anymore lmao