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III MCA Semester

Dr.B.jaheeda, Assistant Professor


Department of Master of computer Applications


Introduction:-Purpose of testing, Dichotomies, model for testing, consequences of bugs,

taxonomy of bugs, Flow graphs and Path testing:- Basics concepts of path testing,
predicates, path predicates and achievable paths, path sensitizing, path instrumentation,
application of path testing.

What is testing?

Testing is the process of exercising or evaluating a system or system components by manual

or automated means to verify that it satisfies specified requirements.

The Purpose of Testing

Testing consumes at least half of the time and work required to produce a functional program.
* MYTH: Good programmers write code without bugs. (It’s wrong!!!)
* History says that even well written programs still have 1-3 bugs per hundred statements.

Productivity and Quality in Software:

* In production of consumer goods and other products, every manufacturing

stage is subjected to quality control and testing from component to final stage.

* If flaws are discovered at any stage, the product is either discarded or cycled back
for rework and correction.
* Productivity is measured by the sum of the costs of the material, the rework, and
the discarded components, and the cost of quality assurance and testing.
* There is a tradeoff between quality assurance costs and manufacturing costs:
If sufficient time is not spent in quality assurance, the reject rate will be high and
so will be the net cost. If inspection is good and all errors are caught as they occur,
inspection costs will dominate, and again the net cost will suffer.
* Testing and Quality assurance costs for 'manufactured' items can be as low as 2%
in consumer products or as high as 80% in products such as space-ships, nuclear
reactors, and aircrafts, where failures threaten life. Whereas the manufacturing
cost of software is trivial.
* The biggest part of software cost is the cost of bugs: the cost of detecting them, the
cost of correcting them, the cost of designing tests that discover them, and the cost
of running those tests.
* For software, quality and productivity are indistinguishable because the cost
of a software copy is trivial.
* Testing and Test Design are parts of quality assurance should also focus on
bug prevention. A prevented bug is better than a detected and corrected bug.
Phases in a tester's mental life:

Phases in a tester's mental life can be categorized into the

following 5 phases:

1. Phase 0: (Until 1956: Debugging Oriented) There is no difference between testing

and debugging. Phase 0 thinking was the norm in early days of software development
till testing emerged as a discipline.
2. Phase 1: (1957-1978: Demonstration Oriented) the purpose of testing here is to show that
software works. Highlighted during the late 1970s. This failed because the probability of
showing that software works 'decreases' as testing increases. I.e. the more you test, the more
likely you will find a bug.
3. Phase 2: (1979-1982: Destruction Oriented) the purpose of testing is to show that
software doesn’t work. This also failed because the software will never get released as you
will find one bug or the other. Also, a bug corrected may also lead to another bug.
4. Phase 3: (1983-1987: Evaluation Oriented) the purpose of testing is not to prove anything
but to reduce the perceived risk of not working to an acceptable value (Statistical Quality
Control). Notion is that testing does improve the product to the extent that testing catches
bugs and to the extent that those bugs are fixed. The product is released when the
confidence on that product is high enough. (Note: This is applied to large software
products with millions of code and years of use.)
5. Phase 4: (1988-2000: Prevention Oriented) Testability is the factor considered here. One
reason is to reduce the labor of testing. Other reason is to check the testable and non- testable
code. Testable code has fewer bugs than the code that's hard to test. Identifying the testing
techniques to test the code is the main key here.

Test Design:

We know that the software code must be designed and tested, but many appear to be
unaware that tests themselves must be designed and tested. Tests should be properly designed
and tested before applying it to the actual code.

Testing isn’t everything:

There are approaches other than testing to create better software. Methods other than
testing include:

1. Inspection Methods: Methods like walkthroughs, desk checking, formal inspections and
code reading appear to be as effective as testing but the bugs caught don’t completely

2. Design Style: While designing the software itself, adopting stylistic objectives such as
testability, openness and clarity can do much to prevent bugs.
3. Static Analysis Methods: Includes formal analysis of source code during compilation.
Inearlier days, it is a routine job of the programmer to do that. Now, the compilers have taken
over that job.
4. Languages: The source language can help reduce certain kinds of bugs. Programmers
find new bugs while using new languages.
5. Development Methodologies and Development Environment: The
development process and the environment in which that methodology is embedded
can prevent many kinds of bugs.


Testing Versus Debugging:

Many people consider both as same. Purpose of testing is to show that a program has bugs.
The purpose of testing is to find the error or misconception that led to the program's
failure and to design and implement the program changes that correct the error.
Debugging usually follows testing, but they differ as to goals, methods and most important
psychology. The below tab le shows few important differences between testing and

Testing Debugging
Testing starts with known conditions, uses Debugging starts from possible unknown
predefined procedures and has predictable initial conditions and the end cannot be
outcomes predicted except statistically.
Testing can and should be planned, Procedure and duration of debugging cannot
designed and scheduled. be so constrained.

Testing is a demonstration of error or Debugging is a deductive process.

apparent correctness.
Testing proves a programmer’s failure Debugging is the programmer ’s
Testing, as executes, should strive to be Debugging demands intuitive leaps,
predictable, dull, constrained, rigid and experimentation and freedom.
Much testing can be done without design Debugging is impossible without detailed
knowledge. design knowledge.
Much of test execution and design can be Automated debugging is still a a dream

Function versus Structure:

o Tests can be designed from a functional or a structural point of view.

o In Functional testing, the program or system is treated as a black box. It
is subjected to inputs, and its outputs are verified for conformance to
specified behavior. Functional testing takes the user point of view-
bother about functionality and features and not the program's implementation.
o In Structural testing does look at the implementation details. Things such
as programming style, control method, source language, database design, and
coding details dominate structural testing.
o Both Structural and functional tests are useful, both have limitations, and both
target different kinds of bugs. Functional tests can detect all bugs but would take
infinite time to do so. Structural tests are inherently finite but cannot detect all
errors even if completely executed.

 Designer versus Tester:

o Test designer is the person who designs the tests where as the tester is the one
actually tests the code. During functional testing, the designer and tester are
probably different persons. During unit testing, the tester and the programmer
merge into one person.
o Tests designed and executed by the software designers are by nature biased
towards structural consideration and therefore suffer the limitations of
structural testing.

 Modularity versus Efficiency:

A module is a discrete, well-defined, small component of a system. Smaller the

modules, difficult to integrate; larger the modules, difficult to understand. Both tests and
systems can be modular. Testing can and should likewise be organized into modular
components. Small, independent test cases can be designed to test independent

 Small versus Large:

Programming in large means constructing programs that consists of many components

written by many different programmers. Programming in the small is what we do for
ourselves in the privacy of our own offices. Qualitative and Quantitative changes occur
with size and so must testing methods and quality criteria.

 Builder versus Buyer:

Most software is written and used by the same organization. Unfortunately, this situation
is dishonest because it clouds accountability. If there is no separation between builder and
buyer, there can be no accountability.

* The different roles / users in a system include:

1. Builder: Who designs the system and is accountable to the buyer.
2. Buyer: Who pays for the system in the hope of profits from providing services?
3. User: Ultimate beneficiary or victim of the system. The user's interests are also
guarded by.
4. Tester: Who is dedicated to the builder's destruction?
5. Operator: Who has to live with the builders' mistakes, the buyers' murky
(unclear) specifications, testers' oversights and the users' complaints?


Figure 1.1: A Model for
Above figure is a model of testing process. It includes three models: A model of the environment, a
model of the
program and a model of the expected bugs.
 Environment:
1. A Program's environment is the hardware and software required to make it run.
For online systems, the environment may include communication lines, other
systems, terminals and operators.
2. The environment also includes all programs that interact with and are used to
create the program under test - such as OS, linkage editor, loader, compiler, utility
3. Because the hardware and firmware are stable, it is not smart to blame the
environment for bugs.
* Program:
1. Most programs are too complicated to understand in detail.
2. The concept of the program is to be simplified in order to test it.
3. If simple model of the program doesn’t explain the unexpected behavior, we
may have to modify that model to include more facts and details. And if that
fails, we may have to modify the program.

* Bugs:
1. Bugs are more insidious (deceiving but harmful) than ever we expect them to be.
2. An unexpected test result may lead us to change our notion of what a bug is and
our model of bugs.
2. Some optimistic notions that many programmers or testers have about bugs are
usually unable to test effectively and unable to justify the dirty tests most
programs need.

* Optimistic notions about bugs:

1. Benign Bug Hypothesis: The belief that bugs are nice, tame and logical.(Benign: Not
2. Bug Locality Hypothesis: The belief that a bug discovered with in a component
affects only that component's behavior.
3. Control Bug Dominance: The belief those errors in the control structures (if, switch etc) of
programs dominate the bugs.
4. Code / Data Separation: The belief that bugs respect the separation of code and data.
5. Lingua Salvatore Est.: The belief that the language syntax and semantics (e.g. Structured
Coding, Strong typing, etc) eliminates most bugs.
6. Corrections Abide: The mistaken belief that a corrected bug remains corrected.
7. Silver Bullets: The mistaken belief that X (Language, Design method,
representation, environment) grants immunity from bugs.
8. Sadism Suffices: The common belief (especially by independent tester) that a
sadistic streak, low cunning, and intuition are sufficient to eliminate most bugs. Tough
bugs need methodology and techniques.
9. Angelic Testers: The belief that testers are better at test design than programmers is at
code design.

* Tests are formal procedures, Inputs must be prepared, Outcomes should predict,
tests should be documented, commands need to be executed, and results are to be observed. All
these errors are subjected to error
* We do three distinct kinds of testing on a typical software system. They are:
1. Unit / Component Testing: A Unit is the smallest testable piece of
software that can be compiled, assembled, linked, loaded etc. A unit is usually the work of one
programmer and consists of several hundred or fewer lines of code. Unit Testing is the testing
we do to show that the unit does not satisfy its functional specification or that its implementation
structure does not match the intended design structure. A Component is an integrated aggregate
of one or more units. Component Testing is the testing we do to show that the component does
not satisfy its functional specification or that its implementation structure does not match
the intended design structure.
2. Integration Testing: Integration is the process by which components are aggregated to
create larger components. Integration Testing is testing done to show that even though
the components were individually satisfactory (after passing component testing), checks the
combination of components are incorrect or inconsistent.3. System Testing: A System is a big
component. System Testing is aimed at revealing bugs that cannot be attributed to
components. It includes testing for performance, security, accountability,
configuration sensitivity, startup and recovery.

3. Role of Models: The art of testing consists of creating, selecting, exploring, and revising models.
Our ability to go through this process depends on the number of different models we have at
hand and their ability to express a program's behavior.

* Importance of bugs: The importance of bugs depends on frequency, correction cost,

installation cost, and consequences.
1. Frequency: How often does that kind of bug occur? Pay more attention to the
more frequent bug types.
2. Correction Cost: What does it cost to correct the bug after it is found? The cost
is the sum of 2 factors: (1) the cost of discovery (2) the cost of correction. These
costs go up dramatically later in the development cycle when the bug is
discovered. Correction cost also depends on system size.
3. Installation Cost: Installation cost depends on the number of installations: small
for a single user program but more for distributed systems. Fixing one bug and
distributing the fix could exceed the entire system's development cost.
4. Consequences: What are the consequences of the bug? Bug consequences can
range from mild to catastrophic.

A reasonable metric for bug importance isImportance= ($) = Frequency * (Correction

cost + Installation cost + Consequential cost)

Consequences of bugs: The consequences of a bug can be measure in terms of human rather than
machine. Some consequences of a bug on a scale of one to ten are:
1 Mild: The symptoms of the bug offend us aesthetically (gently); a misspelled output or a
misaligned printout.
2 Moderate: Outputs are misleading or redundant. The bug impacts the system's performance.
3 Annoying: The system's behavior because of the bug is dehumanizing. E.g.Names are truncated or
arbitrarily modified.
4 Disturbing: It refuses to handle legitimate (authorized / legal) transactions. TheATM won’t give
you money. My credit card is declared invalid.
5 Serious: It loses track of its transactions. Not just the transaction itself but the fact that the
transaction occurred. Accountability is lost.
6 Very Serious: The bug causes the system to do the wrong transactions. Instead of losing your
paycheck, the system credits it to another account or converts deposits to withdrawals.
7 Extreme: The problems aren't limited to a few users or to few transaction types.They are frequent
and arbitrary instead of sporadic infrequent) or for unusual cases.
8 Intolerable: Long term unrecoverable corruption of the database occurs and the corruption is not
easily discovered. Serious consideration is given to shutting the system down.
9 Catastrophic: The decision to shut down is taken out of our hands because the system fails.
10 Infectious: What can be worse than a failed system? One that corrupt other systems even
though it does not fall in itself ; that erodes the social physical environment; that melts nuclear
reactors and starts war.
* Flexible severity rather than absolutes:
* Quality can be measured as a combination of factors, of which number of bugs and their severity is
only one component.
1. Many organizations have designed and used satisfactory, quantitative, quality metrics.
2. Because bugs and their symptoms play a significant role in such metrics, as testing
progresses, you see the quality rise to a reasonable value which is deemed to be safe to ship the
The factors involved in bug severity are:
1. Correction Cost: Not so important because catastrophic bugs may be
corrected easier and small bugs may take major time to debug.
2. Context and Application Dependency: Severity depends on the context and the application in
which it isused.
3. Creating Culture Dependency: What’s important depends on the creators of software
and their cultural aspirations. Test tool vendors are more sensitive about bugs in their software
then games software vendors.
4. User Culture Dependency: Severity also depends on user culture. Naïve users of PC software go
crazy over bugs where as pros (experts) may just ignore.
5. The software development phase: Severity depends on development
phase. Any bugs gets more severe as it gets closer to field use and more severe the longer it has been

* There is no universally correct way categorize bugs. The taxonomy is not rigid.
*A given bug can be put into one or another category depending on its history and the programmer's
state of mind.
*The major categories are: (1) Requirements, Features and Functionality Bugs (2)
Structural Bugs (3) Data Bugs (4) Coding Bugs (5) Interface, Integration and System
Bugs (6) Test and Test Design Bugs.

¸ Requirements, Features and Functionality Bugs: Various categories in

Requirements, Features and Functionality bugs include:

1. Requirements and Specifications Bugs:

* Requirements and specifications developed from them can be incomplete ambiguous,
or self-contradictory. They can be misunderstood or impossible to understand.
* The specifications that don't have flaws in them may change while the design is in
progress. The features are added, modified and deleted.
* Requirements, especially, as expressed in specifications are a major source of expensive
* The range is from a few percentages to more than 50%, depending on the application
and environment.
* What hurts most about the bugs is that they are the earliest to invade the system and
the last to leave.
2. Feature Bugs:
* Specification problems usually create corresponding feature problems.
* A feature can be wrong, missing, or superfluous (serving no useful purpose). A missing
feature or case is easier to detect and correct. A wrong feature could have deep design
* Removing the features might complicate the software, consume more resources, and
foster more bugs.

3. Feature Interaction Bugs:

* Providing correct, clear, implementable and testable feature specifications is not enough.
* Features usually come in groups or related features. The features of each group and the
interaction of features within the group are usually well tested.
* The problem is unpredictable interactions between feature groups or even between
individual features. For example, your telephone is provided with call holding and call
forwarding. The interactions between these two features may have bugs.
* Every application has its peculiar set of features and a much bigger set of unspecified
feature interaction potentials and therefore result in feature interaction bugs.

Specification and Feature Bug Remedies:

* Most feature bugs are rooted in human to human communication problems. One
solution is to use high-level, formal specification languages or systems.
* Such languages and systems provide short term support but in the long run, does not solve
the problem.
* Short term Support: Specification languages facilitate formalization of
requirements and inconsistency and ambiguity analysis.
* Long term Support: Assume that we have a great specification language and that can be
used to create unambiguous, complete specifications with unambiguous complete tests
and consistent test criteria.
* The specification problem has been shifted to a higher level but not eliminated.
Testing Techniques for functional bugs: Most functional test techniques- that is those techniques
which are based on a behavioral description of software, such as transaction flow testing, syntax
testing, domain testing, logic testing and state testing are useful in testing functional bugs.

Structural bugs: Various categories in Structural bugs include:

1. Control and Sequence Bugs:
* Control and sequence bugs include paths left out, unreachable code, improper nesting of
loops, loop-back or loop termination criteria incorrect, missing process steps,
duplicated processing, unnecessary processing, rampaging, GOTO's, ill-conceived
(not properly planned) switches, spaghetti code, and worst of all, pachinko code.
* One reason for control flow bugs is that this area is amenable (supportive) to theoretical
* Most of the control flow bugs are easily tested and caught in unit testing.
* Another reason for control flow bugs is that use of old code especially ALP & COBOL
code are dominated by control flow bugs.
* Control and sequence bugs at all levels are caught by testing, especially structural
testing, more specifically path testing combined with a bottom line functional test based
on a specification.

2. Logic Bugs:
* Bugs in logic, especially those related to misunderstanding how case statements and
logic operators behave singly and combinations
* Also includes evaluation of boolean expressions in deeply nested IF-THEN-
* If the bugs are parts of logical (i.e. boolean) processing not related to control flow, they
are characterized as processing bugs.
* If the bugs are parts of a logical expression (i.e. control-flow statement) which is used to
direct the control flow, then they are categorized as control-flow bugs.

3. Processing Bugs:
* Processing bugs include arithmetic bugs, algebraic, mathematical function evaluation,
algorithm selection and general processing.
* Examples of Processing bugs include: Incorrect conversion from one
data representation to other, ignoring overflow, improper use of greater-than-or-equal etc
* Although these bugs are frequent (12%), they tend to be caught in good unit testing.

4. Initialization Bugs:
* Initialization bugs are common. Initialization bugs can be improper and superfluous.
* Superfluous bugs are generally less harmful but can affect performance.
* Typical initialization bugs include: Forgetting to initialize the variables before first use,
assuming that they are initialized elsewhere, initializing to the wrong format,
representation or type etc
* Explicit declaration of all variables, as in Pascal, can reduce some initialization problems.

5. Data-Flow Bugs and Anomalies:

* Most initialization bugs are special case of data flow anomalies.
* A data flow anomaly occurs where there is a path along which we expect to do
something unreasonable with data, such as using an uninitialized variable, attempting to
use a variable before it exists, modifying and then not storing or using the result, or
initializing twice without an intermediate use.

¸ Data bugs:
* Data bugs include all bugs that arise from the specification of data objects, their
formats, the number of such objects, and their initial values.
* Data Bugs are at least as common as bugs in code, but they are often treated as if they did
not exist at all.
* Code migrates data: Software is evolving towards programs in which more and more of
the control and processing functions are stored in tables.
* Because of this, there is an increasing awareness that bugs in code are only half the battle
and the data problems should be given equal attention.

Dynamic Data Vs Static data:

* Dynamic data are transitory. Whatever their purpose their lifetime is relatively short,
typically the processing time of one transaction. A storage object may be used to hold
dynamic data of different types, with different formats, attributes and residues.
* Dynamic data bugs are due to leftover garbage in a shared resource. This can be
handled in one of the three ways: (1) Clean up after the use by the user (2) Common
Cleanup by the resource manager (3) No Clean up
* Static Data are fixed in form and content. They appear in the source code or database
directly or indirectly, for example a number, a string of characters, or a bit pattern.
* Compile time processing will solve the bugs caused by static data.

Information, parameter, and control:

Static or dynamic data can serve in one of three roles, or in combination of roles: as a parameter, for
control, or for information.

Content, Structure and Attributes:

* Content can be an actual bit pattern, character string, or number put into a data
structure. Content is a pure bit pattern and has no meaning unless it is interpreted by a
hardware or software processor. All data bugs result in the corruption or
misinterpretation of content.
* Structure relates to the size, shape and numbers that describe the data object, which is
memory location used to store the content. (E.g. A two dimensional array).
* Attributes relates to the specification meaning that is the semantics associated with the
contents of a data object. (E.g. an integer, an alphanumeric string, a subroutine). The
severity and subtlety of bugs increases as we go from content to attributes because the things
get less formal in that direction.

¸ Coding bugs:
* Coding errors of all kinds can create any of the other kind of bugs.
* Syntax errors are generally not important in the scheme of things if the source language
translator has adequate syntax checking.
* If a program has many syntax errors, then we should expect many logic and coding bugs.
* The documentation bugs are also considered as coding bugs which may mislead the
maintenance programmers.
Interface, integration, and system bugs:
Various categories of bugs in Interface, Integration, and System Bugs are:

1. External Interfaces:
* The external interfaces are the means used to communicate with the world.
* These include devices, actuators, sensors, input terminals, printers, and communication
* The primary design criterion for an interface with outside world should be robustness.
* All external interfaces, human or machine should employ a protocol. The protocol may be
wrong or incorrectly implemented.
* Other external interface bugs are: invalid timing or sequence assumptions related to
external signals
* Misunderstanding external input or output formats.
* Insufficient tolerance to bad input data.

2. Internal Interfaces:
* Internal interfaces are in principle not different from external interfaces but they are
more controlled.
* A best example for internal interfaces is communicating routines.
* The external environment is fixed and the system must adapt to it but the internal
environment, which consists of interfaces with other components, can be negotiated.
* Internal interfaces have the same problem as external interfaces.

3. Hardware Architecture:
* Bugs related to hardware architecture originate mostly from misunderstanding how the
hardware works.
* Examples of hardware architecture bugs: address generation error, i/o device operation
instruction error, waiting too long for a response, incorrect interrupt handling etc.
*The remedy for hardware architecture and interface problems is twofold: (1) Good
Programming and Testing (2) Centralization of hardware interface software in programs
written by hardware interface specialists.

4. Operating System Bugs:

Program bugs related to the operating system are a combination of hardware
architecture and interface bugs mostly caused by a misunderstanding of what it is the
operating system does.
Use operating system interface specialists, and use explicit interface modules or macros for
all operating system calls.
This approach may not eliminate the bugs but at least will localize them and make
testing easier.

