Designation No. Of Person/s No. of Hour/s Hourly Rate Amount (PhP)
A. Labor - a. Construction Foreman 1 1.00 97.25 97.25 b. Unskilled Laborer 2 1.00 54.14 108.28 - - - - Sub-Total for A 205.53 Name and Capacity No. of Unit/s No. of Hours Hourly Rate Amount (PhP) B. Equipment - - Motorized Road Grader (140 hp), G710A 1 1.00 1,846.00 1,846.00 Vibratory Roller (10 mt), SD100DC 1 1.00 2,173.00 2,173.00 Water Truck/Pump (16000 L) 1 0.25 2,450.00 612.50 - - - - - - - - Sub-Total for B 4,631.50 C. Total (A+B) 4,837.03 D. Output per Hour= 300.00 E. Direct Unit Cost (C÷D) 16.12 Name and Specification Unit Quantity Unit Cost Amount (PhP) F. Materials - - - - - - - - - - - Sub-Total for F - G. Direct Unit Cost (E+F) 16.12 H. Overhead, Contingencies and Miscellaneous (OCM) Expenses 12% of G 1.93 I. Contractor's Profit (CP) 8% of G 1.29 J. Value Added Tax 5% of (G+H+I) 0.97 K. Total Unit Cost (G+H+I+J) 20.32