The admission procedure in provincial jails follows the same pattern
as that of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP).
1. RECEIVING - The new inmate is received at the RDC and stays
there for a maximum of 60 days, including five days in the quarantine cell unit. They usually come from provincial or city jails, where they were committed immediately after their conviction by the court, and are escorted by the escort platoon during the transfer to the New Bilibid Prison. 2. CHECKING OF COMMITMENT PAPERS - The receiving officer verifies the commitment papers to ensure they are in order, containing the signature of the judge or the clerk of court, and the seal of the court. 3. IDENTIFICATION - The prisoner's identity is established through their picture and fingerprints as they appear in the commitment order, to confirm that the person being committed is the same as the person named in the order. 4. SEARCHING - This step involves frisking the prisoner and searching their personal belongings. 5. BRIEFING AND ORIENTATION - The prisoner is briefea and oriented on the rules and regulations of the prison before being assigned to the RDC or quarantine unit
Who is Responsible for reception of Inmates?
The Directorate for Reception and Diagnostics (DRD), formerly
Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC), shall undertake reception of inmates.
How long an inmate will be place inquarantine?
Upon admission to the Reception and Diagnostics Center as a Camp
for the Directorate for Receptions and Diagnostics, an inmate shall be placed in quarantine for a minimum of five (5) days. During this time, the following procedures will be carried out: What's next after the quarantine of inmate?
The inmate will be kept in the Reception and Diagnostics Center for a maximum of 55 days after the quarantine period
Philippines' Bureau of Corrections, the Reception and Diagnostic
Center (RDC)
Administrative Order no. 8, series of 1953 of the Department of
Justice established the RDC, which was modeled after California State Prison's reception facilities.
Who is responsible to provide their basic needs and security of
The Security and Operations Directorates provide their basic needs
and security.
Who is responsible for administering the reformation programs of
The Reformation Directorates administer ther reformation programs.
Who is responsible to prepare inmates for reintegration to
The Directorate for External Relations (DER), formerly External
Relations Division (ERD) prepare inmate for reintegration to mainstream society.
How Inmates are received at the Bureau of Corrections?
1. Reception- Committed inmates shall be admitted to BuCor through
DRD in the following institutional procedure: Admission of Prisoners. The BuCor, through its penal establishments, shall receive prisoners from competent authority upon presentation of the following documents Where female insular prisoner is received?
A female offender shall be received only at the Correctional
Institution for Women
2. Diagnostics- The DRD is also accountable for the classification of
all inmates admitted to the BuCor, based on their security risk level and sentence.
What is the core diagnostics objective?
To ascertain an inmate's ability to reform, the primary goal of
diagnostics is to be accomplished.
3. Segregation Scheme- The DRD, in addition to the UNSMRTP's
Rule 8, Part I Rules of General Application and BuCor's current security classification regulation (maximum, mdium, and minimum- security risk), will also conduct internal classification of inmates.
4. Security and Reformation- The Custodial Force and Reformation
Personnel of the security institutions/camps will be responsible for security and implementation of the individual inmate reformation treatment program and the inmate-group reformation treatment program, respectively, as recommended by the DRD during the inmate's sentence.
5. Pre-Release and Post-Release Programs-
responsibility for pre-release and post-release programs of inmates due for release shall be under the Directorate for External Relations (DER).
6. Administration- The Bucor is not only responsible for handling
inmates, but it also functions as a standard government agency with several administrative directorates and internal control and audit units.
7. Computerization- BuCor intends to employ a full computerization
system with the assistance of the Directorate for Inmate Documents and Records and Directorate for Personnel.