5. Software Architecture:
* Software architecture bugs are the kind that called - interactive.
* Routines can pass unit and integration testing without revealing such bugs.
* Many of them depend on load, and their symptoms emerge only when the system is
* Sample for such bugs: Assumption that there will be no interrupts, Failure to block or un
block interrupts, Assumption that memory and registers were initialized or not
initialized etc
Careful integration of modules and subjecting the final system toa stress test are
effective methods for these bugs.
6. Control and Sequence Bugs (Systems Level):
These bugs include: Ignored timing, Assuming that events occur in a specified sequence,
Working on data before all the data have arrived from disc, Waiting for an impossible
combination of prerequisites, Missing, wrong, redundant or superfluous process steps.
The remedy for these bugs is highly structured sequence control.
internal, sequence control mechanisms are
7. Resource Management Problems:
Memory is subdivided into dynamically allocated resources such as buffer blocks, queue
blocks, task control blocks, and overlay buffers.
External mass storage units such as discs, are subdivided into memory resource pools.
Some resource management and usage bugs: Required resource not obtained, Wrong
resource used, Resource is already in use, Resource dead lock etc
Resource Management Remedies: A design remedy that prevents bugs is always
preferable to a test method that discovers them.
The design remedy in resource management is to keep the resource structure simple: the
fewest different kinds of resources, the fewest pools, and no private resource

8. Integration Bugs:
Integration bugs are bugs having to do with the integration of, and with the interfaces
between, working and tested components.
These bugs results from inconsistencies or incompatibilities between components.
The communication methods include data structures, call sequences, registers,
semaphores, and communication links and protocols results in integration bugs.
The integration bugs do not constitute a big bug category (9%) they are expensive
category because they are usually caught late in the game and because they force
changes in several components and/or data structures.

9. System Bugs:
System bugs covering all kinds of bugs that cannot be ascribed to a component or to their
simple interactions, but result from the totality of interactions between many
components such as programs, data, hardware, and the operating systems.
There can be no meaningful system testing until there has been thorough component and
integration testing.
System bugs are infrequent (1.7%) but very important because they are often found
only after the system has been fielded.
 Testing: testers have no immunity to bugs. Tests require complicated scenarios and
databases. They require code or the equivalent to execute and consequently they can have
 Test criteria: if the specification is correct, it is correctly interpreted and implemented, and a
proper test has been designed; but the criterion by which the software's behavior is judged
may be incorrect or impossible. So, a proper test criteria has to be designed. The more
complicated the criteria, the likelier they are to have bugs.

Remedies: The remedies of test bugs are:

1. Test Debugging: The first remedy for test bugs is testing and debugging the tests. Test
debugging, when compared to program debugging, is easier because tests, when properly
designed are simpler than programs and do not have to make concessions to efficiency.
2. Test Quality Assurance: Programmers have the right to ask how quality in independent
testing is monitored.
3. Test Execution Automation: The history of software bug removal and prevention is
indistinguishable from the history of programming automation aids. Assemblers, loaders,
compilers are developed to reduce the incidence of programming and operation errors. Test execution
bugs are virtually eliminated by various test execution automation tools.
4. Test Design Automation: Just as much of software development has been automated, much
test design can be and has been automated. For a given productivity rate, automation reduces the bug
count - be it for software or be it for tests.



Path Testing:
 Path Testing is the name given to a family of test techniques based on
judiciously selecting a set of test paths through the program.
* If the set of paths are properly chosen then we have achieved some measure of test
thoroughness. For example, pick enough paths to assure that every source statement has been executed at
least once.
* Path testing techniques are the oldest of all structural test techniques.
* Path testing is most applicable to new software for unit testing. It is a structural technique.
* It requires complete knowledge of the program's structure.
* It is most often used by programmers to unit test their own code.
* The effectiveness of path testing rapidly deteriorates as the size of thesoftware aggregate under
test increases.

The Bug Assumption:

1. The bug assumption for the path testing strategies is that something has gone wrong with the
software that makes it take a different path than intended.
2. As an example "GOTO X" where "GOTO Y" had been intended.
3. Structured programming languages prevent many of the bugs targeted by path testing: as a
consequence the effectiveness for path testing for these languages is reduced and for old code in
COBOL, ALP, FORTRAN and Basic, the path testing is indispensable.
Control Flow Graphs:
1. The control flow graph is a graphical representation of a program's control
structure. It uses the elements named process blocks, decisions, and
2. The flow graph is similar to the earlier flowchart, with which it is not to be confused.

3. Flow Graph Elements: A flow graph contains four different types of elements.
(1) Process Block (2) Decisions (3) Junctions (4) Case Statements
1. Process Block:
* A process block is a sequence of program statement sun interrupted by either
decisions or junctions.
*It is a sequence of statements such that if any one of statement of the block is executed, then all
statement thereof are executed.
*Formally, a process block is a piece of straight line code of one statement or hundreds of
*A process has one entry and one exit. It can consists of a single statement or instruction, a
sequence of statements or instructions, asingle entry/exit subroutine, a macro or function call, or a
sequence of these.
2. Decisions:
a. A decision is a program point at which the control flow can diverge.
b. Machine language conditional branch and conditional skip instructions are examples
of decisions.
c. Most of the decisions are two-way but some are three way branches in control flow.
3. Case Statements:
1. A case statement is a multi-way branch or decisions.
2. Examples of case statement are a jump table in assembly language, and the PASCAL
case statement.
From the point of view of test design, there are no differences between Decisions and Case
4. Junctions:
* A junction is a point in the program where the control flowcan merge.
* Examples of junctions are: the target of a jump or skip instruction in ALP, a label that
is a target of GOTO.
Figure 2.1: Flow graph Elements
Control Flow Graphs Vs Flowcharts:
o A program's flow chart resembles a control flow graph.
o In flow graphs, we don't show the details of what is in a process block.
o In flow charts every part of the process block is drawn.
o The flowchart focuses on process steps, where as the flow graph focuses on control
flow of the program.
o The act of drawing a control flow graph is a useful tool that can help us clarify
the control flow and data flow issues.

Notational Evolution:
The control flow graph is simplified representation of the program's structure.The notation
changes made in creation of control flow graphs:
o The process boxes weren't really needed. There is an implied process on every
line joining junctions and decisions.
o We don't need to know the specifics of the decisions, just the fact that there is a branch.
o The specific target label names aren't important-just the fact that they exist. So we can
replace them by simple numbers.
o To understand this, we will go through an example (Figure 2.2) written in a FORTRAN
like programming language called Programming Design Language (PDL). The
program's corresponding flowchart (Figure 2.3) and flowgraph (Figure 2.4) were
also provided below for better understanding.
o The first step in translating the program to a flowchart is shown in Figure 2.3, where we
have the typical one-for-one classical flowchart. Note that complexity has
increased, clarity has decreased, and that we had to add auxiliary labels (LOOP, XX, and
YY), which have no actual program counterpart. In Figure 2.4 we merged the process
steps and replaced them with the single process box.

o We now have a control flow graph. But this representation is still too busy. We simplify
the notation further to achieve Figure 2.5, where for the first time we can really see what
the control flow looks like.

Figure 2.2: Program Example (PDL)

Figure 2.3: One-to-one flowchart for example program in Figure 2.2

Figure 2.4: Control Flow graph for example in Figure 2.2

Figure 2.5: Simplified Flow graph Notation

Figure 2.6: Even Simplified Flow graph Notation

The final transformation is shown in Figure 2.6, where we've dropped the node numbers to achieve
an even
simpler representation. The way to work with control flow graphs is to use the simplest possible
representation - that is, no more information than you need to correlate back to the source program
or PDL.

Although graphical representations of flow graphs are revealing, the details of the control flow
inside a programthey are often inconvenient.
In linked list representation, each node has a name and there is an entry on the list for each link

in the flow graph. Only the information pertinent to the control flow is shown.
Linked List representation of Flow Graph:

Figure 2.7: Linked List Control Flow graph



A flow graph is a pictorial representation of a program and not the program itself, just as a
topographic map.
You can’t always associate the parts of a program in a unique way with flow graph parts because
many program structures, such as if-then-else constructs, consists of a combination of decisions,
junctions, and processes.
The translation from a flow graph element to a statement and vice versa is not always unique. (See
Figure 2.8)
Figure 2.8: Alternative Flow graphs for same logic (Statement "IF (A=0) AND (B=1) THEN . . .").
An improper translation from flow graph to code during coding can lead to bugs, and improper
translation during the test design lead to missing test cases and causes undiscovered bugs.


Flowcharts can be
1. Handwritten by the programmer.
2. Automatically produced by a flowcharting program based on a mechanical
analysis of the source code.
3. Semi automatically produced by a flow charting program based in part
on structural analysis of the source code and in part on directions given
by the programmer.
There are relatively few control flow graph generators.


Path: A path through a program is a sequence of instructions or statements

that starts at an entry, junction, or decision and ends at another, or possibly
the same junction, decision, or exit.
o A path may go through several junctions, processes, or decisions, one
or more times.
o Paths consist of segments.
o The segment is a link - a single process that lies between two nodes.
o A path segment is succession of consecutive links that belongs to some path.
o The length of path measured by the number of links in it and not by the
number of the instructions or statements executed along that path.
o The name of a path is the name of the nodes along the path.


There are many paths between the entry and exit of a typical routine.
Every decision doubles the number of potential paths. And every loop multiplies the number of
potential paths by the number of different iteration values possible for the loop.
Defining complete testing:
1. Exercise every path from entry to exit.
2. Exercise every statement or instruction at least once.
3. Exercise every branch and case statement, in each direction at least once.
If prescription 1 is followed then 2 and 3 are automatically followed. But it is
impractical for most routines. It can be done for the routines that have no loops, in which
it is equivalent to 2 and 3 prescriptions.
EXAMPLE: Here is the correct version.

For X negative, the output is X + A, while for X greater than or equal to zero, the output is X +
2A. Following prescription 2 and executing every statement, but not every branch, would not
reveal the bug in the following incorrect version:

A negative value produces the correct answer. Every statement can be executed, but if the test cases
do not force each branch to be taken, the bug can remain hidden. The next example uses a test
based on executing each branch but does not force the execution of all statements:

The hidden loop around label 100 is not revealed by tests based on prescription 3 alone because no
test forces the execution of statement 100 and the following GOTO statement. Furthermore,
label 100 is not flagged by the compiler as an unreferenced label and the subsequent GOTO
does not refer to an undefined label.
A Static Analysis (that is, an analysis based on examining the source code or structure) cannot
determine whether a piece of code is or is not reachable. There could be subroutine calls with
parameters that are subroutine labels, or in the above example there could be a GOTO that targeted
label 100 but could never achieve a value that would send the program to that label.

Only a Dynamic Analysis (that is, an analysis based on the code's behavior while running - which
is to say, to all intents and purposes, testing) can determine whether code is reachable or not and
therefore distinguish between the ideal structure we think we have and the actual, buggy structure.


Any testing strategy based on paths must at least both exercise every instruction and take
branches in all directions.
A set of tests that does this is not complete in an absolute sense, but it is complete in the sense that
anythinglessmust leave something untested.
So we have explored three different testing criteria or strategies out of a potentially infinite family of

i. Path Testing (Pinf):

1. Execute all possible control flow paths through the program: typically, this is
restricted to all possible entry/exit paths through the program.
2. If we achieve this prescription, we are said to have achieved 100% path coverage.
This is the strongest criterion in the path testing strategy family: it is generally
impossible to achieve.

ii. Statement Testing (P1):

1. Execute all statements in the program at least once under some test. If we do
enough tests to achieve this, we are said to have achieved 100% statement
2. An alternate equivalent characterization is to say that we have achieved 100% node
coverage. We denote this by C1.
3. This is the weakest criterion in the family: testing less than this for new software is
unconscionable (unprincipled or cannot be accepted) and should be criminalized.

iii. Branch Testing (P2):

1. Execute enough tests to assure that every branch alternative has been exercised at least
once under some test.
2. If we do enough tests to achieve this prescription, then we have achieved 100% branch
3. An alternative characterization is to say that we have achieved 100% link coverage.
4. For structured software, branch testing and therefore branch coverage strictly includes
statement coverage.
5. We denote branch coverage by C2.
Commonsense and Strategies:
 Branch and statement coverage are accepted today as the minimum mandatory testing
 The question "why not use a judicious sampling of paths?, what is wrong with leaving
some code, untested?" is ineffectual in the view of common sense and experience since:
(1.) Not testing a piece of a code leaves a residue of bugs in the program in proportion to
the size of the untested code and the probability of bugs. (2.) The high probability paths
are always thoroughly tested if only to demonstrate that the system works properly.
 Which paths to be tested? You must pick enough paths to achieve C1+C2. The question of
what is the fewest number of such paths is interesting to the designer of test tools that help
automate the path testing, but it is not crucial to the pragmatic (practical) design of
tests. It is better to make many simple paths than a few complicated paths.ß Path Selection

Figure 2.9: An example flow graph to explain path Selection

Practical Suggestions in Path Testing:

1. Draw the control flow graph on a single sheet of paper.

2. Make several copies - as many as you will need for coverage (C1+C2) and several more.
3. Use a yellow highlighting marker to trace paths. Copy the paths onto master sheets.
4. Continue tracing paths until all lines on the master sheet are covered, indicating
that you appear to have achieved C1+C2.
5. As you trace the paths, create a table that shows the paths, the coverage status of each
process, and each decision.
6. The above paths lead to the following table considering Figure 2.9:

7. After you have traced a covering path set on the master sheet and filled in the
table for every path, check the following:
1. Does every decision have a YES and a NO in its column? (C2)
2. Has every case of all case statements been marked? (C2)
3. Is every three - way branch (less, equal, greater) covered? (C2)4. Is every link (process)
covered at least once? (C1)
8. Revised Path Selection Rules:
* Pick the simplest, functionally sensible entry/exit path.
* Pick additional paths as small variation from previous paths. Pick paths that do not
have loops rather than paths that do. Favor short paths that make sense over paths
that don't.
* Pick additional paths that have no obvious functional meaning only if it's necessary to
provide coverage.
* Be comfortable with your chosen paths. Play your hunches (guesses) and give your
intuition free reign as long as you achieve C1+C2.
* Don't follow rules slavishly (blindly) - except for coverage.
Cases for a single loop: A Single loop can be covered with two cases: Looping and Not looping.
But, experience shows that many loop-related bugs are not discovered by C1+C2. Bugs hide
themselves in corners and congregate at boundaries - in the cases of loops, at or around the
minimum or maximum number of times the loop can be iterated. The minimum number of
iterations is often zero, but it need not be.

CASE 1: Single loop, Zero minimum, N maximum, No excluded values

1. Try bypassing the loop (zero iterations). If you can't, you either have a bug, or zero is not
the minimum and you have the wrong case.
2. Could the loop-control variable be negative? Could it appear to specify a negative number
of iterations? What happens to such a value?
3. One pass through the loop.
4. Two passes through the loop.
5. A typical number of iterations, unless covered by a previous test.
6. One less than the maximum number of iterations.
7. The maximum number of iterations.
8. Attempt one more than the maximum number of iterations. What prevents the loop-
control variable from having this value? What will happen with this value if it is forced?
CASE 2: Single loop, Non-zero minimum, No excluded values
1. Try one less than the expected minimum. What happens if the loop control variable's
value is less than the minimum? What prevents the value from being less than the
2. The minimum number of iterations.
3. One more than the minimum number of iterations.
4. Once, unless covered by a previous test.
5. Twice, unless covered by a previous test.
6. A typical value.
7. One less than the maximum value.
8. The maximum number of iterations.
9. Attempt one more than the maximum number of iterations.
CASE 3: Single loops with excluded values
* Treat single loops with excluded values as two sets of tests consisting of loops without
excluded values, such as case 1 and 2 above.
* Example, the total range of the loop control variable was 1 to 20, but that values 7, 8,9,10
were excluded. The two sets of tests are 1-6 and 11-20.
* The test cases to attempt would be 0,1,2,4,6,7 for the first range and 10,11,15,19,20,21
for the second range.

Kinds of Loops: There are only three kinds of loops with respect to path testing:

* Nested Loops:
The number of tests to be performed on nested loops will be the exponent of the tests
performed on single loops. As we cannot always afford to test all combinations of nested
loops' iterations values. Here's a tactic used to discard some of these values:
1. Start at the inner most loop. Set all the outer loops to their minimum values.
2. Test the minimum, minimum+1, typical, maximum-1 , and maximum for
the innermost loop, while holding the outer loops at their minimum iteration
parameter values. Expand the tests as required for out of range and excluded values.
3. If you've done the outmost loop, GOTO step 5, else move out one loop and set it up as in
step 2 with all other loops set to typical values.
4. Continue outward in this manner until all loops have been covered.
5. Do all the cases for all loops in the nest simultaneously.

* Concatenated Loops:
Concatenated loops fall between single and nested loops with respect to test cases.
Two loops are concatenated if it's possible to reach one after exiting the other while still on
a path from entrance to exit.
If the loops cannot be on the same path, then they are not concatenated and can be treated as
individual loops.

* Horrible Loops:
A horrible loop is a combination of nested loops, the use of code that jumps into
and out of loops,
intersecting loops, hidden loops, and cross
connected loops.
Makes iteration value selection for test cases an awesome and ugly task, which is
another reason such structures should be avoided.
Figure 2.10: Example of Loop types

Loop Testing Time:

Any kind of loop can lead to long testing time, especially if all the extreme value cases are
to attempted
(Max-1, Max, Max+1).
* This situation is obviously worse for nested and dependent concatenated loops.
* Consider nested loops in which testing the combination of extreme values lead to long
test times. Several options to deal with:
* Prove that the combined extreme cases are hypothetically possible, they are not possible in
the real world
* Put in limits or checks that prevent the combined extreme cases. Then you have to test the
software that implements such safety measures.

PREDICATE: The logical function evaluated at a decision is called Predicate. The

direction taken at a decision depends on the value of decision variable. Some examples are:
A>0, x+y>=90.......

PATH PREDICATE: A predicate associated with a path is called a Path Predicate. For example,
"x is greater than zero", "x+y>=90", "w is either negative or equal to 10 is true" is a sequence of
predicates whose truth values will cause the routine to take a specific path.

 The path taken through a multiway branch such as a computed GOTO's, case statement, or
jump tables cannot be directly expressed in TRUE/FALSE
* Although, it is possible to describe such alternatives by using multi valued logic, an
expedient (practical approach) is to express multiway branches as an equivalent set
of if..then..else statements.
* For example a three way case statement can be written as: If case=1 DO A1 ELSE (IF Case=2

 In testing, the word input is not restricted to direct inputs, such as variables in a
subroutine call, but includes all data objects referenced by the routine whose values are
fixed prior to entering it.
 For example, inputs in a calling sequence, objects in a data structure, values left
in registers, or any combination of object types.
 The input for a particular test is mapped as a one dimensional array called as an Input

The simplest predicate depends only on input variables.
For example if x1,x2 are inputs, the predicate might be x1+x2>=7, given the values of x1
and x2 the direction taken through the decision is based on the predicate is determined at
input time and does not depend on processing.
Another example, assume a predicate x1+y>=0 that along a path prior to reaching this
predicate we had the assignment statement y=x2+7. although our predicate depends on
processing, we can substitute the symbolic expression for y to obtain an equivalent
predicate x1+x2+7>=0.
The act of symbolic substitution of operations along the path in order to express the
predicate solely in terms of the input vector is called predicate interpretation.
Sometimes the interpretation may depend on the path; for
example, INPUT X
ON X GOTO A, B, C, ...
A: Z := 7 @ GOTO HEM B: Z := -
:= 0 @ GOTO HEM
The predicate interpretation at HEN depends on the path we took through the first multiway
branch. It yields for the three cases respectively, if Y+7>0, Y-7>0, Y>0.
The path predicates are the specific form of the predicates of the decisions along the
selected path after interpretation.


The path predicates take on truth values based on the values of input variables, either
directly or indirectly.
If a variable's value does not change as a result of processing, that variable is independent
of the processing.
If the variable's value can change as a result of the processing, the variable is process
A predicate whose truth value can change as a result of the processing is said to
be process dependent and one whose truth value does not change as a result of the
processing is process independent.
Process dependence of a predicate does not always follow from dependence of the input
variables on which that predicate is based.


Two variables are correlated if every combination of their values cannot be
independently specified. Variables whose values can be specified independently
without restriction are called uncorrelated.
A pair of predicates whose outcomes depend on one or more variables in common are said
to be correlated predicates.
For example, the predicate X==Y is followed by another predicate X+Y == 8. If we select X
and Y values to satisfy the first predicate, we might have forced the 2nd predicate's truth value
to change.
Every path through a routine is achievable only if all the predicates in that routine are


A path predicate expression is a set of boolean expressions, all of which must be satisfied
to achieve the selected path.
X1+3X2+17>=0 X3=17
Any set of input values that satisfy all of the conditions of the path predicate expression will force the
routine to the path.
Sometimes a predicate can have an OR in it.
A: X5 > 0 E: X6 < 0
B: X1 + B: X1 + 3X2 + 17
3X2 + 17 >= 0
>= 0 C: X3 = 17
C: X3 = D: X4 - X1 >=
17 14X2
D: X4 -
X1 >=
Boolean algebra notation to denote the boolean expression:

Compound Predicate: Predicates of the form A OR B, A AND B and more
Boolean expressions are called as compound predicates.
Sometimes even a simple predicate becomes compound after interpretation.
Example: the predicate if (x=17) whose opposite branch is if x.NE.17 which
is equivalent to x>17. Or. X<17.
Predicate coverage is being the achieving of all possible combinations
of truth values corresponding to the selected path have been explored
under some test.
As achieving the desired direction at a given decision could still hide bugs in
the associated predicates

Testing Blindness is a pathological (harmful) situation in which the desired
path is achieved for the wrong reason.
There are three types of Testing Blindness:

Assignment Blindness:
oAssignment blindness occurs when the buggy predicate appears to
work correctly because the specific value chosen for an assignment
statement works with both the correct and incorrect predicate.
oFor Example:
X = 7 X = 7
........ ........
if Y > 0 if X+Y > 0
then ... then ...
oIf the test case sets Y=1 the desired path is taken in either case, but there is still a bug.
Equality Blindness:
o Equality blindness occurs when the path selected by a prior predicate results in a valuethat
works both for the correct and buggy predicate.
o For Example:
Buggy if Y = 2 then
if X+Y > 3 then ...if Y = 2 then

if X > 1 then ...o The first predicate if y=2 forces the rest of the
path, so that for any positive value of x. the path taken at the
second predicate will be the same for the correct and buggy
Self Blindness:
o Self blindness occurs when the buggy predicate is a multiple of the correct predicate and as a
result is indistinguishable along that path.
o For Example:

Correct BuggyX = A
if X-1 > 0 then ...
if X+A-2 > 0 then ...
1. The assignment (x=a) makes the predicates multiples of each other, so the direction taken is
the same for the correct and buggy version.


