Manual for PMS 63N (3)
Manual for PMS 63N (3)
Manual for PMS 63N (3)
Latest Features:
Latest Technologies of weighing Scale Micro and ADC.
Microcontroller Based Battery Charging (Battery Life More).
PTH 300000 (Three Laces) ADC count for Utilization.
Totally Moisture Proof Designing.
Micro and ADC protects from STATICS charges.
100 Hours Battery BACK-UP.
Upgraded to pricing counting/piece counting scale.
Connection Diagram
Led Indicators
Change firm-name
Change Parameter Settings
Check Loadcell Counts
Device Calibration
Setting up piece Counting mode
Warranty and Service Information
Connection Diagram:
Keypad Connections:
LoadCell Connections:
L1= Black
L2= Red
L3= White
L4= Green
LED Indicators:
S.NO.Green LED Red LED Battery charging status Remark
1 OFF ON Fast Battery charging Machine in OFF condition
2 Blinking ON Normal Battery charging Machine in ON condition
3 ON ON Battery fully charged Machine in ON condition
4 Blinking OFF Machine works on battery A/C power supply OFF
(ON time more)
5 Fast Blinking OFF Battery discharged battery voltage low
(buzzer beep)
6 Slow Blinking ON Battery NOT present or Machine in ON condition
A-0 = Set time to blank the display in idle condition (0-9 Seconds)
CAP-1= first capacity ( first scale range for triple capacity) (Enter)
(If not use inter 00000 value)
DP1 = decimal point (DP) of cap1
FD1= accuracy class (FIRST DIGIT) of cap1