The Seller has the absolute ownership with all rights of ownership and possession with /
without any liability on Bicycle Branded ____________________
Effective from ___/____/____ for value consideration as per mutual consent of Kshs.
_____________________________ ( ____________________ only) in form of cash
payment, seller has agreed to sell, convey and transfers the Bicycle described into the buyer
by handing over Original RC, All Original Keys, Bank Documents (if any) and any other
documents pertaining to the transfer of the Bicycle with signed RTO Forms. The seller
understands that he transfers the sole right of ownership of the Bicycle referred into the buyer
to be used at sole discretion of the buyer at his own will.
The buyer takes the full ownership of the Bicycle (Mountain Bike Branded)
________________________ and consents to complete all transfer formalities to transfer
Bicycle in RTO, Insurance in his name on the earliest basis.
The Buyer Consents that he has taken the delivery of the Bicycle and consents to be in
possession of all material papers and documents pertaining to the Bicycle. Buyer understands
that all responsibilities, RTO and other penalties, risks associated after date and time of
executing this agreement will be his responsibility.
Seller also understands that all responsibilities, RTO and other penalties, risks associated
before date and time of executing this agreement will be his responsibility.
Dated: ____/_______/_________