Review: achievable and unachievable paths:

1. We want to select and test enough paths to achieve a satisfactory notion of test
completeness such as C1+C2.
2. Extract the programs control flow graph and select a set of tentative covering paths.
3. For any path in that set, interpret the predicates along the path as needed to express them in
terms of the input vector. In general individual predicates are compound or may
become compound as a result of interpretation.
4. Trace the path through, multiplying the individual compound predicates to achieve a
boolean expression such as
(A+BC) (D+E) (FGH) (IJ) (K) (l) (L).
5. Multiply out the expression to achieve a sum of products form:
6. Each product term denotes a set of inequalities that if solved will yield an input vector that
will drive the routine along the designated path.
7. Solve any one of the inequality sets for the chosen path and you have found a set of input
values for the path.
8. If you can find a solution, then the path is achievable.
9. If you can’t find a solution to any of the sets of inequalities, the path is un achievable.
10. The act of finding a set of solutions to the path predicate expression is called

1. This is a workable approach, instead of selecting the paths without considering how to
sensitize, attempt to choose a covering path set that is easy to sensitize and pick hard to
sensitize paths only as you must to achieve coverage.
2. Identify all variables that affect the decision.
3. Classify the predicates as dependent or independent.
4. Start the path selection with un correlated, independent predicates.
5. If coverage has not been achieved using independent uncorrelated predicates, extend the path
set using correlated predicates.
6. If coverage has not been achieved extend the cases to those that involve dependent
7. Last, use correlated, dependent predicates.


1. Path instrumentation is what we have to do to confirm that the outcome was achieved by the
intended path.
2. Co-incidental Correctness: The coincidental correctness stands for achieving the desired
outcome for wrong reason.

Figure 2.11: Coincidental Correctness

The above figure is an example of a routine that, for the (unfortunately) chosen
input value (X= 16), yields the same outcome (Y = 2) no matter which case we
select. Therefore, the tests chosen this way will not tell us whether we have
achieved coverage. For example, the five cases could be totally jumbled and still
the outcome would be the same. Path Instrumentation is what we have to do to
confirm that the outcome was achieved by the intended path.
The types of instrumentation methods include:
1. Interpretive Trace Program:
o An interpretive trace program is one that executes every statement in order and records
the intermediate values of all calculations, the statement labels traversed etc.
o If we run the tested routine under a trace, then we have all the information we need to confirm
the outcome and, furthermore, to confirm that it was achieved by the intended path.
o The trouble with traces is that they give us far more information than we need. In fact, the
typical trace program provides so much information that confirming the path from its
massive output dump is more work than simulating the computer by hand to confirm the

2. Traversal Marker or Link Marker:

o A simple and effective form of instrumentation is called a traversal marker or link marker.
o Name every link by a lower case letter.
o Instrument the links so that the link's name is recorded when the link is executed.
o The succession of letters produced in going from the routine's entry to its exit should, if
there are no bugs, exactly correspond to the path name.

Figure 2.12: Single Link Marker Instrumentation

o Why Single Link Markers aren't enough: Unfortunately, a single link marker may not do
the trick because links can be chewed by open bugs.

Figure 2.13: Why Single Link Markers aren't enough.

We intended to traverse the ikm path, but because of a rampaging GOTO in the middle of the m link, we
go to process B. If coincidental correctness is against us, the outcomes will be the same and we won't
know about the bug.

Two Link Marker Method:

The solution to the problem of single link marker method is to implement two markers per
link: one at the beginning of each link and on at the end.
The two link markers now specify the path name and confirm both the beginning and end of the

Figure 2.14: Double Link Marker Instrumentation

Link Counter: A less disruptive (and less informative) instrumentation method is based
on counters. Instead of a unique link name to be pushed into a string when the link is
traversed, we simply increment a link counter. We now confirm that the path length is as
expected. The same problem that led us to double link markers also leads us to double link


Transaction Flow Testing:-transaction flows, transaction flow
testing techniques. Dataflow testing:- Basics of dataflow testing,
strategies in dataflow testing, application of dataflow testing.


o A transaction is a unit of work seen from a system user's point of view.

o A transaction consists of a sequence of operations, some of which are performed
by a system, persons or devices that are outside of the system.
o Transaction begins with Birth-that is they are created as a result of some external
o At the conclusion of the transaction's processing, the transaction is no longer in
the system.
o Example of a transaction: A transaction for an online information
retrieval system might consist of the following steps or tasks:
* Accept input (tentative birth)
* Validate input (birth)
* Transmit acknowledgement to requester
* Do input processing
* Search file
* Request directions from user
* Accept input
* Validate input
* Process request
* Update file
* Transmit output
* Record transaction in log and clean up (death)


o Transaction flows are introduced as a representation of a system's processing.

o The methods that were applied to control flow graphs are then used for
functional testing.
o Transaction flows and transaction flow testing are to the independent system
tester what control flows are path testing are to the programmer.
o The transaction flow graph is to create a behavioral model of the program that
leads to functional testing.
o The transaction flowgraph is a model of the structure of the system's behavior
o An example of a Transaction Flow is as follows:
Figure 3.1: An Example of a Transaction Flow

o Transaction flows are indispensable for specifying requirements of complicated
systems, especially online systems.
o A big system such as an air traffic control or airline reservation system, has not
hundreds, but thousands of different transaction flows.
o The flows are represented by relatively simple flowgraphs, many of which have a
single straight-through path.
o Loops are infrequent compared to control flowgraphs.
o The most common loop is used to request a retry after user input errors. An ATM
system, for example, allows the user to try, say three times, and will take the card
away the fourth time.

o In simple cases, the transactions have a unique identity from the time they're
created to the time they're completed.
o In many systems the transactions can give birth to others, and transactions can also
o Births: There are three different possible interpretations of the decision symbol,
or nodes with two or more out links. It can be a Decision, Biosis or a Mitosis.
1. Decision: Here the transaction will take one alternative or the other
alternative but not both. (See Figure 3.2 (a))
2. Biosis: Here the incoming transaction gives birth to a new transaction,
and both transaction continue on their separate paths, and the parent
retains it identity. (See Figure 3.2 (b))
3. Mitosis: Here the parent transaction is destroyed and two new
transactions are created.(See Figure 3.2 (c))
Figure 3.2: Nodes with multiple outlinks
Mergers: Transaction flow junction points are potentially as troublesome as transaction flow
splits. There are three
types of junctions: (1) Ordinary Junction (2) Absorption (3)
1 Ordinary Junction: An ordinary junction which is similar to the junction in a control flow
graph. A transaction can arrive either on one link or the other. (See Figure 3.3 (a))
2 Absorption: In absorption case, the predator transaction absorbs prey transaction. The
prey gone but the predator retains its identity. (See Figure 3.3 (b))
3 Conjugation: In conjugation case, the two parent transactions merge to form a new
daughter. In keeping with the biological flavor this case is called as conjugation.(See Figure
3.3 (c))

Figure 3.3: Transaction Flow Junctions and Mergers

We have no problem with ordinary decisions and junctions. Births, absorptions, and
conjugations are as problematic for the software designer as they are for the software
modeler and the test designer; as a consequence, such points have more than their share
of bugs. The common problems are: lost daughters, wrongful deaths, and illegitimate births.




o Complicated systems that process a lot of different, complicated transactions
should have explicit representations of the transactions flows, or the equivalent.
o Transaction flows are like control flow graphs, and consequently we should
expect to have them in increasing levels of detail.
o The system's design documentation should contain an overview section that
details the main transaction flows.
o Detailed transaction flows are a mandatory pre requisite to the rational design
of a system's functional test.
o Transaction flows are natural agenda for system reviews or inspections.
o In conducting the walkthroughs, you should:
*Discuss enough transaction types to account for 98%-99% of the transaction the
system is expected to process.
* Discuss paths through flows in functional rather than technical terms.
* Ask the designers to relate every flow to the specification and to show how that
transaction, directly or indirectly, follows from the requirements.
* Make transaction flow testing the corner stone of system functional testing just
as path testing is the corner stone of unit testing.
* Select additional flow paths for loops, extreme values, and domain boundaries.
* Design more test cases to validate all births and deaths.
* Publish and distribute the selected test paths through the transaction flows as
early as possible so that they will exert the maximum beneficial effect on the
o Select a set of covering paths (c1+c2) using the analogous criteria you used for
structural path testing.
o Select a covering set of paths based on functionally sensible transactions as you
would for control flow graphs.
o Try to find the most tortuous, longest, strangest path from the entry to the exit of
the transaction flow.
o Most of the normal paths are very easy to sensitize-80% - 95% transaction flow
coverage (c1+c2) is usually easy to achieve.
o The remaining small percentage is often very difficult.
o Sensitization is the act of defining the transaction. If there are sensitization
problems on the easy paths, then bet on either a bug in transaction flows or a
design bug.

o Instrumentation plays a bigger role in transaction flow testing than in unit path
o The information of the path taken for a given transaction must be kept with that
transaction and can be recorded by a central transaction dispatcher or by the
individual processing modules.
o In some systems, such traces are provided by the operating systems or a running



o Data flow testing is the name given to a family of test strategies based on
selecting paths through the program's control flow in order to explore sequences of
events related to the status of data objects.
o For example, pick enough paths to assure that every data object has been
initialized prior to use or that all defined objects have been used for something.
o Motivation: It is our belief that, just as one would not feel confident about a
program without executing every statement in it as part of some test, one should
not feel confident about a program without having seen the effect of using the value produced by each
and every computation.
Data Flow Testing is a type of structural testing. It is a method that is used to find the test paths of a program
according to the locations of definitions and uses of variables in the program. It has nothing to do with data
flow diagrams.
It is concerned with:
 Statements where variables receive values,
 Statements where these values are used or referenced.
To illustrate the approach of data flow testing, assume that each statement in the program assigned a unique
statement number. For a statement number S-
DEF(S) = {X | statement S contains the definition of X}
USE(S) = {X | statement S contains the use of X}
If a statement is a loop or if condition then its DEF set is empty and USE set is based on the condition of
statement s.
Data Flow Testing uses the control flow graph to find the situations that can interrupt the flow of the program.
Reference or define anomalies in the flow of the data are detected at the time of associations between values
and variables. These anomalies are:
 A variable is defined but not used or referenced,
 A variable is used but never defined,
 A variable is defined twice before it is used
Advantages of Data Flow Testing:
Data Flow Testing is used to find the following issues-
 To find a variable that is used but never defined,
 To find a variable that is defined but never used,
 To find a variable that is defined multiple times before it is use,
 Deallocating a variable before it is used.
Disadvantages of Data Flow Testing
 Time consuming and costly process
 Requires knowledge of programming languages
1. read x, y;
2. if(x>y)
3. a = x+1
4. a = y-1
5. print a;
Control flow graph of above example:
Define/use of variables of above example:

Variable Defined at node Used at node

x 1 2, 3

y 1 2, 4

a 3, 4 5


o There are two types of data flow machines with different architectures. (1) Von
Neumann machines (2) Multi-instruction, multi-data machines (MIMD).
o Von Neumann Machine Architecture:
* Most computers today are von-neumann machines.
*This architecture features interchangeable storage of instructions and data in the same memory units.
*The Von Neumann machine Architecture executes one instruction at a time in the following, micro
instruction sequence:
* Fetch instruction from memory
* Interpret instruction
* Fetch operands
* Process or Execute
* Store result
* Increment program counter
* GOTO 1
o Multi-instruction, Multi-data machines (MIMD) Architecture:
* These machines can fetch several instructions and objects in parallel.
*They can also do arithmetic and logical operations simultaneously on different data objects.
* The decision of how to sequence them depends on the compiler.

The bug assumption for data-flow testing strategies is that control flow is generally correct and that
something has gone wrong with the software so that data objects are not available when they should be, or
silly things are being done to data objects.
*Also, if there is a control-flow problem, we expect it to have symptoms that can be detected by data-flow
*Although we'll be doing data-flow testing, we won't be using data flow graphs as such. Rather, we'll use an
ordinary control flow graph annotated to show what happens to the data objects of interest at the moment.
* The data flow graph is a graph consisting of nodes and directed links.
* We will use a control graph to show what happens to data objects of interest at
that moment.
*Our objective is to expose deviations between the data flows we have and the data flows we want.

Figure 3.4: Example of a data flow graph

o Data Object State and Usage:

* Data Objects can be created, killed and used.
* They can be used in two distinct ways: (1) In a Calculation (2) As a part of a Control Flow Predicate.
* The following symbols denote these possibilities:
1. Defined: d - defined, created, initialized etc
2. Killed or undefined: k - killed, undefined, released etc
3. Usage: u - used for something (c - used in Calculations, p - used in
a predicate)
* 1. Defined (d):
* An object is defined explicitly when it appears in a data declaration.
* Or implicitly when it appears on the left hand side of the assignment.
* It is also to be used to mean that a file has been opened.
* A dynamically allocated object has been allocated.
* Something is pushed on to the stack.
* A record written.
2. Killed or Undefined (k):
* An object is killed on undefined when it is released or otherwise made unavailable.
* When its contents are no longer known with certitude (with absolute certainty / perfectness).
* Release of dynamically allocated objects back to the availability pool. Return of records.
* The old top of the stack after it is popped.
* An assignment statement can kill and redefine immediately. For example, if A had been previously
defined and we do a new assignment such as A : = 17, we have killed A's previous value and redefined A
3. Usage (u):
*A variable is used for computation (c) when it appears on the right hand side of an assignment statement.
* A file record is read or written.
* It is used in a Predicate (p) when it appears directly in a predicate.


An anomaly is denoted by a two-character sequence of actions. For example, ku means that the object is
killed and then used, where as dd means that the object is defined twice without an intervening usage.
What is an anomaly is depend on the application.
There are nine possible two-letter combinations for d, k and u. some are bugs, some are suspicious, and
some are okay.

1 dd :- probably harmless but suspicious. Why define the object twice without an intervening usage?
2 dk :- probably a bug. Why define the object without using it?
3 du :- the normal case. The object is defined and then used.
4 kd :- normal situation. An object is killed and then redefined.
5 kk :- harmless but probably buggy. Did you want to be sure it was really killed?
6 ku :- a bug. the object doesnot exist.
7 ud :- usually not a bug because the language permits reassignment at almost any time.
8 uk :- normal situation.
9 uu :- normal situation.

In addition to the two letter situations, there are six single letter situations.We will use a leading dash to
mean that nothing of interest (d,k,u) occurs prior to the action noted along the entry-exit path of interest.
A trailing dash to mean that nothing happens after the point of interest to the exit.
They possible anomalies are:
1 -k :- possibly anomalous because from the entrance to this point on the path, the variable
had not been defined. We are killing a variable that does not exist.
2 -d :- okay. This is just the first definition along this path.
3 -u :- possibly anomalous. Not anomalous if the variable is global and has been
previously defined.
4 k- :- not anomalous. The last thing done on this path was to kill the variable.
5 d- :- possibly anomalous. The variable was defined and not used on this path. But this
could be a global definition.
6 u- :- not anomalous. The variable was used but not killed on this path. Although this
sequence is not anomalous, it signals a frequent kind of bug. If d and k mean dynamic
storage allocation and return respectively, this could be an instance in which a
dynamically allocated object was not returned to the pool after use.


o Data Flow Testing Strategies are structural strategies.

o In contrast to the path-testing strategies, data-flow strategies take into account
what happens to data objects on the links in addition to the raw connectivity of the graph.
o In other words, data flow strategies require data-flow link weights (d,k,u,c,p).
o Data Flow Testing Strategies are based on selecting test path segments (also
called sub paths) that satisfy some characteristic of data flows for all data
o For example, all sub paths that contain a d (or u, k, du, dk).
o A strategy X is stronger than another strategy Y if all test cases produced under Y
are included in those produced under X - conversely for weaker.

1. Definition-Clear Path Segment, with respect to variable X, is a connected
sequence of links such that X is (possibly) defined on the first link and not redefined or killed on
any subsequent link of that path segment. ll paths in Figure
3.9 are definition clear because variables X and Y are defined only on the first link (1,3) and not thereafter.
In Figure3.10, we have a more complicated situation. The following path segments are definition-
clear: (1,3,4), (1,3,5), (5,6,7,4), (7,8,9,6,7), (7,8,9,10), (7,8,10), (7,8,10,11). Subpath (1,3,4,5) is not
definition-clear because the variable is defined on (1,3) and again on (4,5). For practice, try finding all the
definition-clear subpaths for this routine (i.e., for all variables).
2. Loop-Free Path Segment is a path segment for which every node in it is visited at most once. For
Example, path (4,5,6,7,8,10) in Figure 3.10 is loop free, but path(10,11,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12) is not because
nodes 10 and 11 are each visited twice.
3. Simple path segment is a path segment in which at most one node is visited twice. For example,
in Figure 3.10, (7,4,5,6,7) is a simple path segment. A simple path segment is either loop-free or if there is a
loop, only one node is involved.
4. A du path from node i to k is a path segment such that if the last link has a
computational use of X, then the path is simple and definition-clear; if the penultimate (last but one)
node is j - that is, the path is (i,p,q,...,r,s,t,j,k) and link (j,k) has a predicate use - then the path from i
to j is both loop-free and definition- clear.
Data Flow Testing Strategies

Following are the test selection criteria

1. All-defs: For every variable x and node i in a way that x has a global declaration in node I, pick a comprehensive
path including the def-clear path from node i to

 Edge (j,k) having a p-use of x or

 Node j having a global c-use of x

2. All c-uses: For every variable x and node i in a way that x has a global declaration in node i, pick a comprehensive
path including the def-clear path from node i to all nodes j having a global c-use of x in j.
3. All p-uses: For every variable x and node i in a way that x has a global declaration in node i, pick a comprehensive
path including the def-clear path from node i to all edges (j,k) having p-use of x on edge (j,k).
4. All p-uses/Some c-uses: it is similar to all p-uses criterion except when variable x has no global p-use, it reduces to
some c-uses criterion as given below
5. Some c-uses: For every variable x and node i in a way that x has a global declaration in node i, pick a
comprehensive path including the def-clear path from node i to some nodes j having a global c-use of x in node j.
6. All c-uses/Some p-uses :it is similar to all c-uses criterion except when variable x has no global c-use, it reduces to
some p-uses criterion as given below:
7. Some p-uses: For every variable x and node i in a way that x has a global declaration in node i, pick a
comprehensive path including def-clear paths from node i to some edges (j,k) having a p-use of x on edge (j,k).
8. All uses :it is a combination of all p-uses criterion and all c-uses criterion.
9. All du-paths :For every variable x and node i in a way that x has a global declaration in node i, pick a comprehensive
path including all du-paths from node i

 To all nodes j having a global c-use of x in j and

 To all edges (j,k) having a p-use of x on (j,k).

Data Flow Testing Applications

As per studies defects identified by executing 90% “data coverage” is twice as compared to bugs detected
by 90% branch coverage.
The process flow testing is found effective, even when it is not supported by automation.
It requires extra record keeping; tracking the variables status. The computers help easy tracking of these variables and
hence reducing the testing efforts considerably. Data flow testing tools can also be integrated into compilers.
Domain Testing:-domains and paths, Nice & ugly domains, domain testing, domains
interfaces testing, domain and interface testing, domains and testability.


o Domain: In mathematics, domain is a set of possible values of an
independent variable or the variables of a function.
o Programs as input data classifiers: domain testing attempts to determine
whether the classification is or is not correct.
o Domain testing can be based on specifications or equivalent
implementation information.
o If domain testing is based on specifications, it is a functional test technique.
o If domain testing is based implementation details, it is a structural test technique.
o For example, you're doing domain testing when you check extreme values of an
input variable.
All inputs to a program can be considered as if they are numbers. For example, a character
string can be treated as a number by concatenating bits and looking at them as if they were a
binary integer. This is the view in domain testing, which is why this strategy has a
mathematical flavor.

∑ THE MODEL: The following figure is a schematic representation of domain testing.

Figure 4.1: Schematic Representation of Domain Testing.

*Before doing whatever it does, a routine must classify the input and set it moving on the right
* An invalid input (e.g., value too big) is just a special processing case called
*The input then passes to a hypothetical subroutine rather than on calculations.
* In domain testing, we focus on the classification aspect of the routine rather
than on the calculations.
o Structural knowledge is not needed for this model - only a consistent, complete specification of input
values for each case.
o We can infer that for each case there must be at least one path to process that case.

o An input domain is a set.
o If the source language supports set definitions (E.g. PASCAL set types and C
enumerated types) less testing is needed because the compiler does much of it for us.
o Domain testing does not work well with arbitrary discrete sets of data objects.
O Domain for a loop-free program corresponds to a set of numbers defined over the input vector.


* In domain testing, predicates are assumed to be interpreted in terms of input vector variables.
* If domain testing is applied to structure, then predicate interpretation must be based on actual paths
through the routine - that is, based on the implementation control flow graph.
*Conversely, if domain testing is applied to specifications, interpretation is based on a specified data flow
graph for the routine; but usually, as is the nature of specifications, no interpretation is needed because
the domains are specified directly.
*For every domain, there is at least one path through the routine.
*There may be more than one path if the domain consists of disconnected parts or if the domain is
defined by the union of two or more domains.
* Domains are defined their boundaries. Domain boundaries are also where most domain bugs occur.
*For every boundary there is at least one predicate that specifies what numbers belong to the
domain and what numbers don't.
For example, in the statement IF x>0 THEN ALPHA ELSE BETA we know that numbers greater than zero
belong to ALPHA processing domain(s) while zero and smaller numbers belong to BETA domain(s).
*A domain may have one or more boundaries - no matter how many variables define it. For example, if
the predicate is x2 + y2 < 16, the domain is the inside of a circle of radius 4 about the origin. Similarly,
we could define a spherical domain with one boundary but in three variables.
*Domains are usually defined by many boundary segments and therefore by many predicates. i.e.
the set of interpreted predicates traversed on that path (i.e., the path's predicate expression) defines
the domain's boundaries.
A domain boundary is closed with respect to a domain if the points on the
boundary belong to the domain.
o If the boundary points belong to some other domain, the boundary is said to be
o Figure 4.2 shows three situations for a one-dimensional domain - i.e., a domain
defined over one input variable; call it x
The importance of domain closure is that incorrect closure bugs are frequent domain bugs. For
example, x >= 0 when x >
0 was intended

Figure 4.2: Open and Closed Domains.

o Every input variable adds one dimension to the domain.
o One variable defines domains on a number line.
o Two variables define planardomains.
o Three variables define solid domains.
o Every new predicate slices through previously defined domains and cuts them
in half.
o Every boundary slices through the input vector space with a dimensionality
which is less than the dimensionality of the space.
o Thus, planes are cut by lines and points, volumes by planes, lines and points
and n-spaces by hyper planes.
o The bug assumption for the domain testing is that processing is okay but the
domain definition is wrong.
O An incorrectly implemented domain means that boundaries are wrong, which may in turn mean
that control flow predicates are wrong.
o Many different bugs can result in domain errors. Some of them are:

Domain Errors:
Double Zero Representation: In computers or Languages that have a
distinct positive and negative zero, boundary errors for negative zero are common.
Floating point zero check: A floating point number can equal zero only if the previous definition of
that number set it to zero or if it is subtracted from itself or multiplied by zero. So the floating point
zero check to be done against an epsilon value.
Contradictory domains: An implemented domain can never be ambiguous or
contradictory, but a specified domain can. A contradictory domain specification means that
at least two supposedly distinct domains overlap.

