Aptitude Test 3
Aptitude Test 3
Aptitude Test 3
S 8
7 v
9-.he figures below represent the three
languages that the children
carefullyand ansiver the
in an urban school speak.
questions below
more than
o nn Or 1/5 of one-half of 4.000? 241
Q 15. What is the number that is one
.t d
Q17. 50% of military personnel at Burmalcamp nave unlisted telephone
numbers. You select 200
names at random from the 3,000 listed names in'the pnone. How many of the people can be expected
Q18. You and your friend have the same amount of money. How much do you have to give your
friend so that your friend has ¢75 more than you?
Q19. Jane went to visit Jill, Jill is Jane's only. husband's mother in law's only daughter's only
to Jane?
daughter. What relation is Jill
Q20. Which of the following words: belowids least like the others/ (Hint: the words can be
anagrammed used to form names of towns and cities)
Q21. In a marathon race, John was neither first nor last; Janet beat John, John Beat Peter. Chareles
beat Rachael. Pat beat Chareles. Who came last? .
Q22. Statistics indicate that men drivers are involved in more accidents than women drivers. The
only conclusion that can certainly be draw is that
(a) Men are actually better drivers but drive more frequently
(b) Men and women drive equally weli but men drive more total mileage
(C) Most commercial and truck drivers are men
There is not enough information to justity any of the above conclusion
A from the Operation Vanguard Unit are patrol in left they will
Q23. Squad of soldiers out
of petrol betore they reach a filling station, they have already gone too far past a service station to
on a run
the numbers in a line produce the third. What is the missing number in each box?
Q25. Q26
6 2 4
2 0
Q27. In the group below find the two words whose'meanings do not belong with the
(a) Glue (y) Sieve chainsaw (d) na! (e) airing () Paper clip
Q 28. A watchman works seven days a week carning a daily wages of ¢30. How much did he earn in
February 1988? 37O
Q29. Instead of subtracting 5 from a number a boy added 5 and got 11. What should have been the
correct answer to the problem?
Q30. Kweku is twice as old as yaw Three years ago, he was three times as old as yaw. How old is
Yaw? y
Q31-33. State whether the conclusion at each set of premise is valid or invalid.
is then the streets will be dark.
(a)If there a
solar eclipse,
(b) The streets are dark
Conclusion: therefore, there is a solar eclipse
Q32. (a) All animals love water (b) Cats do not like water
Conclusion: Therefore, cats are not animals
parallel to the base so that the rectangle is aiucu nO nree cqual parts. Now draw t o
Q42. 2359 17 33
Q43.7:21 as 5: 15 as 4
Q44. Two cars start from a certain town and
travel in opposite directions. One goes north at S4
while the other goes south at mph
56mph. After how long will they be 180 miles apart? 1
Q45. In the same tamily there are five brothers and each brother has one sister. I1 you Count its.
Sam how many females are there in the same
Q46. John drives Irom Accra to
Kumasi at 11 am eoing at 50mph. At T1:30 am,
to ACCra
averaging a speed
of 65mph. Both take the same route which extends 200
between the two cities. At
1Z:30pm who is nearer to
Q47. If zero hour tor a
meeting on a
certain day avas 12 noon, wnat
Time 21/4h) wa
How many ditterent size circles appear below?