Project Ppt.pptx
Project Ppt.pptx
Project Ppt.pptx
I would like to express my special
thanks to my Physics master Mr. P
Chandiran for his guidance and his
support in completion of this project.
I would also like to express my gratitude
to the Principal, the Vice-Principal and
the Administrative wonderful
Chandiran) 1 :Name:…..........................(Signature)
PGT for
Copper Fiber
Electrical Noise susceptible Immune
unless Bonded-
pair and/or shield
Spark hazard Hazardous No spark hazard
Durablity lower, but can be High
improved with
the light jacketing
cost Lower higher
Both multi- mode and single-mode fibres are used in communications, with multi-mode fibre used
mostly for short distances, up to 550 m (600 yards), and single-mode fibre used for longer distance
links. Because of the tighter tolerances required to couple light into and between single-mode
fibres (core diameter about 10 micrometres), single- mode transmitters, receivers, amplifiers and
other components are generally more expensive than multi-mode components.
Fibre optic
Fibres have many uses in remote sensing. In some applications, the sensor is itself an
optical fibre. In other cases, fibre is used to connect a non-fibreoptic sensor to a
measurement system. Depending on the application, fibre may be used because of its
small size, or the fact that no electrical power is needed at the remote location, or
because many sensors can be multiplexed along the length of a fibre by using
different wavelengths of light for each sensor, or by sensing the time delay as light
passes along the fibre through each sensor. Time delay can be determined using a
device such as an optical time-domain reflectometer.
Extrinsic fibre optic sensors use an optical fibre cable, normally a multi- mode one, to transmit
modulated light from either a non-fibre optical sensor, or an electronic sensor connected to an
optical transmitter. A major benefit of extrinsic sensors is their ability to reach places which are
otherwise inaccessible.
An example is the measurement of temperature inside aircraft jet engines by using a fibre to
transmit radiation into a radiation pyrometer located outside the engine. Extrinsic sensors can also
be used in the same way to measure the internal temperature of electrical transformers, where the
extreme electromagnetic fields present make other measurement techniques impossible.
Core: This is the light transmission area of the fibre, either glass or plastic. The
larger the core, the more light that transmitted into the fibre
Small Size: Fibre optic cable has a very small diameter. For
instance, the cable diameter of a single OM3 multimode fibre is about 2mm,
which is smaller than that of coaxial copper cable. Small size saves more
space in fibre optic transmission.
Cost Is Higher Than Copper Cable: Despite the fact that fibre
optic installation costs are dropping by as much as 60% a year, installing fibre optic cabling is
still relatively higher than copper cables. Because copper cable installation does not need extra
care like fibre cables. However, optical fibre is still moving into the local loop, and through
technologies such as FTTx (fibre to the home, premises, etc.) and PONS (passive optical
networks), enabling subscriber and end user broadband access.