Ambiguous domains: Ambiguous domains means that union of the domains is incomplete.
That is there are missing domains or holes in the specified domains. Not specifying what happens to
points on the domain boundary is a common ambiguity.
Over specified Domains: his domain can be overloaded with so many conditions that the
result is a null domain. Another way to put it is to say that the domain's path is unachievable.
Boundary Errors: Errors caused in and around the boundary of a domain. Example, boundary
closure bug, shifted, tilted, missing, extra boundary.

Closure Reversal: A common bug. The predicate is defined in terms of>=. The programmer chooses
to implement the logical complement and incorrectly uses<= for the new predicate; i.e., x >= 0 is
incorrectly negated as x <= 0, thereby shifting boundary values to adjacent domains.
Faulty Logic: Compound predicates (especially) are subject to faulty logic transformations and
improper simplification. If the predicates define domain boundaries, all kinds of domain bugs can
result from faulty logic manipulations.
RESTRICTIONS TO DOMAIN TESTING: Domain testing has restrictions, as do other
testing techniques. Some of them include:
 Co-incidental Correctness: Domain testing isn't good at finding bugs for which the
outcome is correct for the wrong reasons. If we're plagued by coincidental correctness we
may misjudge an incorrect boundary. Note that this implies weakness for domain
testing when dealing with routines that have binary outcomes (i.e., TRUE/FALSE)
 Representative Outcome: Domain testing is an example of partition testing.
Partition-testing strategies divide the program's input space into domains such that all inputs
within a domain are equivalent (not equal, but equivalent) in the sense that any input
represents all inputs in that domain.
 If the selected input is shown to be correct by a test, then processing is presumed
correct, and therefore all inputs within that domain are expected (perhaps unjustifiably)
to be correct. Most test techniques, functional or structural, fall under partition
testing and therefore make this representative outcome assumption. For example, x 2
and 2x are equal for x = 2, but the functions are different. The functional differences
between adjacent domains are usually simple, such as x + 7 versus x + 9, rather than x 2
versus 2x.
Simple Domain Boundaries and Compound Predicates: Compound
predicates in which each part of the predicate specifies a different boundary
are not a problem: for example, x>= 0 AND x < 17, just specifies two
domain boundaries by one compound predicate. As an example of a
compound predicate that specifies one boundary, consider: x = 0 AND y>=
7 AND y <= 14. This predicate specifies one boundary equation (x = 0) but
alternates closure, putting itin one or the other domain depending on
whether y < 7 or y > 14. Treat compound predicates with respect because
they’re more complicated than they seem.>= b, say.
* Functional Homogeneity of Bugs: Whatever the bug is, it will not change
the functional form of the boundary predicate. For example, if the predicate is ax >=
b, the bug will be in the value of a or b but it will not change the predicate to ax
*Linear Vector Space: Most papers on domain testing, assume linear boundaries -not
a bad assumption because in practice most boundary predicates are linear.

*Loop Free Software: Loops are problematic for domain testing. The trouble with
loops is that each iteration can result in a different predicate expression (after
interpretation), which means a possible domain boundary change.


o Where do these domains come from?
Domains are and will be defined by an imperfect iterative process
aimed at achieving
(user, buyer, voter) satisfaction.
o Implemented domains can't be incomplete or inconsistent. Every
input will be processed (rejection is a process), possibly forever.
Inconsistent domains will be made consistent.
o Conversely, specified domains can be incomplete and/or
Incomplete in this context means that there are input vectors for
which no path is specified, and inconsistent means that there are
at least two contradictory specifications over the same segment of
the input space.
o Some important properties of nice domains are: Linear, Complete,
And Orthogonal, Consistently closed, Convex and
simply connected.
o To the extent that domains have these properties domain
testing is easy as testing gets.
o The bug frequency is lesser for nice domain than for ugly domains.
Figure 4.3: Nice Two-Dimensional Domains.
o Nice domain boundaries are defined by linear inequalities or equations.
o The impact on testing stems from the fact that it takes only two points to
determine a straight line and three points to determine a plane and in general n+
1 point to determine an n-dimensional hyper plane.
o In practice more than 99.99% of all boundary predicates are either linear or can be
linearized by simple variable transformations.
o Nice domain boundaries are complete in that they span the number space from
plus to minus infinity in all dimensions.
o Figure 4.4 shows some incomplete boundaries. Boundaries A and E have gaps.
o Such boundaries can come about because the path that hypothetically
corresponds to them is unachievable, because inputs are constrained in such a way
that such values can't exist, because of compound predicates that define a single
boundary, or because redundant predicates convert such boundary values into a
null set.
o The advantage of complete boundaries is that one set of tests is needed to
confirm the boundary no matter how many domains it bounds.
o If the boundary is chopped up and has holes in it, then every segment of that
boundary must be tested for every domain it bounds.

Figure 4.4: Incomplete Domain Boundaries.

o Systematic boundary means that boundary inequalities related by a simple
function such as a constant.
In Figure 4.3 for example, the domain boundaries for u and v
differ only by a constant.

o where fi is an arbitrary linear function, X is the input vector, ki and c are

constants, and g(i,c) is a decent function over i and c that yields a constant, such as
k + ic.
o The first example is a set of parallel lines, and the second example is a set of
systematically (e.g., equally) spaced parallel lines (such as the spokes of a wheel,
if equally spaced in angles, systematic).
o If the boundaries are systematic and if you have one tied down and generate tests
for it, the tests for the rest of the boundaries in that set can be
automatically generated.

o Two boundary sets U and V (See Figure 4.3) are said to be orthogonal if every
inequality in V is perpendicular to every inequality in U.
o If two boundary sets are orthogonal, then they can be tested independently
o In Figure 4.3 we have six boundaries in U and four in V. We can confirm the
boundary properties in a number of tests proportional to 6 + 4 = 10 (O(n)). If we
tilt the boundaries to get Figure 4.5,
o we must now test the intersections. We've gone from a linear number of cases to a
quadratic: from O(n) to O(n2).

Figure 4.5: Tilted Boundaries.

Figure 4.6: Linear, Non-orthogonal Domain


o Actually, there are two different but related orthogonality ( intersecting or
lying at right angles) conditions. Sets of boundaries can be orthogonal to
one another but not orthogonal to the coordinate axes (condition 1), or
boundaries can be orthogonal to the coordinate axes (condition 2).

o Figure 4.6 shows another desirable domain property: boundary closures are
consistent and systematic.
o The shaded areas on the boundary denote that the boundary belongs to the
domain in which the shading lies - e.g., the boundary lines belong to the domains
on the right.
o Consistent closure means that there is a simple pattern to the closures - for
example, using the same relational operator for all boundaries of a set of parallel

o A geometric figure (in any number of dimensions) is convex if you can take two
arbitrary points on any two different boundaries, join them by a line and all
points on that line lie within the figure.
o Nice domains are convex; dirty domains aren't.
o You can smell a suspected concavity when you see phrases such as: ". . . except if
. . .," "However . . .," ". . . but not. . . ." In programming, it's often the buts in the specification that kill

o Nice domains are simply connected; that is, they are in one piece rather than
pieces all over the place interspersed with other domains.
o Simple connectivity is a weaker requirement than convexity; if a domain is
convex it is simply connected, but not vice versa.
o Consider domain boundaries defined by a compound predicate of the (Boolean)
form ABC. Say that the input space is divided into two domains, one defined
byABC and, therefore, the other defined by its negation.
o For example, suppose we define valid numbers as those lying between 10 and 17
inclusive. The invalid numbers are the disconnected domain consisting of
numbers less than 10 and greater than 17.
o Simple connectivity, especially for default cases, may be impossible.

o Some domains are born ugly and some are uglified by bad specifications.
o Every simplification of ugly domains by programmers can be either good orbad.
o Programmers in search of nice solutions will "simplify" essential complexity out
of existence. Testers in search of brilliant insights will be blind to essential
complexity and therefore miss important cases.
o If the ugliness results from bad specifications and the programmer's
simplification is harmless, then the programmer has made ugly good.
o But if the domain's complexity is essential (e.g., the income tax code), such
"simplifications" constitute bugs.
o Nonlinear boundaries are so rare in ordinary programming that there's no
information on how programmers might "correct" such boundaries if they're


o Domain ambiguities are holes in the input space.
o The holes may lie within the domains or in cracks between domains.
o Two kinds of contradictions are possible: overlapped domain specifications and
overlapped closure specifications
o Figure 4.7c shows overlapped domains and Figure 4.7d shows dual closure

Figure 4.7: Domain Ambiguities and Contradictions.


o The programmer's and tester's reaction to complex domains is the same - simplify
o There are three generic cases: concavities, holes and disconnected pieces.
o Programmers introduce bugs and testers misdesign test cases by: smoothing out
concavities (Figure 4.8a), filling in holes (Figure 4.8b), and joining disconnected
pieces (Figure 4.8c).

Figure 4.8: Simplifying the topology.
o If domain boundaries are parallel but have closures that go every which way
(left, right, left . . .) the natural reaction is to make closures go the same way (see
Figure 4.9).

Figure 4.9: Forcing Closure Consistency.


DOMAIN TESTING STRATEGY: The domain-testing strategy is simple, although

possibly tedious (slow).
o Domains are defined by their boundaries; therefore, domain testing
concentrates test points on or near boundaries.
o Classify what can go wrong with boundaries, then define a test strategy for each
case. Pick enough points to test for all recognized kinds of boundary errors.
o Because every boundary serves at least two different domains, test points used to
check one domain can also be used to check adjacent domains. Remove
redundant test points.
o Run the tests and by posttest analysis (the tedious part) determine if any

boundaries are faulty and if so, how.
o Run enough tests to verify every boundary of everydomain.


o An interior point (Figure 4.10) is a point in the domain such that all points within
an arbitrarily small distance (called an epsilon neighborhood) are also in
the domain.
o A boundary point is one such that within an epsilon neighborhood there are
points both in the domain and not in the domain.
o An extreme point is a point that does not lie between any two other arbitrary but
distinct points of a (convex) domain.

Figure 4.10: Interior, Boundary and Extreme points.

o An on point is a point on the boundary.
o If the domain boundary is closed, an off point is a point near the boundary but in
the adjacent domain.
o If the boundary is open, an off point is a point near the boundary but in the
domain being tested; see Figure 4.11. You can remember this by the acronym
COOOOI: Closed Off Outside, Open Off Inside.

Figure 4.11: On points and Off points.

o Figure 4.12 shows generic domain bugs: closure bug, shifted boundaries, tilted
boundaries, extra boundary, missing boundary.

Figure 4.12: Generic Domain Bugs.


The closure can be wrong (i.e., assigned to the wrong domain) or the boundary (a point in this
case) can be shifted one way or the other, we can be missing a boundary, or we can have an extra
1. Figure 4.13 shows possible domain bugs for a one-dimensional open
domain boundary.
2. In Figure 4.13a we assumed that the boundary was to be open for A. The bug
we're looking for is a closure error, which converts > to >= or < to <= (Figure
4.13b). One test (marked x) on the boundary point detects this bug because
processing for that point will go to domain A rather than B.
3. In Figure 4.13c we've suffered a boundary shift to the left. The test point we used
for closure detects this bug because the bug forces the point from the B domain,
where it should be, to A processing. Note that we can't distinguish between a shift
and a closure error, but we do know that we have a bug.

Figure 4.13: One Dimensional Domain Bugs, Open Boundaries.
4. Figure 4.13d shows a shift the other way. The on point doesn't tell us anything
because the boundary shift doesn't change the fact that the test point will be
processed in B. To detect this shift we need a point close to the boundary but
within A. The boundary is open, therefore by definition, the off point is in
A (Open Off Inside).
5. The same open off point also suffices to detect a missing boundary because what
should have been processed in A is now processed in B.
6. To detect an extra boundary we have to look at two domain boundaries. In this
context an extra boundary means that A has been split in two. The two off points
that we selected before (one for each boundary) does the job. If point C had
been a closed boundary, the on test point at C would do it.
7. For closed domains look at Figure 4.14. As for the open boundary, a test point on
the boundary detects the closure bug. The rest of the cases are similar to the open
boundary, except now the strategy requires off points just outside the

Figure 4.14: One Dimensional Domain Bugs, Closed Boundaries.


1. Figure 4.15 shows possible domain boundary bugs for a two-dimensional domain.
2. A and B are adjacent domains and the boundary is closed with respect to A,
which means that it is open with respect to B.

Figure 4.15: Two Dimensional Domain Bugs.

3. For Closed Boundaries:
Closure Bug: Figure 4.15a shows a faulty closure, such as might be caused by using a wrong operator
(for example, x
>= k when x > k was intended, or vice
versa). The two on points detect this bug because those values will get B rather than A processing.
1. Shifted Boundary: In Figure 4.15b the bug is a shift up, which converts part of domain B into
A processing, denoted by A'. This result is caused by an incorrect constant in a predicate, such as x +
y >= 17 when x + y >= 7 was intended. The off point (closed off outside) catches this bug. Figure
4.15c shows a shift down that is caught by the two on points.
2. Tilted Boundary: A tilted boundary occurs when coefficients in the boundary inequality
are wrong. For example, 3x + 7y > 17 when 7x + 3y >17 was intended. Figure 4.15d has a tilted
boundary, which creates erroneous domain segments A' and B'. In this example the bug is caught by
the left on point.
3. Extra Boundary: An extra boundary is created by an extra predicate. An extra boundary will
slice through many different domains and will therefore cause many test failures for the same
bug. The extra boundary in Figure 4.15e is caught by two on points, and depending on which way the
extra boundary goes, possibly by the off point also.
4. Missing Boundary: A missing boundary is created by leaving a boundary predicate out. A
missing boundary will merge different domains and will cause many test failures although there is
only one bug. A missing boundary, shown in Figure 4.15f, is caught by the two on points because
the processing for A and B is the same - either A or B processing.

PROCEDURE FOR TESTING: The procedure is conceptually is straight forward. It can be done
by hand for two dimensions and for a few domains and practically impossible for more than two
1 Identify input variables.
2Identify variable which appear in domain defining predicates, such as control flow predicates.
3 Interpret all domain predicates in terms of input variables.
4 For p binary predicates, there are at most 2 p combinations of TRUE-FALSE values and
therefore, at most 2p domains. Find the set of all non null domains. The result is a boolean
expression in the predicates consisting a set of AND terms joined by OR's. For example
ABC+DEF+GHI...... Where the capital letters denote predicates. Each product term is a set of
linear inequality that defines a domain or a part of a multiply connected domains.
5 Solve these inequalities to find all the extreme points of each domain using any of the linear
programming methods.


o Recall that we defined integration testing as testing the correctness of the
interface between two otherwise correct components.

o Components A and B have been demonstrated to satisfy their component tests,
and as part of the act of integrating them we want to investigate possible
inconsistencies across their interface.
o Interface between any two components is considered as a subroutine call.
o We're looking for bugs in that "call" when we do interface testing.
o Let's assume that the call sequence is correct and that there are no type
o For a single variable, the domain span is the set of numbers between (and
including) the smallest value and the largest value. For every input variable we
want (at least): compatible domain spans and compatible closures (Compatible but
need not be Equal).
o The set of output values produced by a function is called the range of the
function, in contrast with the domain, which is the set of input values over which
the function is defined.
o For most testing, our aim has been to specify input values and to predict and/or
confirm output values that result from those inputs.
o Interface testing requires that we select the output values of the calling routine i.e.
caller's range must be compatible with the called routine's
o An interface test consists of exploring the correctness of the following
mappings: caller domain --> caller range (caller unit test)
caller range --> called domain (integration test)
called domain --> called range (called unit test)
o Assume that the caller's range and the called domain spans the same numbers -
for example, 0 to 17.
o Figure 4.16 shows the four ways in which the caller's range closure and
the called's domain closure can agree.
o The thick line means closed and the thin line means open. Figure 4.16 shows the
four cases consisting of domains that are closed both on top (17) and bottom (0),
open top and closed bottom, closed top and open bottom, and open top and

Figure 4.16: Range / Domain Closure Compatibility.

o Figure 4.17 shows the twelve different ways the caller and the called can
disagree about closure. Not all of them are necessarily bugs. The four cases
in which a
caller boundary is open and the called is closed (marked with a "?") are probably not buggy. It means
that the caller will not supply such values but the called can accept them.

Figure 4.17: Equal-Span Range / Domain Compatibility Bugs.

o Figure 4.18 shows three possibly harmless span incompatibilities.

Figure 4.18: Harmless Range / Domain Span incompatibility bug

(Caller Span is smaller than Called).
o In all cases, the caller's range is a subset of the called's domain. That's not
necessarily a bug.
o The routine is used by many callers; some require values inside a range and some
don't. This kind of span incompatibility is a bug only if the caller expects
the called routine to validate the called number for the caller.
o Figure 4.19a shows the opposite situation, in which the called routine's domain
has a smaller span than the caller expects. All of these examples are buggy.

Figure 4.19: Buggy Range / Domain Mismatches
o In Figure 4.19b the ranges and domains don't line up; hence good values are
rejected, bad values are accepted, and if the called routine isn't robust enough, we
have crashes.
o Figure 4.19c combines these notions to show various ways we can have holes in
the domain: these are all probably buggy.


o For interface testing, bugs are more likely to concern single variables rather than
peculiar combinations of two or more variables.
o Test every input variable independently of other input variables to confirm
compatibility of the caller's range and the called routine's domain span and
closure of every domain defined for that variable.
o There are two boundaries to test and it's a one-dimensional domain; therefore, it
requires one on and one off point per boundary or a total of two on points and two
off points for the domain - pick the off points appropriate to the closure
o Start with the called routine's domains and generate test points in accordance to
the domain-testing strategy used for that routine in component testing.
o Unless you're a mathematical whiz you won't be able to do this without tools for
more than one variable at a time.




Measuring software complexity. Halstead’s metrics, token counts, McCabe’s metric, hybrid metrics.
Application and implementation.


2.1. Philosophy

One of the characteristics of a maturing discipline is the replacement of art by science. Science is
epitomized by quantitative methods. In classical Greece, for example, early physics was dominated by
discussions of the “essence” of physical objects, with almost no attempts to quantify such “essences.”
They were struggling with what questions should be asked. Quantification was impossible until the
right questions were asked. By the sixteenth century, physics began to be quantified—first by Galileo
and then by others. In the eighteenth century, we called physical scientists “natural philosophers”
recognizing that the right questions hadn’t been asked, and that all was not yet, even in principle,
amenable to quantification. Today, physics is as quantified as science can get and far removed from its
speculative roots in philosophy.*

2.2. Historical Perspective

There’s no record of programming labor estimates on ENIAC, but I’m sure they fell far short of
reality. The first programmer, Lady Lovelace, who coded for Charles Babbage’s wonderful but
unfinished computer in the nineteenth century, I’m sure often said “Just one more week, Mr. Babbage,
and it’ll be done.” Lucky for her the hardware was never finished, so she didn’t have to go beyond
desk checking. By the mid-1950s individual programmers had coalesced into programming groups,
which meant there was now a new profession—programmer manager. The managers, who were
responsible for productivity and quality, began to measure software effort in terms of “number of lines
of code.” That was used to predict programming costs, testing costs, running time, number of bugs,
salaries, the gross national product, the inflation rate of the peso, and who knows what else. It is today
still the primary quantitative measure in use: “Count the number of lines of code, and you know all
there is to know 2.3. Objectives

2.3.1. How Big Is It?

Science begins with quantification: you can’t do physics without a notion of length and time; you can’t
do thermodynamics until you measure temperature. The most fundamental question you can ask is
“How big is it?” Without defining what “big” means, it’s obvious that it makes no sense to say “This
program will need more testing than that program” unless we know how big they are relative to one
another. Comparing two strategies also needs a notion of size. The number of tests required by a
strategy should be normalized to size. For example, “Strategy A needs 1.4 tests per unit of size, while
strategy B needs 4.3 tests per unit of size.”
What is meant by “size” is not obvious in the early phases of science development. Newton’s use of
mass instead of weight was a breakthrough for physics, and early researchers in thermodynamics had
heat, temperature, and entropy hopelessly confused. We seem to be doing about as well (or as badly)
as the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century physicists did at a comparable phase of development. “Size”
isn’t obvious for software. .3.2. The Questions

Our objective in this book is not to quantify all of computer science, but only to explore those metrics
of complexity that have proved their worth in practice. To see what kinds of metrics we need, let’s ask
some questions:

1. When can we stop testing?

2. How many bugs can we expect?
3. Which test technique is more effective?
4. Are we testing hard or are we testing smart?
5. Do we have a strong program or a weak test suite?

2.3.3. Desirable Metric Properties

A useful metric should satisfy several requirements:**

A formal examination of metrics requirements by Weyuker (WEYU88B) formally extends these concepts and evaluates
the extent to which several popular metrics, including statement count, cyclomatic number, Halstead’s effort metric, and
dataflow complexity do or do not meet them.

1. It can be calculated, uniquely, for all programs to which we apply it.

2. It need not be calculated for programs that change size dynamically or programs that in
principle cannot be debugged.
3. Adding something to a program (e.g., instructions, storage, processing time) can never decrease the
measured complexity.

2.3.4. Metrics Taxonomy

There’s no agreement in the literature on how to classify metrics—and there are so many metrics to
classify. Here are some broad categories: linguistic metrics, structural metrics, and hybrid metrics.
Each can be applied to either programs or specifications; to date, however, application to programs has
dominated. The taxonomy is not rigid because a narrowly defined linguistic metric can define a
structural property. For example, cyclomatic complexity can be defined in terms of links and nodes in
the control flowgraph or alternatively by the number of equivalent branches in the program.

Linguistic Metrics—Metrics based on measuring properties of program or specification text

without interpreting what that text means or the ordering of components of the text. For
example: lines of code, number of statements, number of unique operators, number of unique
operands, total number of operators, total number of operands, total number of keyword
appearances, total number of tokens.
Structural Metrics—Metrics based on structural relations between objects in the program—
usually metrics on properties of control flowgraphs or data flowgraphs; for example, number of
links, number of nodes, nesting depth.
Hybrid Metrics—Metrics based on some combination of structural and linguistic properties of a
program or based on a function of both structural and linguistic properties


3.1. General

Linguistic metrics measure some property of text without interpreting what is measured. A metric is
(mainly) linguistic if its value doesn’t change when you rearrange the text. Linguistic metrics, to date,
have been applied mostly to program text. They can be just as easily applied to formal specifications,
but because formal, processable specifications are rare, there is almost no experience with such usage;
but see RAMA85.

3.2. Lines of Code, Statement Count, and Related Metrics

3.2.1. What Is It?

Count the number of lines of code in a program and use that number as a measure of complexity. If
then, bugs appear to occur at 1% per line, a 1000-line program should have 10 bugs and a 10,000 line
program should have 100. Going further, if we find that it takes an average of twenty tests to find a
bug, we might infer (empirically) the expected number of tests needed per line of code.

3.2.2. What to Count and Not Count

Early users of lines of code did not include data declarations, comments, or any other lines that did not
result in object code. Later users decided to include declarations and other unexecutable statements but
still excluded comments and blank lines. The reason for this shift is the recognition that contemporary
code can have 50% or more data statements and that bugs occur as often in such statements as in
“real” code. There is a rationale for including comments. The quality of comments materially affects
maintenance costs because the maintenance programmer will depend on the comments more than
anything else to do her job. Conversely, too many blank lines and wordy but information-poor
comments will increase maintenance effort. The problem with including comments is that we must be
able to distinguish between useful and useless comments, and there’s no rigorous way to do that. The
same can be said of blank lines and formatting text: a little helps us read the code but too much forces
us into excessive page turning.

3.2.3. Statement Counts

Some of the difficulties with lines of code can be overcome by using statements instead—but this
evokes new problems that are as bad as those of lines of code. The problem, aptly stated by Levitin
(LEVI86) is that there’s no unique way to count statements in some languages (e.g., Pascal), and
there’s no simple rule for defining “statement” across different languages. Just as subjectivity is
involved in applying lines of code, there’s subjectivity in deciding what is and what is not to be called
a statement (for some languages).

3.2.4. How Good (Bad) Are They?

Thayer, Lipow and Nelson, in their monumental software reliability study (THAY76) showed error
67 ranging from 0.04% to 7% when measured against statement counts, with the most reliable
routine being one of the largest. The same lack of useful correlation is shown in Rubey (RUBE75).
Curtis, Sheppard, and Milliman (CURT79A) show that lines of code is as good as other metrics for
small programs, but is optimistic for big programs. Moderate performance is also reported for lines of
code by Schneidewind (SCHN79A). The definitive report on the relation between program size and
bug rate is Lipow’s (LIPO82). In his study of 115,000 JOVIAL statements, he found a nonlinear
relation between bugs per line of code and statements; but also included other factors related to
language type and modularization. Small programs had an error rate of 1.3% to 1.8%, with big
programs increasing from 2.7% to 3.2%. Lipow’s study, however, and most of the others, only
included executable lines and not data declarations. The bottom line is that lines of code is reasonably
linear for small programs (under 100 lines) but increases nonlinearly with program size. It seems to
correlate with maintenance costs.

3.3. Halstead’s Metrics

3.3.1. What Are They?

Halstead’s metrics are based on a combination of arguments derived from common sense, information
theory, and psychology. The clearest exposition is still to be found in Halstead’s Elements of Software
Science (HALS77). It’s an easy-to-read little book that should be read before applying these metrics.
The following exposition is intended only as an introductory overview. The set of metrics are based on
two, easily measured, parameters of programs:

n1 = the number of distinct operators in the program (e.g., keywords)

n2 = the number of distinct operands in the program (e.g., data objects)

From these he defines program length, which is not to be confused with the number of statements in
a program, by the following relation:
H = n1 log2 n1 + n2 log2 n2 (1)*

3.3.2. How Good?

Confirmation of these metrics has been extensively published by Halstead and others. The most solid
confirmation of the bug prediction equation is by Lipow (LIPO82), who compared actual to predicted
bug counts to within 8% over a range of programs sizes from 300 to 12,000 executable statements.
The analysis was of postcompilation bugs, so that syntax errors caught by the compiler are properly
excluded. However, of the 115,000 statements in the experiment, only the 75,000 executable
statements were examined. It would be interesting to see whether better accuracy would have been
obtained had all declarations been included in the analysis. Ottenstein, in an earlier report (OTTE79),
showed similar good correlation. Curtis (CURT79A) shows that Halstead’s metrics are at least twice
as good as lines of code and are not improved by augmenting them with lines of code or with
McCabe’s metric.

3.3.3. The Hidden Assumptions and Weaknesses

Because Halstead’s metric is the best established (serious) linguistic metric we have, it’s fitting that it
be subjected to the harshest criticism. There are fewer hidden assumptions in Halstead’s work than in
other comparable efforts, but some assumptions and weaknesses still remain. Some of the following
weaknesses apply to all linguistic metrics.
1. Modularity—Modularity is not ignored because each call, together with the parameters of the
call sequence, will contribute to the values of n1, n2, N1, and N2, and therefore to the predicted
bug count. Note that Halstead treats each distinct subroutine call as a unique operator and not
just as the one keyword “CALL.” In this respect, the impact of hypermodularity on bug rate is
not ignored.

2. 2. Database Impact and Declarations—Halstead isn’t to be faulted on this one. It’s just that
most evaluators and confirmers have continued the erroneous practice of ignoring unexecutable
statements such as declarations and data statements—which is to say that most initialization
and data structure bugs are ignored. They can’t be faulted for this entirely, because in many
cases errors in data declarations and initializing data statements are not even counted as bugs.

3. Opera/Operand Ambiguity—There is a hidden assumption that code is code and data are data,
and never the twain should meet. If Halstead’s metrics are rigidly applied to an assembly
language program that does extensive modification of its own code (ugh!) it will predict the
same bug count as a routine that performs the same operations on a fixed data area.

4. Data-Type Distinctions—In strongly typed languages that force the explicit declaration of all
types and prohibit mixed-type operations unless a type conversion statement has been inserted,
the weakness does not exist if we count all type conversation statements, whether or not they
result in object code. If we count all declarations, including user-defined type declarations,
there is no weakness in Halstead’s metrics.

5. Call Depth—No notice is made of call depth. A routine that calls ten different subroutines as a
sequence of successive calls would actually be considered more complex than a routine that
had ten nested calls. If the totality of the routines and all that it calls were considered, the bug
prediction would be the same for both because the total operator and operand counts would be
the same.

6. Operator Types—An IF-THEN-ELSE statement is given the same weight as a FOR-

UNTIL, even though it’s known that loops are more troublesome. This is an example of a
broader criticism—that operators and operands are treated equally, with no correlation to the
bug incidence associated with specific operators or with operand types.
7. General Structure Issues—Of these, the fact that nesting is ignored (nested loops, nested IF-
THEN-ELSE, and so on) is probably the most serious critique. A Basic statement such as
100 A = B + C @ D = SIN(A) N=9

is less bug-prone than

100 D = SIN(B + C) N=6

3.4. Token Count

Levitin, in his incisive critique of linguistic metrics (LEVI86), makes a strong argument for the use of
program token count rather than lines of code, statement count, or Halstead’s length. A token in a
69 language is the basic syntactic unit from which programs are constructed. Tokens
include keywords, labels, constants, strings, and variable names. Token counting is easy because the
first stage of compilation is to translate the source code into equivalent numerical tokens. The number
of tokens is easily obtained as a by-product of compilation. Token count gets around the subjectivity
problems we have with statement counts and lines of code.


4.1. General

Structural metrics take the opposite viewpoint of linguistic metrics. Linguistic complexity is ignored
while attention is focused on control-flow or data-flow complexity—metrics based on the properties of
flowgraph models of programs. Graph theory is more than a half-century old but the study of graph-
theoretic problems and metrics goes back three centuries: see MAYE72. If it’s a graph (i.e., it consists
of links and nodes) then there are hundreds of interesting metrics that can be applied to it: metrics
whose mathematical properties have been studied in minute detail. The thrust of structural metrics
research has not been so much the invention of new graph-theoretic metrics but the investigation of the
utility of known graph-theoretic metrics. McCabe’s use of the cyclomatic number (MCCA76) is an
archetypal example.

4.2. Cyclomatic Complexity (McCabe’s Metric)

4.2.1. Definition

McCabe’s cyclornatic complexity metric (MCCA76) is defined as:

M = L — N + 2P


L = the number of links in the graph

N = the number of nodes in the graph

P = the number of disconnected parts of the graph (e.g., a calling program and a subroutine)

The number M that appeared alongside the flowgraphs in Chapter 3 was McCabe’s metric for that
flowgraph. In all the examples, except for the one on page 73, there was only one connected part, and
consequently the value of P was 1. Figure 7.1 shows some more examples and their associated M

4.2.2. Applications to Test Plan Completeness and Inspections

Evaluate the cyclomatic complexity of the program’s design (e.g., from the design control flowgraph).
As part of self-inspection, reevaluate the complexity by counting decisions in the code. Any
significant difference should be explained, because it’s more likely that the difference is due to a
missing path, an extra path, or an unplanned deviation from the design than to something else. Having
verified the code’s cyclomatic complexity, compare the number of planned test cases to the code’s
complexity. In particular, count how many test cases are intended to provide coverage. If the number
of covering test cases is less than the cyclomatic complexity, there is reason for caution, because one
of the following may be true:

1. You haven’t calculated the complexity correctly. Did you miss a decision?
2. Coverage is not really complete; there’s a link that hasn’t been covered.
3. Coverage is complete, but it can be done with a few more but simpler paths.
4. It might be possible to simplify the routine.

4.2.3. When to Subroutine

McCabe’s metric can be used to help decide whether it pays to make a piece of code which is common
to two or more links into a subroutine. Consider the graph of Figure 7.3. The program has a common
part that consists of Nc nodes and Lc links. This is the part being considered for conversion to a
subroutine. This common part recurs k times in the body of the main program. The main program has
Nm nodes and Lm links over and above the common part.



Main nodes Nm + kNc Nm

Main links Lm + kLc Lm + k
Subnodes 0 Nc + 2
Sublinks 0 Lc
Main complexity Lm + kLc – Nm + kNc + 2 Lm + k
Subcomplexity 0 L c – Nc – 2 + 2 = L c – Nc = M
Total complexity + 2 Lm + kLc – Nm + kNc + 2 L m + L c – Nm – Nc + k + 2

.2.4. A Refinement

Myers (MYER77) points out a weakness of McCabe’s metric and suggests the use of a refinement
thereto. A decision statement in languages such as FORTRAN can contain a compound predicate of
the form: IF A & B & C THEN . . . . A statement such as this could be implemented as a string of IFs,
resulting in a different complexity measure. Figure 7.4 shows three alternate, equivalent,
representations of the same IF-THEN-ELSE statement. If the compound predicate is used in a single
statement as in the first case, the complexity of the construct is only two, but if it is broken down into
its constituent parts, the complexity increases to four. However, intuitively, all three constructs should
have the same complexity. The refinement consists of accounting for each term of the predicate
expression separately. For a predicate expression of the form A&B&C . . . , each predicate should be
counted as if it was a decision. In more complicated expressions, such as A&B&C OR D&E . . . ,
again count each predicate. If a predicate appears more than once in an expression, you can take a
pessimistic point of view and count each appearance or a slightly optimistic point of view and count
only the first appearance.

4.2.5. How Good a Measure; A Critique

Statistics on how well McCabe’s metric correlates with design, test, and debugging difficulty are
encouraging (BELF79, CHEN78A, CURT79A, ENDR75, FEUE79A, FEUE79B, LIPO77,
SCHN79A, SCHN79B, SCHN79D, SHEP79C, THAY76, WALS79, ZOLN77).* The reported results
confirm the utility of McCabe’s metric as a convenient rule of thumb that is significantly superior to
statement count.

4.3. Other Structural Metrics

Many other structural metrics have been proposed and investigated. Chen (CHEN78A) combines
structural properties with information theoretic concepts. Gong (GONG85) combines decisions and
nesting depth. Rodriguez and Tsai (RODR86) apply structural concepts to data flowgraphs, as do Tai
(TAIK84) and Tsai et al. (TSAI86). Van Verth (VANV87) proposes using a combination of control
flow and data flow, as does Whitworth (WHIT80B). This list is incomplete as the number of papers on
alternate complexity metrics is as great as those on alternate testing strategies. The problem with these
metrics is that confirming statistics on their usefulness is lacking. It is intuitively clear that cyclomatic
complexity over data flowgraphs should be as useful a metric as cyclomatic complexity over control
flowgraphs but corroboration is still lacking (OVIE80).


The appearance of McCabe’s and Halstead’s metrics spurred the proposal, development, refinement,
and validation of a host of similar and related metrics, or totally different alternatives based on
different assumptions. Some of those cited below preceded McCabe’s and Halstead’s work and some
followed. It’s too early to tell which will be experimentally confirmed independently over a range of
projects and applications, no matter how rational and sensible their basis might be. Some of the more
interesting and promising alternatives are presented in BAKE79A, BAKE80, BELF79, CHAP79,
SCHN79B, VANV87, WHIT80B, and ZONL77. Most of these metrics and their variations recognize
one or more weaknesses in the popular metrics and seek to measure reliability and/or predict bug
counts through refinement or alternative formulation of the problem. It is inevitable that increased
predictability and fidelity can only be achieved at a cost of increased sophistication, complexity of
evaluation, and difficulty of use.



Path expressions are introduced as an algebraic representations of sets of paths in a graph. With
suitable arithmetic laws (BRZO62A, BRZO62B, BRZO63, MCNA60, PRAT83) and weights, path
expressions are converted into algebraic functions or regular expressions that can be used to examine
structural properties of flowgraphs, such as the number of paths, processing time, or whether a data-
flow anomaly can occur. These expressions are then applied to problems in test design and debugging.

This chapter and its continuation, Chapter 12, are the two most abstract chapters in this book; but that
doesn’t mean that they’re difficult. Considering the generally pragmatic orientation of this book, some
motivation for this abstraction is warranted. I could be high-handed and patronizing and say: “Trust
me, it’s good for you,” but you’re too intelligent to let me get away with that. This stuff is good for
you and I do want you to trust me about it; but I would rather you take the effort needed to master the
subject and then to see all the nice ways it can be applied. So here’s some motivation for you.

1. I introduced flowgraphs as an abstract representation of programs. I assume that by now

you appreciate their utility and want to know how playing with flowgraphs is really done.
2. Almost any question you have about programs can be cast into an equivalent question about
an appropriate flowgraph. This chapter tells you how to do that.
3. The concepts discussed in this chapter will help you better understand and exploit syntax testing
(Chapter 9) and state testing (Chapter 11), both of which yield a

3.2. Basic Concepts

Every link of a graph can be given a name; the link name will be denoted by lowercase italic letters. In
tracing a path or path segment through a flowgraph, you traverse a succession of link names. The
name of the path or path segment that corresponds to those links is expressed naturally by
concatenating those link names. If you traverse links a, b, c, and d along some path, the name for that
path segment is abcd. This path name is also called a path product. Figure 8.1 shows some examples.

3.3. Path Products

The name of a path that consists of two successive path segments is conveniently expressed by the
concatenation or path product of the segment names. For example, if X and Y are defined as

X = abcde
Y = fghij

then the path corresponding to X followed by Y is denoted by

XY = abcdefghij


YX = fghijabcde
aX = aabcde
Xa = abcdea
XaX = abcdeaabcde

If X and Y represent sets of paths or path expressions, their product represents the set of paths that can
be obtained by following every element of X by any element of Y in all possible ways. For example,

X = abc + def + ghi

Y = uvw + z

XY = abcuvw + defuvw + ghiuvw + abcz + defz + ghiz

If a link or segment name is repeated, that fact is denoted by an exponent. The exponent’s value
denotes the number of repetitions:

a1 = a; a2 = aa; a3 = aaa; an = aaaa . . . n times.

Similarly, if

X = abcde


X1 = abcde
X2 = abcdeabcde = (abcde)2
X3 = abcdeabcdeabcde = (abcde)2abcde
= abcde(abcde)2 = (abcde)3

3.4. Path Sums

The “+” sign was used to denote the fact that path names were part of the same set of paths. Consider
the set of paths that can lie between two arbitrary nodes of a graph. Even though these paths can
traverse intermediate nodes, they can be thought of as “parallel” paths between the two nodes. The
path sum denotes paths in parallel between two nodes. Links a and b in Figure 8.1a are parallel paths
and are denoted by a + b. Similarly, links c and d are parallel paths between the next two nodes and
are denoted by c + d. The set of all paths between nodes 1 and 2 of Figure 8.1a can be thought of as a
set of parallel paths between nodes I and 2 and can be denoted by eacf + eadf + ebcf + ebdf. If X and Y
are sets of paths that lie between the same pair of nodes, then X + Y denotes the union of those sets of
paths. As an example,

The first set of parallel paths is denoted by X + Y + d and the second set by U + V + W + h + i + j. The
set of all paths in this flowgraph is

3.5 Distributive Laws

The product and sum operations are distributive, and the ordinary rules of multiplication apply; that is,

Rule 4: A(B + C) = AB + AC and (B + C)D = BC + BD

Applying these rules to Figure 8.1a yields

e(a + b)(c + d)f = e(ac + ad + bc + bd)f

= eacf + eadf + ebcf + ebdf

for the set of all paths from node 1 to node 2.

.6. Absorption Rule

If X and Y denote the same set of paths, then the union of these sets is unchanged; consequently,

Rule 5: X + X = X (absorption rule)

Similarly, if a set consists of path names and a member of that set is added to it, the “new” name,
which is already in that set of names, contributes nothing and can be ignored. For example, if

X = a + aa + abc + abcd + def


X + a = X + aa = X + abc = X + abcd = X + def = X

It follows that any arbitrary sum of identical path expressions reduces to the same path expression.

3.7. Loops

Loops can be understood as an infinite set of parallel paths. Say that the loop consists of a single link
b. Then the set of all paths through that loop point is

b0 + b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + b5 + . . .

This potentially infinite sum is denoted by b* for an individual link and by X* when X is a
path expression. If the loop must be taken at least once, then it is denoted by a+ or X+. The path
expressions for Figure 8.1c and 8.1d, respectively, as expressed by this notation, a ab*c = ac +
abc + abbc + abbbc + . . .


a(bc)*bd = abd + abcbd + abcbcbd + a(bc)3bd + . . .


aa* = a*a = a+


XX* = X*X = X+

It is sometimes convenient to denote the fact that a loop cannot be taken more than a certain, say n,
number of times. A bar is used under the exponent to denote that fact as foll Xn = X0 + X1 + X2 + X3 + .
. . + Xn-1 + Xn
The following rules can be derived from the previous rules:

Rule 6: Xn + Xm = Xn if n is bigger than m

= Xm if m is bigger than n

Rule 7: XnXm = Xn+m

Rule 8: XnX* = X*Xn = X*

Rule 9: XnX+ = X+Xn = X+

Rule 10: X*X+ = X+X* = X+

3.8. Identity Elements

Returning to the meaning of terms such as a0 or X0, which denote the path whose length is zero, the
following rules, previously used without explanation, apply:

Rule 11: 1 + 1 = 1

Rule 12: 1X = X1 = X Following or preceding a set of paths by a path of zero length doesn’t change
the set.

Rule 13: 1n = 1n = 1* = 1+ = 1 No matter how often you traverse a path of zero length, it is still a path
of zero length.

Rule 14: 1+ + 1 = 1* = 1

The final notation needed is the empty set or the set that contains no paths, not even the zero-length
path 1. The null set of paths is denoted by the numeral 0.* Zero, in this algebra, plays the same role as
zero does in ordinary arithmetic. That is, it obeys the following rules:

Rule 15: X + 0 = 0 + X = X

Rule 16: X0 = 0X = 0 If you block the paths of a graph fore or aft by a graph that has no paths, there
won’t be any paths.

Rule 17: 0* = 1 + 0 + 02 + . . . = 1

The meaning and behavior of zero and one (the identity elements) given above apply only to path
names. Other applications have different identity elements with different properties.

4.1. Overview

This section presents a reduction procedure for converting a flowgraph whose links are labeled with
names into a path expression that denotes the set of all entry/exit paths in that flowgraph. The
procedure is a node-by-node removal algorithm. You follow these steps, which initialize the process:

1. Combine all serial links by multiplying their path expressions.

2. Combine all parallel links by adding their path expressions.
3. Remove all self-loops (from any node to itself) by replacing them with a link of the form
X*, where X is the path expression of the link in that loop.

The remaining steps are in the algorithm’s loop:

4. Select any node for removal other than the initial or final node. Replace it with a set of
equivalent links whose path expressions correspond to all the ways you can form a product of
the set of inlinks with the set of outlinks of that node.
5. Combine any remaining serial links by multiplying their path expressions.
6. Combine all parallel links by adding their path expressions.
7. Remove all self-loops as in step 3.
8. Does the graph consist of a single link between the entry node and the exit node? If yes,
then the path expression for that link is a path expression for the original flowgraph; otherwise,
return to step 4.
Each step will be illustrated and explained in further detail in the next sections. ows:

4.2. Cross-Term Step (Step 4)

The cross-term step* is the fundamental step of the reduction algorithm. It removes a node, thereby
reducing the number of nodes by one. Successive applications of this step eventually get you down to
one entry and one exit node. The following diagram shows the situation at an arbitrary node that has
been selected for removal:

The rationale for this step is intuitively obvious. Whatever the set of paths represented by, say, A and
C, there can be no other paths for the combination other than those represented by AC. Similarly, the
removal of the node results in the AD, AE, BC, BD, and BE path expressions or path sets. If the path
expressions are path names, it is clear that the resulting path names will be the names obtained by
traversing the pair of links. If the path expressions denote sets of paths or path sums, using the
definition of multiplication and the distributive rule produces every combination of incoming and
outgoing path segments, as in

(a + b)(c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd

Applying this step to the graph of, we remove several nodes in order; that is,

Remove node 10 by applying step 4 and combine by step 5 to yield

Remove node 9 by applying steps 4 and 5 to yield

Remove node 7 by steps 4 and 5, as follows:

Remove node 8 by steps 4 and 5, to obtain

4.3. Parallel Term (Step 6)

Removal of node 8 above led to a pair of parallel links between nodes 4 and 5. Combine them to create

a path expression for an equivalent link whose path expression is c + gkh; that is,

4.4. Loop Term (Step 7)

Removing node 4 leads to a loop term. The graph has now been replaced with the following

equivalent, simpler graph:

There are two ways of looking at the loop-removal operation:

In the first way, we remove the self-loop and then multiply all outgoing links by Z*. The second way
shows things in more detail. We split the node into two equivalent nodes, call them A and A’ and put
in a link between them whose path expression is Z*. Then we remove node A’ using steps 4 and 5 to
yield outgoing links whose path expressions are Z*X and Z*Y.

Continue the process by applying the loop-removal step, as follows:

Removing node 5 produces

Remove the loop at node 6 to yield

Remove node 3 to yield

Removing the loop and then node 6 results in the following ugly expression:

a(bgjf)*b(c + gkh)d((ilhd)*imf(bgjf)*b(c + gkh)d)*(ilhd)*e

Comments, Identities, and Node-Removal Order
I said earlier that the order in which the operations are done affects the appearance of the path
expressions. Such appearances of differences also result in identities that can sometimes be used to
simplify path expressions.

I1: (A + B)* = (A* + B*)*

I2: (A*B*)*
I3: = (A*B)*A*
I4: = (B*A)*B*
I5: = (A*B + A)*
I6: = (B*A + B)*
I7: (A + B + C + . . .)* = (A*+B*+C*+ . . .)*
I8: = (A*B*C* . . .)*

These can be derived by considering different orders of node removals and then applying the series-
parallel-loop rules. Each change in order can produce a different appearance for the path expression
and therefore a path expression identity. Don’t make the mistake of applying these identities to finite
exponents or +. These identities hold only because they denote infinite sets of paths. These identities
are not very important anyhow, because we will rarely deal with path expressions as such but rather
with other kinds of expressions derived from the path expressions by using link weights and link
arithmetics. As an example of misapplying the identities, consider:

(A + B)2 ≠ (A2 + B2)2 ≠ (A2B2)2

If A consists of the single link a and B is link b, the three expressions correspond to the following sets
of paths:

(A + B)2 = aa + ab + bb + ba
(A2 + B2)2 = (a4 + a2b2 + b2a2 + b4)
(A2B2)2 = a2b2a2b2 = (a2b2)2
This algorithm can be used to find the path expression between any two nodes in a graph, including a
node and itself. It is not restricted to finding the path expression between the entry and the exit of a
flowgraph, although that might be the most common and most useful application. The method is
tedious and cumbersome, what with having to constantly redraw the graph.


5.1. General

The previous sections of this chapter are more abstract than I and most readers are apt to like. They
are, I admit, remote from the substantive problems of testing and test design. The purpose of all that
abstraction was to present one very generalized concept—the path expression and one very
generalized way of getting it, the node-removal algorithm, so that the same concepts would not have to
be discussed over and over again as one variation on a theme after another. Every application follows
this common pattern:

1. Convert the program or graph into a path expression.

2. Identify a property of interest and derive an appropriate set of “arithmetic” rules that
79 characterizes the property.
3. Replace the link names by the link weights (remember them?) for the property of interest. The path
expression has now been converted to an expression in some algebra, such as ordinary algebra, regular
expressions, or boolean algebra.

5.2. How Many Paths in a Flowgraph?

5.2.1. The Question

The question is not simple. Here are some ways you could ask it:

1. What is the maximum number of different paths possible?

2. What is the fewest number of paths possible?
3. How many different paths are there really?
4. What is the average number of paths?
In all that follows, by “path” I mean paths from the entrance to the exit of a single-entry/single-exit

5.2.2. Maximum Path Count Arithmetic

Label each link with a link weight that corresponds to the number of paths that that link represents.
Typically, that’s one to begin with; but if the link represented a subroutine call, say, and you wanted to
consider the paths through the subroutine in the path count, then you would put that number on the
link. Also mark each loop with the maximum number of times that the loop can be taken. If the answer
is infinite, you might as well stop the analysis because it’s clear that the maximum number of paths
will be infinite. There are three cases of interest: parallel links, serial links, and loops. In what follows,
A and B are path expressions and WA and WB are algebraic expressions in the weights.

but some other number, say j, then you do the summation from j to n rather than from 0 to n.

5.2.3. A Concrete Example

Here is a reasonably well-structured program. Its path expression, with a little work, is:

Each link represents a single link and consequently is given a weight of “1” to start. Let’s say that the
outer loop will be taken exactly four times and the inner loop can be taken zero to three times. The
steps in the reduction are as follows:

For the inner loop,

Alternatively, you could have substituted a “1” for each link in the path expression and then
simplified, as follows:

1(1 + 1)1(1(1 x 1)31 x 1 x 1(1 + 1)1)41(1 x 1)31 x 1 x 1

= 2(131 x (2))413


13 = 1 + 11 + 12 + 13 = 4
= 2(4 x 2)4 x 4 = 2 x 84 x 4
= 32,768

This is the same result we got graphically. Reviewing the steps in the reduction, we:

1. Annotated the flowgraph by replacing each link name with the maximum number of paths
through that link (1) and also noted the number of possibilities for looping. The inner loop was
indicated by the range (0-3) as specified, and the outer loop by the range (4-4).
2. Combined the first pair of parallels outside of the loop and also the pair corresponding to
the IF-THEN-ELSE construct in the outer loop. Both yielded two possibilities.
3. Multiplied things out and removed nodes to clear the clutter.
4. Took care of the inner loop: there were four possibilities, leading to the four values. Then
we multiplied by the link weight following (originally link g) whose weight was also 1.
5. Got rid of link e.

5.3. Approximate Minimum Number of Paths

5.3.1. Structured Code

The node-by-node reduction procedure can also be used as a test for structured code. Structured code
can be defined in several different ways that do not involve ad hoc rules such as not using GOTOs. A
graph-based definition by Hecht (HECH77B) is as follows:

A structured flowgraph is one that can be reduced to a single link by successive application
of the transformations of

Note that the cross-term transformation is missing. An alternate characterization by McCabe

(MCCA76) states that

Flowgraphs that do not contain one or more of the graphs shown in Figure 8.4 as subgraphs are

5.3.2. Lower Path Count Arithmetic

A lower bound on the number of paths in a routine can be approximated for structured flowgraphs. It is not a true lower
bound because, again, unachievable paths could reduce the actual number of paths to a lower number yet. The appropriate
arithmetic is as follows:


LOOP An 1, W1

The parallel case is the same as before. The values of the weights are the number of members in a set
of paths. There could be an error here because both sets could contain the zero-length path, but
because of the way the loop expression is defined, this cannot happen. The series case is explained by
noting that each term in the first set will combine with at least one term in the second set. The
minimum number of combinations must be the gr5.4. The Probability of Getting There

5.4.1. The Problem

I suggested that, if anything, path selection should be biased toward the low- rather than the high-
probability paths. This raises an interesting question: What is the probability of being at a certain point
in a routine? This question can be answered under suitable assumptions, primarily that all probabilities
involved are independent, which is to say that all decisions are independent and uncorrelated. This
restriction can be removed, but the method is beyond the scope of this book. We use the same
algorithm as before—node-by-node removal of uninteresting nodes.

5.4.2. Weights, Notation, Arithmetic

Probabilities can come into the act only at decisions (including decisions associated with loops).
Annotate each outlink with a weight equal to the probability of going in that direction. Evidently, the
sum of the outlink probabilities must equal 1. For a simple loop, if the loop will be taken a mean of N
times, the looping probability is N/(N + 1) and the probability of not looping is 1/(N + 1). A link that is
not part of a decision node has a probability of 1. The arithmetic rules are those of ordinary arithmetic.

eater of the number of possibilities in the first set and the second set.
2.8. Overview

Syntax testing consists of the following steps:

1. Identify the target language or format (hidden or explicit).

2. Define the syntax (format) of the language, formally, in a convenient notation such as
Backus-Naur form (BNF).
3. Test and debug the syntax to assure that it is complete and consistent and that it satisfies the
intended semantics.


3.1. Objectives

Every input has a syntax. That syntax may be formally specified or undocumented and “just
understood,” but it does exist. Data validation consists (in part) of checking the input for correct
syntax. It’s best when the syntax is defined in a formal language—best for the designer and the tester.

3.2. BNF Notation (BACK59)

3.2.1. The Elements

Every input can be considered as if it were a string of characters. The software accepts valid strings
and rejects invalid ones. If the software fails on a string, we’ve really got it. If it accepts an invalid
string, then it’s guilty of GIGO.
alpha_characters ::= A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/l/J/K/L/M/N/O/P/Q/
numerals ::= 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9
zero ::= 0
signs ::= !/#/$/%/&/*/(/)/-/+/=/;/:/“/’/,/./?
space ::= sp

3.2.2. BNF Operators

The operators are the same as those used in path expressions and regular expressions: “or,”
concatenate, (which doesn’t need a special symbol), “×”, and “+”. Exponents, such as An, have the
same meaning as before—n repetitions of the strings denoted by the letter A3.2.3. Repetitions

As before, object1-3 means one to three objects, object* means zero or more repetitions of object
without limit, and object+ means one or more repetitions of object. Neither the star (*) nor the plus (+)
can legitimately appear in any syntax because both symbols mean a 3.2.4. Examples

This is an example and not a real definition of a telephone number:

special_digit ::= 1/2/5

zero ::= 0
other_digit ::= 3/4/6/7/8/9
ordinary_digit ::= special digit / zero / other_digit
exchange_part ::= other_digit2 ordinary_digit
number_part ::= ordinary_digit4
phone-number ::= exchange_part number-part
possibly infinite number of repetitions.. Syntax is defined in BNF as a set of definitions


4.1. Generators, Recognizers, and Approach

A data-validation routine is designed to recognize strings that have been explicitly or implicitly
defined in accordance with an input syntax. It either accepts the string, because it is recognized as
valid, or rejects it and takes appropriate action.

String errors can be categorized as follows:

1. High-Level Syntax Errors—The strings have violations at the topmost level in a top-down
BNF syntax specification.
2. Intermediate-Level Syntax Errors—Syntax errors at any level other than the top or bottom.
3. Field-Syntax Errors—Syntax errors associated with an individual field, where a field is
defined as a string of characters that has no subsidiary syntax specification other than the
identification of characters that compose it. A field is the lowest level at which it is productive
to think in terms of syntax testing.
4. Delimiter Errors—Violation of the rules governing the placement and the type of characters that
must appear as separators between fields

4.2. Test Case Design

4.2.1. Strategy

The strategy is to create one error at a time, while keeping all other components of the input string
correct; that is, in the absence of the single error, the string would have been accepted. Once a
complete set of tests has been specified for single errors, do the same for double errors and then triple

.2.2. Top, Intermediate, and Field-Level Syntax Errors

Say that the topmost syntax level is defined as:

item ::= atype / btype / ctype / dtype etype

Here are some obvious test cases:

1. Do It Wrong—Use an element that is correct at some other lower syntax level, but not at
this level.
2. Use a Wrong Combination. The last element is a combination of two other elements in a
specified order. Mess up the order and combine the wrong things:
dtype atype / btype etype / etype dtype / etype etype / dtype dtype

4.2.3. Delimiter Errors

Delimiters are characters or strings placed between two fields to denote where one ends and the other
begins. Delimiter problems are an excellent source of test cases.
1. Missing Delimiter—This kind of error causes adjacent fields to merge. This may result in a
different, but valid, field or may be covered by another kind of syntax error.
2. Wrong Delimiter—It’s nice when several different delimiters are used and there are rules
that specify which can be used where. Mix them up and use them in the wrong places.
3. Not a Delimiter—There are some characters or strings that are not delimiters but could be
put into that position. Note the possibility of changing adjacent field types as a result.
4. Too Many Delimiters—The number of delimiters appearing at a field boundary may be variable.
This is typical for spaces, which can serve as delimiters.

4.2.4. Field-Value Errors

Field-value errors are clearly a domain-testing issue, and domain testing is where it’s at. Whether you
choose to implement field-value errors in the context of syntax testing or the other way around (i.e.,
syntax testing under domain testing) or whether you choose to implement the two methods as separate
test suites depends on which aspect dominates. Syntax-testing methods will usually wear out more
quickly than will domain testing.

4.2.6. State-Dependency Errors

The string or field value that may be acceptable at one instant may not be acceptable at the next
because validity depends on the transaction’s or the system’s state. As an example, say that the
operator’s command-input protocol requires confirmation of all commands. After every command the
system expects either an acknowledgment or a cancellation, but not another command.

4.3. Sources of Syntax

4.3.1. General

Where do you get the syntax? Here’s another paradox for you. If the syntax is served up in a nice,
neat, package, then syntax-testing methods probably won’t be effective and if syntax testing is
effective, you’ll have to dig out and formally define the syntax yourself. Where do you get the syntax?

Ideally, it comes to you previously defined, formally defined, in BNF or an equivalent, equally
convenient notation.*

4.3.2. Designer-Tester Cooperation and Design Specifications

If there is no BNF specification, I try to get the designers to create one—at least the first version of
one. Realistically, though, if a BNF specification does not exist, the designers will have to create a
document that can be easily converted into one or what is she designing to? If you get the designer to
create the first version of the BNF specification, you may find that it is neither consistent nor

. Manuals as Sources

Manuals, such as instruction manuals, reference manuals, and operator manuals are the obvious place
to start for command languages if there isn’t a formal syntax document and you can’t get designers to
do the job for you. The syntax in manuals may be fairly close to a formal syntax definition. Manuals
are good sources because more often than not, we’re dealing with a maintenance situation, rehosting,
or a rewrite of an old application.

.4. Help Screens and Systems

Putting user information such as command syntax into HELP systems and on-line tutorial is becoming
more commonplace, especially for PC software because it’s cheaper to install a few hundred K of
HELP material on a floppy than it is to print a few hundred pages of instruction manual. You may find
the undocumented syntax on these screens.

Data Dictionary and Other Design Documents

For internal hidden languages, your most likely source of syntax is the data dictionary and other design
documents. Also look at internal interface standards, style manuals, and design practice memos.
Common subroutine and macro library documents are also good sources.

4.3.6. Prototypes

If there’s a prototype, then it’s likely to embody much of the user interface and command language
syntax you need. This source will become more useful in the future as p. Programmer Interviews

The second most expensive way to get user and operator command syntax is to drag the information
out of the implementing programmer’s head by interviews. I would do it only after I had exhausted all
other sources.rototyping gains popularity.

3.8. Experimental

The most expensive possible way to get the syntax is by experimenting with the running program.
Think back to the times you’ve had to use a new system without an instruction manual and of how
difficult it was to work out even a few simple commands—now think of how much work that can be
for an entire set of commands;
5.1.1. General

Syntax testing, more than any other technique I know, forces us into test execution automation because
it’s so easy to design so many tests (even by hand) and because design automation is also easy.

5.1.2. Manual Execution

Manual execution? Don’t! Even primitive automation methods such as putting test cases on paper tape
(see the first edition) was better than doing it manually. I found that the only way it could be done by
hand was to use three persons, as in the following scenario. If that doesn’t convince you to automate,
then you’re into compulsive masochism.

1.3. Capture/Replay

See Chapter 13 for a more detailed discussion of capture/replay systems. A capture/replay system
captures your keystrokes and stuff sent to the screen and stores them for later execution. However
you’ve designed your syntax tests, execute them the first time through a capture/replay system if that’s
the only kind of execution automation you can manage. These systems (at least the acceptable ones)
have a built-in editor or can pass the test data to a word processor for editing. That way, even if your
first execution is faulty, you’ll be able to correct it.


5.Build or buy a driver—a program that automatically sequences through a set of test cases usually
stored as data. Don’t build the bad strings (especially) as code in an ordinary programming language
because you’ll be going down a diverging infinite sequence of test testing.

86 Scripting Languages
A scripting language is a language used to write test scripts. CASL (CROS89, FURG89) is nice
scripting language because it can be used to emulate any interface, work from strings stored as data,
provide smart comparisons for test outcome validation, editing, and c5.2. Design Automation

5.2.1. General

Syntax testing is a good place to begin a test design automation effort because it’s so easy and has
such a high, immediate payoff. It’s about the only test design automation area in which you can count
on a payback the first time out.

5.2.2. Primitive Methods

You can do design automation with a word processor. If you don’t have that, will you settle for a
copying machine and a bottle of white-out? Design a covering set of correct input strings. If you want
to, because you have to produce paper documentation for every test case, bracket your test strings with
control sequences such as “$$$XXX” so that you’ll be able to extract them later on. apture/replay

. Scripting Languages

A scripting language and processor such as CASL has the features needed to automate the replacement
of good substrings by bad ones on the fly. You can use random number generators to select which
incorrect, single, character will be used in any spot.

Random String Generators

Why not just use a random number generator to generate completely random strings? Two reasons:
random strings get recognized as invalid too soon, and even a weak front end will catch most bad
strings. The probability of hitting vulnerable points is too low, just as it was for random inputs in
domain testing—there are too many bad strings in the Getting Sophisticated

Getting sophisticated means building an anti-parser. It’s about as complicated as a simple compiler.
The language it compiles is BNF, and instead of producing output code it produces structured garbage.
I’ll assume that you know the rudiments of how a compiler works—if not, this section is beyond you.

Productivity, Training, and Effectiveness

I used syntax test design as basic training for persons new to a test group. With very little effort they
can churn out hundreds of good tests. It’s a great confidence builder for people who have never done
formal test design before and who may be intimidated by the prospect of subjecting a senior designer’s
masterpiece to a barrage of calculated heartburn.

Ad-Lib Tests

Whenever you run a formal system test there’s always someone in the crowd who wants to try ad-lib
tests. And almost always, the kind of test they want to ad-lib is an input-syntax error test. I used to
object to adlibbing, because it didn’t prove anything—I thought. It doesn’t prove anything substantive
about the system, assuming you’ve done a good job of testing—which is why I used to object to it. It
may87 save time to object to ad-lib tests, but it’s not politic.

Paths,Path products and Regular expressions:- path products

&pathexpression,reduction procedure, applications, regular expressions & flow anomaly
Logic Based Testing:-overview,decision tables,pathexpressions,kv charts, specifications.


o Flow graphs are being an abstract representation of programs.
o Any question about a program can be cast into an equivalent question about an
appropriate flowgraph.
o Most software development, testing and debugging tools use flow graphs
analysis techniques.

o Normally flow graphs used to denote only control flow connectivity.
o The simplest weight we can give to a link is a name.
o Using link names as weights, we then convert the graphical flow graph into an
equivalent algebraic like expressions which denotes the set of all possible paths
from entry to exit for the flow graph.
o Every link of a graph can be given a name.
o The link name will be denoted by lower case italic letters In tracing a path or
path segment through a flow graph, you traverse a succession of link names.
o The name of the path or path segment that corresponds to those links is
expressed naturally by concatenating those link names.
o For example, if you traverse links a,b,c and d along some path, the name for that
path segment is abcd. This path name is also called a path product. Figure 5.1
shows some examples:

Figure 5.1: Examples of paths.

o Consider a pair of nodes in a graph and the set of paths between those node.
o Denote that set of paths by Upper case letter such as X,Y. From Figure 5.1c,
the members of the path set can be listed as follows:
ac, abc, abbc, abbbc, abbbbc.............
o Alternatively, the same set of paths can be denoted by :
o The + sign is understood to mean "or" between the two nodes of interest, paths ac,
or abc, or abbc, and so on can be taken.
o Any expression that consists of path names and "OR"s and which denotes a set of
paths between two nodes is called a "Path Expression”.

o The name of a path that consists of two successive path segments is
conveniently expressed by the concatenation or Path Product of the segment
o For example, if X and Y are defined as X=abcde,Y=fghij,then the
path corresponding to X followed by Y is denoted by
o Similarly,
o If X and Y represent sets of paths or path expressions, their product represents
the set of paths that can be obtained by following every element of X by any
element of Y in all possible ways. For example,
o X = abc + def + ghio Y = uvw + z
XY = abcuvw + defuvw + ghiuvw + abcz + defz + ghiz
o If a link or segment name is repeated, that fact is denoted by an exponent.
The exponent's value denotes the number of repetitions:
o a1 = a; a2 = aa; a3 = aaa; an = aaaa . . . n times.
Similarly, if X = abcde then

X1 = abcde
X2 = abcdeabcde = (abcde)2
X3 = abcdeabcdeabcde = (abcde)2abcde
= abcde(abcde)2 = (abcde)3
o The path product is not commutative (that is XY!=YX).
o The path product is Associative.
where A,B,C are path names, set of path names or path expressions.
o The zeroth power of a link name, path product, or path expression is
also needed for completeness. It is denoted by the numeral "1" and denotes the
"path" whose length is zero - that is, the path that doesn't have any links.
o a0 = 1
o X0 = 1

o The "+" sign was used to denote the fact that path names were part of the same
set of paths.
o The "PATH SUM" denotes paths in parallel between nodes.
o Links a and b in Figure 5.1a are parallel paths and are denoted by a + b. Similarly,
links c and d are parallel paths between the next two nodes and are denoted by c +
o The set of all paths between nodes 1 and 2 can be thought of as a set of parallel
paths and denoted by eacf+eadf+ebcf+ebdf.
o If X and Y are sets of paths that lie between the same pair of nodes, then X+Y
denotes the UNION of those set of paths. For example, in Figure 5.2:

Figure 5.2: Examples of path sums.

The first set of parallel paths is denoted by X + Y + d and the second set by U + V
+ W + h + i + j. The set of all paths in this flowgraph is f(X + Y + d)g(U + V + W
+ h + i + j)k
o The path is a set union operation, it is clearly Commutative and Associative.
o RULE 2: X+Y=Y+X
o RULE 3: (X+Y)+Z=X+(Y+Z)=X+Y+Z
o The product and sum operations are distributive, and the ordinary rules of
multiplication apply; that is
RULE 4: A(B+C)=AB+AC and (B+C)D=BD+CD
o Applying these rules to the below Figure 5.1a yields
o e(a+b)(c+d)f=e(ac+ad+bc+bd)f = eacf+eadf+ebcf+ebdf

o If X and Y denote the same set of paths, then the union of these sets is
unchanged; consequently,
RULE 5: X+X=X (Absorption Rule)
o If a set consists of paths names and a member of that set is added to it, the
"new" name, which is already in that set of names, contributes nothing and can be
o For example,
o if X=a+aa+abc+abcd+def then
X+a = X+aa = X+abc = X+abcd = X+def = X
It follows that any arbitrary sum of identical path expressions reduces to the same path expression.
Loops can be understood as an infinite set of parallel paths. Say that the loop consists of a
single link b. then the set of all paths through that loop point is

Figure 5.3: Examples of path loops.

This potentially infinite sum is denoted by b* for an individual link and by X*

Figure 5.4: Another example of path loops.

o The path expression for the above figure is denoted by the
notation: ab*c=ac+abc+abbc+abbbc+................
o Evidently,
aa*=a*a=a+ and XX*=X*X=X+
o It is more convenient to denote the fact that a loop cannot be taken more than a
certain, say n, number of times.
o A bar is used under the exponent to denote the fact as
follows: Xn = X0+X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+..................
RULES 6 - 16:
The following rules can be derived from the previous rules
RULE 6: Xn + Xm =
Xn if n>m RULE 6:
Xn + Xm = Xm if
m>n RULE 7: XnXm =
RULE 8: XnX* = X*Xn = X* RULE 9: XnX+ = X+Xn = X+ RULE
10: X*X+ = X+X* = X+ RULE 11: 1 + 1 = 1
RULE 12: 1X = X1 = X
Following or preceding a set of paths by a path of zero length does
not change the set. RULE 13: 1n = 1n = 1* = 1+ = 1
No matter how often you traverse a path of zero length,It is a path of zero length. RULE 14: 1++1 =
1 =1
The null set of paths is denoted by the numeral 0. it obeys the following rules:
RULE 15:
If you block the paths of a graph for or aft by a graph that has no paths , there won’t be any paths.


o This section presents a reduction procedure for converting a flowgraph whose
links are labeled with names into a path expression that denotes the set of all
entry/exit paths in that flowgraph. The procedure is a node-by-node
removal algorithm.
o The steps in Reduction Algorithm are as follows:
1. Combine all serial links by multiplying their pathexpressions.
2. Combine all parallel links by adding their pathexpressions.
3. Remove all self-loops (from any node to itself) by replacing them
with a link of the form X*, where X is the path expression of the link
in that loop.


4. Select any node for removal other than the initial or final node.
Replace it with a set of equivalent links whose path expressions
correspond to all the ways you can form a product of the set of
inlinks with the set of outlinks of that node.
5. Combine any remaining serial links by multiplying their path expressions.
6. Combine all parallel links by adding their path expressions.
7. Remove all self-loops as in step 3.
8. Does the graph consist of a single link between the entry node and
the exit node? If yes, then the path expression for that link is a
path expression for the original flowgraph; otherwise, return to step
o A flowgraph can have many equivalent path expressions between a given
pair of nodes; that is, there are many different ways to generate the set of
all paths between two nodes without affecting the content of that set.
o The appearance of the path expression depends, in general, on the
order in which nodes are removed.


o The cross - term step is the fundamental step of the reduction
algorithm.o It removes a node, thereby reducing the number of nodes
by one.
o Successive applications of this step eventually get you down to one entry and
one exit node. The following diagram shows the situation at an arbitrary node that
has been selected for removal:

o From the above diagram, one can infer:

o (a + b)(c + d + e) = ac + ad + + ae + bc + bd + be


o There are two ways of looking at the loop-removal operation:

o In the first way, we remove the self-loop and then multiply all outgoing links by
o In the second way, we split the node into two equivalent nodes, call them A and A'
and put in a link between them whose path expression is Z*. Then we remove
node A' using steps 4 and 5 to yield outgoing links whose path expressions are
Z*X and Z*Y.


o Let us see by applying this algorithm to the following graph where we remove
several nodes in order; that is
Figure 5.5: Example Flowgraph for demonstrating reduction

o Remove node 10 by applying step 4 and combine by step 5 to yield

o Remove node 9 by applying step4 and 5 to yield

o Remove node 7 by steps 4 and 5, as follows:

o Remove node 8 by steps 4 and 5, to obtain:


Removal of node 8 above led to a pair of parallel links between nodes 4 and 5. combine
them to create
a path expression for an equivalent link whose path expression is c+gkh; that is


Removing node 4 leads to a loop term. The graph has now been replaced with
the following equivalent simpler graph:

o Continue the process by applying the loop-removal step as follows:

o Removing node 5 produces:

o Remove the loop at node 6 to yield:

o Remove node 3 to yield

o Removing the loop and then node 6 result in the following


o You can practice by applying the algorithm on the following flowgraphs and
generate their respective path expressions:
Figure 5.6: Some graphs and their path expressions.
o The purpose of the node removal algorithm is to present one
very generalized concept- the path expression and way of
getting it.
o Every application follows this common pattern:
1. Convert the program or graph into a
path expression.
2. Identify a property of interest and derive an appropriate set of
"arithmetic" rules that characterizes the property.
Replace the link names by the link weights for the property of interest. The
path expression has now been
converted to an expression in some algebra, such as
1. Ordinary algebra, regular expressions, or boolean
algebra. This algebraic expression summarizes the
property of interest over the set of allpaths.
2. Simplify or evaluate the resulting "algebraic" expression
to answer the question you asked.


o The question is not simple. Here are some ways you
could ask it:
1. What is the maximum number of different paths possible?
2. What is the fewest number of paths possible?
3. How many different paths are there really?
4. What is the average number of paths?
o Determining the actual number of different paths is an
inherently difficult problem because there could be unachievable
paths resulting from correlated
and dependent predicates.
o If we know both of these numbers (maximum and minimum number of possible
paths) we have a good idea of how complete our testing is.
o Asking for "the average number of paths" is meaningless.


o Label each link with a link weight that corresponds to the number of paths that
link represents.
o Also mark each loop with the maximum number of times that loop can be taken.
If the answer is infinite, you might as well stop the analysis because it is clear that
the maximum number of paths will be infinite.
o There are three cases of interest: parallel links, serial links, and loops.

o This arithmetic is an ordinary algebra. The weight is the number of paths in

each set.
ß The following is a reasonably well-structured program.

Each link represents a single link and consequently is given a weight of "1"
to start. Let’s say the outer loop will be taken exactly four times and inner
Loop Can be taken zero or three times Its path expression, with a little
work, is:
Path expression: a(b+c)d{e(fi)*fgj(m+l)k}*e(fi)*fgh
ß A: The flow graph should be annotated by replacing the link name with
the maximum of paths through that link (1) and also note the number of
times for looping.
ß B: Combine the first pair of parallel loops outside the loop and also
the pair in the outer loop.
ß C: Multiply the things out and remove nodes to clear the clutter.
1. For the Inner Loop:
D:Calculate the total weight of inner loop, which can execute a min. of 0
times and max.
of 3 times. So, it inner loop can be evaluated as follows:

13 = 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
2. E: Multiply the link weights inside the loop: 1 X 4 = 4
3. F: Evaluate the loop by multiplying the link wieghts: 2 X 4 = 8.
4. G: Simpifying the loop further results in the total maximum number
of paths in the flowgraph:

2 X 84 X 2 = 32,768.
Alternatively, you could have substituted a "1" for each link in the path expression and then
simplified, as follows:

= 1(1 + 1)1(1(1 x 1)31 x 1 x 1(1 + 1)1)41(1 x 1)31 x 1 x 1
= 2(131 x (2))413
= 2(4 x 2)4 x 4
= 2 x 84 x 4 = 32,768
This is the same result we got graphically.Actually, the outer loop should be taken exactly four
times. That doesn't mean it will be taken zero or four times. Consequently, there is a superfluous
"4" on the outlink in the last step. Therefore the maximum number of different paths is 8192
rather than 32,768.

Structured code can be defined in several different ways that do not involve ad-hoc rules such as
not using
A structured flowgraph is one that can be reduced to a single link by successive
application of the transformations of Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7: Structured Flowgraph Transformations.

The node-by-node reduction procedure can also be used as a test for structured code.Flow graphs
that DO NOT
contain one or more of the graphs shown below (Figure 5.8) as subgraphs are structured.
1. Jumping into loops
2. Jumping out of loops
3. Branching into decisions
4. Branching out of decisions
Figure 5.8: Un-structured sub-graphs.
A lower bound on the number of paths in a routine can be approximated for structured flow
The arithmetic is as follows:

The values of the weights are the number of members in a set of paths.
ß Applying the arithmetic to the earlier example gives us the identical
steps unitl step 3 (C) as below:
ß From Step 4, the it would be different from the previous example:

ß If you observe the original graph, it takes at least two paths to cover
and that it can be done in two paths.
ß If you have fewer paths in your test plan than this minimum you
probably haven't covered. It's another check.


Path selection should be biased toward the low - rather than the high-probability paths.This
raises an interesting question:
What is the probability of being at a certain point in a routine?

This question can be answered under suitable assumptions primarily that all probabilities
involved are independent, which is to say that all decisions are independent and uncorrelated.
We use the same algorithm as before: node-by-node removal of uninteresting nodes.
Weights, Notations and Arithmetic:
ß Probabilities can come into the act only at decisions (including decisions
associated with loops).
ß Annotate each outlink with a weight equal to the probability of going in
that direction.
ß Evidently, the sum of the outlink probabilities must equal 1
ß For a simple loop, if the loop will be taken a mean of N times, the looping
probability is N/(N + 1) and the probability of not looping is 1/(N + 1).
ß A link that is not part of a decision node has a probability of 1.
ß The arithmetic rules are those of ordinary arithmetic.

ß In this table, in case of a loop, PA is the probability of the link leaving

the loop and PL is the probability of looping.
ß The rules are those of ordinary probability theory.
1. If you can do something either from column A with a probability of
PA or from column B with a probability P B, then the probability
that you do either is PA + PB.
2. For the series case, if you must do both things, and their
probabilities are independent (as assumed), then the probability that
you do both is the product of their probabilities.
ß For example, a loop node has a looping probability of PL and a
probability of not looping of PA, which is obviously equal to I - PL.
ß Following the above rule, all we've done is replace the outgoing
probability with 1 - so why the complicated rule? After a few steps in
which you've removed nodes, combined parallel terms, removed loops
and the like, you might find something like this:

because PL + PA + PB + PC = 1, 1 - PL = PA + PB + PC, and

which is
what we've postulated for any decision. In other words,
division by 1 - PL renormalizes the outlink probabilities so
that their sum equals unity after the loop is removed.
LE: ß Here is a complicated bit of logic. We want to know
the probability associated with cases A, B, and C.

ß Let us do this in three parts, starting with case A. Note that

the sum of the probabilities at each decision node is equal
to 1. Start by throwing away anything that isn't on the way
to case A, and then apply the reduction procedure. To avoid
clutter, we usually leave out probabilities equal to 1.
ß Case B is simpler:

ß Case C is similar and should yield a probability of 1 - 0.125 - 0.158 =


ß These checks. It's a good idea when doing this sort of thing to calculate all
the probabilities and to verify that the sum of the routine's exit
probabilities does equal 1.
ß If it doesn't, then you've made calculation error or, more likely, you've left
out some bra How about path probabilities? That's easy. Just trace the path
of interest and multiply the probabilities as you go.
ß Alternatively, write down the path name and do the indicated arithmetic
ß Say that a path consisted of links a, b, c, d, e, and the associated
probabilities were .2, .5, 1., .01, and I respectively. Path
abcbcbcdeabddea would have a probability of 5 x 10-10.
ß Long paths are usually improbable.


Given the execution time of all statements or instructions for every link in a flowgraph and
the probability for each direction for all decisions are to find the mean processing time for the
routine as a whole.
The model has two weights associated with every link: the processing time for that link, denoted by
T, and the
probability of that link P.
The arithmetic rules for calculating the mean time:

1. Start with the original flow graph annotated with probabilities and processing time.

2.Combine the parallel links of the outer loop. The result is just the mean of the
processing times for the links because there aren't any other links leaving the first node.
Also combine the pair of links at the beginning of the flow graph.
3. Combine as many serial links as you can.
4. Use the cross-term step to eliminate a node and to create the inner self - loop.
5.Finally, you can get the mean processing time, by using the arithmetic rules as

This model can be used to answer several different questions that can turn up in debugging.
It can also help decide which test cases to design.
The question is:

Given a pair of complementary operations such as PUSH (the stack) and POP (the stack),
considering the set of all possible paths through the routine, what is the net effect of the
routine? PUSH or POP? How many times? Under what conditions?
Here are some other examples of complementary operations to which this model applies:
GET/RETURN a resource block.
a file. START/STOP a
device or process.
ß Here is the Push/Pop Arithmetic:

ß The numeral 1 is used to indicate that nothing of interest (neither

PUSH nor POP) occurs on a given link.
ß "H" denotes PUSH and "P" denotes POP. The operations are
commutative, associative, and distributive.

ß Consider the following flow graph:

P(P + 1)1{P(HH)n1HP1(P + H)1}n2P(HH)n1HPH

ß Simplifying by using the arithmetic tables,
= (P2 + P){P(HH)n1(P + H)}n1(HH)n1
= (P2 + P){H2n1(P2 + 1)}n2H2n1
ß Below Table 5.9 shows several combinations of values for the twolooping
terms - M1 is the number of times the inner loop will be taken and M2 the
number of times the outer loop will be taken.
Figure 5.9: Result of the PUSH / POP Graph Analysis.
ß These expressions state that the stack will be popped only if the inner
loop is not taken.
ß The stack will be left alone only if the inner loop is iterated once, but it
may also be pushed.
ß For all other values of the inner loop, the stack will only be pushed.


ß Exactly the same arithmetic tables used for previous example are used
for GET / RETURN a buffer block or resource, or, in fact, for any pair of
complementary operations in which the total number of operations in
either direction is cumulative.
ß The arithmetic tables for GET/RETURN are:

"G" denotes GET and "R" denotes RETURN.

ß Consider the following flowgraph:

ß G(G + R)G(GR)*GGR*R
= G(G + R)G3R*R
= (G + R)G3R*
= (G4 + G2)R*
ß This expression specifies the conditions under which the resources will be
balanced on leaving the routine.
ß If the upper branch is taken at the first decision, the second loop must be
taken four times.
ß If the lower branch is taken at the first decision, the second loop must be
taken twice.
ß For any other values, the routine will not balance. Therefore, the
first loop does not have to be instrumented to verify this behavior because
its impact should be nil.


o The main limitation to these applications is the problem of unachievable paths.

o The node-by-node reduction procedure, and most graph-theory-based algorithms work
well when all paths are possible, but may provide misleading results when some paths
are unachievable.
o The approach to handling unachievable paths (for any application) is to partition
the graph into subgraphs so that all paths in each of the subgraphs are achievable.
o The resulting subgraphs may overlap, because one path may be common to
several different subgraphs.
o Each predicate's truth-functional value potentially splits the graph into two
subgraphs. For n predicates, there could be as many as 2n subgraphs.

o The generic flow-anomaly detection problem (note: not just data-flow
anomalies, but any flow anomaly) is that of looking for a specific sequence of
options considering all possible paths through a routine.
o Let the operations be SET and RESET, denoted by s and r respectively, and we
want to know if there is a SET followed immediately a SET or a RESET
followed immediately by a RESET (an ss or an rr sequence).
o Some more application examples:
1. A file can be opened (o), closed (c), read (r), or written (w). If the file is
read or written to after it's been closed, the sequence is nonsensical.
Therefore, cr and cw are anomalous. Similarly, if the file is read before
it's been written, just after opening, we may have a bug. Therefore, or is
also anomalous. Furthermore, oo and cc, though not actual bugs, are a
waste of time and therefore should also be examined.
2. A tape transport can do a rewind (d), fast-forward (f), read (r), write (w),
stop (p), and skip (k). There are rules concerning the use of the transport;
for example, you cannot go from rewind to fast-forward without an
intervening stop or from rewind or fast-forward to read or write without an
intervening stop. The following sequences are anomalous: df, dr, dw, fd,
and fr. Does the flowgraph lead to anomalous sequences on any path? If
so, what sequences and under what circumstances?
3. The data-flow anomalies discussed in Unit 4 requires us to detect the
dd, dk, kk, and ku sequences. Are there paths with anomalous data

o Annotate each link in the graph with the appropriate operator or the null
operator 1.
o Simplify things to the extent possible, using the fact that a + a = a and 12 = 1.
o You now have a regular expression that denotes all the possible sequences
of operators in that graph. You can now examine that regular expression for
the sequences of interest.
o EXAMPLE: Let A, B, C, be nonempty sets of character sequences whose smallest
string is at least one character long. Let T be a two-character string of characters.
Then if T is a substring of (i.e., if T appears within) AB nC, then T will appear in
AB2C. (HUANG's Theorem)
As an example,
o A =
pp B =
srr C
= rp T
= ss
The theorem states that ss will appear in pp(srr)nrp if it appears in pp(srr)2rp.
o However, let

A = p + pp + ps
B = psr + ps(r +
ps) C = rp
T = P4

Is it obvious that there is a p4 sequence in ABnC? The theorem states that we have only to look at

(p + pp + ps)[psr + ps(r + ps)]2rp

Multiplying out the expression and simplifying shows that there is no p4

o Incidentally, the above observation is an informal proof of the wisdom of looping
twice discussed in Unit 2. Because data-flow anomalies are represented by two-
character sequences, it follows the above theorem that looping twice is what you
need to do to find such anomalies.

o Huang's theorem can be easily generalized to cover sequences of greater length
than two characters. Beyond three characters, though, things get complex and this
method has probably reached its utilitarian limit for manual application.
o There are some nice theorems for finding sequences that occur at the beginnings
and ends of strings but no nice algorithms for finding strings buried in an
o Static flow analysis methods can't determine whether a path is or is not
achievable. Unless the flow analysis includes symbolic execution or similar
techniques, the impact of unachievable paths will not be included in the analysis.
The flow-anomaly application, for example, doesn't tell us that there will be a flow
anomaly - it tells us that if the path is achievable, then there will be a flow anomaly. Such
analytical problems go away, of course, if you take the trouble to design routines for which
all paths are achievable.


o The functional requirements of many programs can be specified by decision
tables, which provide a useful basis for program and test design.
o Consistency and completeness can be analyzed by using boolean algebra, which
can also be used as a basis for test design. Boolean algebra is trivialized by using
Karnaugh-Veitch charts.
o "Logic" is one of the most often used words in programmers' vocabularies but one
of their least used techniques.
o Boolean algebra is to logic as arithmetic is to mathematics. Without it, the tester or
programmer is cut off from many test and design techniques and tools that
incorporate those techniques.
o Logic has been, for several decades, the primary tool of hardware logic designers. o
Many test methods developed for hardware logic can be adapted to software logic
testing. Because hardware testing automation is 10 to 15 years ahead of software
testing automation, hardware testing methods and its associated
theory is a fertile ground for software testing methods.
o As programming and test techniques have improved, the bugs have shifted
closer to the process front end, to requirements and their specifications. These
bugs range from 8% to 30% of the total and because they're first-in and last-out,
they're the costliest of all.
o The trouble with specifications is that they're hard to express.
o Boolean algebra (also known as the sentential calculus) is the most basic of all
logic systems.
o Higher-order logic systems are needed and used for formal specifications.
o Much of logical analysis can be and is embedded in tools. But these tools
incorporate methods to simplify, transform, and check specifications, and the
methods are to a large extent based on boolean algebra.


ß The knowledge-based system (also expert system, or "artificial

intelligence" system) has become the programming construct of choice for
many applications that were once considered very difficult.
ß Knowledge-based systems incorporate knowledge from a knowledge
domain such as medicine, law, or civil engineering into a database. The
data can then be queried and interacted with to provide solutions to
problems in that domain.
ß One implementation of knowledge-based systems is to incorporate the
expert's knowledge into a set of rules. The user can then provide data
and ask questions based on that data.
ß The user's data is processed through the rule base to yield conclusions
(tentative or definite) and requests for more data. The processing is done
by a program called the inference engine.
ß Understanding knowledge-based systems and their validation problems
requires an understanding of formal logic.
o Decision tables are extensively used in business data processing; Decision-table
preprocessors as extensions to COBOL are in common use; boolean algebra is
embedded in the implementation of these processors.
o Although programmed tools are nice to have, most of the benefits of boolean
algebra can be reaped by wholly manual means if you have the right conceptual
tool: the Karnaugh-Veitch diagram is that conceptual tool.


∑ Figure 6.1 is a limited - entry decision table. It consists of four areas called the condition
stub, the condition entry, the action stub, and the action entry.
∑ Each column of the table is a rule that specifies the conditions under which the actions
named in the action stub will take place.
∑ The condition stub is a list of names of conditions.

Figure 6.1 : Examples of Decision Table.

∑ A more general decision table can be as below:
Figure 6.2 : Another Examples of Decision Table.
∑ A rule specifies whether a condition should or should not be met for the rule to be
satisfied. "YES" means that the condition must be met, "NO" means that the condition
must not be met, and "I" means that the condition plays no part in the rule, or it is
immaterial to that rule.
The action stub names the actions the routine will take or initiate if the rule is satisfied.
∑ If the action entry is "YES", the action will take place; if "NO", the action will not take
The table in Figure 6.1 can be translated as follows:

Action 1 will take place if conditions 1 and 2 are met and if conditions 3 and 4 are not met (rule
1) or if conditions 1, 3, and 4 are met (rule 2).
∑ "Condition" is another word for predicate.
∑ Decision-table uses "condition" and "satisfied" or "met". Let us use "predicate" and
∑ Now the above translations become:
1. Action 1 will be taken if predicates 1 and 2 are true and if predicates 3 and 4 are
false (rule 1), or if predicates 1, 3, and 4 are true (rule 2).
2. Action 2 will be taken if the predicates are all false, (rule 3).
3. Action 3 will take place if predicate 1 is false and predicate 4 is true (rule 4).
∑ In addition to the stated rules, we also need a Default Rule that specifies the default
action to be taken when all other rules fail. The default rules for Table in Figure 6.1 is
shown in Figure 6.3

Figure 6.3 : The default rules of Table in Figure 6.1


o Decision tables can be automatically translated into code and, as such, are a
higher-order language
o If the rule is satisfied, the corresponding action takes place
o Otherwise, rule 2 is tried. This process continues until either a satisfied rule
results in an action or no rule is satisfied and the default action is taken
o Decision tables have become a useful tool in the programmers kit, in business
data processing.

1. The specification is given as a decision table or can be easily converted into one.
2. The order in which the predicates are evaluated does not affect interpretation of the
rules or the resulting action - i.e., an arbitrary permutation of the predicate order
will not, or should not, affect which action takes place.
3. The order in which the rules are evaluated does not affect the resulting action - i.e.,
an arbitrary permutation of rules will not, or should not, affect which action takes
4. Once a rule is satisfied and an action selected, no other rule need be examined.
5. If several actions can result from satisfying a rule, the order in which the actions
are executed doesn't matter.


o Decision tables can also be used to examine a program's structure.

o Figure 6.4 shows a program segment that consists of a decision tree.
o These decisions, in various combinations, can lead to actions 1, 2, or 3.

Figure 6.4 : A Sample Program

o If the decision appears on a path, put in a YES or NO as appropriate. If the
decision does not appear on the path, put in an I, Rule 1 does not contain
decision C, therefore its entries are: YES, YES, I, YES.
o The corresponding decision table is shown in Table 6.1

1 ES E O O O O
3 O N N O O
Table 6.1: Decision Table corresponding to Figure
As an example, expanding the immaterial cases results as below:

Table 6.2: Expansion of Table 6.1

o Similalrly, If we expand the immaterial cases for the above Table 6.1, it
results in
Table 6.2 as below:
R5 R6

1. Sixteen cases are represented in Table 6.1, and no case appears twice.
2. Consequently, the flowgraph appears to be complete and consistent.
3. As a first check, before you look for all sixteen combinations, count
the number of Y's and N's in each row. They should be equal. We
can find the bug that way.


1. Consider the following specification whose putative flowgraph is shown in

1. If condition A is met, do process A1 no matter what other
actions are taken or what other conditions are met.
2. If condition B is met, do process A2 no matter what other actions are
taken or what other conditions are met.
3. If condition C is met, do process A3 no matter what other actions are
taken or what other conditions are met.
4. If none of the conditions is met, then do processes A1, A2, and A3.
5. When more than one process is done, process A1 must be done first, then
A2, and then A3. The only permissible cases are: (A1), (A2), (A3),
(A1,A3), (A2,A3) and (A1,A2,A3).
2. Figure 6.5 shows a sample program with a bug.

Figure 6.5 : A Troublesome Program

o The programmer tried to force all three processes to be executed for the
cases but forgot that the B and C predicates would be done again, thereby
bypassing processes A2 and A3.
o Table 6.3 shows the conversion of this flow graph into a decision table
after expansion.

Table 6.3: Decision Table for Figure 6.5

o Logic-based testing is structural testing when it's applied to structure (e.g.,
control flow graph of an implementation); it's functional testing when it's applied
to a specification.
o In logic-based testing we focus on the truth values of control flow predicates.
o A predicate is implemented as a process whose outcome is a truth-functional
o For our purpose, logic-based testing is restricted to binary predicates.
o We start by generating path expressions by path tracing as in Unit V, but this
time, our purpose is to convert the path expressions into boolean algebra, using the
predicates' truth values (e.g., A and ) as weights.

1. Label each decision with an uppercase letter that represents the truth
value of the predicate. The YES or TRUE branch is labeled with a letter
(say A) and the NO or FALSE branch with the same letter overscored (say
2. The truth value of a path is the product of the individual labels.
Concatenation or products mean "AND". For example, the straight-
through path of Figure 6.5, which goes via nodes 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and
2, has a truth value of ABC. The path via nodes 3, 6, 7, 9 and 2 has a value
of .
3. If two or more paths merge at a node, the fact is expressed by use of a
plus sign (+) which means "OR".

Figure 6.5: A Troublesome Program

o Using this convention, the truth-functional values for several of the nodes can be
expressed in terms of segments from previous nodes. Use the node name to
identify the point.
o There are only two numbers in boolean algebra: zero (0) and one (1). One means
"always true" and zero means "always false".
ß Boolean algebra has three operators: X (AND), + (OR) and (NOT)
ß X : meaning AND. Also called multiplication. A statement such as AB (A X
B) means "A and B are both true". This symbol is usually left out as
in ordinary algebra.
ß + : meaning OR. "A + B" means "either A is true or B is true or both".
ß meaning NOT. Also negation or complementation. This is read as either "not
A" or "A
bar". The entire expression under the bar is negated.
ß The following are the laws of boolean algebra:

In all of the above, a letter can represent a single sentence or an entire boolean
algebra expression. Individual letters in a boolean algebra expression are called
Literals (e.g. A,B) The product of
several literals is called a product term (e.g., ABC, DE).
An arbitrary boolean expression that has been multiplied out so that it consists of the sum of
products (e.g., ABC + DEF + GH) is said to be in sum-of-products form.
The result of simplifications (using the rules above) is again in the sum of product form and each
product term in such a simplified version is called a prime implicant. For example, ABC + AB
+ DEF reduce by rule 20 to AB + DEF; that is, AB and DEF are prime
implicants. The path expressions of Figure 6.5 can now be simplified by
applying the rules.
The following are the laws of boolean algebra:

The deviation from the specification is now clear. The functions should have been:

Loops complicate things because we may have to solve a boolean equation to determine what
predicate value combinations lead to where.


o If you had to deal with expressions in four, five, or six variables, you could get
bogged down in the algebra and make as many errors in designing test cases as
there are bugs in the routine you're testing.
o Karnaugh-Veitch chart reduces boolean algebraic manipulations to graphical
o Beyond six variables these diagrams get cumbersome and may not be effective.
o Figure 6.6 shows all the boolean functions of a single variable and their
equivalent representation as a KV chart.
Figure 6.6 : KV Charts for Functions of a Single Variable.
o The charts show all possible truth values that the variable A can have.
o A "1" means the variable’s value is "1" or TRUE. A "0" means that the variable's
value is 0 or FALSE.
o The entry in the box (0 or 1) specifies whether the function that the chart
represents is true or false for that value of the variable.
o We usually do not explicitly put in 0 entries but specify only the conditions under
which the function is true.
o Figure 6.7 shows eight of the sixteen possible functions of two variables.

Figure 6.7: KV Charts for Functions of Two Variables.

o Each box corresponds to the combination of values of the variables for the row
and column of that box.
o A pair may be adjacent either horizontally or vertically but not diagonally.
o Any variable that changes in either the horizontal or vertical direction does not
appear in the expression.
o In the fifth chart, the B variable changes from 0 to 1 going down the column, and
because the A variable's value for the column is 1, the chart is equivalent to a
simple A.
o Figure 6.8 shows the remaining eight functions of two variables.
Figure 6.8: More Functions of Two Variables.
o The first chart has two 1's in it, but because they are not adjacent, each must
be taken separately.
o They are written using a plus sign.
o It is clear now why there are sixteen functions of two variables.
o Each box in the KV chart corresponds to a combination of the variables' values.
o That combination might or might not be in the function (i.e., the
box corresponding to that combination might have a 1 or 0 entry).
o Since n variables lead to 2n combinations of 0 and 1 for the variables, and
each such combination (box) can be filled or not filled, leading to 2 2n ways of
doing this.
o Consequently for one variable there are 221 = 4 functions, 16 functions of 2
variables, 256 functions of 3 variables, 16,384 functions of 4 variables, andso
o Given two charts over the same variables, arranged the same way, their product is
the term by term product, their sum is the term by term sum, and the
negation of a chart is gotten by reversing all the 0 and 1 entries in the chart.


o KV charts for three variables are shown below.
o As before, each box represents an elementary term of three variables with a bar
appearing or not appearing according to whether the row-column heading for
that box is 0 or 1.
o A three-variable chart can have groupings of 1, 2, 4, and 8 boxes.
o A few examples will illustrate the principles:
Figure 6.8: KV Charts for Functions of Three Variables.
o You'll notice that there are several ways to circle the boxes into maximum-
sized covering groups.

State, State Graphs and Transition testing:- state graphs, good & bad state graphs,
state testing, Testability tips.
Graph Matrices and Application:-Motivational overview, matrix of graph, relations,
power of a matrix, node reduction algorithm, building tools. ( Student should be given an
exposure to a tool like JMeter or Win-runner).

The finite state machine is as fundamental to software engineering as boolean algebra
to logic.
State testing strategies are based on the use of finite state machine models for software
structure, software behavior, or specifications of software behavior.
Finite state machines can also be implemented as table-driven software, in which case
they are a powerful design option.
State Graphs
∑ A state is defined as: “A combination of circumstances or attributes belonging for the
time being to a person or thing.”
For example, a moving automobile whose engine is running can have the following
states with respect to its transmission.
ß Reverse gear
ß Neutral gear
ß First gear
ß Second gear
ß Third gear
ß Fourth gear
State graph - Example
∑ For example, a program that detects the character sequence “ZCZC” can be in the
following states.
Neither ZCZC nor any part of it has been detected.
ß Z has been detected.
ß ZC has been detected.
ß ZCZ has been detected.
ß ZCZC has been detected.

States are represented by Nodes. State are numbered or may identified by words or whatever else is
Inputs and Transitions
Whatever is being modeled is subjected to inputs. As a result of those inputs, the state
changes, or is said to have made a Transition.
Transitions are denoted by links that join the states.

The input that causes the transition are marked on the link; that is, the inputs are link
There is one out link from every state for every input.
∑ If several inputs in a state cause a transition to the same subsequent state, instead of
drawing a bunch of parallel links we can abbreviate the notation by listing the several
inputs as in: “input1, input2, input3………”.

Finite State Machine

A finite state machine is an abstract device that can be represented by a state graph
having a finite number of states and a finite number of transitions between states.
o Outputs
An output can be associated with any link.
∑ Out puts are denoted by letters or words and are separated from inputs by a slash as
follows: “input/output”.
∑ As always, output denotes anything of interest that’s observable and is not restricted to
explicit outputs by devices.
Outputs are also link weights.
If every input associated with a transition causes the same output, then denoted it as:
o “input1, input2, input3…………../output”
State tables
∑ Big state graphs are cluttered and hard to follow.
∑ It’s more convenient to represent the state graph as a table (the state table or
state transition table) that specifies the states, the inputs, the transitions and the
∑ The following conventions are used:
∑ Each row of the table corresponds to a state.
∑ Each column corresponds to an input condition.
∑ The box at the intersection of a row and a column specifies the next state
(the transition) and the output, if any.
State Table-Example
Time Versus Sequence
∑ State graphs don’t represent time-they represent sequence.
A transition might take microseconds or centuries;
A system could be in one state for milliseconds and another for years- the state graph
would be the same because it has no notion of time.
Although the finite state machines model can be elaborated to include notions of time
in addition to sequence, such as time Petri Nets.
o Software implementation
There is rarely a direct correspondence between programs and the behavior of a
process described as a state graph.
The state graph represents, the total behavior consisting of the transport, the software,
the executive, the status returns, interrupts, and so on.
There is no simple correspondence between lines of code and states. The state table
forms the basis.
Good State Graphs and Bad
What constitutes a good or a bad state graph is to some extent biased by the kinds of
state graphs that are likely to be used in a software test design context.
Here are some principles for judging.
o The total number of states is equal to the product of the possibilities of factors
that make up the state.
o For every state and input there is exactly one transition specified to exactly one,
possibly the same, state.
o For every transition there is one output action specified. The output could be
trivial, but at least one output does something sensible.
o For every state there is a sequence of inputs that will drive the system back to
the same state.

Important graphs

State Bugs-Number of States

The number of states in a state graph is the number of states we choose to recognize or
The state is directly or indirectly recorded as a combination of values of variables that
appear in the data base.
For example, the state could be composed of the value of a counter whose possible
values ranged from 0 to 9, combined with the setting of two bit flags, leading to a total of
2*2*10=40 states.
The number of states can be computed as follows:
o Identify all the component factors of the state.
o Identify all the allowable values for each factor.
o The number of states is the product of the number of allowable values of all the
Before you do anything else, before you consider one test case, discuss the number of
states you think there are with the number of states the programmer thinks there are.
∑ There is no point in designing tests intended to check the system’s behavior in various
states if there’s no agreement on how many states there are.
o Impossible States
Some times some combinations of factors may appear to beimpossible.
∑ The discrepancy between the programmer’s state count and the tester’s state count is
often due to a difference of opinion concerning “impossible states”.
A robust piece of software will not ignore impossible states but will recognize them and
invoke an illogical condition handler when they appear to have occurred.

Equivalent States
Two states are Equivalent if every sequence of inputs starting from one state produces
exactly the same sequence of outputs when started from the other state. This notion
can also be extended to set of states.

Merging of Equivalent States

Recognizing Equivalent States
Equivalent states can be recognized by the following procedures:
The rows corresponding to the two states are identical with respect to
input/output/next state but the name of the next state could differ.
There are two sets of rows which, except for the state names, have identical state
graphs with respect to transitions and outputs. The two sets can be merged.

unspecified and contradictory Transitions
Every input-state combination must have a specified transition.
If the transition is impossible, then there must be a mechanism that prevents the input
from occurring in that state.
Exactly one transition must be specified for every combination of input and state.
∑ A program can’t have contradictions or ambiguities.
Ambiguities are impossible because the program will do something for every input. Even
the state does not change, by definition this is a transition to the same state.

Unreachable States
An unreachable state is like unreachable code.
A state that no input sequence can reach.
An unreachable state is not impossible, just as unreachable code is not impossible There
may be transitions from unreachable state to other states; there usually because the state
became unreachable as a result of incorrect transition.
There are two possibilities for unreachable states:
o There is a bug; that is some transitions are missing.
o The transitions are there, but you don’t know about it.

Dead States
A dead state is a state that once entered cannot be left.
This is not necessarily a bug but it is suspicious.

The states, transitions, and the inputs could be correct, there could be no dead or
unreachable states, but the output for the transition could be incorrect.
Output actions must be verified independently of states and
transitions. State Testing
Impact of Bugs
If a routine is specified as a state graph that has been verified as correct in all details.
Program code or table or a combination of both must still be implemented.
A bug can manifest itself as one of the following symptoms:
Wrong number of states.
Wrong transitions for a given state-input combination.
Wrong output for a given transition.
Pairs of states or sets of states that are inadvertently made equivalent.
States or set of states that are split to create in equivalent duplicates.
States or sets of states that have become dead.
States or sets of states that have become unreachable.

Principles of State Testing

The strategy for state testing is analogous to that used for path testing flow graphs.
∑ Just as it’s impractical to go through every possible path in a flow graph, it’s
impractical to go through every path in a state graph.
The notion of coverage is identical to that used for flow graphs.
∑ Even though more state testing is done as a single case in a grand tour, it’s impractical to
do it that way for several reasons.
In the early phases of testing, you will never complete the grand tour because of bugs.
Later, in maintenance, testing objectives are understood, and only a few of the states
and transitions have to be tested. A grand tour is waste of time.
Theirs is no much history in a long test sequence and so much has happened that
verification is difficult.

Starting point of state testing

Define a set of covering input sequences that get back to the initial state when starting
from the initial state.
For each step in each input sequence, define the expected next state, the expected
transition, and the expected output code.
A set of tests, then, consists of three sets of sequences:
o Input sequences
o Corresponding transitions or next-state names
o Output sequences

Limitations and Extensions

State transition coverage in a state graph model does not guarantee complete testing. How
defines a hierarchy of paths and methods for combining paths to produce covers of state
∑ The simplest is called a “0 switch” which corresponds to testing each transition
∑ The next level consists of testing transitions sequences consisting of two transitions
called “1 switches”.
∑ The maximum length switch is “n-1 switch” where there are n numbers of states.
o Situations at which state testing is useful
Any processing where the output is based on the occurrence of one or more sequences
of events, such as detection of specified input sequences, sequential format validation,
parsing, and other situations in which the order of inputs is important.
Most protocols between systems, between humans and machines, between
components of a system.
Device drivers such as for tapes and discs that have complicated retry and
recovery procedures if the action depends on the state.
Whenever a feature is directly and explicitly implemented as one or more state transition tables.


Problem with Pictorial Graphs

Graphs were introduced as an abstraction of softwarestructure.
Whenever a graph is used as a model, sooner or later we trace paths through it- to find a
set of covering paths, a set of values that will sensitize paths, the logic function that
controls the flow, the processing time of the routine, the equations that define the
domain, or whether a state is reachable or not.
∑ Path is not easy, and it’s subject to error. You can miss a link here and there or cover
some links twice.
∑ One solution to this problem is to represent the graph as a matrix and to use matrix
operations equivalent to path tracing. These methods are more methodical and
mechanical and don’t depend on your ability to see a path they are more reliable.

Tool Building
If you build test tools or want to know how they work, sooner or later you will be
or investigating analysis routines based on these methods.
It is hard to build algorithms over visual graphs so the properties or graph
matrices are fundamental to tool building.
The Basic Algorithms
The basic tool kit consists of:
Matrix multiplication, which is used to get the path expression from every node to
every other node.
A partitioning algorithm for converting graphs with loops into loop free graphs or
equivalence classes.
A collapsing process which gets the path expression from any node to any other node.
The Matrix of a Graph
∑ A graph matrix is a square array with one row and one column for every node in the
∑ Each row-column combination corresponds to a relation between the node
corresponding to the row and the node corresponding to thecolumn.
∑ The relation for example, could be as simple as the link name, if there is a link
between the nodes.
Some of the things to be observed:
The size of the matrix equals the number of nodes.
There is a place to put every possible direct connection or link between any and any
other node. The entry at a row and column intersection is the link weight of the link
that connects the two nodes in that direction.
A connection from node i to j does not imply a connection from node j to node i.
∑ If there are several links between two nodes, then the entry is a sum; the “+” sign
parallel links as usual.

A simple weight
n A simplest weight we can use is to note that there is or isn’t a connection. Let “1” mean
there is a connection and “0” mean that there isn’t.
n The arithmetic rules are:
n 1+1=1 1*1=1
n 1+0=1 1*0=0
n 0+0=0 0*0=0
n A matrix defined like this is called connection matrix.
Connection matrix
n The connection matrix is obtained by replacing each entry with 1 if there is a link and 0 if
n As usual we don’t write down 0 entries to reduce the clutter.
Connection Matrix-continued
Each row of a matrix denotes the out links of the node corresponding to
that row. Each column denotes the in links corresponding to that node.
A branch is a node with more than one nonzero entry in its row.
A junction is node with more than one nonzero entry in its
column. A self loop is an entry along the diagonal.
Cyclomatic Complexity
∑ The cyclomatic complexity obtained by subtracting 1 from the total number of entries
in each row and ignoring rows with no entries, we obtain the equivalent number of
decisions for each
row. Adding these values and then adding 1 to the sum yields the graph’s


A relation is a property that exists between two objects of
interest. For example,
∑ “Node a is connected to node b” or aRb where “R” means “is connected to”.
∑ “a>=b” or aRb where “R” means greater than or equal”.
A graph consists of set of abstract objects called nodes and a relation R between
the nodes. If aRb, which is to say that a has the relation R to b, it is denoted by a
link from a to b.
For some relations we can associate properties called as link weights.

Transitive Relations
A relation is transitive if aRb and bRc
implies aRc. Most relations used in testing
are transitive.
Examples of transitive relations include: is connected to, is greater than or equal to, is
less than or equal to, is a relative of, is faster than, is slower than, takes more time than,
is a subset of, includes, shadows, is the boss of.
Examples of intransitive relations include: is acquainted with, is a friend of, is a
neighbor of, is lied to, has a du chain between.

Reflexive Relations
A relation R is reflexive if, for every a, aRa.
A reflexive relation is equivalent to a self loop at every node.
Examples of reflexive relations include: equals, is acquainted with, is a relative of.
Examples of irreflexive relations include: not equals, is a friend of, is on top of, is

Symmetric Relations
A relation R is symmetric if for every a and b, aRb implies bRa.
A symmetric relation mean that if there is a link from a to b then there is also a link from
b to a.
A graph whose relations are not symmetric are called directed graph. A graph over a
symmetric relation is called an undirected graph.
The matrix of an undirected graph is symmetric (aij=aji) for all i,j)

Antisymmetric Relations
A relation R is antisymmetric if for every a and b, if aRb and bRa, then a=b, or they
are the same elements.
Examples of antisymmetric relations: is greater than or equal to, is a subset of, time.
Examples of nonantisymmetric relations: is connected to, can be reached from, is
greater than, is a relative of, is a friend of
quivalence Relations
An equivalence relation is a relation that satisfies the reflexive, transitive, and
symmetric properties.
Equality is the most familiar example of an equivalence relation.
If a set of objects satisfy an equivalence relation, we say that they form an
equivalence class over that relation.
The importance of equivalence classes and relations is that any member of the
equivalence class is, with respect to the relation, equivalent to any other member of that
The idea behind partition testing strategies such as domain testing and path testing, is
that we can partition the input space into equivalence classes.
Testing any member of the equivalence class is as effective as testing them all.

Partial Ordering Relations

A partial ordering relation satisfies the reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric properties.
Partial ordered graphs have several important properties: they are loop free, there is at
least one maximum element, and there is at least one minimum element.

The Powers of a Matrix

Each entry in the graph’s matrix expresses a relation between the pair of nodes
that corresponds to that entry.
Squaring the matrix yields a new matrix that expresses the relation between each pair of
nodes via one intermediate node under the assumption that the relation istransitive.
The square of the matrix represents all path segments two links
long. The third power represents all path segments three links
Matrix Powers and Products
Given a matrix whose entries are aij, the square of that matrix is obtained by
replacing every entry with∑ n
∑ aij=Σ aik akj
∑ k=1
more generally, given two matrices A and B with entries aik and bkj,
respectively, their product is a new matrix C, whose entries are cij, where:
ß n
∑ Cij=Σ aik bkj
∑ k=1
Partitioning Algorithm
Consider any graph over a transitive relation. The graph may have loops.
We would like to partition the graph by grouping nodes in such a way that every
loop is contained within one group or another.
Such a graph is partially ordered.
There are many used for an algorithm that does that:
We might want to embed the loops within a subroutine so as to have a resulting graph
which is loop free at the top level.
Many graphs with loops are easy to analyze if you know where to break theloops.
∑ While you and I can recognize loops, it’s much harder to program a tool to do it
unless you have a solid algorithm on which to base the tool.

Node Reduction Algorithm (General)

The matrix powers usually tell us more than we want to know about most graphs.
In the context of testing, we usually interested in establishing a relation between two
nodes- typically the entry and exit nodes.
In a debugging context it is unlikely that we would want to know the path
expression between every node and every other node.
The advantage of matrix reduction method is that it is more methodical than the
graphical method called as node by node removal algorithm.
1. Select a node for removal; replace the node by equivalent links that bypass that
node and add those links to the links they parallel.
2. Combine the parallel terms and simplify as you can.
3. Observe loop terms and adjust the out links of every node that had a self loop to
account for the effect of the loop.
4. The result is a matrix whose size has been reduced by 1. Continue until only the two
nodes of interest exist.

Important questions

1.Explain about Dichotomies?
2.Basic concepts of path testing?
3. Define about consequence of bugs?
4. Different phases of Testing ?
5. Describe the features of software testing methodology.
6.Explain about predicates and path predicates
1. Explain about transaction flow testing techniques?
2. what are the tools of data flow testing
3.Difference between control flow graph and flow chart?
4. Explain about transaction flow testing?
5. Explain about Domain Testing ?
6.Domain and interface testing?

1Explain in details classification of metrics?.
2.Define basis concept of paths ?.
3.Explain about syntax testing in regular expression flow anomaly detection?
4. Explain about test case Design/Black box testing?
5. Application implementations?
6.Explain unit logic Based Testing.
7.Explain about Decision Table Based Testing?

1. Explain in detail about KV charts?
2. Explain about Good and bad state graphs
3. Define about state graphs
4. Explain about Testability factors?
5. Explain about Logic based Testing?
6. Define power of matrix?

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